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from chat_utils import *
from model_utils import *
import json
import shutil
from faker import Faker
PATH_MED = "model/medication_recommendation/best.ckpt"
PATH_DIAG = "model/diagnosis_prediction/best.ckpt"
#shutil.rmtree(".cache/", ignore_errors=True)
def main():
# ---- SETTINGS PAGE ----
st.set_page_config(page_title="PIE-Med - Dashboard", page_icon="🩺", layout="wide")
# with open('css/style.css') as f:
# hide_streamlit_style =
# st.markdown(hide_streamlit_style, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# ---- SESSION STATE ----
if 'patient' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.patient = None
if 'name' not in st.session_state: = None
if 'lastname' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.lastname = None
if 'gender_sign' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.gender_sign = None
# ---- SIDE BAR ----
# st.sidebar.image(".\streamlit_images\logo_icon.png")
# st.sidebar.divider()
# ---- MAIN PAGE ----
st.markdown("Welcome to PIE-Med 🩺!")
desc = st.empty()
desc1 = st.empty()
desc.caption("**PIE-Med** 🩺, a cutting-edge system designed to enhance medical decision-making through \
the integration of **Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)** ⚙️, **eXplainable AI (XAI)** ❓ techniques, \
and **Large Language Models (LLMs)** 🧠.")
model_med_ig, model_med_gnn, model_diag_ig, model_diag_gnn, \
dataset, mimic3sample_med, mimic3sample_diag = load_gnn()
checkpoint_MED = torch.load(PATH_MED)
checkpoint_DIAG = torch.load(PATH_DIAG)
fake = Faker()
selected_patient = None
if selected_patient is None:
placeholder2 = st.empty()
with placeholder2.expander("⚠️ **Before using the framework, read the disclaimer for the use of Framework**"):
disclaimer = f"""
The use of our Healthcare framework based on MIMIC III ( is subject to the terms and warnings as follows:
**Research and Decision Support Purpose:** Our framework has been developed primarily for research and decision support in the healthcare context. The information and recommendations generated should not replace the professional judgment of qualified healthcare practitioners but may be utilized as support for the final decision by the doctor or the directly involved party.
**Data Origin:** The processed healthcare data originates from the MIMIC III database and undergoes enrichment and modeling through the application of Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network. It is important to note that the original data may contain variations and limitations, and the accuracy of the processed information depends on the quality of the input data.
**Medical Recommendations:** The drug and diagnosis recommendations generated by the framework are hypothetical and based on Graph Neural Network learning models. These should not be considered definitive prescriptions, and the final decision regarding patient treatment should be made by a qualified medical professional.
**Human Readable Explanations:** The embedded explainability system in the framework utilizes graph explainability models and Large Language Models (LLM) to generate understandable explanations for end-users, such as physicians. However, these explanations are interpretations of the model results and may not fully reflect the complexity of medical reasoning.
**Framework Limitations:** Our framework has intrinsic limitations, including those related to the quality of input data, the characteristics of the machine learning model, and the dynamics of the healthcare context. Users are encouraged to exercise caution in interpreting the provided information.
**User Responsibility:** Users accessing and utilizing our framework are responsible for the accurate interpretation of the provided information and for making appropriate decisions based on their clinical judgment. The creators assume no responsibility for any consequences arising from improper use or misinterpretation of the information generated by the framework.
By using our healthcare data processing framework, the user agrees to comply with these conditions. The continuous evolution of the fields of medicine and technology may necessitate periodic updates to this disclaimer.
agree = st.checkbox("I accept and have read the disclaimer!")
