from flask import Flask, render_template, request, jsonify import requests import math import random from datetime import datetime, timedelta import logging from functools import wraps import os app = Flask(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # Configuration – ensure your API keys are valid NEWS_API_KEY = os.getenv('NEWS_API_KEY') DISASTER_API_KEY = os.getenv('DISASTER_API_KEY') WEATHER_RETRY_ATTEMPTS = 3 def retry_on_failure(max_attempts=3): def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): for attempt in range(max_attempts): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if attempt == max_attempts - 1: logging.error(f"Failed after {max_attempts} attempts: {str(e)}") raise logging.warning(f"Attempt {attempt + 1} failed: {str(e)}") return None return wrapper return decorator def validate_coordinates(lat, lon): try: lat = float(lat) lon = float(lon) if not (-90 <= lat <= 90 and -180 <= lon <= 180): return None, None return lat, lon except (TypeError, ValueError): return None, None def get_destination_point(lat, lon, bearing, distance): """Calculate destination point given distance (in km) and bearing.""" R = 6371.0 # Earth's radius in km try: bearing_rad = math.radians(bearing) lat_rad = math.radians(lat) lon_rad = math.radians(lon) angular_distance = distance / R new_lat_rad = math.asin( math.sin(lat_rad) * math.cos(angular_distance) + math.cos(lat_rad) * math.sin(angular_distance) * math.cos(bearing_rad) ) new_lon_rad = lon_rad + math.atan2( math.sin(bearing_rad) * math.sin(angular_distance) * math.cos(lat_rad), math.cos(angular_distance) - math.sin(lat_rad) * math.sin(new_lat_rad) ) new_lon_rad = (new_lon_rad + 3 * math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) - math.pi return math.degrees(new_lat_rad), math.degrees(new_lon_rad) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in get_destination_point: {str(e)}") return None, None @app.route('/get_full_weather', methods=['GET']) @retry_on_failure(WEATHER_RETRY_ATTEMPTS) def get_full_weather(): """Get detailed weather for a specific location.""" lat = request.args.get('lat') lon = request.args.get('lon') lat, lon = validate_coordinates(lat, lon) if lat is None or lon is None: return jsonify({"error": "Invalid coordinates provided", "details": "Latitude must be between -90 and 90, longitude between -180 and 180"}), 400 try: params = { "latitude": lat, "longitude": lon, "hourly": "temperature_2m,relativehumidity_2m,cloudcover,precipitation,uv_index,soil_moisture_0_1cm,windspeed_10m,winddirection_10m,weathercode", "daily": "sunrise,sunset,precipitation_sum,temperature_2m_max,temperature_2m_min", "current_weather": "true", "timezone": "auto" } response = requests.get("", params=params) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() current_time_str ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:00") if 'hourly' in data and 'time' in data['hourly']: try: idx = data['hourly']['time'].index(current_time_str) except ValueError: idx = 0 data['current_conditions'] = { 'temperature': data['hourly']['temperature_2m'][idx], 'humidity': data['hourly']['relativehumidity_2m'][idx] if "relativehumidity_2m" in data['hourly'] else "No data", 'cloudcover': data['hourly']['cloudcover'][idx] if "cloudcover" in data['hourly'] else "No data", 'uv_index': data['hourly']['uv_index'][idx] if "uv_index" in data['hourly'] else "No data", 'soil_moisture': data['hourly'].get('soil_moisture_0_1cm', [None])[idx] or "No data", 'windspeed': data['hourly']['windspeed_10m'][idx], 'winddirection': data['hourly']['winddirection_10m'][idx], 'weathercode': data['hourly']['weathercode'][idx] if "weathercode" in data['hourly'] else None } else: data['current_conditions'] = data.get('current_weather', {}) return jsonify(data) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logging.error(f"Weather API error: {str(e)}") return jsonify({"error": "Failed to fetch weather data", "details": str(e)}), 503 @app.route('/get_circle_weather', methods=['GET']) def