Build error
Build error
import torch | |
from torch import nn, einsum | |
from einops import rearrange, repeat | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
import math | |
from comfy import model_management | |
import types | |
import os | |
def exists(val): | |
return val is not None | |
# better than a division by 0 hey | |
abs_mean = lambda x: torch.where(torch.isnan(x) | torch.isinf(x), torch.zeros_like(x), x).abs().mean() | |
class temperature_patcher(): | |
def __init__(self, temperature, layer_name="None"): | |
self.temperature = temperature | |
self.layer_name = layer_name | |
# taken from comfy.ldm.modules | |
def attention_basic_with_temperature(self, q, k, v, extra_options, mask=None, attn_precision=None): | |
if isinstance(extra_options, int): | |
heads = extra_options | |
else: | |
heads = extra_options['n_heads'] | |
b, _, dim_head = q.shape | |
dim_head //= heads | |
scale = dim_head ** -0.5 | |
h = heads | |
q, k, v = map( | |
lambda t: t.unsqueeze(3) | |
.reshape(b, -1, heads, dim_head) | |
.permute(0, 2, 1, 3) | |
.reshape(b * heads, -1, dim_head) | |
.contiguous(), | |
(q, k, v), | |
) | |
# force cast to fp32 to avoid overflowing | |
if attn_precision == torch.float32: | |
sim = einsum('b i d, b j d -> b i j', q.float(), k.float()) * scale | |
else: | |
sim = einsum('b i d, b j d -> b i j', q, k) * scale | |
del q, k | |
if exists(mask): | |
if mask.dtype == torch.bool: | |
mask = rearrange(mask, 'b ... -> b (...)') | |
max_neg_value = -torch.finfo(sim.dtype).max | |
mask = repeat(mask, 'b j -> (b h) () j', h=h) | |
sim.masked_fill_(~mask, max_neg_value) | |
else: | |
if len(mask.shape) == 2: | |
bs = 1 | |
else: | |
bs = mask.shape[0] | |
mask = mask.reshape(bs, -1, mask.shape[-2], mask.shape[-1]).expand(b, heads, -1, -1).reshape(-1, mask.shape[-2], mask.shape[-1]) | |
sim.add_(mask) | |
# attention, what we cannot get enough of | |
sim = sim.div(self.temperature if self.temperature > 0 else abs_mean(sim)).softmax(dim=-1) | |
out = einsum('b i j, b j d -> b i d',, v) | |
out = ( | |
out.unsqueeze(0) | |
.reshape(b, heads, -1, dim_head) | |
.permute(0, 2, 1, 3) | |
.reshape(b, -1, heads * dim_head) | |
) | |
return out | |
layers_SD15 = { | |
"input":[1,2,4,5,7,8], | |
"middle":[0], | |
"output":[3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], | |
} | |
layers_SDXL = { | |
"input":[4,5,7,8], | |
"middle":[0], | |
"output":[0,1,2,3,4,5], | |
} | |
class ExperimentalTemperaturePatch: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
required_inputs = {f"{key}_{layer}": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": False}) for key, layers in s.TOGGLES.items() for layer in layers} | |
required_inputs["model"] = ("MODEL",) | |
required_inputs["Temperature"] = ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.01, "round": 0.01}) | |
required_inputs["Attention"] = (["both","self","cross"],) | |
return {"required": required_inputs} | |
TOGGLES = {} | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("Model","String",) | |
FUNCTION = "patch" | |
CATEGORY = "model_patches/Automatic_CFG/Standalone_temperature_patches" | |
def patch(self, model, Temperature, Attention, **kwargs): | |
m = model.clone() | |
levels = ["input","middle","output"] | |
parameters_output = {level:[] for level in levels} | |
for key, toggle_enabled in kwargs.items(): | |
current_level = key.split("_")[0] | |
if current_level in levels and toggle_enabled: | |
b_number = int(key.split("_")[1]) | |
parameters_output[current_level].append(b_number) | |
patcher = temperature_patcher(Temperature,key) | |
if Attention in ["both","self"]: | |
m.set_model_attn1_replace(patcher.attention_basic_with_temperature, current_level, b_number) | |