placeholder1 = st.empty()
placeholder1.warning("You must accept the disclaimer to use the framework!", icon="⚠️")
if not(agree):
placeholder1.empty()"You can now use the framework! 🎉 Please select the task and select a patient! 🩺")
task = st.sidebar.selectbox(label='Select __task__: ', index=None, placeholder="Select type of task", options=['medications', 'diagnosis'])
if task is None:
elif task == "medications":
mimic3sample = mimic3sample_med
elif task == "diagnosis":
mimic3sample = mimic3sample_diag
mimic_df = pd.DataFrame(mimic3sample.samples)
selected_patient = st.sidebar.selectbox(label='Select __patient__ n°: ', index=None, placeholder="Select a patient", options=mimic_df['patient_id'].unique())
while selected_patient is None:
patient_dict = dataset.patients
patient_info = patient_dict[selected_patient]
gender = patient_info.gender
if selected_patient != st.session_state.patient:
if gender == "M":
first_name = fake.first_name_male()
last_name = fake.last_name_male()
gender_sign = "male_sign"
elif gender == "F":
first_name = fake.first_name_female()
last_name = fake.last_name_female()
gender_sign = "female_sign"
first_name = "Name"
last_name = "Unknown"
st.session_state.patient = selected_patient = ":blue[" + first_name + "]"
st.session_state.lastname = last_name
st.session_state.gender_sign = gender_sign
patient = st.session_state.patient
name =
lastname = st.session_state.lastname
gender_sign = st.session_state.gender_sign
mimic_df_patient = mimic_df[mimic_df['patient_id'] == selected_patient] # select all the rows with the selected patient
for i in range(len(mimic_df_patient)):
if i == len(mimic_df_patient) - 1:
last_visit = mimic_df_patient.iloc[[i]]
# ---- Patient info ----
# st.subheader(":blue[DASHBOARD OF] ")
st.warning("🚨 **NOTE** 🚨: The patient's name, shown below, was randomly generated for demonstration purposes.")
st.title("{} {} :{}:".format(name, lastname, gender_sign))
st.caption("Patient n°: {} - Gender: {} - Ethnicity: {}".format(patient, patient_info.gender, patient_info.ethnicity))
l1, r1 = st.columns([0.44, 0.56])
with l1:
st.subheader("📋 Medical history")
# st.caption("The following table shows the *complete* medical history of the patient n°: **{}**.".format(patient))
visit = st.selectbox(label='🏥 __Hospital admission__ n°: ', options=mimic_df_patient['visit_id'].unique())
if visit:
mimic_df_patient_visit = mimic_df_patient[mimic_df_patient['visit_id'] == visit] # select all the rows with the selected visit
if task == "medications":
mimic_df_patient_visit_filtered = mimic_df_patient_visit.drop(columns=['visit_id', 'patient_id', 'drugs_hist'])
elif task == "diagnosis":
mimic_df_patient_visit_filtered = mimic_df_patient_visit.drop(columns=['visit_id', 'patient_id'])
atc = InnerMap.load("ATC")
icd9 = InnerMap.load("ICD9CM")
icd9_proc = InnerMap.load("ICD9PROC")
for column in mimic_df_patient_visit_filtered.columns:
with st.expander("{}".format(column)):
if column == "medications":
if task == "medications":
med_history = [[med, atc.lookup(med)] for med in mimic_df_patient_visit_filtered[column].explode() if med]
elif task == "diagnosis":
med_history = [[med, atc.lookup(med)] for med in (mimic_df_patient_visit_filtered[column].explode()).explode() if med]
st.dataframe(med_history, hide_index=True, column_config={"0": "ATC", "1": "Description"})
elif column == "diagnosis":
if task == "medications":
col_history = [[idx, icd9.lookup(idx)] for idx in (mimic_df_patient_visit_filtered[column].explode()).explode() if idx]
elif task == "diagnosis":
col_history = [[idx+'0', icd9.lookup(idx+'0')] if idx.startswith('E') else [idx, icd9.lookup(idx)] for idx in mimic_df_patient_visit_filtered[column].explode() if idx]
st.dataframe(col_history, hide_index=True, column_config={"0": "ICD9", "1": "Description"})
elif column == "symptoms":
col_history = [[idx, icd9.lookup(idx)] for idx in (mimic_df_patient_visit_filtered[column].explode()).explode() if idx]
st.dataframe(col_history, hide_index=True, column_config={"0": "ICD9", "1": "Description"})
elif column == "procedures":
col_history = [[idx, icd9_proc.lookup(idx)] for idx in (mimic_df_patient_visit_filtered[column].explode()).explode() if idx]
st.dataframe(col_history, hide_index=True, column_config={"0": "ICD9", "1": "Description"})
st.write("No data available for this column.")
