Runtime error
Runtime error
openvino-dev[onnx,tensorflow2]==2022.2.0 | |
gdown | |
pytube>=12.1.0 | |
yaspin | |
librosa==0.8.1 | |
# PyTorch/ONNX notebook requirements | |
fastseg | |
ipywidgets | |
# Upgrade onnx version to avoid 220 YOLOV5 pytorch to onnx model export issue on Windows | |
onnx>=1.11.0,<1.12.0 | |
torch==1.8.1; sys_platform == 'darwin' | |
torchvision==0.9.1; sys_platform == 'darwin' | |
--find-links | |
torch==1.8.1+cpu; sys_platform =='linux' or platform_system == 'Windows' | |
torchvision==0.9.1+cpu; sys_platform =='linux' or platform_system == 'Windows' | |
torchmetrics==0.6.2 | |
# PaddlePaddle notebook requirements | |
# For 103 PaddlePaddle MO conversion tutorial and 206 PaddleGAN/AnimeGAN demo | |
paddlepaddle==2.2.* | |
paddlehub<=2.2.0 | |
# paddle2onnx 0.9.7 fails export in 206 and 207 | |
paddle2onnx>=0.6,<=0.9.6 | |
ppgan==2.1.* | |
# BERT quantization notebook requirements | |
transformers | |
# NNCF notebook requirements | |
nncf[tf,torch]==2.3.0 | |
tensorflow==2.5.3 | |
tensorflow_datasets==4.2.0 | |
# CT scan training/inference requirements | |
monai==0.9.1 | |
pytorch_lightning | |
# Jupyter requirements | |
jupyterlab | |
# The packages below are not directly required. They are dependencies of | |
# other dependencies that are pinned to a specific version to avoid | |
# compatibility issues or vulnerabilities | |
seaborn>=0.11.0 | |
geffnet==0.9.8 | |
matplotlib<3.4 | |
jedi==0.17.2 | |
setuptools>=56.0.0 | |
Pillow>=8.3.2 | |
ipykernel==5.* | |
ipython==7.16.3 # not directly required, pinned to avoid a vulnerability | |
pygments>=2.7.4 # not directly required, pinned by Snyk to avoid a vulnerability | |
nltk>=3.6.4 # not directly required, pinned by Snyk to avoid a vulnerability | |
rsa>=4.7 # not directly required, pinned by Snyk to avoid a vulnerability | |
scikit-learn>=0.24.2 # not directly required, pinned by Snyk to avoid a vulnerability | |
paddlenlp==2.0.8 # workaround for "cannot import name '_C_ops'" error with paddlehub | |
parasail<=1.2.4 # higher version causes paddle issues | |
nest-asyncio<=1.5.4 | |
jupyter-client<=7.2.0 |