"""Script based on streamlit to visualize data from the Well that are hosted on Hugging Face hub. Any time the state change (due to UI interaction and callbacks), the script is evaluated again. Based on the state attributes some UI component are rendered (e.g. slider for field time step). """ import pathlib import fsspec import h5py import numpy as np import pyvista as pv import streamlit as st from stpyvista.trame_backend import stpyvista # Dataset whose data will be visualized DATASET_NAMES = [ "acoustic_scattering_inclusions", "active_matter", "helmholtz_staircase", "MHD_64", "shear_flow", ] DIM_SUFFIXES = ["x", "y", "z"] # Options for HDF5 cloud optimized reads IO_PARAMS = { "fsspec_params": { # "skip_instance_cache": True "cache_type": "blockcache", # or "first" with enough space "block_size": 2 * 1024 * 1024, # could be bigger }, "h5py_params": { "driver_kwds": { # only recent versions of xarray and h5netcdf allow this correctly "page_buf_size": 2 * 1024 * 1024, # this one only works in repacked files "rdcc_nbytes": 2 * 1024 * 1024, # this one is to read the chunks } }, } # Instantiate streamlit state attributes for key in ["file", "files", "field_names", "spatial_dim", "data"]: if key not in st.session_state: st.session_state[key] = None def reset_state(key: str): if key in st.session_state: st.session_state[key] = None del st.session_state[key] @st.cache_data def get_dataset_path(dataset_name: str) -> str: """Compose the path to the dataset on HF hub.""" repo_id = "polymathic-ai" dataset_path = f"hf://datasets/{repo_id}/{dataset_name}" return dataset_path @st.cache_data def get_dataset_files(dataset_name: str): """Get the list of files in the dataset.""" dataset_path = get_dataset_path(dataset_name) fs, _ = fsspec.url_to_fs(dataset_path) dataset_files = fs.glob(f"{dataset_path}/**/*.hdf5") return dataset_files @st.cache_data def get_dataset_info(file_path: str) -> tuple([int, list[str]]): """Retrive spatial dimension and field names from the dataset.""" file_path = f"hf://{file_path}" with fsspec.open(file_path, "rb") as f, h5py.File(f, "r") as file: spatial_dim = file.attrs["n_spatial_dims"] field_names = [] for field in file["t0_fields"].keys(): field_names.append((field, "t0_fields")) for field in file["t1_fields"].keys(): for _, dim_suffix in zip(range(spatial_dim), DIM_SUFFIXES): field_names.append((f"{field}_{dim_suffix}", "t1_fields")) return spatial_dim, field_names def dataset_info_callback(): dataset_name = st.session_state.name dataset_files = get_dataset_files(dataset_name) st.session_state.files = dataset_files spatial_dim, field_names = get_dataset_info(dataset_files[0]) st.session_state.spatial_dim = spatial_dim st.session_state.field_names = field_names # Field data for previous dataset must be cleared reset_state(key="data") @st.cache_data def get_field(file_path: str, field: tuple[str, str], spatial_dim: int) -> np.ndarray: """Load the first trajectory of a field in a given file.""" file_path = f"hf://{file_path}" field_name, field_tensor_order = field if field_tensor_order == "t1_fields": field_name_splits = field_name.split("_") dim_suffix = field_name_splits[-1] dim_index = DIM_SUFFIXES.index(dim_suffix) field_name = "_".join(field_name_splits[:-1]) else: dim_index = None with ( fsspec.open(file_path, "rb", **IO_PARAMS["fsspec_params"]) as f, h5py.File(f, "r", **IO_PARAMS["h5py_params"]) as file, ): # Get the first trajectory of the file # For tensor of order 1 take the relevant spatial dimension if dim_index is not None: take_indices = (0, ..., dim_index) else: take_indices = 0 field_data = np.array(file[field_tensor_order][field_name][take_indices]) return field_data def field_callback(): """Callback to retrieve field data given file and field name state.""" file = st.session_state.get("file", None) if file: field = st.session_state.field spatial_dim = st.session_state.spatial_dim field_data = get_field(file, field, spatial_dim) st.session_state.data = field_data # The field is constant if st.session_state.data.ndim <= 2: reset_state(key="time_step") def create_plotter() -> pv.Plotter: """Create a pyvista.Plotter of the field in state.""" # Check wether the field is dynamic # to account for time in spatial dimension retrieval time_step = st.session_state.get("time_step", None) position_offset = 0 if time_step is None else 1 # Create 2D or 3D grid spatial_dim = st.session_state.spatial_dim if spatial_dim == 2: nx, ny = st.session_state.data.shape[position_offset:] xrng = np.arange(0, nx) yrng = np.arange(0, ny) grid = pv.RectilinearGrid(xrng, yrng) elif spatial_dim == 3: nx, ny, nz = st.session_state.data.shape[position_offset:] xrng = np.arange(0, nx) yrng = np.arange(0, ny) zrng = np.arange(0, nz) grid = pv.RectilinearGrid(xrng, yrng, zrng) # Set the grid scalar field # If no time step is set the field is assumed to be constant field_name = st.session_state.field[0] if time_step is None: grid[field_name] = st.session_state.data.ravel() else: grid[field_name] = st.session_state.data[time_step].ravel() plotter = pv.Plotter(window_size=[400, 400]) plotter.add_mesh(grid, scalars=field_name) if spatial_dim == 2: plotter.view_xy() elif spatial_dim == 3: plotter.view_isometric() plotter.background_color = "white" return plotter st.set_page_config( page_title="Tap into the Well", page_icon="assets/the_well_color_icon.svg" ) st.image("assets/the_well_logo.png") st.markdown(""" [The Well](https://openreview.net/pdf?id=00Sx577BT3) is a collection of 15TB datasets of physics simulations. This space allows you to tap into the Well by visualizing different datasets hosted on the [Hugging Face Hub](https://huggingface.co/polymathic-ai). - Select a dataset - Select a field - Select a file - Visualize different time steps For field corresponding of higher tensor order (e.g. velocity) loading the data may be slow. For this reason, we recommend downloading the data to work on the Well. Check the [documentation](the-well.polymathic-ai.org) for more information. """) # The order of the following widget matters # Field data is updated whenever a file or a field is selected # Dataset selection dataset = st.selectbox( "Select a Dataset", options=DATASET_NAMES, index=None, key="name", on_change=dataset_info_callback, ) # File selection if st.session_state.name: field_selector = st.selectbox( "Select a field", key="field", options=st.session_state.field_names, format_func=lambda option: option[0], # Fields are (name, tensor_order) on_change=field_callback, ) file_selector = st.selectbox( "Select a file", options=st.session_state.files, key="file", index=None, format_func=lambda option: pathlib.Path(option).name, on_change=field_callback, ) if st.session_state.data is not None: # Add a time step slider for dynamic fields if st.session_state.data.ndim > 2: time_step_slider = st.slider( "Time step", min_value=0, value=0, max_value=st.session_state.data.shape[0] - 1, key="time_step", ) if st.session_state.data is not None: plotter = create_plotter() stpyvista(plotter)