from imgofai import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import PIL import numpy as np from pathlib import Path from imgofai.tree import img2df, df2xy import pandas as pd from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline import streamlit as st import requests st.write("# Images of AI Demo") st.write("This page demonstrates how I created the images I submitted for [Better Images of AI project](") def add_radial_features(X,y=None): assert isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame), "X is not a dataframe" xp = X.copy() xp['dim0'] = np.sqrt(((X - X.mean())**2).sum(axis=1)) xp['dim1'] = np.arctan2(X['dim1'],X['dim0']) X = pd.concat([ X, xp, ],axis=1) return X def make_tree_approximator(radial = False, max_depth=4): if radial: model = make_pipeline( FunctionTransformer(add_radial_features), DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=max_depth), ) else: model = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=max_depth), y) pred = PIL.Image.fromarray( model.predict(x_raw).reshape(img_array.shape).round().astype("uint8") ) score = model.score(x_raw, y) return pred st.write("## Try it out yourself:") url = st.text_input("Image url:", "") img =, stream=True).raw) img_array = np.array(img) df = img2df(img_array) x_raw, y = df2xy(df) ccol1, ccol2, _ = st.columns(3) with ccol1: max_depth1 = st.slider("max depth left:",1,12,2) radial1 = st.checkbox("radial features left", value=False) with ccol2: max_depth2 = st.slider("max depth middle:",1,12,6) radial2 = st.checkbox("radial features middle", value=False) st.write("## Output") col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: left_img = make_tree_approximator(radial1, max_depth=max_depth1) st.image(left_img) with col2: mid_img = make_tree_approximator(radial2, max_depth=max_depth2) st.image(mid_img) with col3: st.image(img)