{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Extraction, Chunking and Embedding" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "<|file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw452k.htm.md\"|>\n", "\n", "\n", "**Freud - Complete Works**\n", "\n", "** **\n", "\n", "**Ivan Smith 2000, 2007, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved.**\n", "\n", "<|/file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw452k.htm.md\"|>\n", "<|file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/TOC.htm.md\"|>\n", "\n", "\n", "**Table Of Contents**\n", "\n", "**Chronological**** Alphabetical**\n", "\n", "**Chronological**\n", "\n", " [Psychical (Or Mental) Treatment (1890a)](frcw3hro.htm)\n", "\n", " [On The Psychical Mechanism Of Hysterical Phenomena (1893a)](frcw9zn9.htm)\n", "\n", " [Charcot (1893f)](frcw9zlf.htm)\n", "\n", " [The Neuro-Psychoses Of Defence (1894a)](frcw9zp5.htm)\n", "\n", " [On The Grounds For Detaching A Particular Syndrome From Neurasthenia Under The Description 'Anxiety Neurosis' (1895b)](frcw02id.htm)\n", "\n", " [Obsessions And Phobias (1895c)](frcw02gl.htm)\n", "\n", " [Studies On Hysteria (1895d)](frcw48c2.htm)\n", "\n", " [A Reply To Criticisms Of My Paper On Anxiety Neurosis (1895f)](frcw02nk.htm)\n", "\n", " [Heredity And The Aetiology Of The Neuroses (1896a)](frcw02\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# load txt from txt folder\n", "import os\n", "\n", "def load_txt(file_name):\n", " with open(file_name, 'r') as f:\n", " return f.read()\n", "\n", "path=\"txt\\Freud_Complete_en.txt\"\n", "\n", "if os.path.exists(path):\n", " print(load_txt(path)[:1000]) " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from llama_index.core.node_parser import SentenceWindowNodeParser, SentenceSplitter\n", "from llama_index.core import Document\n", "\n", "sentence_splitter = SentenceSplitter().from_defaults(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=200)\n", "documents=[Document(text=load_txt(path), id='Freud_Complete_en')]\n", "\n", "# Initialize node parser\n", "node_parser = SentenceWindowNodeParser(window_size=5, sentence_splitter=sentence_splitter)\n", " \n", "# Parse text with token splitter\n", "chunks=node_parser.build_window_nodes_from_documents(documents)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "3328" ] }, "execution_count": 6, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "len(chunks)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "image/png": 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"text/plain": [ "
" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# describe chunk length\n", "chunks_len=[len(chunk.text) for chunk in chunks]\n", "\n", "import numpy as np\n", "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n", "\n", "plt.hist(chunks_len, bins=100)\n", "\n", "plt.title('Histogram of chunk length')\n", "plt.xlabel('Chunk length')\n", "plt.ylabel('Frequency')\n", "plt.show()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "image/png": 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"text/plain": [ "
" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# same but word count\n", "chunks_word_count=[len(chunk.text.split()) for chunk in chunks]\n", "\n", "plt.hist(chunks_word_count, bins=100)\n", "\n", "plt.title('Histogram of chunk word count')\n", "\n", "plt.xlabel('Chunk word count')\n", "\n", "plt.ylabel('Frequency')\n", "\n", "plt.show()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "C:\\Users\\rmlaz\\AppData\\Roaming\\Python\\Python39\\site-packages\\torchvision\\io\\image.py:13: UserWarning: Failed to load image Python extension: '[WinError 127] The specified procedure could not be found'If you don't plan on using image functionality from `torchvision.io`, you can ignore this warning. Otherwise, there might be something wrong with your environment. Did you have `libjpeg` or `libpng` installed before building `torchvision` from source?\n", " warn(\n", "C:\\Users\\rmlaz\\AppData\\Roaming\\Python\\Python39\\site-packages\\torchvision\\datapoints\\__init__.py:12: UserWarning: The torchvision.datapoints and torchvision.transforms.v2 namespaces are still Beta. While we do not expect major breaking changes, some APIs may still change according to user feedback. Please submit any feedback you may have in this issue: https://github.com/pytorch/vision/issues/6753, and you can also check out https://github.com/pytorch/vision/issues/7319 to learn more about the APIs that we suspect might involve future changes. You can silence this warning by calling torchvision.disable_beta_transforms_warning().\n", " warnings.warn(_BETA_TRANSFORMS_WARNING)\n", "C:\\Users\\rmlaz\\AppData\\Roaming\\Python\\Python39\\site-packages\\torchvision\\transforms\\v2\\__init__.py:54: UserWarning: The torchvision.datapoints and torchvision.transforms.v2 namespaces are still Beta. While we do not expect major breaking changes, some APIs may still change according to user feedback. Please submit any feedback you may have in this issue: https://github.com/pytorch/vision/issues/6753, and you can also check out https://github.com/pytorch/vision/issues/7319 to learn more about the APIs that we suspect might involve future changes. You can silence this warning by calling torchvision.disable_beta_transforms_warning().\n", " warnings.warn(_BETA_TRANSFORMS_WARNING)\n", "C:\\Users\\rmlaz\\AppData\\Roaming\\Python\\Python39\\site-packages\\pandas\\core\\arrays\\masked.py:60: UserWarning: Pandas requires version '1.3.6' or newer of 'bottleneck' (version '1.3.5' currently installed).\n", " from pandas.core import (\n" ] } ], "source": [ "from llama_index.core import VectorStoreIndex\n", "from llama_index.embeddings.huggingface import HuggingFaceEmbedding\n", "from llama_index.core import Settings\n", "from llama_index.core import StorageContext, load_index_from_storage\n", "\n", "# Load the model\n", "embed_model = HuggingFaceEmbedding(model_name=\"multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1\")\n", "Settings.embed_model = embed_model\n", "storage_context = StorageContext.from_defaults(persist_dir=\"freud_index\")\n", "index = load_index_from_storage(persist_dir=\"freud_index\", storage_context=storage_context)\n", "# index=VectorStoreIndex(nodes=chunks, show_progress=True)\n", "index.storage_context.persist(\"freud_index\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "<|file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw452k.htm.md\"|>\n", "\n", "\n", "**Freud - Complete Wor\n", "M. Furst) (1907c)](frcw3u28.htm)\n", "\n", " [Prospectus For Schriften Zur Angewandten Seelenkunde (1907e)](fr\n", "htm)\n", "\n", " [Types Of Onset Of Neurosis (1912c)](frcw93w8.htm)\n", "\n", " [On The Universal Tendency To Debasement\n", "htm)\n", "\n", " [Some Character-Types Met With In Psycho-Analytic Work (1916d)](frcw4ak8.htm)\n", "\n", " [Introductory\n", "Sandor Ferenczi (On His 50th Birthday) (1923i)](frcw9zu9.htm)\n", "\n", " [Letter To Le Disque Vert (1924a)](f\n", "Ernest Jones (On His 50th Birthday) (1929a)](frcw0fcp.htm)\n", "\n", " [Some Dreams Of Descartes' (1929b)](frc\n", "(1933b)](frcw0iwn.htm)\n", "\n", " [Sandor Ferenczi (1933c)](frcw0lpu.htm)\n", "\n", " [Preface To Marie Bonaparte's The\n", "Sigm. Freud 1877-1897 (1897b)](frcw05pw.htm)\n", "\n", " [Address Delivered In The Goethe House At Frankfurt (\n", "Anton Von Freund (1920c)](frcw52pl.htm)\n", "\n", " [Dr. Ernest Jones (On His 50th Birthday) (1929a)](frcw0fcp\n", "Alfons Paquet (1930d)](frcw0cj9.htm)\n", "\n", " [Letter To Dr. Friedrich S. Kraus On Anthropophyteia (1910f)]\n", "htm)\n", "\n", " [On The Sexual Theories Of Children (1908c)](frcw3ub8.htm)\n", "\n", " [On The Teaching Of Psycho-Analy\n", "htm)\n", "\n", " [Remarks On The Theory And Practice Of Dream-Interpretation (1923c)](frcw9whk.htm)\n", "\n", " [Remembe\n", "htm)\n", "\n", " [Screen Memories (1899a)](frcw05yt.htm)\n", "\n", " [Sexuality In The Aetiology Of The Neuroses (1898a)\n", "M. Furst) (1907c)](frcw3u28.htm)\n", "\n", " [The Significance Of Sequences Of Vowels (1911d)](frcw9702.htm)\n", "\n", "\n", "It is precisely observations of a markedly sexual nature that we have been obliged to leave unpublis\n", "This is in part because what is in question is often some experience which the patient dislikes disc\n", "- A highly intelligent man was present while his brother had an ankylosed hip-joint extended under a\n", "Where what we are dealing with are phenomena involving stimuli (spasms, neuralgias and hallucination\n", "The most important of these is _whether there has been an energetic reaction to the event that provo\n", "A diary kept by her mother with out her knowledge proved the completeness of the reproduction. Anoth\n", "In so doing, we have already been obliged to speak of abnormal states of consciousness in which thes\n", "IV\n", "\n", " What we have asserted of chronic hysterical symptoms can be applied almost completely to hyst\n", "Like them, they are, whether completely or in essential elements, out of reach of the memory of norm\n", "We hope to be able to show that these two kinds of determinant, though they appear to be so unlike, \n", "Her willpower was energetic, tenacious and persistent; sometimes it reached the pitch of an obstinac\n", "No one, perhaps not even the patient herself, knew what was happening to her; but eventually the sta\n", "But the disturbances invaded even her moments of relatively clear consciousness. There were extremel\n", "A violent outburst of excitement was succeeded by profound stupor which lasted about two days and fr\n", "She had gone entirely without food the whole time, was full of anxiety and her hallucinatory _absenc\n", "It happened then - to begin with accidentally but later intentionally - that someone near her repeat\n", "But she would never begin to talk until she had satisfied herself of my identity by carefully feelin\n", "Her moral state was a function of the time that had elapsed since her last utterance. This was becau\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "32\n", "\n", " It was interesting here, too, to observe the way in which these r\n", "A number of extremely obstinate whims were similarly removed after she had described the experiences\n", "(_c_) Not hearing when she was alone and directly addressed. 50 instances. Origin: her father having\n", "Thus when she woke up in the night she found herself in a strange room, for her family had moved hou\n", "It is not quite certain whether in every case a momentary state of _absence_ was involved, but this \n", "The interest of the present case seems to me above all to reside in the extreme clarity and intellig\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "42\n", "\n", " The question now arises how far the patient's statements are to b\n", "In the same way, they never came up in the hypnotic analyses and were not traced back to emotional o\n", "It took me completely by surprise, and not until symptoms had been got rid of in this way in a whole\n", "Her family came from Central Germany, but had been settled for two generations in the Baltic Provinc\n", "I had warned her that I proposed to hypnotize her, to which she raised no difficulty. She has not pr\n", "_Evening_. - I requested her, under hypnosis, to talk, which, after some effort, she succeeded in do\n", "(I shall hold over enquiring into this memory until later.) I then asked her whether she had always \n", "As she told me this she clenched her hands in horror; she saw all this before her eyes. I endeavoure\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "55\n", "\n", " Under hypnosis I repeated my question as to what it was that had \n", "She was quite unusually excited as she told me this story. I further learnt from her that the stamme\n", "I wiped out all these memories, woke her up and assured her she would sleep well to-night, having om\n", "This child, she said, had been very queer for a long time; it had screamed all the time and did not \n", "I have come across many other proofs that she kept a critical eye upon my work in her hypnotic consc\n", "¹ I unfortunately failed to enquire into the significance of Frau Emmy's animal visions - to disting\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "63\n", "\n", " During the hypnosis I asked her whether it would now be possible \n", "She had insisted yesterday that the children should make use of the lift for coming down as well as \n", "There seems to be a necessity for bringing psychical phenomena of which one becomes conscious into c\n", "It might be thought that these psychical conditions which we have laid down for neuropaths as distin\n", "The only way of relieving her was to give her an opportunity of talking off under hypnosis the parti\n", "As we know, many neuropathic women very often have hysterical attacks (spasms and deliria) along wit\n", "She was very cheerful. Her hypnosis yielded nothing. I applied a faradic brush to her anaesthetic le\n", "- She had a very good night. In the bran bath which she had to-day, she gave some screams because sh\n", "- She was very cheerful and contented. The hypnosis produced nothing whatever. I devoted myself to d\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "71\n", "\n", " I hope that this extract from the history of the first three week\n", "She went downhill, lost sleep and appetite, and only recovered after a woman friend of hers who visi\n", "I accustomed myself to regarding as incomplete any story that brought about no improvement, and I gr\n", "This bore all the signs of a neurotic choice. I took a specimen of her urine and found it was highly\n", "Whenever I sit down to a meal I see the plates before me with the cold meat and fat on them. And how\n", "I also met the family doctor, who had not many complaints to make about the lady; so she had to some\n", "After my visit in May, 1890, my news of Frau von N. became gradually scantier. I heard indirectly th\n", "The excitation, which was originally psychical, remained for the most part in the psychical sphere, \n", "It is necessary, I think, to adduce a _neurotic_ factor to account for this persistence \\- the fact \n", "(1) The distressing affects attaching to her traumatic experiences had remained unresolved - for ins\n", "Don't say anything! Don't touch me!' (1888). Of these motor manifestations, the stammering and clack\n", "Hypnotic analysis, however, was able to demonstrate how much meaning lay concealed behind this appar\n", "It seems that it was a favourite habit of the sisters to tease one another about the large size of t\n", "Hysterical symptoms, however, regularly become attached to these. Frau von N.'s neck-cramps, for ins\n", "It was interesting to notice that on the other hand her somnambulism showed no trace of being super-\n", "Nevertheless, in spite of these restrictive traits, the impression made by her mental behaviour duri\n", "I tried to improve her gait by suggestion, manipulation of her legs under hypnosis, etc., but I had \n", "In the course of such an analysis it habitually happened that the patient gave verbal utterance with\n", "It is impossible that her excitations in this field can have left no traces whatever; what I was all\n", "I am inclined to believe, then, that all this involved a considerable _excess_ of efficiency, which \n", "She found these most distressing. She was, moreover, in low spirits and fatigued, and she complained\n", "Miss Lucy R. did not fall into a state of somnambulism when I tried to hypnotize her. I therefore di\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "98\n", "\n", " But in doing without somnambulism I might be depriving myself of \n", "I turned out to be invariably right. The patients had not yet learned to relax their critical facult\n", "I suspected that these first attacks of dizziness, in which the anxiety faded more and more into the\n", "I was still not satisfied. There might, I thought, be something else at work as well that had arouse\n", "\\- 'What's wrong with your mother? Has she been feeling lonely and sent for you? Or was she ill at t\n", "In my view this intentional repression is also the basis for the conversion, whether total or partia\n", "She told me that for the first few years she had lived happily in the house, carrying out her duties\n", "And in fact, at my insistence, a picture gradually emerged before her, hesitatingly and piecemeal to\n", "The scene had crushed her hopes. She had said to herself: 'If he can fly out at me like, this and ma\n", "So far as my information goes, there was no trace in Miss Lucy R. of either of these factors. Her hy\n", "'s case the first of the auxiliary moments, at which conversion took place, was the scene at table w\n", "But soon it occurred to me that probably it was only a description that stood for an anxiety attack:\n", "My aunt wasn't at home, and Franziska, who always did the cooking, was nowhere to be found. And my u\n", "'Well, those two must have heard a noise, because they came out soon afterwards. I felt very bad the\n", "- She went on to tell me of yet other experiences of somewhat later date: how she had once again had\n", ".'\n", "\n", " 'Yes, now I am.'\n", "\n", " 'Tell me just one thing. What part of his body was it that you felt that\n", "It seems plausible, then, to compare the two sets of erotic experiences with 'traumatic' moments and\n", "(Freud)\n", "\n", "In the autumn of 1892 I was asked by a doctor I knew to examine a young lady who had been s\n", "He rejects any description of his pains proposed by the physician, even though it may turn out after\n", "In this way we brought about a slight improvement. In particular, she seemed to take quite a liking \n", "Her mother's health was frequently troubled by an affection of the eyes as well as by nervous states\n", "It was a painful disappointment to her that the rebuilding of their former family happiness should b\n", "Her sister had succumbed to an affection of the heart which had been aggravated by her pregnancy. Th\n", "We were usually content with the statement that the patient was constitutionally a hysteric, liable \n", "Unluckily, he was scarcely any older than herself and was still far from being self-supporting. But \n", "I succeeded in reviving the patient's memory of it with certainty. At that very time a relative had \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "135\n", "\n", " During this work I made some interesting observations, whose les\n", "This whole chain of memories might be expected to show that there was a legitimate connection betwee\n", "In this way, firstly, the painful region had been extended by the addition of adjacent areas: every \n", "I could think of two motives for this concealment. Either she was applying criticism to the idea, wh\n", "Till then she had thought herself strong enough to be able to do without the help of a man; but she \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "142\n", "\n", " Everything was now clear. The analyst's labours were richly rewa\n", "As we worked through these recollections it became clear to Elisabeth that her tender feeling for he\n", "'s case. Some weeks after we had separated I received a despairing letter from her mother. At her fi\n", "It is true that her mother suffered for many years from a neurotic depression which had not been inv\n", "I had no time to cry about it then.' She was referring to the last illness of her husband, who had d\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "149\n", "\n", " But I must now return to Fraulein Elisabeth von R. While she was\n", "In general, after all, the part played in association by an idea increases in proportion to the amou\n", "Consciousness, plainly, does not know in advance when an incompatible idea is going to crop up. The \n", "That is to say, the conversion did not take place in connection with her impressions when they were \n", "The apparatus over which she ought to have had full control when she was singing turned out to be ca\n", "To my astonishment the patient produced a whole number of scenes, without hesitation and in chronolo\n", "There is, however, in principle no difference between the symptom appearing in this temporary way af\n", "But the girl had no clear knowledge of this. More importance should probably be attached to the fact\n", "They were condemned to extraction, and one fine day, under narcosis, the sentence was carried out on\n", "Suddenly she put her hand to her cheek, gave a loud cry of pain and said: 'It was like a slap in the\n", "The following is one of the best, and relates once more to Frau Cacilie. When a girl of fifteen, she\n", "Indeed, it is perhaps wrong to say that hysteria creates these sensations by symbolization. It may b\n", "It is scarcely possible always to be certain who first gave them utterance, and there is always a da\n", "We should be drawing an inference completely analogous to Moebius's 'inference by analogy' if we wer\n", "The mirror of a reflecting telescope cannot at the same time be a photographic plate. I am in agreem\n", "It is quite unproved and improbable that general analgesia or analgesia of individual parts of the b\n", "I hope therefore that the abstruseness of the following discussion may be viewed with indulgence.\n", "\n", "(\n", "In just the same way there is a certain amount of excitation present in the conductive paths of the \n", "The non‑uniform distribution of energy is no doubt determined by what Exner calls 'facilitation by a\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "175\n", "\n", " Thus the cerebral elements, after being completely restored libe\n", "I shall venture once more to recur to my comparison with an electrical lighting system. The tension \n", "Sexuality at puberty appears in the first of these forms, as a vague, indeterminate, purposeless hei\n", "The rest serve no purpose whatever, or rather their only purpose is to level out the increase of exc\n", "All degrees of affective excitability are to be found between, on the one hand, the ideal (which is \n", "Such phenomena cannot be described as hysterical if they appear as consequences of an affect which, \n", "I will select an extremely trivial example - the sneezing reflex. If a stimulus of the mucous membra\n", "Or again, in her emotion, she brought her eyes forcibly together in order to read the hands of the w\n", "Such are the torments of religious doubt to which many people succumb and many more succumbed in the\n", "The account that we have hitherto given of the mechanism by which hysterical phenomena originate is \n", "(Here we have the factor of disposition.) A few days before, a young man had attacked her on the sam\n", "The latter seem to be of the highest importance for the theory of hysteria, and accordingly deserve \n", "But, accepting this qualification, I am still of opinion that hypnoid states are the cause and neces\n", "Are hypnoid states of this kind in existence before the patient falls ill, and how do they come abou\n", "It is possible that these states differ only quantitatively from true auto-hypnoses and that they pa\n", "Even intelligent patients are unaware that their symptoms arise as the result of an idea and regard \n", "At any given moment of time there are very few of them; and if others, apart from those, should be c\n", "When an idea immediately produces lively somatic consequences, this implies that the excitation enge\n", "They are very often concerned with experiences which have in the meantime lost their meaning - dread\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "204\n", "\n", " But before entering into a discussion of this subject, I must ad\n", "'They need not have behaved like that.' (Their self-reproaches of being guilty of simulation are als\n", "As soon as they perceive anything they are inaccessible to other sense-perceptions. Indeed, they are\n", "It was impossible to escape the impression that during a course of events such as we have just descr\n", "This intrusion is still more vigorous if the extraneous set of ideas is strongly coloured with affec\n", "This proves that even during her normal behaviour the ideational complex belonging to the hypnoid st\n", "- no residue of the acute stage was carried over into the chronic one, and all the phenomena of the \n", "I believe that this was due to the fact that waking thought has less energy at its disposal if a gre\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "217\n", "\n", "(6) INNATE DISPOSITION - DEVELOPMENT OF HYSTERIA\n", "\n", " At almost eve\n", "That quantity, moreover, not only remains behind but is constantly increased by the influx of fresh \n", "They are led further and further along this road by their need for being ill, a remarkable trait whi\n", "In saying this we are already recognizing sexuality as one of the major components of hysteria. We s\n", "Their washing is derived from the same mental process as Lady Macbeth's.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "These processes - the conversion of affect, and suggestion - remain identical even in the complicate\n", "In many cases these states constitute an insanity of this kind; and psychoses like these also recur \n", "A future exposition of the true state of affairs will certainly, include them all and will merely co\n", "It would be unfair if I were to try to lay too much of the responsibility for this development upon \n", "Where the aetiological characteristics coincided regularly with the clinical ones, this was of cours\n", "There is no difficulty in tracing this out and demonstrating it in detail. As regards hysteria, howe\n", "Nothing of the sort. In my opinion it is possible to deal with hysteria, freed from any admixture, a\n", "A favourable therapeutic constellation of this kind is not seldom to be found precisely in the regio\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "234\n", "\n", " (5) Where it is a question of hysterias which run a chronic cour\n", "A good number of the patients who would be suitable for this form of treatment abandon the doctor as\n", "But the opposite is in fact the case. A combination such as this between the Breuer and Weir Mitchel\n", "For I already had at my disposal a few completed analyses in which I had come to know examples of id\n", "He is not to keep it to himself because he may happen to think it is not, or because it would be too\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "240\n", "\n", " On yet other occasions the pressure of the hand provokes a memor\n", "The analysis broke off before this was cleared up.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "242\n", "\n", " Some time ag\n", "He gave me the following information. At the time at which he was treating the girl, who was approac\n", "When these are followed up, it invariably turns out that the apparently disconnected reminiscences a\n", "'Are you reproaching yourself, then? Are you dissatisfied with yourself: 'Yes indeed.' 'Since when?'\n", "He is evidently quite unable to do anything but put up resistance.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "247\n", "\n", "As soon as this has been done the picture vanishes, like a ghost that has been laid.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies\n", "In the next place, we may reckon on the intellectual interest which the patient begins to feel after\n", "My experiences on this point, oddly enough, have not been numerous, and I cannot, therefore, go beyo\n", "It was hypnoid hysteria which was the first of all to enter our field of study. I could not, indeed,\n", "It is only a question of removing the resistances that bar the way to the material. In other respect\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "254\n", "\n", " I have described such groupings of similar memories into collect\n", "We are now in a position to see where this comparison fails. A foreign body does not enter into any \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Studies On Hysteria\n", "\n", "257\n", "\n", " There is nothing for it but to keep at first to the periphery of\n", "We must expect to come upon something else here, and this will occur to you under the pressure of my\n", "By this method we at last reach a point at which we can stop working in strata and can penetrate by \n", "If, owing to resistance, the patient delays his telling for a long time, the tension of the sensatio\n", "For a time it is uninfluenced by the treatment and continues to be an expression of the factors that\n", "I make it a rule, however, during the analysis to keep my estimate of the reminiscence that comes up\n", "This happens when the patient's relation to the physician is disturbed, and it is the worst obstacle\n", "Since I have discovered this, I have been able, whenever I have been similarly involved personally, \n", "I have often in my own mind compared cathartic psychotherapy with surgical intervention. I have desc\n", "<|/file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw48c3.htm.md\"|>\n", "<|file name=\"./epubs\\\\Fr\n", "He called this kind of intellectual work, in which he had no equal, 'practising nosography', and he \n", "Charcot kept this interesting servant, although in the course of the years she cost him a small fort\n", "If Charcot was so much more fortunate in this respect we must put it down to the personal qualities \n", "As a teacher, Charcot was positively fascinating. Each of his lectures was a little work of art in c\n", "She was no longer necessarily a malingerer, for Charcot had thrown the whole weight of his authority\n", "Once all this information about the manifestations of hysteria had been arrived at, a number of surp\n", "But the exclusively nosographical approach adopted at the School of the Salpetriere was not suitable\n", "But among Charcot's numerous works, none, in my estimate, is of higher value than the one in which h\n", "But to complete the analogy a third factor is required. In order that the idea 'your arm is paralyse\n", "If you will allow me to equate this affectively coloured experience with the major traumatic experie\n", "Thus in one patient vomiting persisted after she had read a humiliating letter just before a meal an\n", "The same patient suffered for a time from violent pains in her right heel, for which there was no ex\n", "And it was an interesting fact that the memory of this particular event was to an extraordinary degr\n", "Incidentally, a healthy psychical mechanism has other methods of dealing with the affect of a psychi\n", "It falls in with one of the dearest human wishes - the wish to be able to do something over again. S\n", "In contradistinction to Janet's view, which seems to me to admit of a great variety of objections, t\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Neuro-Psychoses Of Defence\n", "\n", "304\n", "\n", " I cannot, of course, maintain that an effort of will \n", "The operation of Breuer's cathartic method lies in leading back the excitation in this way from the \n", "Moreover, it is easy to see that it is precisely sexual life which brings with it the most copious o\n", "To provide this secondary connection for the liberated affect, any idea can be made use of which is \n", "A detailed examination showed that the need had occurred first in the following circumstances. In th\n", "There is no repressed idea from which the anxiety affect might have been separated off. The anxiety \n", "But I think we have to do here with a type of psychical illness which is very frequently employed. F\n", "As an example, I may cite Pascal's obsession: he always thought he saw an abyss on his left hand 'af\n", "She was cured by careful surveillance which prevented her from masturbating.\n", "\n", " Case 2. A young man\n", "- acts which she performed in a ridiculous state of anxiety.\n", "\n", " _Reinstatement_ : She had begun the\n", "At any rate, 'similar heredity' is often enough found in obsessional cases, and in hysteria. Thus th\n", "I shall then enumerate its various symptoms and insist on the necessity for differentiating this neu\n", "But the most marked change of all will be introduced if we decide to detach from neurasthenia the sy\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On The Grounds For Detaching A Particular Syndrome From Neurasthenia\n", "\n", "330\n", "\n", " Anxious expecta\n", "(_b_) Anxiety attacks accompanied by _disturbances of respiration_ , several forms of nervous dyspno\n", "To the first group belong fear of snakes, thunderstorms, darkness, vermin, and so on, as well as the\n", "² See 'Obsessions and Phobias' (1895 _c_).\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On The Grounds For Detaching A Particular Syndrom\n", "These appear at first sight to be of a varied nature, but they soon disclose the common character wh\n", "It is in reference to these cases of anxiety neurosis - these curable acquired cases - that I shall \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On The Grounds For Detaching A Particular Syndrome From Neurasthenia\n", "\n", "340\n", "\n", " The main object\n", "The husband benefited by the treatment after which he found his wife pregnant - whether he received \n", "The anxiety neurosis breaks out as soon as there is added to the latent effect of the specific facto\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On The Grounds For Detaching A Particular Syndrome From Neurasthenia\n", "\n", "344\n", "\n", " This concept of\n", "Thus the libido will in the end sink, and the excitation will manifest itself subcortically as anxie\n", "We are aware to what a low level libido can sink under these conditions; and we have here a good exa\n", "In other cases the multiplicity of aetiological factors is by no means fortuitous: one of the factor\n", "If one goes into the mechanism of the two neuroses, so far as it has been possible to discover it hi\n", "A further assertion which my observations forced me to make was to the effect that the various sexua\n", "With an unerring eye Lowenfeld (1895) detects the essential feature of my paper - namely, my asserti\n", "Then, there was a student, something of an idler, who produced his first anxiety attacks during a pe\n", "If anyone wants to prove to me that in these remarks I have unduly neglected the significance of the\n", "I, too, have made exactly the same observation, without, however, being misled by it. I myself have \n", "(3) I need not concern myself so much about refuting Lowenfeld's next comments, since on the one han\n", "On closer examination we discover the presence, with great regularity, of an excitatory sexual proce\n", ". .', the words '_because evidence (referred to in the previous sentence) of a hereditary taint is n\n", "The distinctive character of the concurrent, or auxiliary, causes seems clear; but how do we disting\n", "On the contrary, the two aetiological factors support and supplement each other. The sexual factor i\n", "Such was the opinion laid down by the great man himself and by his pupils, M M. Guinon, Gilles de la\n", "No objection can be made to the former; it is in fact a very remarkable thing that in the disorders \n", "I for my part, by examining the psychical mechanism of obsessions, had learnt that they are connecte\n", "I maintain that none of these, not even the last, enters into the aetiology of the neuroses regularl\n", "What gives its distinctive character to my line of approach is that I elevate these sexual influence\n", "That is the outcome of daily observation. But if heredity is present, the development of the neurosi\n", "and how is one to arm oneself against the tendency to lies and the facility of invention which are a\n", "These accessory agents are not subject to the strict conditions imposed on the specific causes; anal\n", "This is because the specific causes of the latter, the contemporary disorders of sexual life, operat\n", "In order to cause hysteria, it is not enough that there should occur at some period of the subject's\n", "This naturally gives the appearance of a familial neurotic disposition. Occasionally, however, this \n", ". . . Such an anxiety neurosis is combined with hysteria in an almost typical fashion.' I know now t\n", "This difference in the aetiological circumstances is bound up with the fact that obsessional neurosi\n", "In order to describe clearly and with probable accuracy the processes of repression, the return of t\n", "In addition, the mnemic content of the act involving self-reproach may be represented in consciousne\n", "This is why _obsessional brooding_ , if it succeeds, regularly deals with abstract and _suprasensual\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Further Remarks On The Neuro-Psychoses Of Defence\n", "\n", "395\n", "\n", "III\n", "\n", "ANALYSIS OF A CASE OF CHRONIC PA\n", "Since she avoided all contact with other people, ate poorly and was very depressed, she was sent in \n", "The presence of significant unconscious ideas was thus demonstrated in a case of paranoia as well, a\n", "When I questioned her as to what made her feel justified in applying the words to herself, she answe\n", "The only sign of her earlier psychosis was said to be that she avoided the company of all relatives,\n", "She was constantly worried in case her neighbours might hear words and noises through the party wall\n", "It is repressed by erecting the defensive symptom of _distrust of other people_. In this way the sub\n", "What we discover in this way is, of course, falsified by all the factors which commonly hide the kno\n", "_Saxa loquuntur!_\n", "\n", " If we try, in an approximately similar way, to induce the symptoms of a hyster\n", "It is true, indeed, that the traumatic scene in which the symptom originated does in fact occasional\n", "For example, let us take once again the case of hysterical vomiting which I selected before, and in \n", "Here is much food for thought; but these problems must not distract us at this point from our discus\n", "As regards the controversial matter itself, I will only remark that the singling out of the sexual f\n", "Such findings are clearly not favourable to an understanding of the causation of hysterical symptoms\n", "For now we are really at the end of our wearisome and laborious analytic work, and here we find the \n", "Before they come for analysis the patients know nothing about these scenes. They are indignant as a \n", "We must not, however, be led into forestalling the lessons of observation.\n", "\n", " There would be one ot\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Aetiology Of Hysteria\n", "\n", "422\n", "\n", " Lastly, the findings of my analysis are in a position to s\n", "And is its aetiological significance impaired by the fact that other factors must obviously be at wo\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Aetiology Of Hysteria\n", "\n", "425\n", "\n", " Since the ego's efforts at defence depend upon the subject\n", "In this way we obtain an indication that a certain _infantile_ state of the psychical functions, as \n", "For the idea of these infantile sexual scenes is very repellent to the feelings of a sexually normal\n", "I have elsewhere tried to express this in the formula: _hysterical symptoms are overdetermined_.\n", "\n", " \n", "You can, of course, answer the puzzle by pronouncing her an abnormal, eccentrically disposed and ove\n", "I must now add that although this need not be expected to happen in general - every one of my cases \n", "SIGM. FREUD\n", "\n", "1877-1897\n", "\n", "A\n", "\n", "BEFORE APPOINTMENT AS PRIVATDOZENT\n", "\n", "I\n", "\n", " 'Observations on the configurat\n", "The nerve cells, whose survival can be recognized from the granules in their nucleus, seem to be com\n", "An eighteen-year-old man fell ill without fever but with general symptoms and dragging pains in his \n", "The case afforded a demonstration of the symptom of sensible and sensorial hemi-anaesthesia in its c\n", "XX\n", "\n", " _Clinical Studies of the Unilateral Cerebral Palsies of Children_.\n", "\n", " (In collaboration with\n", "(Preliminary communication in collaboration with Dr. J. Breuer.)\n", "\n", " The mechanism to which Charcot \n", "The justification for including general chorea and bilateral athetosis among these types is provided\n", "Emphasis is laid on the far-reaching similarity of these cases to those described as multiple sclero\n", "In phobias the latter is always the same, namely anxiety; in true obsessions it can be of various ki\n", "Freud 1877-1897\n", "\n", "448\n", "\n", "XXXIII\n", "\n", " 'A reply to criticisms of my paper on anxiety neurosis.'\n", "\n", " A repl\n", "The presence of infantile sexual experiences is an indispensable condition if the efforts of defence\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Abstracts Of The Scientific Writings Of Dr. Sigm. Freud 1877-1897\n", "\n", "452\n", "\n", "APPENDIX\n", "\n", "A. _Works w\n", "I am aware that efforts will be made, by the use of arguments with an ethical colouring, to prevent \n", "Nor is it true that patients put insuperable obstacles in the way of an investigation into their sex\n", "And, indeed, such distinctions may well be a matter of indifference to a practitioner, so long as no\n", "are prominent; in other cases these signs play a minor part and the clinical picture is composed of \n", "In another instance the patient, who exhibited no clear organic changes, complained of intracranial \n", "But heredity is inaccessible to the physician's influence; everyone is born with his own hereditary \n", "At the close of this period, which had a curative effect on him, his neurosis was started up afresh \n", "That may be so: but we are overlooking the fact that her removal from home also entails an interrupt\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Sexuality In The Aetiology Of The Neuroses\n", "\n", "468\n", "\n", " Another task is set to the physician by t\n", "When we reflect upon all the injuries, both the grosser and the finer ones, which proceed from neura\n", "But a different view must be taken in those cases of psychoneurosis which either appear spontaneousl\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Sexuality In The Aetiology Of The Neuroses\n", "\n", "473\n", "\n", " I can do no more in these brief hints tha\n", "Such cases can nevertheless be treated by analysis after the violent manifestations have been quiete\n", "The only difference is that another person, the husband, is now driven by his own interests to keep \n", "Secondly, in place of the name we are looking for, another name promptly appears, which we recognize\n", "¹ Nor by any feeling of unpleasure one may have at being inhibited in a psychical act.\n", "\n", " ² The fir\n", "The translation of '_Signor_ ' into '_Herr_ ' was therefore the means by which the story that I had \n", "1\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychical Mechanism Of Forgetfulness\n", "\n", "482\n", "\n", " It is perhaps not without interest for i\n", "It is, on the contrary, a very common one. On one occasion, for instance, when I was meaning to desc\n", "As I have shown elsewhere, great pathogenic importance must be attributed to the impressions of that\n", "There are some, however, whose memory reaches back further - even to the time before the completion \n", "He thinks that in such cases the relevant scene may perhaps have been only _incompletely_ retained i\n", "I have elsewhere¹ had occasion to describe a very similar instance of substitution which occurred in\n", "From my third year onwards my recollections grow scantier and less clear; there are gaps in them whi\n", "We are picking the yellow flowers and each of us is holding a bunch of flowers we have already picke\n", "I believe now that I was never free from a longing for the beautiful woods near our home, in which (\n", "This family had left my birthplace at the same time as we did and had become prosperous in a far-dis\n", "A recollection of this kind, whose value lies in the fact that it represents in the memory impressio\n", "In accordance, as you say, with a general law, the clause that had remained unconscious sought to tr\n", "I mean the memory of a table laid for a meal with a basin of ice on it, which was supposed to have s\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Screen Memories\n", "\n", "502\n", "\n", " Our earliest childhood memories will always be a subject of special \n", "Our childhood memories show us our earliest years not as they were but as they appeared at the later\n", "But the same correlation that is responsible for the importance of the subject must also bear the bl\n", "Anyone who is acquainted with my other writings (on the aetiology and mechanism of the psycho-neuros\n", "I may even venture to prophesy in what other directions later editions of this book - if any should \n", "The second volume of that collection consists of an exact reprint of the first edition of the _Inter\n", "I shall give by way of preface a review of the work done by earlier writers on the subject as well a\n", "The distinction was drawn between truthful and valuable dreams, sent to the sleeper to warn him or f\n", "Nor are discussions of the premonitory character of dreams and their power to foretell the future at\n", "The old physiologist Burdach (1838, 499), to whom we owe a careful and shrewd account of the phenome\n", "Radestock (1879, 134) tells us how before Xerxes started on his expedition against Greece, he was gi\n", "And, on top of all the rest, the dreamer was not even born when Napoleon died on the island; so that\n", "He then looked round him and saw a fifth and then a sixth lizard making their way to the hole in the\n", "Although Scaliger could not remember having ever heard of him, he wrote some verses on him. His son \n", "That was during the second half of the eighteen nineties and I had travelled over the line for the f\n", "One night in a dream he found himself in Trilport and was once more playing in the village street. A\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "532\n", "\n", " Several writers who are anxious not to cast doubts on t\n", "It is easy to see how the remarkable preference shown by the memory in dreams for indifferent, and c\n", "What the dreamer is himself stressing in dreams of this kind is not, however, the content of the mem\n", "By unintentional movements during our sleep we may uncover some part of our body and expose it to se\n", "He remarks upon this that travellers will no doubt be aware how cold one's knees become at night in \n", "At this point he was woken up by actual cries of \"Feuerjo!\" in the street.'\n", "\n", " Garnier (1865) tells\n", "While I was reading some of the tombstones, I heard the bell-ringer climbing up the church tower and\n", "From _which_ of the many groups of memories concerned the related images shall be aroused and _which\n", "Especially important among these are the subjective excitations of the retina. It is in this way tha\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", " 544\n", "\n", " Auditory hallucinations of words, names, and so on can\n", "Medical writers, too, who were certainly far from believing in the prophetic power of dreams, have n\n", "Nevertheless, though these facts are established beyond a doubt, their importance for the study of t\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "549\n", "\n", " Krauss, the psychiatrist, in an investigation carried t\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "550\n", "\n", " Simon (1888, 34 f.) has attempted to deduce some of the\n", "If it were a fact that waking interests, along with internal and external stimuli during sleep, suff\n", "We shall find later that the enigma of the formation of dreams can be solved by the revelation of an\n", "Strumpell admits, as well as other writers (e.g. Calkins, 1893, 312), that we often forget dream-ima\n", "Two further reasons why dreams should be forgotten, which Benini quotes as having been brought forwa\n", ". . .' ¹\n", "\n", " Very similar ideas are expressed by Spitta (1882, 338), who seems to believe that it is\n", "It may be, however, that the suggestion will eventually prove to be sagacious and fertile, if it can\n", "Not until we wake up does the critical comment arise that we have not experienced anything but have \n", "During sleep I took the dream images as real owing to my mental habit (which cannot be put to sleep)\n", ". . . The persistence of sensation is proved even more clearly by the fact that what rouses us is no\n", "Dreams are disconnected, they accept the most violent contradictions without the least objection, th\n", "What laughable contradictions he is ready to accept in the laws of nature and society before, as we \n", "In the opinion of Spitta (1882, 84 f.) the part of the mind which is not affected by sleep is the li\n", "(Ibid., 137.) In another dream he was walking along a highway and reading the number of _kilo_ metre\n", "¹\n", "\n", " ¹ ['In sleep, all the mental faculties (except for perception) - intelligence, imagination, me\n", ". . . We can even find a most logical explanation for the strangest dreams if we know how to analyse\n", "Pronouncements such as that by Schubert (1814, 20 f.) that dreams are a liberation of the spirit fro\n", "No doubt we shall be acting rightly in not insisting that this view has no basis at all in fact, sin\n", "The common expression \"I wouldn't dream of such a thing\" has a doubly correct significance when it r\n", ". . For that reason no dream-wishes or dream-actions can be virtuous or sinful.' Nevertheless, he go\n", "Sometimes, however, they have been judged less seriously. Spitta (1882, 194) quotes some remarks by \n", "There is, however, one important point of difference: involuntary ideas in the moral sphere contradi\n", ". . . Evidemment les visions qui se deroulent devant ma pensee et qui constituent le reve, me sont s\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "582\n", "\n", "(G)\n", "\n", "THEORIES OF DREAMING AND ITS FUNCTION\n", "\n", " Any disquis\n", "It regards dreams as a result of a partial awakening \\- 'a gradual, partial and at the same time hi\n", "Dreams are a reaction to the disturbance of sleep brought about by a stimulus - a reaction, incident\n", "Moreover, excretion is not the only event which occurs in the mind at night. Robert himself adds tha\n", "Delage, however, gives the situation a different turn, for he holds that it is because these impress\n", "Without dreams we should surely grow sooner old; so we may look on them - not, perhaps as a gift fro\n", "The clarity of its speech suffers particularly from the fact that it has a dislike of representing a\n", "In the case of a sexual dream in a woman, the narrow space where the thighs come together may be rep\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "594\n", "\n", "(H)\n", "\n", "THE RELATIONS BETWEEN DREAMS AND MENTAL DISEASES\n", "\n", " \n", "According to Krauss (1859, 270), Gregory first drew attention to this fact. Macario, quoted by Tissi\n", "My own researches have taught me that in this fact lies the key to a psychological theory of both dr\n", "For the intervening nine years have produced nothing new or valuable either in factual material or i\n", "I am bound to admit that since then the situation has changed; my contribution to the interpretation\n", "The seven fat kine followed by seven lean kine that ate up the fat kine - all this was a symbolic su\n", "There can be no question that the invention of the decoding method of interpretation was suggested b\n", "- [_Added_ 1911:] The nicest instance of a dream-interpretation which has reached us from ancient ti\n", "It was then only a short step to treating the dream itself as a symptom and to applying to dreams th\n", "_In this way the 'involuntary' ideas are transformed into voluntary ones_.