Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 8,525 Bytes
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import os
import numbers
import torch
import as data
import torch
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
import random
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
import numpy as np
import torchvision
from . import depth_transforms as flow_transforms
import pdb
import cv2
from utils.flowlib import read_flow
from utils.util_flow import readPFM, load_calib_cam_to_cam
def default_loader(path):
def flow_loader(path):
if '.pfm' in path:
data = readPFM(path)[0]
data[:,:,2] = 1
return data
return read_flow(path)
def load_exts(cam_file):
with open(cam_file, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
l_exts = []
r_exts = []
for l in lines:
if 'L ' in l:
l_exts.append(np.asarray([float(i) for i in l[2:].strip().split(' ')]).reshape(4,4))
if 'R ' in l:
r_exts.append(np.asarray([float(i) for i in l[2:].strip().split(' ')]).reshape(4,4))
return l_exts,r_exts
def disparity_loader(path):
if '.png' in path:
data =
data = np.ascontiguousarray(data,dtype=np.float32)/256
return data
return readPFM(path)[0]
# triangulation
def triangulation(disp, xcoord, ycoord, bl=1, fl = 450, cx = 479.5, cy = 269.5):
depth = bl*fl / disp # 450px->15mm focal length
X = (xcoord - cx) * depth / fl
Y = (ycoord - cy) * depth / fl
Z = depth
P = np.concatenate((X[np.newaxis],Y[np.newaxis],Z[np.newaxis]),0).reshape(3,-1)
P = np.concatenate((P,np.ones((1,P.shape[-1]))),0)
return P
class myImageFloder(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, iml0, iml1, flowl0, loader=default_loader, dploader= flow_loader, scale=1.,shape=[320,448], order=1, noise=0.06, pca_augmentor=True, prob = 1.,sc=False,disp0=None,disp1=None,calib=None ):
self.iml0 = iml0
self.iml1 = iml1
self.flowl0 = flowl0
self.loader = loader
self.dploader = dploader
self.noise = noise
self.pca_augmentor = pca_augmentor
self.prob = prob = sc
self.disp0 = disp0
self.disp1 = disp1
self.calib = calib
def __getitem__(self, index):
iml0 = self.iml0[index]
iml1 = self.iml1[index]
flowl0= self.flowl0[index]
th, tw = self.shape
iml0 = self.loader(iml0)
iml1 = self.loader(iml1)
# get disparity
flowl0 = self.dploader(flowl0)
flowl0 = np.ascontiguousarray(flowl0,dtype=np.float32)
flowl0[np.isnan(flowl0)] = 1e6 # set to max
if 'camera_data.txt' in self.calib[index]:
if '15mm_' in self.calib[index]:
fl=450 # 450
cx = 479.5
cy = 269.5
# negative disp
d1 = np.abs(disparity_loader(self.disp0[index]))
d2 = np.abs(disparity_loader(self.disp1[index]) + d1)
elif 'Sintel' in self.calib[index]:
fl = 1000
bl = 1
cx = 511.5
cy = 217.5
d1 = np.zeros(flowl0.shape[:2])
d2 = np.zeros(flowl0.shape[:2])
ints = load_calib_cam_to_cam(self.calib[index])
fl = ints['K_cam2'][0,0]
cx = ints['K_cam2'][0,2]
cy = ints['K_cam2'][1,2]
bl = ints['b20']-ints['b30']
d1 = disparity_loader(self.disp0[index])
d2 = disparity_loader(self.disp1[index])
#flowl0[:,:,2] = (flowl0[:,:,2]==1).astype(float)
flowl0[:,:,2] = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(flowl0[:,:,2]==1, d1!=0), d2!=0).astype(float)
shape = d1.shape
