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import json
import math
import pickle
import sys
import time
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Mapping
import cv2
import as cm
import numpy as np
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchvision.transforms as T
import tqdm
from PIL import Image
from pytorch_lightning.loggers import TensorBoardLogger
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter
from import ConcatDataset, DataLoader, Subset
from torchvision.transforms import functional
class _LoRA_qkv(nn.Module):
In Dinov2 it is implemented as
self.qkv = nn.Linear(dim, dim * 3, bias=qkv_bias)
B, N, C = x.shape
qkv = self.qkv(x).reshape(B, N, 3, self.num_heads, self.head_dim).permute(2, 0, 3, 1, 4)
q, k, v = qkv.unbind(0)
def __init__(
qkv: nn.Module,
linear_a_q: nn.Module,
linear_b_q: nn.Module,
linear_a_v: nn.Module,
linear_b_v: nn.Module,
self.qkv = qkv
self.linear_a_q = linear_a_q
self.linear_b_q = linear_b_q
self.linear_a_v = linear_a_v
self.linear_b_v = linear_b_v
self.dim = qkv.in_features
self.w_identity = torch.eye(qkv.in_features)
def forward(self, x):
qkv = self.qkv(x) # B,N,3*org_C
new_q = self.linear_b_q(self.linear_a_q(x))
new_v = self.linear_b_v(self.linear_a_v(x))
qkv[:, :, : self.dim] += new_q
qkv[:, :, -self.dim:] += new_v
return qkv
def sigmoid(tensor, temp=1.0):
""" temperature controlled sigmoid
takes as input a torch tensor (tensor) and passes it through a sigmoid, controlled by temperature: temp
exponent = -tensor / temp
# clamp the input tensor for stability
exponent = torch.clamp(exponent, min=-50, max=50)
y = 1.0 / (1.0 + torch.exp(exponent))
return y
def interpolate_features(descriptors, pts, h, w, normalize=True, patch_size=14, stride=14):
last_coord_h = ( (h - patch_size) // stride ) * stride + (patch_size / 2)
last_coord_w = ( (w - patch_size) // stride ) * stride + (patch_size / 2)
ah = 2 / (last_coord_h - (patch_size / 2))
aw = 2 / (last_coord_w - (patch_size / 2))
bh = 1 - last_coord_h * 2 / ( last_coord_h - ( patch_size / 2 ))
bw = 1 - last_coord_w * 2 / ( last_coord_w - ( patch_size / 2 ))
a = torch.tensor([[aw, ah]]).to(pts).float()
b = torch.tensor([[bw, bh]]).to(pts).float()
keypoints = a * pts + b
# Expand dimensions for grid sampling
keypoints = keypoints.unsqueeze(-3) # Shape becomes [batch_size, 1, num_keypoints, 2]
# Interpolate using bilinear sampling
interpolated_features = F.grid_sample(descriptors, keypoints, align_corners=True, padding_mode='border')
# interpolated_features will have shape [batch_size, channels, 1, num_keypoints]
interpolated_features = interpolated_features.squeeze(-2)
return F.normalize(interpolated_features, dim=1) if normalize else interpolated_features
class FinetuneDINO(pl.LightningModule):
def __init__(self, r, backbone_size, reg=False, datasets=None):
assert r > 0
self.backbone_size = backbone_size
self.backbone_archs = {
"small": "vits14",
"base": "vitb14",
"large": "vitl14",
"giant": "vitg14",
self.embedding_dims = {
"small": 384,
"base": 768,
"large": 1024,
"giant": 1536,
self.backbone_arch = self.backbone_archs[self.backbone_size]
if reg:
self.backbone_arch = f"{self.backbone_arch}_reg"
self.embedding_dim = self.embedding_dims[self.backbone_size]
self.backbone_name = f"dinov2_{self.backbone_arch}"
dinov2 = torch.hub.load(repo_or_dir="facebookresearch/dinov2", model=self.backbone_name)
self.datasets = datasets
self.lora_layer = list(range(len(dinov2.blocks))) # Only apply lora to the image encoder by default
# create for storage, then we can init them or load weights
self.w_As = [] # These are linear layers
self.w_Bs = []
# freeze first
for param in dinov2.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
# finetune the last 4 blocks
for t_layer_i, blk in enumerate(dinov2.blocks[-4:]):
# If we only want few lora layer instead of all
if t_layer_i not in self.lora_layer:
w_qkv_linear = blk.attn.qkv
self.dim = w_qkv_linear.in_features
w_a_linear_q = nn.Linear(self.dim, r, bias=False)
w_b_linear_q = nn.Linear(r, self.dim, bias=False)
w_a_linear_v = nn.Linear(self.dim, r, bias=False)
w_b_linear_v = nn.Linear(r, self.dim, bias=False)
blk.attn.qkv = _LoRA_qkv(
self.dinov2 = dinov2
self.downsample_factor = 8
self.refine_conv = nn.Conv2d(self.embedding_dim, self.embedding_dim, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
self.thresh3d_pos = 5e-3
self.thres3d_neg = 0.1
self.patch_size = 14
self.target_res = 640
self.input_transform = T.Normalize(mean=(0.485, 0.456, 0.406), std=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225))
def reset_parameters(self) -> None:
