,Id,Title,State,Tags,Acceptance criteria,Description,Maintenance type,Sentiment,Score,Cleaned_text,Cleaned_title,Cluster_label,Cluster_name 0,493528,Overlapping vendor IDs for CHOW Req# 8006847,Closed,Datafix; PO Reviewed/Approved,"45 records to be updated Received email for PO Review/Approval from Dennis Oettle on 9/5/23 @8:08am ","1295782340--Vendor ID 148460 has 02 segment with and end date that goes into the next vendor ID enrollment date and Network End dates. Vendor ID 150583 has begin dates that begin before 148460 ends 8/31: PRR 8006847 (immediate data fix necessary) 8/30: Data fix needs more segments completed 8/28: Will need a data fix to adjust dates. Targeted through 8/30/23 SOP ",PSR,negative,8%,vendor id segment end date goes next vendor id enrollment date network end dates vendor id begin dates begin ends prr immediate data fix necessary data fix needs segments completed need data fix adjust dates targeted sop,overlapping vendor ids chow req,23,"Vendor, ids, req, active, overlapping" 1,493529,Duplicate Overlapping Segments Req# 8006848,Closed,PO Reviewed and Approved; Target Date 9/13/23,"Data fix the Vendor ID effective date to equal the program date in master and data fix to insert the Vendor ID in transaction and master. Regenerate Welcome Letter 1871219683 Request 20235783 New Enrollment - Approval Date 6/17.23 Update · RetroactiveClaim Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request · TypeSpecialty Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request · ProgramPractice Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request · TAX ID (EIN) Effective Date = Approval Date for NewEnrollment Request Network Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request ALT IDs · VendorID Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request · TINSEffective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request · NCPDPEffective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request Request 20271083 Existing Enrollment - Approval Date 7/7/23 Update · RetroactiveClaim Effective Date = Approval Date for Existing Enrollment Request · TypeSpecialty Effective Date = Approval Date for Existing Enrollment Request · ProgramPractice Effective Date = Approval Date for Existing Enrollment Request TAX ID (EIN) Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 6/17/23 Network Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 6/17/23 For the new Taxonomy/Programs: ALT IDs · VendorID Effective Date = Approval Date from New Enrollment Request 6/17/23 · TINSEffective Date = Approval Date from New Enrollment Request 6/17/23 · NCPDP Effective Date = Approval Datefor Existing Enrollment Request Re R Re ","191b South Dallas Infusion[EXTERNAL] 1871219683 8/31: PRR 8006848 - needs Tech fix PEMS 20271083 was not sent to VDP as part of workflow and thereare no notes from VDP on the request. There was a data fix done on 8/8 to addthe Vendor ID with effective date 6/17. The data fix was only done in masterwhich is why the Vendor ID is not visible on the request. ",PSR,negative,1%,b south dallas infusionexternal prr needs tech fix pems not sent vdp part workflow thereare no notes vdp request data fix done addthe vendor id effective date data fix done masterwhich vendor id not visible request,duplicate overlapping segments req,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 2,493553,Welcome Letter was not generated Req #8006948,Closed,PO Reviewed/Approved; SOP; Target Date 9/13/23,"Data fix to merge data from transaction to master for the request and then retrigger the welcome letter. 1 records to be updated ","Welcome letter for NPI 1679981765 did not generate. Research on 08/31/202: workflow task was not initiated to generate the welcome letter and a script was executed on 08/31/2023 to regenerate the letter however after verifying in OnBase on 09/01/2023 the letter still has not been sent. Req #8006948 NPI 1679981765 Request ID 20262470 - Generate Welcome Letter Do you see that welcome letters were generated as expected for enrollments in general on 8/25? Why was the letter not generated on 8/25? Failed merging data from transaction to master. What SOP needs to be run to generate the welcome letter? ",PSR,negative,1%,welcome letter npi not generate research workflow task not initiated generate welcome letter script executed regenerate letter however verifying onbase letter still not sent req npi request id generate welcome letter see welcome letters generated expected enrollments general letter not generated failed merging data transaction master sop needs run generate welcome letter,welcome letter not generated req,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 3,493636,Duplicate License in PEMS - PRR request 8007861 ,Closed,PO Reviewed/Approved; SOP,"Appears that during conversion efforts, thisLTC provider’s license was converted from 2 systems. Based on our understanding, AC Conversion isdata that came from Acute Care (C21) and PrvOnlineConversion is data that camefrom LTC Provider Portal. Wealso understand that LTC Provider Portal receives their license info from AcuteCare (C21), therefore we recommend removing the later record from PrvOnlineConversion. Acceptance criteria would be the only the Acute Care Conversion license is in PEMS for this provider and deletion of the PrvOnlineConversion license record. ","There was a fix in the UI to prevent adding duplicate license but there appears to be some clean-up needed to remove all of the duplicates in the PEMS database. Subject: PRR request 8007861 From Andrea Daniell, 9/5/23 8:25 AM ",PSR,negative,16%,fix ui prevent adding duplicate license but appears cleanup needed remove duplicates pems database subject prr request andrea daniell,duplicate license pems prr request,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 4,493664,Internal: PEMS_AdverseActionImport Daily Error,New,Internal; Internal Escalation,,"SQL job fails daily. ""The job failed. The Job was invoked by Schedule 17 (Daily). The last step to run was step 1 (Execute PEMS_AdverseActionImport)"" Notes from team discussion: This job was meant to be a replacement for the legacy PM job. Since PM job is still in use this is allowed to error daily and is expected. The job expects a file to exist in a network file location but when the file is not there it will throw this error. To be done: * Research why the PM job needs to remain, should be retired, or if the PEMS job should be disabled until it is needed. * Implement per research ",MSR,negative,0%,sql job fails daily job failed job invoked schedule daily last step run step execute pemsadverseactionimport notes team discussion job meant replacement legacy pm job since pm job still use allowed error daily expected job expects file exist network file location but file not throw error done research pm job needs remain retired pems job disabled needed implement per research,internal pemsadverseactionimport daily error,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 5,493682,Update Retroactive claim date and Type specialty date Req# 8008382 ,Closed,SOP 47; Target Date 9/11/23,Data Fix the type specialty date and retroactive claim date to 12/29/22.,"This was just created and it is a high priority asgovernment relations is involved. The Medicare Effective date should be12/29/22, based on validation with Medicare (attached). This needs to beupdated on the program and services practice details page. There willalso need to be a TPI merge to ensure the date is correct in C21. I haveincluded the link for the SOP. http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20%2D%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR%2DProvider%20Enrollment%20%28PEP%29%2FF%2DStandard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs%2F47%5FSOP%5FPEMS%5FProvider%20Type%20Specialty%20Effective%20Date%20Updates 1700509577 Email ",PSR,positive,76%,created high priority asgovernment relations involved medicare effective date based validation medicare attached needs beupdated program services practice details page willalso need tpi merge ensure date correct c haveincluded link sop httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfadtmhpapplicationsfprdproviderenrollmentpepffdstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssopsffsopfpemsfprovidertypespecialtyeffectivedateupdates email,update retroactive claim date type specialty date req,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 6,493725,Internal: FileTransfer - Nightly error for file locked by another process,New,Internal; Internal Excalation,,"File not getting picked from location. ""File \\tmhp.net\PEMS\PROD\MPFExternal\Input\PEMSIDCareMasterProvider_Included_20230831.txt is unabled to be processed The process cannot access the file '\\tmhp.net\PEMS\PROD\MPFExternal\Input\PEMSIDCareMasterProvider_Included_20230831.txt' because it is being used by another process."" ""FTP Error : File \\tmhp.net\PEMS\PROD\MPFExternal\Input\PEMSMasterProviderFile_Included_20230913.txtis unabled to be processed..."" FileTransfer batch runs every 15 minutes. The file moves after a certain number of tries. Steps to do: Analyze why the file is locked by another process when FileTransfer batch tries to pick it up. This could be due to the size and the time to write across the network. Resolve per analysis ",MSR,negative,0%,file not getting picked location file tmhp netpemsprodmpfexternalinputpemsidcaremasterproviderincluded txt unabled processed process not access file tmhp netpemsprodmpfexternalinputpemsidcaremasterproviderincluded txt used another process ftp error file tmhp netpemsprodmpfexternalinputpemsmasterproviderfileincluded txtis unabled processed filetransfer batch runs every minutes file moves certain number tries steps analyze file locked another process filetransfer batch tries pick could due size time write across network resolve per analysis,internal filetransfer nightly error file locked another process,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 7,493726,"Internal: FileTransfer Batch: ""The network path wasn't found."" Received error a number of times on 15 minute intervals",Closed,Internal; Internal Excalation,"All target and destination file paths should have fully qualified domain name(FQDN). "," FileTransfer Batch: ""The network path wasn't found."" Received error a number of times on 15 minute intervals CHD24900 entry is pointing to \\ausfile01\ which is unreachable on the batch server. The path should be fully-qualified: \\ausfile01.tmhp.net\ ",MSR,neutral,49%,filetransfer batch network path not found received error number times minute intervals chd entry pointing ausfile unreachable batch server path fullyqualified ausfile tmhp net,internal filetransfer batch network path not found received error number times minute intervals,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 8,493734,Hidden Deficiency - PEMS Req: 20306828 ,Closed,SOP; SOP 49,,"""PEMS 20306828 is showing a deficiency however, is it notvisible when viewing the app. This is something we would normally sendthrough the SOP daily. As we are still discussing this process, do youwant a PRR or how do you want this information so it can be addressed andtracked on your side?"" There is an SOP to remove business deficiency or updateIsDeficient flag. This is weird though, as deficiency status is even thoughshowing as removed corrections made but IsDeficienct flag is still true. ",PSR,negative,14%,pems showing deficiency however notvisible viewing app something would normally sendthrough sop daily still discussing process youwant prr want information addressed andtracked side sop remove business deficiency updateisdeficient flag weird though deficiency status even thoughshowing removed corrections made but isdeficienct flag still true,hidden deficiency pems req,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 9,493735,Hidden Deficiencies - Root Cause Analysis,Ready,SOP 2,Deficiencies are not hidden for the scenario that was escalated in the linked ticket 493734.,"Deficiencies are on the request but the details are not displayed. Two escalations for hidden deficiency are linked as Related. A code fix is needed so the deficiencies are not ""hidden."" ",Research and Analysis,negative,10%,deficiencies request but details not displayed two escalations hidden deficiency linked related code fix needed deficiencies not hidden,hidden deficiencies root analysis,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 10,493888,Data fix 24 Pharmacies with an Invalid TINS Req# 8009791,Closed,PO Reviewed/Approved; Target Date 9/7/23,," 24 pharmacies with an invalid TINS. The TINS is how the pharmacy is paid, so it is critical that they arecorrect. The TINS appear on the vouchers, which are matched in theaccounting system. Without a match, the pharmacy is not paid and thevouchers are rejected. Accounting must manually correct the voucher inorder for a payment to be processed. This will continue week after weekunless the TINS from the PEMS system is correct. Vendor ID NPI Pharmacy Name TIN Length Corrected TIN 582098 1194725705 DIRECTRX PHARMACY 13826113279 11.00 13826113279000 471375 1992430565 CVS Pharmacy #11463 10503406265 11.00 10503406265013 471373 1689303539 TEXAS ONCOLOGY PHARMACY 17528512928 11.00 17528512928018 471372 1508572728 Dell Children's Outpatient Pharmacy 17411096435 11.00 17411096435066 351089 1376264499 SOLEO HEALTH INC. 14649088516 11.00 14649088516002 351088 1912615998 Carvajal Pharmacy RGV 18236786770 11.00 182367867700001 150643 1154041192 Ray's City Drug 18829988585 11.00 18829988585000 150641 1285366021 Pill Craft Pharmacy 18822215945 11.00 18822215945000 150640 1124640347 Health Center of Southeast Texas 15625085012 11.00 15625085012000 150639 1992402929 RELICARE PHARMACY INC 18832717542 11.00 18832717542000 150637 1669197455 GENOA HEALTHCARE LLC 12705560972 11.00 12705560972002 150636 1447836374 Capital Apothecary LLC 18528729611 11.00 18528729611000 150635 1013664259 Discount Drugs 18737636946 11.00 18737636946000 150634 1346967767 GREATWOOD PHARMACY LLC 18833782990 11.00 18833782990000 150633 1437855434 KITCH PHARMACY 18819070899 11.00 18819070899000 150632 1487387528 ALPINE DRUGS 18715422251 11.00 18715422251000 150631 1376192740 The Pharmacy at Hunt Regional 18321220685 11.00 18321220685000 150630 1558078634 EastLake Pharmacy 18838808741 11.00 18838808741000 150629 1992414411 Child and Family Rx Plano 17508006305 11.00 17508006305005 150628 1881314169 Top Tier Pharmacy 18747318600 11.00 18747318600000 150627 1275239840 WELL-BEING SPECIALITY PHARMACY LLC 18839761576 11.00 