const defaultDes = ` Free API by @xtdevs @xpushz on telegram This API grants you a specific set of rights and permissions for accessing and utilizing its data and services. These rights are defined by its specifications and may be subject to specific terms and conditions. `; const swaggerOptions = { definition: { openapi: '3.0.0', info: { title: 'AkenoXJs', version: '7.1.2', description: defaultDes, contact: { name: "RandyDev", url: "", email: "" }, license: { name: "MIT LICENSE", url: "" } }, servers: [ { url: '', description: 'Use learn maiysacollection free without api key' } ], tags: [ { name: "AI" } ] }, apis: [ "./routes/*.js", "./plugins/*.js", "./routes/*.route.js" ] }; export { swaggerOptions };