\n", "\n", " ¹ [_Footnote added_ 1\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "606\n", "\n", " In the course of my psycho-analyses of neurotics I must\n", "In the case of every such dream some remarks by way of preamble will be necessary. - And now I must \n", "- I at once called in Dr. M., and he repeated the examination and confirmed it . . . . Dr M. looked \n", "-I noticed, however, that the words which I spoke to Irma in the dream showed that I was specially a\n", "I myself, however, had thought this unlikely, since she was of a very reserved nature. She was _reca\n", "It reminded me of a tragic event in my practice. I had on one occasion produced a severe toxic state\n", "I saw at once that this was the rheumatism in my own shoulder, which I invariably notice if I sit up\n", "I suspected that the diagnosis was an error on the part of an ignorant practitioner who had allowed \n", "The smell of fusel oil (amyl . . .) evidently stirred up in my mind a recollection of the whole seri\n", "Here I was evidently collecting instances of my conscientiousness, but also of the reverse.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "\n", "('_Dysentery will supervene_ ', etc.) Indeed I seemed to be appealing from him to someone else with \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "621\n", "\n", " I will not pretend that I have completely uncovered the\n", "Shall we find other wishful dreams besides this one? or are there perhaps no dreams but wishful ones\n", "Weygandt, however, overlooks the fact that this reaction of a dream to a stimulus is one which holds\n", "A friend of mine, who knows my theory of dreams and has told his wife of it, said to me one day: 'My\n", "Before our excursion I had told the children that Hallstatt lay at the foot of the Dachstein. They v\n", "The dreamer was an eight-year-old girl. Her father had started off with several children on a walk t\n", "He had been in the habit every morning of telling his mother that he had a dream of the 'white soldi\n", "Another of us dreamt of tobacco, of whole mountains of tobacco; while a third dreamt of a ship in fu\n", "J. Starcke (1913, ) has drawn attention to a dream in Scherner's collection which that writer himsel\n", "² Cf. Debacker (1881) on pavor nocturnus.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "632\n", "\n", " It does in f\n", "Thus our second problem is: what is the origin of dream-distortion?\n", "\n", " A number of possible solutio\n", "When, during the course of the morning, the dream came into my head, I laughed aloud and said: 'The \n", "I had met N. in the street. He too had been recommended for a professorship. He had heard of the hon\n", "I had been fond of my friend R. and had esteemed him for many years; but if I had gone up to him and\n", "A writer must beware of the censorship, and on its account he must soften and distort the expression\n", ". a mere boy. That would be terrible.\" \"I understand perfectly,\" replied the staff surgeon. Some of \n", "While I was engaged in working out a certain scientific problem, I was troubled for several nights i\n", "How do you fit that in with your theory? This was the dream:\n", "\n", " '_I wanted to give a supper-party, \n", "Fortunately this friend of hers is very skinny and thin and her husband admires a plumper figure. I \n", "The path is something different from the mental act which proceeds along it. The latter is a little \n", "Next day she brought me a dream in which she was travelling down with her mother-in-law to the place\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "648\n", "\n", " The girl had early been left an orphan and had been bro\n", "Other portions of the same dream enabled us to discover further that she had guessed that the Englis\n", "- 'That's possible, no doubt.' \\- In that case your dream was the fulfilment of a wish. It gave you \n", "'If only he'd begun beating me already!' the girl replied. Her wish to be married was so intense tha\n", "There is a masochistic component in the sexual constitution of many people, which arises from the re\n", "(Rank, 1910.)\n", "\n", " [_Added_ 1925:] I have nowhere stated that I adopted Rank's formula as my own. The\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "655\n", "\n", "CHAPTER V\n", "\n", "THE MATERIAL AND SOURCES OF DREAMS\n", "\n", "When the an\n", ". .; in the meantime I kept a lady_ WAITING.\n", "\n", " _Source_ : I had had a conversation with a female \n", "I have, however, recently made some investigations upon my own dreams, to test now far the 'theory o\n", "The exciting cause of the dream was the news I received on the dream-day that the clinic, in whose l\n", "I believe, then, that the instigating agent of every dream is to be found among the experiences whic\n", "This phantasy had led on to reflections of how awkward it is, when all is said and done, for a physi\n", "_I see it lying finished before me and I see myself turning over its pages_. How much I envied him h\n", "Indeed, it carried the subject that was raised in the earlier dream a stage further and discussed it\n", "The only question is as to the intermediate links which enabled the impression of the monograph to s\n", "There is no need for us to emulate Lessing's Hanschen Schlau and feel astonished that 'only the rich\n", "Nevertheless we must not be in a hurry to take leave of Robert's ideas without further consideration\n", "Delage (1891, 41) and Delboeuf (1885, 237), who speaks of '_rapprochement forc e_' ['enforced conver\n", "From this we must conclude that the freshness of an impression gives it some kind of psychical value\n", "Dreams are never concerned with trivialities; we do not allow our sleep to be disturbed by trifles.¹\n", "For the purposes of the analysis this had to be divided up. '_I don 't recognize that_' was somethin\n", "But what was the explanation of her dreaming it? She told me that the piano was a _disgusting_ old \n", "As it happened, she was able to indicate how it was that she obtained this piece of knowledge. Once \n", "When he reached his home, he found that the unknown place was a real one in the immediate neighbourh\n", "There was a similar instance of this when, in the course of my analysis of the dream of the monograp\n", "One evening, while we were sitting in a restaurant there, our attention had been attracted by a man \n", "_There was a narrow stream of dark water; on one side of it were black cliffs and on the other meado\n", "Incidentally, I must have understood Czech in my earliest childhood, for I was born in a small town \n", "This struck me as unheroic conduct on the part of the big, strong man who was holding the little boy\n", "It is true that as a rule the childhood scene is only represented in the dream's manifest content by\n", "A young tailor's apprentice had brought her a dress and she had given him the money for it. Afterwar\n", "This, seen in his childhood, reappeared in later memory as '_proud flesh_ ' \\- as a wound.\n", "\n", " The d\n", "There remained to be explained the fact of the basket being _thrown in after her_ and _through the w\n", "I have never known the name of the novel or of its author; but I have a vivid memory of its ending. \n", "(Cf. Maury's alliterative dreams.) No doubt it was a very far-fetched and senseless chain of thought\n", "(Cf. the neglected opportunity with the wet-nurse.) For one of the thoughts which my hunger introduc\n", "He was on his way to a difficult audience with the Emperor, while _I_ was the real Count Do-nothing \n", "This greatly struck people_. (At this point the scene broke off.)\n", "\n", " _Once more I was in front of t\n", "(The mention of _Henry VIII_ opened the way to this recollection.) - From there it was only a short \n", "I had thought, half seriously, of using those words as the heading to the chapter on 'Therapy', if e\n", "I must therefore explain that the analysis of these three episodes of the dream showed that they wer\n", "Moreover, I was making fun of him; I had to hand him the urinal because he was blind, and I revelled\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "698\n", "\n", " The two scenes of micturition from my childhood were in\n", "Anyone who forgets this possibility will easily go astray and be led into making untenable assertion\n", "Miss Mary Whiton Calkins (1893, 312) examined her own and another person's dreams for six weeks with\n", "Thus a dream is not, on this view, a mental phenomenon based on psychical motives, but the outcome o\n", "A variety of different reactions are then open to me. I may disregard it, and when I wake up I may f\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "705\n", "\n", " This theory of dream-interpretation cannot be said to h\n", "Scherner reports a dream of two rows of pretty, fair-haired boys standing opposite each other on a b\n", "When it _does_ occur, it means that it has been possible to find ideational material to serve as the\n", "Feverish lassitude, loss of appetite and the hard work with which I nevertheless carried on - all th\n", "But I knew that I could not go on long with my peculiarly difficult work unless I was in completely \n", "But it succeeded in shifting the craving for nourishment back to a child's longing for his mother's \n", "The correct interpretation, which the sleeping mind is perfectly capable of making, would involve an\n", "A second group of them reveal a different mechanism; for anxiety in dreams may be psychoneurotic anx\n", "Whereas in the case of a uniform and plentiful material such as marble or sandstone, the artist mere\n", "For on neither of these floors was there a spittoon; and the view I took was that the cleanliness of\n", "¹ [_Footnote added_ 1925:] This assertion that our method of interpreting dreams cannot be applied u\n", "For it has become the basis of a fairy tale which is familiar to us all in Hans Andersen's version, \n", "But we can regain this Paradise every night in our dreams. I have already expressed a suspicion that\n", "Let us look into our example. If you are wandering about in a foreign land, far from your home and f\n", "This last phrase is equivalent to lack of ready repartee ['_Schlagfertigkeit_ ', literally 'readines\n", "When the dreamer herself was grown-up and pregnant, she merely followed her mother's example.\n", "\n", " If\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "730\n", "\n", " Many people, therefore, who love their brothers and sis\n", "Whenever the conversation touched upon her he used to intervene in it and exclaim petulantly: 'Too '\n", "In the dream which followed upon this piece of information all the dreamer's brothers and sisters ha\n", "Thus if a child has reasons for wishing the absence of another, there is nothing to restrain him fro\n", "The more unrestricted was the rule of the father in the ancient family, the more must the son, as hi\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "737\n", "\n", " The signs of these infantile preferences are for the mo\n", "There could be no question as to the meaning of these dreams. As her condition improved still furthe\n", "Oedipus, son of Laius, King of Thebes, and of Jocasta, was exposed as an infant because an oracle ha\n", "But, more fortunate than he, we have meanwhile succeeded, in so far as we have not become psychoneur\n", "Its further modification originates once again in a misconceived secondary revision of the material,\n", "For it can of course only be the poet's own mind which confronts us in Hamlet. I observe in a book o\n", "The invariable concomitant is that painful feelings are experienced in the dream. In just the same w\n", "They are hard to satisfy, know no such word as `enough' and insist insatiably on a repetition of thi\n", "By giving my friend Otto in the dream the symptoms of our noble helper, I was evidently saying that \n", "It not uncommonly happens that these games of movement, though innocent in themselves, give rise to \n", "In the case of those who have obtained a University degree this typical dream is replaced by another\n", "It is but rarely that the material with which the dreamer provides us in associations is sufficient \n", "Moreover, the man is bigger than the house; and if the whole picture is intended to represent a land\n", "Du Prel (1885, 85) has a passage in which he says it is absolutely certain that there has been a pro\n", "657 ff.](frcw48c4_1.htm#idh_p657).\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "755\n", "\n", "I\n", "\n", "THE DREAM OF THE BO\n", "Konigstein. Here we find ourselves in a factory of thoughts where, as in the 'weaver's masterpiece' \n", "It will soon become clear why I have chosen to give this exceptionally clever dream-production the t\n", "The piece had moreover reminded him of another, which he had seen some years earlier, called _Von St\n", "It must evidently be at the end of the dream, where once again there was a _reversal_ of the difficu\n", "III\n", "\n", "'THE MAY-BEETLE DREAM'\n", "\n", " CONTENT OF THE DREAM. - _She called to mind that she had two may-bee\n", "'Set them free' made her think of a passage in the _Magic Flute_ :\n", "\n", " \n", "She appeared with the features which were hers in real life, and thus, in the first instance, repres\n", "What was contained in the dream-thoughts was not 'propyls' but 'amyls.' It might be supposed that a \n", "Our study of the dream of Irma's injection has already enabled us to gain some insight into the proc\n", "His servant fetched the man back, and the latter remarked: 'It's a funny thing that even people who \n", "'Hearsing' was a compound. One part of it was derived from the names of places on the suburban railw\n", "'_Cherchez la femme_ ', the phrase in which these thoughts could be summarized, led me, taken in ano\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "774\n", "\n", " This was precisely what I did in the dream. But what so\n", "I then thought of \"_erzehlerisch_ [another nonsense word], and this explained the \"_e_ \" of the seco\n", "The spoken words which occurred in his dreams were not derived from remarks which he had heard or ma\n", "At first sight it looks as though no attention whatever is paid to the psychical intensity¹ of the v\n", "The process which we are here presuming is nothing less than the essential portion of the dream work\n", "In you other people there seems always to be something that lies concealed in your dreams, something\n", "This part of the material includes all the connecting paths that led from the manifest dream-content\n", "Nevertheless, I will not deny that critical thought-activity which is not a mere repetition of mater\n", "Then the commoner method of representation would be to introduce the dependent clause as an introduc\n", "The alternative 'either-or' cannot be expressed in dreams in any way whatever. Both of the alternati\n", "In a few instances the difficulty of representing an alternative is got over by dividing the dream i\n", "This relation, unlike any other, is capable of being represented in dreams in a variety of ways.¹ Pa\n", "The dream-figure thus constructed appears in the dream in some quite new connection, and the circums\n", "Thus my ego may be represented in a dream several times over, now directly and now through identific\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "795\n", "\n", " Dreams are, of course, a mass of these composite struct\n", "I have given a number of instances of this. Another class of contraries in the dream-thoughts, falli\n", "This is often the best way of expressing the ego's reaction to a disagreeable fragment of memory. Ag\n", ". .'\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "798\n", "\n", " If we wish to pursue our study of the relations b\n", "We shall not be altering the sense of this empirically based assertion if we put it in these terms: \n", "_The form of a dream, or the form in which it is dreamt is used with quite surprising frequency for \n", "Some days later he had a conscious recollection of the misdeed alluded to by the dream.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The \n", "Nevertheless in my experience it is only rarely that one is in a position to interpret the clarity o\n", "If therefore something happened at the end of the dream which prevented my going, it seems plausible\n", "The intention is, once again, to detract from the importance of what is 'dreamt' in the dream, to ro\n", "This is so because in every language concrete terms, in consequence of the history of their developm\n", "The distinction between dream-interpretation of this kind and interpretation by means of symbolism c\n", "Her younger sister, who still had prospects of marriage, handed her up the coal 'because she had not\n", "It is from time to time my business at meals to cut up a cake and distribute the helpings. I perform\n", "But the circle of ideas centring round plant-life or the kitchen may just as readily be chosen to co\n", "Some other workmen had cut down some similar_ BRANCHES _from a_ GARDEN _and thrown them into the_ RO\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "818\n", "\n", "(E)\n", "\n", "REPRESENTATION BY SYMBOLS IN DREAMS\n", "\n", "\\- SOME FURTHER \n", "In this connection we may observe how in a number of cases the use of a common symbol extends furthe\n", "They frequently have more than one or even several meanings, and, as with Chinese script, the correc\n", "- As regards articles of clothing, a woman's hat can very often be interpreted with certainty as a g\n", "To his surprise she answered_ : \"14\". He had in fact started a _liason_ with this girl and had paid \n", "I therefore content myself with drawing attention to only a few of his findings.\n", "\n", " According to St\n", "- can replace one another in dreams. This last assertion of Stekel's, which is on the whole correct,\n", "The way in which the dreamer reacted to this material was most remarkable. She withdrew her descript\n", "In her imagination 'going by herself in the streets' meant not having a man, not having any sexual r\n", "His father asked him in the dream what all this was, that is, what was the purpose and function of t\n", "V\n", "\n", "DREAMS OF CASTRATION IN CHILDREN\n", "\n", " (_a_) A boy aged three years and five months, who obviously \n", "stopped the child for me. I caught hold of her; but I don 't know whether I hit her, for I suddenly \n", "Its motive force, as indeed was shown by its outcome - an emission - was of a purely libidinal natur\n", "He awoke with a conviction of the reality of what he had dreamt and kept obstinately asking his moth\n", "The naive dreams of healthy people actually often contain a much simpler, more perspicuous and more \n", "The words \"_one has to pay for them_ \" signified having to pay with her life for being a wife and a \n", "'Later on the dreamer produced an addendum to the dream: \"_I decorate the flowers with green crinkle\n", "This dream was fulfilled, and I woke up rejoiced and strengthened. . . .\"'\n", "\n", " 'The action of this d\n", "Whips, sticks, lances and similar objects are familiar to us as phallic symbols; but when a whip fur\n", "A dream such as this of victory and conquest is often a cover for a wish to succeed in an _erotic_ c\n", "The student must have stood for himself (the patient), who was just as indifferent about the analysi\n", "Similar findings were published by Roffenstein in 1923. Some experiments made by Betlheim and Hartma\n", "It also concealed the painful reflection that the dreamer had often been unlucky in his attempts at \n", "A distinction must in general be made between dreams with a dental stimulus and dentist dreams, such\n", "I was looking into a carriage window as though I were outside_.\n", "\n", " '\"The following experiences and \n", "And again: 'But I may draw attention to another parallel to be found in linguistic usage. In our par\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "849\n", "\n", " 'The second point which seems to me to deserve emphasis\n", "But, often enough, as every mother knows, romping among children actually ends in squabbling and tea\n", "We shall learn presently from more than one example what it is that dreams of swimming are most easi\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "854\n", "\n", " The assertion that all dreams require a sexual interpre\n", "The oracle given to the Tarquins is equally well known, which prophesied that the conquest of Rome w\n", "A large number of dreams, often accompanied by anxiety and having as their content such subjects as \n", "In dreams as in mythology, the delivery of the child _from_ the uterine waters is commonly presented\n", "The symbolism of dreams with a urinary stimulus is especially transparent and has been recognized fr\n", "[_Added_ 1914:] See also Rank (1911 _b_) and Reik (1911). [_Added_ 1919:] See further, Rank (1914).\n", "\n", "We shall not be surprised to find that, for the purpose of representation in dreams, the spelling of\n", "She herself did not appear in the content of this dream. - The fact of a dream referring to childhoo\n", "-'Down below' in dreams often relates to the genitals, 'up above', on the contrary, to the face, mou\n", "- This was explained as meaning that the governess was lustful ['_l ustern_'].\n", "\n", " (_b_) C. dreamt o\n", "The first scientific task which my teacher set me was in fact concerned with the nervous system of a\n", "She thought it would not really have done any harm if they had_.\n", "\n", " What was the origin of the 1 fl\n", "- 'Oh, so you're 28, then_.'\n", "\n", " Since the dream dates from 1898 this was evidently a miscalculation\n", "In this respect the dream-work is treating numbers as a medium for the expression of its purpose in \n", ". .]\n", "\n", "Here the quotation broke off. In the original the lines continue:\n", "\n", " \n", "¹ ['_Notz uchtigen_', 'to force sexually', 'to rape', is so used in place of '_n otigen_', 'to force\n", "His words were brief and to the point. But it was not they that mattered. What overwhelmed me were t\n", "Only in one passage in literature - but a passage which makes a profound impression on the reader: i\n", "I shall begin by giving a few examples in which the absurdity is only an apparent one and disappears\n", "_After his death my father played a political part among the Magyars and brought them together polit\n", "'To stand before one's children's eyes, after one's death, great and unsullied' \\- who would not des\n", "This has a confusing effect, It eventually occurred to me that this alternation between death and li\n", "This led to the passage in the dream in which I drove in the cab _for some of the distance one norma\n", "Since aristocrats could easily be confused with drivers and since there was a time in our part of th\n", "Or I'II shortly become a clod-poll oh!'\n", "\n", "_ \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "885\n", "\n", " A great part of the impression of absurdity in this dre\n", "Apart from this, however, the number 51 by itself, without the number of the century, was determined\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "887\n", "\n", " I may add that my friend's book which had been so sever\n", "The elder of the two was clearly my eldest son; I did not see other one's face. The woman who brough\n", "In their flight out of Egypt the Children of Israel had not time to allow their dough to rise and, i\n", "_It was as though he was acting with due attention to bilateral symmetry!_\n", "\n", " Dreams, then, are oft\n", "When she had first set up house she had jokingly remarked on one occasion in the presence of a young\n", "The two events which occasioned the dream will serve, instead of a complete analysis, to indicate it\n", "Thus all of these seemed to be acts of judgement made for the first time in the dream. But analysis \n", "It was the _patient_ , of whose long analysis my colleague had fallen foul, who had decided to get m\n", "The analysis showed, however, that the dream-work did not have a free hand in framing this parallel \n", "Part of the way he carried me too, out of consideration for my tired legs. The ground was boggy; we \n", "The boggy ground over which people had to be carried, and the chasm which they had to cross by means\n", "_There were several people, including an English brother and sister; a row of books were distinctly \n", "But here was a case in which something resented the change of scene and thought it necessary to expl\n", "We had a compartment to ourselves; we left all the windows open all through the night and had a most\n", "Strumpell declared that in dreams ideas are denuded of their psychical values. But there is no lack \n", "This game went back to a successful piece of self-discipline which he had achieved at an early age i\n", "III\n", "\n", " _A castle by the sea; later it was no longer immediately on the sea, but on a narrow canal l\n", "The dream-thoughts dealt with the future of my family after my premature death. This was the only di\n", "But it was only the _name_ of the breakfast-ship that was newly constructed by the dream. The _thing\n", "Now just as in the state of sleep the sending out of motor impulses towards the external world appea\n", "But Gargantua, too, Rabelais' superman, revenged himself in the same way on the Parisians by sitting\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "914\n", "\n", " There is yet another alternative way in which the dream\n", "Subsequently the man reported that he had had the following dream: _I was lying in bed and a gentlem\n", "Now and then, when something went awry, I had to put up with a scolding from my master, though there\n", "Some dreams of my own of a similar kind have enabled me to throw a little light on the subject. As a\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "919\n", "\n", " Another group of dreams, which I have often come across\n", "This other source had grounds for fearing the censorship, and its affect would undoubtedly have arou\n", "As a result of that pressure, this source would normally have produced, not satisfaction, but the co\n", "¹ It was this phantasy, forming part of the unconscious dream-thoughts, which so insistently demande\n", "My nephew himself re-appeared in my boyhood, and at that time we acted the parts of Caesar and Brutu\n", "But, as was to be expected, the dream punished my friend, and not me, for this callous wish.²\n", "\n", " 'A\n", "In another stratum of my thoughts, during the ceremonial unveiling of the memorial, I had reflected \n", "[p. 714](frcw48c4_2.htm#idh_p714)), which can be either disregarded or given a fresh interpretation \n", "The phrase is an example of _esprit d 'escalier_ on the part of the psychical censorship.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Th\n", "In other dreams this tendentious revision has only partly succeeded; coherence seems to rule for a c\n", "They stand in much the same relation to the childhood memories from which they are derived as do som\n", "Several people then appeared, in order to fetch him away, and one of them wanted to arrest him. He s\n", "This dream did not, of course, lack elements in which dream-distortion had been carried deeper. It m\n", "It can hardly be disputed, I think, that the dream-story was precisely of a sort likely to be constr\n", "At the end of the performance he was delighted to hear his name being shouted with the liveliest dem\n", "The editor of a popular French periodical is said to have made a bet that he would have the words 'i\n", "Quick! gather things up, put them in order - any order will do - before he enters to take possession\n", ". . .']\n", "\n", " ³ ['It has been thought possible to locate dreams at the moment of waking, and have ascr\n", "'I wanted to give way to sleep for a little longer.\n", "\n", " 'Scene: _I was saying good-bye to someone an\n", "We were faced by the question whether the mind employs the whole of its faculties without reserve in\n", "They seek to find the essence of dreams in their latent content and in so doing they overlook the di\n", "And here we shall observe that this dream, too, contained the fulfilment of a wish. The dead child b\n", "It has been objected on more than one occasion that we have in fact no knowledge of the dreams that \n", "We have attached no less importance in interpreting dreams to every shade of the form of words in wh\n", "In this way he draws my attention to the expression which he has dropped out. The trouble taken by t\n", "It is of course only to be taken as a technical rule, as a warning to analysts. It cannot be dispute\n", "[It is only a step from the sublime to the ridiculous.]\" Yes, replied the author, \"_le Pas de Calais\n", "Is it alive?' 'Yes', I replied, 'he is alive', and at once, embarrassed at my mistake, repeated the \n", "Yet there is no such psychical gulf between my interpretative activity and my waking thoughts as the\n", "Analysis of such dreams protects the physician from errors and uncertainties which may lead, among o\n", "As in the case of many other theories put forward in recent years, it is impossible to overlook the \n", "Let us take the most extreme case, in which waking life has got rid of a dream as though it had neve\n", "We then delude ourselves into thinking that we have discovered a thought which is a connecting point\n", "¹ [_Footnote added_ 1914:] It was not until later that my attention was drawn to the fact that Eduar\n", "The real reason for the prevalence of superficial associations is not the abandonment of purposive i\n", "² [_Footnote added_ 1909:] These two theorems, which sounded most unplausible at the time they were \n", "Perhaps a candle has fallen over and my child may be burning.' The dream repeated these reflections \n", "In short, the relation which we are examining now is not in any respect an exclusive one. Neverthele\n", "Accordingly, we shall ascribe a sensory and a motor end to the apparatus. At the sensory end there l\n", "It would of course be a waste of time to try to put the psychical significance of a system of this k\n", "For simplicity's sake, in the system _Ucs_. It is true that in the course of our future discussion w\n", "Why is it otherwise in dreams? When we were considering the work of condensation in dreams we were d\n", "The source of this phenomenon was a suppressed, though at one time conscious, memory of a boy whom h\n", "It is moreover a familiar observation that, even in those whose memory is not normally of a visual t\n", "We have put forward the view that in all probability this regression, wherever it may occur, is an e\n", "Dreams and neuroses seem to have preserved more mental antiquities than we could have imagined possi\n", "I can distinguish three possible origins for such a wish. (1) It may have been aroused during the da\n", "It seems to me, on the contrary, that, with the progressive control exercised upon our instinctual l\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "986\n", "\n", " In my view, therefore, wishful impulses left over from \n", "Indeed they occasionally dominate the content of a dream and force it to carry on the activity of da\n", "This is the case which raises doubts as to the validity of the wish theory of dreams and needs furth\n", "), but a punitive one reacting against it and belonging to the ego, though at the same time an uncon\n", "We cannot tell, it is true, what it was that provided the dream with the motive force for thus givin\n", "So, too, the other possible variations in the economic situation that I have taken as an analogy hav\n", "I hope I may be forgiven for drawing analogies from everyday life, but I am tempted to say that the \n", "It is not impossible, even, that our account may have provided an explanation of the extreme cases i\n", "Satisfaction does not follow; the need persists. An internal cathexis could only have the same value\n", "to find expression, and makes it possible for hallucinatory regression to occur once more? I think n\n", "A symptom is not merely the expression of a realized unconscious wish; a wish from the preconscious \n", "Let me recall the dream dreamt by the man who was led to infer from the glare of light coming out of\n", "It seems as though in his case the wish to sleep had given place to another preconscious wish, namel\n", "But when the content of the dream process has become perceptual, by that fact it has, as it were, fo\n", "He seeks to show that a dream occupies no more than the transition period between sleeping and wakin\n", "Bearing in mind the expediency which is everywhere else the rule, we may ask why a dream, that is, a\n", "_This second alternative is the one which occurs in the process of dreaming_. The cathexis from the \n", "It has long been the habit to regard dreams as identical with their manifest content; but we must no\n", "To the person who has the wish, of course. But, as we know, a dreamer's relation to his wishes is a \n", "These determinants are thus quite outside the psychological framework of dream-formation. If it were\n", "This is a good example of a very common sort of anxiety-dream, which would never be suspected of bei\n", "His sleep became disturbed and was interrupted almost once a week by severe attacks of anxiety accom\n", "'²\n", "\n", " ¹ The italics are mine.\n", "\n", " ² ['We have classified this case among the apyretic deliria of in\n", "Nor have we seen any reason to dispute the view that dreams interpret objective sensory stimuli just\n", "The view that dreams act as a safety valve to the mind and that, in the words of Robert, all kinds o\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "1020\n", "\n", " A dream, as we have discovered, takes the place of a n\n", "We picture the first of these outcomes as implying that the energy attaching to the train of thought\n", "Art historians have drawn our attention to the fact that the earliest historical sculptures obey a s\n", "What light have we now to throw upon its origin?\n", "\n", " It would not be possible for us to answer this \n", "We have already outlined our schematic picture of the psychical apparatus up to this point; the two \n", "This effortless and regular avoidance by the psychical process of the memory of anything that had on\n", "Since they substitute one idea for another, they cause a deviation from the path which would have le\n", "It is enough for us to be clear that a transformation of this kind does occur in the course of devel\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "1033\n", "\n", " The theory of the psychoneuroses asserts as an indispu\n", "However many changes may be made in our reading of the psychical censorship and of the rational and \n", "[_Added_ 1909:] These, together with some further papers on forgetting, slips of the tongue, bungled\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Interpretation Of Dreams\n", "\n", "1037\n", "\n", " So far we have been psychologizing on our own account.\n", "Now that the old antithesis between conscious life and dream life has been reduced to its proper pro\n", "Thus there are two kinds of unconscious, which have not yet been distinguished by psychologists. Bot\n", "We, on the other hand, are rescued from this embarrassment by the analogy between our _Cs_. system a\n", "This censorship, too, only comes into force above a certain quantitative limit, so that thought-stru\n", "The sickle was the one with which Zeus castrated his father; the scythe and the picture of the old p\n", "In fact, such impulses often meet with no psychical obstacles to their progress, for the very reason\n", "In the same connection in which she told me the dream, she also told me of a real occurrence dating \n", "10 _Nov_. 99\n", "\n", "<|/file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw48c4_6.htm.md\"|>\n", "<|file n\n", "Dreams are described by Binz as being no more than 'somatic processes which are in every case useles\n", "This is not the place in which to give a detailed account of the premises upon which this experiment\n", "I went on to quote, somewhat discursively:\n", "\n", " \n", "As I now perceived, almost all the elements of the dream's content had been brought into the new con\n", "Two other things are already clear. The content of the dream is very much shorter than the thoughts \n", "Such would be the case if we were to dream, for instance, that a relative of whom we were fond had d\n", "Next morning she reported that during the night she had been for a trip on the lake: she had been co\n", "In some people 'dreams of convenience' of this kind often occur before waking, when the necessity fo\n", "There are, however, two passages in the specimen dream which I have reported, and with whose analysi\n", "The intimate laying of a hand on my knee belonged to a quite different context and was concerned wit\n", "What I have in mind are 'collective' and 'composite figures' and the strange 'composite structures',\n", "(This stood for the opposite of innocence; it was associated with _La dame aux cam elias_.)\n", "\n", " ¹ [T\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On Dreams\n", "\n", "1071\n", "\n", " What I have called dream-displacement might equally be described as 'a tr\n", "If we answer our questions about dream-instigators and the connection between dreaming and daily aff\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On Dreams\n", "\n", "1074\n", "\n", "VI\n", "\n", " It is the process of displacement which is chiefly responsible for ou\n", "The modes of expression open to a dream may therefore be qualified as meagre by comparison with thos\n", "Absurdity in a dream signifies the presence in the dream-thoughts of _contradiction, ridicule and de\n", "Behind my own ego in the dream-content there lay concealed, in the first instance, my friend who had\n", "In addition to condensation, displacement and pictorial arrangement of the psychical material, we ar\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On Dreams\n", "\n", "1082\n", "\n", " The dream-work exhibits no activities other than the four that have alrea\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On Dreams\n", "\n", "1083\n", "\n", " (II) Here is an apparently quite meaningless dream-containing figures. _S\n", "My money' (or dowry) 'could have bought _three_ men just as good.'\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On Dreams\n", "\n", "1084\n", "\n", "VIII\n", "\n", " \n", "Thus we are led to the concept of a 'dream-distortion', which is the product of the dream-work and s\n", "The wish in such cases is either itself a repressed one and alien to consciousness, or it is intimat\n", "We may therefore be permitted to make a first approach to this hitherto unknown topic by constructin\n", "It is commonly said that sleep is disturbed by dreams; strangely enough, we are led to a contrary vi\n", "Otherwise there would be no explanation of how it is that we can be woken up at any moment by sensor\n", "He dreamt that he was riding on a horse, making use of the poultice that was intended to mitigate hi\n", "The modes of representation which fulfil these conditions are usually described as 'symbols' of the \n", "It would, incidentally, be a mistake to expect that if we had a still profounder knowledge of dream-\n", "The unconscious material of the dream-thoughts and its relation to consciousness and to repression r\n", "Instead of the name I was looking for - _Signorelli_ \\- the names of two other painters - _Botticell\n", "A patient over whom I had taken a great deal of trouble had put an end to his life on account of an \n", "Perhaps it is not superfluous to remark that the conditions which psychologists assume to be necessa\n", "A good portion of the cases of name-forgetting _without_ paramnesia can thus be added to the cases i\n", "'I don't know.' 'And what occurs to you next?' 'What comes next is _Reliquien_ [relics], _liquefying\n", "'Really? Is that what you think? Well then, I've suddenly, thought of a lady from whom I might easil\n", "When I asked him to attend all the same to the associations starting from _exoriare_ , he produced _\n", "A second essential in which the present case agrees with the _Signorelli_ instance is that the contr\n", "The correct version runs:\n", "\n", " Aber wird er auch willkom\n", "Sieh sie an genau!\n", "\n", " Morgen bist du g\n", "But when I tried to repeat it I found it had escaped me. I immediately withdrew from the company and\n", "Not at all, in my view; that would be to confuse the mechanism of a process, which is of the same ki\n", "At this point I was obliged to give in and I even had to confess that I had lived for seven whole su\n", "This cannot possibly be an individual peculiarity of my own: it must rather contain an indication of\n", "'A lady, who had heard something about psycho-analysis, could not recall the name of the psychiatris\n", "Sandor Ferenczi of Budapest, who observed this case of forgetting in himself, has treated it in the \n", "'_Lucerne_ is connected with the thought of the summer which Veronika spent with her employers _in t\n", "The next moment the younger man had recalled the lost name as well. \"Castelvetrano,\" he exclaimed, a\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychopathology Of Everyday Life\n", "\n", "1127\n", "\n", " (13) Reported by Dr. Hanns Sachs: 'In a conver\n", "The most precious memories had naturally been the most severely damaged by the change in my emotiona\n", "Instead, the French _or_ , the Latin _aurum_ and the Greek _chrysos_ obstinately forced themselves o\n", "Nothing further would come to his mind. No one spoke and everyone went on with their reading or othe\n", "³ ['If he stands with firm, _sturdy_ bones . . .']\n", "\n", " 4 ['. . . on the _firmly-based, enduring_ ear\n", "In cases like these, however, where the forgetting is induced, the forgotten name returns more readi\n", "I started from the striking fact that a person's earliest childhood memories seem frequently to have\n", "In the former it is the forgetting, in the latter the retention which arouses our scientific curiosi\n", "It is not difficult to correct certain errors regarding both sorts. If the memories that a person ha\n", "His aunt points out to him that the _m_ has a whole piece more than the _n_ \\- the third stroke. The\n", "When he did what I asked and I had made certain that my mother was not in the cupboard, I began to s\n", "The slips of the tongue that we observe in normal people give an impression of being the preliminary\n", "'The sounds which are of high valency are the initial sound in the root syllable, and the initial so\n", "The difference does not at first appear great in so far as it concerns certain deductions that can b\n", "¹ [Ru. intended to say 'came to \"_light_ \"' and should have used the word 'Vor _schein_ '. Instead h\n", "to those cases in which a word is replaced by another that has the opposite meaning. 'You probably s\n", "(Wundt, 1900, 380-1.)\n", "\n", " ¹ My italics.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychopathology Of Everyday Life\n", "\n", "1152\n", "\n", " I con\n", "When her attention was drawn to her slip, she promptly replied: 'Yes, that's only because you said \"\n", "¹ [She meant to say: 'I can't breathe through my nose.' Her actual last two words, '_Ase natmen_ ', \n", "It was more suitable for this purpose than the name Kaufmann, for Matthaus is exclusively a personal\n", "The beginning of the dream -'A child had resolved to put an end to its life by means of a snake-bite\n", "(Reported by O. Rank.)\n", "\n", " I will next quote a number of examples from an article by Stekel, entitle\n", "He said: \"They lived together like Castor and Pollak.\"¹ This was certainly not said as a joke; the s\n", "¹ [A non-existent word.]\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychopathology Of Everyday Life\n", "\n", "1162\n", "\n", " Times of war like th\n", "That is to say, instead of _motte_ [the French word for 'clod'] - _moche_!\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychopatholo\n", "'The next afternoon we buried our dead comrade. The course of our walk from our prison to the cemete\n", "It was intended that the sick man should stay in a nursing home and the doctor proposed that it shou\n", "In our case the way the speaker behaved certainly ruled out any notion of conscious intention and ex\n", "(37) On another occasion the same professor said: 'In the case of the female genitals, in spite of m\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychopathology Of Everyday Life\n", "\n", "1171\n", "\n", " In the psychotherapeutic procedure which I emp\n", "That could only be the association _Schwester_ \\- _Bruder_ ; perhaps also _Brust der Schwester_ , \n", "She changed the name 'Protagoras' to 'Protragoras', shortly after having said 'A-alexander' instead \n", "¹ [_Footnote added_ 1907:] It can in fact be observed that members of the aristocracy in particular \n", "I gave the title of the poem \"Aus der Ferne \" quite correctly, but instead of attributing it to its \n", "We took his move to a new house as an occasion for paying him a long overdue visit. He seemed very g\n", ". . .?'²\n", "\n", " ¹ [He meant to say 'draw', which would have been '_sch opfen Sie_'. Instead he used '_s\n", "To my appeal that he should tell the truth in the interests of science, he answered: \"Unless you wis\n", "But when her mother asked her how she liked the young man, she answered politely: \"Well enough. He's\n", "Besides, I was alarmed at the possibility of having to leave the good lodgings we had found and of t\n", ". .' (loud cries of 'irresponsible') ' . . . _irresponsible advisors_. Forgive the _lapsus linguae_.\n", "In the preceding scene Max Piccolomini has ardently espoused the Duke's cause, and has been passiona\n", "Beshrew your eyes,\n", "\n", " They have o'erlooked me, and div\n", "Sir Willoughby patronisingly says of Whitford: \"'False alarm. The resolution to do anything unaccust\n", "A clear and unambiguous manner of writing shows us that here the author is at one with himself; wher\n", "For about the last twenty years I have been sending congratulations to my husband's elderly uncle on\n", ". .!\"\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychopathology Of Everyday Life\n", "\n", "1192\n", "\n", " 'I may add that the lady had real enoug\n", "In this instance it is obvious that my thoughts were occupied with questions of priority.\n", "\n", " ¹ _The\n", "Afterwards I had no difficulty in finding the passage about Hellenistic art in the age of Alexander,\n", "² [The masculine form of the definite article.]