18839761576000 150575 1497363741 Allen Family Drug 1270444775000 13.00 12704447775000 150570 1386219806 COMMUNICARE HEALTH CENTERS 1741724316002 13.00 17417243916002 150561 1780126508 Alto Pharmacy 145252009517000 15.00 14525209517000 ",PSR,negative,16%,pharmacies invalid tins tins pharmacy paid critical arecorrect tins appear vouchers matched theaccounting system without match pharmacy not paid thevouchers rejected accounting must manually correct voucher inorder payment processed continue week weekunless tins pems system correct vendor id npi pharmacy name tin length corrected tin directrx pharmacy cvs pharmacy texas oncology pharmacy dell childrens outpatient pharmacy soleo health inc carvajal pharmacy rgv rays city drug pill craft pharmacy health center southeast texas relicare pharmacy inc genoa healthcare llc capital apothecary llc discount drugs greatwood pharmacy llc kitch pharmacy alpine drugs pharmacy hunt regional eastlake pharmacy child family rx plano top tier pharmacy wellbeing speciality pharmacy llc allen family drug communicare health centers alto pharmacy,data fix pharmacies invalid tins req,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 11,493891,Update Retroactive claim date and Type specialty date Req# 8009346,Closed,PO Reviewed/Approved; SOP; Target Date 9/11/23,"Update Program Practice Effective Date 9/1/22 Retroactive claim Effective Date 9/1/22 Type specialty Effective Date 9/1/22 Tax Effective Date 9/1/22 ","This was just created and it is a high priority as there isno workaround and claims are impacted. The Medicare Effective dateshould be 9/1/22, based on validation with Medicare, not 2/20/23. Thisneeds to be updated on the program and services practice details page. There will also need to be a TPI merge to ensure the date is correct inC21. I have included the link for the SOP. http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20%2D%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR%2DProvider%20Enrollment%20%28PEP%29%2FF%2DStandard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs%2F47%5FSOP%5FPEMS%5FProvider%20Type%20Specialty%20Effective%20Date%20Updates 47_SOP_PEMS_Provider Type Specialty Effective Date Updates 1346650496 ",PSR,negative,35%,created high priority isno workaround claims impacted medicare effective dateshould based validation medicare not thisneeds updated program services practice details page also need tpi merge ensure date correct inc included link sop httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfadtmhpapplicationsfprdproviderenrollmentpepffdstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssopsffsopfpemsfprovidertypespecialtyeffectivedateupdates soppemsprovider type specialty effective date updates,update retroactive claim date type specialty date req,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 12,493892,Update Retroactive claim date and Type specialty date Req# 8009347,Closed,SOP; Target Date 9/11/23,"Update Program Practice Effective Date 12/1/22 Retroactive claim Effective Date 12/1/22 Type specialty Effective Date 12/1/22 Tax Effective Date 12/1/22 ","This was just created and it is a high priority as claimsare impacted and there is not a workaround. The Medicare Effective dateshould be 12/1/22, based on validation with Medicare. This needs to beupdated on the program and services practice details page. There willalso need to be a TPI merge to ensure the date is correct in C21. I haveincluded the link for the SOP. http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20%2D%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR%2DProvider%20Enrollment%20%28PEP%29%2FF%2DStandard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs%2F47%5FSOP%5FPEMS%5FProvider%20Type%20Specialty%20Effective%20Date%20Updates 47_SOP_PEMS_Provider Type Specialty Effective Date Updates 1861891418 ",PSR,negative,15%,created high priority claimsare impacted not workaround medicare effective dateshould based validation medicare needs beupdated program services practice details page willalso need tpi merge ensure date correct c haveincluded link sop httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfadtmhpapplicationsfprdproviderenrollmentpepffdstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssopsffsopfpemsfprovidertypespecialtyeffectivedateupdates soppemsprovider type specialty effective date updates,update retroactive claim date type specialty date req,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 13,493894,Internal: Service Fabric Errors,New,Internal; Internal Escalation,,"There are multiple ServiceFabric Errors. Attached is the file for your reference. See email attached. ServerName Top AppName Count of records HHSC4AV4POSFP06 TPIMANAGEMENT_PROD 1,477 HHSC4AV4POSFP06 PEMSORCHESTRATORAPI_PROD 316 HHSC4AV4POSFP05 PEMSLETTERSAPI_PROD 172 HHSC4AV4POSFP06 PEMSLETTERSAPI_PROD 154 HHSC4AV4POSFP04 PEMSLETTERSAPI_PROD 113 HHSC4AV4POSFP05 PEMSORCHESTRATORAPI_PROD 69 HHSC4AV4POSFP04 PEMSORCHESTRATORAPI_PROD 63 HHSC4AV4POSFP06 TASKBUDDYAPI_PROD 10 HHSC4AV4POSFP06 PEMSTRANSACTIONSAPI_PROD 7 HHSC4AV4POSFP05 TASKBUDDYAPI_PROD 7 HHSC4AV4POSFP04 LTCDASHBOARDAPI_PROD 7 HHSC4AV4POSFP04 TASKBUDDYAPI_PROD 7 HHSC4AV4POSFP04 PEMSTRANSACTIONSAPI_PROD 6 HHSC4AV4POSFP05 LTCDASHBOARDAPI_PROD 3 HHSC4AV4POSFP05 PEMSTRANSACTIONSAPI_PROD 3 ",Research and Analysis,positive,81%,multiple servicefabric errors attached file reference see email attached servername top appname count records hhscavposfp tpimanagementprod hhscavposfp pemsorchestratorapiprod hhscavposfp pemslettersapiprod hhscavposfp pemslettersapiprod hhscavposfp pemslettersapiprod hhscavposfp pemsorchestratorapiprod hhscavposfp pemsorchestratorapiprod hhscavposfp taskbuddyapiprod hhscavposfp pemstransactionsapiprod hhscavposfp taskbuddyapiprod hhscavposfp ltcdashboardapiprod hhscavposfp taskbuddyapiprod hhscavposfp pemstransactionsapiprod hhscavposfp ltcdashboardapiprod hhscavposfp pemstransactionsapiprod,internal service fabric errors,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 14,493896,Screen Risk Category Update Req #8009474,Closed,PO Reviewed/Approved; Target Date 9/11/23,"Update screen risk category per attached spreadsheet. Add note in the PEMS request to explain the reason for changing the screen risk. The reason is also indicated on the attached spreadsheet. ",Screen Risk Category Update. See email attached.,PSR,positive,74%,screen risk category update see email attached,screen risk category update req,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 15,493899,PPM/PEMS Status out of sync Req #8009473,Closed,SOP; SOP 12; Target Date 9/11/23,,"PPM/PEMS Status out of sync. See email attached. 3 priority enrollments per 9/8 11:28 AM email: Taken care of in item 493964 ",PSR,positive,68%,ppmpems status sync see email attached priority enrollments per email taken care item,ppmpems status sync req,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 16,493924,Internal: SOP PEMS Provider Type Specialty Effective Date Updates,Ready,Internal; SOP Tracking,,"SOP PEMS Provider Type Specialty Effective Date Updates The Provider Type specialty date cannot be changed directly in C21 due to downstream impacts, so the solution was to make the updates in PEMS and generate a new TPI and then merge the TPIs. When the new TPI is generated all of the dates flow into C21. The merge process is currently a manual process for both PEMS and C21 and there is no sync for this process. High Level Steps For SOP AMD - Update the following dates: * Program Practice Effective Date * Retroactive Claim Effective Date * Provider Type Specialty Effective Date * Tax Effective Date AMD - Update alt id type on existing TPI to 20 allow generation of new TPI AMD- Create Task in TPI Management to Generate TPI AMD- Update Alt ID Type to 12 (The original TPI should not be deleted.) AMD- Create spreadsheet with old and new TPI to send to ACN AMD - Resend the Welcome Letter ACN- Merge TPIs in C21 and add PDC 44 ACN - Remove License from original TPI ((License Number, License Type and State) can only be associated to one TPI Base) ",BSR,negative,35%,sop pems provider type specialty effective date updates provider type specialty date not changed directly c due downstream impacts solution make updates pems generate new tpi merge tpis new tpi generated dates flow c merge process currently manual process pems c no sync process high level steps sop amd update following dates program practice effective date retroactive claim effective date provider type specialty effective date tax effective date amd update alt id type existing tpi allow generation new tpi amd create task tpi management generate tpi amd update alt id type original tpi not deleted amd create spreadsheet old new tpi send acn amd resend welcome letter acn merge tpis c add pdc acn remove license original tpi license number license type state associated one tpi base,internal sop pems provider type specialty effective date updates,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 17,493934,Internal: Document TPI Management Daily SOP Instructions,Ready,C21 Integration; Internal,TPI Management Rerun Instructions are reviewed and accepted.,"60 TPI Management Reruns A daily batch that runs in the evening at 9pm pushes enrollment data to C21. This process has many failures. When some tasks are re-run they are successful. If the re-run fails then the underlying issue needs to be debugged. The purpose of these instructions are to 1) Rerun failed records to see if a second attempt succeeds or fails 2) Identify records that need deeper investigation on the failures ",Research and Analysis,neutral,48%,tpi management reruns daily batch runs evening pm pushes enrollment data c process many failures tasks rerun successful rerun fails underlying issue needs debugged purpose instructions rerun failed records see second attempt succeeds fails identify records need deeper investigation failures,internal document tpi management daily sop instructions,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 18,493957,Welcome Letter was not generated - Req# 8010537,Closed,,,"Please see the PRR created. The provider was enrolledon 8/24/23 and has never received a welcome letter. They need this tofinish the contracting process with HHSC-CAPM and to contract with theMCOs. This is a matter of urgency to the provider, as every day this isnot provided ultimately will impact when they can begin billing for services. PEMS20247778/NPI: 1619460805 OakBend Medical Center dba Yoakum Nursing andRehabilitation Center This is LTC ",PSR,neutral,60%,please see prr created provider enrolledon never received welcome letter need tofinish contracting process hhsccapm contract themcos matter urgency provider every day isnot provided ultimately impact begin billing services pemsnpi oakbend medical center dba yoakum nursing andrehabilitation center ltc,welcome letter not generated req,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 19,493964,PPM/PEMS Status out of sync Req #8009473 - Priority Requests,Closed,PO Reviewed/Approved; SOP; SOP 12,,"SOP 12 3 priority enrollments per 9/8 11:28 AM email: OIG will deny applications based on certain criteria – PE’s responsibility when OIG denies an application is to send an electronic and certified denial letter to the provider, and work the ticket so that the provider can respond to the denial with an Informal Desk Review. We also process the IDR once received by the provider. Request No Assigned To Status Due Date Enrolling As PEMS ID EWL/Other Notes 7914018 Yolanda Romero Response Received 9/8/2023 Facility 20186365 Workflow Sync Issue 7964460 Response Received 9/8/2023 Facility 20278357 Workflow Sync Issue 7952600 Response Received 9/8/2023 Facility 20257724 Workflow Sync Issue ",PSR,neutral,51%,sop priority enrollments per email oig deny applications based certain criteria pes responsibility oig denies application send electronic certified denial letter provider work ticket provider respond denial informal desk review also process idr received provider request no assigned status due date enrolling pems id ewlother notes yolanda romero response received facility workflow sync issue response received facility workflow sync issue response received facility workflow sync issue,ppmpems status sync req priority requests,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 20,494109,Internal: September 2023 FCBC Unsubscribe Report,Removed,SOP 52,,"the PEMS FCBC SOP.OIG has dropped the file needed to execute this process. Here is the locationof the process. 52_SOP_PEMS_GenerateFcbcUnsubscribeReport- All Documents. See email attached. ",PSR,negative,42%,pems fcbc sop oig dropped file needed execute process locationof process soppemsgeneratefcbcunsubscribereport documents see email attached,internal september fcbc unsubscribe report,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 21,494110,Internal: FCBC Unsubscribe Report Automation - SOP Root Cause,New,Enhancement; Internal,FCBC report is automated.,"""the PEMS FCBC SOP. OIG has dropped the file needed to execute this process. Here is the location of the process. 52_SOP_PEMS_GenerateFcbcUnsubscribeReport - All Documents. See email attached."" This report needs to be automated. ",MSR,negative,16%,pems fcbc sop oig dropped file needed execute process location process soppemsgeneratefcbcunsubscribereport documents see email attached report needs automated,internal fcbc unsubscribe report automation sop root,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 22,494116,Add TINS Alt Id for LTC,Closed,Target Date 09/18/2023; Verified in Prod,"1235835554 Request 20200392 12401 S Post Oak Rd STE 224 Houston TX 77045 2020 Add TINS Alt ID 14719660822000 effective date 2023-08-24 (Approval Date of PEMS Request) ","HHSC/LTCis requesting Deloitte add to the PEMS database, to the 1235835554 NPI, anAlternate Id Type of 16, with a value of 14719660822000 The address for this Provider is: 12401 S PostOak Rd STE 224 Houston TX 77045 2020 HHSC/LTC is requesting confirmation when the Alternate Idrequest is received and again when TMHP adds the Alternate Id to the NPI. Please contact Russell Orthat Russell.Orth@HHS.Texas.govand Mark High at Mark.High@hhs.texas.govwith questions about this request. NPI 1235835554 ",PSR,positive,71%,hhscltcis requesting deloitte add pems database npi analternate id type value address provider postoak rd ste houston tx hhscltc requesting confirmation alternate idrequest received tmhp adds alternate id npi please contact russell orthat russell orthhhs texas govand mark high mark highhhs texas govwith questions request npi,add tins alt id ltc,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 23,494224,PPM/PEMS Status out of sync Req #8009473 - Corrected PEMS ID,Closed,PO Reviewed/Approved; SOP; SOP 12; Target Date 9/11/23,,"OIG will deny applications based on certain criteria – PE’s responsibility when OIG denies an application is to send an electronic and certified denial letter to the provider, and work the ticket so that the provider can respond to the denial with an Informal Desk Review. We also process the IDR once received by the provider. Sync issue between PEMS and PPM as well. The info ison the Sept 7th SOP report that was sent over. She isrequesting a status so the app can be submitted. Provider is: NPI 1679981765 LIBERTY COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. 