import traceback
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import os
import random
import string
import tempfile
import re
import io
import PyPDF2
import docx
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Paragraph, Spacer
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle
from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_JUSTIFY
from ai_config import n_of_questions, load_model, openai_api_key, convert_text_to_speech
from knowledge_retrieval import setup_knowledge_retrieval, generate_report
from ai_config import n_of_questions, openai_api_key, load_model
n_of_questions = n_of_questions()
current_datetime = datetime.now()
human_readable_datetime = current_datetime.strftime("%B %d, %Y at %H:%M")
current_date = current_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
llm = load_model(openai_api_key)
interview_retrieval_chain, report_retrieval_chain, combined_retriever = setup_knowledge_retrieval(llm)
knowledge_base_connected = True
print("Successfully connected to the knowledge base.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error initializing the model or retrieval chain: {str(e)}")
knowledge_base_connected = False
print("Falling back to basic mode without knowledge base.")
question_count = 0
interview_history = []
last_audio_path = None
initial_audio_path = None
language = None
def generate_random_string(length=5):
return ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=length))
def respond(message, history):
global question_count, interview_history, combined_retriever, last_audio_path, initial_audio_path, language, interview_retrieval_chain, report_retrieval_chain
if not isinstance(history, list):
history = []
if not history or not history[-1]:
history.append(["", ""])
if isinstance(message, list):
message = message[-1][0] if message and isinstance(message[-1], list) else message[-1]
question_count += 1
interview_history.append(f"Q{question_count}: {message}")
history_str = "\n".join(interview_history)
if knowledge_base_connected:
if question_count == 1:
language = message.strip().lower()
interview_retrieval_chain, report_retrieval_chain, combined_retriever = setup_knowledge_retrieval(
llm, language)
if question_count < n_of_questions:
result = interview_retrieval_chain.invoke({
"input": f"Based on the patient's statement: '{message}', what should be the next question?",
"history": history_str,
"question_number": question_count + 1,
"language": language
question = result.get("answer", f"Can you tell me more about that? (in {language})")
result = generate_report(report_retrieval_chain, interview_history, language)
question = result
speech_file_path = None
if question:
random_suffix = generate_random_string()
speech_file_path = Path(__file__).parent / f"question_{question_count}_{random_suffix}.mp3"
convert_text_to_speech(question, speech_file_path)
print(f"Question {question_count} saved as audio at {speech_file_path}")
if last_audio_path and os.path.exists(last_audio_path):
last_audio_path = speech_file_path
speech_file_path = None
question = f"Can you elaborate on that? (in {language})"
if question_count < n_of_questions:
speech_file_path = Path(__file__).parent / f"question_{question_count}.mp3"
convert_text_to_speech(question, speech_file_path)
print(f"Question {question_count} saved as audio at {speech_file_path}")
if last_audio_path and os.path.exists(last_audio_path):
last_audio_path = speech_file_path
speech_file_path = None
history[-1][1] = f"{question}"
if initial_audio_path and os.path.exists(initial_audio_path):
initial_audio_path = None
return history, str(speech_file_path) if speech_file_path else None
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in retrieval chain: {str(e)}")
return history, None
def reset_interview():
"""Reset the interview state."""
global question_count, interview_history, last_audio_path, initial_audio_path
question_count = 0
interview_history = []
if last_audio_path and os.path.exists(last_audio_path):
last_audio_path = None
initial_audio_path = None
def read_file(file):
if file is None:
return "No file uploaded"
if isinstance(file, str):
with open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
return f.read()
if hasattr(file, 'name'):
if file.name.endswith('.txt'):
return file.content
elif file.name.endswith('.pdf'):
pdf_reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(io.BytesIO(file.content))
return "\n".join(page.extract_text() for page in pdf_reader.pages)
elif file.name.endswith('.docx'):
doc = docx.Document(io.BytesIO(file.content))
return "\n".join(paragraph.text for paragraph in doc.paragraphs)
return "Unsupported file format"
return "Unable to read file"
def generate_report_from_file(file, language):
file_content = read_file(file)
if file_content == "No file uploaded" or file_content == "Unsupported file format" or file_content == "Unable to read file":
return file_content
report_language = language.strip().lower() if language else "english"
print('preferred language:', report_language)
print(f"Generating report in language: {report_language}")
_, report_retrieval_chain, _ = setup_knowledge_retrieval(llm, report_language)
result = report_retrieval_chain.invoke({
"input": "Please provide a clinical report based on the following content:",
"history": file_content,
"language": report_language
report_content = result.get("answer", "Unable to generate report due to insufficient information.")
pdf_path = create_pdf(report_content)
return report_content, pdf_path
except Exception as e:
return f"An error occurred while processing the file: {str(e)}", None
def generate_interview_report(interview_history, language):
report_language = language.strip().lower() if language else "english"
print('preferred report_language language:', report_language)
_, report_retrieval_chain, _ = setup_knowledge_retrieval(llm, report_language)
result = report_retrieval_chain.invoke({
"input": "Please provide a clinical report based on the following interview:",
"history": "\n".join(interview_history),
"language": report_language
report_content = result.get("answer", "Unable to generate report due to insufficient information.")
pdf_path = create_pdf(report_content)
return report_content, pdf_path
except Exception as e:
return f"An error occurred while generating the report: {str(e)}", None
def create_pdf(content):
temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.pdf')
doc = SimpleDocTemplate(temp_file.name, pagesize=letter)
styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
bold_style = ParagraphStyle('Bold', parent=styles['Normal'], fontName='Helvetica-Bold', fontSize=10)
normal_style = ParagraphStyle('Normal', parent=styles['Normal'], alignment=TA_JUSTIFY)
flowables = []
for line in content.split('\n'):
parts = re.split(r'(\*\*.*?\*\*)', line)
paragraph_parts = []
for part in parts:
if part.startswith('**') and part.endswith('**'):
bold_text = part.strip('**')
paragraph_parts.append(Paragraph(bold_text, bold_style))
paragraph_parts.append(Paragraph(part, normal_style))
flowables.append(Spacer(1, 12))
return temp_file.name |