\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychopathology Of Everyday Life\n", "\n", "1196\n", "\n", "\n", "¹ [I.e. signature or explanatory paragraph at the end of a document.]\n", "\n", " ² ['This book was begun on\n", "- Someone else found an 'old _Brotkarte_ [bread card]' mentioned in a certain context; when he looke\n", "Why should _I_?]\n", "\n", " 'I owe to Case X. some analytic insight into the psychical material of these \"t\n", "It struck me as strange that this fact had received no mention in the newspaper discussions during a\n", "ANOTHER CITIZEN. It is no matter, his name's Cinna; pluck but\n", "\n", " h\n", "At the same time I noticed that my account stood at 4, 380 kronen and decided to bring it down on th\n", "It is unnecessary to state specifically that active and _interrupted_ co-operation between the allie\n", "He left the out-patients' department, and his error suddenly sprang to his mind about an hour later \n", "She complained of this, alluding half-jokingly to the risks that could come from a consultation with\n", "Why did I do it?' 'I think', said her friend, 'you probably grudge her the fine large home which wil\n", "Thus I can very easily imagine that the other doctor had the same habit too, and so made the slip of\n", "The distortions found in the text of telegrams can also at times be understood as writing mistakes o\n", "On March 29, 1860, he wrote to the publisher Julius Springer:\n", "\n", " 'Dear Sir,\n", "\n", " 'I seem to be fate\n", "Hanns Sachs came upon:\n", "\n", " 'A very instructive and transparent example of the sureness with which im\n", "We know some of the conditions enabling what would otherwise have been forgotten to be retained in t\n", "I distinguish the forgetting of impressions and experiences \\- ie., of knowledge - from the forgetti\n", "The case of 'Burckhard' was very similar; my grudge against one person of this name induced me to ma\n", "I believe that this is precisely why I mislaid the catalogue. For it is my habit to lend books by th\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychopathology Of Everyday Life\n", "\n", "1225\n", "\n", " (7) The following example of 'mislaying' is of\n", "Yesterday evening I took a piece of my ginger-bread from the packet and ate it; at the same time I t\n", "Indeed, in the course of the next week I remembered the whole incident, which was just as my friend \n", "As Dr. P. was leaving, the conversation turned, as though accidentally, to the subject of excursions\n", "For we are not asserting that this defensive trend is able to put itself into effect in every case, \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychopathology Of Everyday Life\n", "\n", "1231\n", "\n", " While I was writing the later chapters of my b\n", "After all, the rescue phantasy which I attributed to the unemployed book-keeper in _Le Nabab_ was me\n", "In general we leave it unexplained; or we try to find a psychological explanation by supposing that \n", "But this punishment is trifling in comparison to the one to which he would expose himself if he admi\n", "To avoid further complications he wished to use the only authoritative measure at his disposal and h\n", "He therefore justly maintains that absent-mindedness is a condition which is dependent on unconsciou\n", "Paramnesias of having already paid for something can often be very obstinate, as I know from my own \n", "I had written a short pamphlet _On Dreams_ (1901 _a_), summarizing the subject-matter of my _Interpr\n", "There is surely nothing mystical, then, if this prophecy is subsequently fulfilled. A person who tal\n", "(Of course I never ring my own door bell.)\n", "\n", " Thus the parapraxis was a symbolic representation of \n", "I came home tired, knowing that a guest would be waiting for me there. When I reached the door I mad\n", "But so far this did not justify the abusive language. Why, of course! it now occurred to me that the\n", "Did I perhaps conclude from my sister's remark that she intended to make me a present of a nicer ink\n", "That morning I had learned that there had been a great improvement, and I know I had said to myself:\n", "- Some months later he was on the point of getting a lawyer to claim and recover the arrears (which \n", "'And at the exact time when in the transference he formed a phantasy of marrying his physician's dau\n", "The man conducting the experiment stood by the manometer and when the right pressure was reached cal\n", "I naturally got out of the situation as rapidly as it had arisen. Nor does it seem to have struck an\n", "The feeling of fright must obviously have come from another source.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychopathology Of E\n", "Formerly self-injury was a customary sign of mourning; at other periods it could express trends towa\n", "Anyone who believes in the occurrence of half-intentional self-_injury_ \\- if I may use a clumsy exp\n", "Thereupon Sancho declared: 'If you had defended your honour with half the determination with which y\n", "'Frau X., who comes of a good middle-class family, is married with three children. She suffers from \n", "- you had your child destroyed! You're a murderess. The great punishment's just coming down on you f\n", "As we lived opposite each other in the same street and met every day, our relationship took an intim\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychopathology Of Everyday Life\n", "\n", "1266\n", "\n", " If a furious raging against one's own integrit\n", "'The sketch is called \"Tom and Teddie\". They are a pair of divers who appear in a variety theatre; t\n", ". . .\"\n", "\n", " 'It is clear from this quotation what an excellent understanding the author must himself \n", "Am I to take this as a symptomatic act as well?' Closer investigation disclosed the following partic\n", "In the second group I include playing with a stick or scribbling with a pencil that one happens to b\n", "He greatly admired this interne, and was much attached to him. Later on, when he himself became an i\n", "It served to satisfy in his imagination the suppressed wish to enter into sexual relations with any \n", "All that the messenger could do was to report this to Sextus, who understood his father and arranged\n", "'\"Excuse me . . . one moment, please,\" and he had gone.\n", "\n", " 'Needless to say, I allowed him his retr\n", "He then went on to recount a singular parapraxis which had happened to him there. His friend's husba\n", "The little incident only occurred to my mind some years later when the marriage had come to a most u\n", "Do not ask me to describe the happiness of her marriage.' He then went on: 'In the same company ther\n", "He was thus able to start his journey with his young bride next morning. In the night, however, he h\n", "In what sense this is to be understood may be gathered from his story, which I include here (Rank, 1\n", "It gives a clear illustration of the conditions under which such symptoms can be produced entirely u\n", "It can in fact be said quite generally that everyone is continually practising psychical analysis on\n", "It can only repeat what they have said long ago. Wilhelm Stross has drawn my attention to the follow\n", "When he returned he was surprised to find the light on in his room. He had forgotten to turn it off \n", "The antithesis to an error of memory in this sense is ignorance.\n", "\n", " In my _Interpretation of Dreams\n", "I did not succeed, however, in carrying through the distortion or concealment of the thoughts, whose\n", "After being put right I have examined the various cases and here too I have convinced myself that my\n", "(5) I forbade a patient to telephone to the girl he was in love with - but with whom he himself want\n", "When her attention was drawn to the mistake she was forced to admit that she disliked the lady's hus\n", "He therefore had inner impediments of the strongest kind to prevent his noticing the challenge conta\n", "_But my unconscious wanted to collect it_.'\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychopathology Of Everyday Life\n", "\n", "1301\n", "\n", " (\n", "When I reached my destination I was a little surprised that there was no one at the station to meet \n", "When she returned home (her place in Rome having been taken by her sister) she discovered while unpa\n", "As he had an evening engagement for which he had to be punctual, and as he had not enough time to fe\n", "Moreover, having twice forgotten his own watch, and in that way being able to return the other watch\n", "I strongly suspected that this was due to the following causes: he had informed me by letter that a \n", "In reply to the actor's enquiries at the end of the performance, the author assured him that he had \n", "The unknown factor that opposed these intentions found another outlet after the first path had been \n", "(1) With a view to preparing the case history of one of my women patients for publication I consider\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychopathology Of Everyday Life\n", "\n", "1314\n", "\n", " (2) In a letter to a friend I informed him I h\n", "'Yesterday evening', this informant reports, 'I got down to _The Psychopathology of Everyday Life_ ,\n", "There is no doubt then that I wished to forget the play. The further thought occurred to me that 17 \n", "- Indeed, even those numbers which a person uses especially often in a particular connection, in an \n", "The whole number in fact corresponded to the fulfilment of his two infantile wishes about his family\n", "His next thought was the general reflection that the conception of heat had always greatly impressed\n", "This reaction could however still be of very diverse kinds, and Jung's experiments have shown that e\n", "'Last year, when I was returning from Spain I passed over the same stretch of railway. It was a pitc\n", "By applying them, Bleuler and Jung have made intelligible the reactions in what is known as the 'ass\n", "It is curious, but not unintelligible, that we meet the identical content in the form of reality in \n", "The differences between myself and the superstitious person are two: first, he projects outwards a m\n", "They behaved, therefore, just like paranoics, who draw conclusions from insignificant signs given th\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychopathology Of Everyday Life\n", "\n", "1331\n", "\n", " In the compass of these discussions the only a\n", "If I were able to report the circumstances of the case in greater detail it would be easy for me to \n", "In any case I shall be quick about it. I shall put down the banknote I want changed and say \"Let me \n", "A lady who is now thirty-seven claimed to have a most distinct memory of having at the age of twelve\n", "With one of my patients what happened was apparently something different, but in reality it was quit\n", "It is not surprising if success in finding the hidden meaning of a symptomatic act is not achieved e\n", "Nor is it my purpose to exaggerate the differences, sufficiently large as they are, between the psyc\n", "In the examples I have given from my psycho-analyses the entire speech is under the influence of tho\n", "We come to suspect that this motive aims at manifesting itself quite generally in mental life, but i\n", "In healthy people, egoistic, jealous and hostile feelings and impulsions, on which the pressure of m\n", "In both cases _the appearance of an incorrect function is explained by the peculiar mutual interfere\n", "Since that time several years have passed. In now proposing, therefore, to substantiate those views \n", "Needless to say, I have allowed no name to stand which could put a non-medical reader upon the scent\n", "Nothing of any importance has been altered in it except in some places the order in which the explan\n", "At that time some of the problems of the case had not even been attacked and others had only been im\n", "It cannot give an insight into all the types of this disorder, into all the forms of internal struct\n", "At that time I learnt how to translate the language of dreams into the forms of expression of our ow\n", "In the second place, part of the anamnestic knowledge, which the patients have at their disposal at \n", "Her father was the dominating figure in this circle, owing to his intelligence and his character as \n", "She presented the picture, in fact, of what might be called the 'housewife's psychosis'. She had no \n", "The patient, to whom I shall in future give the name of 'Dora', had even at the age of eight begun t\n", "¹ The probable precipitating cause of this first illness will be discussed later on.\n", "\n", " ² On this p\n", "And my experiences with other patients leave me in ho doubt that my analytic method would have enabl\n", "When Dora and her father had come to see me two years before in the summer, they had been just on th\n", "But this new case also presents all the difficulties which have since led me to go beyond that theor\n", "For some time afterwards, however, she avoided being alone with Herr K. The K.'s had just made plans\n", "I happen to know Herr K., for he was the same person who had visited me with the patient's father, a\n", "I should like, however, expressly to emphasize my opinion that the problem is not solved by the mere\n", "Everybody had talked about it and had questioned her about it pointedly. Herr K. himself had often c\n", "If it had been pointed out to him that there might be danger for a growing girl in the constant and \n", "This was her last governess, an unmarried woman, no longer young, who was well-read and of advanced \n", "But she herself could not be got to recollect any feelings of the kind. Later on, when the quantity \n", "Could it be that the presence or absence of the man she loved had had an influence upon the appearan\n", "Like so many other questions to which we find investigators returning again and again without succes\n", "I was obliged to point out to the patient that her present ill-health was just as much actuated by m\n", "If that is taken from him he may become totally helpless. He has in the meantime forgotten his trade\n", "It is true that the paralysed and bedridden woman would spring to her feet if a fire were to break o\n", "As she kept on repeating her complaints against her father with a wearisome monotony, and as at the \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Fragment Of An Analysis Of A Case Of Hysteria\n", "\n", "1385\n", "\n", " This short piece of the analysis may \n", "With children of ten, of twelve, or of fourteen, with boys and girls alike, I have satisfied myself \n", "See also my _Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality_ , published this year.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Fragment Of An \n", "The interpretation we have just been discussing of Dora's throat symptoms may also give rise to a fu\n", "It shows its pathological character in spite of its apparently reasonable content, by the single pec\n", "If we have rightly guessed the nature of the imaginary sexual situation which underlay her cough, in\n", "This can be translated point-blank into: 'Yes, I was unconscious of that.'\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Fragment Of An An\n", "She felt so contrary to-day, she said; it was her uncle's birthday, and she could not bring herself \n", "But I should like to recall the governess, whom I have already mentioned, and with whom Dora had at \n", "On the contrary, Herr K. spoke of her with disparagement, and produced as his trump card the reflect\n", "But I wanted to discover first what had been the exciting cause of its recent recurrence, and I ther\n", "On the following day I went away with Father.'\n", "\n", " 'Now I am certain that the dream was an immediate\n", "(You already knew on the second afternoon - before the dream, therefore - that you would not have th\n", "She was furious, and told him that as he had spent so much money on a present she did not like he ha\n", "The dream confirms once more what I had already told you before you dreamt it - that you are summoni\n", "Perhaps it is believed that they will dream of fire and then try and put it out with water. I cannot\n", "Dora objected, however, to such a purely personal interpretation, saying that Herr K. and her father\n", "In my experience, the children concerned have themselves at one time been very well aware of this co\n", "But a few days later she did something which I could not help regarding as a further step towards th\n", "There is a great deal of symbolism of this kind in life, but as a rule we pass it by without heeding\n", "Hysterical symptoms hardly ever appear so long as children are masturbating, but only afterwards, wh\n", "Part of this material I was able to obtain directly from the analysis, but the rest required supplem\n", "In the dream her brother as well as she was saved from 'destruction'; he, too, had been subject to b\n", "The same group of symptoms, moreover, showed itself capable of representing her relations with Herr \n", "Yet a knowledge of the thought connections which have been effective in the individual case is of a \n", "But there _had_ been such a situation. Her father had once stood beside her bed, just as Herr K. had\n", "In the case of our present patient, her constitution and the high level of her intellectual and mora\n", "The opposite of 'wet' and 'water' can easily be 'fire' and 'burning'. The chance that, when they arr\n", "By means of these two verbal bridges it was possible to transfer on to the single reminiscence of th\n", ". . no doubt the kiss smelt of smoke; so she smelt smoke in the dream, and the smell persisted till \n", "It cannot be made as completely intelligible as the first, but it afforded a desirable confirmation \n", "A normal girl, I am inclined to think, will deal with a situation of this kind by herself.\n", "\n", " I sha\n", "If in all this she had been thinking of the engineer, it would have been appropriate for the goal to\n", "1403](frcw48c7.htm#idh_p1403).\n", "\n", " ³ There can be no doubt that sexual satisfaction is the best sopo\n", "This might have been no more than mistaken ingenuity. But now, with the addition of 'nymphs' visible\n", "Dora had thereupon looked up in the encyclopaedia to see what the symptoms of appendicitis were. Fro\n", "The reader is referred to my analogous remarks in connection with the analysis of Dora's symptom of \n", "But in this case there came an immediate confirmation of it. Yes, said Dora, once when she was a chi\n", "This question could only be; 'Does Herr -- live here?' or 'Where does Herr -- live?' There must have\n", "- 'Yes. She had given way to him, but after a little while he had ceased to care for her, and since \n", "She did not want to go away at once, because she still had hopes, because she expected that Herr K.'\n", "'s proposals were serious, and that he would not leave off until you had married him.'\n", "\n", " ¹ The the\n", "Incapacity for meeting a _real_ erotic demand is one of the most essential features of a neurosis. N\n", "At other points, where it seemed to be permissible, I have indicated the direction along which some \n", "More than this could not be done with a single case. And I had the same reasons that I have already \n", "Satisfactory results of this kind are reached when the symptoms are maintained solely by the interna\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Fragment Of An Analysis Of A Case Of Hysteria\n", "\n", "1451\n", "\n", " Some people may feel inclined to look\n", "Have you noticed anything that leads you to suspect me of evil intentions similar (whether openly or\n", "Her knowing all about such things and, at the same time, her always pretending not to know where her\n", "She still felt some slight emotion if she heard any one speak of her father's affair with Frau K., b\n", "It is impossible that these _Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality_ should contain anything but wh\n", "That part of the theory, however, which lies on the frontiers of biology and the foundations of whic\n", "We have every reason to believe, however, that these views give a very false picture of the true sit\n", "Some of them accept their inversion as something in the natural course of things, just as a normal p\n", "It seems wiser only to speak of it where\n", "\n", " (1) several serious deviations from the normal are foun\n", "(Such influences are exclusive relations with persons of their own sex, comradeship in war, detentio\n", "¹ For the most recent descriptions of somatic hermaphroditism, see Taruffi (1903), and numerous pape\n", "As long ago as in January, 1884, he published a paper, 'Les aberrations de l'instinct sexuel', in th\n", "genitals) shall be masculine. Thus the sexual object is a kind of reflection of the subject's own bi\n", "The differences in the end-products may be of a qualitative nature, but analysis shows that the diff\n", "Fliess has rightly insisted that these experimental findings do not invalidate the theory of the gen\n", "The very remarkable relation which thus holds between sexual variations and the descending scale fro\n", "Thus the credulity of love becomes in important, if not the most fundamental, source of _authority_.\n", "The sexual instinct in its strength enjoys overriding this disgust. (See below.)\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Three Essay\n", "A certain degree of fetishism is thus habitually present in normal love, especially in those stages \n", "Accordingly, in the perversion that corresponds to foot fetishism, it is only dirty and evil-smellin\n", "The force which opposes scopophilia, but which may be overridden by it (in a manner parallel to what\n", "Sadism which cannot find employment in actual life is turned round upon the subject's own self and s\n", "Nevertheless, it is even easier to dispose of that view in this case than in that of inversion. Ever\n", "If such perversions admit of analysis, that is, if they can be taken to pieces, then they must be of\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Three Essays On The Theory Of Sexuality\n", "\n", "1489\n", "\n", " The removal of the symptoms of hysterical p\n", "Thus symptoms are formed in part at the cost of _abnormal_ sexuality; _neuroses are, so to say, the \n", "- [_Added_ 1920:] This fact, which has not been sufficiently appreciated, cannot fail to have a deci\n", "Nevertheless, in scopophilia and exhibitionism the eye corresponds to an erotogenic zone; while in t\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Three Essays On The Theory Of Sexuality\n", "\n", "1495\n", "\n", "(7) INTIMATION OF THE INFANTILE CHARACTER OF S\n", "But these are always quoted only as exceptional events, as oddities or as horrifying instances of pr\n", "And of all this we, when we are grown up, have no knowledge of our own! Why should our memory lag so\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Three Essays On The Theory Of Sexuality\n", "\n", "1499\n", "\n", "THE PERIOD OF SEXUAL LATENCY IN CHILDHOOD AND \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Three Essays On The Theory Of Sexuality\n", "\n", "1500\n", "\n", "SEXUAL INHIBITIONS It is during this period \n", "We, on the other hand, have every reason for turning our attention to these phenomena which are so m\n", "you are carried into another world.'\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Three Essays On The Theory Of Sexuality\n", "\n", "1503\n", "\n", "AUTO-ERO\n", "It is to be anticipated that these characteristics will be found to apply equally to most of the oth\n", "We shall come across other, similar contrivances as sources of sexuality. The state of being in need\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Three Essays On The Theory Of Sexuality\n", "\n", "1507\n", "\n", " Children who are making use of the suscepti\n", "In both male and female children it is brought into connection with micturition (in the glans and cl\n", "[_Added_ 1920:] The most general and most important factor concerned must no doubt be that masturbat\n", "¹ Havelock Ellis has published a number of autobiographical narratives written by people who remaine\n", "It then dominates a phase of sexual life which we shall later describe as a pregenital organization.\n", "The threat to the bases of a child's existence offered by the discovery or the suspicion of the arri\n", "Furthermore, children are much concerned with the problem of what sexual intercourse - or, as they p\n", "Here the opposition between two currents, which runs through all sexual life, is already developed: \n", "According to Abraham, it has a biological prototype in the embryo's undifferentiated genital disposi\n", "the muscles and articular structures). The existence of these pleasurable sensations - and it is wor\n", "In schoolchildren dread of going in for an examination or tension over a difficult piece of work can\n", "It may well be that nothing of considerable importance can occur in the organism without contributin\n", "The sexual instinct has hitherto been predominantly auto-erotic; it now finds a sexual object. Its a\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Three Essays On The Theory Of Sexuality\n", "\n", "1526\n", "\n", "SEXUAL TENSION The fact that sexual exciteme\n", "The penultimate stage of that act is once again the appropriate stimulation of an erotogenic zone ( \n", "During these years the genital zones already behave in much the same way as in maturity; they become\n", "The weakness of this theory, which we find accepted, for instance, in Krafft-Ebing's account of the \n", "In any case, what we already know of the part played by the thyroid gland in sexuality fits in with \n", "In contrast to object-libido, we also describe ego-libido as 'narcissistic' libido. From the vantage\n", "Indeed, if we were able to give a more definite connotation to the concepts of 'masculine' and 'femi\n", "What is thus overtaken by repression is a piece of masculine sexuality. The intensification of the b\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Three Essays On The Theory Of Sexuality\n", "\n", "1536\n", "\n", "THE SEXUAL OBJECT DURING EARLY INFANCY But e\n", "Anxiety in children is originally nothing other than an expression of the fact that they are feeling\n", "what has been said on [p. 1518](frcw3egn.htm#idh_p1518) about children's object-choice and the 'affe\n", "In cases in which someone who has previously been healthy falls ill after an unhappy experience in l\n", "A man, especially, looks for someone who can represent his picture of his mother, as it has dominate\n", "¹ [_Footnote added_ 1924:] This is the place at which to draw attention to Ferenczi's _Versuch einer\n", "During that period the production of sexual excitation is not by any means stopped but continues and\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Three Essays On The Theory Of Sexuality\n", "\n", "1545\n", "\n", " The fact that the onset of sexual developme\n", "CONSTITUTION AND HEREDITY First and foremost we must name the innate variety of sexual\n", "\n", " \n", "In this form the view seems to me untenable. It makes sense, however, if what is meant is a constitu\n", "Thus, obstinacy, thrift and orderliness arise from an exploitation of anal erotism, while ambition i\n", "Sexual precocity often runs parallel with premature intellectual development and, linked in this way\n", "A good proportion of the deviations from normal sexual life which are later observed both in neuroti\n", "The changes which Freud introduced in Breuer's cathartic method of treatment were at first changes i\n", "Ideas which are normally pushed aside on every sort of excuse - such as those mentioned above - are \n", "In a treatment which is incomplete or in which success is not perfect, one may at any rate achieve a\n", "Shortly before that occasion I had published, in 1895, in collaboration with Dr. Josef Breuer, the _\n", "Thus it is impossible to keep a check on it, to administer it in doses or to intensify it. Is it not\n", "Painting, says Leonardo, works _per via di porre_ , for it applies a substance - particles of colour\n", "Then some recorders are brought on the stage and Hamlet, taking one of them, begs one of his torment\n", "It must not be forgotten that there are healthy people as well as unhealthy ones who are good for no\n", "As you may guess, these were cases of early general paralysis that could still in their first stage \n", "Re-education of this kind is, however, in no respect more necessary to nervous patients than in rega\n", "For I have no desire whatever to deny that it has gone through a process of evolution and been modif\n", "We were led to the assumption that hysterical symptoms are the permanent results of psychical trauma\n", "At that time my material was still scanty, and it happened by chance to include a disproportionately\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "My Views On The Part Played By Sexuality In The Aetiology Of The Neuroses\n", "\n", "1580\n", "\n", " As a furt\n", "I showed that _perversions_ correspond to disturbances of this coalescence owing to the overpowering\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "My Views On The Part Played By Sexuality In The Aetiology Of The Neuroses\n", "\n", "1583\n", "\n", " According\n", "All of these advances and discoveries were related to the _physical_ side of man, and it followed, a\n", "Examination of the brain and nerves of these patients has so far, however, revealed no perceptible c\n", "On the other hand, under the influence of feelings of joy, of 'happiness', we find that the whole bo\n", "This experience can always be employed as a means of soothing children; adult soldiers do not feel t\n", "All the mental impulses of an individual can be enormously magnified by group influence such as this\n", "If by mental treatment we mean an endeavour to produce such mental states and conditions in the pati\n", "On the other hand, the physician must rule out any relations with his patient that are bound up with\n", "But the most significant indication of hypnosis, and the most important one from our point of view, \n", "The words spoken by the hypnotist which have the magical results that I have described are known as \n", "The physician then wakes the patient up and may feel confident that the suggestion has done its duty\n", "But even if we consider hypnotic tractability independently, as being the more essential feature of \n", "There is yet another way in which the relative weakness of suggestion is betrayed as compared with t\n", "And the playwright and actor enable him to do this by allowing him _to identify himself_ with a hero\n", "We call for the doctor and medicine, and for the removal of the inhibition on the play of phantasy w\n", "But the series of possibilities grows wider; and psychological drama turns into psychopathological d\n", "This will be especially necessary where the repression does not already exist in us but has first to\n", "The comic is concerned with the ugly in one of its manifestations: 'If it is concealed, it must be u\n", "Fischer, again, stresses the fact that in a large number of joking judgements _differences_ rather t\n", "It accordingly bewilders. The comic effect is produced by the solution of this bewilderment, by unde\n", "We are entirely without insight into the connection that presumably exists between the separate dete\n", "We, however, will leave that question on one side and ask another: 'What is it that makes Hirsch-Hya\n", "Thus Fischer (1889, 72) writes: 'It is in the first place its sheer _form_ that makes a judgement in\n", "treated me quite _famili ar_,\n", "\n", " that is, so far as a _Millio\n", "This provided a handle for calling him 'Sensalinger', while his brother, to distinguish him, was giv\n", "Herr N.'s attention was drawn one day to the figure of a writer who had become well-known from a ser\n", "I shall try to represent what was probably the actual course of events by the following construction\n", "The technique of this group of jokes can be described as 'condensation accompanied by slight modific\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Jokes and Their Relation To The Unconscious\n", "\n", "1633\n", "\n", " Herr N. made use of almost the same mod\n", "Are processes similar to those which we have described here as the technique of jokes known already \n", "\"'¹ And he laughed again.\n", "\n", " By the nomenclature of the authorities this would be classed as a '_Kl\n", "Berlin wit made the criticism its own in the following words: '_Antik? Oh, nee._ '² (Vischer, 1846-5\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Jokes and Their Relation To The Unconscious\n", "\n", "1638\n", "\n", " In the first place, one can take the sa\n", "The joke is, moreover, an example of 'ready repartee', the technique of which, as we shall see, does\n", "This, as we shall see, is also a technique of jokes. These two factors, therefore, must in themselve\n", "Examples of this are at our disposal in plenty:\n", "\n", " One of Napoleon III's first acts when he assumed\n", "Rut Saphir makes use of the same words that had previously been used by his creditor. We therefore c\n", "(This last was an order which carried noble rank with it.) A striking example of 'unification' \\- ev\n", "Let us therefore try to summarize them:\n", "\n", " I. Condensation:\n", "\n", " (_a_) with formation of c\n", "Condensation, and therefore economy, is indeed quite unmistakably present in these examples. But it \n", "Indeed, it must often first transform one of the thoughts into an unusual form which will provide a \n", "Thus Hevesi (1888, 87) writes of an anti-Imperial Italian poet who was nevertheless obliged later to\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Jokes and Their Relation To The Unconscious\n", "\n", "1652\n", "\n", " But there really are jokes whose techni\n", "We make no enquiries about their origin but only about their efficiency - whether they are capable o\n", "The man defends himself for having spent the money lent to him on a delicacy and asks, with an appea\n", "The reduced version would then run: 'I can't deny myself what tastes good to me, and it's a matter o\n", "In the reduction Soulies remark and Heine's reply would perhaps run: 'The way in which the people he\n", "The joke describes the prevarication of a '_Schadchen_ ' (a Jewish marriage-broker), and is thus one\n", "One of his superior officers, who was friendlily disposed to him, took him on one side and said to h\n", "\\- \"Yes, there is that\", replied the other thoughtfully; \"it might have happened like that.\"'\n", "\n", " We\n", "A joke of Lichtenberg's takes a quite special place among these 'stupid' jokes:\n", "\n", " 'He wondered how\n", "Linguistic usage is untrustworthy and itself needs to have its justification examined. In coming to \n", "has put an \"and\" where only an \"either-or\" is possible.'\n", "\n", " We find another piece of sophistry in t\n", "It may be due to no more than a whim of chance that all the examples that I shall bring forward of t\n", "(See the introduction.) Are these stories perhaps only 'comic' and not 'jokes'? Is the comic operati\n", "Many of the riddles with the production of which G. T. Fechner, the philosopher, passed his time whe\n", "\"It wasn't that\", replied the innkeeper, \"I got a piece of your bread under my nail.\"' (From Überhor\n", "The reply was: \"At your Majesty's command. But they don't come.\"' It is quite obvious here that the \n", "The technique of the joke lies in a combination of the two methods.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Jokes and Their Relation\n", "When Mark Antony, after he has made a long speech in the Forum and has reversed the emotional attitu\n", "What the critic wanted to say but could not say was: 'You are a couple of rascals' or, in greater de\n", "She suffered the humiliation of having the title of a play based on Jules Verne's well-known novel u\n", "Allusion by means of omission, combined with nonsense, are accordingly the technical methods used in\n", "But it precisely reminds us once more of the fact that had begun to puzzle us in our consideration o\n", "We have kept it back so long because the consideration of it comes up against new difficulties, or m\n", "The same judgement may certainly apply as well to another joking analogy by the same author:\n", "\n", " 'To\n", "'Moral backside' \\- the assignment of this remarkable epithet is the outcome of an analogy. But in a\n", "A strange juxtaposition or the attribution of an absurd epithet can stand by itself as the outcome o\n", "No doubt, moreover, there must be some special reason why the decision whether something is a joke o\n", "With other analogies - for instance, the neighbouring one of the agreeable moonlight which a particu\n", "If this joking envelope is removed, we have: 'it is much easier to get rid of a fear of ghosts intel\n", "When, for instance, he remarked as a joke: 'He had read Homer so much that he always read \"_Agamemno\n", "In this simple way we arrive at the second thesis in our clarification of jokes; the first ([p. 1623\n", "And it may be that a part even of this effect is to be attributed to the joke's intellectual content\n", "By the utterance of the obscene words it compels the person who is assailed to imagine the part of t\n", "So that gradually, in place of the woman, the onlooker, now the listener, becomes the person to whom\n", "The power which makes it difficult or impossible for women, and to a lesser degree for men as well, \n", "Since we have been obliged to renounce the expression of hostility by deeds - held back by the passi\n", "This was so in the case in which Serenissimus asked a stranger by whose similarity to his own person\n", "A suspicion may arise, moreover, that this façade is intended to dazzle the examining eye and that t\n", "It is at least a '_fait accompli_ '; another wife, with straight limbs, would on the contrary be in \n", "But the object of the joke's attack may equally well be institutions, people in their capacity as ve\n", "Every honest man will end by making this admission, at least to himself. The decision in this confli\n", "Incidentally, I do not know whether there are many other instances of a people making fun to such a \n", "The ordinary, middle-class view of charity is in conflict here with the religious one; it is in open\n", "What was supposed to be the created being revealed itself just before its annihilation as the creato\n", "That a satisfaction such as this is a source of pleasure calls for no further remark. But the manner\n", "We take note of the fact that '_economy in expenditure on inhibition or suppression_ ' appears to be\n", "The example of 'Home-Roulard' quoted above is a joke of this kind. A 'good' joke, on the other hand,\n", "The 'rediscovery of what is familiar' is the basis for the use of another technical resource in joke\n", "The factor of topicality is a source of pleasure, ephemeral it is true but particularly abundant, wh\n", "Little by little he is forbidden this enjoyment, till all that remains permitted to him are signific\n", "A cheerful mood, whether it is produced endogenously or toxically, reduces the inhibiting forces, cr\n", "He thus looks about for means of making himself independent of the pleasurable mood, and the further\n", "We may be in a position later to characterize the joke-work by a particular property; for the moment\n", "We are inclined to give the _thought_ the benefit of what has pleased us in the _form_ of the joke; \n", "There is no doubt that the joke has chosen the method which is psychologically the more effective.\n", "\n", "\n", "(Ibid., 51. The italics are Fechner's.)\n", "\n", " The topic of jokes does not, I think, give us much oppor\n", "This has acted, as it were, as an _incentive bonus_ with the assistance of the offer of a small amou\n", "- The nonsense that still remains in a conceptual joke acquires secondarily the function of increasi\n", "I refer to Heine's joke, which has also been considered by Heymans and Lipps:\n", "\n", " '. . . I sat besid\n", "Nor are the jokes produced by other famous men any more easily accessible to our examination. We get\n", "But I myself cannot laugh at a _joke_ that has occurred to me, that I have made, in spite of the unm\n", "Some degree of benevolence or a kind of neutrality, an absence of any factor that could provoke feel\n", "- I do not think Spencer has been happy in his explanation of why the discharge takes the particular\n", "The task of psychology, if it does not merely wish to describe the contents of consciousness, must t\n", "An interference of this kind with the possibility of discharge, which is a necessary precondition of\n", "Thus every joke calls for a public of its own and laughing at the same jokes is evidence of far reac\n", "While we are beginning to wonder what was wrong with the reply, we are already laughing; our attenti\n", "In connection with this there are still other things that we can understand. Firstly, there is the q\n", "But whereas we have been able to obtain a fairly good insight into the nature of this process in the\n", "Nevertheless it would be wrong to assume that when expenditure was absolutely great there would be n\n", "For the purpose of making the comparison with jokes, I will now repeat, briefly and concisely, the m\n", "Without assuming the existence of the unconscious in the sense explained above, I should not be able\n", "On this path, which is in the reverse direction to that taken by the course of development of mental\n", "This attempt has not yet been seriously undertaken; but it can at least be stated with certainty tha\n", "We have started from the fact that the techniques of jokes indicate the same processes that are know\n", "Some of the techniques of jokes can be employed apart from them in the expression of a thought - for\n", "We have now adopted the hypothesis that condensations of this kind, such as serve the technique of j\n", "As we know, the displacements in the dream-work point to the operation of the censorship of consciou\n", "From this point of view at least the authorities come closest to an understanding of the nature of j\n", "As a result of this condition, irony is exposed particularly easily to the danger of being misunders\n", "We can now understand too how it is that the characteristic of being a joke can come as an extra add\n", "But in fact what I am faced with here is not a two-fold failure but one and the same failure. I cann\n", "Not only does it not need to set any store by intelligibility, it must actually avoid being understo\n", "We have seen, too, that jokes can sometimes re-open sources of the comic which have become inaccessi\n", "'\"_Bubizin_ \"?' asked her mother, 'What's that?' 'When I was ill', answered the child in self-justif\n", "This might have been a joke - even a tolerably good one (double meaning or allusion, with _double en\n", "But only a part of the pleasure created by the naive can be explained in this way; and even this mig\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Jokes and Their Relation To The Unconscious\n", "\n", "1767\n", "\n", " This comparison, and this economy in ex\n", "By means of a very common sort of personification, animals become comic too, and inanimate objects. \n", "There is no doubt that it is comic if someone can 'waggle his ears', and it would certainly be still\n", "- how can I make the comparison on which everything here depends? The way is pointed out by physiolo\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Jokes and Their Relation To The Unconscious\n", "\n", "1773\n", "\n", " To return now to the comic of movement.\n", "By raising our intellectual expenditure we can achieve the same result with a diminished expenditure\n", "But it is noteworthy that we only find someone's being put in a position of inferiority comic where \n", "But these other kinds of expenditure can easily be traced back to that on large and small, since wha\n", "They are procedures for _Herabsetzung_ , as the apt German expression has it.¹ What is sublime is so\n", "It only recalls jokes by its setting and by the technical method of 'representation by something ver\n", "We have discussed the uncovering of psychical automatism, in a case in which our feeling as to wheth\n", "A joke which makes use of faulty reasoning like this for its technique, and therefore appears nonsen\n", "I may first draw attention to the fact that the instance of the convergence of jokes and the comic w\n", "We found ourselves obliged to locate the pleasure in jokes in the unconscious; no reason is to be fo\n", "In the case of mimicry, accordingly, the source of the comic pleasure would be not the comic of situ\n", "But a comparison can just as easily be a joke and comic as well, and can be each independently of th\n", "Wippchen's productions are for the most part 'comic nonsense'. The author has made use of the pleasu\n", "For instance, as a comic disappointment: 'For hours the fight fluctuated, until at last it remained \n", "It would be a stupid riddle if the answer were 'a hand-towel'. But that answer is rejected. - 'No, a\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Jokes and Their Relation To The Unconscious\n", "\n", "1794\n", "\n", " Now that we are on the point of approac\n", "(_b_) A similarly favourable effect is produced by an _expectation_ of the comic, by being attuned t\n", "The contingency or relativity of the comic is therefore far greater than that of a joke, which never\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Jokes and Their Relation To The Unconscious\n", "\n", "1798\n", "\n", " An invitation to us to look for an unde\n", "Let us once again take the comic of movement as an example. The comparison which provides the differ\n", "The addition to the comparison ('I did it like that as a child too') from which the comic effect is \n", "The relation of children to adults is also the basis of the comic of degradation, which corresponds \n", "In the cases that have just been mentioned the person who is the victim of the injury, pain, and so \n", "As a result of this understanding, the expenditure on the pity, which was already prepared, becomes \n", "His doings are on the whole harmless, and are almost excused by the comic baseness of the people he \n", "¹ A term which is used in quite another sense in Vischer's aesthetics.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Jokes and Their Relat\n", "We should perhaps be justified in representing the pleasure from a joke that is heard as being deriv\n", "The pleasure in jokes has seemed to us to arise from an economy in expenditure upon inhibition, the \n", "On the contrary, the question that first arises is whether dreams have a meaning at all, whether the\n", "He confessed that the subject-matter of the little work and the scene in which it was laid may no do\n", "Her features struck him as having a _Greek_ look and he had no doubt that she was of Hellenic origin\n", "When at length he had freed himself of the notion that he himself had been present at the destructio\n", "Such products of the imagination would seem to us astonishing and inexplicable if we met them in som\n", "These were of no help to an understanding through the spirit, the feelings, the heart - put it as yo\n", "Ingenious speculations upon the personality of its owner (after whom the house was probably named), \n", "May not her sensibility have detected the erotic nature of his request, whose motive in Hanold's eye\n", "perhaps you would not have had to make the long journey here!' (89.) She also learned that he had gi\n", "What, he wondered, might be the bodily nature of Zoe-Gradiva? Would one feel anything if one touched\n", "There his attention was drawn by two newly-arrived visitors, a He and a She, whom he was obliged to \n", "He confessed his latest delusion to her - that she was the girl who had been found in the forum in a\n", "It's my duty to know something about entomology, so I can help a little in cases like that. My fathe\n", "I can't understand how I could be so senseless . . . but I can't understand either how its owner cou\n", "Consider, for instance, the slapping of Zoe-Gradiva's hand. Norbert Hanold found a most convincing r\n", "Only there was one thing I hadn't suspected: that there was an equally grandiose phantasy lodged in \n", "Now we do not know in general whether the forgetting of an impression is linked with the dissolution\n", "Mathematics enjoys the greatest reputation as a diversion from sexuality. This had been the very adv\n", "But, to and behold! that very name now turns out to have been a derivative - indeed a translation - \n", "The author is certainly right in bringing forward a loss of memory like this as the most trustworthy\n", "Only at two points has the author availed himself of the licence open to him of laying down premisse\n", "Possibly. We shall come back to the question later. For the moment, however, we have tried to save o\n", "But here the author does not follow the psychiatrist, and with good reason. He wishes to bring the h\n", "'Arouses', however, is certainly not the right description, if we take into account what follows. We\n", "It would be more correct to say that repression acts upon feelings, but we can only be aware of thes\n", "The ostensibly aesthetic judgement that the sculpture had something 'of to-day' about it took the pl\n", "Assault and resistance are renewed after the construction of each compromise, which is never, so to \n", "I was thus more than a little surprised to find that the author of _Gradiva_ , which was published i\n", "¹ Sante de Sanctis (1899).