1, PEMS 20295560 9/11 12:52: The following 32 PEMS requests have been identified to be included in this ticket: 20043431,20202955,20237956,20243550,20264473,20291480,20295045,20295560,20296748,20298134,20299533,20301027,20302802, 20303233,20304616,20304742,20305582,20306787,20307247,20307641,20310696,20310840,20311356,20311672,20311750,20312737, 20314320,20314371,20314392,20315822,20317059,20319103 ",PSR,negative,29%,oig deny applications based certain criteria pes responsibility oig denies application send electronic certified denial letter provider work ticket provider respond denial informal desk review also process idr received provider sync issue pems ppm well info ison sept th sop report sent isrequesting status app submitted provider npi liberty county hospital district no pems following pems requests identified included ticket,ppmpems status sync req corrected pems id,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 24,494237,Vendor ID-Corner Drug Req#8010271,Closed,PO Reviewed/Approved; Target Date 9/11/23,"Reenrollment Request 20277766 - Update transaction and master. Regenerate Welcome Letter. 1336641133 · NetworkEffective Date =Approval Date for Re-enrollment Request 8/18/23 End Date OLD Alt IDs Vendor ID Expiration Date = Previous Disenroll Date 6/28/2023 TINS Expiration Date = Previous Disenroll Date 6/28/2023 NCPDP Expiration Date = Previous Disenroll Date 6/28/2023 National Provider ID = Previous Disenroll Date 6/28/2023 Insert New Alt IDs NCPDP Effective Date = Approval Date for Re-enrollment Request 8/18/23 National Provider ID = Approval Date for Re-enrollment Request 8/18/23 ","Conduent identified Two different vendor IDs, same dates. 150683 & 149806 PEMS Maintenance – Provider Information – Change Email Request # 20278050 has ViD of 149806 – Closed-Approved PEMS Reenrollment # 20277766 has ViD of 150683 – Closed-Enrolled VDP confirmed to end date the old ViD 149806 one day prior to re-enrollment date of 08/03/2023. PPM Ticket 8010271 - Corner Drug NPI 1336641133 Vendor Iddata fixes. VDP instruction email attached. ",PSR,negative,2%,conduent identified two different vendor ids dates pems maintenance provider information change email request vid closedapproved pems reenrollment vid closedenrolled vdp confirmed end date old vid one day prior reenrollment date ppm ticket corner drug npi vendor iddata fixes vdp instruction email attached,vendor idcorner drug req,23,"Vendor, ids, req, active, overlapping" 25,494240,Principal License Merge Missing Logic Check - Welcome Letter/Merge Failure,Ready,Shivani Rajput,Records without a Principal License master record will skip the logic block and succeed the Transaction-to-Master Merge step.,"Transaction-to-Master Merge step is failing due to the code trying to delete a Principal License record which is not present in master table. A check is needed to see if the Master record exists before deleting it during the merge process. Method: MergeTxnEnrollPrincLicenseAsync Change: Add master record check into else { if (txnPrincLicense.DeleteIndicator == true) { ... See linked ticket 493957 for escalation details. The escalation was raised due to a missing Welcome Letter, but that step is blocked due to this Txn -> Mstr merge defect that was identified. ",MSR,negative,5%,transactiontomaster merge step failing due code trying delete principal license record not present master table check needed see master record exists deleting merge process method mergetxnenrollprinclicenseasync change add master record check else txnprinclicense deleteindicator true see linked ticket escalation details escalation raised due missing welcome letter but step blocked due txn mstr merge defect identified,principal license merge missing logic check welcome lettermerge failure,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 26,494246,Internal: Duplicate License APRN/RN,New,Internal,,"There was a code fix in July toprevent providers from adding duplicate license and the original query that wasused to identify all the duplicates was only pulling the ones that are settingC21 integration errors. Yoga wrote a query to find all the duplicates and Ihave been reviewing them. There are different types of duplicates so I’mseparating them out. All but 2 on this list were created prior to the code fix. For the 2 on this list thatappear to have been added after the code fix, I asked Shivani if she would do acouple tests to see if she is able to create duplicates license in the UI or ifit will error. Yoga looked at the code and does look like we should bedisplaying an error if the provider tries to submit a duplicate. ",BSR,negative,25%,code fix july toprevent providers adding duplicate license original query wasused identify duplicates pulling ones settingc integration errors yoga wrote query find duplicates ihave reviewing different types duplicates imseparating but list created prior code fix list thatappear added code fix asked shivani would acouple tests see able create duplicates license ui ifit error yoga looked code look like bedisplaying error provider tries submit duplicate,internal duplicate license aprnright,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 27,494252,BusOps: Duplicate License LTC REQ 8007861,Ready,Pending BusOps,,"It is a duplicate of each other. Please delete one of the HHSC LTC licenses. [image] Usually, the license with the later create date would be removed. We can remove the one with the later create date for the one listed below but I do see that the license is expired, so does PE need to review and update? Attached is a list of 80 Long term care providers with duplicate licenses that will need to be reviewed to determine which license needs to be removed and if any other updates are required to ensure the correct license is associated on the program. ",PSR,positive,96%,duplicate please delete one hhsc ltc licenses image usually license later create date would removed remove one later create date one listed but see license expired pe need review update attached list long term care providers duplicate licenses need reviewed determine license needs removed updates required ensure correct license associated program,busops duplicate license ltc req,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 28,494253,Internal: Functionality for Ops to Modify TINS,New,Enhancement; Internal; Ops Escalation; SOP Fix; UI,Ops is able to update TINS.,"Ops has escalated mis-entered TINS that required datafixes (see linked data fix). Add in functionality for Ops to update TINS. issue - OPS users mis entering the data. resolution - code change for ops to enter the corrected TINS ",MSR,negative,19%,ops escalated misentered tins required datafixes see linked data fix add functionality ops update tins issue ops users mis entering data resolution code change ops enter corrected tins,internal functionality ops modify tins,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 29,494270,Internal: Batch: PEMSLoadCLIALicenseData- File did not picked,Closed,Internal; Re-Ran Batch,,The file is sitting in the Input folder and did not get picked to process. ,Research and Analysis,negative,32%,file sitting input folder not get picked process,internal batch pemsloadclialicensedata file not picked,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 30,494271,Internal: PRVE2189 - SUFFIX LAB CERT SA not found.,New,C21 Integration; Internal,,"Retrying records with this error fails consistently. ""2189: UPDATE LAB CERT PRVE2189 - SUFFIX LAB CERT SA not found."" Example task ids: select * from prsc21integrationtask where id in (11141922,11141921,11141920) Complete error list: SELECT * FROM dbo.PrsC21IntegrationTask WHERE (RefC21IntegrationTaskStatusId NOT IN (2, 7)) and errormessage like '%PRVE2189 - SUFFIX LAB CERT SA not found.%' order by CreateDateTime desc 30.728 error records as of 9/9/23 ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,retrying records error fails consistently update lab cert prve suffix lab cert sa not found example task ids select prscintegrationtask id complete error list select dbo prscintegrationtask refcintegrationtaskstatusid not errormessage like prve suffix lab cert sa not found order createdatetime desc error records,internal prve suffix lab cert sa not found,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 31,494272,Internal: PRVe3108 - License Typ and Num already asgn to a dif Provider,New,C21 Integration; Internal,,"PRVe3108 - License Typ and Num already asgn to a dif Provider Some records succeed on rerun and some record fail. Example records that fail on rerun: 11175248 11175239 11175238 All records (including non-reruns): SELECT * FROM dbo.PrsC21IntegrationTask WHERE (RefC21IntegrationTaskStatusId NOT IN (2, 7)) and errormessage like '%PRVE3108%' order by CreateDateTime desc ",Research and Analysis,negative,11%,prve license typ num already asgn dif provider records succeed rerun record fail example records fail rerun records including nonreruns select dbo prscintegrationtask refcintegrationtaskstatusid not errormessage like prve order createdatetime desc,internal prve license typ num already asgn dif provider,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 32,494273,Internal: Trad/THStepsDental TPI not available for this Practice location,New,C21 Integration; Internal; Research,,"ErrorMessage: CallNewEnrollmentProcess - Push to C21 has error for PgmPractAssocId:1008842. Error Code : TradTPINotExists Error Desc : Trad/THStepsDental TPI not available for this Practice location After retrying this error some records complete, but others need a root cause investigation. Example task ids: 11231420 11229848 11228960 11228853 11228843 Query (includes tasks that may have not had a rerun attempt): SELECT * FROM dbo.PrsC21IntegrationTask WHERE (RefC21IntegrationTaskStatusId NOT IN (2, 7)) and errormessage like '%Trad/THStepsDental TPI not available for this Practice location%' order by CreateDateTime desc 3661 tasks failed as of 9/9/23 ",MSR,negative,0%,errormessage callnewenrollmentprocess push c error pgmpractassocid error code tradtpinotexists error desc tradthstepsdental tpi not available practice location retrying error records complete but others need root investigation example task ids query includes tasks may not rerun attempt select dbo prscintegrationtask refcintegrationtaskstatusid not errormessage like tradthstepsdental tpi not available practice location order createdatetime desc tasks failed,internal tradthstepsdental tpi not available practice location,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 33,494274,Internal: LicenseMaintenance for EnrollPgmPractId XXXXXXX does not have TPI.,Ready,C21 Integration; Internal,,"ErrorMessage: LicenseMaintenance for EnrollPgmPractId 1000608 does not have TPI. Error seems to clear about half the time on a rerun. The other half has an underlying issue to research. Example task ids: 11218198 11217950 11217708 11217707 To find the complete list of errored task: SELECT * FROM dbo.PrsC21IntegrationTask WHERE (RefC21IntegrationTaskStatusId NOT IN (2, 7)) and errormessage like '%LicenseMaintenance for EnrollPgmPractId%' and errormessage like '%does not have TPI.%' order by CreateDateTime desc Total error'd tasks as of 9/9: 15,381 ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,errormessage licensemaintenance enrollpgmpractid not tpi error seems clear half time rerun half underlying issue research example task ids find complete list errored task select dbo prscintegrationtask refcintegrationtaskstatusid not errormessage like licensemaintenance enrollpgmpractid errormessage like not tpi order createdatetime desc total errord tasks,internal licensemaintenance enrollpgmpractid xxxxxxx not tpi,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 34,494275,Internal: PRVE3053 – SRTY ASGN PL effective date greater than term date,New,C21 Integration; Internal; Internal Ticket,," ErrorMessage: CallNewEnrollmentProcess - Push to C21 has error for PgmPractAssocId:1008213. Error Code : 3053 Error Desc : Enroll - 550001:PRVE3053 – SRTY ASGN PL effective date greater than term date Rerunning does not work for this error. There is some rule change to put in place. Example task ids: 10946358 10887402 10868767 10843625 Query to find failed tasks: SELECT * FROM dbo.PrsC21IntegrationTask WHERE (RefC21IntegrationTaskStatusId NOT IN (2, 7)) and ErrorMessage like '%PRVE3053%' order by CreateDateTime desc Error count as of 9/9: 27 ",Research and Analysis,negative,1%,errormessage callnewenrollmentprocess push c error pgmpractassocid error code error desc enroll prve srty asgn pl effective date greater term date rerunning not work error rule change put place example task ids query find failed tasks select dbo prscintegrationtask refcintegrationtaskstatusid not errormessage like prve order createdatetime desc error count,internal prve srty asgn pl effective date greater term date,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 35,494276,Internal: PDCMaintenance for EnrollPgmPractId 781640 does not have TPI.,New,C21 Integration; Internal; Internal Ticket,,"ErrorMessageL: PDCMaintenance for EnrollPgmPractId 781640 does not have TPI. Need to research why these tasks fail. Example tasks: 11219553 11189318 11178639 Query: SELECT * FROM dbo.PrsC21IntegrationTask WHERE (RefC21IntegrationTaskStatusId NOT IN (2, 7)) and errormessage like '%PDCMaintenance for EnrollPgmPractId%' and errormessage like '%does not have TPI%' order by CreateDateTime desc Count as of 9/9: 441 ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,errormessagel pdcmaintenance enrollpgmpractid not tpi need research tasks fail example tasks query select dbo prscintegrationtask refcintegrationtaskstatusid not errormessage like pdcmaintenance enrollpgmpractid