import javalang |
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple |
from dataclasses import dataclass |
import re |
@dataclass |
class RubricCriterion: |
name: str |
description: str |
weight: int |
is_essential: bool |
levels: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]] |
class EnhancedJavaStructuralEvaluator: |
"""Avaliador baseado em estruturas usadas""" |
def __init__(self): |
self.rubric = { |
"declarations": RubricCriterion( |
name="Declarações", |
description="Uso de tipos e declarações", |
weight=25, |
is_essential=True, |
levels={ |
"Fraco": {"threshold": 0, "description": "Uso mínimo/incorreto"}, |
"Regular": {"threshold": 10, "description": "1-2 tipos primitivos, 1-2 variáveis"}, |
"Bom": {"threshold": 15, "description": "3 tipos primitivos, 3-4 variáveis"}, |
"Excelente": {"threshold": 20, "description": "≥4 tipos primitivos, ≥5 variáveis"} |
} |
), |
"control_structures": RubricCriterion( |
name="Estruturas de Controle", |
description="Controle de fluxo do programa", |
weight=25, |
is_essential=True, |
levels={ |
"Fraco": {"threshold": 0, "description": "Uso mínimo/incorreto"}, |
"Regular": {"threshold": 10, "description": "1 tipo, uso básico"}, |
"Bom": {"threshold": 15, "description": "2 tipos diferentes, uso correto"}, |
"Excelente": {"threshold": 20, "description": "≥3 tipos diferentes, uso apropriado"} |
} |
), |
"operators": RubricCriterion( |
name="Operadores", |
description="Operações e expressões", |
weight=25, |
is_essential=True, |
levels={ |
"Fraco": {"threshold": 0, "description": "Uso mínimo/incorreto"}, |
"Regular": {"threshold": 10, "description": "1-2 operadores"}, |
"Bom": {"threshold": 15, "description": "3-4 operadores"}, |
"Excelente": {"threshold": 20, "description": "≥5 operadores diferentes"} |
} |
), |
"io_strings": RubricCriterion( |
name="I/O e Strings", |
description="Entrada/saída e manipulação de texto", |
weight=25, |
is_essential=True, |
levels={ |
"Fraco": {"threshold": 0, "description": "Uso mínimo/incorreto"}, |
"Regular": {"threshold": 10, "description": "E/S simples"}, |
"Bom": {"threshold": 15, "description": "E/S moderada, manipulação básica"}, |
"Excelente": {"threshold": 20, "description": "E/S complexa, manipulação avançada"} |
} |
) |
} |
def evaluate_declarations(self, code: str) -> Tuple[float, str, List[str]]: |
"""Avalia declarações e tipos""" |
score = 0 |
level = "Fraco" |
feedback = [] |
try: |
tree = javalang.parse.parse(code) |
primitives = { |
'int': 'números inteiros', |
'double': 'números decimais', |
'boolean': 'valores lógicos', |
'char': 'caracteres', |
'float': 'números decimais (float)', |
'long': 'números longos', |
'byte': 'valores byte', |
'short': 'números curtos' |
} |
used_types = set() |
declarations = [node for _, node in tree.filter(javalang.tree.LocalVariableDeclaration)] |
for decl in declarations: |
type_name = decl.type.name |
used_types.add(type_name) |
num_types = len(used_types) |
num_vars = len(declarations) |
has_constants = any('final' in node.modifiers for _, node in tree.filter(javalang.tree.FieldDeclaration)) |
if num_types >= 4 and num_vars >= 5 and has_constants: |
score = 25 |
level = "Excelente" |
elif num_types >= 3 and num_vars >= 3: |
score = 15 |
level = "Bom" |
elif num_types >= 1 or num_vars >= 1: |
score = 10 |
level = "Regular" |
feedback.append(f"✓ {num_types} tipos primitivos diferentes utilizados") |
feedback.append(f"✓ {num_vars} variáveis declaradas") |
if has_constants: |
feedback.append("✓ Uso adequado de constantes (final)") |
except Exception as e: |
feedback.append("⚠ Erro na análise de declarações") |
return score, level, feedback |
def evaluate_control_structures(self, code: str) -> Tuple[float, str, List[str]]: |
"""Avalia estruturas de controle""" |
score = 0 |
level = "Fraco" |
feedback = [] |
try: |
tree = javalang.parse.parse(code) |
structures = { |
'if': len(list(tree.filter(javalang.tree.IfStatement))), |
'switch': len(list(tree.filter(javalang.tree.SwitchStatement))), |
'for': len(list(tree.filter(javalang.tree.ForStatement))), |
'while': len(list(tree.filter(javalang.tree.WhileStatement))), |
'do_while': len(list(tree.filter(javalang.tree.DoStatement))) |
} |
num_different_structures = sum(1 for count in structures.values() if count > 0) |
