Runtime error

llm / librechat.yaml
reon314's picture
Create librechat.yaml
416df3a verified
# For more information, see the Configuration Guide:
# Configuration version (required)
version: 1.1.5
# Cache settings: Set to true to enable caching
cache: true
# Custom interface configuration
# Privacy policy settings
externalUrl: ''
openNewTab: true
# Terms of service
externalUrl: ''
openNewTab: true
# Example Registration Object Structure (optional)
socialLogins: ['github', 'google', 'discord', 'openid', 'facebook']
# allowedDomains:
# - ""
# speech:
# tts:
# openai:
# url: ''
# apiKey: '${TTS_API_KEY}'
# model: ''
# voice: ''
# stt:
# openai:
# url: ''
# apiKey: '${STT_API_KEY}'
# model: ''
# rateLimits:
# fileUploads:
# ipMax: 100
# ipWindowInMinutes: 60 # Rate limit window for file uploads per IP
# userMax: 50
# userWindowInMinutes: 60 # Rate limit window for file uploads per user
# conversationsImport:
# ipMax: 100
# ipWindowInMinutes: 60 # Rate limit window for conversation imports per IP
# userMax: 50
# userWindowInMinutes: 60 # Rate limit window for conversation imports per user
# Definition of custom endpoints
# assistants:
# disableBuilder: false # Disable Assistants Builder Interface by setting to `true`
# pollIntervalMs: 3000 # Polling interval for checking assistant updates
# timeoutMs: 180000 # Timeout for assistant operations
# # Should only be one or the other, either `supportedIds` or `excludedIds`
# supportedIds: ["asst_supportedAssistantId1", "asst_supportedAssistantId2"]
# # excludedIds: ["asst_excludedAssistantId"]
# Only show assistants that the user created or that were created externally (e.g. in Assistants playground).
# # privateAssistants: false # Does not work with `supportedIds` or `excludedIds`
# # (optional) Models that support retrieval, will default to latest known OpenAI models that support the feature
# retrievalModels: ["gpt-4-turbo-preview"]
# # (optional) Assistant Capabilities available to all users. Omit the ones you wish to exclude. Defaults to list below.
# capabilities: ["code_interpreter", "retrieval", "actions", "tools", "image_vision"]
# Groq Example
- name: 'groq'
apiKey: '${GROQ_API_KEY}'
baseURL: ''
fetch: false
titleConvo: true
titleModel: 'gpt-3.5-turbo'
modelDisplayLabel: 'groq'
# Mistral AI Example
- name: 'Mistral' # Unique name for the endpoint
# For `apiKey` and `baseURL`, you can use environment variables that you define.
# recommended environment variables:
apiKey: '${MISTRAL_API_KEY}'
baseURL: ''
# Models configuration
# List of default models to use. At least one value is required.
default: ['mistral-tiny', 'mistral-small', 'mistral-medium']
# Fetch option: Set to true to fetch models from API.
fetch: true # Defaults to false.
# Optional configurations
# Title Conversation setting
titleConvo: true # Set to true to enable title conversation
# Title Method: Choose between "completion" or "functions".
# titleMethod: "completion" # Defaults to "completion" if omitted.
# Title Model: Specify the model to use for titles.
titleModel: 'mistral-tiny' # Defaults to "gpt-3.5-turbo" if omitted.
# Summarize setting: Set to true to enable summarization.
# summarize: false
# Summary Model: Specify the model to use if summarization is enabled.
# summaryModel: "mistral-tiny" # Defaults to "gpt-3.5-turbo" if omitted.
# Force Prompt setting: If true, sends a `prompt` parameter instead of `messages`.
# forcePrompt: false
# The label displayed for the AI model in messages.
modelDisplayLabel: 'Mistral' # Default is "AI" when not set.
# Add additional parameters to the request. Default params will be overwritten.
# addParams:
# safe_prompt: true # This field is specific to Mistral AI:
# Drop Default params parameters from the request. See default params in guide linked below.
# NOTE: For Mistral, it is necessary to drop the following parameters or you will encounter a 422 Error:
dropParams: ['stop', 'user', 'frequency_penalty', 'presence_penalty']
# OpenRouter Example
- name: 'OpenRouter'
# For `apiKey` and `baseURL`, you can use environment variables that you define.
# recommended environment variables:
# Known issue: you should not use `OPENROUTER_API_KEY` as it will then override the `openAI` endpoint to use OpenRouter as well.
baseURL: ''
default: ['meta-llama/llama-3-70b-instruct']
fetch: true
titleConvo: true
titleModel: 'meta-llama/llama-3-70b-instruct'
# Recommended: Drop the stop parameter from the request as Openrouter models use a variety of stop tokens.
dropParams: ['stop']
modelDisplayLabel: 'OpenRouter'
# fileConfig:
# endpoints:
# assistants:
# fileLimit: 5
# fileSizeLimit: 10 # Maximum size for an individual file in MB
# totalSizeLimit: 50 # Maximum total size for all files in a single request in MB
# supportedMimeTypes:
# - "image/.*"
# - "application/pdf"
# openAI:
# disabled: true # Disables file uploading to the OpenAI endpoint
# default:
# totalSizeLimit: 20
# YourCustomEndpointName:
# fileLimit: 2
# fileSizeLimit: 5
# serverFileSizeLimit: 100 # Global server file size limit in MB
# avatarSizeLimit: 2 # Limit for user avatar image size in MB
# See the Custom Configuration Guide for more information on Assistants Config: