from data.utils import * from features.utils import * from visualization.visualize import * from app_utils import * def main(): st.title("Time Series Autocorrelation Demo") st.write(""" Autocorrelation is the correlation of a single time series with a lag copy of itself.\n In the discrete case autocorrelation is also referred to as serial correlation.\n In general autocorrelation usually refers to the lag-one autocorrelation. """) st.title("Data") sample_data_selected = st.selectbox( 'Select sample data:', data_set_options) data, graph_data = import_sample_data( sample_data_selected, data_set_options) with st.expander("Line Plot:"): time_series_line_plot(data) with st.expander("Box Plot:"): time_series_box_plot(graph_data) with st.expander("Dist Plot (histogram and violin plot):"): time_series_violin_and_box_plot(data) st.title("Time Series Autocorrelation") data_array = data.values.squeeze() data_series = pd.Series(data_array).dropna() st.header("Auto-Correlation Function (ACF)") st.write(""" ACF shows the entire autocorrelation function for different lags (not just lag-one).\n Given the autocorrelation is a function of the lag any significant non-zero correlation imply the series can be forecast from the past.\n Lag 0 autocorrelation will always be 1 since the values (y-axis) are the same at the same time (x-axis) for the same time series. """) acf_type = 'Default ACF:', ('True', 'False'), key='acf_type') default_acf_selected = acf_type == 'True' if default_acf_selected: acf_array = create_standard_acf_array(data_series) if not default_acf_selected: [confidence_level, acf_nlags_selected, acf_fft_selected, acf_adjust_selected] = acf_settings() alpha_selected = (100-confidence_level)/100 acf_array = acf(data_series, alpha=alpha_selected, nlags=acf_nlags_selected, fft=acf_fft_selected, adjusted=acf_adjust_selected) corr_presentation(acf_array) st.subheader("ACF Plot") if default_acf_selected: st.write('Given a confidence inverval of 95% (significance level of 0.05) there is a 5% chance that if true autocorrelation is zero, it will fall outside blue band.') create_standard_corr_plot(data_series, plot_pacf=False) if not default_acf_selected: st.write( f'Given a confidence inverval of {confidence_level}% (significance level of {alpha_selected}) there is a {alpha_selected*100}% chance that if true autocorrelation is zero, it will fall outside blue band.') create_acf_plot(data_series, alpha_selected, acf_nlags_selected, acf_fft_selected) st.header("Partial Auto-Correlation Function (PACF)") st.write("Unlike ACF, PACF controls for other lags.") st.write( "PACF represents how significant adding lag n is when you already have lag n-1.") pacf_type = 'Default PACF:', ('True', 'False'), key='pacf_type') default_pacf_selected = pacf_type == 'True' if default_pacf_selected: pacf_array = create_standard_pacf_array(data_series) if not default_pacf_selected: [confidence_level, pacf_nlags_selected, pacf_calculation_method] = pacf_settings() alpha_selected = (100-confidence_level)/100 pacf_array = pacf(data_series, alpha=alpha_selected, nlags=pacf_nlags_selected, method=pacf_calculation_method) corr_presentation(pacf_array) st.subheader("PACF Plot") if default_pacf_selected: st.write('Given a confidence inverval of 95% (significance level of 0.05) there is a 5% chance that if true autocorrelation is zero, it will fall outside blue band.') create_standard_corr_plot(data_series, plot_pacf=True) if not default_pacf_selected: st.write( f'Given a confidence inverval of {confidence_level}% (significance level of {alpha_selected}) there is a {alpha_selected*100}% chance that if true autocorrelation is zero, it will fall outside blue band.') create_pacf_plot(data_series, alpha_selected, pacf_nlags_selected, pacf_calculation_method) if __name__ == "__main__": main()