total_structures = sum(structures.values()) |
if num_different_structures >= 3 and total_structures >= 4: |
score = 25 |
level = "Excelente" |
elif num_different_structures >= 2 and total_structures >= 2: |
score = 15 |
level = "Bom" |
elif num_different_structures >= 1: |
score = 10 |
level = "Regular" |
for struct, count in structures.items(): |
if count > 0: |
feedback.append(f"✓ {count} estrutura(s) {struct}") |
except Exception as e: |
feedback.append("⚠ Erro na análise de estruturas de controle") |
return score, level, feedback |
def evaluate_operators(self, code: str) -> Tuple[float, str, List[str]]: |
"""Avalia operadores""" |
score = 0 |
level = "Fraco" |
feedback = [] |
try: |
operators = { |
'arithmetic': ['+', '-', '*', '/', '%'], |
'comparison': ['==', '!=', '>', '<', '>=', '<='], |
'logical': ['&&', '||', '!'], |
'assignment': ['+=', '-=', '*=', '/='] |
} |
used_operators = set() |
for category, ops in operators.items(): |
for op in ops: |
if op in code: |
used_operators.add(op) |
feedback.append(f"✓ Uso do operador {op}") |
num_operators = len(used_operators) |
if num_operators >= 5: |
score = 25 |
level = "Excelente" |
elif num_operators >= 3: |
score = 15 |
level = "Bom" |
elif num_operators >= 1: |
score = 10 |
level = "Regular" |
except Exception as e: |
feedback.append("⚠ Erro na análise de operadores") |
return score, level, feedback |
def evaluate_io_strings(self, code: str) -> Tuple[float, str, List[str]]: |
"""Avalia entrada/saída e strings""" |
score = 0 |
level = "Fraco" |
feedback = [] |
try: |
features = { |
'output': 'System.out.print' in code, |
'input': 'Scanner' in code, |
'concatenation': '+' in code and '"' in code, |
'string_methods': False |
} |
string_methods = ['concat', 'substring', 'length', 'equals', 'compareTo'] |
methods_used = [method for method in string_methods if f'.{method}(' in code] |
features['string_methods'] = len(methods_used) > 0 |
num_features = sum(1 for used in features.values() if used) |
if num_features >= 3 and features['string_methods']: |
score = 25 |
level = "Excelente" |
elif num_features >= 2: |
score = 15 |
level = "Bom" |
elif num_features >= 1: |
score = 10 |
level = "Regular" |
if features['output']: |
feedback.append("✓ Uso de saída (System.out)") |
if features['input']: |
feedback.append("✓ Uso de entrada (Scanner)") |
if features['concatenation']: |
feedback.append("✓ Concatenação de strings") |
if methods_used: |
feedback.append(f"✓ Uso de {len(methods_used)} métodos de String") |
except Exception as e: |
feedback.append("⚠ Erro na análise de I/O e strings") |
return score, level, feedback |
def evaluate_code(self, code: str) -> Dict: |
"""Avalia o código Java usando todos os critérios""" |
evaluation = { |
"scores": {}, |
"levels": {}, |
"feedback": {}, |
"summary": { |
"total_score": 0, |
"proficiency": "" |
} |
} |
criteria_evaluations = { |
"declarations": self.evaluate_declarations(code), |
"control_structures": self.evaluate_control_structures(code), |
"operators": self.evaluate_operators(code), |
"io_strings": self.evaluate_io_strings(code) |
} |
for criterion, (score, level, feedback) in criteria_evaluations.items(): |
evaluation["scores"][criterion] = score |
evaluation["levels"][criterion] = level |
evaluation["feedback"][criterion] = feedback |
evaluation["summary"]["total_score"] += score |
total_score = evaluation["summary"]["total_score"] |
if total_score >= 90: |
evaluation["summary"]["proficiency"] = "Excelente" |
elif total_score >= 75: |
evaluation["summary"]["proficiency"] = "Bom" |
elif total_score >= 60: |
evaluation["summary"]["proficiency"] = "Satisfatório" |
else: |
evaluation["summary"]["proficiency"] = "Necessita Melhorias" |
return evaluation |
class EnhancedCompetencyEvaluator: |
"""Avaliador baseado em competências""" |
def __init__(self): |
self.rubric = { |
"syntax": RubricCriterion( |
name="Corretude Sintática", |
description="Correção técnica do código", |
weight=50, |
is_essential=True, |
levels={ |
"Fraco": {"threshold": 0, "description": "Muitos erros"}, |
"Regular": {"threshold": 20, "description": "Código funcional, alguns erros"}, |
"Bom": {"threshold": 30, "description": "Código correto, erros menores"}, |
"Excelente": {"threshold": 40, "description": "Código exemplar, sem erros"} |
