Browse files
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ Important details from the user:
127 |
- Wind Speed: {input_data.get('wind_speed')}
128 |
- Cloud Cover: {input_data.get('cloud_cover')}
129 |
10. also i want specific reocmmendation on pest control (seprate than precuatuonary measure below it in bullet pooints),best agriculktual practices,not generlaized one , but speicifc as perstudiyng each input paprmaetenrindetial okay,poepr sltying tbale should be rendered porpelry etc.. porper bold heaidng ,big fotn,left allgiemnd jsutified text, hihglight the imp points by yellow highlighter
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11.again order first title the lat,long,location derive form lat long(ex : nagpur,india) then below it agiruclturla oinput parmeter analysis, then pest tbale then pest avidnaces practice in dpeth 10-12 with bueet pint safter that spciific agrficulturla best practices as per input parameters, after the damage of predicted pest some contnest and more dept contnext this shoudl be order. also render the report in ppeor format,proper rendering of tables etc in eveyr attmept ok
131 |
132 |
response = client.models.generate_content(
133 |
127 |
- Wind Speed: {input_data.get('wind_speed')}
128 |
- Cloud Cover: {input_data.get('cloud_cover')}
129 |
10. also i want specific reocmmendation on pest control (seprate than precuatuonary measure below it in bullet pooints),best agriculktual practices,not generlaized one , but speicifc as perstudiyng each input paprmaetenrindetial okay,poepr sltying tbale should be rendered porpelry etc.. porper bold heaidng ,big fotn,left allgiemnd jsutified text, hihglight the imp points by yellow highlighter
130 |
11.again order first title the lat,long,location derive form lat long(ex : nagpur,india) then below it agiruclturla oinput parmeter analysis, then pest tbale then pest avidnaces practice in dpeth 10-12 with bueet pint safter that spciific agrficulturla best practices as per input parameters, after the damage of predicted pest some contnest and more dept contnext this shoudl be order. also render the report in ppeor format,proper rendering of tables etc in eveyr attmept ok,in all languages formatting should be proper
131 |
132 |
response = client.models.generate_content(
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