SHELL := /bin/bash PYTHON_VERSION ?= 3.10 PYTHON ?= python$(PYTHON_VERSION) PIP ?= $(PYTHON) -m pip PIPENV ?= $(PYTHON) -m pipenv PIPENV_PYTHON = $(PIPENV) run python PIPENV_PIP = $(PIPENV_PYTHON) -m pip PWD = $(shell pwd) DOCKER_IMAGE ?= APP_VERSION=$(shell sed -n 's/^version = //p' pyproject.toml | tr -d '"') ifeq ($(origin H2O_LLM_STUDIO_WORKDIR), environment) WORKDIR := $(H2O_LLM_STUDIO_WORKDIR) else WORKDIR := $(shell pwd) endif ifeq ($(LOG_LEVEL), $(filter $(LOG_LEVEL), debug trace)) PW_DEBUG = DEBUG=pw:api else PW_DEBUG = endif .PHONY: pipenv pipenv: $(PIP) install pip==24.2 $(PIP) install pipenv==2024.0.1 .PHONY: setup setup: pipenv $(PIPENV) install --verbose --python $(PYTHON_VERSION) -$(PIPENV_PIP) install flash-attn==2.6.1 --no-build-isolation --upgrade --no-cache-dir .PHONY: setup-dev setup-dev: pipenv $(PIPENV) install --verbose --dev --python $(PYTHON_VERSION) -$(PIPENV_PIP) install flash-attn==2.6.1 --no-build-isolation --upgrade --no-cache-dir $(PIPENV) run playwright install .PHONY: setup-no-flash setup-no-flash: pipenv $(PIPENV) install --verbose --python $(PYTHON_VERSION) .PHONY: setup-conda-nightly setup-conda: @bash -c '\ set -e; \ source $$(conda info --base)/etc/profile.d/; \ conda deactivate; \ conda create -n llmstudio python=3.10 -y; \ conda activate llmstudio; \ conda install -c nvidia/label/cuda-12.4.0 cuda-toolkit -y; \ conda install pytorch pytorch-cuda=12.4 -c pytorch-nightly -c nvidia -y; \ grep -v "nvidia" requirements.txt | grep -v "torch" | python -m pip install -r /dev/stdin; \ python -m pip install flash-attn==2.6.1 --no-build-isolation --upgrade --no-cache-dir; \ ' .PHONY: setup-ui setup-ui: pipenv $(PIPENV) install --verbose --categories=dev-packages --python $(PYTHON_VERSION) $(PIPENV) run playwright install .PHONY: export-requirements export-requirements: pipenv $(PIPENV) requirements > requirements.txt clean-env: $(PIPENV) --rm clean-data: rm -rf data clean-output: rm -rf output reports: mkdir -p reports .PHONY: style style: reports pipenv @echo -n > reports/flake8_errors.log @echo -n > reports/mypy_errors.log @echo -n > reports/mypy.log @echo -$(PIPENV) run flake8 | tee -a reports/flake8_errors.log @if [ -s reports/flake8_errors.log ]; then exit 1; fi -$(PIPENV) run mypy . --check-untyped-defs | tee -a reports/mypy.log @if ! grep -Eq "Success: no issues found in [0-9]+ source files" reports/mypy.log ; then exit 1; fi .PHONY: format format: pipenv $(PIPENV) run isort . $(PIPENV) run black . .PHONY: isort isort: pipenv $(PIPENV) run isort . .PHONY: black black: pipenv $(PIPENV) run black . .PHONY: test test: reports @bash -c 'set -o pipefail; export PYTHONPATH=$(PWD); \ $(PIPENV) run pytest -v --junitxml=reports/junit.xml \ --import-mode importlib \ --html=./reports/pytest.html \ --cov=llm_studio \ --cov-report term \ --cov-report html:./reports/coverage.html \ -o log_cli=true -o log_level=INFO -o log_file=reports/tests.log \ tests/* 2>&1 | tee reports/tests.log' # Use to quickly run a single test (e.g. make test-debug test=test_encode) .PHONY: test-debug test-debug: reports @bash -c 'set -o pipefail; export PYTHONPATH=$(PWD); \ $(PIPENV) run pytest -v --junitxml=reports/junit.xml \ --import-mode importlib \ --html=./reports/pytest.html \ -k $(test) \ -s \ -o log_cli=false -o log_level=WARNING -o log_file=/dev/null \ tests/*' # Only run the unit-tests (src) .PHONY: test-unit test-unit: reports @bash -c 'set -o pipefail; export PYTHONPATH=$(PWD); \ $(PIPENV) run pytest -v --junitxml=reports/junit.xml \ --import-mode importlib \ --html=./reports/pytest.html \ -k src \ --cov=llm_studio/src \ --cov-report term \ --cov-report html:./reports/coverage.html \ -o log_cli=true -o log_level=INFO -o