} |
), |
"competencies": RubricCriterion( |
name="Competências Práticas", |
description="Qualidade da implementação", |
weight=50, |
is_essential=True, |
levels={ |
"Fraco": {"threshold": 0, "description": "Implementação pobre"}, |
"Regular": {"threshold": 20, "description": "Implementação básica"}, |
"Bom": {"threshold": 30, "description": "Boa implementação"}, |
"Excelente": {"threshold": 40, "description": "Implementação sofisticada"} |
} |
) |
} |
def evaluate_syntax(self, code: str) -> Tuple[float, str, List[str]]: |
"""Avalia corretude sintática""" |
score = 0 |
level = "Fraco" |
feedback = [] |
try: |
tree = javalang.parse.parse(code) |
has_class = 'class' in code |
has_main = 'public static void main' in code |
if has_class and has_main: |
score += 10 |
feedback.append("✓ Estrutura básica correta (classe e main)") |
declarations = list(tree.filter(javalang.tree.LocalVariableDeclaration)) |
if declarations: |
score += 10 |
feedback.append(f"✓ {len(declarations)} declarações sintáticamente corretas") |
if code.count('{') == code.count('}') and code.count('{') > 0: |
score += 10 |
feedback.append("✓ Blocos corretamente delimitados") |
expressions = list(tree.filter(javalang.tree.BinaryOperation)) |
if expressions: |
score += 10 |
feedback.append("✓ Expressões bem formadas") |
lines = code.split('\n') |
well_formatted = all(line.strip().endswith(';') or |
line.strip().endswith('{') or |
line.strip().endswith('}') or |
line.strip() == "" or |
line.strip().startswith('//') |
for line in lines if line.strip()) |
if well_formatted: |
score += 10 |
feedback.append("✓ Código bem formatado e pontuado") |
if score >= 40: |
level = "Excelente" |
elif score >= 30: |
level = "Bom" |
elif score >= 20: |
level = "Regular" |
except Exception as e: |
feedback.append(f"⚠ Erro de sintaxe: {str(e)}") |
return score, level, feedback |
def evaluate_competencies(self, code: str) -> Tuple[float, str, List[str]]: |
"""Avalia competências práticas""" |
score = 0 |
level = "Fraco" |
feedback = [] |
try: |
tree = javalang.parse.parse(code) |
structures = { |
'if': list(tree.filter(javalang.tree.IfStatement)), |
'for': list(tree.filter(javalang.tree.ForStatement)), |
'while': list(tree.filter(javalang.tree.WhileStatement)) |
} |
struct_score = 0 |
for struct_type, instances in structures.items(): |
if instances: |
struct_score += 5 |
if struct_type == 'for' and any('length' in str(inst) for inst in instances): |
struct_score += 2 |
elif struct_type == 'while' and any('hasNext' in str(inst) for inst in instances): |
struct_score += 2 |
score += min(15, struct_score) |
if struct_score > 0: |
feedback.append(f"✓ Uso apropriado de estruturas de controle") |
data_score = 0 |
operations = list(tree.filter(javalang.tree.BinaryOperation)) |
if operations: |
if any(op.operator in ['*', '/', '+', '-'] for op in operations): |
data_score += 5 |
if any(op.operator in ['>', '<', '>=', '<=', '=='] for op in operations): |
data_score += 5 |
if any('=' in str(op) for op in operations): |
data_score += 5 |
score += min(15, data_score) |
if data_score > 0: |
feedback.append("✓ Manipulação de dados adequada") |
org_score = 0 |
if all(len(decl.declarators[0].name) > 1 for _, decl in tree.filter(javalang.tree.LocalVariableDeclaration)): |
org_score += 5 |
lines = code.split('\n') |
if any('//' in line or '/*' in line for line in lines): |
org_score += 5 |
score += min(10, org_score) |
if org_score > 0: |
feedback.append("✓ Código bem organizado e documentado") |
if 'Scanner' in code and 'System.out' in code and operations: |
score += 10 |
feedback.append("✓ Solução completa com entrada, processamento e saída") |
if score >= 40: |
level = "Excelente" |
elif score >= 30: |
level = "Bom" |
elif score >= 20: |
level = "Regular" |
except Exception as e: |
feedback.append(f"⚠ Erro na análise de competências: {str(e)}") |
return score, level, feedback |
def evaluate_code(self, code: str) -> Dict: |
"""Avalia o código Java usando todos os critérios""" |
evaluation = { |
"scores": {}, |
"levels": {}, |
"feedback": {}, |
"summary": { |
"total_score": 0, |
"proficiency": "" |
} |
} |
criteria_evaluations = { |
"syntax": self.evaluate_syntax(code), |
"competencies": self.evaluate_competencies(code) |
} |