mesh = np.meshgrid(range(shape[1]),range(shape[0]))
xcoord = mesh[0].astype(float)
ycoord = mesh[1].astype(float)
# triangulation in two frames
P0 = triangulation(d1, xcoord, ycoord, bl=bl, fl = fl, cx = cx, cy = cy)
P1 = triangulation(d2, xcoord + flowl0[:,:,0], ycoord + flowl0[:,:,1], bl=bl, fl = fl, cx = cx, cy = cy)
dis0 = P0[2]
dis1 = P1[2]
change_size = dis0.reshape(shape).astype(np.float32)
flow3d = (P1-P0)[:3].reshape((3,)+shape).transpose((1,2,0))
gt_normal = np.concatenate((d1[:,:,np.newaxis],d2[:,:,np.newaxis],d2[:,:,np.newaxis]),-1)
change_size = np.concatenate((change_size[:,:,np.newaxis],gt_normal,flow3d),2)
shape = iml0.size
flowl0 = np.zeros((shape[0],shape[1],3))
change_size = np.zeros((shape[0],shape[1],7))
depth = disparity_loader(self.iml1[index].replace('camera','groundtruth'))
change_size[:,:,0] = depth
seqid = self.iml0[index].split('/')[-5].rsplit('_',3)[0]
ints = load_calib_cam_to_cam('/data/gengshay/KITTI/%s/calib_cam_to_cam.txt'%seqid)
fl = ints['K_cam2'][0,0]
cx = ints['K_cam2'][0,2]
cy = ints['K_cam2'][1,2]
bl = ints['b20']-ints['b30']
iml1 = np.asarray(iml1)/255.
iml0 = np.asarray(iml0)/255.
iml0 = iml0[:,:,::-1].copy()
iml1 = iml1[:,:,::-1].copy()
## following data augmentation procedure in PWCNet
import __main__ # a workaround for "discount_coeff"
with open('/scratch/gengshay/iter_counts-%d.txt'%int(__main__.args.logname.split('-')[-1]), 'r') as f:
iter_counts = int(f.readline())
iter_counts = 0
schedule = [0.5, 1., 50000.] # initial coeff, final_coeff, half life
schedule_coeff = schedule[0] + (schedule[1] - schedule[0]) * \
(2/(1+np.exp(-1.0986*iter_counts/schedule[2])) - 1)
if self.pca_augmentor:
pca_augmentor = flow_transforms.pseudoPCAAug( schedule_coeff=schedule_coeff)
pca_augmentor = flow_transforms.Scale(1., order=0)
if np.random.binomial(1,self.prob):
co_transform1 = flow_transforms.Compose([
squeeze=[0.3,0.], schedule_coeff=schedule_coeff, order=self.order),
co_transform1 = flow_transforms.Compose([
co_transform2 = flow_transforms.Compose([
flow_transforms.pseudoPCAAug( schedule_coeff=schedule_coeff),
flow_transforms.ChromaticAug( schedule_coeff=schedule_coeff, noise=self.noise),
flowl0 = np.concatenate([flowl0,change_size],-1)
augmented,flowl0,intr = co_transform1([iml0, iml1], flowl0, [fl,cx,cy,bl])
imol0 = augmented[0]
imol1 = augmented[1]
augmented,flowl0,intr = co_transform2(augmented, flowl0, intr)
iml0 = augmented[0]
iml1 = augmented[1]
flowl0 = flowl0.astype(np.float32)
change_size = flowl0[:,:,3:]
flowl0 = flowl0[:,:,:3]
# randomly cover a region
if np.random.binomial(1,0.5):
sx = int(np.random.uniform(25,100))
sy = int(np.random.uniform(25,100))
#sx = int(np.random.uniform(50,150))
#sy = int(np.random.uniform(50,150))
cx = int(np.random.uniform(sx,iml1.shape[0]-sx))
cy = int(np.random.uniform(sy,iml1.shape[1]-sy))
iml1[cx-sx:cx+sx,cy-sy:cy+sy] = np.mean(np.mean(iml1,0),0)[np.newaxis,np.newaxis]
iml0 = torch.Tensor(np.transpose(iml0,(2,0,1)))
iml1 = torch.Tensor(np.transpose(iml1,(2,0,1)))
return iml0, iml1, flowl0, change_size, intr, imol0, imol1, np.asarray([cx-sx,cx+sx,cy-sy,cy+sy])
def __len__(self):
return len(self.iml0)