st.subheader(f"🧾 Recommended _{task}_")
st.caption(f"""The following {task} are recommended for the patient during the **hospital admission n°: \
{format(last_visit['visit_id'].item())}**. \n The recommendations are based on the \
output probabilities generated by the **GNN (_Graph Neural Network_)** model.""")
if task == "medications":
model = model_med_ig
elif task == "diagnosis":
model = model_diag_ig
# ---- Output model ----
output = model(last_visit['patient_id'],
list_output, list_indices = get_list_output(output['y_prob'], last_visit, task, mimic3sample)
list_output = [[idx, item] for idx, item in zip(*list_indices, *list_output) if item]
st.dataframe(list_output, column_config={"0": "ID", "1": f"Recommended {task}"}, height=None, width=None)
with r1:
st.subheader(f"""🗣 *Why* did the model recommend these {task}?""")
r1l1, r1c1, r1r1 = st.columns(3)
with r1l1:
visualization ="Visualization", options=["Explainable", "Interpretable"], horizontal=True)
with r1c1:
algorithm ="Algorithm", options=["IG", "GNNExplainer"], horizontal=True)
with r1r1:
threshold = st.slider("Threshold", min_value=10, max_value=50, value=15, step=5, format=None, key=None)
if task == "medications" and algorithm == "IG":
model = model_med_ig
elif task == "medications" and algorithm == "GNNExplainer":
model = model_med_gnn
elif task == "diagnosis" and algorithm == "IG":
model = model_diag_ig
elif task == "diagnosis" and algorithm == "GNNExplainer":
model = model_diag_gnn
st.caption(f"""The graph shown as follows provides an interpretation of the model's decision making process on the recommended \
*{task}* for the patient during the **hospital admission n°: {format(last_visit['visit_id'].item())}**. \
\n\n The interpretability is based on the **{algorithm} (_{task}_)** algorithm.""")
options = [item[1] for item in list_output if item]
selected_label = st.selectbox(f'Select the {task} to explain', index=None,
placeholder=f"Choice a {task} from Recommended {task} ranking to explain",
if selected_label is None:
selected_idx = [item[0] for item in list_output if item[1] == selected_label]
st.caption("Legend of the graph:")
col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8 = st.columns([0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.3])
with col1:
#square1 {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background: #20b2aa;
border-radius: 3px;
<div id="square1"></div>
#square2 {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background: #fa8072;
border-radius: 3px;
margin-top: 20px;
<div id="square2"></div>
with col2:
with col3:
#square3 {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background: #cd853f;
border-radius: 3px;
<div id="square3"></div>
#square4 {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background: #da70d6;
border-radius: 3px;
margin-top: 20px;
<div id="square4"></div>
with col4:
with col5:
#square5 {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background: #98fb98;
border-radius: 3px;
<div id="square5"></div>
with col6:
with col7:
#square6 {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background: #87ceeb;
border-radius: 3px;
<div id="square6"></div>
with col8:
explain_sample = {}
for visit_sample in mimic3sample.samples:
if visit_sample['patient_id'] == patient and visit_sample['visit_id'] == last_visit['visit_id'].item():
if visit_sample.get('drugs_hist') != None:
del visit_sample['drugs_hist']
explain_sample['test'] = visit_sample
explain_dataset = SampleEHRDataset(list(explain_sample.values()), code_vocs="ATC")
explainability(model, explain_dataset, selected_idx[0], visualization, algorithm, task, threshold)
####################### CARE AI module ##################################
st.header('🩺🧠 Medical Agents Evaluation')
st.caption("The section shown as follows is dedicated to the Explainability module, which is responsible for generating the analysis of the doctors' proposals and the collaborative discussion between the medical team members for the final decision on the patient's treatment.")
