initial commit
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7.87 kB
import math
import png
import struct
import array
import numpy as np
import cv2
import pdb
from io import *
# Middlebury checks
TAG_STRING = 'PIEH' # use this when WRITING the file
TAG_FLOAT = 202021.25 # check for this when READING the file
def readPFM(file):
import re
file = open(file, 'rb')
color = None
width = None
height = None
scale = None
endian = None
header = file.readline().rstrip()
if header == b'PF':
color = True
elif header == b'Pf':
color = False
raise Exception('Not a PFM file.')
dim_match = re.match(b'^(\d+)\s(\d+)\s$', file.readline())
if dim_match:
width, height = map(int, dim_match.groups())
raise Exception('Malformed PFM header.')
scale = float(file.readline().rstrip())
if scale < 0: # little-endian
endian = '<'
scale = -scale
endian = '>' # big-endian
data = np.fromfile(file, endian + 'f')
shape = (height, width, 3) if color else (height, width)
data = np.reshape(data, shape)
data = np.flipud(data)
return data, scale
def save_pfm(file, image, scale = 1):
import sys
color = None
if image.dtype.name != 'float32':
raise Exception('Image dtype must be float32.')
if len(image.shape) == 3 and image.shape[2] == 3: # color image
color = True
elif len(image.shape) == 2 or len(image.shape) == 3 and image.shape[2] == 1: # greyscale
color = False
raise Exception('Image must have H x W x 3, H x W x 1 or H x W dimensions.')
file.write('PF\n' if color else 'Pf\n')
file.write('%d %d\n' % (image.shape[1], image.shape[0]))
endian = image.dtype.byteorder
if endian == '<' or endian == '=' and sys.byteorder == 'little':
scale = -scale
file.write('%f\n' % scale)
def ReadMiddleburyFloFile(path):
""" Read .FLO file as specified by Middlebury.
Returns tuple (width, height, u, v, mask), where u, v, mask are flat
arrays of values.
with open(path, 'rb') as fil:
tag = struct.unpack('f', fil.read(4))[0]
width = struct.unpack('i', fil.read(4))[0]
height = struct.unpack('i', fil.read(4))[0]
assert tag == TAG_FLOAT
#data = np.fromfile(path, dtype=np.float, count=-1)
#data = data[3:]
fmt = 'f' * width*height*2
data = struct.unpack(fmt, fil.read(4*width*height*2))
u = data[::2]
v = data[1::2]
mask = map(lambda x,y: abs(x)<UNKNOWN_FLOW_THRESH and abs(y) < UNKNOWN_FLOW_THRESH, u, v)
mask = list(mask)
u_masked = map(lambda x,y: x if y else 0, u, mask)
v_masked = map(lambda x,y: x if y else 0, v, mask)
return width, height, list(u_masked), list(v_masked), list(mask)
def ReadKittiPngFile(path):
""" Read 16-bit .PNG file as specified by KITTI-2015 (flow).
Returns a tuple, (width, height, u, v, mask), where u, v, mask
are flat arrays of values.
# Read .png file.
png_reader = png.Reader(path)
data = png_reader.read()
if data[3]['bitdepth'] != 16:
raise Exception('bitdepth of ' + path + ' is not 16')
width = data[0]
height = data[1]
# Get list of rows.
rows = list(data[2])
u = array.array('f', [0]) * width*height
v = array.array('f', [0]) * width*height
mask = array.array('f', [0]) * width*height
for y, row in enumerate(rows):
for x in range(width):
ind = width*y+x
u[ind] = (row[3*x] - 2**15) / 64.0
v[ind] = (row[3*x+1] - 2**15) / 64.0
mask[ind] = row[3*x+2]
# if mask[ind] > 0:
# print(u[ind], v[ind], mask[ind], row[3*x], row[3*x+1], row[3*x+2])
return (width, height, u, v, mask)
def WriteMiddleburyFloFile(path, width, height, u, v, mask=None):
""" Write .FLO file as specified by Middlebury.
