import requests |
import time |
import json |
import asyncio |
import io |
import os |
import re |
from PIL import Image |
from pyrogram import * |
from pyrogram import enums |
from pyrogram import Client, filters |
from pyrogram.types import * |
from pyrogram.errors import * |
from RyuzakiLib import FaceAI, FullStackDev, GeminiLatest, RendyDevChat |
from config import * |
from database import db |
from logger import LOGS |
import datetime |
from chatbot import send_log |
from openai import AsyncOpenAI as openai |
import akenoai.openai as akeno |
import akenoai.logger as akeno_log |
from . import force_sub |
BASE_PROMPT = f""" |
You are my name Akeno AI and python language powered by @xtdevs on telegram support and language models GPT-5-ULTRA |
- off topic free questions |
- Code python clone user telegram available : [HERE LINK](https://github.com/TeamKillerX/akenoai-lib/blob/main/examples/clone.py) by credits @xtdevs |
- Support pyrogram and telethon not python-telegram-bot |
{datetime.datetime.now()} |
""" |
"start", |
"offchat", |
"onchat", |
"ask" |
] |
Hey! {name} |
I am ready to be a GPT-4 bot developer |
- Command: /onchat (pm or group) |
- Command: /offchat (pm or group) |
""" |
@Client.on_message( |
~filters.scheduled |
& filters.command(["start"]) |
& ~filters.forwarded |
) |
async def startbot(client: Client, message: Message): |
buttons = [ |
[ |
InlineKeyboardButton( |
text="Developer", |
url=f"https://t.me/xtdevs" |
), |
InlineKeyboardButton( |
text="Channel", |
url='https://t.me/RendyProjects' |
), |
], |
[ |
InlineKeyboardButton( |
text="Donate Via Web", |
web_app=WebAppInfo(url="https://sociabuzz.com/randydev99/tribe") |
) |
] |
] |
await message.reply_text( |
text=GEMINI_START_TEXT.format(name=message.from_user.mention), |
disable_web_page_preview=True, |
reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) |
) |
@Client.on_message( |
~filters.scheduled |
& filters.command(["onchat"]) |
& ~filters.forwarded |
) |
async def okon_(client: Client, message: Message): |
buttons = [ |
[ |
InlineKeyboardButton( |
text="Offline", |
callback_data=f"off_{message.from_user.id}_{message.chat.id}" |
), |
InlineKeyboardButton( |
text="Online", |
callback_data=f"on_{message.from_user.id}_{message.chat.id}" |
), |
], |
] |
await message.reply_text( |
"I want to go offline", |
reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) |
) |
@Client.on_callback_query(filters.regex("^off_")) |
async def off_mode(client, cb): |
data = cb.data.split("_") |
if len(data) != 3: |
await cb.answer("❌ Format data tidak valid.", show_alert=True) |
return |
_, user_id_str, chat_id_str = data |
try: |
user_id = int(user_id_str) |
except ValueError: |
await cb.answer("❌ Invalid user ID.", show_alert=True) |
return |
try: |
chat_id = int(chat_id_str) |
except ValueError: |
await cb.answer("❌ Invalid chat ID.", show_alert=True) |
return |
if cb.from_user.id != user_id: |
await cb.answer("❌ You have no right to do this.", show_alert=True) |
return |
try: |
await db.remove_chatbot(chat_id) |
await cb.edit_message_text("ok stopped GPT") |
await cb.answer() |
except Exception as e: |
await cb.answer(f"❌ Error: {e}", show_alert=True) |
@Client.on_callback_query(filters.regex("^on_")) |
async def on_mode(client: Client, cb: CallbackQuery): |
data = cb.data.split("_") |
if len(data) != 3: |
await cb.answer("❌ Format data tidak valid.", show_alert=True) |
return |
_, user_id_str, chat_id_str = data |
try: |
user_id = int(user_id_str) |
except ValueError: |
await cb.answer("❌ Invalid user ID.", show_alert=True) |
return |
try: |
chat_id = int(chat_id_str) |
except ValueError: |
await cb.answer("❌ Invalid chat ID.", show_alert=True) |
return |
if cb.from_user.id != user_id: |
await cb.answer("❌ You have no right to do this.", show_alert=True) |
return |
try: |
await db.add_chatbot(chat_id, client.me.id) |
await cb.edit_message_text("Added chatbot user") |
await cb.answer() |
except Exception as e: |
await cb.answer(f"❌ Error: {e}", show_alert=True) |
@Client.on_message( |
~filters.scheduled |
& filters.command(["ask"]) |
& ~filters.forwarded |
) |
@force_sub |
async def askcmd(client: Client, message: Message): |
pro = await message.reply("Processing your request...", quote=True) |
chat_user = await db.get_chatbot(message.chat.id) |
if not chat_user: |
return |
if len(message.command) > 1: |