errormessage like not tpi order createdatetime desc count,internal pdcmaintenance enrollpgmpractid not tpi,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 36,494281,Internal: Batch Failure Notification: PEMSLoadDADSLicenseData and PEMSLoadTMBLicenseData,Closed,,"Root cause identified and scoped. Analysis Results: Batch has run on schedule without issue in October. The files ""sitting in Input folder"" were processed per design and there is not an issue. Recommend moving this research ticket to Closed. "," Batch Name File Path Status PEMSLoadDADSLicenseData \\tmhp.net\pems\PROD\LIC\DADS\ File tmhp_license_rssm3_20230819.txt sitting in Input folder PEMSLoadTMBLicenseData \\tmhp.net\pems\PROD\LIC\TMB\ File PVTMB218.txt sitting in Input folder ",Research and Analysis,negative,12%,batch name file path status pemsloaddadslicensedata tmhp netpemsprodlicdads file tmhplicenserssm txt sitting input folder pemsloadtmblicensedata tmhp netpemsprodlictmb file pvtmb txt sitting input folder,internal batch failure notification pemsloaddadslicensedata pemsloadtmblicensedata,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 37,494306,Internal: PRVE2710 - Prac Loc Assigned Taxonomy dates overlap between row,New,C21 Integration; Internal; Internal Ticket,," CallNewEnrollmentProcess - Push to C21 has error for PgmPractAssocId:1009473. Error Code : 2710 Error Desc : Enroll - 7011-04:PRVE2710 - Prac Loc Assigned Taxonomy dates overlap between row C21 tasks fail on retry. Example task ids: 11149627 11184941 11149628 11269292 Query to find failed tasks: SELECT * FROM dbo.PrsC21IntegrationTask WHERE (RefC21IntegrationTaskStatusId NOT IN (2, 7)) and errormessage like '%PRVE2710%' order by CreateDateTime desc Count as of 9/11/23: 226 ",Research and Analysis,negative,4%,callnewenrollmentprocess push c error pgmpractassocid error code error desc enroll prve prac loc assigned taxonomy dates overlap row c tasks fail retry example task ids query find failed tasks select dbo prscintegrationtask refcintegrationtaskstatusid not errormessage like prve order createdatetime desc count,internal prve prac loc assigned taxonomy dates overlap row,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 38,494348,Internal: Clarify PPM-PEMS Workflow Sync SOP Instructions,In Development,Documentation; Internal; SOP 12,Common issues have clear instructions for new team members to handle.,"Research WF sync issues and document repeatable SOP steps. PEMS SMS working folder copy of SOP doc 12 Update Workflow Sync ",Research and Analysis,positive,66%,research wf sync issues document repeatable sop steps pems sms working folder copy sop doc update workflow sync,internal clarify ppmpems workflow sync sop instructions,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 39,494349,Locations were deleted during Location Merge Req 8010960,Closed,BusOps,"Developer research to determine if locations were added and somehow removed. The above request is performing provider and the group's practice location is deleted as part of practice location merge, So we will be checking the MstrEnrollPractice tablewith the same data and update the MasterReassignBenefitEnrollPracticeId column in TxnEnrollPractice with the Id of the group's matching location Id. After that we need to check the association record the matching location and make sure the data matches the removed group's association data and update MasterReassignBenefitEnrollPgmPractAssocId in TxnEnrollPgmPractAssoc with ID of the matched Location's AssocaitionId ","Review the application, as there are required fields that are blank. The applications should not have been able to be submitted or progressed through the workflow. Is the data behind the scenes in the database and not showing up in the UI? Please check the history to see if anyone deleted the practice location or if it went to IQA to review in the first place. Normally this is progressed by a person and not through the system. See email attached. NPI: 1235346115 ",PSR,negative,7%,review application required fields blank applications not able submitted progressed workflow data behind scenes database not showing ui please check history see anyone deleted practice location went iqa review first place normally progressed person not system see email attached npi,locations deleted location merge req,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 40,494351,PRR: 8011220- Provider Welcome letter generated without Vendor ID/updated information,Closed,Target 9/12/23,"PRR: 8011220 : Provider Welcome letter must be generated with Vendor ID/updated information. 1295888949 update both transaction and master The new enrollment 20302044 is for the CHOW and the existing enrollment 20215568 was from the seller. CHOW New Enrollment 20302044 Approval Date 08-29-23 Seller Network End Date = One Date prior to the New Enrollment Request Approval Date 8/28/23 Buyer Network Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request End Date Seller Alt IDs · VendorID Expiration Date = One Day prior to buyer Vendor ID Effective Date · TINSExpiration Date = One Day prior to buyer TINS Effective Date · NCPDPExpiration Date = One Day prior to buyer NCPDP Effective Date Add New Alt IDs for Buyer · VendorID Effective Date = Approval Date for Buyer enrollment Request · TINSEffective Date = Approval Date for Buyer enrollment Request · NCPDPEffective Date = Approval Date for Buyer enrollment Request (correct effective date National Provider ID NaA pproval Date for Buyer enrollment Request na nag na Nn N ","PRR: 8011220 Provider assistance NPI 1295888949 CRM 2024380800 Rush Ticket CHOW request closed with missing VDP notes data in the UI Practice Location Details Page Provider Welcome letter generated without Vendor ID/updated information. Closed CHOW without the following information included from the VDP notes section in PEMS: 8/21/23 cm TIN: 12002250426006 Vendor ID: 471387 Dispenser Class: Chain Pharmacy Dispenser Type: Community Retail Incomplete/erroneous Welcome letter generated. Provider needs new Welcome letter post data fixes above. ",PSR,negative,31%,prr provider assistance npi crm rush ticket chow request closed missing vdp notes data ui practice location details page provider welcome letter generated without vendor idupdated information closed chow without following information included vdp notes section pems cm tin vendor id dispenser class chain pharmacy dispenser type community retail incompleteerroneous welcome letter generated provider needs new welcome letter post data fixes,prr provider welcome letter generated without vendor idupdated information,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 41,494386,8011231 VDP RX Pharmacy file NV8211BISAM_09.28.2023_File - Fate Pharmacy URGENT,Closed,PO Reviewed and Approved; Target Date 9/11/23,"Data Fix in all necessary segments to end-date old Vendor ID and update/add new Vendor ID data Update both transaction and master 1619479557 Re-enrollment request 20264012 Approval Date 9/5/23 · NetworkEffective Date =Approval Date for Re-enrollment Request 9/5/23 End Date OLD Alt IDs · VendorID Expiration Date = Disenrollment Date 6/1/2023 · TINSExpiration Date = Disenrollment Date 6/1/2023 · NCPDPExpiration Date = Disenrollment Date 6/1/2023 National provider Id = Disenrollment Date 6/1/2023 Add New Alt IDs · VendorID Effective Date = Approval Date for Re-enrollment Request 9/5/23 · TINSEffective Date = Approval Date for Re-enrollment Request 9/5/23 · NCPDPEffective Date = Approval Date for Re-enrollment Request 9/5/23 Natnational provider id = Approval Date for Re-enrollment Request 9/5/23 TIN: 18233380015000 Vendor ID: 471386 NCPDP: 5923873 ","Data Fix in all necessary segments to end-date old Vendor ID and update/add new Vendor ID data Fate Pharmacy: 1619479557 PEMS ID 20264012 MED ID Daily job has failed again, because of duplicate RX Pharmacy numbers (471386 and 149757) present in 09/08/2023 Pharmacy file (NV8211BISAM.TXT) from Conduent. Per VDP: This was a Re-Enrollment, PEMS 20264012. Vendor ID 149757 was assigned 5/23/2018, with enrollment dates of 6/2/2018-6/1/2023. Vendor ID 471386 was assigned 8/1/23 with enrollment dates 9/5/23-9/4/28. ",PSR,negative,24%,data fix necessary segments enddate old vendor id updateadd new vendor id data fate pharmacy pems id med id daily job failed duplicate rx pharmacy numbers present pharmacy file nvbisam txt conduent per vdp reenrollment pems vendor id assigned enrollment dates vendor id assigned enrollment dates,vdp rx pharmacy file nvbisam file fate pharmacy urgent,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 42,494472,Internal: PEMSMstrEnrollPrincRoleMDAT,New,Internal; Internal Escalation,,"On Task Scheduler, 0xE0434352 error is displayed. Below error was logged in the log files. 9/10/2023 8:00:10 PM??HHSC4AV4POBAP05??SQL2EXCELBATCH??CriticalError??PORTSCHTASK-PWS.SVC??CriticalFailure??Service not available, closing transmission channel. The server response was: 4.3.2 The maximum number of concurrent server connections has exceeded a per-source limit, closing transmission channel (AUSHUCP04.tmhp.net)Service not available, closing transmission channel. The server response was: 4.3.2 The maximum number of concurrent server connections has exceeded a per-source limit, closing transmission channel (AUSHUCP04.tmhp.net)??StackTrace= at System.Net.Mail.SmtpConnection.GetConnection(ServicePoint servicePoint) at System.Net.Mail.SmtpTransport.GetConnection(ServicePoint servicePoint) at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.GetConnection() at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message) at SQLReportGenerator.Converter.SendReportEmail() at SQLReportGenerator.Program.Main(String[] args)| ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,task scheduler xe error displayed error logged log files pmhhscavpobapsqlexcelbatchcriticalerrorportschtaskpws svccriticalfailureservice not available closing transmission channel server response maximum number concurrent server connections exceeded persource limit closing transmission channel aushucp tmhp net service not available closing transmission channel server response maximum number concurrent server connections exceeded persource limit closing transmission channel aushucp tmhp net stacktrace system net mail smtpconnection getconnection servicepoint servicepoint system net mail smtptransport getconnection servicepoint servicepoint system net mail smtpclient getconnection system net mail smtpclient send mailmessage message sqlreportgenerator converter sendreportemail sqlreportgenerator program main string args,internal pemsmstrenrollprincrolemdat,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 43,494475,Internal: PEMS/PEMSMstrPrincipalMDAT,New,Internal; Internal Escalation,,"On Task Scheduler, 0xE0434352 error is displayed. Below error is logged in log files 9/10/2023 8:00:10 PM??HHSC4AV4POBAP05??SQL2EXCELBATCH??CriticalError??PORTSCHTASK-PWS.SVC??CriticalFailure??Service not available, closing transmission channel. The server response was: 4.3.2 The maximum number of concurrent server connections has exceeded a per-source limit, closing transmission channel (AUSHUCP04.tmhp.net)Service not available, closing transmission channel. The server response was: 4.3.2 The maximum number of concurrent server connections has exceeded a per-source limit, closing transmission channel (AUSHUCP04.tmhp.net)??StackTrace= at System.Net.Mail.SmtpConnection.GetConnection(ServicePoint servicePoint) at System.Net.Mail.SmtpTransport.GetConnection(ServicePoint servicePoint) at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.GetConnection() at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message) at SQLReportGenerator.Converter.SendReportEmail() at SQLReportGenerator.Program.Main(String[] args)| ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,task scheduler xe error displayed error logged log files pmhhscavpobapsqlexcelbatchcriticalerrorportschtaskpws svccriticalfailureservice not available closing transmission channel server response maximum number concurrent server connections exceeded persource limit closing transmission channel aushucp tmhp net service not available closing transmission channel server response maximum number concurrent server connections exceeded persource limit closing transmission channel aushucp tmhp net stacktrace system net mail smtpconnection getconnection servicepoint servicepoint system net mail smtptransport getconnection servicepoint servicepoint system net mail smtpclient getconnection system net mail smtpclient send mailmessage message sqlreportgenerator converter sendreportemail sqlreportgenerator program main string args,internal pemspemsmstrprincipalmdat,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 44,494533,Ad Hoc SMS PEMS Meetings,Ready,Meeting Tracking,,Track Ad Hoc SMS PEMS PO Review/Approvals for PSRs and MSRs,BSR,positive,76%,track ad hoc sms pems po reviewapprovals psrs msrs,ad hoc sms pems meetings,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 45,494538,Post-PHE Revalidation Meetings,Ready,,,Example is Post-PHE Revalidation Process,BSR,positive,63%,example postphe revalidation process,postphe revalidation meetings,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 46,494541,Business Ops/AMD Weekly Meeting,Ready,,,Weekly 1 hr meeting with Bus Ops to review escalation items,BSR,positive,64%,weekly hr meeting bus ops review escalation items,business opsamd weekly meeting,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 47,494544,OIG Meeting Weekly - PEMS,Ready,,,Weekly Meeting with OIG to review escalations,BSR,positive,75%,weekly meeting oig review escalations,oig meeting weekly pems,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 48,494545,Recurring VDP Bi-Weekly Meeting - PEMS,Ready,,,2x a week meeting on VDP topics,BSR,positive,60%,x week meeting vdp topics,recurring vdp biweekly meeting pems,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 49,494603,Internal: Workflow Sync 07 SOP Root Cause Analysis,Ready,Internal; Ops Escalation; SOP 12,A fix for the root cause is designed and approved.,"PEMS status - Pending Response PPM status - Response Received Why does PEMS not get updated to match? Refer to related maintenance items for example requests. ",Research and Analysis,negative,17%,pems status pending response ppm status response received pems not get updated match refer related maintenance items example requests,internal workflow sync sop root analysis,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 50,494632,Internal: Retro Claim Date SOP Root Cause Analysis,New,Internal; Research,,Analyze the linked SOP executions and formulate a preventive change for it.,Research and Analysis,positive,76%,analyze linked sop executions formulate preventive change,internal retro claim date sop root analysis,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 51,494732,PRR 8012528 - Provider not received Welcome Letter,Removed,Duplicate of 495967,"A PINEYWOODS HOME SERVICES INC., NPI 1932132255, PEMS 20267654. must receive the welcome letter","The provider was enrolled on 9/6/23 and has not received a welcome letter. They need this to finish the contracting process with the MCOs. This is a matter of urgency to the provider, as every day this is not provided ultimately will impact when they can begin billing for services. This came to us from the TACHC association, and the association escalated to Dana Collins, HHSC, originally. A PINEYWOODS HOME SERVICES INC., NPI 1932132255, PEMS 20267654. ",PSR,negative,3%,provider enrolled not received welcome letter need finish contracting process mcos matter urgency provider every day not provided ultimately impact begin billing services came us tachc association association escalated dana collins hhsc originally pineywoods home services inc npi pems,prr provider not received welcome letter,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 52,494800,Internal: Batch Error: PEMSInactivityWarningCourtesyLetterData,Ready,Batch; Internal; Internal Escalation,,"ThePEMS- PEMSInactivityWarningCourtesyLetterData job shows successful in thetask scheduler. However, there are files in both the error and completed folders. Please look intothis and confirm us if it is a true error. Below error observed in the server logs: Invoke-RestMethod: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. AtD:\TMHPBatch\Provider\PEMSInactivityWarningCourtesyLetterData\PEMSInactivityWarningCourtesyLetterData.ps1:2char:1 +Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://sfprod.tmhp.org:41600/Prov_PEMSDataLoa ... +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest)[Invoke-RestMethod], WebExc eption +FullyQualifiedErrorId :WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand ",Research and Analysis,positive,67%,thepems pemsinactivitywarningcourtesyletterdata job shows successful thetask scheduler however files error completed folders please look intothis confirm us true error error observed server logs invokerestmethod remote server returned error internal server error atdtmhpbatchproviderpemsinactivitywarningcourtesyletterdatapemsinactivitywarningcourtesyletterdata pschar invokerestmethod uri httpssfprod tmhp orgprovpemsdataloa categoryinfo invalidoperation system net httpwebrequesthttpwebrequest invokerestmethod webexc eption fullyqualifiederrorid webcmdletwebresponseexceptionmicrosoft powershell commands invokerestmethodcommand,internal batch error pemsinactivitywarningcourtesyletterdata,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 53,494803,PPM#: 7976167 Req 20267654/BSR 8009703/Legislative HHSC Contract Oversight request 1512041/PEMS Troubleshooting ,Closed,SOP; Target Date 9/15/23; Verified in Prod,"Provider closed approved date 09/06/2023 must be updated in PEMS for Provider NPI: 1932132255 Developer research if this request has been merged from transaction to master. ","• Category Type: (Category 1, Category II, Legislative Request) Legislative HHSC Contract Oversight request 1512041 • Contract Oversight Request #: 1512041 PPM#: 7976167 Due Date: NA PEMS Request #: 20267654 NPI: 1932132255 Web Browser: NA Is application free of deficiencies?: NA PEMS page or subpage: Program and Service Participation Details Brief description: Can I have the Enrollment/Reenrollment of Req 20267654 sync expedited in PEMS? Req 20267654 has been closed approved but the information has not been updated in the Provider Management page Detailed Description of Legislative HHSC Contract Oversight request 1512041:The provider completed revalidation via Req 20267654 with closed-approved date of 9/6/2023. PEMS reflects revalidation date of 8/9/2023 and PDC remains present. Can you please confirm if there is a sync issue, tech issue, the provider needs to allow more time, or if further action is require by the provider? Actions taken prior to receiving error: n/a Error Code and Message: n/a ",PSR,negative,0%,category type category category ii legislative request legislative hhsc contract oversight request contract oversight request ppm due date na pems request npi web browser na application free deficiencies na pems page subpage program service participation details brief description enrollmentreenrollment req sync expedited pems req closed approved but information not updated provider management page detailed description legislative hhsc contract oversight request provider completed revalidation via req closedapproved date pems reflects revalidation date pdc remains present please confirm sync issue tech issue provider needs allow time action require provider actions taken prior receiving error na error code message na,ppm req bsr legislative hhsc contract oversight request pems troubleshooting,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 54,494824,Internal: Batch Error: PEPLBAExtractDaily,Closed,Internal; Internal Escalation,,"Every night the batch PEPLBAExtractDaily executes at 12 AM CST. The below error is logged to the file SQL2EXCELBATCH: CriticalError PEPSQL.SERVICE CriticalFailure Could notfind a part of the path.Could not find a part of the path. StackTrace= at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, StringmaybeFullPath) at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError() atSystem.IO.FileInfo.MoveTo(String destFileName) atSQLReportGenerator.Converter.ArchiveReports() atSQLReportGenerator.Program.Main(String[] args)| Other batches continue appending to the log file through the day, so this batch job is not a bottleneck but a routine error. Please investigate. ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,every night batch peplbaextractdaily executes cst error logged file sqlexcelbatch criticalerror pepsql service criticalfailure could notfind part path could not find part path stacktrace system io error winioerror int errorcode stringmaybefullpath system io error winioerror atsystem io fileinfo moveto string destfilename atsqlreportgenerator converter archivereports atsqlreportgenerator program main string args batches continue appending log file day batch job not bottleneck but routine error please investigate,internal batch error peplbaextractdaily,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 55,494851,PPM:8012570 Provider not received Welcome Letter,Removed,,Provider must must receive the welcome letter,"Similar issue with another record. The provider is enrolled from the revalidation application perspective, however; the conversion to the enrollment record has not taken place. We will need to engage AMD for next steps before the letter can be generated. Duplicate of 494803 ",PSR,negative,36%,similar issue another record provider enrolled revalidation application perspective however conversion enrollment record not taken place need engage amd next steps letter generated duplicate,ppm provider not received welcome letter,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 56,495189,Update Screen Risk Req# 8012025,Closed,bulk ticket; OIG; Pending more info from BusOps,"Update screen risk per attached spreadsheet. Update notes to indicate reason for screen risk change. ","Primary Business Function: PEMS Requested Action: PRR 8012025 - SOP required to correct PEMS issues Update screen risk - See attached spreadsheet. Assumptions: Background: SOP is requested for system maintenance to complete the following tasks: -- OIG Review Required, -- Special Handling required, -- Internal Provider Type, -- PEMS Provider Type, -- Screen Risk Category updates, -- Practice Location Merge. Expected Benefits: Objectives: Resolution: ",PSR,positive,91%,primary business function pems requested action prr sop required correct pems issues update screen risk see attached spreadsheet assumptions background sop requested system maintenance complete following tasks oig review required special handling required internal provider type pems provider type screen risk category updates practice location merge expected benefits objectives resolution,update screen risk req,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 57,495225,Data Fix to remove License FC2919186 from PEMS Req#8012850 ,Closed,SOP 29,"NPI 1467156695 Data fix to remove FC2919186 from Licenses/Certifications/Accreditations and License Screening. ","Carenow Pharmacy- 1467156695 - Incorrect STATE on License Need data fix to remove FC2919186 from provider PEMS data Carenow Pharmacy NPI 1467156695 PRR 8012850 This pharmacy has a 9-digit State License #, that is NOT a Texas license. FC2919186 needs removed from PEMS data Research: Accenture OPS researched and found that License FC2919186 has an issuer of “other”; therefore, it was not required for enrollment and was not validated. Accenture is unable to update the License type as the field is disabled. However, we dissociated the license from the Pharmacy Service location. Conduent verified this did not work and data fix needs performed by Deloitte ",PSR,negative,0%,carenow pharmacy incorrect state license need data fix remove fc provider pems data carenow pharmacy npi prr pharmacy digit state license not texas license fc needs removed pems data research accenture ops researched found license fc issuer therefore not required enrollment not validated accenture unable update license type field disabled however dissociated license pharmacy service location conduent verified not work data fix needs performed deloitte,data fix remove license fc pems req,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 58,495357,8005004 - Merge Issue - Welcome letter not generated,Closed,SOP 36; Target 9/20; Verified in Prod,"1558407908 20283828 These locations are not in Master and welcome letter has not been generated for this request. 1446 W Moor Ave Ste 206 Terrell TX 75160-2372 707 S Cedar Ridge Drive, Duncanville TX 195 N Clark Road, Cedar Hill TX 270 S Collins Rd Ste 300 Sunnyvale TX 75182-4642 ","Primary Business Function: PEMS - HHSC Escalation Childrens Health Requested Action: Merge Issue - Missing approval letter. Assumptions: Possible conversion or integration as C21 and PEMS show the address not to be active Background: Missing approval letter for newly added practice locations 1446 W Moor Ave Ste 206 Terrell TX 75160-2372 707 S Cedar Ridge Drive, Duncanville TX 195 N Clark Road, Cedar Hill TX 270 S Collins Rd Ste 300 Sunnyvale TX 75182-4642 Expected Benefits: Objectives: C21 and PEMS show the address not to be active Resolution: ",PSR,negative,2%,primary business function pems hhsc escalation childrens health requested action merge issue missing approval letter assumptions possible conversion integration c pems show address not active background missing approval letter newly added practice locations w moor ave ste terrell tx cedar ridge drive duncanville tx n clark road cedar hill tx collins rd ste sunnyvale tx expected benefits objectives c pems show address not active resolution,merge issue welcome letter not generated,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 59,495361,7985247 - OT Provider Incorrectly Listed as Dietician,Closed,SOP 7; Verified in Prod,"The taxonomy crosswalk was updated for taxonomy 225XP0200X previously, but the existing providers were not updated. Verify if there are any requests in transaction for these providers that need the service id updated. See that attached list of providers from master that need to be updated. (There may be some duplicates due to the query used.) Update Service ID from ""24 DIET"" to ""62 OT-CCP"" ","Primary Business Function: PEMS Requested Action: 7985247 - OT Provider Incorrectly Listed as Dietician NPI 1659420131 needs to be updated from dietician to OT. Assumptions: Background: Expected Benefits: Objectives: NPI 1659420131 needs to be updated from dietician to OT. Resolution: ",PSR,negative,31%,primary business function pems requested action ot provider incorrectly listed dietician npi needs updated dietician ot assumptions background expected benefits objectives npi needs updated dietician ot resolution,ot provider incorrectly listed dietician,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 60,495368,BusOps: 7966617 - Provider unable to submit request due to PT listed as MD instead of DO,Closed,Internal; SOP 24; Verified in Prod,"Update both transaction and master. 