model_name = st.selectbox("Select the LLM model", options=["meta/llama3-8b-instruct"])
explanation = st.button("Generate explanation")
if not(explanation):
col1, col2 = st.columns([0.5, 0.6], gap="large")
with col1:
with open("streamlit_results/medical_scenario.txt", "r") as f:
medical_scenario =
st.subheader("📄 Medical Scenario")
st.caption(f"The scenario shown as follows for the patient in the **hospital admission n°: {format(last_visit['visit_id'].item())}** is provided by the medical team.")
with st.expander("👁️ Read the medical scenario", expanded=True):
container = st.container(height=1145)
with col2:
st.subheader("👨⚕️🔎 Doctor Recruiter")
st.caption("The doctor recruiter is responsible for recruiting the medical team to help the internist doctor make a final decision on the patient's during the collaborative discussion.")
with st.status("Recruiting doctor...", expanded=False) as status:
with open("streamlit_results/prompt_recruiter_doctors.txt", "r") as f:
prompt_recruiter_doctors =
text = doctor_recruiter(prompt_recruiter_doctors, model_name)
if model_name == "meta/llama3-8b-instruct":
text[0] = text[0].split("Here is the JSON file:\n\n")[1]
json_data = json.loads(str(text[0]))
with open("streamlit_results/recruited_doctors.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(text[0], f, indent=4)
for i, doctor in enumerate(json_data['doctors']):
role = f"""**🥼 {doctor['role'].replace("_", " ")}**"""
if i != len(json_data['doctors'])-1:
status.update(label="Doctor recruited!", state="complete", expanded=True)
st.subheader("Analysis Proposition")
with st.spinner("Doctors are thinking..."):
with open("streamlit_results/prompt_internist_doctor.txt", "r") as f:
prompt_internist_doctor =
prompt_reunion = f"""Based on your assessment and the medical team's recommendations regarding {task} during the patient visit:\n"""
prompt_reunion += f"""Confront with your medical colleagues, highlighting relevant aspects related to the patient's condition and the {task}. Underline the crucial elements that influence your decision on its justification or unjustification in 30 words.\n"""
prompt_reunion += f"""\nAnalysis of doctors' proposals\n\n"""
for i in range(len(json_data['doctors'])):
with st.status(f"The 👨⚕️ {json_data['doctors'][i]['role'].replace('_', ' ')} is analysing ...", expanded=False) as status_doc:
with st.chat_message(name="user", avatar="streamlit_images/{}.png".format(i)):
analysis = """"""
analysis += f"""**Doctor**: {json_data['doctors'][i]['role'].replace(" ", "_")}\n\n"""
text = doctor_discussion(json_data['doctors'][i]['role'], prompt_internist_doctor, model_name)
analysis += "**Analysis**: " + text[0]
st.markdown(f"**Analysis**: {text[0]}")
status_doc.update(label="The 👨⚕️ {} analysed!".format(json_data['doctors'][i]['role'].replace('_', ' ')), state="complete", expanded=True)
prompt_reunion += f"""{analysis}"""
prompt_reunion += f"\n--------------------------------------------------\n\n"
image, text = st.columns([0.2, 0.8])
with image:
with text:
st.caption("The discussion shown as follows is based on the **Large Language Model** (LLM) **chosen**. The LLM is responsible for generating the discussion between the medical team members for the final decision on the patient's treatment.")
with st.spinner("Doctors are discussing..."):
internist_sys_message = f"""As an INTERNIST DOCTOR, you have the task of globally evaluating and managing the patient's health and pathology.\n"""
internist_sys_message += f"""In the light of the entire discussion, you must provide a final schematic report to the doctor based on the recommendation and the doctors' opinions."""
doc = multiagent_doctors(json_data, model_name)
manager = care_discussion_start(doc, prompt_reunion, internist_sys_message, model_name)
with st.chat_message(name="user", avatar="streamlit_images/internist.png"):
internist = list(manager.chat_messages.values())
internist_opinion = internist[0][6]['content']
st.write(f"**{internist[0][6]['name'].replace('_',' ')}**: {internist_opinion}")
# Add a download button:
label="Download PDF",
data=gen_pdf(patient, name, lastname, last_visit['visit_id'].item(), list_output, medical_scenario, internist_opinion),
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() |