for criterion, (score, level, feedback) in criteria_evaluations.items(): |
evaluation["scores"][criterion] = score |
evaluation["levels"][criterion] = level |
evaluation["feedback"][criterion] = feedback |
evaluation["summary"]["total_score"] += score |
total_score = evaluation["summary"]["total_score"] |
if total_score >= 90: |
evaluation["summary"]["proficiency"] = "Excelente" |
elif total_score >= 75: |
evaluation["summary"]["proficiency"] = "Bom" |
elif total_score >= 60: |
evaluation["summary"]["proficiency"] = "Satisfatório" |
else: |
evaluation["summary"]["proficiency"] = "Necessita Melhorias" |
return evaluation |
import gradio as gr |
def process_java_files(files, evaluation_type: str) -> str: |
"""Avalia arquivos Java usando o avaliador especificado""" |
results = [] |
try: |
if evaluation_type == "structural": |
evaluator = EnhancedJavaStructuralEvaluator() |
else: |
evaluator = EnhancedCompetencyEvaluator() |
for file in files: |
with open(file.name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: |
code = f.read() |
evaluation = evaluator.evaluate_code(code) |
result = f"\n{'='*50}\n" |
result += f"Avaliação do arquivo: {file.name}\n" |
result += f"{'='*50}\n\n" |
result += f"Pontuação Total: {evaluation['summary']['total_score']:.1f}/100\n" |
result += f"Nível de Proficiência: {evaluation['summary']['proficiency']}\n\n" |
result += "Avaliação Detalhada por Critério:\n" |
result += "-" * 30 + "\n\n" |
for criterion in evaluation["scores"].keys(): |
result += f"• {criterion.title()}:\n" |
result += f" Nível: {evaluation['levels'][criterion]}\n" |
result += f" Pontuação: {evaluation['scores'][criterion]:.1f}\n" |
result += " Feedback:\n" |
for fb in evaluation['feedback'][criterion]: |
result += f" - {fb}\n" |
result += "\n" |
results.append(result) |
return "\n".join(results) |
except Exception as e: |
return f"Erro ao processar arquivos: {str(e)}" |
with gr.Blocks(title="Java-Judge: Avaliador de Sintaxe e Competencia Java") as demo: |
gr.Markdown("# Java-Judge: Avaliador de Sintaxe e Competencia Java") |
gr.HTML(""" |
<p>Java-Judge: Avaliador de Sintaxe e Competências em Java</p> |
<p>Ramon Mayor Martins: <a href="https://rmayormartins.github.io/" target="_blank">Website</a> | |
<a href="https://huggingface.co/rmayormartins" target="_blank">Spaces</a></p> |
""") |
gr.Markdown(""" |
Este avaliador analisa código Java em relação aos princípios de Programação Orientada a Objetos. |
Critérios avaliados: |
""") |
gr.HTML(""" |
<p> |
<a href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/rmayormartins/java-judge-syntax-competencies/blob/main/assets/rubric.pdf" target="_blank">📄 Visualizar Rubrica PDF</a> |
</p> |
<p> |
<a href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/rmayormartins/java-judge-syntax-competencies/blob/main/assets/rubric_table.PNG" target="_blank">📊 Visualizar Tabela da Rubrica</a> |
</p> |
<p> |
<a href="https://hackmd.io/@dc5kbfmvTRSDYhAP5VRHUQ/rk_zua8j3" target="_blank">🖥️ Visualizar Markdown da Rubrica</a> |
</p> |
""") |
gr.Markdown(""" |
# Avaliador de Código Java |
Este avaliador analisa código Java usando duas perspectivas diferentes: |
1. **Avaliação Estrutural**: Foca nos elementos fundamentais da linguagem |
2. **Avaliação por Competências**: Analisa a qualidade técnica e boas práticas |
""") |
with gr.Tabs(): |
with gr.Tab("Avaliação Estrutural"): |
upload_structural = gr.File( |
file_count="multiple", |
label="Upload dos arquivos Java", |
file_types=[".java"] |
) |
evaluate_btn_structural = gr.Button("Avaliar Estruturas") |
output_structural = gr.Textbox( |
label="Resultado da Avaliação", |
lines=25 |
) |
evaluate_btn_structural.click( |
fn=lambda x: process_java_files(x, "structural"), |
inputs=upload_structural, |
outputs=output_structural |
) |
with gr.Tab("Avaliação por Competências"): |
upload_competency = gr.File( |
file_count="multiple", |
label="Upload dos arquivos Java", |
file_types=[".java"] |
) |
evaluate_btn_competency = gr.Button("Avaliar Competências") |
output_competency = gr.Textbox( |
label="Resultado da Avaliação", |
lines=25 |
) |
evaluate_btn_competency.click( |
fn=lambda x: process_java_files(x, "competency"), |
inputs=upload_competency, |
outputs=output_competency |
) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
demo.launch(debug=True) |