1346568946 20276716 Change the PEMS Provider type (service ID) from MD to DO on the acute care and CSHCN programs on this request. Change C21 Provider type from 20 MD to 19 DO","Provider unable to submit request 20276716 due to PT listed as MD instead of DO within PL-1202 W38th St, Austin, TX, 78705-1006 listing. NPI: 1346568946 PEMS Req: 20276716 Provider: Rondalea Ann Rhoades Requested Action: Provider unable to submit Request 20276716 due to PT listed as MD instead of DO within PL-1201 W 38th St, Austin, TX, 78705-1006 listing. NPI 1346568946. Please update PT to DO to match provider license. Provider unable to submit Request 20276716 due to PT listed as MD instead of DO within PL-1201 W 38th St, Austin, TX, 78705-1006 listing. NPI 1346568946 Please update PT to DO to match provider license ",PSR,negative,0%,provider unable submit request due pt listed md instead within pl wth st austin tx listing npi pems req provider rondalea ann rhoades requested action provider unable submit request due pt listed md instead within pl w th st austin tx listing npi please update pt match provider license provider unable submit request due pt listed md instead within pl w th st austin tx listing npi please update pt match provider license,busops provider unable submit request due pt listed md instead,1,"Pems, submit, unable, request, prr" 61,495378,BusOps: 8006881 - HTW N01 Certification Missing or Overlapping Segments,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Change the N01 segments for the following providers as follows: NPI: 1063036515 In PEMS: * change 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2031 segment to 01/01/2023 – 02/28/2023 * change 04/17/2023 – 07/17/2023 segment to 04/17/2023 – 12/31/2023 * add 03/01/2023 – 04/16/2023 segment NPI: 1750983276 In PEMS: * change 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2031 segment to 01/01/2023 – 02/28/2023 * change 04/14/2023 – 07/17/2023 segment to 04/14/2023 – 12/31/2023 * add 03/01/2023 – 04/13/2023 segment NPI: 1295064194 In PEMS: * change 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2031 segment to 01/01/2023 – 02/28/2023 * add 03/01/2023 – 05/09/2023 segment NPI: 1386238624 In PEMS: * change 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2031 segment to 01/01/2023 – 02/28/2023 * change 05/10/2023 – 07/27/2023 segment to 05/10/2023 – 12/31/2023 * add 03/01/2023 – 05/09/2023 segment NPI:1245843432 Accenture will add the missing certification segment into C21. PEMS indicates 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2023. ","N01 Certifications segments are missing or overlapping. HTW certification Integration Issue - NPI: 1063036515 In PEMS: * change 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2031 segment to 01/01/2023 – 02/28/2023 * change 04/17/2023 – 07/17/2023 segment to 04/17/2023 – 12/31/2023 * add 03/01/2023 – 04/16/2023 segment NPI: 1750983276 In PEMS: * change 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2031 segment to 01/01/2023 – 02/28/2023 * change 04/14/2023 – 07/17/2023 segment to 04/14/2023 – 12/31/2023 * add 03/01/2023 – 04/13/2023 segment NPI: 1295064194 In PEMS: * change 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2031 segment to 01/01/2023 – 02/28/2023 * add 03/01/2023 – 05/09/2023 segment NPI: 1386238624 In PEMS: * change 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2031 segment to 01/01/2023 – 02/28/2023 * change 05/10/2023 – 07/27/2023 segment to 05/10/2023 – 12/31/2023 * add 03/01/2023 – 05/09/2023 segment NPI:1245843432 Accenture will add the missing certification segment intoC21. PEMS indicates 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2023. NPI: 1750983276 NPI: 1295064194 NPI: 1063036515 NPI: 1245843432 NPI: 1386238624 PEMS Req: 20167058 20246650 20159849 20167217 20246651 Primary Business Function: Healthy Texas Women Requested Action: 8006881 - HTW Certification Integration Issue Assumptions: Background: PEMS shows a valid segment for HTW certification effective 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 whereas C21 shows a gap 2/29/2023 - 4/13/2023 and again from 7/18/2023 - 12/31/2023 - NPI: 1750983276 PEMS shows a valid segment for HTW certification effective 1/1/2023 - 02/28/2023 Why not through the entire year till 12/31/2023? Please fix NPI: 1295064194 PEMS shows a valid segment for HTW certification effective 1/1/2023 - 2/28/2023 and 5/10/2023 - 12/31/2023. Please close gap from 2/29/2023 - 5/09/2023 NPI: 1063036515 PEMS shows a valid segment for HTW certification effective 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 but no associated to a practice location whereas C21 shows no gap from 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 and is active/associated with practice location NPI:1245843432 Expected Benefits: Objectives: Resolution: ",PSR,negative,0%,n certifications segments missing overlapping htw certification integration issue npi pems change segment change segment add segment npi pems change segment change segment add segment npi pems change segment add segment npi pems change segment change segment add segment npi accenture add missing certification segment intoc pems indicates npi npi npi npi npi pems req primary business function healthy texas women requested action htw certification integration issue assumptions background pems shows valid segment htw certification effective whereas c shows gap npi pems shows valid segment htw certification effective not entire year till please fix npi pems shows valid segment htw certification effective please close gap npi pems shows valid segment htw certification effective but no associated practice location whereas c shows no gap activeassociated practice location npi expected benefits objectives resolution,busops htw n certification missing overlapping segments,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 62,495383,8012953 - Mismatch report- Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. ,Closed,SOP; SOP 12,,"Primary Business Function: PEMS Requested Action: 8012953 - Mismatch report- Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. See attachements Assumptions: Background: Expected Benefits: Objectives: Resolution: ",PSR,positive,82%,primary business function pems requested action mismatch report data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues see attachements assumptions background expected benefits objectives resolution,mismatch report data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 63,495445,Internal: Batch Error: FlexReportsPY_PRVR831C and FlexReportsPY_PRVR832C,Ready,Internal; Internal Escalation; Research,,"Each morning at 6 AM we receive an error email for the batch jobs FlexReportsPY_PRVR831C and FlexReportsPY_PRVR832C. From the batch server we can see the following error: 2023-09-13 06:00:05,383 - FlexReportsPY Log - DEBUG - Read Input File 2023-09-13 06:00:05,399 - FlexReportsPY Log - ERROR - Unable to read input file 2023-09-13 06:00:05,399 - FlexReportsPY Log - ERROR - Traceback (most recent call last): File ""D:\AgentWrk03\828\s\TMHP_Python\QuickFileReader.py"", line 29, in largefileReader FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '\\\\TMHP.net\\PyReports\\PROD\\pvs9xe01' Please advise and investigate. ",Research and Analysis,negative,15%,morning receive error email batch jobs flexreportspyprvrc flexreportspyprvrc batch server see following error flexreportspy log debug read input file flexreportspy log error unable read input file flexreportspy log error traceback recent call last file dagentwrkstmhppythonquickfilereader py line largefilereader filenotfounderror errno no file directory tmhp netpyreportsprodpvsxe please advise investigate,internal batch error flexreportspyprvrc flexreportspyprvrc,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 64,495464,Req 7981637 Revalidation-PPM PEM Mismatch CareStat Escalation,Closed,SOP; SOP 12,,"Provider UI screen stuck in ""Pending Provider Response"" status. PPM PEMS Mismatch SOP data fix for CareStat ran and issue is fixed. Email from Commissioner's office regarding CareStat provider revalidation status remaining in ""Pending Provider Response"" status even though response was added. The provider raised ticket (CRM 2024759371/2024542200). Team was able to link CRM ticket number to PPM 7981637. BusOps to confirm with provider (9/13). Worked with CRM to get PPM request number, found the provider information to validate. Team ran SOP for the Mismatch in PPM/PEMS and validated on UI. ",PSR,negative,8%,provider ui screen stuck pending provider response status ppm pems mismatch sop data fix carestat ran issue fixed email commissioners office regarding carestat provider revalidation status remaining pending provider response status even though response added provider raised ticket crm team able link crm ticket number ppm busops confirm provider worked crm get ppm request number found provider information validate team ran sop mismatch ppmpems validated ui,req revalidationppm pem mismatch carestat escalation,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 65,495513,Internal: Req 7981637 - Root Cause-PPM/PEM Mismatch CareStat ,Ready,Internal; Root Cause Analysis,,"The Request ID 20283177 is now pending PE review and the DEA license was removed. The provider is needing to add PCS/PAS type of services. The only license the provider has shelled in PEMS is for the LTC HHSC facility license (003825) so we are perplexed as to where the DEA license we saw yesterday came from. Need to research why the DEA license appeared. Related to CareStat escalation. NPI: 1699780478 ",Research and Analysis,negative,7%,request id pending pe review dea license removed provider needing add pcspas type services license provider shelled pems ltc hhsc facility license perplexed dea license saw yesterday came need research dea license appeared related carestat escalation npi,internal req root becauseppmpem mismatch carestat,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 66,495538,OIG: PEMS 20208438 - Possible Project Deployment Issue,Ready,OIG,,"Email Details from Tera Jone (OIG): As part of the “Revision to the SRC for SNF & High Risk provider’s undergoing a CHOW” project, we revised the routing logic for existing enrollment applications that require OIG’s review. Per this update, the only time an existing enrollment application is supposed to route to OIG for review is when the provider is designated as a high screen risk category and has requested a change in/of ownership of 5% or more, I believe that this requirement was captured in PBI 487017. This project deployed on August 24, 2023, and was the last project that we worked on with Accenture IT staff. We identified an application that should not have routed to us for review based on the updated requirement for existing enrollment applications, PEMS 20308438 should not have routed to us because it does not meet any of the above referenced criteria. Is it possible to have someone research this issue to determine why the application was routed to us for review? I’m thinking that it might be a timing issue related to when the application was submitted and when the project deployed, but would like confirmation. Is this email box the appropriate venue to escalate these types of system issues? ",BSR,negative,0%,email details tera jone oig part revision src snf high risk providers undergoing chow project revised routing logic existing enrollment applications require oigs review per update time existing enrollment application supposed route oig review provider designated high screen risk category requested change inof ownership believe requirement captured pbi project deployed august last project worked accenture staff identified application not routed us review based updated requirement existing enrollment applications pems not routed us not meet referenced criteria possible someone research issue determine application routed us review thinking might timing issue related application submitted project deployed but would like confirmation email box appropriate venue escalate types system issues,oig pems possible project deployment issue,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 67,495621,09/13/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP; SOP 12,SOP has been executed. ,"PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 09/13/23. PEMS Status PPM Status Count Pending Response Response Received 12 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response 3 Submitted In Progress 11 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received 1 ",PSR,positive,82%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts pems status ppm status count pending response response received contact provider phone pending response submitted progress day notification enrollment response received,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 68,495788,8009452 - Remove PDC-66 for post-PHE grace period,Removed,CMS Requirement; Pending Info From HHS; Recommend for Rejection; SOP 40,"Remove PDC 66 for the providers on that attached spreadsheet. See Spreadsheet in sharepoint Copy of Revalidations 0512 through 1111 with Program 20230821.xlsx Filterout any that have Yes in column D (disenrolled for other) SOP 40 TMHP SharePoint link: http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=265762 * If there is a disenrolled PDC (40,41,42,44,45,47,48,49,50,56,59,61,62,64,65,66) that is Active and a PDC 66 that is Active or Inactive then do not remove the PDC 66. * If there is a disenrolled PDC (40,41,42,44,45,47,48,49,50,56,59,61,62,64,65,66) that is Inactive and there is an Active PDC 66 then remove the PDC 66. * If there is a deactivated PDC (46,60,63,67) Active or Inactive and an Inactive PDC 66 then do not remove the PDC 66. * If there is a deactivated PDC (46,60,63,67) Active or Inactive and an Active PDC 66 then remove the PDC 66. * If there is an Inactive PDC 66 and no other PDCs then do not remove the PDC 66 * If there is an Active PDC 66 and no other PDCs then remove the PDC 66 PDC 66 Other PDC = Yes Next Step Yes Only 46 Only Remove PDC 66 Yes Only 60 Only Remove PDC 66 Yes Only 63 Only Remove PDC 66 Yes Only 67 Only Remove PDC 66 Yes Any combo of 46, 60, 63 and 67 Only Remove PDC 66 No Any PDC (not 66) Do Not Update Yes Any PDC that is not 46, 60, 63, or 67 (46, 60, 63, or 67 does not exist with this NPI as well) Only Remove PDC 66 (Do Not Update) Yes Any PDC that is not 46, 60, 63, or 67 (but 46, 60, 63, or 67 does exist with this NPI as well) Do Not Update ","8009452 - Remove PDC-66 for post-PHE grace period Remove (Delete) PDC-66 with effective dates between 5/12/23 and 11/11/23. CMS advises that for revalidations that are due within six months after the expiration of the PHE, states will be granted an additional six months to complete those revalidations. Accenture recommends that providers with due dates within this 6-month time frame (5/12/23 – 11/11/23) receive a recalculated due date equal to 6-months from the current due-date. By taking this action Accenture will ensure that providers are not disenrolled due to failure to revalidate during this 6-month timeframe and may continue to receive payment from Texas State Healthcare Plans. ",PSR,negative,17%,remove pdc postphe grace period remove delete pdc effective dates cms advises revalidations due within six months expiration phe states granted additional six months complete revalidations accenture recommends providers due dates within month time frame receive recalculated due date equal months current duedate taking action accenture ensure providers not disenrolled due failure revalidate month timeframe may continue receive payment texas state healthcare plans,remove pdc postphe grace period,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 69,495833,VDP: 1962159194 - Riverstone Pharmacy & Wellness- LICENSE TERM POSITION,Ready,need info from HHSC; VDP,"962159194 - Riverstone Pharmacy & Wellness- LICENSE TERM POSITION must be fixed ","1962159194 - Riverstone Pharmacy & Wellness- LICENSE TERM POSITION We are still getting these as OPEN in position 8 of the file. Position 8 needs to have a TERM date. Email attached. No TMHP PPM #. We are still getting these as OPEN in position 8 of the file. Position 8 needs to have a TERM date. 01|1962159194|150618||Riverstone Pharmacy & Wellness|KESHAVAVINAYAKA VENTURESLLC|2023-03-01|5||135|06|01|01|04|05|15|Y|3336C0003X|||Y|6|109001800209001800309001800409001800509001800610001400||0001-01-01|0001-01-01|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1962159194|150618|1962159194|01|TXMCP|2023-03-01|2028-02-29||||||| 