log_file=reports/tests.log \ tests/* 2>&1 | tee reports/tests.log' .PHONY: test-ui test-ui: reports setup-ui @bash -c 'set -o pipefail; \ $(PW_DEBUG) $(PIPENV) run pytest \ -v \ --junitxml=reports/junit_ui.xml \ --html=./reports/pytest_ui.html \ -o log_cli=true \ -o log_level=$(LOG_LEVEL) \ -o log_file=reports/tests_ui.log \ tests/ui/ 2>&1 | tee reports/tests_ui.log' .PHONY: test-ui-headed test-ui-headed: setup-ui $(PW_DEBUG) $(PIPENV) run pytest \ -vvs \ -s \ --headed \ --video=on \ --screenshot=on \ --slowmo=1000 \ tests/ui/ 2>&1 | tee reports/tests.log .PHONY: test-ui-github-actions # Run UI tests in GitHub Actions. Starts the Wave server and runs the tests locally. test-ui-github-actions: reports setup-ui @echo "Starting the server..." make llmstudio & @echo "Server started in background." @echo "Waiting 10s for the server to start..." sleep 10 @echo "Running the tests..." LOCAL_LOGIN=True \ PYTEST_BASE_URL=localhost:10101 \ make test-ui @echo "Stopping the server..." make stop-llmstudio @echo "Server stopped." .PHONY: wave wave: HF_HUB_DISABLE_TELEMETRY=1 \ H2O_WAVE_APP_ACCESS_KEY_ID=dev \ H2O_WAVE_APP_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET=dev \ H2O_WAVE_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE=25MB \ H2O_WAVE_NO_LOG=true \ H2O_WAVE_PRIVATE_DIR="/download/@$(WORKDIR)/output/download" \ $(PIPENV) run wave run .PHONY: llmstudio llmstudio: nvidia-smi && \ HF_HUB_DISABLE_TELEMETRY=1 \ H2O_WAVE_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE=25MB \ H2O_WAVE_NO_LOG=true \ H2O_WAVE_PRIVATE_DIR="/download/@$(WORKDIR)/output/download" \ $(PIPENV) run wave run --no-reload .PHONY: llmstudio-conda llmstudio-conda: CONDA_ACTIVATE="source $$(conda info --base)/etc/profile.d/ ; conda activate llmstudio" && \ bash -c "$$CONDA_ACTIVATE && \ nvidia-smi && \ HF_HUB_DISABLE_TELEMETRY=1 \ H2O_WAVE_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE=25MB \ H2O_WAVE_NO_LOG=true \ H2O_WAVE_PRIVATE_DIR="/download/@$(WORKDIR)/output/download" \ wave run --no-reload" .PHONY: stop-llmstudio stop-llmstudio: @kill $$(lsof -ti :10101) .PHONY: docker-build-nightly docker-build-nightly: docker build -t $(DOCKER_IMAGE) . # Run the Docker container with the nightly image # Uses the local `llmstudio_mnt` directory as the mount point for the container .PHONY: docker-run-nightly docker-run-nightly: ifeq (,$(wildcard ./llmstudio_mnt)) mkdir llmstudio_mnt endif docker run \ --runtime=nvidia \ --shm-size=64g \ --init \ --rm \ -it \ -u `id -u`:`id -g` \ -p 10101:10101 \ -v `pwd`/llmstudio_mnt:/home/llmstudio/mount \ $(DOCKER_IMAGE) # Perform a local Trivy scan for CVEs # Get Trivy from .PHONY: trivy-local trivy-local: docker-build-nightly trivy image --scanners vuln --severity CRITICAL,HIGH --timeout 60m $(DOCKER_IMAGE) .PHONY: docker-clean-all docker-clean-all: @CONTAINERS=$$(docker ps -a -q --filter ancestor=$(DOCKER_IMAGE)); \ if [ -n "$$CONTAINERS" ]; then \ docker stop $$CONTAINERS; \ docker rm $$CONTAINERS; \ fi docker rmi $(DOCKER_IMAGE) .PHONY: bundles bundles: rm -f -r bundles mkdir -p bundles cp -r static bundles/ sed 's/{{VERSION}}/${APP_VERSION}/g' app.toml.template > bundles/app.toml cd bundles && zip -r ai.h2o.llmstudio.${APP_VERSION}.wave * .PHONY: shell shell: $(PIPENV) shell setup-doc: # Install documentation dependencies cd documentation && npm install run-doc: # Run the doc locally cd documentation && npm start update-documentation-infrastructure: cd documentation && npm update @h2oai/makersaurus cd documentation && npm ls build-doc-locally: # Bundles your website into static files for production cd documentation && npm run build serve-doc-locally: # Serves the built website locally cd documentation && npm run serve