Feature: LLM Studio | |
Background: LLM Studio user | |
Given LLM Studio home page is opened | |
When I login to LLM Studio | |
Then I see the home page | |
Scenario: Import dataset using filesystem | |
When I upload dataset train_full.pq | |
And I name the dataset train-full.pq | |
Then I should see the dataset train-full.pq | |
When I delete dataset train-full.pq | |
Then I should not see the dataset train-full.pq | |
Scenario: Create experiment | |
When I create experiment test-experiment | |
And I update LLM Backbone to h2oai/llama2-0b-unit-test | |
I set Mixed Precision to false | |
And I tweak data sampling to 0.03 | |
And I tweak max length to 32 | |
And I select Perplexity metric | |
And I run the experiment | |
Then I should see the test-experiment should finish successfully | |
When I delete experiment test-experiment | |
Then I should not see the experiment test-experiment | |