from import tool from sqlmodel import select from database import Scammer, get_session @tool async def register_scam( scammer_mobile: str, scam_id: int, reporter_ordeal: str, reporter_mobile: str ) -> str: """ Registers a report of a scam incident into the database. Parameters: - scammer_mobile (str): The mobile_number of the alleged scammer. Must be formatted as "+XX-", where "+XX" is the country code. - scam_id (int): The unique identifier for the type of scam. - reporter_ordeal (str): A summary of the ordeal narrated by the reporter. Should not exceed 50 words. - reporter_mobile (str): The mobile_number of the person reporting the scam. Must be formatted as "+XX-", where "+XX" is the country code. Returns: str: A confirmation message if the report is registered successfully, or an error message if an exception occurs during the registration process. """ try: scammer = Scammer( scammer_mobile=scammer_mobile, scam_id=scam_id, reporter_ordeal=reporter_ordeal, reporter_mobile=reporter_mobile, ) async with get_session() as session: session.add(scammer) await session.commit() return f"{scammer_mobile} has been registered as a scammer. ✅ Thank you for combating scams! 🥇" except ValueError as e: print(repr(exc)) return f"ValueError: {repr(exc)}" except Exception as exc: print(repr(exc)) return f"An error occurred in registering a report for {scammer_mobile}." = "Register Scam" @tool async def search_scam(scammer_mobile: str) -> str: """ Searches the database for scam reports associated with the provided mobile number. Parameters: scammer_mobile (str): The mobile number of the alleged scammer, formatted as "+XX-", where "+XX" is the country code. Returns: str: If a scam report is found, returns a string representation of the scam count. If no scams are found, returns a message indicating that the mobile number is not reported. If an error occurs during the search process, returns an error message. """ try: async with get_session() as session: statement = select(Scammer).where(Scammer.scammer_mobile == scammer_mobile) result = await session.exec(statement) scams = result.all() if not scams: return f"{scammer_mobile} has never been reported for scams or fraudulent activity." return f"{scammer_mobile} has been reported as a scammer {len(scams)} times in the past. 🚨 Be alert! ⚠️" except Exception as exc: print(repr(exc)) return f"An error occurred while searching scam for {scammer_mobile}." = "Search Scam"