02|1962159194|150618|150618|15|TXVDP|2023-03-01|2028-02-29||||||| 02|1962159194|150618|18728518632000|16|TXVDP|2023-03-01|2028-02-29||||||| 02|1962159194|150618|872851863|11|IRS|2023-03-01|2028-02-29||||||| 02|1962159194|150618|38576|08|TX LIC|1999-07-20|2028-02-29|1999-07-20|2022-11-30|Inactive|||| 02|1962159194|150618|50607|08|TX LIC|2011-08-26|2028-02-29|2011-08-26|2024-02-29|Active|||| 02|1962159194|150618|67250|08|TX LIC|2020-08-13|2028-02-29|2020-08-13|2023-01-31|Inactive|||| 02|1962159194|150618|34189|08|TX LIC|2022-06-29|2028-02-29|2022-03-08|2024-03-31|Active|||| 03|1962159194|150618|2023-03-01|2028-02-29|1|PH|18721University Blvd STE 130||Sugar Land|TX|77479|4717|079|USA|2812076049||||riverstonerx@gmail.com|||| 03|1962159194|150618|2023-03-01|2028-02-29|1||18721University Blvd STE 130||Sugar Land|TX|77479|4717|079|USA|2812076049|||||||| 03|1962159194|150618|2023-03-01|2028-02-29|1|BA|6903Mountain Creek Ln||Missouri City|TX|77459|5786|079|USA|2815156152|||||||| 04|1962159194|150618|V|2023-03-01|2028-02-29||||| 04|1962159194|150618|P|2023-03-01|2028-02-29||||| 04|1962159194|150618|K|2023-03-01|2028-02-29||||| 04|1962159194|150618|C|2023-03-01|2028-02-29||||| 04|1962159194|150618|W|2023-03-01|2028-02-29||||| ",MSR,neutral,59%,riverstone pharmacy wellness license term position still getting open position file position needs term date email attached no tmhp ppm still getting open position file position needs term date riverstone pharmacy wellnesskeshavavinayaka venturesllcycxyrt txmcp txvdp txvdp irs tx licinactive tx licactive tx licinactive tx licactive phuniversity blvd ste sugar landtxusariverstonerxgmail com university blvd ste sugar landtxusa bamountain creek lnmissouri citytxusa v p k c w,vdp riverstone pharmacy wellness license term position,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 70,495835,1245968387 - No License - CVS Pharmacy #17870,Closed,SOP; Verified in Prod,"License number needs to be added for 1245968387 - CVS Pharmacy #17870 License is on the request but is not showing in master. ","1245968387 - No License - CVS Pharmacy #17870 No license number – has never been on Legacy MPF. Enrollment started 04/05/2023. See email attached. CVS Pharmacy #1780 NPI 1245968387 PRR 8013118 TFS# 495835 Missing license on Conduent data file ACN Research: The facility provided its license via RequestID 20141702. However, it seems like the information was not retained afterenrollment. Need Deloitte to check PEMS UI and make any updates necessary aswell as root cause. ",PSR,negative,0%,no license cvs pharmacy no license number never legacy mpf enrollment started see email attached cvs pharmacy npi prr tfs missing license conduent data file acn research facility provided license via requestid however seems like information not retained afterenrollment need deloitte check pems ui make updates necessary aswell root,no license cvs pharmacy,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 71,495836,VDP: 1134784614 - GARCIAS PHARMACY - Overlapping ALTIDs - No Network Segments,Closed,Verified in Prod,"1134784614 - GARCIAS PHARMACY - Overlapping ALTIDs - and Network Segments need to be fixed. update both transaction and master CHOW Request 20256075 Alt IDs Vendor ID: 150663 effective date 7/11/23 TINS: 18344421252000 effective date 7/11/23 NPI 1134784614 effective date 7/11/23 Network 1-5 effective date 7/11/23 Remove license FG9343346 with issuer other from location/program. Request 20234059 Vendor ID: 691066 expiration date 5/24/2022 TINS: 18344421252000 expiration date 5/24/2022 NPI 1134784614 expiration date 5/24/2022 NCPDP 0000000 expiration date 5/24/2022 Network 1-5 effective date 7/24/2020 Network 1-5 expiration date 5/24/2022 Retail 7 expiration date 5/24/2022 ","Screenshots not loading, see email attached. 1134784614 - GARCIAS PHARMACY - Overlapping ALTIDs - No Network Segments Another example of overlapping Vendor ID and other dates. Will there be a global fix for these? Or do I need to keep sending them as I find them ? Network segments do not appear on interim file ???? ",PSR,negative,2%,screenshots not loading see email attached garcias pharmacy overlapping altids no network segments another example overlapping vendor id dates global fix need keep sending find network segments not appear interim file,vdp garcias pharmacy overlapping altids no network segments,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 72,495837,VDP: 1073608998 - ORSINI - Missing Network Dates,Closed,VDP; VDP SOP; Verified in Prod,"1073608998 Request 20085062 Update Network segments 1-5 and 9 with effective date 11/08/2019 There is code fix needed to correct how the effective date is being added for the Network ID's ","See emailed attached. No TMHP PPR. 1073608998 - ORSINI - Missing Network Dates Another example of missing network segments We have 11/08/2019 – 11/07/2024 enrollment dates, but Interim file does not have these segment dates. The File only has 04/12/2023 – 11/07/2024, which overlaps the OS+ segments, and none of the ALTIDs have 04/12/2023. Where did the 04/12/2023 come from ? Is this a bug/defect ? or data issue ? ",PSR,negative,0%,see emailed attached no tmhp ppr orsini missing network dates another example missing network segments enrollment dates but interim file not segment dates file overlaps os segments none altids come bugdefect data issue,vdp orsini missing network dates,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 73,495853,HHSC: PEMS Data Fix Request: NPI 1639883275 LTC,Closed,HHSC; Verified in Prod,"1639883275 20186645 Add alt id for TINS 19212771661000 to all LTC programs with effective date 5/11/2023 which is the approval date for the request. ","HHSC/LTC is requesting Accenture add to the PEMS database, to the 1639883275 NPI, an Alternate Id Type of 16, with a value of 19212771661000 The address for this Provider is: 1407 Tierra Royal Ave Alamo TX 78516 5201 HHSC/LTC is requesting confirmation when the Alternate Id request is received and again when TMHP adds the Alternate Id to the NPI. Please contact Russell Orth at Russell.Orth@HHS.Texas.gov and Mark High at Mark.High@hhs.texas.gov with questions about this request ",PSR,positive,68%,hhscltc requesting accenture add pems database npi alternate id type value address provider tierra royal ave alamo tx hhscltc requesting confirmation alternate id request received tmhp adds alternate id npi please contact russell orth russell orthhhs texas gov mark high mark highhhs texas gov questions request,hhsc pems data fix request npi ltc,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 74,495877,NPI 1053042465 PEMS Alternate ID Request,Closed,SOP; Target Date 09/18/2023; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1053042465 Request 20098352 LTC Program Add TINS Alt ID 19212327506000 effective date 2023-08-30 (Approval Date) 9101 Dyer St STE 202 El Paso TX 79924 6434 ","NPI 1053042465 PEMS Alternate ID Request HHSC/LTC is requesting Accenture add to the PEMS database, to the 1053042465 NPI, an Alternate Id Type of 16, with a value of 19212327506000 The address for this Provider is: 9101 Dyer St STE 202 El Paso TX 79924 6434 HHSC/LTC is requesting confirmation when the Alternate Id request is received and again when TMHP adds the Alternate Id to the NPI. Please contact Russell Orth at Russell.Orth@HHS.Texas.gov and Mark High at Mark.High@hhs.texas.gov with questions about this request. ",PSR,positive,61%,npi pems alternate id request hhscltc requesting accenture add pems database npi alternate id type value address provider dyer st ste el paso tx hhscltc requesting confirmation alternate id request received tmhp adds alternate id npi please contact russell orth russell orthhhs texas gov mark high mark highhhs texas gov questions request,npi pems alternate id request,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 75,495881,NPI 1508051186 - add Alternate ID,Closed,SOP 25; Verified in Prod,,"NPI 1508051186 - add Alternate ID HHSC/LTC is requesting Accenture add to the PEMS database, to the 1508051186 NPI, an Alternate Id Type of 16, with a value of 17526228923000 The address for this Provider is: 2501 Oak Hill Dr Arlington TX 76006 4809 HHSC/LTC is requesting confirmation when the Alternate Id request is received and again when TMHP adds the Alternate Id to the NPI. ",PSR,neutral,56%,npi add alternate id hhscltc requesting accenture add pems database npi alternate id type value address provider oak hill dr arlington tx hhscltc requesting confirmation alternate id request received tmhp adds alternate id npi,npi add alternate id,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 76,495884,VDP: 8013118 - NPI 1245968387 - No License Unscramble,Removed,Duplicate; Pending Rejection,,"8013118 - NPI 1245968387 - No License Unscramble CVS Pharmacy #1780 NPI 1245968387 PRR 8013118 Missing license on Conduent data file ACN Research: The facility provided its license via Request ID 20141702. However, it seems like the information was not retained after enrollment. Need Deloitte to check PEMS UI and make any updates necessary as well as root cause. ",PSR,negative,2%,npi no license unscramble cvs pharmacy npi prr missing license conduent data file acn research facility provided license via request id however seems like information not retained enrollment need deloitte check pems ui make updates necessary well root,vdp npi no license unscramble,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 77,495885,NPI 1730702697 - Alternate ID,Closed,SOP 25; Verified in Prod,,"NPI 1730702697 - Alternate ID HHSC/LTC is requesting Accenture add to the PEMS database, to the 1730702697 NPI, an Alternate Id Type of 16, with a value of 18510714357000 The address for this Provider is: 1914 Deerhurst Ln Houston TX 77088 3319 HHSC/LTC is requesting confirmation when the Alternate Id request is received and again when TMHP adds the Alternate Id to the NPI. Please contact Russell Orth at Russell.Orth@HHS.Texas.gov and Mark High at Mark.High@hhs.texas.gov with questions about this request. ",PSR,neutral,57%,npi alternate id hhscltc requesting accenture add pems database npi alternate id type value address provider deerhurst ln houston tx hhscltc requesting confirmation alternate id request received tmhp adds alternate id npi please contact russell orth russell orthhhs texas gov mark high mark highhhs texas gov questions request,npi alternate id,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 78,495891,NPI 1417635699 Add Alternate ID,Closed,SOP 25; Verified in Prod,,"NPI 1417635699 Add Alternate ID HHSC/LTC is requesting Accenture add to the PEMS database, to the 1417635699 NPI, an Alternate Id Type of 16, with a value of 14657597523000 The address for this Provider is: 916 Jamie Dr Grand Prairie TX 75052 2735 HHSC/LTC is requesting confirmation when the Alternate Id request is received and again when TMHP adds the Alternate Id to the NPI. Please contact Russell Orth at Russell.Orth@HHS.Texas.gov and Mark High at Mark.High@hhs.texas.gov with questions about this request. ",PSR,positive,68%,npi add alternate id hhscltc requesting accenture add pems database npi alternate id type value address provider jamie dr grand prairie tx hhscltc requesting confirmation alternate id request received tmhp adds alternate id npi please contact russell orth russell orthhhs texas gov mark high mark highhhs texas gov questions request,npi add alternate id,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 79,495892,8013481 - SAR 124680 Due 9/15/23,Closed,SOP; Verified in Prod,"1720263163 Add PDC 48 and 49 Effective 9/13/23 ","Please apply PDC 48 (Provider terminated) and PDC 49 (Provider not enrolled) to Provider’s Medicaid file effective September 13, 2023, to the provider listed below. NPI 1720263163 The Colony Health Services Inc. 8013481 - SAR 124680 Due 9/15/23 - TERMINATION SAR Melinda Pitts and I serve as State Communications Coordinators within Miranda's team (State Communications/Research and Resolution). One of our primary responsibilities revolves around managing Provider Enrollment's SAR/VIC inventory. Among the various SARs we receive, the most common request involves payment denial code updates to provider enrollment records. These SARs often come with a tight turnaround time, typically requiring a response within 1-2 business days. To accommodate the requests we will create PRRs and notify you via email once created. Timeliness is crucial, as we must ensure that the necessary updates are made by the due date, allowing us to respond promptly to the SARS we receive. Now that I’ve provided background we will begin sending these directly to AMD. ",PSR,positive,99%,please apply pdc provider terminated pdc provider not enrolled providers medicaid file effective september provider listed npi colony health services inc sar due termination sar melinda pitts serve state communications coordinators within mirandas team state communicationsresearch resolution one primary responsibilities revolves around managing provider enrollments sarvic inventory among various sars receive common request involves payment denial code updates provider enrollment records sars often come tight turnaround time typically requiring response within business days accommodate requests create prrs notify via email created timeliness crucial must ensure necessary updates made due date allowing us respond promptly sars receive provided background begin sending directly amd,sar due,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 80,495893,8013483 - SAR Directed Payment Denial Code SAR 124683 - Due 09/15/2023,Closed,SOP; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1093084030 Add PDC 48 and 49 effective 9/13/23 ","8013483 - SAR Directed Payment Denial Code SAR 124683 - Due 09/15/2023 Melinda Pitts and I serve as State Communications Coordinators within Miranda's team (State Communications/Research and Resolution). One of our primary responsibilities revolves around managing Provider Enrollment's SAR/VIC inventory. Among the various SARs we receive, the most common request involves payment denial code updates to provider enrollment records. These SARs often come with a tight turnaround time, typically requiring a response within 1-2 business days. To accommodate the requests we will create PRRs and notify you via email once created. Timeliness is crucial, as we must ensure that the necessary updates are made by the due date, allowing us to respond promptly to the