get_circle_weather(): """Get weather data for 10 random points around the fixed farm center.""" lat = request.args.get('lat') lon = request.args.get('lon') radius = request.args.get('radius', default=200, type=float) lat, lon = validate_coordinates(lat, lon) if lat is None or lon is None: return jsonify({"error": "Invalid coordinates provided"}), 400 points_weather = [] num_points = 10 for _ in range(num_points): random_distance = random.uniform(0, radius) random_angle = random.uniform(0, 360) dest_lat, dest_lon = get_destination_point(lat, lon, random_angle, random_distance) if dest_lat is None or dest_lon is None: continue try: params = { "latitude": dest_lat, "longitude": dest_lon, "hourly": "temperature_2m,weathercode,relativehumidity_2m,surface_pressure,soil_moisture_0_1cm,windspeed_10m,uv_index,cloudcover", "daily": "temperature_2m_min,temperature_2m_max,sunrise,sunset", "current_weather": "true", "timezone": "auto" } response = requests.get("", params=params) response.raise_for_status() weather_data = response.json() if "hourly" in weather_data and "time" in weather_data["hourly"]: try: idx = weather_data["hourly"]["time"].index("%Y-%m-%dT%H:00")) except ValueError: idx = 0 current_data = { "temperature": weather_data["hourly"]["temperature_2m"][idx], "weathercode": weather_data["hourly"]["weathercode"][idx], "relativehumidity": weather_data["hourly"]["relativehumidity_2m"][idx] if "relativehumidity_2m" in weather_data["hourly"] else "No data", "surface_pressure": weather_data["hourly"].get("surface_pressure", [None])[idx] or "No data", "soil_moisture": weather_data["hourly"].get("soil_moisture_0_1cm", [None])[idx] or "No data", "windspeed": weather_data["hourly"]["windspeed_10m"][idx], "uv_index": weather_data["hourly"]["uv_index"][idx] if "uv_index" in weather_data["hourly"] else "No data", "cloudcover": weather_data["hourly"]["cloudcover"][idx] if "cloudcover" in weather_data["hourly"] else "No data" } else: current_data = weather_data.get("current_weather", {}) processed_data = { "location": { "lat": dest_lat, "lon": dest_lon, "random_angle": random_angle, "random_distance": random_distance }, "current_weather": current_data, "daily": weather_data.get("daily", {}) } points_weather.append(processed_data) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error fetching circle weather: {str(e)}") continue if not points_weather: return jsonify({"error": "Failed to fetch weather data for points"}), 503 return jsonify(points_weather) @app.route('/get_india_disaster_events', methods=['GET']) def get_india_disaster_events(): """ Fetch disaster events in India using the Ambee API. Optionally filter by event type using the "disaster_type" query parameter. """ try: disaster_filter = request.args.get('disaster_type', '').strip().lower() url = "" params = { "countryCode": "IND", "limit": 50, "page": 1 } headers = { "x-api-key": DISASTER_API_KEY } response = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() events_data = response.json() # Contains keys like "message", "hasNextPage", "result", etc. if disaster_filter and "result" in events_data: filtered = [event for event in events_data["result"] if disaster_filter in (event.get("event_type", "").lower())] events_data["result"] = filtered return jsonify(events_data) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error fetching disaster events: {str(e)}") return jsonify({"error": "Failed to fetch disaster events", "details": str(e)}), 503 @app.route('/get_soil_classification', methods=['GET']) def get_soil_classification(): """Fetch soil classification data using SoilGrids API.""" lat = request.args.get('lat') lon = request.args.get('lon') lat, lon = validate_coordinates(lat, lon) if lat is None or lon is None: return jsonify({"error": "Invalid coordinates"}), 400 try: class_url = "" class_params = { "lon": str(lon), "lat": str(lat), "number_classes": "5" } headers = {"accept": "application/json"} response = requests.get(class_url, params=class_params, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() class_data = response.json() soil_type = class_data.get("wrb_class_name", "Unknown") soil_probabilities = class_data.get("wrb_class_probability", []) soil_category = classify_soil_category(soil_type) return jsonify({ "soil_type": soil_type, "soil_probabilities": soil_probabilities, "soil_category": soil_category }) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Soil classification error: {str(e)}") return jsonify({"error": "Failed to fetch soil classification", "details": str(e)}), 503 @app.route('/get_soil_properties', methods=['GET']) def get_soil_properties(): """Fetch soil properties data using SoilGrids API and map parameters to user-friendly names.""" lat = request.args.get('lat') lon = request.args.get('lon') lat, lon = validate_coordinates(lat, lon) if lat is None or lon is None: return jsonify({"error": "Invalid coordinates"}), 400 try: prop_url = "" prop_params = { "lon": str(lon), "lat": str(lat), "property": [ "bdod", "cec", "cfvo", "clay", "nitrogen", "ocd", "phh2o", "sand", "silt", "soc", "wv0010", "wv0033", "wv1500" ], "depth": "5-15cm", "value": "mean" } headers = {"accept": "application/json"} response = requests.get(prop_url, params=prop_params, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() prop_data = response.json() table_data = [] PARAMETER_NAMES = { "bdod": "Bulk Density", "cec": "CEC", "cfvo": "Field Capacity", "clay": "Clay", "nitrogen": "Nitrogen", "ocd": "Organic Carbon Density", "phh2o": "pH", "sand": "Sand", "silt": "Silt", "soc": "Soil Organic Carbon", "wv0010": "Volumetric Water Content (0-10cm)", "wv0033": "Volumetric Water Content (10-33cm)", "wv1500": "Volumetric Water Content (1500)" } for layer in prop_data['properties']['layers']: parameter = layer['name'] display_name = PARAMETER_NAMES.get(parameter, parameter) value = layer['depths'][0]['values']['mean'] if parameter in ["wv0010", "wv0033", "wv1500"]: final_value = value / 10.0 unit = layer['unit_measure'].get("target_units", "") elif parameter in ["phh2o"]: final_value = value / 10.0 unit = layer['unit_measure'].get("mapped_units", "").replace("*10", "").strip() else: final_value = value unit = layer['unit_measure'].get("mapped_units", "") table_data.append([display_name, final_value, unit]) return jsonify({ "soil_properties": table_data }) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Soil properties error: {str(e)}") return jsonify({"error": "Failed to fetch soil properties", "details": str(e)}), 503 def classify_disaster_type(title, description): text = (title + " " + (description or "")).lower() disaster_keywords = { 'tornado': ['tornado'], 'flood': ['flood', 'flooding'], 'earthquake': ['earthquake', 'seismic'], 'wildfire': ['wildfire', 'fire'], 'cyclone': ['cyclone', 'hurricane', 'typhoon', 'storm'] } for dtype, keywords in disaster_keywords.items(): if any(keyword in text for keyword in keywords): return dtype return 'other' def estimate_severity(title, description): text = (title + " " + (description or "")).lower() severity_keywords = { 'high': ['catastrophic', 'devastating', 'emergency', 'evacuate', 'death', 'fatal'], 'medium': ['severe', 'significant', 'major', 'warning', 'damage'], 'low': ['minor', 'small', 'limited', 'advisory', 'watch'] } for severity, keywords in severity_keywords.items(): if any(keyword in text for keyword in keywords): return severity return 'unknown' def classify_soil_category(soil_type): mapping = { "vertisols": "black", "cambisols": "red", "luvisols": "black", "fluvisols": "alluvial", "gleysols": "alluvial" } key = soil_type.lower().strip() return mapping.get(key, "unknown") @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('index.html') @app.errorhandler(404) def not_found_error(error): return jsonify({"error": "Resource not found"}), 404 @app.errorhandler(500) def internal_error(error): return jsonify({"error": "Internal server error"}), 500 if __name__ == '__main__':