\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Delusions And Dreams In Jensen's Gradiva\n", "\n", "1853\n", "\n", " I can well ima\n", "Another rule tells as that, if a belief in the reality of the dream-images persists unusually long, \n", "This then was the idea which was realized by the manifest content of the dream, and was represented \n", "Moreover it would be a very remarkable thing if Norbert Hanold's dream could be reconciled with this\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Delusions And Dreams In Jensen's Gradiva\n", "\n", "1859\n", "\n", "III\n", "\n", "In the further course of the story there\n", "And \"traces\" literally; for with her peculiar gait she must have left behind an imprint of her toes \n", "But everywhere in these oscillations in the struggle the compromise character of the outcome was pre\n", "But here the author intervenes helpfully, and smoothes things out by making Gradiva appear at this j\n", "Greater value is given to the delusional explanation by the fact that the author has put no rational\n", "He found a narrow gap in the wall of the portico, at the point where Gradiva had disappeared. He met\n", "This rule seems to have been observed here: Gradiva's speech is only a modification of the old zoolo\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Delusions And Dreams In Jensen's Gradiva\n", "\n", "1870\n", "\n", " The replacement of the lizard-catcher by G\n", "He now felt a positive conviction that the green clasp had belonged to Gradiva and that she had been\n", "The jealousy which was already latent in him seized upon this material and the consequence was the d\n", "Gradiva had drawn a kind of contrast between the white asphodel blossoms and the red rose. Seeing th\n", "As always happens at specially difficult points, the author once more comes to our help here. The se\n", "It is a triumph of ingenuity and wit to be able to express the delusion and the truth in the same tu\n", "We shall unquestionably be met at this point by an opinion which denies that the case presented by t\n", "The procedure which the author makes his Zoe adopt for curing her childhood friend's delusion shows \n", "The doctor has been a stranger, and must endeavour to become a stranger once more after the cure; he\n", "We discover these laws by analysing his writings just as we find them from cases of real illness; bu\n", "It has turned out that these questions can be most easily answered in the case of writers who (like \n", "This method consists in a psychological experiment and is based on psychological research. It is clo\n", "Furthermore, I examined the small actions which are performed apparently by chance and without any p\n", "(3) There may be a mistake in _reproducing_ the reaction. You know the remarkable fact that is meant\n", "¹ Cf. Breuer and Freud, _Studies on Hysteria_ , 1895.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Psycho-Analysis And The Establishment \n", "One task which often faces us is the interpretation of dreams - that is, the translation of the reme\n", "That the case of the psychoneurotic is invariably concerned with a repressed sexual complex (in the \n", "The experiments remain dummy exercises and they can never afford a basis for practical application i\n", "Only after all this may he go to sleep. Thus in slight cases the ceremonial seems to be no more than\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Obsessive Actions And Religious Practices\n", "\n", "1904\n", "\n", " I must give a few examples to illustrate \n", "He did so, pocketed the large coin and declared with a gallant air that he would never part with it,\n", "This is always _the repression of an instinctual impulse_ (a component of the sexual instinct) which\n", "It is already clear from the few examples of obsessive actions given above that their symbolism and \n", "I know that you have followed my scientific efforts with interest and that, unlike many of our colle\n", "It is undoubtedly nothing else but the customary prudishness and their own bad conscience over sexua\n", "'Oh look!' he said, in surprise, 'there's milk coming out of its widdler!' At the age of three and t\n", "To be sure, if it is the purpose of educators to stifle the child's power of independent thought as \n", "Enlightenment about sexual life carried out along such lines as this, proceeding step by step and wi\n", "The opposite of play is not what is serious but what is real. In spite of all the emotion with which\n", "It may come about that for that reason he believes he is the only person who invents such phantasies\n", "On the contrary, they fit themselves in to the subject's shifting impressions of life, change with e\n", "May we really attempt to compare the imaginative writer with the 'dreamer in broad daylight', and hi\n", "Many of Zola's later works belong to this category. But I must point out that the psychological anal\n", "You will remember how I have said that the day-dreamer carefully conceals his phantasies from other \n", "They are justly called 'day-dreams', for they give us the key to an understanding of night-dreams - \n", "Later, this action became merged with a wishful idea from the sphere of object-love and served as a \n", "At the beginning of the illness these complications are, no doubt, not all fully developed.\n", "\n", " For \n", "I will therefore content myself with stating the following formula and explaining its significance:\n", "\n", "I cannot say at this date what particular occasions began to give me an impression that there was so\n", "from the completion of the fifth year to the first manifestations of puberty (round about the eleven\n", "- 'Kaka' is the common German nursery word for 'faeces'] and \"Wann haut'n\"), pacified his sense of g\n", "Thus in following the usage of language, neurosis, here as elsewhere, is taking words in their origi\n", "I may refer the reader to Von Ehrenfels's own work for a more extensive consideration of this signif\n", "'This is already clearly demonstrated by a number of general facts. The extraordinary achievements o\n", "The fault I have to find with these and many other similarly-worded opinions is not that they are mi\n", "From these contributions has grown civilization's common possession of material and ideal property. \n", "During this development a part of the sexual excitation which is provided by the subject's own body \n", "The first, which we shall not discuss further, is that the person affected remains a pervert and has\n", "The number of strong natures who openly oppose the demands of civilization will increase enormously,\n", "After these three, four or five years, the marriage becomes a failure in so far as it has promised t\n", "It is seen to be a necessity, when one considers the late age at which young people of the educated \n", "In her mental feelings she is still attached to her parents, whose authority has brought about the s\n", "A witty writer (Karl Kraus in the Vienna paper _Die Fackel_) once expressed this truth in reverse by\n", "A neurotic wife who is unsatisfied by her husband is, as a mother, over-tender and over-anxious towa\n", "A diminished inclination to beget children is the result, and the community or group of people in qu\n", "It is my conviction that no child - none, at least, who is mentally normal and still less one who is\n", "And a child whose own nursery has received no such addition is able, from observations made in other\n", "The nuclear complex of a neurosis is in this way brought into being.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On The Sexual Theories \n", "The numerous hermaphrodites of classical antiquity faithfully reproduce this idea, universally held \n", "Attached to this excitation are impulsions which the child cannot account for - obscure urges to do \n", "The third of the typical sexual theories arises in children if, through some chance domestic occurre\n", "Much of the otherwise inexplicable 'horror of blood' shown by neurotics finds its explanation from t\n", "A child who has grown up in a comparatively uninhibited social atmosphere, or who has found better o\n", "In some, sexual repression has gone so far that they will not listen to anything; and these succeed \n", "(2) The attack becomes obscured through the fact that the patient attempts to carry out the activiti\n", "The anamnesis of the patient shows the following stages: (_a_) auto-erotic satisfaction, without ide\n", "<|/file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw3ud5.htm.md\"|>\n", "<|file name=\"./epubs\\\\Fr\n", "A characteristic example of this peculiar imaginative activity is to be seen in the familiar day-dre\n", "So too if there are any other particular interests at work they can direct the course to be taken by\n", "I will therefore name ten such 'good' books for you which have come to my mind without a great deal \n", "These studies will sometimes bear the character of exact investigations, sometimes that of speculati\n", "The psycho-analytic treatment of neurotic patients, based on this method of research, makes far high\n", "For example: it would be an idea unworthy of divine providence to suppose that it would allow human \n", "It was only because the authority of a father and of a physician were united in a single person, and\n", "This repellent impulse, I argued, had a most innocent origin, since it was derived from sucking at t\n", "Animals owe a good deal of their importance in myths and fairy tales to the openness with which they\n", "'Hans is very jealous of the new arrival, and whenever any one praises her, says she is a lovely bab\n", "Little girls _do_ possess a small widdler, which we call a clitoris, though it does not grow any lar\n", "It is some consolation for him if, like little Hans in the next example, he does not err alone but c\n", "\"When's the little girl coming? Where's the little girl?\" and so on. When she did appear at last, he\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Analysis Of A Phobia In A Five-Year-Old Boy\n", "\n", "2012\n", "\n", " 'In the next instance, too, Hans said t\n", "\"¹\n", "\n", " At about the same period Hans had a dream which was in striking contrast with the boldness he\n", "- I have repeatedly observed since then that he does not like to be seen widdling.'\n", "\n", " I will only \n", "Unfortunately, when he got into an elegiac mood of that kind, his mother used always to take him int\n", "This was the fundamental phenomenon in his condition. In support of this, we may, recall his two att\n", "It is true that the anxiety was less; for he did allow himself to be induced to go for the walk, whe\n", "The reason he was afraid of horses now was that he had taken so much interest in their widdlers. He \n", "'_I_ : \"Perhaps it does, though.\" He then went on eagerly to try and prove to me that it really was \n", "Little girls and women, I said, have no widdlers: Mummy has none, Anna has none, and so on.\n", "\n", " '_Ha\n", "And he managed all this, looking hurriedly away whenever any horses came along, for he was evidently\n", "But since the whole train of thought was probably incapable of becoming clearly conscious, this dist\n", "His room is separated from our bedroom by another small room. We asked him why: whether he had been \n", "'_I_ : \"But why did you come in in the night?\"\n", "\n", " '_He_ : \"I don't know.\"\n", "\n", " '_I_ : \"Just tell me \n", "I jokingly took leave of my wife at the door with the words: \"Good-bye, big giraffe!\" \"Why giraffe?\"\n", "Certain details which I now learnt - to the effect that he was particularly bothered by what horses \n", "In any case there is only a trace of the anxiety left, and the progress since his enlightenment is u\n", "The former was derived from his hostility towards his father, and the latter from the conflict betwe\n", "I said to him: \"As long as you come into our room in the mornings, your fear of horses won't get bet\n", "'_I_ : \"What do you mean? The piece of iron they have in their mouths?\"\n", "\n", " '_Hans_ : \"No. They have\n", "Certainly not. I only said it as a joke.\" (His expression at the moment, however, had been serious.)\n", "Went out with Hans in front of the house in the afternoon. At every horse that passed I asked him if\n", "of stamping, when he is angry. - \"Doing lumf\" means doing number two. When Hans was small he said on\n", "At one time his habitual constipation was so great that my wife called in Dr. L. He was of opinion t\n", "He told some downright lies so as to disguise the circumstances in which he had seen his mother chan\n", "'_I_ : \"Did they tell you anything about horses?\"\n", "\n", " '_Hans_ : \"Yes.\"\n", "\n", " '_I_ : \"What?\"\n", "\n", " '_Hans\n", "¹ In point of fact there was nothing more to be got out of it than Hans's verbal association, and th\n", "'_He_ : \"About no one else.\"\n", "\n", " '_I_ : \"You know that's not true. About Mummy too.\"\n", "\n", " '_He_ : \"Oh\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Analysis Of A Phobia In A Five-Year-Old Boy\n", "\n", "2052\n", "\n", " '_He_ : \"Perhaps it's because it makes \n", "With his big penis he pushed me out of my place by Mummy.\"'\n", "\n", " Let us suspend our judgement for the\n", "'_Hans_ : \"Yes.\"'\n", "\n", " Hans's father, we cannot help thinking, had made a very good guess.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "An\n", "Even drays cause him less alarm. Once he called out, almost with joy: \"Here comes a horse with somet\n", "What can be the meaning of the boy's obstinate persistence in all this nonsense? Oh no, it was no no\n", "'_Hans_ : \"But Hanna screams too.\"\n", "\n", " '_I_ : \"Why can't you bear it?\"\n", "\n", " '_Hans_ : \"Because she sc\n", "Hans had transferred the babies into the box, as they were not to be seen in the nest.)\n", "\n", " '_I_ : \"\n", "-The coachman didn't whip at all, because Hanna had the whip. -The coachman had the reins - Hanna ha\n", "'_Hans_ : \"Well, then, it was a carriage and pair.\"\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Analysis Of A Phobia In A Five-Year-Old \n", "'_I_ : \"How did he do that?\"\n", "\n", " '_Hans_ : \"He took his beak and pressed on it with his beak.\"\n", "\n", " '\n", "'_Hans_ : \"I just held it so that it shouldn't run away.\" (Of course, all this sounded most improbab\n", "'(Hans was at Lainz yesterday. In order to get on to the departure platform one has to cross a bridg\n", "The latter could not be reproduced until the former's turn had come to emerge in connection with the\n", "'Hans laughed.\n", "\n", " '_I_ : \"Why do you laugh?\"\n", "\n", " '_He_ : \"Because I like what you've told me.\"\n", "\n", " \n", "'_I_ : \"Where will you get her, then?\"\n", "\n", " '_Hans_ : \"Why, from the stork. _He takes the little girl\n", "If you went up to it it used to butt, because it had horns. Fritzl used to lead it on a string and t\n", "'_Hans_ : \"I didn't want to think that.\"\n", "\n", " '_I_ : \"But you thought the stork brought Hanna?\"\n", "\n", " '\n", "'_Hans_ : \"But Mummy told me if _she_ didn't want it no more'd grow, and you say if _God_ doesn't wa\n", "'_I_ : \"Who is Lodi? Is she at Gmunden?\"\n", "\n", " '_Hans_ : \"No.\"\n", "\n", " '_I_ : \"Is there a Lodi?\"\n", "\n", " '_Han\n", "No girl's called that. Lotti, perhaps?\"\n", "\n", " '_Hans_ : \"Oh no, Lodi. I don't know; but it's a beautif\n", "At the time of my wife's confinement he was of course kept away from her; and his present anxiety, w\n", "and I had to turn round, and he took it away; and then he said: 'Let me see your widdler!'\"'\n", "\n", " Han\n", "he replied: \"Well, I thought as you knew that about the horse you'd know this too.\"\n", "\n", " '(5) Hans on\n", "A child, it will be said, is necessarily highly suggestible, and in regard to no one, perhaps, more \n", "It is my unbiased opinion that these difficulties, too, turned out no greater than in many analyses \n", "I am aware that even with this analysis I shall not succeed in convincing any one who will not let h\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Analysis Of A Phobia In A Five-Year-Old Boy\n", "\n", "2092\n", "\n", " Thus in little Hans's sexual constituti\n", "He cannot forgo a penis in any one who is to attract him to sexual intercourse; and if circumstances\n", "¹ [The German '_bei jemandem schlafen_ ', literally 'to sleep with some one', is used (like the Engl\n", "But in children they can exist peaceably side by side for quite a considerable time.\n", "\n", " ¹ His wanti\n", "He gave expression to the quite specific fear that a white horse would bite him.\n", "\n", " Disorders of th\n", "In the end the patient may have got rid of all his anxiety, but only at the price of subjecting hims\n", "The child dreamt of exchanging endearments with his mother and of sleeping with her; but all the ple\n", "At the same time we must remark that it was Hans's parents who had extracted from the pathogenic mat\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Analysis Of A Phobia In A Five-Year-Old Boy\n", "\n", "2104\n", "\n", " Immediately after the giraffe story Han\n", "The meaning of these specifications was explained by Hans himself: he was afraid of horses _falling \n", "Meanwhile the analysis had moved away from the subject of his mother.\n", "\n", " Quite unexpectedly, and ce\n", "Henceforward the material brought up in the analysis far outstripped our powers of understanding it.\n", "It was just as though he had meant to say: 'If you really thought I was as stupid as all that, and e\n", "The artist's idea seems a puzzling one at first, but the Lodi episode in this analysis enables us to\n", "He rejected the proffered solution of the stork having brought Hanna. For he had noticed that months\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Analysis Of A Phobia In A Five-Year-Old Boy\n", "\n", "2115\n", "\n", " This is how, basing my conclusions upon\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Analysis Of A Phobia In A Five-Year-Old Boy\n", "\n", "2116\n", "\n", " It deserves to be noticed that the idea\n", "It was then that the battle which we call his 'phobia' burst out. During the course of it a part of \n", "In spite of all the uncertainty and obscurity of our theory of instincts I should prefer for the pre\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Analysis Of A Phobia In A Five-Year-Old Boy\n", "\n", "2120\n", "\n", " Furthermore, let me say in Hans's favou\n", "In so doing they forget, it is true, that they are physicians, and their words bear a fatal resembla\n", "It is, to say the least of it, extremely probable that a child's upbringing can exercise a powerful \n", "In consequence of this he lived by himself; but he was on good terms with both of his parents, and o\n", "And from this latter circumstance follows the paradoxical truth that it is far easier to divulge the\n", "The chief features of his disorder were _fears_ that something might happen to two people of whom he\n", "The consequent withdrawal of the physician's attention does the patient more harm than can be made u\n", "In middle-class circles in Vienna it is more usual to call a governess by her first name, and it is \n", "Our present patient's obsessive fear, therefore, when restored to its original meaning, would run as\n", "The current sexual life of an obsessional neurotic may often appear perfectly normal to a superficia\n", "After a little prompting I learnt that the person to whom this 'idea' of his related was the lady wh\n", "He had excogitated a very curious means of getting out of his difficulty, namely, that he should go \n", "As a matter of fact he had not done this, and had allowed A. to go off without him; but he had given\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Notes Upon A Case Of Obsessional Neurosis\n", "\n", "2141\n", "\n", " It was this last statement which provided\n", "At the fourth session, accordingly, I received the patient with the question: 'And how do you intend\n", "Moreover, this fact of there being a false connection is the only way of accounting for the powerles\n", "\\- I remarked that here he had incidentally hit upon one of the chief characteristics of the unconsc\n", "- He then proceeded to tell me that a precisely similar thought had flashed through his mind a secon\n", "On the other hand, too, it might be asked why this intense love of his had not succeeded in extingui\n", "This wish (to get rid of his father as being an interference) must have originated at a time when ci\n", "I loaded mine with the ram rod and told him that if he looked up the barrel he would see something. \n", "68.\n", "\n", " ³ This quality of his will find an explanation later on.\n", "\n", " 4 I only produced these argumen\n", "I cannot think that this attempt at an explanation will seem forced or that it involves many hypothe\n", "Another time, as they were sitting together during a thunderstorm, he was obsessed, he could not tel\n", "The doubt implied in his obsession for understanding was a doubt of her love. A battle between love \n", "His original intention, which had been repressed by his praying, was forcing its way through in this\n", "Moreover he admitted that occasionally he was overcome by quite distinct impulses to do some mischie\n", "In relating such an incident they will sometimes add with astonishment or even with an air of pride:\n", "This family plan stirred up in him a conflict as to whether he should remain faithful to the lady he\n", "If we take into consideration what the patient reported in the course of the first hours of his trea\n", "Their thesis requires interpretation. The masturbation of puberty is in fact no more than a revival \n", "He used to arrange that his working hours should be as late as possible in the night. Between twelve\n", "She could remember no further details, except for a very uncertain idea that the person the little b\n", "A deeper interpretation of the patient's dreams in relation to this episode revealed the clearest tr\n", "But soon he himself found a more cogent explanation, namely, that he was avoiding my proximity for f\n", "She had been decidedly encouraging to the smart young officer, so that he had thought of returning t\n", "I must confess that I can only give a very incomplete account of the whole business. What the rat pu\n", "¹ If the reader feels tempted to shake his head at the possibility of such leaps of imagination in t\n", "And at this point he brought out a piece of information which he had kept away from its context long\n", "The deed had called for punishment, and the penalty had consisted in his binding himself by a vow wh\n", "We should not be justified in expecting such severe obsessional ideas as were present in this case t\n", "To make the distinction clear, I will give an instance, which should be inserted into its proper con\n", "Its distortion enables it to persist, since conscious thought is thus compelled to misapprehend it, \n", "For instance, one of the patient's oldest and favourite obsessions (which corresponded to an admonit\n", "'Why,' he replied, 'at the antique shop I told you about.' At the same instant she was seized by a t\n", "Thus he was at once superstitious and not superstitious; and there was a clear distinction between h\n", "I shall have to stop in bed then.' And in fact when the day in question arrived she had invariably s\n", "A witness who testifies to something before a court of law is still called '_Zeuge_ ' [literally, 'b\n", "See _Totem and Taboo_ (1912-13).\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Notes Upon A Case Of Obsessional Neurosis\n", "\n", "2184\n", "\n", " Our pat\n", "He fell ill when he was in his twenties on being faced with a temptation to marry another woman inst\n", "But the _chronic_ co-existence of love and hatred, both directed towards the same person and both of\n", "If an intense love is opposed by an almost equally powerful hatred, and is at the same time insepara\n", "2152). If the 'not' had remained mute, he would have found himself in a state of uncertainty and wou\n", "Thus in this form of the neurosis acts of love are carried out in spite of everything, but only by t\n", "Our patient's 'obsession for understanding' is an example of this (p. 2150). But perhaps a better on\n", "This second preconscious personality comprised chiefly the reaction-formations against his repressed\n", "² Dr. Josef Breuer, born in 1842, a Corresponding Member of the Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaf\n", "For you must not suppose that a patient's prospects of medical assistance are improved in essentials\n", "When she had related a number of these phantasies, she was as if set free, and she was brought back \n", "One unexpected point, however, must be noticed. What left the symptom behind was not always a _singl\n", "It had its origin in two experiences, whose common element lay in the fact that at the moment of the\n", "Thus they correspond to a display of mourning, and there is certainly nothing pathological in being \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Five Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "2208\n", "\n", " A second observation of Breuer's, again, compels u\n", "Such a theory could only be a child of his speculation and could not be the fruit of an unprejudiced\n", "But I soon came to dislike hypnosis, for it was a temperamental and, one might almost say, a mystica\n", "The further question could then be raised as to what these forces were and what the determinants wer\n", "If you will now translate the two localities concerned into psychical terms as the 'conscious' and t\n", "The investigation of hysterical patients and of other neurotics leads us to the conclusion that thei\n", "This, however, is not in general the case, and I only put the matter so simply for the sake of brevi\n", "Clearly what the connoisseur meant to say was: 'You are a couple of rogues, like the two thieves bet\n", "If you are anxious to gain a rapid and provisional knowledge of a patient's repressed complexes, wit\n", "I confess that I feel no necessity for making any mystical assumptions in order to fill the gaps in \n", "The manifest dream, which you know from your memory when you wake up, can therefore only be describe\n", "The phenomena in question are the small faulty actions performed by both normal and neurotic people,\n", "In my opinion that technique is entirely in conformity with the material with which it has to deal. \n", "Enquire from them, and you will hear that they all began by completely disbelieving my assertion tha\n", "The author is a Fellow of Clark University, of the very institution in whose lecture-room we are now\n", "It serves for the acquisition of different kinds of pleasurable feeling, which, basing ourselves on \n", "¹ Cf. _Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality_ (1905 _d_).\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Five Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "Children's relations to their parents, as we learn alike from direct observations of children and fr\n", "You must not suppose, Ladies and Gentlemen, that these discussions on sexual life and the psychosexu\n", "In this manner he can escape the doom of neurosis and by this roundabout path regain his contact wit\n", "I know it to be true of all my followers that they were only convinced of the correctness of my asse\n", "In his present-day maturity and strength, he will perhaps be able to master what is hostile to him w\n", "They determined to break it of this bad habit very gently by reducing its ration by a few stalks eve\n", "Vasari.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Leonardo Da Vinci And A Memory Of His Childhood\n", "\n", "2243\n", "\n", " What was it that prevented\n", "In an age which was beginning to replace the authority of the Church by that of antiquity and which \n", "Quoted by Scognamiglio (1900).\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Leonardo Da Vinci And A Memory Of His Childhood\n", "\n", "2246\n", "\n", " The\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Leonardo Da Vinci And A Memory Of His Childhood\n", "\n", "2247\n", "\n", " The miscarriage of a similar techni\n", "In Leonardo's case on the contrary we have only some anatomical sketches of the internal female geni\n", "Pictures and drawings by famous artists exist which depict _coitus a tergo_ , _a latere_ , etc., but\n", "Moreover a high degree of sexual activity is not to be attributed to him.\n", "\n", " ¹ According to Scognam\n", "And at the same time we understand that he wishes to tell us that it happens so in his case and that\n", "Lost in admiration and filled with true humility, he all too easily forgets that he himself is a par\n", "The artist had once taken the investigator into his service to assist him; now the servant had becom\n", "They investigate along their own lines, divine the baby's presence inside its mother's body, and fol\n", "Sexual repression, which has made the instinct so strong through the addition to it of sublimated li\n", "What, however, this memory of Leonardo's asserts - namely that a vulture opened the child's mouth wi\n", "It was inevitable that this early history should have been an expression of present beliefs and wish\n", "(This child is in fact mentioned at a later point in the book, where Goethe dwells on the many illne\n", "It only repeats in a different form a situation in which we all once felt comfortable - when we were\n", "We learn from these sources that the vulture was regarded as a symbol of motherhood because only fem\n", "Leemans (1835, 14). The words that refer to the vulture's sex run:\n", "\n", "'_π ητέgα μέυ, έπειδή άggευ έυ τ\n", "But the next reliable fact that we possess about his youth is that by the time he was five he had be\n", "The mother who suckles her child - or to put it better, at whose breast the child sucks - has been t\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Leonardo Da Vinci And A Memory Of His Childhood\n", "\n", "2270\n", "\n", " Infantile sexual theories provide t\n", "But the fixation on the object that was once strongly desired, the woman's penis, leaves indelible t\n", "In none of them is there a combination of the true genitals of both sexes - a combination which, to \n", "I am also aware that Wilhelm Stekel of Vienna and Sandor Ferenczi of Budapest have arrived at the sa\n", "We must also admit that the number of cases of our homosexual type in which it is possible to point \n", "(Herzfeld, 1906, 141.)\n", "\n", " ¹ Leonardo is behaving here like someone whose habit it was to make his d\n", ":\n", "\n", "Expenses after Caterina's death for her funeral 27 florins\n", "\n", "2 pounds of wax \n", "Only a comparison such as this with what happens in obsessional neurosis can explain Leonardo's acco\n", "Anyone who thinks of Leonardo's paintings will be reminded of a remarkable smile, at once fascinatin\n", "'La donna sorrideva in una calma regale: i suoi istinti di conquista, di ferocia, tutta l'eredita de\n", "The Gioconda's peculiar facial expression can even be perceived in the picture of John the Baptist i\n", "As both works extended over years, it may, I think, be assumed that the artist was engaged on them a\n", "This peculiarity of the picture has not failed to surprise those who have written about it; Muther, \n", "If we take the composition shown in the cartoon as our starting point, we can see how Leonardo may h\n", "For his mother's tenderness was fateful for him; it determined his destiny and the privations that w\n", "In July 1504 he writes:\n", "\n", " 'Adi 9 di Luglio 1504 mercoledi a ore 7 mori Ser Piero da Vinci, notalio\n", "By his fourth and last wife, whom he married when he was already in his fifties, he had nine more so\n", "'¹ It is remarkable, and certainly not without significance, that he here cast the same reproach at \n", "Biologically speaking, religiousness is to be traced to the small human child's long-drawn-out helpl\n", "Indeed he himself gives this away in a transparent disguise by connecting his urge for research with\n", "Here was one problem at least which had escaped the repression that later estranged him from sexuali\n", "But the acumen of other authors has had no difficulty in recognizing the evidences of Leonardo's sup\n", "We do homage to him by learning from him. It does not detract from his greatness if we make a study \n", "Because his love for his mother had been repressed, this portion was driven to take up a homosexual \n", "Still deeper layers of the contents of his mind became active once more: but this further regression\n", "But this repression after the first erotic satisfactions of childhood need not necessarily have take\n", "The apportioning of the determining factors of our life between the 'necessities' of our constitutio\n", "It is my intention in the near future to deal with these various factors, which are so important for\n", "Just as an obstetrician can tell by examining the placenta whether it has been completely expelled o\n", "I hope you will have formed an impression that, when we _know_ all that we now only _suspect_ and wh\n", "Just as we make an individual our enemy by uncovering what is repressed in him, so society cannot re\n", "Think how common hallucinations of the Virgin Mary used to be among peasant girls in former times. S\n", "The gain from illness provided by the neuroses is nevertheless on the whole and in the end detriment\n", "We obtain from them the astonishing information that the behaviour of the dream-work which I have ju\n", ". . which, in spite of combining the extremes of difference, mean only \"young\", \"near\", \"bind\" and \"\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Antithetical Meaning Of Primal Words\n", "\n", "2322\n", "\n", " Proof of the existence of contradictory pr\n", "'In Egyptian, words can - apparently, we will say to begin with - _reverse their sound as well as th\n", "The writer can indeed draw on certain qualities which fit him to carry out such a task: above all, o\n", "It is only when they are able to be jealous that their passion reaches its height and the woman acqu\n", "If we survey the different features of the picture presented here - the conditions imposed on the ma\n", "The adult's conscious thought likes to regard his mother as a person of unimpeachable moral purity; \n", "¹ In Rank's _The Myth of the Birth of the Hero_ (1909).\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "A Special Type Of Choice Of Object M\n", "Birth is both the first of all dangers to life and the prototype of all the later ones that cause us\n", "He now becomes aware that it is some feature of the sexual object which gives rise to the inhibition\n", "It never fails, apparently, to follow the earlier paths and to cathect the objects of the primary in\n", "The sensual current that has remained active seeks only objects which do not recall the incestuous f\n", "On the contrary, I shall put forward the view that psychical impotence is much more widespread than \n", "The origin of this low opinion, which he will certainly not willingly acknowledge, must be looked fo\n", "This is true both of individuals and of nations. In times in which there were no difficulties standi\n", "The same is true of a large portion of the sadistic urges which are a part of erotic life. But all s\n", "From this point we have no trouble in justifying what looked at first like a prejudice, by referring\n", "(Crawley, 1902, 347.)\n", "\n", " ¹ Cf. Crawley (1902), Ploss and Bartels (1891), Frazer (1911) and Havelock\n", "It is to be hoped that the first-hand accounts of travellers and missionaries may be more complete a\n", "These two attempts at explanation, based on horror of blood and on fear of first occurrences, do not\n", "It would be tempting to pursue this idea and to derive from this 'narcissism of minor differences' t\n", "We consider it to be the normal reaction for a woman after intercourse to embrace the man, pressing \n", "We find a further reason for the disappointment experienced in the first act of intercourse in the f\n", "), but modified so that the young wife only had to seat herself on the gigantic stone phallus of Pri\n", "I do not think there is any harm in employing such speculations, so long as one avoids setting too m\n", "When the Assyrian general is besieging her city, she conceives the plan of seducing him by her beaut\n", "As you know, hysterical blindness is taken as the type of a psychogenic visual disturbance. It is ge\n", "I wanted to condense into a single composite whole the concepts that have been brought up to make ps\n", "The light thrown by psychology on the evolution of our civilization has shown us that it originates \n", "As regards the eye, we are in the habit of translating the obscure psychical processes concerned in \n", "She was in the second half of her forties, fairly well preserved, and had obviously not yet finished\n", "The fact is undisputed; I shall not discuss here whether it may justly be used as a reproach. In psy\n", "The lady who consulted the young doctor complained chiefly of anxiety-states, and so he probably ass\n", "Psycho-analysis provides these definite technical rules to replace the indefinable 'medical tact' wh\n", "Not all the arguments put forward by the opener of the discussion seem to me to hold water. If it is\n", "These tales give us direct information as to which of the component instincts of sexuality are retai\n", "His relapse followed immediately upon this week of festivities. When he was brought back to the inst\n", "We cannot accept patients suffering from this complaint, or, at all events, we cannot keep them for \n", "(446.)³\n", "\n", " Though all the passages from the _Denkw urdigkeiten_ upon which my interpretations are b\n", "(36.) This idea was one which he would have rejected with the greatest indignation if he had been fu\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Psycho-Analytic Notes On An Autobiographical Account Of A Case Of Paranoia\n", "\n", "2392\n", "\n", " Dr. Webe\n", "In July, 1902, Dr. Schreber's civil rights were restored, and in the following year his _Denkw urdig\n", "Not until then, it seems, will he be able to die a natural death, and, along with the rest of mankin\n", "(56.)\n", "\n", " 'It was, moreover, perfectly natural that from the human standpoint (which was the one by \n", "'Now, however,' he writes, 'I became clearly aware that the Order of Things imperatively demanded my\n", "Some of these nerves are suited only for the reception of sense-perceptions, while others (_the nerv\n", "Important souls, such as those of men like Goethe, Bismarck, etc., may have to retain their sense of\n", "We shall later come upon. further evidence of the influence of this poem on him.\n", "\n", " ² 'That it was \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Psycho-Analytic Notes On An Autobiographical Account Of A Case Of Paranoia\n", "\n", "2402\n", "\n", " 'Althoug\n", "These will be discussed presently.\n", "\n", " ² This confession to a pleasure in the excretory processes, w\n", "No attempt at explaining Schreber's case will have any chance of being correct which does not take i\n", "For we psycho-analysts have hitherto supported the view that the roots of every nervous and mental d\n", "(179-80.)\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Psycho-Analytic Notes On An Autobiographical Account Of A Case Of Paranoia\n", "\n", "2407\n", "\n", "\n", "Nerves of God corresponding to male semen had, by a divine miracle, been projected into my body, and\n", "We might start either from the patient's own delusional utterances or from the exciting causes of hi\n", "(214.) This easy interpretation of the 'miracled birds' gives us a hint which may help us towards un\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Psycho-Analytic Notes On An Autobiographical Account Of A Case Of Paranoia\n", "\n", "2412\n", "\n", " With thi\n", "He had succeeded in making his way up to heaven with his whole soul or a part of it and in becoming \n", "He protests on the very first page that the author of the _Denkw urdigkeiten_ has not the remotest i\n", "In the course of this paper its author, referring to a correspondence between us, scrupulously attri\n", "\\- We have not forgotten that. Indeed our only concern is with the meaning and origin of this pathol\n", "And here our thread breaks off short.²\n", "\n", " ¹ The italics in this passage are mine.\n", "\n", " ² By way of s\n", "Stegmann of Dresden. Apart from this one fact, however, I have made use of no material in this paper\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Psycho-Analytic Notes On An Autobiographical Account Of A Case Of Paranoia\n", "\n", "2420\n", "\n", " One such\n", "In one of his phantasies he overheard a conversation between Flechsig and his wife, in which the for\n", "It will be recalled that Schreber's God and his relations to Him exhibited the most curious features\n", "Could more bitter scorn be shown for such a physician than by declaring that he understands nothing \n", "We learn from a medical report that at one time he 'used to shout threats and abuse at it and positi\n", "Whenever he had been asked where his father was going to spend the summer he had replied in these so\n", "³ The systems of 'representing' and of 'noting down' (126), taken in conjunction with the 'proved so\n", "'² (24.) The great Napoleon obtained a divorce from Josephine (though only after severe internal str\n", "These considerations therefore lend an added weight to the circumstance that we are in point of fact\n", "People who are manifest homosexuals in later life have, it may be presumed, never emancipated themse\n", "We must therefore be prepared, if need be, to limit our assertion to a single type of paranoia. Neve\n", "Distortion by means of projection is necessarily absent in this instance, since, with the change of \n", "An internal perception is suppressed, and, instead, its content, after undergoing a certain kind of \n", "The two possibilities which are here treated separately may in practice, perhaps, be less sharply di\n", "Years afterwards, when Dr. Schreber had returned to human society, and could find no trace in the bo\n", "The thorough examination of the process of projection which we have postponed to another occasion wi\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Psycho-Analytic Notes On An Autobiographical Account Of A Case Of Paranoia\n", "\n", "2439\n", "\n", " (2) An e\n", "Further, we accept the popular distinction between ego-instincts and a sexual instinct; for such a d\n", "It would seem to me the most convenient plan to give dementia praecox the name of _paraphrenia_. Thi\n", "We should be glad to know to what conditions the relatively favourable issue of the present case is \n", "I mentioned on p. 2425 the patient's peculiar relation to the sun, and I was led to explain the sun \n", "It will be remembered that during his illness Schreber gave free expression to his family pride,² an\n", "Although there may perhaps be more than one good road to follow, still there are very many bad ones,\n", "To begin with, it must be recognized that in cases of severe neurosis any elaborate dream-production\n", "Moreover he will(be tempted to make full use of dream-interpretation on every occasion, by telling t\n", "<|/file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw90oo.htm.md\"|>\n", "<|file name=\"./epubs\\\\Fr\n", "We shall estimate the share taken by constitution or experience differently in individual cases acco\n", "² _Aus guter Familie_ , Berlin, 1895.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Dynamics Of Transference\n", "\n", "2459\n", "\n", " Our second prob\n", "It is at this point, on the evidence of our experience, that transference enters on the scene. When \n", "We must make up our minds to distinguish a 'positive' transference from a 'negative' one, the transf\n", "In obsessional neurotics an early separation of the 'pairs of opposites' seems to be characteristic \n", "It will easily be seen that they (or at least many of them) may be summed up in a single precept. My\n", "Mistakes in this process of remembering occur only at times and places at which one is disturbed by \n", "The correct behaviour for an analyst lies in swinging over according to need from the one mental att\n", "There can be no reasonable doubt about the disqualifying effect of such defects in the doctor; every\n", "It makes him even more incapable of overcoming his deeper resistances, and in severer cases it invar\n", "One must be especially unyielding about obedience to that rule with patients who practise the art of\n", "If one breaks off within this period one spares the patient the distressing impression of an attempt\n", "In this way the patient gains a temporary start upon us which we do not willingly grant him in the t\n", "But my answer is: no other way is practicable. Under a less stringent regime the 'occasional' non-at\n", "Let me, as an example, give some details from a letter which I received a few days ago from a lady i\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On Beginning The Treatment\n", "\n", "2483\n", "\n", " To shorten analytic treatment is a justifiable wish, and\n", "He shows them that he himself has cast off false shame on these topics, by voluntarily telling them \n", "It renders him too good a service in the struggle for existence; the secondary gain from illness whi\n", "This must be imparted to him at the very beginning: 'One more thing before you start. What you tell \n", "Psycho-analytic treatment must have no regard for any consideration, because the neurosis and its re\n", "Their request that we should tell them what to talk about must not be granted on this first occasion\n", "_So long as the patient 's communications and ideas run on without any obstruction, the theme of tra\n", "The answer to this question calls for a short digression on the meaning of knowledge and the mechani\n", "It is now time for us to take a survey of the play of forces which is set in motion by the treatment\n", "Remembering and abreacting, with the help of the hypnotic state, were what was at that time aimed at\n", "In these processes it particularly often happens that something is 'remembered' which could never ha\n", "We soon perceive that the transference is itself only a piece of repetition, and that the repetition\n", "The treatment, of course, is not helped by this. He must find the courage to direct his attention to\n", "As an extreme example of this, I may cite the case of an elderly lady who had repeatedly fled from h\n", "The doctor has nothing else to do than to wait and let things take their course, a course which cann\n", "One, which happens comparatively rarely, is that all the circumstances allow of a permanent legal un\n", "The difference, on the contrary, will only be that a love of this kind, which is bound to remain une\n", "But above all one gets an impression that the resistance is acting as an _agent provocateur_ ; it he\n", "In my opinion, therefore, we ought not to give up the neutrality towards the patient, which we have \n", "He must keep firm hold of the transference-love, but treat it as something unreal, as a situation wh\n", "In other words: can we truly say that the state of being in love which becomes manifest in analytic \n", "He must not stage the scene of a dog-race in which the prize was to be a garland of sausages but whi\n", "I am certainly not in favour of giving up the harmless methods of treatment. For many cases they are\n", "820.\n", "\n", " ³ [_Addition by_ F. S. Krauss:] See _Anthropophyteia_ , **1** , 4, No. 5. Cf. further the G\n", "Then - dream full of fear! - it swift did appear\n", "\n", " Th\n", "So the next day arrived. See, along came the newspaper man. He stopped him, took a copy and began to\n", "The complicated disguise of this present dream, however, demands that we should make an attempt to c\n", "³ Another dream about a lottery in this little collection confirms this suggestion.\n", "\n", " 4 Psycho-ana\n", "But in other dreams about treasure the form taken by the dream is confused in all sorts of ways and \n", "'What shall I do now? How shall I tell which is the maiden's grave to-morrow, when it is day?' he as\n", "Up there he begs to be allowed to return once more to the earth in order to see his wife and childre\n", "the gates banged shut. Then he began to beg: 'Let me in, please be kind!' But the angels did not let\n", "The peasant said: 'What are you screaming about? There's vexation enough anyway. The horse is lost, \n", "(_Kryptadia_ , **1** , No. 32.)