if mask is not None:
u_masked = map(lambda x,y: x if y else UNKNOWN_FLOW, u, mask)
v_masked = map(lambda x,y: x if y else UNKNOWN_FLOW, v, mask)
u_masked = u
v_masked = v
fmt = 'f' * width*height*2
# Interleave lists
data = [x for t in zip(u_masked,v_masked) for x in t]
with open(path, 'wb') as fil:
fil.write(struct.pack('i', width))
fil.write(struct.pack('i', height))
fil.write(struct.pack(fmt, *data))
def write_flow(path,flow):
invalid_idx = (flow[:, :, 2] == 0)
flow[:, :, 0:2] = flow[:, :, 0:2]*64.+ 2 ** 15
flow[invalid_idx, 0] = 0
flow[invalid_idx, 1] = 0
flow = flow.astype(np.uint16)
flow = cv2.imwrite(path, flow[:,:,::-1])
# flow.shape[1], flow.shape[0], flow[:,:,0].flatten(),
# flow[:,:,1].flatten(), flow[:,:,2].flatten())
def WriteKittiPngFile(path, width, height, u, v, mask=None):
""" Write 16-bit .PNG file as specified by KITTI-2015 (flow).
u, v are lists of float values
mask is a list of floats, denoting the *valid* pixels.
data = array.array('H',[0])*width*height*3
for i,(u_,v_,mask_) in enumerate(zip(u,v,mask)):
data[3*i] = int(u_*64.0+2**15)
data[3*i+1] = int(v_*64.0+2**15)
data[3*i+2] = int(mask_)
# if mask_ > 0:
# print(data[3*i], data[3*i+1],data[3*i+2])
with open(path, 'wb') as png_file:
png_writer = png.Writer(width=width, height=height, bitdepth=16, compression=3, greyscale=False)
png_writer.write_array(png_file, data)
def ConvertMiddleburyFloToKittiPng(src_path, dest_path):
width, height, u, v, mask = ReadMiddleburyFloFile(src_path)
WriteKittiPngFile(dest_path, width, height, u, v, mask=mask)
def ConvertKittiPngToMiddleburyFlo(src_path, dest_path):
width, height, u, v, mask = ReadKittiPngFile(src_path)
WriteMiddleburyFloFile(dest_path, width, height, u, v, mask=mask)
def ParseFilenameKitti(filename):
# Parse kitti filename (seq_frameno.xx),
# return seq, frameno, ext.
# Be aware that seq might contain the dataset name (if contained as prefix)
ext = filename[filename.rfind('.'):]
frameno = filename[filename.rfind('_')+1:filename.rfind('.')]
frameno = int(frameno)
seq = filename[:filename.rfind('_')]
return seq, frameno, ext
def read_calib_file(filepath):
"""Read in a calibration file and parse into a dictionary."""
data = {}
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
key, value = line.split(':', 1)
# The only non-float values in these files are dates, which
# we don't care about anyway
data[key] = np.array([float(x) for x in value.split()])
except ValueError:
return data
def load_calib_cam_to_cam(cam_to_cam_file):
# We'll return the camera calibration as a dictionary
data = {}
# Load and parse the cam-to-cam calibration data
filedata = read_calib_file(cam_to_cam_file)
# Create 3x4 projection matrices
P_rect_00 = np.reshape(filedata['P_rect_00'], (3, 4))
P_rect_10 = np.reshape(filedata['P_rect_01'], (3, 4))
P_rect_20 = np.reshape(filedata['P_rect_02'], (3, 4))
P_rect_30 = np.reshape(filedata['P_rect_03'], (3, 4))
# Compute the camera intrinsics
data['K_cam0'] = P_rect_00[0:3, 0:3]
data['K_cam1'] = P_rect_10[0:3, 0:3]
data['K_cam2'] = P_rect_20[0:3, 0:3]
data['K_cam3'] = P_rect_30[0:3, 0:3]
data['b00'] = P_rect_00[0, 3] / P_rect_00[0, 0]
data['b10'] = P_rect_10[0, 3] / P_rect_10[0, 0]
data['b20'] = P_rect_20[0, 3] / P_rect_20[0, 0]
data['b30'] = P_rect_30[0, 3] / P_rect_30[0, 0]
return data