# generated by rye | |
# use `rye lock` or `rye sync` to update this lockfile | |
# | |
# last locked with the following flags: | |
# pre: false | |
# features: [] | |
# all-features: false | |
-e file:. | |
aiofiles==23.2.1 | |
aiohttp==3.9.5 | |
aiosignal==1.3.1 | |
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mpmath==1.3.0 | |
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nvidia-cublas-cu12== | |
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nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu12==12.1.105 | |
nvidia-cudnn-cu12== | |
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nvidia-curand-cu12== | |
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# The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file: | |
setuptools==69.5.1 | |