\n", "\n", " ² Cf. Stekel, 1911 _a_.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Dreams In Folklore\n", "\n", "2535\n", "\n", " If \n", "During the digging he is working his hands in his wife's vagina.¹\n", "\n", "THE DREAM OF THE TREASURE²\n", "\n", " On\n", "THE LIGHT OF LIFE²\n", "\n", " Saint Peter appeared to a man when he was fast asleep and led him away to Par\n", "Another defaecation-dream, about whose interpretation we cannot perhaps be completely certain, sugge\n", "Since what occupies us in waking is wont to return to us in dreams, there appeared to him during his\n", "Originally at least, he was supposed to 'take' the unfaithful wife who is hard to keep a watch on. H\n", "\\- It's no use crying over spilt milk!\n", "\n", " ¹ Tarasevsky (1909, 40).\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Dreams In Folklore\n", "\n", "2542\n", "This view is a dynamic one, in so far as it regards psychical processes as displacements of psychica\n", "Such dispositions may remain harmless if the adult's life proceeds satisfactorily and quietly; but t\n", "English translation by Dr. Brill, 'Three Contributions to the Sexual Theory', New York, 1910.\n", "\n", " 3. \n", "In the psychology which is founded on psycho-analysis we have become accustomed to taking as our sta\n", "- I shall not regard it as a correction, but as an amplification of the schematic picture under disc\n", "(3) The supersession of the pleasure principle by the reality principle, with all the psychical cons\n", "(5) _Education_ can be described without more ado as an incitement to the conquest of the pleasure p\n", "A man who had once nursed his father through a long and painful mortal illness, told me that in the \n", "And it may be judged from this what an important part in the causation of neuroses may be played by \n", "In the first case he is faced by the task of renouncing satisfaction, and he falls ill from his inca\n", "A certain amount of introversion of libido is, as a rule, already present; and there is a saving of \n", "It is true that we are unable to measure this amount of libido which seems to us indispensable for a\n", "It was bound to meet every observation which pointed to the importance of abstinence (in the widest \n", "At that time the opinions expressed showed such important divergences that we did not venture to lay\n", "The ostensible unity of masturbation, which is fostered by the customary medical terminology, has gi\n", "This is clearer, it is true, of anxiety neurosis and its relation to hysteria than it is of neurasth\n", "My reply is that I do not yet see any evidence to induce me to give in. In early days I made a numbe\n", "¹ ['Without bitterness or partiality.']\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Contributions To A Discussion On Masturbation\n", "\n", "2573\n", "\n", "If we put this consideration on one side, we are left with a question of detail relating to the char\n", "At this very point we may be prepared to meet with the philosophical objection that the latent conce\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "A Note On The Unconscious In Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "2579\n", "\n", " The mind of the hysterical patient is \n", "The other objection that may probably be raised would be that we apply to normal psychology conclusi\n", "I refer to dreams. Psycho-analysis is founded upon the analysis of dreams; the interpretation of dre\n", "Now it means more for us. It is a sign that this act partakes of the nature of a certain psychical c\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "An Evidential Dream\n", "\n", "2587\n", "\n", " 'The nurse told me that the child in the dream reminded her of \n", "The question she put to this woman: \"Did you see the child?\" is obviously traceable to my question: \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "An Evidential Dream\n", "\n", "2590\n", "\n", " While, however, for the lady who reported it to me this dream h\n", "It is _this_ unconscious wish that gives the dream-work its peculiar character as an unconscious rev\n", "Thus the dreamer's disadvantageous admission, to which she showed some inclination even in waking li\n", "In a few people a recollection of their favourite fairy tales takes the place of memories of their o\n", "We may gather that considerations of preventing conception and worries whether this visit of her hus\n", "'The only piece of action in the dream was the opening of the window; for the wolves sat quite still\n", "This fairy tale only offers an opportunity for two illustrations - Little Red Riding-Hood's meeting \n", "The first of these scenes is the suitors' choice between the three caskets in _The Merchant of Venic\n", "If we boldly assume that there are symbolic substitutions of the same kind in myths as well, then th\n", "¹ I have to thank Dr. Otto Rank for calling my attention to these similarities.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Theme Of\n", "At this point I will single out the ninth story in Grimm's _Fairy Tales_ , which bears the title 'Th\n", "The further development of this one Moera into a company of three (or less often two) sister-goddess\n", "We may ask whether there can be a more complete contradiction. Perhaps, improbable though it may see\n", "The fairest and best of women, who has taken the place of the Death-goddess, has kept certain charac\n", "Lear carries Cordelia's dead body on to the stage. Cordelia is Death. If we reverse the situation it\n", "Up to then she had been a wild, self-confident child, afterwards she became shy and timid. When she \n", "For psycho-analysts I need hardly emphasize the fact that in this little experience of the child's w\n", "It was as an identification of herself with her father that she had drawn the circle at school - whi\n", "Our method of work, which aims at discovering normal conditions by studying their disturbances, led \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Disposition To Obsessional Neurosis\n", "\n", "2626\n", "\n", " Unfortunately I am unable, for familiar rea\n", "Let us therefore turn with anticipations such as these to a discussion of the 'pregenital sexual org\n", "Psycho-analysis stands or falls with the recognition of the sexual component instincts, of the eroto\n", "But our hypothesis has only related to the latter, and therefore does not include all the knowledge \n", "It therefore uncovers the history of the development of these symptoms in the patient's memory, it r\n", "I confess that I can see no ground for any such reservations. The practice of psycho-analysis calls \n", "They are trying to emulate the 'more perfected angels' in the last scene of _Faust_ , who complain:\n", "\n", "The divorce between them only occurs later and it remains incomplete. Their original affinity, which\n", "The evidence of excavations shows that in the course of centuries several temples were erected on th\n", "Artemidorus, who took on the care of women in labour.\n", "\n", " Then came the conquest of the city by Isla\n", "And it may accordingly be anticipated that only neuroses with mainly psychical symptoms will remain \n", "Though expressed in a negative form and directed towards another subject-matter, they do not differ \n", "If that supposition is correct, a comparison between the psychology of primitive peoples, as it is t\n", "The clansmen are distributed in different localities and live peacefully side by side with members o\n", "There is nothing in the concept or attributes of the totem which I have so far mentioned to lead us \n", "It makes sexual intercourse impossible for a man with all the women of his own clan (that is to say \n", "Though some authors, such as Westermarck (1901), have disputed the conclusions which others have dra\n", "And, while the totemic system is, as we know, the basis of all the other social obligations and mora\n", "Among the natives of the Gazelle Peninsula in New Britain a sister, after her marriage, is not allow\n", "It is quite general in Australia and also extends over Melanesia, Polynesia and the Negro races of A\n", "(Crawley, 1902, 405.)\n", "\n", " This objection was also raised against the view put forward by Fison. He p\n", "But we are able to bring forward other motives than these, thanks to the knowledge of concealed ment\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Totem And Taboo\n", "\n", "2665\n", "\n", " There has been little opportunity in the preceding pages for showin\n", "Our collocation 'holy dread' would often coincide in meaning with 'taboo'.\n", "\n", " Taboo restrictions ar\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Totem And Taboo\n", "\n", "2668\n", "\n", " The punishment for the violation of a taboo was no doubt originally\n", "An innocent wrong-doer, who may, for instance, have eaten a forbidden animal, falls into a deep depr\n", ". .' then, he goes on, there can be no race and no level of culture which has escaped the ill-effect\n", "Neither fear nor demons can be regarded by psychology as 'earliest' things, impervious to any attemp\n", "The similarity between taboo and obsessional sickness may be no more than a matter of externals; it \n", "'¹\n", "\n", " My patient's husband purchased a household article of some kind and brought it home with him.\n", "The conflict between these two currents cannot be promptly settled because - there is no other way o\n", "These prohibitions must have concerned activities towards which there was a strong inclination. They\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Totem And Taboo\n", "\n", "2681\n", "\n", " Now, too, we can understand why the amounts of _mana_ possessed by \n", "This leads us to conclude that atonement is a more fundamental factor than purification in the cerem\n", "(_a_) _The Treatment of Enemies_\n", "\n", " We may be inclined to suppose that savage and half-savage races\n", "² Frazer (loc. cit.), quoting Paulitschke (1893-6).\n", "\n", " ³ Frazer (1914, **1** , 295), quoting Low (1\n", "He is fed by others, and only with certain kinds of food. These observances last till the new moon.'\n", "How these two factors are to be combined with each other to explain the ceremonials, whether they ar\n", "He was a strong, courageous man, but 'no sooner did he hear the fatal news than he was seized with t\n", "Worshipped as a god one day, he is killed as a criminal the next. But in this changed behaviour of t\n", "Our space will not allow nor does our interest require us to enter further into a description of the\n", "'In some parts of West Africa, when the king dies, a family council is secretly held to determine hi\n", "This gives rise to contradictions - by which, incidentally, a savage intellect is as little disturbe\n", "When a paranoic turns the figure of one of his associates into a 'persecutor', he is raising him to \n", "He might not even touch food with his hands, which, owing to their uncleanness, had become quite use\n", "This suggests that contact 'in a metaphorical sense' is after all understood as being bodily contact\n", "Thus the Masai in East Africa resort to the device of changing the dead man's name immediately after\n", "She was obliged to fight with convulsive loyalty against the temptations to which her imagination su\n", "Grant Allen are mistaken in their assertion that, according to early beliefs, the malevolence of the\n", "No amount of recollection of the care she lavished on the sufferer, no amount of objective disproof \n", "Since such is the origin of the ghost's resentment, it follows naturally that the survivors who have\n", "But it cannot be such a simple matter as that. This factor alone cannot explain the creation of demo\n", "There we shall have to investigate that system's psychological characteristics, and we shall do so o\n", "And here we may recall the obscure and puzzling statement by Wundt on the double meaning of the word\n", "This conclusion is supported by several things we have learnt from the analysis of neuroses.\n", "\n", " In \n", "In that case we should have to attach still greater importance to our thesis that where there is a p\n", "In order to keep the temptation down, the envied transgressor must be deprived of the fruit of his e\n", "The neuroses exhibit on the one hand striking and far-reaching points of agreement with those great \n", "For primitive peoples believe that human individuals are inhabited by similar spirits. These souls w\n", "With these three stages in mind, it may be said that animism itself is not yet a religion but contai\n", "The same magical technique may be employed, not only for purposes of private enmity, but also for pi\n", "'When a Dyak village has turned out to hunt wild pigs in the jungle, the people who stay at home may\n", "The magical power is not affected even if the connection between the two objects has already been se\n", "It is easy to perceive the motives which lead men to practise magic: they are human wishes. All we n\n", "In the animistic epoch the reflection of the internal world is bound to blot out the other picture o\n", "Nevertheless, his sense of guilt has a justification: it is founded on the intense and frequent deat\n", "This stage is known as that of auto-erotism and it is succeeded by one in which an object is chosen.\n", "Only in art does it still happen that a man who is consumed by desires performs something resembling\n", "Experience has little light to throw on pre-animism, since no race has yet been discovered which is \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Totem And Taboo\n", "\n", "2736\n", "\n", " If we may venture to exploit our hypothesis still further, we may i\n", "But their order is quite other than that remembered by us as present in the manifest dream. In the l\n", "The net of possible determinants for the prohibition was spread wide enough to catch the quarry in a\n", "The same is true of the numerous cases of sexual restrictions being imposed on anyone who is engaged\n", "Such a task lies beyond the means as well as beyond the purposes of a psycho-analyst.\n", "\n", "(1)\n", "\n", " In th\n", "This catechism of the totemic religion can only be seen at its proper value if we take into account \n", "As distinguished from a fetish, a totem is never an isolated individual, but always a class of objec\n", "If it is a dangerous animal (such as a beast of prey or a venomous snake) there is a presumption tha\n", "Some of the meanings may recede, so that totems have frequently become a mere nomenclature of tribal\n", "And corresponding to these two sides of the system are two rough and ready tests or canons of Totemi\n", "(See, for instance, Goldenweiser, 1910.) In the discussion of these conflicting hypotheses which fol\n", "¹ Quoted by Lang.\n", "\n", " ² Quoted by Lang.\n", "\n", " ³ Pikler and Somlo. These authors justly describe their \n", "2699 ff.](frcw48dv.htm#idh_p2699)\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Totem And Taboo\n", "\n", "2753\n", "\n", " Lang's explanation falls into tw\n", "His second theory, with which we are here concerned, took form under the influence of a momentous pu\n", "Frazer accepted the Arunta tradition that each totem clan had originally eaten its own totem without\n", "At last he found this original factor in the Arunta's remarkable story of conception.\n", "\n", " The Arunta\n", "Another psychological theory of the origin of totemism has been advanced by a Dutchman, G. A. Wilken\n", "This latter opinion has been adopted without qualification by Frazer in his later works: 'I must req\n", "(Frazer, ibid., 106.)\n", "\n", " It is interesting to observe that the first restrictions produced by the i\n", "There is no law commanding men to eat and drink or forbidding them to put their hands in the fire. M\n", "² See the first essay in this work.\n", "\n", " ³ 'Thus the ultimate origin of exogamy, and with it of the l\n", "_In efflux of time that rule, become habitual_ , would be, \"No marriage within the local group\". Nex\n", "I may mention, for instance, a writer who has studied the neuroses of childhood with great understan\n", "On the contrary, the conflict is resumed in relation to the object on to which the displacement has \n", "He was very generous in threatening other people with castration, just as he himself had been threat\n", "In order to pursue this possibility, we shall have, in the following pages, to study a feature of th\n", "It was essential that each one of the participants should have his share of the meal.\n", "\n", " A sacrific\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Totem And Taboo\n", "\n", "2776\n", "\n", " Let us now turn to the sacrificial animal. As we have heard, there \n", "The compelling motive for this deed reveals the deepest meaning of the nature of sacrifice. We have \n", "All the evidence goes to show that this barbaric ritual, which bears every sign of extreme antiquity\n", "A festival is a permitted, or rather an obligatory, excess, a solemn breach of a prohibition. It is \n", "² This hypothesis, which has such a monstrous air, of the tyrannical father being overwhelmed and ki\n", "They thus created out of their filial sense of guilt the two fundamental taboos of totemism, which f\n", "In this fashion totemism helped to smooth things over and to make it possible to forget the event to\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Totem And Taboo\n", "\n", "2787\n", "\n", "(6)\n", "\n", " A great number of powerful motives restrain me from any attemp\n", "A new creation such as this, derived from what constitutes the root of every form of religion - a lo\n", "But in our attempts at understanding this situation we must beware of interpretations which seek to \n", "The ceremonials of human sacrifice, performed in the most different parts of the inhabited globe, le\n", "Adonis was killed by a wild boar, the sacred animal of Aphrodite; Attis, beloved of Cybele, perished\n", "In the Christian doctrine, therefore, men were acknowledging in the most undisguised manner the guil\n", "But why had the Hero of tragedy to suffer? and what was the meaning of his 'tragic guilt'? I will cu\n", "In particular, I have supposed that the sense of guilt for an action has persisted for many thousand\n", "The earliest moral precepts and restrictions in primitive society have been explained by us as react\n", "_Historical_ reality has a share in the matter as well. In their childhood they had these evil impul\n", "Accordingly in my present paper I shall leave the medical interest of psycho-analysis on one side an\n", "In a small work, first published in book form in 1904, I presented a large number of examples of thi\n", "The distinction between a chance accident and deliberate self-destruction, which in practice is so o\n", "In the first place, it brings to our notice novel processes such as 'condensation' (of ideas) and 'd\n", "But what we are here concerned with - the _psychological_ interest of psycho-analysis - obliges us t\n", "An analytic investigation of residues of this kind, made by Jung, has shown that they are the remain\n", "In the course of doing so we learn the peculiarities of this dream language and it is borne in upon \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Claims Of Psycho-Analysis To Scientific Interest\n", "\n", "2815\n", "\n", "(B) THE PHILOSOPHICAL INTEREST OF\n", "It owed this unfriendly reception to a single circumstance: for at an early stage of its researches \n", "For the final formula which psycho-analysis has arrived at on the nature of the neuroses runs thus: \n", "Psycho-analysis may be said to have filled in this gap and to have abolished man's infantile amnesia\n", "In the first place, it seems quite possible to apply the psycho-analytic views derived from dreams t\n", "The recession of the social factor and the predominance of the sexual one turns these neurotic solut\n", "The forces which, operating from the ego, bring about the restriction and repression of instinct owe\n", "Our highest virtues have grown up, as reaction formations and sublimations, out of our worst disposi\n", "He had not heard it but had evidently dreamt about it. The interpretation which his dream gave of th\n", "This is a good example of the way in which sexual life acts as a model and influences character.\n", "\n", "(1\n", "If the patient is contradicted upon the point, he will often protest with energy that he is perfectl\n", "This latter group comprises many widely different hypotheses. There is, for instance, the ancient vi\n", "I assured him that I had no recollection of anything of the kind. He insisted with increasing convic\n", "'In the course of reading your study on Leonardo da Vinci, I was moved to internal dissent by the ob\n", "I have often observed that the subject-matter of works of art has a stronger attraction for me than \n", "But before this was done, what a mass of differing and contradictory interpretative attempts, what a\n", ". .'; and Springer: 'Moses presses one (the left) hand against his body, and thrusts the other, as t\n", "It is the descent from Mount Sinai, where Moses has received the Tables from God, and it is the mome\n", "He directs our attention to the position of the two Tables - an unusual one, for they are about to s\n", "His lifted foot can hardly mean anything else but that he is preparing to spring up;¹ and the very u\n", "But then the statue we see before us cannot be that of a man filled with wrath, of Moses when he cam\n", "I was then greatly interested to learn that the Russian pseudonym concealed the identity of an Itali\n", "It is only beyond this place that the masses of hair, deflected from their course, flow freely once \n", "And this new position, which can only be understood with reference to the former one, is now retaine\n", "Then came the moment when Moses' calm was broken by the disturbance. He turned his head in its direc\n", "We have seen how many of those who have felt the influence of this statue have been impelled to inte\n", "(11) And Moses besought the Lord his God, and said, Lord, why doth thy wrath wax hot against thy peo\n", "It is well known that the historical parts of the Bible, dealing with the Exodus, are crowded with s\n", "The artist felt the same violent force of will in himself, and, as the more introspective thinker, m\n", "It is easy to see what the writer has overlooked. He has correctly interpreted the anomalies of the \n", "The Moses of the Lorraine artist is holding the Tables by their top edge with his left hand, resting\n", "As a psycho-analyst I am bound to be concerned more with emotional than intellectual processes, with\n", "One's father is recognized as the paramount disturber of one's instinctual life; he becomes a model \n", "For psycho-analysis is my creation; for ten years I was the only person who concerned himself with i\n", "I believe that actually this distinction relates only to the name, and that the conception came to u\n", "I tried innumerable times to submit this experience to analysis, but even direct demands always fail\n", "The fact of the emergence of the transference in its crudely sexual form, whether affectionate or ho\n", "For Charcot suddenly broke out with great animation: '_Mais, dans des cas pareils c 'est toujours la\n", "What he says there about the struggle against accepting a distressing piece of reality coincides wit\n", "Influenced by Charcot's view of the traumatic origin of hysteria, one was readily inclined to accept\n", "It is true that the analytic method, too, leads to certain ultimate difficulties and obscurities in \n", "I think that by thus unrolling the story of the development of psycho-analysis I have shown what it \n", "It once happened that an assistant at the clinic in Vienna where I gave my University lectures asked\n", "Regular meetings took place on certain evenings at my house, discussions were held according to cert\n", "Finally, on the invitation of C. G. Jung, at that time still assistant physician at the Burgholzli, \n", "The first bridge linking up experimental psychology with psycho-analysis had been built.\n", "\n", " In psyc\n", "Analysts began to speak among themselves of a 'return of a complex' where they meant a 'return of th\n", "The esteem he enjoyed throughout America on account of his high moral character and unflinching love\n", "R. Vogt (Christiania) had already shown an appreciation of psycho-analysis in his _Psykiatriens grun\n", "One of the most prominent representatives of analysis, Karl Abraham, at one time an assistant of Ble\n", "Further investigation into dream-symbolism led to the heart of the problems of mythology, folklore (\n", "Everything beyond this is still awaiting workers, who may expect a particularly rich harvest in this\n", "This was a mistake; I can be as abusive and enraged as anyone; but I have not the art of expressing \n", "It would seem so natural for me to praise this work (which offers criticisms in both directions) tha\n", "I wished, therefore, to withdraw into the background both myself and the city where psycho-analysis \n", "Finally the Viennese gave in, after having secured that the seat of the Association should be not Zu\n", "The local groups in Vienna, Berlin and Zurich had been formed at the Congress in Nuremberg as early \n", "His behaviour, of which it is not easy to publish an account, had compelled me to resign the directi\n", "At the present time (1923) they are both in their ninth volume. (Actually, _Internationale Zeitschri\n", "Psycho-analysis has never claimed to provide a complete theory of human mentality in general, but on\n", "'Free' psycho-analysis remained in the shadow of 'official', 'orthodox' psycho-analysis and was trea\n", "In the Adlerian doctrine the main emphasis falls on these easily verifiable and clearly intelligible\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On The History Of The Psycho-Analytic Movement\n", "\n", "2918\n", "\n", " In connection with the attempt, whic\n", "So you see it is all simply playing with words.' A tithe of the acuteness and ingenuity with which A\n", "In 1912 Jung boasted, in a letter from America, that his modifications of psycho-analysis had overco\n", "¹ ['For the purpose of gaining good-will.']\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On The History Of The Psycho-Analytic Movement\n", "\n", "\n", "Perhaps it even began to rage in their own bosoms. The theological prehistory of so many of the Swis\n", "In order to preserve this system intact it was necessary to turn entirely away from observation and \n", "When Jung tells us that the incest-complex is merely 'symbolic', that after all it has no 'real' exi\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On The History Of The Psycho-Analytic Movement\n", "\n", "2928\n", "\n", " It may be said lastly that by his 'm\n", "In consequence of the latter change, they become inaccessible to the influence of psycho-analysis an\n", "In our researches, taking, as they did, neurotic symptoms for their starting-point, this part of the\n", "For these ideas are not the foundation of science, upon which everything rests: that foundation is o\n", "It may turn out that, most basically and on the longest view, sexual energy - libido - is only the p\n", "A few lines later he dismisses it with the remark that this determinant 'would result in the psychol\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On Narcissism: An Introduction\n", "\n", "2939\n", "\n", " The condition of sleep, too, resembles illness in im\n", "Further, since we are already familiar with the idea that the mechanism of falling ill and of the fo\n", "The difference between paraphrenic affections and the transference neuroses appears to me to lie in \n", "We say that a human being has originally two sexual objects - himself and the woman who nurses him -\n", "Even for narcissistic women, whose attitude towards men remains cool, there is a road which leads to\n", "Parental love, which is so moving and at bottom so childish, is nothing but the parents' narcissism \n", "The same impressions, experiences, impulses and desires that one man indulges or at least works over\n", "If such an agency does exist, we cannot possibly come upon it as a _discovery_ \\- we can only _recog\n", "of the person who is struggling against sleep. Similarly, he has shown that the conclusions of some \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On Narcissism: An Introduction\n", "\n", "2952\n", "\n", " Adler is right in maintaining that when a person wit\n", "The ego ideal has imposed severe conditions upon the satisfaction of libido through objects; for it \n", "<|/file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw9ge1.htm.md\"|>\n", "<|file name=\"./epubs\\\\Fr\n", "In the first place, an instinctual stimulus does not arise from the external world but from within t\n", "Instinctual stimuli, which originate from within the organism, cannot be dealt with by this mechanis\n", "It may be changed any number of times in the course of the vicissitudes which the instinct undergoes\n", "It is always possible that an exhaustive study of the other neurotic affections (especially of the n\n", "Observation shows us that an instinct may undergo the following vicissitudes:-\n", "\n", " Reversal into its\n", "Our view of sadism is further prejudiced by the circumstance that this instinct, side by side with i\n", "The earlier active direction of the instinct persists to some degree side by side with its later pas\n", "These are the best known sexual instincts that appear in an ambivalent manner. The other components \n", "This antithesis remains, above all, sovereign in our intellectual activity and creates for research \n", "(See below, the mechanism of projection.)\n", "\n", " Thus the original 'reality-ego', which distinguished i\n", "Thus the word 'to love' moves further and further into the sphere of the pure pleasure-relation of t\n", "When the ego-instincts dominate the sexual function, as is the case at the stage of the sadistic-ana\n", "In order the better to delimit repression, let us discuss some other instinctual situations. It may \n", "This is due to the properties of unconscious processes of which we shall speak later.\n", "\n", " The second\n", "A delicate balancing is here taking place, the play of which is hidden from us; its mode of operatio\n", "The quantitative factor proves decisive for this conflict: as soon as the basically obnoxious idea e\n", "(See above.)\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Repression\n", "\n", "2984\n", "\n", " We must now try to obtain some insight into the _mechanism\n", "And for this reason, too, the work of the neurosis does not cease. It proceeds to a second phase, in\n", "It is very probable that the whole process is made possible by the ambivalent relationship into whic\n", "I. JUSTIFICATION FOR THE CONCEPT OF THE UNCONSCIOUS\n", "\n", " Our right to assume the existence of someth\n", "We shall therefore be better advised to focus our attention on what we know with certainty of the na\n", "Here some special hindrance evidently deflects our investigations from our own self and prevents our\n", "There are psychical acts of very varying value which yet agree in possessing the characteristic of b\n", "On account of this attempt, too, it has been given the name of 'depth-psychology'. We shall hear tha\n", "Above all, it does not remove the repression nor undo its effects, as might perhaps be expected from\n", "If we restore the true connection, we call the original affective impulse an 'unconscious' one. Yet \n", "Often, however, the instinctual impulse has to wait until it has found a substitutive idea in the sy\n", "We shall see from clinical examples how such an anticathexis, operating in the system _Pcs._ , manif\n", "The extending dominance of the system _Cs._ usually manifests itself in the fact that the first of t\n", "In this process repression is successful in one particular: the release of anxiety can to some exten\n", "In the _Ucs._ there are only contents, cathected with greater or lesser strength.\n", "\n", " The cathectic \n", "This circumstance caused Breuer to assume the existence of two different states of cathectic energy \n", "We shall defend the complications of our theory so long as we find that they meet the results of obs\n", "Hence consciousness stands in no simple relation either to the different systems or to repression. T\n", "The content of the system _Pcs._ (or _Cs._) is derived partly from instinctual life (through the med\n", "In the transference neuroses (anxiety hysteria, conversion hysteria and obsessional neurosis) there \n", "'She could not understand him at all, he looked different every time; he was a hypocrite, an eye-twi\n", "A patient whom I have at present under observation has allowed himself to be withdrawn from all the \n", "What has dictated the substitution is not the resemblance between the things denoted but the samenes\n", "With these discussions, however, we have evidently departed from our subject proper and find ourselv\n", "<|/file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw9gop.htm.md\"|>\n", "<|file name=\"./epubs\\\\Fr\n", "Narcissism and egoism, indeed, coincide; the word 'narcissism' is only intended to emphasize the fac\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "A Metapsychological Supplement To The Theory Of Dreams\n", "\n", "3030\n", "\n", " But there is another doubt, \n", "Again, the dream-wish must not be confused with the wishful impulses which may have been present, th\n", "Hence the rule laid down in _The Interpretation of Dreams_ , and since confirmed beyond all doubt, t\n", "It is precisely round this concluding piece in the formation of dreams that the gravest uncertaintie\n", "Hallucination must therefore be something more than the regressive revival of mnemic images that are\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "A Metapsychological Supplement To The Theory Of Dreams\n", "\n", "3037\n", "\n", " This function of orientating\n", "It becomes possible only when the patient's ego is so far disintegrated that reality-testing no long\n", "Mourning is regularly the reaction to the loss of a loved person, or to the loss of some abstraction\n", "¹ Cf. the preceding paper.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Mourning And Melancholia\n", "\n", "3043\n", "\n", " Let us now apply to melancholi\n", "For there can be no doubt that if anyone holds and expresses to others an opinion of himself such as\n", "So we find the key to the clinical picture: we perceive that the self-reproaches are reproaches agai\n", "It represents, of course, a _regression_ from one type of object-choice to original narcissism. We h\n", "The self-tormenting in melancholia, which is without doubt enjoyable, signifies, just like the corre\n", "The complex of melancholia behaves like an open wound, drawing to itself cathectic energies - which \n", "Alcoholic intoxication, which belongs to the same class of states, may (in so far as it is an elated\n", "Whether it begins simultaneously at several points or follows some sort of fixed sequence is not eas\n", "It is possible for the process in the _Ucs._ to come to an end, either after the fury has spent itse\n", "He promised to call on me again, accompanied by the plaintiff.\n", "\n", " (Before I continue the account, I\n", "From that moment nothing could abate her suspicion of her lover. She pursued him with reproaches and\n", "To begin with, she had visited the young man in his rooms not once but twice. It was on the second o\n", "The manifestation of the neurotic reaction will always be determined, however, not by her present-da\n", "Indeed, it is doubtful whether we can rightly call the noise 'accidental'. As Otto Rank has remarked\n", "In her subsequent rejection of the man, lack of satisfaction undoubtedly played a part as well as 'c\n", "We cannot but feel that no event has ever destroyed so much that is precious in the common possessio\n", "But the great nations themselves, it might have been supposed, would have acquired so much comprehen\n", "And again, all the international undertakings and institutions in which the common civilization of p\n", "Nor should it be a matter for surprise that this relaxation of all the moral ties between the collec\n", "Psycho-analysis adds that the two opposed feelings not infrequently have the same person for their o\n", "We infer them from their actions and behaviour, which we trace back to _motives_ arising from their \n", "On the other hand, the maintenance of civilization even on so dubious a basis offers the prospect of\n", "One of my English friends put forward this thesis at a scientific meeting in America, whereupon a la\n", "Their interests serve them, at most, as _rationalizations_ for their passions; they put forward thei\n", "We suspend criticism of him, overlook his possible misdeeds, declare that '_de mortuis nil nisi bonu\n", "Life has, indeed, become interesting again; it has recovered its full content.\n", "\n", " Here a distinctio\n", "But there was for him one case in which the two opposite attitudes towards death collided and came i\n", "I should choose, so I might live on earth, to serve as the hireling off another, of some portionless\n", "Unfortunately this argument proves even more for the opposite view. So powerful a prohibition can on\n", "And so, if we are to be judged by our unconscious wishful impulses, we ourselves are, like primaeval\n", "Mistakenly, I think. No depreciation of feelings of love is intended, and there is in fact none. It \n", "It has further taught us that our intellect is a feeble and dependent thing, a plaything and tool of\n", "A flower that blossoms only for a single night does not seem to us on that account less lovely. Nor \n", "But have those other possessions, which we have now lost, really ceased to have any worth for us bec\n", "In this educative process, the doctor's clearer insight can hardly be said to play a decisive part; \n", "In his case the analysis, which constructed this event out of obscure mnemic residues and interpreta\n", "Why did not Nature give us the golden curls of Balder or the strength of Siegfried or the lofty brow\n", "After many years of life together, he succeeded in getting his family reconciled to her, and was the\n", "We may take as an example of a person who collapses on reaching success, after striving for it with \n", "It seems to me impossible to come to any decision. Shakespeare's _Macbeth_ is a _pi ece d'occasion_,\n", "A bloody child, and then a crowned one, are shown him by the witches in the apparition scene; the ar\n", "We must, I think, give up any hope of penetrating the triple layer of obscurity into which the bad p\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Some Character-Types Met With In Psycho-Analytic Work\n", "\n", "3111\n", "\n", " If we have been unable to giv\n", "'It is the Rosmer view of life - or your view of life at any rate - that has infected my will. . . .\n", "West who adopted her after her mother's death. Hate has sharpened his perceptions, yet he does not s\n", "She makes the confession to Rosmer and Kroll which stamps her as a murderess; she rejects for ever t\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Some Character-Types Met With In Psycho-Analytic Work\n", "\n", "3117\n", "\n", " 'You think then that I was co\n", "Analytic work then brought the surprising discovery that such deeds were done principally because th\n", "The two could accompany each other or appear independently. At one particular time, whenever he saw \n", "It cannot be said, however, that the symbol is an intelligible one. In phantasies and in numerous sy\n", "We are shown how her feelings grow up out of a childish egoism till they reach social maturity; we l\n", "This is naturally no longer true. Advances have in the meantime taken place in its theory and import\n", "I will show you how the whole trend of your previous education and all your habits of thought are in\n", "Words were originally magic and to this day words have retained much of their ancient magical power.\n", "If you went on to examine the older sources, you would take the same factors into account the possib\n", "It is true that psychiatry, as a part of medicine, sets about describing the mental disorders it obs\n", "It asserts further that these same sexual impulses also make contributions that must not be underest\n", "They are what are known as 'parapraxes', to which everyone is liable. It may happen, for instance, t\n", "On the contrary, the material for its observations is usually provided by the inconsiderable events \n", "In the same circumstances proper names are easily forgotten. Some people are accustomed to recognize\n", "It could be argued that this is the result of 'excitement', but it is difficult to see why the excit\n", "But some of the parapraxes, too, can themselves be looked at from another point of view.\n", "\n", " Let us \n", "The meaningless '_Schwest_ ' was a distortion of '_Brust_ (breast)' owing to an anticipation of the \n", "- I must confess that I feel on the whole as though after all this we were further than ever from un\n", "But before carrying out this intention I should like to invite you to follow me along another track.\n", "Like the slip in _Wallenstein_ to which Freud has drawn attention, it shows that dramatists have a c\n", "We then reflected that if confirmation could be obtained on a wider scale that parapraxes have a sen\n", "If someone twists a proper name about by a slip of the tongue or puts an abnormal series of sounds t\n", "Similar explanations suggest themselves along the same lines for certain instances of slips of the t\n", "And what are the relations between the disturbing purposes and the disturbed ones? Thus, no sooner i\n", "And again, we must recognize the importance of the influence of sounds, the similarity of words and \n", "And yet in both these cases active measures of a kind were necessary in order to bring about the sol\n", "But this lands me in a nice mess. He gets impatient and suddenly breaks out: 'Just you stop trying t\n", "It is actually a sign of a scientific mode of thought to find satisfaction in these approximations t\n", "'¹\n", "\n", " Or: A lady enquired from her doctor for news of a common acquaintance, but called her by her \n", "A young man lost a pencil of his of which he had been very fond. The day before, he had received a l\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "3164\n", "\n", " Accumulated and combined parapraxes are wi\n", "I had in fact made a mistake over the day; it was now Saturday!'\n", "\n", " It would be agreeable to add fu\n", "Let me insist once again that I am not asserting - and for our purposes there is no need to do so - \n", "We have said that parapraxes are the product of mutual interference between two different intentions\n", "It must in fact, therefore, be described as a perseveration, though not necessarily as the persevera\n", "My interpretation carries with it the hypothesis that intentions can find expression in a speaker of\n", "We may ask, for instance, why things should not be much simpler. If the intention is to force back a\n", "For instance, if someone has pronounced a long vowel short on account of a disturbance affecting the\n", "You may perhaps remember the case of a murderer, H., who found the means of obtaining cultures of hi\n", "In other cases a misreading precisely of the kind which is quite independent of the content of the t\n", "In any case, that is how the _prot ege_ will understand the patron's forgetting. But things may be m\n", "But this brings us into opposition to all the views that dominate both ordinary life and psychology.\n", "The whole field of this kind of forgetting does not, of course, fall within the class of parapraxes,\n", "Here the intention disguises itself as a lucky accident. For instance, as happened to one of my frie\n", "The great value of parapraxes for our purposes lies in their being very common phenomena which, more\n", "No, dreams are much too trivial, and unworthy to be an object of research.\n", "\n", " And there is somethin\n", "The city of Tyre, which at that time still stood on an island, offered the king such a stiff resista\n", "If it was possible for parapraxes to have a sense, dreams can have one too; and in a great many case\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "3191\n", "\n", " If this is what sleep is, dreams cannot po\n", "Let us carefully bear this second thing common to all dreams in mind, even though we may not have un\n", "I will select a few of the earlier experiments. Maury had some experiments performed on himself. He \n", "These are very nice dreams, entirely sensible and by no means as incoherent as dreams are usually ap\n", "But we shall not overlook the number of clear experiences which support the origin of dreams from so\n", "I venture to dismiss that possibility decisively.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "\n", "The most remarkable thing about these imaginative structures is that they have been given the name o\n", "What is our work aiming at? We want something that is sought for in all scientific work - to underst\n", "In my prospectus, it is true, I announced a course of 'Elementary Lectures to Serve as an Introducti\n", "The man maintained that he could remember nothing. But Bernheim held out against this, brought urgen\n", "We do not require him to tell us straight away the sense of his dream, but he will be able to find i\n", "I beg you to respect it as a fact that _that_ is what occurred to the man when he was questioned and\n", "How many 'Albines' do you know? - Strange to say, he knew no one called 'Albine' and nothing further\n", "This does not seem to us to be proved. We quite expect that what occurs to the dreamer in response t\n", "They came rapidly: Monte Carlo itself, then Piedmont, Albania, Montevideo, Colico. Of this series I \n", "I now propose that we should introduce a change into our nomenclature which will give us more freedo\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "3211\n", "\n", " These objections are obviously a threat to\n", "We may perhaps be able to link with this another experience we also meet with during the work of int\n", "Perhaps this example is too simple.\n", "\n", " (_b_) A sceptical woman patient had a longish dream in the c\n", "By making his relations sit at this _Tisch_ , he was saying that they too were _Tischlers_. Incident\n", "The former is not so much a distortion of the latter as a representation of it, a plastic, concrete,\n", "- Where did the 'three' come from? She could think of nothing in connection with that, unless we cou\n", "Without the analysis, we should have had no suspicion that that factor plays any part. It seems, the\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "3222\n", "\n", " We will take a few examples on which to ba\n", "In these children's dreams, however, there is nothing that points to the operation of somatic stimul\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "3225\n", "\n", " (7) On the basis of these characteristics \n", "And in discovering all this we were al most able to forget that we were engaged on psycho-analysis. \n", "Another of us dreamt of tobacco, of whole mountains of tobacco; while a third dreamt of a ship in fu\n", "Or there are what are justly known as dreams of convenience, in which a person who would like to sle\n", "Our immediate task, then, is an enquiry which will lead to an understanding of this _distortion in d\n", "Nevertheless, the staff surgeon, most politely and respectfully, showed her the way up to the second\n", "Well, we can keep close to this parallel. It is our view that the omitted pieces of the speeches in \n", "You will recall that when we began to make use of our technique of free association we made a surpri\n", "The desire for pleasure - the 'libido', as we call it - chooses its objects without inhibition, and \n", "And first we can further strengthen the criticism of our dream-interpretations. The fact that the fi\n", "When you reject something that is disagreeable to you, what you are doing is _repeating_ the mechani\n", "The dream-wishes which seek to disturb us in our sleep are unknown to us and indeed we only learnt o\n", "An accumulation of many similar cases eventually gives the necessary certainty to what began as a ti\n", "Even people of judgement and reputation, who, apart from this, have gone a long way in agreeing with\n", "Dying is replaced in dreams by _departure_ , by a _train journey_ , being dead by various obscure an\n", "A no less obvious aspect of the organ explains the fact that _pencils, pen-holders, nail-files, hamm\n", "Not every symbol, as you will observe, is equally intelligible.