if Attention in ["both","cross"]: | |
m.set_model_attn2_replace(patcher.attention_basic_with_temperature, current_level, b_number) | |
parameters_as_string = "\n".join(f"{k}: {','.join(map(str, v))}" for k, v in parameters_output.items()) | |
parameters_as_string = f"Temperature: {Temperature}\n{parameters_as_string}\nAttention: {Attention}" | |
return (m, parameters_as_string,) | |
ExperimentalTemperaturePatchSDXL = type("ExperimentalTemperaturePatch_SDXL", (ExperimentalTemperaturePatch,), {"TOGGLES": layers_SDXL}) | |
ExperimentalTemperaturePatchSD15 = type("ExperimentalTemperaturePatch_SD15", (ExperimentalTemperaturePatch,), {"TOGGLES": layers_SD15}) | |
class CLIPTemperaturePatch: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(cls): | |
return {"required": { "clip": ("CLIP",), | |
"Temperature": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.01}), | |
}} | |
FUNCTION = "patch" | |
CATEGORY = "model_patches/Automatic_CFG/Standalone_temperature_patches" | |
def patch(self, clip, Temperature): | |
def custom_optimized_attention(device, mask=None, small_input=True): | |
return temperature_patcher(Temperature).attention_basic_with_temperature | |
def new_forward(self, x, mask=None, intermediate_output=None): | |
optimized_attention = custom_optimized_attention(x.device, mask=mask is not None, small_input=True) | |
if intermediate_output is not None: | |
if intermediate_output < 0: | |
intermediate_output = len(self.layers) + intermediate_output | |
intermediate = None | |
for i, l in enumerate(self.layers): | |
x = l(x, mask, optimized_attention) | |
if i == intermediate_output: | |
intermediate = x.clone() | |
return x, intermediate | |
m = clip.clone() | |
clip_encoder_instance = m.cond_stage_model.clip_l.transformer.text_model.encoder | |
clip_encoder_instance.forward = types.MethodType(new_forward, clip_encoder_instance) | |
if getattr(m.cond_stage_model, f"clip_g", None) is not None: | |
clip_encoder_instance_g = m.cond_stage_model.clip_g.transformer.text_model.encoder | |
clip_encoder_instance_g.forward = types.MethodType(new_forward, clip_encoder_instance_g) | |
return (m,) | |
class CLIPTemperaturePatchDual: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(cls): | |
return {"required": { "clip": ("CLIP",), | |
"Temperature": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.01}), | |
"CLIP_Model": (["clip_g","clip_l","both"],), | |
}} | |
FUNCTION = "patch" | |
CATEGORY = "model_patches/Automatic_CFG/Standalone_temperature_patches" | |
def patch(self, clip, Temperature, CLIP_Model): | |
def custom_optimized_attention(device, mask=None, small_input=True): | |
return temperature_patcher(Temperature, "CLIP").attention_basic_with_temperature | |
def new_forward(self, x, mask=None, intermediate_output=None): | |
optimized_attention = custom_optimized_attention(x.device, mask=mask is not None, small_input=True) | |
if intermediate_output is not None: | |
if intermediate_output < 0: | |
intermediate_output = len(self.layers) + intermediate_output | |
intermediate = None | |
for i, l in enumerate(self.layers): | |
x = l(x, mask, optimized_attention) | |
if i == intermediate_output: | |
intermediate = x.clone() | |
return x, intermediate | |
m = clip.clone() | |
if CLIP_Model in ["clip_l","both"]: | |
clip_encoder_instance = m.cond_stage_model.clip_l.transformer.text_model.encoder | |
clip_encoder_instance.forward = types.MethodType(new_forward, clip_encoder_instance) | |
if CLIP_Model in ["clip_g","both"]: | |
if getattr(m.cond_stage_model, f"clip_g", None) is not None: | |
clip_encoder_instance_g = m.cond_stage_model.clip_g.transformer.text_model.encoder | |
clip_encoder_instance_g.forward = types.MethodType(new_forward, clip_encoder_instance_g) | |
return (m,) | |