import gradio as gr from rag import RAG, ServiceContextModule from llama_index.core import set_global_service_context import json from prompts import general_prompt from gradio_pdf import PDF import requests import os service_context_module = None current_model = None def initialize(api_key, model_name): global service_context_module, current_model gr.Info("Initializing app") url = "" headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}", "Content-Type": "application/json", } try: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) data = response.json() models = [model["id"] for model in data["data"]] except Exception: gr.Error("Invalid API KEY") return gr.update(choices=[]) if not service_context_module or current_model != model_name: service_context_module = ServiceContextModule(api_key, model_name) current_model = model_name gr.Info("App started") set_global_service_context( service_context=service_context_module.service_context ) else: gr.Info("App is already running") return gr.update(choices=models) def process_document(file, query): if file.endswith(".pdf"): return process_pdf(file, query=query) else: return "Unsupported file format" def postprocess_json_string(json_string: str) -> dict: json_string = json_string.replace("'", '"') json_string = json_string[json_string.rfind("{") : json_string.rfind("}") + 1] try: json_data = json.loads(json_string) except Exception as e: print("Error parsing output, invalid json format", e) return json_data def process_pdf(file, query): rag_module = RAG(filepaths=[file]) fields = [field for field in query.split(",")] formatted_prompt = general_prompt(fields=fields) response = rag_module.run_query_engine(prompt=formatted_prompt) extracted_json = postprocess_json_string(json_string=response) return extracted_json with gr.Blocks(title="Document Information Extractor.") as app: gr.Markdown( value=""" # Welcome to Document Information Extractor. Created by [@rajsinghparihar]( for extracting useful information from pdf documents like invoices, salary slips, etc. ## Usage: - In the Init Section, Enter your `GROQ_API_KEY` in the corresponding labeled textbox. - choose the model from the list of available models. - click `Initialize` to start the app. - In the app section, you can upload a document (pdf files: currently works for readable pdfs only, will add ocr functionality later) - Enter the entities you wanna extract as a comma seperated string. (check the examples for more info) - Click Submit to see the extracted entities as a JSON object. """ ) with gr.Tab(label="Init Section") as init_tab: with gr.Row(): api_key = gr.Text( label="Enter your Groq API KEY", type="password", ) if api_key == "" or not api_key: api_key = os.getenv("GROQ_API_KEY") available_models = gr.Dropdown( value="llama3-70b-8192", label="Choose your LLM", choices=[ "gemma-7b-it", "llama3-70b-8192", "llama3-8b-8192", "mixtral-8x7b-32768", "whisper-large-v3", ], ) init_btn = gr.Button(value="Initialize") fn=initialize, inputs=[api_key, available_models], outputs=available_models, ) with gr.Tab(label="App Section") as app_tab: iface = gr.Interface( fn=process_document, inputs=[ PDF(label="Document"), gr.Text( label="Entities you wanna extract in comma separated string format" ), ], outputs=gr.JSON(label="Extracted Entities"), description="Upload a PDF document and extract specified entities from it.", examples=[ [ "examples/Commerce Bank Statement Sample.pdf", "Customer Name, Account Number, Statement Date, Ending Balance, Total Deposits, Checks Paid", ], [ "examples/Salary-Slip-pdf.pdf", "Employee Name, Bank Name, Location, Total Salary, Total Deductions", ], ], ) gr.Markdown(""" ## Pros of LLMs as information extractors over current extraction solutions: - LLMs are able to understand the scope of the problem from the context and are more robust to typos or extraction failure ## Cons - Higher Inference Cost - Can't use free APIs for Sensitive documents. """) app.launch(server_name="", server_port=7860)