\n", "\n", " The breasts must be reckoned wit\n", "_Ladders, steps_ , and _staircases_ , or, more precisely, walking on them, are clear symbols of sexu\n", "In a family the children are jokingly called 'princes' and the eldest 'crown prince'. The King himse\n", "- a predominant part is played by exposure in the water and rescue from the water. Rank has perceive\n", "In the periodical _Anthropophyteia_ , edited by F. S. Krauss, an invaluable source of knowledge of s\n", "Likenesses of the male organ were regarded in antiquity as the most powerful _apotropaic_ (means of \n", "But even with this assumption we do not meet the point. Hitherto it has only been necessary for us t\n", "As time went on, the words became detached from the sexual meaning and fixed to the work. In later g\n", "May it not be that what is responsible is once again its connection with sexuality?\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introduc\n", "Its results are particularly easy to demonstrate. You will have no difficulty in recalling instances\n", "The achievements of condensation can be quite extraordinary. It is sometimes possible by its help to\n", "It consists in transforming thoughts into visual images. Let us keep it clear that this transformati\n", "'A witness, Albertine M., stated, however, that she had surprised Frau K. kissing the plaintiff 's h\n", "There is as a rule nothing in the latent dream-thoughts corresponding to these doubts and uncertaint\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "3271\n", "\n", " Another characteristic of the dream-work a\n", "There are other occasions when this façade of the dream _has_ its meaning, and reproduces an importa\n", "And you can see once more, from the parallels to the dream-work, the connections which have been rev\n", "It is impossible to submit either oneself or anyone else whose confidence one enjoys to the ruthless\n", "'July 13, 1910 - Towards morning I had this dream: _I was bicycling down the street in T ubingen whe\n", "He wanted to treat the tooth according to the precept of Jewish doctrine: 'If thy tooth offend thee,\n", "They may have originated from scenes in his childhood and have occasionally slipped into consciousne\n", "This might still be ambiguous. Her further associations showed that what was in question concerned a\n", "At our first meeting I lamented the difficulty of providing demonstrations and so of carrying convic\n", "His father asked him in the dream what all this was - that is, what was the purpose and function of \n", "As a rule he was very straightforward in making admissions; but he had intended to keep silent to me\n", "In view of the intensity reached by his jealousy he would, he thought, really be mad to want to marr\n", "By the time a child is two he can speak well, and soon shows that he is at home in complicated menta\n", "When we have interpreted a dream of this sort to the dreamer and if, to take the most favourable cas\n", "So prepare yourselves for a provisional renunciation. Let us content ourselves with the factual evid\n", "The motives for these are rivalry for parental love, for common possessions, for living space. The h\n", "But we come upon this dream-wish, too, where it has no relevance in real life, and where the adult n\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "3297\n", "\n", " First and foremost, it is an untenable err\n", "Tremendous efforts have been made to ex plain this horror of incest. Some people have supposed that \n", "And secondly, all this, which is old and infantile and was once dominant and alone dominant, must to\n", "But it was from the first our expectation that we should be able to regard distorted dreams in the s\n", "The dreamer remains thirsty and has to wake up in order to drink. Nevertheless it was a genuine drea\n", "We will bring up one more observation and then make up our minds to adopt a hypothesis in favour of \n", "The answer is almost bound to lie in some hypothesis going back to the nature of the state of sleep.\n", "A lady, whose husband had told her during the day that her friend Elise, who was only three months h\n", "I have also been reproached for putting forward things that seem to me obvious in a manner that is t\n", "If at the moment you are not interested in the dream-work, but are greatly interested in people's un\n", "That cannot be done without carefully analysing a great many dreams, and on the other hand this most\n", "I shall now describe these thoughts more strictly than before as the 'day's residues', whether the d\n", "You will argue in support of this that in the first place one never knows whether a particular eleme\n", "In writing, where gesture is absent, its place was taken by an additional pictograph which was not i\n", "I have made a note of an example of a Chinese proverb which, literally translated, runs:\n", "\n", "'Little wh\n", "Pfister of Zurich which is quoted. . . . It is really surprising, therefore, that the head of a trai\n", "By way of interpretation of this oddity all that occurred to her was that her father liked his grown\n", "Alexander was led by this interpretation to continue the siege and eventually captured Tyre. The int\n", "The trains of thought set going by the physician can, like these other instigators of dreams, appear\n", "Last year I spoke to you of the way in which psycho-analysis deals with parapraxes and dreams. This \n", "This behaviour of our opponents is not entirely intelligible to me. It may perhaps be due to the fac\n", "Our deeper knowledge makes it difficult for us to give the kind of opinion another doctor would - 'T\n", "Some of them would probably have been aware of a sense of disappointment when they entered the empty\n", "It was enough for her to hear the young lady's name mentioned or to meet her in the street and a fre\n", "And ought we to understand the assertion of the predominance of the hereditary influence in a negati\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "3335\n", "\n", " Let us now bring together what this effort\n", "I did so in order to carry out the comparison between psychiatry and psycho-analysis. But there is o\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "3338\n", "\n", "LECTURE XVII\n", "\n", "THE SENSE OF SYMPTOMS\n", "\n", "LADIES A\n", "The thoughts (obsessions) may be senseless in themselves, or merely a matter of indifference to the \n", "You can imagine that no small amount of work is needed before one can make one's way any distance in\n", "Whenever I asked the patient 'Why do you do that? What sense has it?' she answered: 'I don't know.' \n", "Or, more correctly speaking, everything else we know about her points the way to this interpretation\n", "On closer examination, nevertheless, we can see that the screen is insufficient, that the ceremonial\n", "We are, on the contrary, obliged to keep on leaving any particular topic, in the certain expectation\n", "Finally, when she was so big that it became physically uncomfortable for her to find room in the bed\n", "There has been no lack of investigations precisely on these lines. The analysis, interpretation and \n", "Furthermore, I am far from having made you acquainted with all the difficulties that arise when cons\n", "Although she was young and desirable to other men, she had taken every precaution, real and imaginar\n", "This would promise to offer us a simple determinant for the onset of neurosis. Neurosis could then b\n", "Then suddenly one day, under the influence of the treatment, she succeeded in discovering the connec\n", "They would not have become symptoms if they had not forced their way into consciousness. But their p\n", "The thesis that symptoms disappear when we have made their unconscious predeterminants conscious has\n", "I should be sorry if that were so. But I have a strong dislike of simplifying things at the expense \n", "As a rule the latter neurosis is marked by amnesias on a really large scale. In analysing each separ\n", "This revaluation has been accomplished in our own days by Darwin, Wallace and their predecessors, th\n", "We urge him always to follow only the surface of his consciousness and to leave aside any criticism \n", "It is now our fate to hear from this single voice all the criticisms and objections which assail our\n", "Nevertheless, it remains a remarkable fact that this material is always in the service of the resist\n", "Nor do we ever, unless we have been guilty of special clumsiness in our technique, have to meet the \n", "It is above all essential for this purpose that we should proceed from the purely descriptive meanin\n", "I should like to assure you that these crude hypotheses of the two rooms, the watchman at the thresh\n", "This again will be nothing new to you. I have already demonstrated it to you in two cases of neurosi\n", "If, then, everything I am saying here applies to the transference neuroses, let me first increase th\n", "And, going on from this, you will also express surprise that we are representing as a sexual satisfa\n", "This implies, of course, that they have abandoned any share in reproduction. We call such people hom\n", "Next come the sadists, puzzling people whose tender endeavours have no other aim than to cause pain \n", "The claim made by homosexuals or inverts to being exceptions collapses at once when we learn that ho\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "3381\n", "\n", " I should not have much difficulty in givin\n", "You are committing the error of con fusing sexuality and reproduction and by doing so you are blocki\n", "Other concepts, such as sexual 'excitation' and 'satisfaction', call for no explanation. You yoursel\n", "In forming this opinion of sensual sucking we have already become acquainted with two decisive chara\n", "On the other hand, the abandonment of the reproductive function is the common feature of all pervers\n", "The reply which is ready to hand in the nursery, that babies are brought by the stork, comes up agai\n", "Anyone who chooses to disregard the history of their development and their analytic context will den\n", "Even a kiss can claim to be described as a perverse act, since it consists in the bringing together \n", "In that way you would have avoided the hypothesis, so repugnant to every feeling, of the smallest ba\n", "I cannot discuss here whether each and every organ-pleasure should be called a sexual one or whether\n", "These are nothing but constructions, to be sure, but, if you carry out psycho-analyses in practice, \n", "In addition, there are the various, still incompletely known, processes which lead one stage of orga\n", "Every evening there after the medical officers of the corps, his colleagues and his superiors, came \n", "And he understands the dramatist's voice as though it were saying to him: 'You are struggling in vai\n", "In short, the factor of sexual preference cannot be eliminated from the situation by any criticism. \n", "There is no end to what has been invented on the subject. It has been said that sexual inclination i\n", "Its infantile core and more or less of its accessories remain as they were confirmed by the direct o\n", "At that time we gave no explanation of the origin of these evil impulses. Now you can find it for yo\n", "But I also discovered soon afterwards that nerve-cells of this kind are present outside the grey mat\n", "These disorders give us access to other developmental processes of the libidinal function which we h\n", "Thus the genital organization holds good for the unconscious, but not in the same way for the precon\n", "It is extremely seldom, after all, that frustration is universal and absolute. In order to operate p\n", "In scientific matters people are very fond of selecting one portion of the truth, putting it in the \n", "It is often impossible to say what it is that enabled this impression to exercise such an intense at\n", "The meaning of psychical conflict can be adequately expressed in another way by saying that for an _\n", "It is not our belief that a person's libidinal interests are from the first in opposition to his sel\n", "She will take up some occupation or other, possibly become a popular figure on the stage and end up \n", "I should like to add that origin ally the operation of these conditions was creative but that it is \n", "It will be noticed that we can describe the tasks and achievements of the mental apparatus in anothe\n", "But if you take up a theoretical point of view and disregard this matter of quantity, you may quite \n", "In this last respect, however, there is a distinction between the construction of a dream and of a s\n", "As we all know, a diagram is certain of a sympathetic reception from students. So I will summarize t\n", "We have been able to analyse a few examples of these children's neuroses in childhood itself - when \n", "The kind of satisfaction which the symptom brings has much that is strange about it.\n", "\n", " We may disr\n", "But neither of these things is the case: the position can be shown to be that the childhood experien\n", "It would be a mistake to suppose that they are never characterized by material reality; on the contr\n", "If they have occurred in reality, so much to the good; but if they have been withheld by reality, th\n", "A nature reserve preserves its original state which everywhere else has to our regret been sacrifice\n", "The unreal character of neurotic satisfaction and the neglect of the distinction between phantasy an\n", "Their constitution probably includes a strong capacity for sublimation and a certain degree of laxit\n", "Why did I not begin my introduction to the theory of neuroses with what you yourselves know of the n\n", "The ego is indeed the power which disavows the unconscious and has degraded it into being repressed;\n", "This motive tries to preserve the ego from the dangers the threat of which was the precipitating cau\n", "That is only one side of the business, the pleasant side, it is true. So far as the neurosis has adv\n", "This may be because dealing with a conflict by forming symptoms is after all an automatic process wh\n", "What remains essential and makes things clear to us is that, in every case and no matter how the ill\n", "The theoretical structure of psycho-analysis that we have created is in truth a superstructure, whic\n", "But we are certainly doing the right thing if we start by isolating from the mass the individual cli\n", "I have no need to introduce anxiety itself to you. Every one of us has experienced that sensation, o\n", "But in this situation there is no place at all for anxiety; everything that happens would be achieve\n", "A hysterical attack may thus be likened to a freshly constructed individual affect, and a normal aff\n", "We call this state 'expectant anxiety' or 'anxious expectation'. People who are tormented by this ki\n", "When a strong, grown-up man is unable owing to anxiety to walk along a street or cross a square in h\n", "Yet these conditions, which we describe as 'anxiety-equivalents', have to be equated with anxiety in\n", "Among them, for instance, is the influence on anxiety disorders of certain phases of life to which, \n", "This much, therefore, we know about the origin of neurotic anxiety. It still sounds fairly indefinit\n", "The genesis of anxiety from libido would in this way be denied; and if one examined into the determi\n", "When in the end realistic anxiety is awakened in them, that is wholly the result of education; for t\n", "An idea remains the same, except for the one difference, whether it is conscious or unconscious; we \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "3458\n", "\n", "LECTURE XXVI\n", "\n", "THE LIBIDO THEORY AND NARCISSIS\n", "It is probable, too, that quite special metabolic processes are necessary, differing from all others\n", "I may tell you at once that these first explanations of Abraham's have been accepted in psycho-analy\n", "This is the place for two remarks. First, how do we differentiate between the concepts of narcissism\n", "On the other hand, it may be that these day's residues have to thank an already existing connection \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "3466\n", "\n", " Your second observation, too, raises a jus\n", "I cannot say more about this now, but I believe that this behaviour of the libido as it strives to f\n", "The forms of paranoia are described according to their content as megalomania, persecution mania, er\n", "He had once been engaged to a beautiful young girl of good social position; but she had broken off t\n", "As with paranoia, so also with melancholia (of which, incidentally, many different clinical forms ha\n", "We believe, too, that this creation was made with the intention of re-establishing the self-satisfac\n", "If, therefore, we attribute the affective portion of realistic anxiety to ego-libido and the accompa\n", "Perhaps, however, you are clutching at one of the factors I have mentioned and believe that there yo\n", "Only in the case of some very youthful or quite helpless or unstable individuals are we unable to pu\n", "But that is a very great deal. If you now hear all that has to be done and what efforts it needs to \n", "This sounds very difficult and obscure; but is it not only repeating what we have already said in ea\n", "And yet we do not succeed in lifting a single resistance or getting rid of a single repression. Thes\n", "Moreover the cordial relations that prevail during the work of analysis are accompanied by an object\n", "This new fact, which we thus recognize so unwillingly, is known by us as _transference_. We mean a t\n", "It is out of the question for us to yield to the patient's demands deriving from the transference; i\n", "Otherwise it might happen that he would choose in favour of repeating the earlier outcome and would \n", "Till our next meeting, then. I will answer you, you will see. But to-day I must finish what I have b\n", "It was hackwork and not a scientific activity, and it recalled magic, incantations and hocus-pocus. \n", "Hypnotic treatment leaves the patient inert and unchanged, and for that reason, too, equally unable \n", "We endeavour by a careful technique to avoid the occurrence of premature successes due to suggestion\n", "Thus the transference becomes the battlefield on which all the mutually struggling forces should mee\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "3496\n", "\n", " From the standpoint of the libido theory, \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "3497\n", "\n", " We shall soon have reached the end. You ar\n", "No one who has any experience of the rifts which so often divide a family will, if he is an analyst,\n", "I could not,, however, follow you in that. It is much more advantageous for patients, ( in so far as\n", "We psycho-analysts may claim to be its legitimate heirs and we do not forget how much encouragement \n", "I therefore decided to add it to the present collection of papers which was being issued by a new pu\n", "That procedure appears to be slowly exhausting itself; and people are now adopting another plan of r\n", "His shrinking from a self-sufficient existence was so great as to outweigh all the vexations of his \n", "The intention is only to bring forward some new facts for investigators who have already been convin\n", "The boy's mother was therefore inclined to ascribe the alteration in his character to the influence \n", "Whether these contradictory sorts of attitudes towards animals were really in operation simultaneous\n", "I will once more recall the fact that our therapeutic work was concerned with a subsequent and recen\n", "They were meant to efface the memory of an event which later on seemed offensive to the patient's ma\n", "Independently of the question of seduction, our patient, while he was a child, found in his sister a\n", "This reaction seemed strange to him himself, for he knew that more than two generations had passed b\n", "At this time he succeeded in observing two girls - his sister and a friend of hers - while they were\n", "The heir to the throne was evidently he himself; his sadism had therefore turned round in phantasy a\n", "He had preserved a memory of how, during one of these scenes of naughtiness, he had redoubled his sc\n", "1). The analysis of the dream brought the following material to light.\n", "\n", " 'He had always connected \n", "There must therefore be some other fairy tale behind his recollection of the picture. He soon discov\n", "The patient related the dream at a very early stage of the analysis and very soon came to share my c\n", "But if we put together as the result of the provisional analysis what can be derived from the materi\n", "The importance of this date of Christmas Day had been preserved in his supposed recollection of havi\n", "[_Added_ 1924:] 'Ayia' equals 'air'.\n", "\n", " ³ We may remark in this connection that the patient drew on\n", "By the latter I mean the postures which he saw his parents adopt - the man upright, and the woman be\n", "Shall I hide myself from you in the clock-case like the youngest little goat?'\n", "\n", " ¹ After this repr\n", "Instead of this picture, however, there appeared the material of the story which he had been told by\n", "Compare Boccaccio's well-known story, and similar _facetiae_.\n", "\n", " _The wolves_. Their number: _six o\n", "This part of the fairy tale may perhaps have acted as a reminder of threats made by the child's fath\n", "If we fail to notice this, it may easily seem comic and incredible that a child of four should be ca\n", "This feminine aim, however, underwent repression and was obliged to let itself be replaced by fear o\n", "Anyone who neglects this, and breaks off the analysis in some higher stratum, has waived his right o\n", "Any shortening of this course, any alteration, that is, in psycho-analytic treatment, as it has hith\n", "On [p. 670](frcw48c4_1.htm#idh_p670) of that work there is an analysis of a remark occurring in a dr\n", "I may here venture to point out that the antagonistic views which are to be found in the psycho-anal\n", "That is so; but the life of a child under school age is easily observable, and we can examine it to \n", "At an earlier stage in the discussion we were brought up against an ambiguity in regard to the patie\n", "¹ [Freud's square brackets]\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "From The History Of An Infantile Neurosis\n", "\n", "3544\n", "\n", " Colour is le\n", "Scenes of observing sexual intercourse between parents at a very early age (whether they be real mem\n", "His naughtiness did not disappear when the anxiety set in, and persisted with slowly diminishing for\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "From The History Of An Infantile Neurosis\n", "\n", "3548\n", "\n", " But to this rationalistic criticism there\n", "We catch a glimpse of his repressed homosexual attitude in his doubting whether Christ could have a \n", "His old love for his father, which had been manifest in his earliest period, was therefore the sourc\n", "² Assuming the reality of the primal scene.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "From The History Of An Infantile Neurosis\n", "\n", "3551\n", "\n", "It is quite the rule, as we know, for children to treat prohibitions in the same kind of way. When t\n", "The process had led to a victory for the faith of piety over the rebelliousness of critical research\n", "But he had no idea how much he possessed, what his expenditure was, or what balance was left over. I\n", "When he came under my treatment he had become accustomed to enemas, which were given him by an atten\n", "He found a great deal of enjoyment (such as would tally with the natural coarseness of many classes \n", "3533), and an explanation of the part played by women in the sexual act. It is only another step to \n", "He rejected the new information and clung to the old theory. The latter must have provided the mater\n", "But there can be no question of how we are to regard it. It is a sign of a state of excitement of th\n", "What he was feeling the want of was sexual satisfaction, which he had taken as being anal. His sexua\n", "'God-shit' was probably an abbreviation for an offering that one occasionally hears mentioned in its\n", "I have elsewhere ² reported a hallucination which this same patient had at the age of five and upon \n", "Although the threats or hints of castration which had come his way had emanated from women, ¹ this c\n", "All of these figures belong to the period before his visit to his father at the sanatorium, that is,\n", "After this the little problem was once more left untouched for a long time; but I may mention the fa\n", "He had told me another time that when he heard the story of John Huss he had been greatly moved, and\n", "He was walking through the village which formed part of their (later) estate, when he saw a peasant \n", "His seduction drove him into passivity - for which, in any case, the way was prepared by his behavio\n", "But that scene in itself contained nothing objectionable or improbable; on the contrary, it consiste\n", "¹ _Die Psychologie der unbewussten Prozesse_ , 1917. This was published too late for it to have infl\n", "The world, he said, was hidden from him by a veil; and our psycho-analytic training forbids our assu\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "From The History Of An Infantile Neurosis\n", "\n", "3580\n", "\n", " If we look into the matter more closely w\n", "The patient lamented his flight from the world in a typical womb-phantasy and viewed his recovery as\n", "I fear that, on the contrary, this will not have been the case. But though on other occasions I have\n", "In order to derive fresh generalizations from what has thus been established with regard to the mech\n", "With our patient it was employed to induce him to overcome his loss of appetite and indeed to overco\n", "It transformed his sadism to a great extent into the masochism which was its passive counterpart. Bu\n", "In other cases there is no such conflict between masculinity and femininity; there is only a single \n", "The truth is that the ego has no sexual currents, but only an interest in its own self-protection an\n", "The first method of statement merely mentions in addition the motive by which the ego was actuated.\n", "\n", "2788](frcw48dv_1.htm#idh_p2788).\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "From The History Of An Infantile Neurosis\n", "\n", "3591\n", "\n", " The chi\n", "The patient's own ambivalence, which he possessed in a high degree of development, helped him to det\n", "He kept complaining during the treatment that he could not bear having to do with women, and all our\n", "The Oedipus complex, which comprises a child's relation to his parents, is one of them - is, in fact\n", "_Born_ on Christmas Day.\n", "\n", " 1 ½ _years old_ : Malaria. Observation of his parents copulating; or ob\n", "As a result of numerous impressions, and in particular of one specially cogent analytical observatio\n", "In other women we find no evidence of this wish for a penis; it is replaced by the wish for a baby, \n", "(There are similar if less intense reactions with urine.) Defaecation affords the first occasion on \n", "2.\n", "\n", " Anal erotism finds a narcissistic application in the production of defiance, which constitute\n", "My present readers, I take it, have not so far had anything to do with the subject and I shall be ob\n", "During the work of treatment we have to consider the distribution of the patient's libido; we look f\n", "But long before his day the Pythagoreans had already cast doubts on the privileged position of the e\n", "In certain diseases - including the very neuroses of which we have made special study - things are d\n", "But in some cases, as in that of an instinctual conflict such as I have described, your intelligence\n", "The stars were in a favourable conjunction and may well have been the cause of his survival, for at \n", "Before their significance could be appreciated, a certain work of interpretation was necessary. This\n", "But could the necessary conditions for this explanation be shown to exist in the poet's childhood? G\n", "When, later on, his mother asked the young rebel if he had not been fond of his brother, he ran into\n", "- shoes and other things, out of the window into the street. I have a still earlier recollection. Wh\n", "In the fifth or sixth month he repeatedly said to his mother, \"Mummy, I'II jump on your tummy\" \\- or\n", "¹ Cf. 'Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-Year-Old Boy', (1909 _b_)\n", "\n", " ² Further confirmation of this p\n", "In the same way, as regards those of the patient's mental manifestations that were not considered pa\n", "¹ After all, something very similar occurs in chemical analysis. Simultaneously with the isolation o\n", "He continually finds new distractions of this kind, into which the energy necessary to carrying on t\n", "We cannot avoid taking some patients for treatment who are so helpless and incapable of ordinary lif\n", "Besides this, the necessities of our existence limit our work to the well-to-do classes, who are acc\n", "For what he needs in the matter of theory can be obtained from the literature of the subject and, go\n", "Many medical schools in that country, accordingly, have already organized courses of psycho-analysis\n", "At first this takes place voluntarily, but later on it does so in spite of the patient's efforts, an\n", "Who was the child that was being beaten? The one who was himself producing the phantasy or another? \n", "This expectation cannot be said to be contradicted by the results of enquiry. The present short pape\n", "Moreover, beating-phantasies in men are connected with another subject, which I shall leave on one s\n", "In reply to pressing enquiries the patients only declare: 'I am probably looking on.' Instead of the\n", "So perhaps we may say in terms recalling the prophecy made by the Three Witches to Banquo: 'Not clea\n", "The sense of guilt can discover no punishment more severe than the reversal of this triumph: 'No, he\n", "by his father.\n", "\n", " I repeat, however, that as a rule the phantasy remains unconscious, and can only \n", "The perversion is no longer an isolated fact in the child's sexual life, but falls into its place am\n", "In taking this view of the matter I must express my unreserved agreement with Marcinowski (1918), wh\n", "Nevertheless the second phase, the unconscious and masochistic one, in which the child itself is bei\n", "In addition to this there was the rarer case in which a masochist is interfered with in his perverse\n", "So the original form of the unconscious male phantasy was not the provisional one that we have hithe\n", "There are, besides, plenty of indications that the repression has only very incompletely attained it\n", "The repressing agency, therefore, would always be a masculine instinctual impulse, and the repressed\n", "In this instance, where the masculine protest has completely achieved its object, surely the determi\n", "The hopeful result of this first contact was that the establishment of psycho-analytic Centres was p\n", "With the help of an impartial attitude and a little good will, it should not be hard to find the way\n", "If they were to follow the example of their opponents, psycho-analysts, finding that their patients \n", "What is known as the psycho-analytic school of psychiatry, which was brought into being by me, had t\n", "The physician himself was under military command and had his own personal dangers to fear - loss of \n", "He works in other strata of mental life and has little to do with the subdued emotional impulses whi\n", "Naturally not everything that is new and unfamiliar is frightening, however; the relation is not cap\n", "viii. 4), now more usually _Geheimer Rat_ [Privy Councillor].\n", "\n", " (_b_) Of animals: tame, companiona\n", "Cf.: '\"_The Zecks are all 'heimlich_'_. \"_ (in sense II) _\" 'Heimlich_'_? _ . . . _What do you unde\n", "'The _unheimlich_ , fearful hours of night.' 'I had already long since felt an _unheimlich_ , even g\n", "(Ps. xxvii. 5.) . . . _Heimlich_ parts of the human body, _pudenda _ . . . 'the men that died not w\n", "That, as we have said, would quickly dissipate the peculiar emotional effect of the thing. E. T. A. \n", "Those who decide in favour of the rationalistic interpretation of the Sand-Man will not fail to reco\n", "As the onlookers prepare to go up and overpower the madman, Coppelius laughs and says: 'Wait a bit; \n", "We may try on rationalistic grounds to deny that fears about the eye are derived from the fear of ca\n", "This automatic doll can be nothing else than a materialization of Nathaniel's feminine attitude towa\n", "Towards the end of the book the reader is told the facts, hitherto concealed from him, from which th\n", "It is true that the distinction between these two antitheses is to some extent effaced by the circum\n", "So, for instance, when, caught in a mist perhaps, one has lost one's way in a mountain forest, every\n", "His own explanation, that the too fortunate man has to fear the envy of the gods, seems obscure to u\n", "It seems as if each one of us has been through a phase of individual development corresponding to th\n", "In our great cities, placards announce lectures that undertake to tell us how to get into touch with\n", "As we already know, this kind of uncanniness springs from its proximity to the castration complex. T\n", "But the selection of material on this basis does not enable us to solve the problem of the uncanny. \n", "But that would be to open the door to doubts about what exactly is the value of our general contenti\n", "Instead, therefore, of being _frightened_ by our 'doubles', both Mach and I simply failed to recogni\n", "Thus we see that fairy stories, which have furnished us with most of the contradictions to our hypot\n", "But the story-teller has a _peculiarly_ directive power over us; by means of the moods he can put us\n", "A most remarkable observation made by Josef Breuer had excited a hope that the more one understood o\n", "If that view has hit upon a truth, it must apply equally to _normal_ mental events, and even the hig\n", "Thus the Oedipus complex too may have had stages of development, and the study of prehistory may ena\n", "We succeeded in keeping them in existence, but in consequence of the increasing difficulties, closin\n", "The first prizes have already been awarded and relate to papers published during the period of the w\n", "His numerous theoretical works (a few of which made their first appearance in the _Internationale Ze\n", "He was called up immediately for active service and soon promoted to senior rank. He carried out his\n", "His passionate temperament found expression in sharp, and sometimes too sharp, criticisms, which how\n", "What we are implying by this is not a simple relation between the strength of the feelings of pleasu\n", ". . .'\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Beyond The Pleasure Principle\n", "\n", "3717\n", "\n", " If we turn now to the question of what circum\n", "The reaction to these instinctual demands, a reaction which constitutes the proper activity of the m\n", "I am not aware, however, that patients suffering from traumatic neurosis are much occupied in their \n", "He then pulled the reel out of the cot again by the string and hailed its reappearance with a joyful\n", "For, in the case we have been discussing, the child may, after all, only have been able to repeat hi\n", "Psychoanalysis was then first and foremost an art of interpreting. Since this did not solve the ther\n", "It is certain that much of the ego is itself unconscious, and notably what we may describe as its nu\n", "None of these things can have produced pleasure in the past, and it might be supposed that they woul\n", "In the case of children's play we have already laid stress on the other ways in which the emergence \n", "If they remained constantly conscious, they would very soon set limits to the system's aptitude for \n", "In the system _Cs_., then, resistance of this kind to passage from one element to another would no l\n", "These are negative characteristics which can only be clearly understood if a comparison is made with\n", "And how shall we expect the mind to react to this invasion? Cathectic energy is summoned from all si\n", "And we still attribute importance to the element of fright. It is caused by lack of any preparedness\n", "And the reply can only be a decided affirmative.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Beyond The Pleasure Principle\n", "\n", "3736\n", "\n", " I h\n", "Again, it is easy to identify the primary psychical process with Breuer's freely mobile cathexis and\n", "But how is the predicate of being 'instinctual' related to the compulsion to repeat? At this point w\n", "The elementary living entity would from its very beginning have had no wish to change; if conditions\n", "Hence arises the paradoxical situation that the living organism struggles most energetically against\n", "(See below)\n", "\n", " ² It should be understood from the context that the term 'ego-instincts' is used her\n", "The processes involved in the formation of a neurotic phobia, which is nothing else than an attempt \n", "It is certainly not a primaeval belief. The notion of 'natural death' is quite foreign to primitive \n", "Death is rather a matter of expediency, a manifestation of adaptation to the external conditions of \n", "From the aggregate of these experiments two facts emerge which seem to offer us a firm footing.\n", "\n", " \n", "The striking similarity between Weismann's distinction of soma and germ-plasm and our separation of \n", "But in no region of psychology were we groping more in the dark. Everyone assumed the existence of a\n", "At all events there are none other visible. But in that case we shall after all be driven to agree w\n", "It might indeed be said that the sadism which has been forced out of the ego has pointed the way for\n", "The result is brought about by the influx of fresh amounts of stimulus. This tallies well with the h\n", "He nevertheless believes that an intermingling of this kind leads to an increase in the variability \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Beyond The Pleasure Principle\n", "\n", "3759\n", "\n", " Shall we follow the hint given us by the poet-philoso\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Beyond The Pleasure Principle\n", "\n", "3760\n", "\n", " We need not feel greatly disturbed in judging our spe\n", "Our speculations have transformed this opposition into one between the life instincts (Eros) and the\n", "or is the feeling of tension to be related to the absolute magnitude, or perhaps to the level, of th\n", "Now in speaking of social or group psychology it has become usual to leave these relations on one si\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Group Psychology And The Analysis Of The Ego\n", "\n", "3768\n", "\n", " I will now let Le Bon speak for himsel\n", "He will be the less disposed to check himself, from the consideration that, a group being anonymous \n", "Under the influence of a suggestion, he will undertake the accomplishment of certain acts with irres\n", "It cannot tolerate any delay between its desire and the fulfilment of what it desires. It has a sens\n", "But under the influence of suggestion groups are also capable of high achievements in the shape of a\n", "They have an evident tendency not to distinguish between the two (ibid., 77).\n", "\n", " We have pointed ou\n", "Everything that he says to the detriment and depreciation of the manifestations of the group mind ha\n", "In the simplest case, he says, the 'group' possesses no organization at all or one scarcely deservin\n", "McDougall does not dispute the thesis as to the collective inhibition of intelligence in groups (ibi\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Group Psychology And The Analysis Of The Ego\n", "\n", "3782\n", "\n", "IV\n", "\n", "SUGGESTION AND LIBIDO\n", "\n", "We started fro\n", "Later on my resistance took the direction of protesting against the view that suggestion, which expl\n", "By coming to this decision, psycho-analysis has let loose a storm of indignation, as though it had b\n", "And, in complete opposition to the usual practice, we shall not choose a relatively simple group for\n", "We shall presently touch upon the possibility of a leading idea being substituted for a leader and u\n", "Now that he is by himself in facing the danger, he may surely think it greater. The fact is, therefo\n", "The novel, which is supposed to relate to the present day, tells how a conspiracy of enemies of the \n", "We should consider whether groups with leaders may not be the more primitive and complete, whether i\n", "² Perhaps with the solitary exception of the relation of a mother to her son, which is based on narc\n", "Our interest now leads us on to the pressing question as to what may be the nature of these ties whi\n", "It may happen that the Oedipus complex becomes inverted, and that the father is taken as the object \n", "It would be wrong to suppose that they take on the symptom out of sympathy. On the contrary, the sym\n", "A short time ago an observation of this sort was published in the _Internationale Zeitschrift f ur P\n", "Moreover there is still much to be explained in the manifestations of existing identifications. Thes\n", "The depth to which anyone is in love, as contrasted with his purely sensual desire, may be measured \n", "Closer consideration soon makes it plain, however, that this kind of account creates an illusion of \n", "But this can easily be understood from the fact that they are not capable of complete satisfaction, \n", "A regression of this sort is in particular an essential characteristic of common groups, while, as w\n", "Boris Sidis's attempt, to which he refers, at tracing the herd instinct back to suggestibility is fo\n", "Originally rivals, they have succeeded in identifying themselves with one another by means of a simi\n", "I attempted to show that the fortunes of this horde have left indestructible traces upon the history\n", "His intellectual acts were strong and independent even in isolation, and his will needed no reinforc\n", "And I think it can succeed in this too. Let us recall that hypnosis has something positively uncanny\n", "Then one knows at once that he has gone off into the transference and that he is engaged upon what a\n", "Each individual is a component part of numerous groups, he is bound by ties of identification in man\n", "Thus, by being born we have made the step from an absolutely self-sufficient narcissism to the perce\n", "In typical cases of this cyclical depression external precipitating causes do not seem to play any d\n", "¹ Cf. Abraham (1912).\n", "\n", " ² To speak more accurately, they conceal themselves behind the reproaches \n", "But the dissatisfaction with what had been achieved still remained, and it became the source of new \n", "But his hearers understand the poet, and, in virtue of their having the same relation of longing tow\n", "Equal care must be taken in this connection to avoid two sources of error - the Scylla of underestim\n", "In the history of the development of the family there have also, it is true, been group relations of\n", "In the same way love for women breaks through the group ties of race, of national divisions, and of \n", "_Neurosis_ stands outside this series. It also is based upon a peculiarity in the development of the\n", "She did not trouble herself any further with educational studies, thought nothing of social function\n", "The mother's attitude towards the girl was not so easy to grasp. She was still a youngish woman, who\n", "Such an achievement - the removal of genital inversion or homosexuality - is in my experience never \n", "One then has the right, and the possibility, of travelling into a distant country; but after all the\n", "In modification of these statements it must be added that this independence is more evident in men t\n", "She took to the child so warmly that in consequence a lasting friendship grew up between herself and\n", "A yearning from the beginning for a kinder mother would, therefore, have been quite intelligible, bu\n", "The mother herself still attached great value to the attentions and the admiration of men. If, then,\n", "For example, an elder brother studies music and is admired for it; the younger, far more gifted musi\n", "She went for a walk with her one day in a part of the town and at an hour at which she was not unlik\n", "In the motives laid bare by the analysis, on the other hand, he played the principal part. Her relat\n", "Even this manifestation was not quite free from other motives, but I mention it because it brings up\n", "The two intentions, to betray and to please her father, originated in the same complex; the former r\n", "We notice at once that there might have been another result, and that we might have been just as wel\n", "At the time of the analysis the idea of pregnancy and child-birth was disagreeable to her, partly, I\n", "Moreover, it blocks the way to a deeper insight into all that is uniformly designated as homosexuali\n", "And this time it is something tremendous, something elemental, which threatens not us alone but our \n", "In place of all these, they are content with fragmentary pieces of knowledge and with basic hypothes\n", "Such might equally be the fate of psycho-analysis. However, one must put up with one's fate whatever\n", "They lost their way on the mountain, ran into trouble and only with difficulty avoided a fall. The p\n", "Do not forget how many people are born on the same day. Is it credible that the similarity of the fu\n", "The youngest was ten years younger than herself; she once dropped this child out of her arms when it\n", "The last of them was excluded for the best practical reasons and the middle one for the strongest un\n", "But, on the other hand, it would not have needed any great refinement of observation to discover the\n", "I remember that after I was appointed to a professorship I had an audience with the Minister to expr\n", "The _demi-mondaine_ served merely as a whipping-boy on whom he could satisfy all the feelings of rev\n", "You will see that all my material touches only on the single point of thought-transference. I have n\n", "I spoke to him but he did not answer. There were other unmistakable indications. He was not wearing \n", "In none of these communications is any attempt ever made to subject such dreams to analytic investig\n", "When the first dozen were being brought in, I protested_. At that point the dream ended.\n", "\n", " 'My lat\n", "The dream makes me a present of two children - I did not observe their sex. I see them even at this \n", "The former has, so to speak, all our mental instincts against it; the latter is met half-way by powe\n", "It is only on account of this single point that I am asking for your attention to this dream at all.\n", "The answer is not far to seek and is quite unambiguous. A telepathic message will be treated as a po\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Dreams And Telepathy\n", "\n", "3888\n", "\n", "II\n", "\n", " The second case which I shall bring before your notice in \n", "If I read a French book to-day, then I immediately begin thinking in French, whereas this never happ\n", "I dreamed this dream too in separate scenes. As an interest in men awoke in me (at eighteen to twent\n", "Or it may mean that she wants him to make her into a mother: she wants to have a son by him, who, as\n", "Taking the little bird in her hand, however, reminds the analyst, who has prejudices of his own, of \n", "In Silberer's nomenclature the structure has an _anagogic_ content. On deeper investigation it revea\n", "It cannot be proved, but also cannot be disproved, that instead of this, what happened was the follo\n", "The unconscious wish fills in the other part.\n", "\n", " ¹ 'Notes upon a Case of Obsessional Neurosis'\n", "\n", "* \n", "If anyone appears to be without it, the inference is justified that it has undergone severe repressi\n", "Convention has laid down that neither partner is to hold the other accountable for these little excu\n", "¹ See the Schreber analysis (1911 _c_).\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Some Neurotic Mechanisms In Jealousy, Paranoia And H\n", "Of all her many sons he was her declared favourite, and he developed marked jealousy of the normal t\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Some Neurotic Mechanisms In Jealousy, Paranoia And Homosexuality\n", "\n", "3906\n", "\n", " My two cases of pa\n", "We have come to know of various factors contributing to this result, probably in different degrees. \n", "In the history of homosexuals one often hears that the change in them took place after the mother ha\n", "Nevertheless, Breuer refrained from following up his discovery or from publishing anything about the\n", "The present writer rejected this explanation and inclined to the belief that an idea became pathogen\n", "It is uniformly found that precisely those ideas which provoke these last-mentioned reactions are of\n", "The importance of this contribution to psychology was of many kinds. The range of mental determinism\n", "If we disregard the unconscious contribution to the formation of the dream and limit the dream to it\n", "An investigation of cases of common nervousness (falling into the two classes of _neurasthenia_ and \n", "The sources of these component instincts are the organs of the body and in particular certain specia\n", "This diphasic development of the sexual function - in two stages, interrupted by the latency period \n", "Its reception in Germany, with her morbid craving for authority, was not precisely to the credit of \n", "But their therapeutic inaccessibility has not prevented analysis from making the most fruitful begin\n", "Any danger of falsifying the products of a patient's memory by suggestion can be avoided by prudent \n", "Finally, one can only characterize as simple-minded the fear which is sometimes expressed that all t\n", "It was already used in this sense by Moll (1898) and was introduced into psycho-analysis by the pres\n", "These different features do not as yet combine to form an integral picture.