prompt = message.text.split(maxsplit=1)[1] |
elif message.reply_to_message: |
prompt = message.reply_to_message.text |
else: |
return await pro.edit_text("Give ask from GPT-5") |
await client.send_chat_action(message.chat.id, enums.ChatAction.TYPING) |
await asyncio.sleep(1.5) |
try: |
backup_chat = await db._get_openai_chat_from_db(message.from_user.id) |
backup_chat.append({"role": "system", "content": BASE_PROMPT}) |
backup_chat.append({"role": "user", "content": prompt}) |
response = await akeno.OpenAI.run( |
..., |
openai_meta=openai, |
model="gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18", |
messages=backup_chat |
) |
output = response |
if len(output) > 4096: |
with open("chat.txt", "w+", encoding="utf8") as out_file: |
out_file.write(output) |
await message.reply_document( |
document="chat.txt", |
disable_notification=True |
) |
await pro.delete() |
os.remove("chat.txt") |
else: |
await pro.edit_text(output, disable_web_page_preview=True) |
backup_chat.append({"role": "assistant", "content": output}) |
user_detail = ( |
f"**Akeno GPT Bot**\n" |
f"**User Username**: @{message.from_user.username if message.from_user else None}\n" |
f"**User ID**: `{message.from_user.id}`\n" |
f"**Chat Title**: `{message.chat.title if message.chat else None}`\n" |
f"**Chat ID**: `{message.chat.id if message.chat else None}`\n" |
) |
response_log = await send_log(user_detail) |
if response_log is None: |
LOGS.warning("Error response") |
LOGS.info(response_log) |
await db._update_openai_chat_in_db(message.from_user.id, backup_chat) |
await client.send_chat_action(message.chat.id, enums.ChatAction.CANCEL) |
return |
except Exception as e: |
return await pro.edit_text(f"Error: {e}") |
@Client.on_message( |
filters.incoming |
& ( |
filters.text |
| filters.regex(r"\b(Randy|Rendi)\b(.*)", flags=re.IGNORECASE) |
) |
& (filters.private | filters.group) |
& filters.reply |
& ~filters.command(DISABLE_COMMAND) |
& ~filters.bot |
& ~filters.via_bot |
& ~filters.forwarded, |
group=2, |
) |
@force_sub |
@akeno_log.log_performance |
async def chatbot_talk(client: Client, message: Message): |
chat_user = await db.get_chatbot(message.chat.id) |
if not chat_user: |
return |
if message.reply_to_message and message.reply_to_message.from_user: |
if message.reply_to_message.from_user.id != client.me.id: |
return |
if message.text: |
pro = await message.reply("Processing your request...", quote=True) |
await client.send_chat_action(message.chat.id, enums.ChatAction.TYPING) |
await asyncio.sleep(1.5) |
query = message.text.strip() |
match = re.search(r"\b(Randy|Rendi)\b(.*)", query, flags=re.IGNORECASE) |
if match: |
rest_of_sentence = match.group(2).strip() |
query_base = rest_of_sentence if rest_of_sentence else query |
else: |
query_base = query |
parts = query.split(maxsplit=1) |
command = parts[0].lower() |
pic_query = parts[1].strip() if len(parts) > 1 else "" |
try: |
backup_chat = await db._get_openai_chat_from_db(message.from_user.id) |
backup_chat.append({"role": "system", "content": BASE_PROMPT}) |
backup_chat.append({"role": "user", "content": query_base}) |
response = await akeno.OpenAI.run( |
..., |
openai_meta=openai, |
model="gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18", |
messages=backup_chat |
) |
output = response |
if len(output) > 4096: |
with open("chat.txt", "w+", encoding="utf8") as out_file: |
out_file.write(output) |
await message.reply_document( |
document="chat.txt", |
disable_notification=True |
) |
await pro.delete() |
os.remove("chat.txt") |
else: |
await pro.edit_text(output, disable_web_page_preview=True) |
backup_chat.append({"role": "assistant", "content": output}) |
user_detail = ( |
f"**Akeno GPT Bot**\n" |
f"**User Username**: @{message.from_user.username if message.from_user else None}\n" |
f"**User ID**: `{message.from_user.id}`\n" |
f"**Chat Title**: `{message.chat.title if message.chat else None}`\n" |
f"**Chat ID**: `{message.chat.id if message.chat else None}`\n" |
) |
response_log = await send_log(user_detail) |
if response_log is None: |
LOGS.warning("Error response") |
LOGS.info(response_log) |
await db._update_openai_chat_in_db(message.from_user.id, backup_chat) |
await client.send_chat_action(message.chat.id, enums.ChatAction.CANCEL) |
return |
except Exception as e: |
return await pro.edit_text(f"Error: {e}") |