for w_A in self.w_As:
nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(w_A.weight, a=math.sqrt(5))
for w_B in self.w_Bs:
def on_save_checkpoint(self, checkpoint: Dict[str, Any]):
num_layer = len(self.w_As) # actually, it is half
a_tensors = {f"w_a_{i:03d}": self.w_As[i].weight for i in range(num_layer)}
b_tensors = {f"w_b_{i:03d}": self.w_Bs[i].weight for i in range(num_layer)}
checkpoint['state_dict'] = {
'refine_conv': self.refine_conv.state_dict(),
def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: Mapping[str, Any], strict: bool = True):
def on_load_checkpoint(self, checkpoint: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
# print(checkpoint.keys())
for i, w_A_linear in enumerate(self.w_As):
saved_key = f"w_a_{i:03d}"
saved_tensor = checkpoint[saved_key]
w_A_linear.weight = Parameter(saved_tensor)
for i, w_B_linear in enumerate(self.w_Bs):
saved_key = f"w_b_{i:03d}"
saved_tensor = checkpoint[saved_key]
w_B_linear.weight = Parameter(saved_tensor)
self.loaded = True
def get_nearest(self, query, database):
dist = torch.cdist(query, database)
min_dist, min_idx = torch.min(dist, -1)
return min_dist, min_idx
def get_feature(self, rgbs, pts, normalize=True):
tgt_size = (int(rgbs.shape[-2] * self.target_res / rgbs.shape[-1]), self.target_res)
if rgbs.shape[-2] > rgbs.shape[-1]:
tgt_size = (self.target_res, int(rgbs.shape[-1] * self.target_res / rgbs.shape[-2]))
patch_h, patch_w = tgt_size[0] // self.downsample_factor, tgt_size[1] // self.downsample_factor
rgb_resized = functional.resize(rgbs, (patch_h * self.patch_size, patch_w * self.patch_size))
resize_factor = [(patch_w * self.patch_size) / rgbs.shape[-1], (patch_h * self.patch_size) / rgbs.shape[-2]]
pts = pts * torch.tensor(resize_factor).to(pts.device)
result = self.dinov2.forward_features(self.input_transform(rgb_resized))
feature = result['x_norm_patchtokens'].reshape(rgb_resized.shape[0], patch_h, patch_w, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
feature = self.refine_conv(feature)
feature = interpolate_features(feature, pts, h=patch_h * 14, w=patch_w * 14, normalize=False).permute(0, 2, 1)
if normalize:
feature = F.normalize(feature, p=2, dim=-1)
return feature
def get_feature_wo_kp(self, rgbs, normalize=True):
tgt_size = (int(rgbs.shape[-2] * self.target_res / rgbs.shape[-1]), self.target_res)
if rgbs.shape[-2] > rgbs.shape[-1]:
tgt_size = (self.target_res, int(rgbs.shape[-1] * self.target_res / rgbs.shape[-2]))
patch_h, patch_w = tgt_size[0] // self.downsample_factor, tgt_size[1] // self.downsample_factor
rgb_resized = functional.resize(rgbs, (patch_h * self.patch_size, patch_w * self.patch_size))
result = self.dinov2.forward_features(self.input_transform(rgb_resized))
feature = result['x_norm_patchtokens'].reshape(rgbs.shape[0], patch_h, patch_w, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
feature = self.refine_conv(feature)
feature = functional.resize(feature, (rgbs.shape[-2], rgbs.shape[-1])).permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
if normalize:
feature = F.normalize(feature, p=2, dim=-1)
return feature
def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
# print(batch['obj_name_1'])
rgb_1, pts2d_1, pts3d_1 = batch['rgb_1'], batch['pts2d_1'], batch['pts3d_1']
rgb_2, pts2d_2, pts3d_2 = batch['rgb_2'], batch['pts2d_2'], batch['pts3d_2']
desc_1 = self.get_feature(rgb_1, pts2d_1, normalize=True)
desc_2 = self.get_feature(rgb_2, pts2d_2, normalize=True)
kp3d_dist = torch.cdist(pts3d_1, pts3d_2) # B x S x T
sim = torch.bmm(desc_1, desc_2.transpose(-1, -2)) # B x S x T
pos_idxs = torch.nonzero(kp3d_dist < self.thresh3d_pos, as_tuple=False)
pos_sim = sim[pos_idxs[:, 0], pos_idxs[:, 1], pos_idxs[:, 2]]
rpos = sigmoid(pos_sim - 1., temp=0.01) + 1 # si = 1 # pos
neg_mask = kp3d_dist[pos_idxs[:, 0], pos_idxs[:, 1]] > self.thres3d_neg # pos x T
rall = rpos + torch.sum(sigmoid(sim[pos_idxs[:, 0], pos_idxs[:, 1]] - 1., temp=0.01) * neg_mask.float(), -1) # pos
ap1 = rpos / rall
# change teh order
rpos = sigmoid(1. - pos_sim, temp=0.01) + 1 # si = 1 # pos
neg_mask = kp3d_dist[pos_idxs[:, 0], pos_idxs[:, 1]] > self.thres3d_neg # pos x T
rall = rpos + torch.sum(sigmoid(sim[pos_idxs[:, 0], pos_idxs[:, 1]] - pos_sim[:, None].repeat(1, sim.shape[-1]), temp=0.01) * neg_mask.float(), -1) # pos
ap2 = rpos / rall
ap = (ap1 + ap2) / 2
loss = torch.mean(1. - ap)
self.log('loss', loss, prog_bar=True)
return loss
def configure_optimizers(self):
return torch.optim.AdamW([layer.weight for layer in self.w_As]
+ [layer.weight for layer in self.w_Bs]
+ list(self.refine_conv.parameters()), lr=1e-5, weight_decay=1e-4) |