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Two Encyclopaedi\n", "_Recognition of Two Classes of Instincts in Mental Life_. - Though psycho-analysis endeavours as a r\n", "\"A theme is chosen or written down,\" he stated; \"as soon as this is done the first impression upon t\n", "He said that when he was fourteen he had been given Borne's works as a present, that he still posses\n", "ANTON VON FREUND\n", "\n", "(1920)\n", "\n", "DR. ANTON VON FREUND, who has been General Secretary of the International \n", "<|/file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw52pl.htm.md\"|>\n", "<|file name=\"./epubs\\\\Fr\n", "It is our duty to express our thanks to the author's widow, Mrs. Putnam, for her assistance with the\n", "At the same time it should be taken into consideration that even phantastic thinking is not invariab\n", "In the following pages these thoughts are linked to various facts of analytic observation and an att\n", "The philosophers would no doubt object: 'No, the term \"unconscious\" is not applicable here; so long \n", "For purposes of exposition this distinction can in some cases be ignored, but in others it is of cou\n", "This has become clear in more ways than one; but the decisive instance is as follows. We have formed\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Ego And The Id\n", "\n", "3953\n", "\n", "II\n", "\n", "THE EGO AND THE ID\n", "\n", "Pathological research has directed our inte\n", "element, but passes over to it _entirely_.\n", "\n", " ¹ 'The Unconscious'.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Ego And The Id\n", "\n", "3955\n", "It can exert driving force without the ego noticing the compulsion. Not until there is resistance to\n", "We shall now look upon an individual as a psychical id, unknown and unconscious, upon whose surface \n", "Pain, too, seems to play a part in the process, and the way in which we gain new knowledge of our or\n", "We succeeded in explaining the painful disorder of melancholia by supposing that an object which was\n", "The consequences ascribed by this belief to oral mastery of the object do in fact follow in the case\n", "For a time these two relationships proceed side by side, until the boy's sexual wishes in regard to \n", "It is this complicating element introduced by bisexuality that makes it so difficult to obtain a cle\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Ego And The Id\n", "\n", "3969\n", "\n", " If we consider once more the origin of the super-ego as we have \n", "What has belonged to the lowest part of the mental life of each of us is changed, through the format\n", "The differentiation between ego and id must be attributed not only to primitive man but even to much\n", "The second class of instincts was not so easy to point to; in the end we came to recognize sadism as\n", "But before we discuss this, we must clear away a doubt which arises concerning the terms in which th\n", "It will be noticed, however, that by introducing this other mechanism of changing love into hate, we\n", "Here we arrive again at the possibility which has already been discussed that sublimation may take p\n", "This accounts for the likeness of the condition that follows complete sexual satisfaction to dying, \n", "One begins by regarding this as defiance and as an attempt to prove their superiority to the physici\n", "Since the rules of analysis are diametrically opposed to the physician's making use of his personali\n", "If anyone were inclined to put forward the paradoxical proposition that the normal man is not only f\n", "Here again the instinct of destruction has been set free and it seeks to destroy the object, or at l\n", "Our ideas about the ego are beginning to clear, and its various relationships are gaining distinctne\n", "But since the ego's work of sublimation results in a defusion of the instincts and a liberation of t\n", "Here, moreover, is once again the same situation as that which underlay the first great anxiety-stat\n", "Payer-Thurn, director of the former Imperial Fideikommissbibliothek of Vienna, for the opportunity o\n", "So far the narrative of Leopoldus Braun, the village priest of Pottenbrunn, dated September 1, 1677.\n", "A comparison of these three sources discloses certain discrepancies which it will be not unimportant\n", ". . .'\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "A Seventeenth-Century Demonological Neurosis\n", "\n", "4002\n", "\n", " He told the reverend Fathers t\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "A Seventeenth-Century Demonological Neurosis\n", "\n", "4004\n", "\n", " At his fourth appearance the Devil sho\n", "But the undertaking given by the _painter_ seems even stranger.\n", "\n", " The first 'syngrapha', written i\n", "Why depart from this obvious and natural view of the matter?¹ The position would simply be that a ma\n", "the first picture). Later on his appearance grows more and more terrifying - more mythological, one \n", "If the benevolent and righteous God is a substitute for his father, it is not to be wondered at that\n", "Perhaps we might then find a special explanation for the painter's inhibition in work. It is possibl\n", "Another detail in the painter's relations to the Devil has once more a sexual reference. On the firs\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "A Seventeenth-Century Demonological Neurosis\n", "\n", "4015\n", "\n", " If our painter's repugnance to accepti\n", "Senatsprasident Schreber found the way to recovery when he decided to give up his resistance to cast\n", "The further course of the story is, as I have already related, that the painter returned to Mariazel\n", "His invoking the fact that people often do the same sort of thing in conversation seems to me to sta\n", "I therefore have the choice between accusing the compiler of having also made an alteration in the d\n", "In another respect, the reverend Fathers have established a good claim to our confidence. As I have \n", "¹ This passage is unintelligible to me.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "A Seventeenth-Century Demonological Neurosis\n", "\n", "4024\n", "\n", "\n", "He did not, it is true, go into the wilderness to become an anchorite, but he joined the Order of th\n", "Christoph Haizmann was enough of an artist and a child of the world to find it difficult to renounce\n", "He had only one description for both: they were manifestations of the Devil.\n", "\n", "<|/file name=\"./epubs\\\n", "When this is so, collaboration between the analyst and the dreamer becomes possible; whereas under a\n", "This may often be true, but quite as often such dreams of recovery only have the value of dreams of \n", "For a portion of these latent dream-thoughts correspond to preconscious thought-formations, perfectl\n", "A coloured picture, pasted upon a thin sheet of wood and fitting exactly into a wooden frame, is cut\n", "In _Beyond the Pleasure Principle_ (1920 _g_) I have dealt with the economic problem of how what are\n", "A gentleman came in and she felt embarrassed. But the gentleman said: 'Why, this is the girl we saw \n", "In itself this multiplicity is no more remarkable than the multiple appearance of the ego in a wakin\n", "If we can uncover a dream's motivating force, we shall obtain unsuspected information about the repr\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Some Additional Notes On Dream-Interpretation As A Whole\n", "\n", "4047\n", "\n", " When the interpretation of\n", "But others of them - and, it must be admitted, the majority - really mean what they say and have und\n", "But this ego developed out of the id, it forms with it a single biological unit, it is only a specia\n", "No doubt, too, they have a historic claim to that position, since in primaeval ages, when our mythol\n", "The date at which the prophecy should have been fulfilled was long past. It was striking that those \n", "The remarks that follow are intended to make good a neglect of this sort in the field of infantile s\n", "He wants to see it in other people as well, so as to compare it with his own; and he behaves as thou\n", "Women whom he respects, like his mother, retain a penis for a long time. For him, being a woman is n\n", "Such an application of the hypothesis might also bring with it a profitable return from grey theory \n", "The close affinity of this psychosis to normal dreams is unmistakable. A precondition of dreaming, m\n", "One would like to know in what circumstances and by what means the ego can succeed in emerging from \n", "But such a view cannot be correct. It seems that in the series of feelings of tension we have a dire\n", "The real-life performances of masochistic perverts tally completely with these phantasies, whether t\n", "If we go back a little further, to our hypothesis of the two classes of instincts which we regard as\n", "The part played in masochism by the nates, too, is easily understandable, apart from its obvious bas\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Economic Problem Of Masochism\n", "\n", "4079\n", "\n", " We have attributed the function of conscience to \n", "In _The Ego and the Id_ I made an attempt to derive mankind's realistic fear of death, too, from the\n", "The phenomena of conscience, however, lead us to infer that the destructiveness which returns from t\n", "Although the majority of human beings go through the Oedipus complex as an individual experience, it\n", "But there is no evidence to show that, when the threat of castration takes place, those experiences \n", "This process ushers in the latency period, which now interrupts the child's sexual development.\n", "\n", "* *\n", "In her, far more than in the boy, these changes seem to be the result of upbringing and of intimidat\n", "But this does not at all agree with the observation which all of us can make that every neurosis dis\n", "The second step, therefore, both in neurosis and psychosis, is supported by the same trends. In both\n", "But the emphasis is different in the two cases. In a psychosis it falls entirely on the first step, \n", "Psycho-analysis grew up in a narrowly-restricted field. At the outset, it had only a single aim \\- t\n", "The expectation was thus raised that traumatic influences might in all cases play a part in the prod\n", "This asserted that hysterical symptoms arose when the affect of a mental process cathected with a st\n", "Thus free association together with the art of interpretation performed the same function as had pre\n", "I will once again enumerate the factors that go to make up this theory. They are: emphasis on instin\n", "The analysis of dreams led further: it was brought to public notice by the present writer as early a\n", "It must also be admitted that it was no easy thing to become convinced of the correctness of the psy\n", "But it soon appeared that these secessions had effected no lasting damage. What temporary success th\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "A Short Account Of Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "4114\n", "\n", " The psycho-analytic view would also have to incl\n", "It had been found, for instance, that in the deep strata of unconscious mental activity contraries a\n", "Psycho-analysis has shown that it is predominantly, though not exclusively, sexual instinctual impul\n", "Thus we may express our expectation that psycho-analysis, whose development and achievements hithert\n", "What provoked the resistance was, as a rule, certain factors in the subject-matter of the novelty, w\n", "They obviously had doubts whether psychical events allowed of any exact scientific treatment whateve\n", "Analysts, too, refuse to say what the unconscious is, but they can indicate the domain of phenomena \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Resistances To Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "4127\n", "\n", " Such a display of unfairness and lack of logic c\n", "It demonstrated the fact that sexual interests and activities occur in small children from the begin\n", "Nor can one do the latter without having acquired a specific and decidedly delicate technique, while\n", "If I want to put some fresh notes on the slate, I must first wipe out the ones which cover it. Thus \n", "At the points which the stilus touches, it presses the lower surface of the waxed paper on to the wa\n", "and its protective shield, the wax slab with the unconscious behind them, and the appearance and dis\n", "A neat counterpart to this experiment is often met with in an obsessional neurotic who has already b\n", "It is now no longer a question of whether what has been perceived (a thing) shall be taken into the \n", "The general wish to negate, the negativism which is displayed by some psychotics, is probably to be \n", "Moreover, I was the only worker in a new field, so that my reticence involved no danger to myself an\n", "Another doubtful question is the part played by bed-wetting and by the breaking of that habit throug\n", "¹ Cf. _Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality_ (1905 _d_).\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Some Psychical Consequences Of T\n", "That theory has no hesitation in explaining the whole world by this single point ('organ inferiority\n", "The reactions of human individuals of both sexes are of course made up of masculine and feminine tra\n", "This contradiction is cleared up if we reflect that the castration complex always operates in the se\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Some Psychical Consequences Of The Anatomical Distinction Between The Sexes\n", "\n", "4156\n", "\n", " I am in\n", "In dreams hidden impulses were stirring which stood in contradiction to what might be called the dre\n", "SÁNDOR FERENCZI\n", "\n", "(ON HIS 5Oth BIRTHDAY)\n", "\n", "(1923)\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "4162\n", "\n", "Intentionally left blank\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "4163\n", "\n", "It was not until 1922 that his _Popular Lectures on Psycho-Analysis_ were published by our _Verlag_ \n", "No wonder, therefore, if an expectation has arisen that psycho-analytic concern with children will b\n", "<|/file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw9zud.htm.md\"|>\n", "<|file name=\"./epubs\\\\Fr\n", "I found reason later to suppose that a purely emotional factor, too, had given him an aversion to fu\n", "It demonstrates too the significance that the analysis of a dream can have in the treatment of a pat\n", "But you have thought otherwise. Your own detachment from me, which you consider an advantage, entail\n", "FREUD\n", "\n", "<|/file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw9zw9.htm.md\"|>\n", "<|file name=\"./ep\n", "It is not within the rights of the Director to give public expression to his opinion of the level an\n", "When I was a child of four I came to Vienna, and I went through the whole of my education there. At \n", "The various branches of medicine proper, apart from psychiatry, had no attraction for me. I was deci\n", "The fame of my diagnoses and of their _post-mortem_ confirmation brought me an influx of American ph\n", "But enough is left over that has found a permanent place in the storehouse of science. Before leavin\n", "One of them, an old surgeon, actually broke out with the exclamation: 'But, my dear sir, how can you\n", "And, apart from this, there was something positively seductive in working with hypnotism. For the fi\n", "Josef Breuer, who was one of the most respected family physicians in Vienna, but who also had a scie\n", "But over the final stage of this hypnotic treatment there rested a veil of obscurity, which Breuer n\n", "Breuer wrote of the girl, who has since become famous as his first patient, that her sexual side was\n", "Nor was I then aware that in deriving hysteria from sexuality I was going back to the very beginning\n", "But on the whole they seem to me still to hold good. I should have been very glad if I had been able\n", "It seemed no easy task to find a substitute for it. While I was in this perplexity there came to my \n", "I named this process _repression_ ; it was a novelty, and nothing like it had ever before been recog\n", "Psycho-analysis regarded everything mental as being in the first instance unconscious; the further q\n", "What poets and students of human nature had always asserted turned out to be true: the impressions o\n", "Moreover, seduction during childhood retained a certain share, though a humbler one, in the aetiolog\n", "Children do not become clear for quite a long time about the differences between the sexes; and duri\n", "That extension is of a twofold kind. In the first place sexuality is divorced from its too close con\n", "But in the long run it proved to be too much of a strain on both sides, and further, it seemed open \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "An Autobiographical Study\n", "\n", "4217\n", "\n", " Another advantage of the method is that it need never bre\n", "It seemed quite inconceivable that anyone who had done serious scientific work could make his appear\n", "Since they have a similar origin they are equally unintelligible and stand in equal need of interpre\n", "Aristotle's old definition of the dream as mental life during sleep still holds good. There was a re\n", "We got into personal touch with one another, and at Easter 1908 the friends of the young science met\n", "And I know that, though nothing is more difficult than to decide where such a point lies, these crit\n", "Another event of this time which made a lasting impression on me was a meeting with William James th\n", "Yet the secession of former pupils has often been brought up against me as a sign of my intolerance \n", "Though on other occasions, therefore, the charge was brought against psycho-analysis of having made \n", "It had been said that repression was set in action by the instincts of self-preservation operating i\n", "I have always felt it as a gross injustice that people have refused to treat psycho-analysis like an\n", "No analyst could doubt that medical practice was wrong in separating those disorders from the psycho\n", "Here the Anglo-Saxon allies of France, who count as supporters of analysis, are explicitly thrown ov\n", "¹ (_Footnote added_ 1935:) This is a construction which I should like explicitly to withdraw. I no l\n", "This led to an economic enquiry into the origin of the high degree of pleasure obtained from hearing\n", "This missing element was supplied when I became acquainted with W. Robertson Smith's work, _The Reli\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "An Autobiographical Study\n", "\n", "4242\n", "\n", " I have taken but little direct part in certain other appl\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "An Autobiographical Study\n", "\n", "4244\n", "\n", "POSTSCRIPT\n", "\n", "(1935)\n", "\n", "The editor of this series of autobiograp\n", "In _The Future of an Illusion_ I expressed an essentially negative valuation of religion. Later, I f\n", "<|/file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw48fk.htm.md\"|>\n", "<|file name=\"./epubs\\\\Fr\n", "This is not very illuminating. We can only note that disturbances of the sexual function are brought\n", "The ego renounces these functions, which are within its sphere, in order not to have to undertake fr\n", "If this is so the problem of 'transformation of affect' under repression disappears. At the same tim\n", "If we go further and enquire into the origin of that anxiety - and of affects in general - we shall \n", "The substitutive process is prevented, if possible, from finding discharge though motility; and even\n", "But if the ego remains bound up with the id and indistinguishable from it, then it displays its stre\n", "It makes an adaptation to the symptom - to this piece of the internal world which is alien to it - j\n", "The first thing that becomes apparent is that in a concrete case of neurotic illness the state of af\n", "But a wish of this sort is tantamount to an intention of putting one's father out of the way oneself\n", "One thing, of course, strikes us at once: if 'Little Hans' had really behaved like that to horses, i\n", "At any rate, we can see that repression is not the only means which the ego can employ for the purpo\n", "'Hans' seems, in fact, to have been a normal boy with what is called a 'positive' Oedipus complex. I\n", "It is no use denying the fact, though it is not pleasant to recall it, that I have on many occasions\n", "_Non liquet_.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Inhibitions, Symptoms And Anxiety\n", "\n", "4270\n", "\n", "V\n", "\n", " We set out to study the formati\n", "They are either prohibitions, precautions and expiations - that is, negative in character - or they \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Inhibitions, Symptoms And Anxiety\n", "\n", "4273\n", "\n", " As regards the metapsychological explanation of r\n", "We cannot be surprised if it becomes harsher, unkinder and more tormenting than where development ha\n", "This state of affairs is, however, not so puzzling as it would seem at first sight. The behaviour of\n", "In obsessional neurosis the technique of undoing what has been done is first met with in the 'diphas\n", "Thus, in the normal course of things, the ego has a great deal of isolating work to do in its functi\n", "What has become of it in the other two neuroses? How has the ego spared itself this fear? The proble\n", "If this is so, there is no need to revise our view of the organizations of the libido. A sadistic ca\n", "The anxiety felt in animal phobias is, therefore, an affective reaction on the part of the ego to da\n", "There is no trace of projection here; the danger is completely internalized. But if we ask ourselves\n", "In addition, it must be remembered that in the experiences which lead to a traumatic neurosis the pr\n", "The clearest and most frequent ones are those connected with the respiratory organs and with the hea\n", "In order to understand a hysterical attack, all one has to do is to look for the situation in which \n", "But it is an analogy of which they cannot be aware. In the second place, in considering these later \n", "The situation of non-satisfaction in which the amounts of stimulation rise to an unpleasurable heigh\n", "to a substitute for her - in the act of copulation. Being deprived of it amounts to a renewed separa\n", "Anxiety is an affective state and as such can, of course, only be felt by the ego. The id cannot hav\n", "It is possible, moreover, that there is a fairly close relationship between the danger-situation tha\n", "There seem to be two very widely held opinions on this subject. One is that anxiety is itself a symp\n", "Thus such instinctual impulses are determinants of external dangers and so become dangerous in thems\n", "Only the final and definitive determinants remain throughout life. We should think it strange if thi\n", "In other words, we have once more come unawares upon the riddle which has so often confronted us: wh\n", "We do not rightly know what is meant by abreacting the trauma. Taken literally, it implies that the \n", "But the probability of a solution of this kind seems slight.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Inhibitions, Symptoms And Anxie\n", "The biological factor is the long period of time during which the young of the human species is in a\n", "Thus it is because instincts are continuous in their nature that the ego has to make its defensive a\n", "It is hard for the ego to direct its attention to perceptions and ideas which it has up till now mad\n", "Formerly I regarded anxiety as a general reaction of the ego under conditions of unpleasure. I alway\n", "We have already seen in detail how the various situations of danger arise one after the other, retai\n", "Our attention has, moreover, been drawn to a process of 'isolation' (whose technique cannot as yet b\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Inhibitions, Symptoms And Anxiety\n", "\n", "4318\n", "\n", " We can find out still more about this if, not con\n", "In so far as the instinctual demand is something real, his neurotic anxiety, too, can be admitted to\n", "This was its peculiar painfulness.¹ And yet it seems self-evident that separation from an object sho\n", "All that has happened is that a portion of the inner periphery has taken the place of the outer peri\n", "I will therefore explain it. 'Layman' = 'Non-doctor'; and the question is whether non-doctors as wel\n", "A patient, then, may be suffering from fluctuations in his moods which he cannot control, or from a \n", "They examine the organs which produce the symptoms, the heart, the stomach, the bowels, the genitals\n", "Perhaps he may himself notice that a very remarkable psychological problem begins to appear in this \n", "It may be enough to point out that we do not use this personal influence, the factor of 'suggestion'\n", "That is clearly not enough to give a view of our mental life. Have you not noticed that every philos\n", "But have you ever found that men do anything but confuse and distort what they get hold of? By the h\n", "The impersonal 'it' is immediately connected with certain forms of expression used by normal people.\n", "'But I should have thought that was obvious.'\n", "\n", " Yes, and that is what psychologists think. Neverth\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Question Of Lay Analysis\n", "\n", "4342\n", "\n", " I know I cannot convince you. That is beyond any possi\n", "In this connection we speak of a 'dominance of the pleasure principle'.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Question Of Lay \n", "It lives by the 'blind' satisfaction of its instinctual wishes and often perishes in consequence. Th\n", "The disagreement is between the external world and the id; and it is because the ego, loyal to its i\n", "In the end, if the situation of the repression can be successfully reproduced in his memory, his com\n", "The analyst never entices his patient on to the ground of sex. He does not say to him in advance: 'W\n", "But here, as regards the question of sexuality, I should nevertheless be glad if you were accessible\n", "To find one's way about in it one of course needs anatomical and physiological knowledge, all of whi\n", "The alternative friendlier, and probably also the more pertinent view would be that in the mental li\n", "And these it has received in abundance. Nothing has damaged it more in the good opinion of its conte\n", "It may be hoped that things will turn out no worse for the other 'victims' of early analysis. Much t\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Question Of Lay Analysis\n", "\n", "4359\n", "\n", " It is an odd thing that the regular and essential part\n", "The limitations to which his ego was tied then disappear, and he is cured. Is that right?'\n", "\n", " Bravo\n", "Some psychologists, indeed, think it is quite impossible and that every fool has an equal right to g\n", "This was experienced on a large scale during the last war. Were the neurotics who evaded service mal\n", "This super-ego can confront the ego and treat it like an object; and it often treats it very harshly\n", "It is the new element which we introduce into the situation and by means of which we make it fluid. \n", "What we learn may then perhaps help us to master it. Is it not an extremely noteworthy fact that we \n", "And this demands from the analyst much skill, patience, calm and self-abnegation.\n", "\n", " 'And where do \n", "He will realize afterwards, too, that it is to his advantage to keep up his contact with his colleag\n", "After all, physics does not diminish the value of chemistry; it cannot take its place but on the oth\n", "With women there is first menstruation, then marriage, and later on the menopause. Finally death is \n", "Such a prohibition would also affect the non-medical members of the Psycho-Analytical Society, who h\n", "Furthermore, if one desires to maintain respect for laws and regulations it is advisable not to enac\n", "But once again this only applies to Austria. In other countries 'para-psychical' researches are not \n", "Perhaps it may be otherwise; to impute motives of competition to them would be not only to accuse th\n", "Do you understand?\n", "\n", " 'Oh, yes, I understand. But I cannot bring it into harmony with the other sid\n", "The normal model of such processes is perhaps the alteration in women caused by the disturbances of \n", "I am ready, so far as I am concerned, to make an exception in the case of the few laymen who have al\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Question Of Lay Analysis\n", "\n", "4387\n", "\n", " But what seems to me more important is that with this \n", "'If you are right, that analytic treatment cannot be carried out without special training, but that \n", "All this, however, requires a certain amount of freedom of movement, and is not compatible with pett\n", "So that the quashing of the proceedings against Dr. Reik is probably not to be regarded as a conside\n", "The possibility of its application to medical purposes must not lead us astray. Electricity and radi\n", "The real point at issue, it will be said, is a different one, namely the application of analysis to \n", "Our friends among the protestant clergy, and more recently among the catholic clergy as well, are of\n", "I also share the view that all those problems which relate to the connection between psychical pheno\n", "He therefore induced her, while she was in a state of hypnotic somnambulism, to search for these con\n", "Psycho-analysis, in its character of depth-psychology, considers mental life from three points of vi\n", "The justification for this arose with the discovery that the dreams and mistakes of normal men have \n", "Thus psycho-analytic treatment acts as a second education of the adult, as a corrective to his educa\n", "Freud's complete works have been published in German (Gesammelte Schriften) (1925), and in Spanish (\n", "And beyond this there was a perception that it was to my Jewish nature alone that I owed two charact\n", "An account of Abraham's scientific personality and an appreciation of his work will be undertaken fo\n", "Finally, the curious fact makes itself felt that in general people experience their present naively,\n", "That would be the golden age, but it is questionable if such a state of affairs can be realized. It \n", "It may be asked where the number of superior, unswerving and disinterested leaders are to come from \n", "Among these instinctual wishes are those of incest, cannibalism and lust for killing. It sounds stra\n", "In such conditions an internalization of the cultural prohibitions among the suppressed people is no\n", "On the other hand, the creations of art heighten his feelings of identification, of which every cult\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Future Of An Illusion\n", "\n", "4428\n", "\n", " For the individual, too, life is hard to bear, just as it\n", "He turns them into gods, following in this, as I have tried to show, not only an infantile prototype\n", "Death itself is not extinction, is not a return to inorganic lifelessness, but the beginning of a ne\n", "I shall therefore imagine that I have an opponent who follows my arguments with mistrust, and here a\n", "Since then, it seems, you have discovered the factor of human weakness and helplessness, to which in\n", "When the growing individual finds that he is destined to remain a child for ever, that he can never \n", "For instance, the earth is shaped like a sphere; the proofs adduced for this are Foucault's pendulum\n", "If all the evidence put forward for the authenticity of religious teachings originates in the past, \n", "We may expect that people will soon behave in the same way towards the fairy tales of religion, in s\n", "What is characteristic of illusions is that they are derived from human wishes. In this respect they\n", "It is only in the highest and most sacred things that he allows himself to do so. In reality these a\n", "We are called to account for our wrong-doing:\n", "\n", " 'Archaeological interests are no doubt most praise\n", "But on the one hand, such remonstrances are not new to me; and on the other, if a man has already le\n", "At this point it will be objected against us that this state of affairs is due to the very fact that\n", "Is there not a danger here that the hostility of these masses to civilization will throw itself agai\n", "It is easy to recognize in them things that can only be the product of short-sighted apprehensivenes\n", "This is because so many instinctual demands which will later be unserviceable cannot be suppressed b\n", "The case is similar to what happens when we tell a child that new-born babies are brought by the sto\n", "They cease to fear religion when they observe that others do not fear it; and it was of them that I \n", "Should the experiment prove unsatisfactory I am ready to give up the reform and to return to my earl\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Future Of An Illusion\n", "\n", "4458\n", "\n", "X\n", "\n", "That sounds splendid! A race of men who have renounced al\n", "'Another advantage of religious doctrine resides, to my mind, in one of its characteristics to which\n", "We desire the same things, but you are more impatient, more exacting, and - why should I not say it?\n", "We should make the geologists our pattern. People complain of the unreliability of science - how she\n", "This, he says, consists in a peculiar feeling, which he himself is never without, which he finds con\n", "But towards the outside, at any rate, the ego seems to maintain clear and sharp lines of demarcation\n", "¹ Cf. the many writings on the topic of ego-development and ego-feeling, dating from Ferenczi's pape\n", "We will not follow the changes which the city went through any further, but we will ask ourselves ho\n", "It has only one justification. It shows us how far we are from mastering the characteristics of ment\n", "I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection. Thus the pa\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Civilization And Its Discontents\n", "\n", "4474\n", "\n", " This saying on the one hand draws an antithesis be\n", "As we see, what decides the purpose of life is simply the programme of the pleasure principle. This \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Civilization And Its Discontents\n", "\n", "4477\n", "\n", " The crudest, but also the most effective among the\n", "The task here is that of shifting the instinctual aims in such a way that they cannot come up agains\n", "Nevertheless the mild narcosis induced in us by art can do no more than bring about a transient with\n", "It is that we are never so defenceless against suffering as when we love, never so helplessly unhapp\n", "Just as a cautious business-man avoids tying up all his capital in one concern, so, perhaps, worldly\n", "As regards the third source, the social source of suffering, our attitude is a different one. We do \n", "One would like to ask: is there, then, no positive gain in pleasure, no unequivocal increase in my f\n", "We shall not look for a formula in which to express that nature in a few words, until we have learne\n", "This great cultural conquest was thus the reward for his renunciation of instinct. Further, it is as\n", "But this is far from exhausting our demands on civilization. We expect besides to see the signs of c\n", "If we assume quite generally that the motive force of all human activities is a striving towards the\n", "But it may also spring from the remains of their original personality, which is still untamed by civ\n", "of powerful instincts. This 'cultural frustration' dominates the large field of social relationships\n", "Nor is it easy to understand how this civilization could act upon its participants otherwise than to\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Civilization And Its Discontents\n", "\n", "4496\n", "\n", " Before we go on to enquire from what quarter an in\n", "Both - fully sensual love and aim-inhibited love - extend outside the family and create new bonds wi\n", "A cultural community is perfectly justified, psychologically, in starting by proscribing manifestati\n", "For psychology the contrast between the sexes fades away into one between activity and passivity, in\n", "We have treated the difficulty of cultural development as a general difficulty of development by tra\n", "Indeed, I should be wrong to do so, for my love is valued by all my own people as a sign of my prefe\n", "Now it is very probable that my neighbour, when he is enjoined to love me as himself, will answer ex\n", "At the same time, it would be unfair to reproach civilization with trying to eliminate strife and co\n", "I once discussed the phenomenon that it is precisely communities with adjoining territories, and rel\n", "But I shall avoid the temptation of entering upon a critique of American civilization; I do not wish\n", "Since the ego-instincts, too, were libidinal, it seemed for a time inevitable that we should make li\n", "(The desire for destruction when it is directed _inwards_ mostly eludes our perception, of course, u\n", "¹ Our present point of view can be roughly expressed in the statement that libido has a share in eve\n", "His aggressiveness is introjected, internalized; it is, in point of fact, sent back to where it came\n", "Consequently, such people habitually allow themselves to do any bad thing which promises them enjoym\n", "If a man is unfortunate it means that he is no longer loved by this highest power; and, threatened b\n", "(This is, of course, what fear of the loss of love amounts to, for love is a protection against this\n", "That is typical, too. But the essential difference is that the original severity of the super-ego do\n", "On that occasion an act of aggression was not suppressed but carried out; but it was the same act of\n", "This conflict is set going as soon as men are faced with the task of living together. So long as the\n", "Our patients do not believe us when we attribute an 'unconscious sense of guilt' to them. In order t\n", "They all relate to the same state of affairs, but denote different aspects of it. The super-ego is a\n", "It might be thought that a sense of guilt arising from remorse for an evil _deed_ must always be con\n", "When an instinctual trend undergoes repression, its libidinal elements are turned into symptoms, and\n", "It almost seems as if the creation of a great human community would be most successful if no attenti\n", "If we bring them to conscious knowledge, we find that they coincide with the precepts of the prevail\n", "'Natural' ethics, as it is called, has nothing to offer here except the narcissistic satisfaction of\n", "I know, too, the objection that can be made against this, to the effect that in the history of manki\n", "To put it more plainly: the fetish is a substitute for the woman's (the mother's) penis that the lit\n", "What other men have to woo and make exertions for can be had by the fetishist with no trouble at all\n", "I also began to suspect that similar occurrences in childhood are by no means rare, and I believed t\n", "We seem here to approach an understanding, even if a distant one, of the behaviour of the '_coupeur \n", "But this emotional expectancy is disappointed; the other person expresses no affect, but makes a jes\n", "The two achievements seem incompatible.\n", "\n", " If we turn to the situation in which one person adopts a\n", "If this has been done hitherto only to a very limited extent, that is on account of our usual cautio\n", "This 'interview, as it was called, was widely read and brought me, among others, the following lette\n", "Once, when I was referring to my pious colleague's letter in the course of a discussion, I spoke of \n", "How is one to find one's way in this bewildering complexity?\n", "\n", " The creative artist is the least do\n", "Nevertheless, his personality retained sadistic traits in plenty, which show themselves in his irrit\n", "These attacks, though as a rule determined, in a way we do not understand, by purely physical causes\n", "Of especial interest is the information that in the novelist's childhood 'something terrible, unforg\n", "At this point psycho-analytical theory brings in the assertion that for a boy this other person is u\n", "I am sorry, though I cannot alter the facts, if this exposition of the attitudes of hatred and love \n", "Both of them, the ego and the super-ego, carry on the role of father.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Dostoevsky And Parrici\n", "His great intellect made it impossible for him to overlook any of the intellectual difficulties to w\n", "Moreover, we see the hero's Oedipus complex, as it were, in a reflected light, by learning the effec\n", "There is no doubt that this sympathy by identification was a decisive factor in determining Dostoevs\n", "This little masterpiece ostensibly sets out only to show what an irresponsible creature woman is, an\n", "The 'vice' of masturbation is replaced by the addiction to gambling; and the emphasis laid upon the \n", "This expectation is completely fulfilled by Dostoevsky's pathological addiction to gambling. For, as\n", "That is why these dreams offer for the most part a content which has an abstract, poetic or symbolic\n", "Of course I shall be most ready to receive the gentleman (Dr. Michel) whose visit you announce.\n", "\n", " \n", "Thus he does not deny that these perennial first inclinations take figures from one's own family cir\n", "And yet there is no doubt that such a biography does satisfy a powerful need in us. We feel this ver\n", "If we yield to the legitimate need to distinguish particular types in this multiplicity, we shall at\n", "In his erotic life loving is preferred above being loved. People belonging to this type impress othe\n", "It seems easy to infer that when people of the erotic type fall ill they will develop hysteria, just\n", "This being so, the pre-Oedipus phase in women gains an importance which we have not attributed to it\n", "It will help our exposition if, as we go along, we compare the state of things in women with that in\n", "In extreme cases this gives rise to an inhibition in their choice of object, and, if it is supported\n", "Her relation to her mother was the original one, and her attachment to her father was built up on it\n", "Where seduction intervenes it invariably disturbs the natural course of the developmental processes,\n", "It is as though our children had remained for ever unsated, as though they had never sucked long eno\n", "The answer we obtain from the analytic material is just what we should expect. The girl's sexual aim\n", "Sometimes we come across them as transferences on to the later, father-object, where they do not bel\n", "No doubt this sounds quite absurd, but perhaps that is only because it sounds so unfamiliar.\n", "\n", " The\n", "But precisely because my paper is only one contribution among others, I may be spared an exhaustive \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Female Sexuality\n", "\n", "4607\n", "\n", " Some writers are inclined to reduce the importance of the child's \n", "I have never yet referred to her a case of severe neurotic illness in an adult. Incidentally the onl\n", "<|/file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw0fcp.htm.md\"|>\n", "<|file name=\"./epubs\\\\Fr\n", "When the Faculty go on to refuse even 'on the supposition of the accused being guilty to look for th\n", "It is to be hoped that works of the kind that Dr. Feigenbaum intends to publish in his Review will b\n", "Anyone who is anxious to have the relevant problems simplified and smoothed away will scarcely find \n", "The new lectures are by no means intended to take the place of the earlier ones. They do not in any \n", "Whenever I began to have doubts of the correctness of my wavering conclusions, the successful transf\n", "If that is the case, we shall be right to concern ourselves no further with the product of a nocturn\n", "But for the moment we will disregard it and follow the main road that leads to the interpretation of\n", "On the other hand, an association often comes to a stop precisely before the genuine dream-thought: \n", "Two other observations are also in place here. It very frequently comes about that, to begin with, a\n", "For let us bear firmly in mind that, as was already pointed out by Aristotle, dream life is the way \n", "It has given us our first glimpse of the processes which take place in the unconscious system and ha\n", "The dream which originates in this way is already a compromise-structure. It has a double function; \n", "Thus something that played only a minor part in the dream-thoughts seems to be pushed into the foreg\n", "They might have raised the same objection to astronomy; indeed, experimentation with the heavenly bo\n", "(Quoted from Robert Eisler). We have also found several fresh symbols, at least two of which I will \n", "The dream then becomes equivalent to the phantasy, familiarly found in girls, of having met their ra\n", "I feel sure you are impatient to hear what changes have been made in our fundamental views on the na\n", "And on the other hand the manner and form in which this material is reproduced shows unmistakably th\n", "It cannot be denied, however, that even the putting of this decision into action is made hard for us\n", "Thus we analysts have special reason to be careful in using intellectual considerations for rejectin\n", "Thus we have settled our doubts and are ready to take part in an investigation of occult phenomena.\n", "\n", "In this latter case, then, it is as if she had been informed by telephone, though such was not the c\n", "The telegram had been handed in the day before and the birth had taken place during the night of Nov\n", "There is, for instance, the phenomenon of thought-transference, which is so close to telepathy and c\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "New Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "4652\n", "\n", " You will say that this is a stupid and\n", "I will try so far as possible to appease my conscience in giving you a few more examples.