import csv import io import json import os from datetime import datetime from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path from typing import List import pandas as pd from fastapi import Response from modal import web_endpoint import modal from pydantic import BaseModel from rating import compute_mle_elo # ----------------------- # Data Model Definition # ----------------------- class ExperienceEnum(int, Enum): novice = 1 intermediate = 2 expert = 3 class Winner(str, Enum): model_a = "model_a" model_b = "model_b" tie = "tie" class Model(str, Enum): porestar_deepfault_unet_baseline_1 = "porestar/deepfault-unet-baseline-1" porestar_deepfault_unet_baseline_2 = "porestar/deepfault-unet-baseline-2" class Battle(BaseModel): model_a: Model model_b: Model winner: Winner judge: str image_idx: int experience: ExperienceEnum = ExperienceEnum.novice tstamp: str = str( class EloRating(BaseModel): model: Model elo_rating: float # ----------------------- # Modal Configuration # ----------------------- # Create a volume to persist data data_volume = modal.Volume.from_name("seisbase-data", create_if_missing=True) JSON_FILE_PATH = Path("/data/battles.json") RESULTS_FILE_PATH = Path("/data/ratings.csv") app_image = modal.Image.debian_slim(python_version="3.10").pip_install("pandas", "scikit-learn", "tqdm", "sympy") app = modal.App( image=app_image, name="seisbase-eval", volumes={"/data": data_volume}, ) def ensure_json_file(): """Ensure the JSON file exists and is initialized with an empty array if necessary.""" if not os.path.exists(JSON_FILE_PATH): JSON_FILE_PATH.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(JSON_FILE_PATH, "w") as f: json.dump([], f) def append_to_json_file(data): """Append data to the JSON file.""" ensure_json_file() try: with open(JSON_FILE_PATH, "r+") as f: try: battles = json.load(f) except json.JSONDecodeError: # Reset the file if corrupted battles = [] battles.append(data) json.dump(battles, f, indent=4) f.truncate() except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to append data to JSON file: {e}") def read_json_file(): """Read data from the JSON file.""" ensure_json_file() try: with open(JSON_FILE_PATH, "r") as f: try: return json.load(f) except json.JSONDecodeError: return [] # Return an empty list if the file is corrupted except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to read JSON file: {e}") @app.function() @web_endpoint(method="POST", docs=True) def add_battle(battle: Battle): """Add a new battle to the JSON file.""" append_to_json_file(battle.dict()) return {"status": "success", "battle": battle.dict()} @app.function() @web_endpoint(method="GET", docs=True) def export_csv(): """Fetch all battles and return as CSV.""" battles = read_json_file() # Create CSV in memory output = io.StringIO() writer = csv.DictWriter(output, fieldnames=["model_a", "model_b", "winner", "judge", "imaged_idx", "experience", "tstamp"]) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(battles) csv_data = output.getvalue() return Response(content=csv_data, media_type="text/csv") @app.function() @web_endpoint(method="GET", docs=True) def compute_ratings() -> List[EloRating]: """Compute ratings from battles.""" battles = pd.read_json(JSON_FILE_PATH, dtype=[str, str, str, str, int, int, str]).sort_values(ascending=True, by=["tstamp"]).reset_index(drop=True) elo_mle_ratings = compute_mle_elo(battles) elo_mle_ratings.to_csv(RESULTS_FILE_PATH) df = pd.read_csv(RESULTS_FILE_PATH) df.columns = ["Model", "Elo rating"] df = df.sort_values("Elo rating", ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) scores = [] for i in range(len(df)): scores.append(EloRating(model=df["Model"][i], elo_rating=df["Elo rating"][i])) return scores @app.local_entrypoint() def main(): print("Local entrypoint running. Check endpoints for functionality.")