\n", "\n", " One da\n", "I must admit that I cannot think of any other explanation for this case, unless, perhaps, that my pa\n", "In this frame of mind he took on the _demi-mondaine_ as a sort of whipping-boy, to satisfy his thirs\n", "David Forsyth, who had just arrived from London, sent in his card to me while I was working with a p\n", "Thus P. had in fact selected from his personal concerns the very name with which I was occupied at t\n", "He did not say, for instance: 'The name \"Forsyte\", out of the novels you are familiar with, has just\n", "But the evidential value of this case is totally destroyed by a chance circumstance. The man whom I \n", "Or Herr P. (though he arrived a quarter of an hour after the Englishman left) met him on the short s\n", "If only one accustoms oneself to the idea of telepathy, one can accomplish a great deal with it - fo\n", "This was also the case with psycho-analysis. It has not been a matter of indifference for the course\n", "So the ego can be split; it splits itself during a number of its functions - temporarily at least. I\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "New Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "4669\n", "\n", " I am now prepared to hear you ask me s\n", "We are far from overlooking the portion of psychological truth that is contained in the assertion th\n", "In the first case his ego is altered on the model of his father; in the second case that is not nece\n", "I am sure you have heard a great deal of the sense of inferiority which is supposed particularly to \n", "Since it itself goes back to the influence of parents, educators and so on, we learn still more of i\n", "It turns out that we were right; but in that case his resistance was unconscious too, just as uncons\n", "But we should be doing it an injustice. As may be said of our life, it is not worth much, but it is \n", "The discovery, actually an inconvenient one, that portions of the ego and super-ego as well are unco\n", "We picture it as being open at its end to somatic influences, and as there taking up into itself ins\n", "We need scarcely look for a justification of the view that the ego is that portion of the id which w\n", "The horse supplies the locomotive energy, while the rider has the privilege of deciding on the goal \n", "The space occupied by the unconscious id ought to have been incomparably greater than that of the eg\n", "The event which we look upon as having left behind it an affective trace of this sort is the process\n", "We believe it is possible to give a more complete account of this than before, if we separate what h\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "New Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "4692\n", "\n", " Ladies and Gentlemen, the dissection o\n", "Above all, it is not a question of whether castration is really carried out; what is decisive is tha\n", "In the course of development the old determinants of anxiety should be dropped, since the situations\n", "But that is not a strong objection, for it cannot be done in any other way. What is more important i\n", "Clinical experience has further shown us that in many cases, instead of the customary result of repr\n", "Let us call a state of this kind, before which the efforts of the pleasure principle break down, a '\n", "We have always been moved by a suspicion that behind all these little _ad hoc_ instincts there lay c\n", "Besides this, we have grounds for distinguishing instincts which are 'inhibited in their aim' \\- ins\n", "We have reserved the name of _genital_ phase for the definitive sexual organization which is establi\n", "It is a universal conviction among children, who long retain the cloaca theory, that babies are born\n", "We naturally expect that other character traits as well will turn out similarly to be precipitates o\n", "We need not continue this controversy, since we have argued in favour of a special aggressive and de\n", "A sad disclosure indeed for the moralist!\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "New Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "4710\n", "From the concurrent and opposing action of these two proceed the phenomena of life which are brought\n", "Instead of accidents, indispositions appeared on the same provocations - catarrhs, sore throats, inf\n", "It is they above all that make human communal life difficult and threaten its survival. Restriction \n", "It brings forward nothing but observed facts, almost without any speculative additions, and it deals\n", "But by this you have precisely reduced the characteristic of masculinity to the factor of aggressive\n", "In recent times we have begun to learn a little about this, thanks to the circumstance that several \n", "Little girls do the same thing with their still smaller clitoris. It seems that with them all their \n", "Almost everything that we find later in her relation to her father was already present in this earli\n", "We will now turn our interest on to the single question of what it is that brings this powerful atta\n", "In cases in which the two children are so close in age that lactation is prejudiced by the second pr\n", "I believe we have found this specific factor, and indeed where we expected to find it, even though i\n", "Both factors play a part in varying amounts in the causation; a less on the one side is balanced by \n", "Many years later, when her masturbatory activity has long since been suppressed, an interest still p\n", "The threat of castration compels him, however, to give up that attitude. Under the impression of the\n", "Helene Deutsch has shown that the erotic actions of homosexual women reproduce the relations between\n", "If that is so, we should be tempted to guess the unconscious motive for the achievement. Nature hers\n", "It is in this identification too that she acquires her attractiveness to a man, whose Oedipus attach\n", "Nor will you always form an impression that he really knows what he is talking about. Again, you may\n", "This procedure was the right one. The interdict which lay upon psycho-analysis in those days has bee\n", "But 'on second thoughts' I told myself that it would not be at all interesting but would become tedi\n", "'Oh, no!' he replied, 'they are very pleased with it: it is what they expected. Each of them, as he \n", "You have only to think of the strong emotional factors that make it hard for many people to fit them\n", "For the moment, it is true, we have not gone quite so far. We restrict ourselves, in the old fashion\n", "Quite the contrary: I have scarcely concerned myself with it at all. I must mention it because it is\n", "If the parents make themselves vehicles of the resistance, the aim of the analysis - and even the an\n", "It would be best that he should have been analysed himself, for, when all is said and done, it is im\n", "I have already discussed long ago the means used by psycho-analysis in helping patients, when it doe\n", "In suitable cases it is possible by its means to get rid of disturbances and bring about changes for\n", "But, as I have said already, I do not think much can be achieved by efforts in this direction.\n", "\n", "* * \n", "The analysis of character disorders also calls for long periods of treatment; but it is often succes\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "New Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "4758\n", "\n", " This objection cannot be too energetic\n", "It goes astray in its method by over-estimating the epistemological value of our logical operations \n", "The doctrine is, then, that the universe was created by a being resembling a man, but magnified in e\n", "All these relations are afterwards introduced by men unaltered into their religion. Their parents' p\n", "But more than this, you will scarcely be able to reject a judgement that the philosophy of today has\n", "Even where what is in question is not inanimate Nature but where an individual's fate depends on his\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "New Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "4767\n", "\n", " The struggle of the scientific spirit \n", "Its endeavour is to arrive at correspondence with reality - that is to say, with what exists outside\n", "Truth seems to him no more capable of comparative degrees than death; and he cannot join in the leap\n", "And we must not forget that the last century has brought such a wealth of new discoveries, such a gr\n", "The first of these _Weltanschauungen_ is as it were a counterpart to political anarchism, and is per\n", "I am far from sure that I understand these assertions aright; nor do they sound to me 'materialistic\n", "In an earlier enquiry I also pointed out the important claims made by the super-ego, which represent\n", "But we must remember that the Jews as well, whose religion knows nothing of an after-life, expected \n", "We shall not grudge it him, we cannot help him, but nor can we on his account think differently.\n", "\n", "<|\n", "What a man harbours in his penis-tube is not fire. On the contrary, it is the means of _quenching_ f\n", "The warmth that is radiated by fire calls up the same sensation that accompanies a state of sexual e\n", "Heracles, then, extinguishes this brand of fire with - water. (The immortal head is no doubt the pha\n", "I believe, moreover, that those whose duty it is to tackle the problem professionally and practicall\n", "An obvious answer to this question would seem to be that the minority, the ruling class at present, \n", "Here again you yourself have said almost all there is to say on the subject. But though you have tak\n", "The only real difference lies in the fact that what prevails is no longer the violence of an individ\n", "Yet a glance at the history of the human race reveals an endless series of conflicts between one com\n", "The community of feeling among Christians, powerful though it was, was equally unable at the time of\n", "In order to make an action possible there must be as a rule a combination of such compounded motives\n", "I can scarcely believe it and I should be glad to hear more of these fortunate beings. The Russian C\n", "There is no need to be shocked at my raising this question. For the purpose of an investigation such\n", "It seems, indeed, as though the lowering of aesthetic standards in war plays a scarcely smaller part\n", "If my patients were right - and they seemed only to be repeating the ancient beliefs held by unscien\n", "A good opportunity for this seems to be offered at night by the state of sleep, since sleep involves\n", "And that is why your dreams so often seem to be without meaning or even to be nonsense. But in the d\n", "The Sultan had his horoscope cast by two wise men. 'Thy lot is happy, master!' said one of them. 'It\n", "Symbols are recognized as evidence of ancient connections. Impressive instances are adduced to show \n", "That sounded ugly and should be avoided. It then occurred to me that '_bis_ ' had been substituted f\n", "Very soon I saw clearly why. I wanted not to give the stone away at all. I liked it very much myself\n", "In that particular year my brother told me that his business affairs would not allow him to be away \n", "An explanation of this sort sounds very profound, but it is easier to assert than to prove; moreover\n", "The fact that the piece of reality that we were trying to repudiate was to begin with only a _possib\n", "I made an attempt to ward that feeling off, and I succeeded, at the cost of making a false pronounce\n", "It is easy to guess that a further determinant of this behaviour of the king was his need to combat \n", "I am ever sincerely yours,\n", "\n", "SIGM. FREUD\n", "\n", "_January_ , 1936\n", "\n", "<|/file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.\n", "<|/file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw0ltf.htm.md\"|>\n", "<|file name=\"./epubs\\\\Fr\n", "The man Moses, who set the Jewish people free, who gave them their laws and founded their religion, \n", "(The final _s_ is an addition drawn from the Greek translation of the Old Testament. It is not in th\n", "Many investigators have been impressed with this fact, which has long been recognized.' If, followin\n", "Our myth traces this struggle back as far as the individual's prehistory, for it represents him as b\n", "Eduard Meyer, and others following him, assumed that originally the legend was different. Pharaoh, a\n", "And that would be our conclusion. The exposure in the water was at its correct point in the story; b\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Moses And Monotheism\n", "\n", "4848\n", "\n", "II\n", "\n", "IF MOSES WAS AN EGYPTIAN . . .\n", "\n", "In an earlier contribution to\n", "But is it so easy for one single man to create a new religion? And if anyone wishes to influence ano\n", "And this is all the more remarkable since later experiences have shown that belief in an after-life \n", "Moreover, with the extension of the empire's frontiers, it was natural that Egypt would become more \n", "Breasted, 1934, 279. - Erman (1905, 66) makes a similar judgement on a formula in honour of the god:\n", "Djins, bogies, spirits, monsters, demigods, demons, and Osiris himself with all his court, were swep\n", "The most essential difference is to be seen (apart from their gods' names) in the fact that the Jewi\n", "No, the fact from which we started and the hypothesis which we added to it are so incompatible with \n", "- that is, after Akhenaten's death and before Haremhab's re-establishment of state authority.² The g\n", "Thus they practise circumcision, which they were the first to introduce, and on grounds of cleanline\n", "It was only during the period immediately after the heretic king's death that there was a convergenc\n", "The original form of that tradition is unknown to us; we should be glad to discover what the distort\n", "'5\n", "\n", " ¹ At a few places in the Biblical text it is still stated that Yahweh came down from Sinai to\n", "At the end of the Babylonian captivity a hope grew up among the Jewish people that the man who had b\n", "The former Egyptians were probably fewer in numbers than the others, but showed themselves culturall\n", "We do not understand why it was revived precisely in the Jewish Law; it is not impossible that this \n", "In order to solder the two figures together, tradition or legend had the task of bringing the Egypti\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Moses And Monotheism\n", "\n", "4872\n", "\n", " The history of King David and of his period is most probably t\n", "Circumcision, the most suspicious indication of dependence on Egypt, had to be retained but no attem\n", "This name (Jochanan), in the forms 'Johann', 'John', 'Jean', 'Juan', has become the favourite first \n", "This was the murder of Moses, the great leader and liberator, which Sellin discovered from hints in \n", "), which boasts of his victory over Isiraal (Israel) and the laying waste of her seed (?). The sense\n", "The Egyptian Moses had given to one portion of the people a more highly spiritualized notion of god,\n", "We must necessarily not expect to meet with it in the official cult, in the religion of the priests \n", "We are living in a specially remarkable period. We find to our astonishment that progress has allied\n", "But I feel uncertain in my judgement of this. It seems to me much more possible that malice and sens\n", "My uncertainty sets in only when I ask myself whether I have succeeded in proving these theses in th\n", "He could remain in Egypt only as an outlaw or as a renegade. Perhaps as governor of the frontier pro\n", "¹ This would correspond to the forty years of wandering in the wilderness of the Bible text.\n", "\n", " ² T\n", "These Jews, it is true, were cut off from their mother-country and had not taken part in the religio\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Moses And Monotheism\n", "\n", "4891\n", "\n", " It is time to raise the question of whether there is any need \n", "The answer is that the question is not one of gain but of investigation. Perhaps we may learn someth\n", "According to our assured hypothesis, in the history of the Jewish religion there was a long period a\n", "The remarkable fact with which we are here confronted is, however, that these traditions, instead of\n", "Such an investigation would, I believe, yield a positive result. Here is the determinant which we re\n", "We give the name of _traumas_ to those impressions, experienced early and later forgotten, to which \n", "(_b_) The experiences in question are as a rule totally forgotten, they are not accessible to memory\n", "A girl who was made the object of a sexual seduction in her early childhood may direct her later sex\n", "The phenomenon of a latency of the neurosis between the first reactions to the trauma and the later \n", "In this modification of the Oedipus complex he passed his latency period, which was free from any ma\n", "No date can be assigned to this, nor has it been synchronized with the geological epochs known to us\n", "In relation to the totem animal the original dichotomy in the emotional relation to the father (ambi\n", "Other portions have survived in excellent replicas. Thus authorities have often been struck by the f\n", "For the moment we will follow their development in another direction.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Moses And Monotheism\n", "\n", "\n", "We have already said that the Christian ceremony of Holy Communion, in which the believer incorporat\n", "It is scarcely a matter of indifference or of chance that the violent killing of another great man b\n", "First is the fact that in some respects they are different from their 'host' nations. They are not f\n", "From my limited information I may perhaps add that the case of the founding of the Mahommedan religi\n", "In what sense, then, does a tradition come in question at all? In what form can it have been present\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Moses And Monotheism\n", "\n", "4919\n", "\n", " The establishment of this latter fact shows us that the qualit\n", "In animals, which lack speech, these conditions must be of a simpler kind.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Moses And Monothe\n", "The behaviour of neurotic children towards their parents in the Oedipus and castration complex aboun\n", "The answer to the first question is easy to formulate: the memory enters the archaic heritage if the\n", ".'. The remainder, which included what was really open to objection and dangerous - the application \n", "¹ The aspersion, so common in antiquity, that the Jews were 'lepers' (cf. Manetho) no doubt has the \n", "Individuals have no other part to play in this than as exponents or representatives of group trends,\n", "But this too is unsatisfactory and is entirely contradicted by our condemnation of so many worthless\n", "The great religious idea for which the man Moses stood was, on our view, not his own property: he ha\n", "And indeed another factor can easily be found. That religion also brought the Jews a far grander con\n", "An echo of this revolution seems still to be audible in the _Oresteia_ of Aeschylus. But this turnin\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Moses And Monotheism\n", "\n", "4936\n", "\n", "D\n", "\n", "RENUNCIATION OF INSTINCT\n", "\n", " It is not obvious and not immedia\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Moses And Monotheism\n", "\n", "4937\n", "\n", " What help does this explanation of the satisfaction arising fr\n", "God, however, becomes entirely removed from sexuality and elevated into the ideal of ethical perfect\n", "A sacred prohibition has a very strong emotional tone but has in fact no rational basis. For why, fo\n", "Going back to ethics, we may say in conclusion that a part of its precepts are justified rationally \n", "In view of the extraordinary complexity of all causation in life and history, something of the sort \n", "In the prime of life his character was reversed, and thenceforward he behaved as though he had taken\n", "The ego fends off the danger by the process of repression. The instinctual impulse is in some way in\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Moses And Monotheism\n", "\n", "4947\n", "\n", " Pious believers, however, know how to fill this obvious gap in\n", "From Atkinson I took, in continuation of this account, the idea that this patriarchal system ended i\n", "The processes in the life of peoples which we are studying here are very similar to those familiar t\n", "Ambivalence is a part of the essence of the relation to the father: in the course of time the hostil\n", "And the intermediate step between the delusion and the historical truth was provided by the assuranc\n", "Its intention is naturally not to compel belief or to arouse conviction.\n", "\n", " The teachings of psycho\n", "An increase in unpleasure that is expected and foreseen is met by a _signal of anxiety_ ; the occasi\n", "It is thus possible to distinguish an indeterminate number of instincts, and in common practice this\n", "When the super-ego is established, considerable amounts of the aggressive instinct are fixated in th\n", "Nevertheless, certain facts have always been known which do not fit into the narrow framework of thi\n", "To begin with, all psychical activity is concentrated on providing satisfaction for the needs of tha\n", "The complete organization is only achieved at puberty, in a fourth, genital phase. A state of things\n", "It is generally agreed, however, that these conscious processes do not form unbroken sequences which\n", "The relative certainty of our psychical science is based on the binding force of these inferences. A\n", "We shall see that a similar transformation back of preconscious material or processes into the uncon\n", "The evidence for this is the fact that large portions of the ego, and particularly of the super-ego,\n", "We have found that processes in the unconscious or in the id obey different laws from those in the p\n", "We are justified in saying that there arises at birth an instinct to return to the intra-uterine lif\n", "As a consequence of this, a single element of the manifest dream often stands for a whole number of \n", "But the dreamer's associations bring to light intermediate links which we can insert in the gap betw\n", "If the demand made by the unconscious is too great for the sleeping ego to be in a position to fend \n", "The position is like that in a civil war which has to be decided by the assistance of an ally from o\n", "But it is far from being the case that his ego is content to play the part of passively and obedient\n", "Since the transference reproduces the patient's relation with his parents, it takes over the ambival\n", "Accordingly, the first part of the help we have to offer is intellectual work on our side and encour\n", "The struggle which develops, if we gain our end and can induce the ego to overcome its resistances, \n", "But we must confess that this is a case which we have not yet succeeded in completely explaining.\n", "\n", "*\n", "The future may teach us to exercise a direct influence, by means of particular chemical substances, \n", "The supposition we have just made finds confirmation. Analytic experiences teach us that there is in\n", "Theoretically there is no objection to supposing that any sort of instinctual demand might occasion \n", "If this latter reaction occurs, the result will be a neurosis; if it is absent, a variety of pervers\n", "And for however long it is fed at its mother's breast, it will always be left with a conviction afte\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "An Outline Of Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "4998\n", "\n", " The results of the threat of castration are multifari\n", "One may hear it objected, for instance, that the legend of King Oedipus has in fact no connection wi\n", "If a little girl persists in her first wish - to grow into a boy - in extreme cases she will end as \n", "But let us for the moment keep to psychology. We have seen that it is not scientifically feasible to\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "An Outline Of Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "5004\n", "\n", " Our justification for making such inferences and inte\n", "The consideration that the pleasure principle demands a reduction, at bottom the extinction perhaps,\n", "They persist as threats, even if they can be temporarily held down.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "An Outline Of Psycho-Ana\n", "The problem of psychoses would be simple and perspicuous if the ego's detachment from reality could \n", "Now we come across fetishists who have developed the same fear of castration as non-fetishists and r\n", "The picture of an ego which mediates between the id and the external world, which takes over the ins\n", "It is unlikely that such generalizations can be universally correct. Some portion of the cultural ac\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Analysis Terminable And Interminable\n", "\n", "5015\n", "\n", " I myself had adopted another way of speeding u\n", "I have found the history of this patient's recovery scarcely less interesting than that of his illne\n", "The patient's ego had not been noticeably altered and the aetiology of his disturbance had been esse\n", "But even if he had failed to observe some very faint signs of it - which was not altogether ruled ou\n", "To-day, they will say, we may demand and expect that an analytic cure shall prove permanent, or at l\n", "This is in general impossible, nor is it at all to be desired. No, we mean something else, something\n", "Such reinforcements may be set up by fresh traumas, enforced frustrations, or the collateral influen\n", "There is, however, another angle from which we can approach this problem of the variability in the e\n", "If this is the correct answer to our question, we may say that analysis, in claiming to cure neurose\n", "The first of these two alternatives can be carried out in two ways: in reality, or in the transferen\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Analysis Terminable And Interminable\n", "\n", "5029\n", "\n", " I do not know whether we can assert that the f\n", "Only the second of these factors has been discussed by us in any detail, and in connection with it w\n", "I should like to make this relation to the other mechanisms clear by an analogy, though I know that \n", "It sometimes turns out that the ego has paid too high a price for the services they render it. The d\n", "But what happens is this. During the work on the resistances the ego withdraws - with a greater or l\n", "The psychological peculiarities of families, races and nations, even in their attitude to analysis, \n", "Here we are dealing with the ultimate things which psychological research can learn about: the behav\n", "If the former is the stronger it succeeds in keeping the latter latent and forcing it away from sati\n", "At the same time, the fact that Empedocles ascribes to the universe the same animate nature as to in\n", "This provides an important supplement to our theme. Among the factors which influence the prospects \n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Analysis Terminable And Interminable\n", "\n", "5043\n", "\n", " Unfortunately something else happens as well. \n", "Subsequently Alfred Adler brought the term 'masculine protest' into current use. It fits the case of\n", "And we can only agree that she is right, when we learn that her strongest motive in coming for treat\n", "It is therefore worth while to give a detailed account of how we are accustomed to arrive at an asse\n", "The two processes are in fact identical, except that the analyst works under better conditions and h\n", "If, in accounts of analytic technique, so little is said about 'constructions', that is because 'int\n", "A plain 'Yes' from a patient is by no means unambiguous. It can indeed signify that he recognizes th\n", "At this point he suddenly interrupted me with the remark: 'The Englishman you diagnosed as suffering\n", "Only one point requires investigation and explanation. The path that starts from the analyst's const\n", "This is after all the familiar mechanism of dreams, which intuition has equated with madness from ti\n", "But I am inclined to think the latter.\n", "\n", " I have at last been struck by the fact that the ego of a \n", "But he drew no such conclusion from it, since his disinclination to doing so was too great and there\n", "This fear of his father, too, was silent on the subject of castration: by the help of regression to \n", "Almost as much difficulty is created by the fact that our science involves a number of hypotheses - \n", "But this solution remained unsatisfactory.\n", "\n", " Psycho-analysis escaped such difficulties as these by\n", "¹ Cf. _The Psychopathology of Everyday Life_ (1901 _b_)\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Some Elementary Lessons In Psycho-An\n", "The concept of the unconscious has long been knocking at the gates of psychology and asking to be le\n", "We ought to protest against this, irrespectively of how much or how little the Jews deserve such tre\n", "It was known that as a girl she had kept up an intense friendship with Friedrich Nietzsche, founded \n", "_August 3_. - The ultimate ground of all intellectual inhibitions and all inhibitions of work seems \n" ] } ], "source": [ "for doc in index.docstore.docs.values():\n", " print(doc.text[:100])" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Retrieval" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "resource module not available on Windows\n" ] } ], "source": [ "from llama_index.retrievers.bm25 import BM25Retriever\n", "\n", "k=10\n", "\n", "vector_retriever = index.as_retriever(similarity_top_k=k)\n", "\n", "bm25_retriever = BM25Retriever.from_defaults(\n", " docstore=index.docstore, similarity_top_k=k\n", ")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from llama_index.core.retrievers import QueryFusionRetriever\n", "\n", "retriever = QueryFusionRetriever(\n", " [vector_retriever, bm25_retriever],\n", " similarity_top_k=10,\n", " num_queries=1, # set this to 1 to disable query generation\n", " mode=\"reciprocal_rerank\",\n", " use_async=True,\n", " verbose=True,\n", ")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 46906c64-8c4a-4069-9d50-1a87c577698f
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**Text:** Oedipus, son of Laius, King of Thebes, and of Jocasta, was exposed as an infant because an oracle had warned Laius that the still unborn child would be his father's murderer. The child was rescued, and grew up as a prince in an alien court, until, in doubts as to his origin, he too questioned the oracle and was warned to avoid his home since he was destined to murder his father and take his mother in marriage. On the road leading away from what he believed was his home, he met King Laius and ...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 074686d5-fcd4-460e-8328-9dc85149d548
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**Text:** Thus it is impossible to keep a check on it, to administer it in doses or to intensify it. Is it not then a justifiable endeavour on the part of a physician to seek to obtain command of this factor, to use it with a purpose, and to direct and strengthen it? This and nothing else is what scientific psychotherapy proposes.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "On Psychotherapy\n", "\n", "1565\n", "\n", " And, in the third place, Gentlemen, I would remind you of the well-established fact that certain diseases, in particular the psychoneuroses...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 54fe72a9-1c9a-46ea-84af-5fb820aab407
**Similarity:** 0.01639344262295082
**Text:** Moreover, we see the hero's Oedipus complex, as it were, in a reflected light, by learning the effect upon him of the other's crime. He ought to avenge the crime, but finds himself, strangely enough, incapable of doing so. We know that it is his sense of guilt that is paralysing him; but, in a manner entirely in keeping with neurotic processes, the sense of guilt is displaced on to the perception of his inadequacy for fulfilling his task. There are signs that the hero feels this guilt as a su...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 4b49f815-f668-4e82-8a76-a7cda51078e9
**Similarity:** 0.01639344262295082
**Text:** In an age which was beginning to replace the authority of the Church by that of antiquity and which was not yet familiar with any form of research not based on presuppositions, Leonardo - the forerunner and by no means unworthy rival of Bacon and Copernicus - was necessarily isolated. In his dissection of the dead bodies of horses and human beings, in his construction of flying machines, and in his studies on the nutrition of plants and their reactions to poisons, he certainly departed widely...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** e4feef01-4bf1-482a-abe6-726e606921c9
**Similarity:** 0.016129032258064516
**Text:** (37) On another occasion the same professor said: 'In the case of the female genitals, in spite of many _Versuchungen_ [temptations] - I beg you pardon, _Versuche_ [experiments] . . .'\n", "\n", " ¹ [What she meant to say was: 'All right, then, when does this Dr. X. have his consulting hours?' She should have used the word '_ordiniert_ ' for 'has his consulting hours'. Instead she said '_ordin art_', which is a non-existent word. '_Ordin ar_', however, means 'common', 'vulgar'.]\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Psychopat...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** d630c643-a84c-432a-b19c-43be7e9136cf
**Similarity:** 0.016129032258064516
**Text:** Painting, says Leonardo, works _per via di porre_ , for it applies a substance - particles of colour - where there was no thing before, on the colourless canvas; sculpture, however, proceeds _per via di levare_ , since it takes away from the block of stone all that hides the surface of the statue contained in it. In a similar way, the technique of suggestion aims at proceeding _per via di porre_ ; it is not concerned with the origin, strength and meaning of the morbid symptoms, but instead, i...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 1578f06e-eded-4925-8a4c-502898957cc0
**Similarity:** 0.015873015873015872
**Text:** The first of these scenes is the suitors' choice between the three caskets in _The Merchant of Venice_. The fair and wise Portia is bound at her father's bidding to take as her husband only that one of her suitors who chooses the right casket from among the three before him. The three caskets are of gold, silver and lead: the right casket is the one that contains her portrait. Two suitors have already departed unsuccessful: they have chosen gold and silver. Bassanio, the third, decides in fav...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 18998acb-5db5-4d72-8fba-ba61af379aad
**Similarity:** 0.015873015873015872
**Text:** Anyone who thinks of Leonardo's paintings will be reminded of a remarkable smile, at once fascinating and puzzling, which he conjured up on the lips of his female subjects. It is an unchanging smile, on long, curved lips; it has become a mark of his style and the name 'Leonardesque' has been chosen for it.¹ In the strangely beautiful face of the Florentine Mona Lisa del Giocondo it has produced the most powerful and confusing effect on whoever looks at it. This smile has called for an interpr...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** e1cb264f-7c52-417a-af31-f5ca5490b643
**Similarity:** 0.015625
**Text:** ¹ I have to thank Dr. Otto Rank for calling my attention to these similarities.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Theme Of The Three Caskets\n", "\n", "2607\n", "\n", " It must strike us that this excellent third woman has in several instances certain peculiar qualities besides her beauty. They are qualities that seem to be tending towards some kind of unity; we must certainly not expect to find them equally well marked in every example. Cordelia makes herself unrecognizable, in conspicuous like lead, she remains dumb, she 'loves a...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 820f5b56-117e-4ecc-9a55-6ec04e686c0f
**Similarity:** 0.015625
**Text:** She suffered the humiliation of having the title of a play based on Jules Verne's well-known novel used as an allusion to her misshapen figure: 'Round the Wilt in 80 Days'.²\n", "\n", " Or: 'Every fathom a queen', a modification of Shakespeare's familiar 'Every inch a king'. The allusion to this quotation was made with reference to an aristocratic and over-life-size lady. No very serious objection could really be made if anyone were to prefer to include this joke among the 'condensations accompanied ...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "import nest_asyncio\n", "from llama_index.core.response.notebook_utils import display_source_node\n", "\n", "nest_asyncio.apply()\n", "\n", "retrieved_nodes = retriever.retrieve(\"complesso di edipo\")\n", "\n", "for node in retrieved_nodes:\n", " display_source_node(node, source_length=500)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** e3eed82f-6faf-4c4a-9ca9-55e947cd28b6
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**Text:** Its infantile core and more or less of its accessories remain as they were confirmed by the direct observation of children.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Introductory Lectures On Psycho-Analysis\n", "\n", "3402\n", "\n", " The clinical fact which meets us behind the form of the Oedipus complex as it is established by analysis is of the highest practical significance. We learn that at puberty, when the sexual instinct first makes its demands in full strength, the old familiar incestuous objects are taken up again and freshly cathect...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 496802aa-e91b-4970-a0cf-aa2f260b0812
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**Text:** Every evening there after the medical officers of the corps, his colleagues and his superiors, came together in order to learn the secret doctrines of analysis. All went well for a while; but when he spoke to his audience about the Oedipus complex, one of his superiors rose, declared he did not believe it, that it was a vile act on the part of the lecturer to speak of such things to them, honest men who were fighting for their country and fathers of a family, and that he forbade the continuan...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 481c0901-6af3-429a-b8c8-ae64f9e5c7b4
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**Text:** <|/file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw0fcp.htm.md\"|>\n", "<|file name=\"./epubs\\\\Freud_Complete_en.epub/OEBPS/html/frcw0fe8.htm.md\"|>\n", "\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "4610\n", "\n", "THE EXPERT OPINION IN THE HALSMANN CASE\n", "\n", "(1931)\n", "\n", "The Oedipus complex, as far as we know, is present in childhood in all human beings, undergoes great alterations during the years of development and in many individuals is found in varying degrees of strength even at a mature age. Its essential characteristics, its universality, i...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** cb0016a8-8758-4be7-bace-90d473c56030
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**Text:** Although the majority of human beings go through the Oedipus complex as an individual experience, it is nevertheless a phenomenon which is determined and laid down by heredity and which is bound to pass away according to programme when the next pre-ordained phase of development sets in. This being so, it is of no great importance what the occasions are which allow this to happen, or, indeed, whether any such occasions can be discovered at all.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Dissolution Of The Oedipus Complex\n", "\n", "4...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** b44a6197-8ae2-4c29-9da3-ac2b73a169f8
**Similarity:** 0.4533112825441857
**Text:** In her, far more than in the boy, these changes seem to be the result of upbringing and of intimidation from outside which threatens her with a loss of love. The girl's Oedipus complex is much simpler than that of the small bearer of the penis; in my experience, it seldom goes beyond the taking of her mother's place and the adopting of a feminine attitude towards her father. Renunciation of the penis is not tolerated by the girl without some attempt at compensation. She slips - along the line...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 1990e3de-8ba7-4367-bf9e-2afc47c28614
**Similarity:** 0.4505788315680092
**Text:** But we come upon this dream-wish, too, where it has no relevance in real life, and where the adult need never confess to it in his waking life. The reason for this is that the deepest and most invariable motive for estrangement, especially between two people of the same sex, has already made itself felt in early childhood.\n", "\n", " What I have in mind is rivalry in love, with a clear emphasis on the subject's sex. While he is still a small child, a son will already begin to develop a special affec...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 6f4a1361-9588-4d8d-b510-345ac495a4ff
**Similarity:** 0.4350676765429264
**Text:** This being so, the pre-Oedipus phase in women gains an importance which we have not attributed to it hitherto.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Female Sexuality\n", "\n", "4591\n", "\n", " Since this phase allows room for all the fixations and repressions from which we trace the origin of the neuroses, it would seem as though we must retract the universality of the thesis that the Oedipus complex is the nucleus of the neuroses. But if anyone feels reluctant about making this correction, there is no need for him to do so. On the one ha...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 078d3783-22ff-4d02-9fe6-e5ba30784523
**Similarity:** 0.42193183154729297
**Text:** And he understands the dramatist's voice as though it were saying to him: 'You are struggling in vain against your responsibility and are protesting in vain of what you have done in opposition to these criminal intentions. You are guilty, for you have not been able to destroy them; they still persist in you unconsciously.' And there is psychological truth contained in this. Even if a man has repressed his evil impulses into the unconscious and would like to tell himself afterwards that he is ...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** c5d1462e-8ade-4ca6-8e66-9c0bf89bb1ab
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**Text:** But, more fortunate than he, we have meanwhile succeeded, in so far as we have not become psychoneurotics, in detaching our sexual impulses from our mothers and in forgetting our jealousy of our fathers. Here is one in whom these primaeval wishes of our childhood have been fulfilled, and we shrink back from him with the whole force of the repression by which those wishes have since that time been held down within us. While the poet, as he unravels the past, brings to light the guilt of Oedipu...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 1080a0a1-b119-4960-9026-19bb7fd3282a
**Similarity:** 0.4137316295167258
**Text:** This contradiction is cleared up if we reflect that the castration complex always operates in the sense implied in its subject-matter: it inhibits and limits masculinity and encourages femininity. The difference between the sexual development of males and females at the stage we have been considering is an intelligible consequence of the anatomical distinction between their genitals and of the psychical situation involved in it; it corresponds to the difference between a castration that has b...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "nodes_pure_vector = vector_retriever.retrieve(\"oedipus complex\")\n", "\n", "for node in nodes_pure_vector:\n", " display_source_node(node, source_length=500)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 16, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 593f7cf7-9d35-4b8c-a80e-64dc27a23fdc
**Similarity:** 4.27217435836792
**Text:** This process ushers in the latency period, which now interrupts the child's sexual development.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "The Dissolution Of The Oedipus Complex\n", "\n", "4089\n", "\n", " I see no reason for denying the name of a 'repression' to the ego's turning away from the Oedipus complex, although later repressions come about for the most part with the participation of the super-ego, which in this case is only just being formed. But the process we have described is more than a repression. It is equivalent, if it is ideall...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 79b1a726-6b59-4394-a74e-efb2c8d8a38d
**Similarity:** 4.260096073150635
**Text:** It is this complicating element introduced by bisexuality that makes it so difficult to obtain a clear view of the facts in connection with the earliest object-choices and identifications, and still more difficult to describe them intelligibly. It may even be that the ambivalence displayed in the relations to the parents should be attributed entirely to bisexuality and that it is not, as I have represented above, developed out of identification in consequence of rivalry.\n", "\n", " In my opinion it ...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** b4967786-f979-4697-82b1-20c8eb245564
**Similarity:** 4.25386381149292
**Text:** The perversion is no longer an isolated fact in the child's sexual life, but falls into its place among the typical, not to say normal, processes of development which are familiar to us. It is brought into relation with the child's incestuous love-object, with its Oedipus complex. It first comes into prominence in the sphere of this complex, and after the complex has broken down it remains over, often quite by itself, the inheritor of the charge of libido from that complex and weighed down by...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 27c89dca-41fd-40f7-825c-5867c4994907
**Similarity:** 4.243925094604492
**Text:** But there is no evidence to show that, when the threat of castration takes place, those experiences have any effect. It is not until a _fresh_ experience comes his way that the child begins to reckon with the possibility of being castrated, and then only hesitatingly and unwillingly, and not without making efforts to depreciate the significance of something he has himself observed.\n", "\n", " The observation which finally breaks down his unbelief is the sight of the female genitals. Sooner or later ...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 3565880e-b1e1-4792-b214-c1b36cc22737
**Similarity:** 4.230148792266846
**Text:** Many years later, when her masturbatory activity has long since been suppressed, an interest still persists which we must interpret as a defence against a temptation that is still dreaded. It manifests itself in the emergence of sympathy for those to whom similar difficulties are attributed, it plays a part as a motive in contracting a marriage and, indeed, it may determine the choice of a husband or lover. Disposing of early infantile masturbation is truly no easy or indifferent business.\n", "\n", "*...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 44e8fbe1-5b43-4576-9cdf-18e924de9dc2
**Similarity:** 4.215171813964844
**Text:** For a time these two relationships proceed side by side, until the boy's sexual wishes in regard to his mother become more intense and his father is perceived as an obstacle to them; from this the Oedipus complex originates.² His identification with his father then takes on a hostile colouring and changes into a wish to get rid of his father in order to take his place with his mother. Henceforward his relation to his father is ambivalent; it seems as if the ambivalence inherent in the identif...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 1990e3de-8ba7-4367-bf9e-2afc47c28614
**Similarity:** 4.157995223999023
**Text:** But we come upon this dream-wish, too, where it has no relevance in real life, and where the adult need never confess to it in his waking life. The reason for this is that the deepest and most invariable motive for estrangement, especially between two people of the same sex, has already made itself felt in early childhood.\n", "\n", " What I have in mind is rivalry in love, with a clear emphasis on the subject's sex. While he is still a small child, a son will already begin to develop a special affec...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 0d527a55-b3f1-4f73-94ba-87bfa2cc860e
**Similarity:** 4.121237754821777
**Text:** Moreover, I was the only worker in a new field, so that my reticence involved no danger to myself and no loss to others.\n", "\n", "* * *\n", "\n", "Some Psychical Consequences Of The Anatomical Distinction Between The Sexes\n", "\n", "4147\n", "\n", " But now everything has changed. The time before me is limited. The whole of it is no longer spent in working, so that my opportunities for making fresh observations are not so numerous. If I think I see something new, I am uncertain whether I can wait for it to be confirmed. And fu...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** e9c1b54d-5dbb-4c21-bbe0-a1ffd6ee55e2
**Similarity:** 4.08647346496582
**Text:** The threat of castration compels him, however, to give up that attitude. Under the impression of the danger of losing his penis, the Oedipus complex is abandoned, repressed and, in the most normal cases, entirely destroyed, and a severe super-ego is set up as its heir. What happens with a girl is almost the opposite. The castration complex prepares for the Oedipus complex instead of destroying it; the girl is driven out of her attachment to her mother through the influence of her envy for the...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/markdown": [ "**Node ID:** 1de5d96e-0f4f-485a-b76e-5cd1ab9c4807
**Similarity:** 4.0611467361450195
**Text:** The phenomena of conscience, however, lead us to infer that the destructiveness which returns from the external world is also taken up by the super-ego, without any such transformation, and increases its sadism against the ego. The sadism of the super-ego and the masochism of the ego supplement each other and unite to produce the same effects. It is only in this way, I think, that we can understand how the suppression of an instinct can - frequently or quite generally - result in a sense of g...
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# pure bm25\n", "nodes_pure_bm25 = bm25_retriever.retrieve(\"oedipus complex\")\n", "\n", "for node in nodes_pure_bm25:\n", " display_source_node(node, source_length=500)" ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "base", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.9.13" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 2 }