SARS we receive. Now that I’ve provided background we will begin sending these directly to AMD. Please apply PDC 48 (Provider terminated) and PDC 49 (Provider not enrolled) to Provider’s Medicaid file effective September 13, 2023, to the provider listed below. NPI 1093084030 Rose of Sharon Home Health Inc. ",PSR,positive,98%,sar directed payment denial code sar due melinda pitts serve state communications coordinators within mirandas team state communicationsresearch resolution one primary responsibilities revolves around managing provider enrollments sarvic inventory among various sars receive common request involves payment denial code updates provider enrollment records sars often come tight turnaround time typically requiring response within business days accommodate requests create prrs notify via email created timeliness crucial must ensure necessary updates made due date allowing us respond promptly sars receive provided background begin sending directly amd please apply pdc provider terminated pdc provider not enrolled providers medicaid file effective september provider listed npi rose sharon home health inc,sar directed payment denial code sar due,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 81,495895,Reseach: Required Info Missing Req 8010960,New,BusOps,,"Review the application, as there are required fields that are blank. The applications should not have been able to be submitted or progressed through the workflow. Is the data behind the scenes in the database and not showing up in the UI? Please check the history to see if anyone deleted the practice location or if it went to IQA to review in the first place. Normally this is progressed by a person and not through the system. See email attached. NPI: 1235346115 ",Research and Analysis,negative,7%,review application required fields blank applications not able submitted progressed workflow data behind scenes database not showing ui please check history see anyone deleted practice location went iqa review first place normally progressed person not system see email attached npi,reseach required info missing req,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 82,495896,8013703 - Provider unable to submit app due to hidden deficiency,Closed,Sept Monthly Release; Verified in Prod,"LTC Contact Address Validation deficiency displays on the correct page. The deficiency is specific to LTC program with service code -Home and Community Based Services (HCS) /Texas Home Living (TxHmL). LTC Contact Address Validation deficiency is updated to be mapped to the correct page in reference data. ","8013703 - Provider unable to submit app due to hidden deficiency - Please research and remove 1245269497 20320462 The deficiency that is not displaying is: LTC Contact Address Validation??MissingContact Address. Please add a Contact Address record with an address type of""Contact Type"". PEMS SMS Analysis: LTC Contact Address Validation deficiency is mapped to the incorrect page in the reference table. ",MSR,negative,3%,provider unable submit app due hidden deficiency please research remove deficiency not displaying ltc contact address validationmissingcontact address please add contact address record address type ofcontact type pems sms analysis ltc contact address validation deficiency mapped incorrect page reference table,provider unable submit app due hidden deficiency,1,"Pems, submit, unable, request, prr" 83,495898,Update to PEMS to Allow HCS/TxHmL Provider enter Comptroller Vendor Number,New,Enhancement,,"Update to PEMS to Allow HCS/TxHmL Provider enter Comptroller Vendor Number From Monica Dettling AMD Notes/Assumptions * Is the field hidden until user selects HCS/TxHmL Provider Type? Or is it always optional? Or is it optional and required only for HCS/TxHML? * Comptroller Vendor Number is a new field. It won't be added as an Alt Id. * We need the location this field will appear. ",MSR,negative,18%,update pems allow hcstxhml provider enter comptroller vendor number monica dettling amd notesassumptions field hidden user selects hcstxhml provider type always optional optional required hcstxhml comptroller vendor number new field not added alt id need location field appear,update pems allow hcstxhml provider enter comptroller vendor number,23,"Vendor, ids, req, active, overlapping" 84,495899,Update to PEMS Edit Check on CEO Name/Alt CEO Name not same value,New,Enhancement,,"Update to PEMS Edit Check on CEO Name/Alt CEO Name not same value From Monica Dettling ",MSR,neutral,46%,update pems edit check ceo namealt ceo name not value monica dettling,update pems edit check ceo namealt ceo name not value,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 85,495900,Update PEMS Edit Check CEO Phone Number/Alt CEO Phone Number not the same,New,Enhancement,,"Update PEMS Edit Check CEO Phone Number/Alt CEO Phone Number not the same Monica Dettling requestor ",MSR,negative,20%,update pems edit check ceo phone numberalt ceo phone number not monica dettling requestor,update pems edit check ceo phone numberalt ceo phone number not,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 86,495935,FILETRANSFER:FTP Error : File \\tmhp.net\PEMS\PROD\MPFExternal\Input\PEMSMasterProviderFile_Included_20230913.txt is unabled to be processed,Rejected,Duplicate; Internal Escalation,,"Every 15 minute interval, this issue with FileTransfer: FTP keeps showing up. Log from email: 9/13/2023 11:40:15 PM HHSC4AV4POBAP05 FILETRANSFER EmergencyError PORTOPL-PAP.SVC FTP Error : File \\tmhp.net\PEMS\PROD\MPFExternal\Input\PEMSMasterProviderFile_Included_20230913.txtis unabled to be processed The process cannot access the file'\\tmhp.net\PEMS\PROD\MPFExternal\Input\PEMSMasterProviderFile_Included_20230913.txt'because it is being used by another process. StackTrace= atSystem.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path,FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShareshare, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs,String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, BooleancheckHost) atSystem.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access,FileShare share) at System.IO.File.OpenRead(Stringpath) atTMHP.Portal.Batch.FileTransfer.Implementations.FTPHelper.Upload(FileHelper fho,String sourceFile, String appendWith)| Sent secure via TLS. ",Research and Analysis,negative,3%,every minute interval issue filetransfer ftp keeps showing log email pm hhscavpobap filetransfer emergencyerror portoplpap svc ftp error file tmhp netpemsprodmpfexternalinputpemsmasterproviderfileincluded txtis unabled processed process not access filetmhp netpemsprodmpfexternalinputpemsmasterproviderfileincluded txtbecause used another process stacktrace atsystem io error winioerror int errorcode string maybefullpath system io filestream init string pathfilemode mode fileaccess access int rights boolean userights fileshareshare int buffersize fileoptions options securityattributes secattrsstring msgpath boolean bfromproxy boolean uselongpath booleancheckhost atsystem io filestream ctor string path filemode mode fileaccess accessfileshare share system io file openread stringpath attmhp portal batch filetransfer implementations ftphelper upload filehelper fhostring sourcefile string appendwith sent secure via tls,filetransferftp error file tmhp netpemsprodmpfexternalinputpemsmasterproviderfileincluded txt unabled processed,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 87,495967,"PRR 8012570 , 8012528 Letter regeneration needed ASAP",Closed,,,"Issue 1 The provider is enrolled from the revalidation application perspective, however; the conversion to the enrollment record has not taken place. We will need to engage AMD for next steps before the letter can be generated.. The provider was enrolled on 9/6/23 and has not received a welcome letter. They need this to finish the contracting process with the MCOs. This is a matter of urgency to the provider, as every day this is not provided ultimately will impact when they can begin billing for services. This came to us from the TACHC association, and the association escalated to Dana Collins, HHSC, originally. A PINEYWOODS HOME SERVICES INC., NPI 1932132255, PEMS 20267654. Issue 2 A provider is needing their letter regenerated ASAP, as the MCOs are going to cancel their in-process application to join the MCO due to not having the letter. I need to know the conversation issues is resolved and the letter has been regenerated. This is critical, as the provider has already escalated to the Deputy Executive Commissioner related to this application. Note - . There are two tickets for this provider: 8012570 and 8012528. One is for the conversion issue, one is for the regeneration of the enrollment letter. These will need to be worked in a specific order, as the conversion issue will need to be addressed prior to the enrollment letter being regenerated. ",PSR,negative,0%,issue provider enrolled revalidation application perspective however conversion enrollment record not taken place need engage amd next steps letter generated provider enrolled not received welcome letter need finish contracting process mcos matter urgency provider every day not provided ultimately impact begin billing services came us tachc association association escalated dana collins hhsc originally pineywoods home services inc npi pems issue provider needing letter regenerated soon possible mcos going cancel inprocess application join mco due not letter need know conversation issues resolved letter regenerated critical provider already escalated deputy executive commissioner related application note two tickets provider one conversion issue one regeneration enrollment letter need worked specific order conversion issue need addressed prior enrollment letter regenerated,prr letter regeneration needed soon possible,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 88,495989,Internal: Locations Deleted during Location Merge,New,,,The attached query shows number of requests where locations were deleted as part of location merges that will need to be reviewed and fixed.,Research and Analysis,neutral,46%,attached query shows number requests locations deleted part location merges need reviewed fixed,internal locations deleted location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 89,496026,09/14/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP; SOP 12; Target date 9/14/23,SOP has been executed.,"PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 09/14/23. PEMS Status PPM Status Count Pending Response Response Received 7 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Submitted In Progress 71 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PSR,positive,82%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts pems status ppm status count pending response response received contact provider phone pending response submitted progress day notification enrollment response received,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 90,496042,VDP Network IDs Effective Date Saving Incorrectly,Ready,Pending Policy Decision; VDP,,"The Network Effective ID is being set to one day before the approval date but should be set as follows: New Enrollment NetworkEffective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request Existing Enrollment Network Effective Date = Approval Date for Original/New Enrollment Request Reenrollment End Date old Network Ids Network Termination Date = Enrollment Period End Date Add New Network Ids NetworkEffective Date = Approval Date for Re-enrollment Request Revalidation End Date old Network Ids Network Termination Date = One Day prior to theApproval Date for Revalidation Enrollment Request Add New Network Ids Network Effective Date = ApprovalDate for Revalidation Enrollment Request CHOW End Date old Network Ids Network Termination Date = Enrollment Period End Date for Seller Enrollment Add New Network Ids Network Effective Date = Approval Date for Buyer Enrollment ",MSR,positive,96%,network effective id set one day approval date but set follows new enrollment networkeffective date approval date new enrollment request existing enrollment network effective date approval date originalnew enrollment request reenrollment end date old network ids network termination date enrollment period end date add new network ids networkeffective date approval date reenrollment request revalidation end date old network ids network termination date one day prior theapproval date revalidation enrollment request add new network ids network effective date approvaldate revalidation enrollment request chow end date old network ids network termination date enrollment period end date seller enrollment add new network ids network effective date approval date buyer enrollment,vdp network ids effective date saving incorrectly,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 91,496058,Req 8014169 SAR - Provider Escalation Seeking State Direction -Austin Gastro NPI 1316998016,Closed,SOP; SOP 14; Target Date 9/15/23; Verified in Prod,"NPI #1316998016 For location 4310 James Casey Ste 4A. Developer research if request 20200000 is merged from transaction to master. There is a request 20281087 in draft that also shows this location as pending. ","There is not sync back from C21 to PEMS, what should have occurred was PDC updates in PEMS first for it to flow down to C21. Group location 4310 James Casey Ste 4A. There needs to be an update to the program practice to remove PDC 40 for the program practice tied to TPI 1415622-01 in PEMS and for the gap that began on 5/2022 to closed/removed . Per SAR 124501-1 NPI #1316998016 PR has been assisting a provider who has faced numerous challenges over the past year and a half. These issues were escalated to Chris, and we had many a conference call with the provider trying to set their enrollment records correct. Yesterday we met to discuss their final concerns and requests. During the call, we explored how TMHP could potentially address some of their significant challenges from a systematic perspective. Chris and the rest of our team are inclined to oblige them to prevent further escalation to the EC. We are now seeking SAR direction from HHSC to reactivate the original Group enrollment, ensure closure of any enrollment gap, as well as waiving timely filing so that provider may rebill. Provider has been attempting to keep claim activity alive by billing bi-weekly, however due to the Group’s disenrolled status claims are rejecting upon submission by their clearing house. Please see the below listed provider details; • Austin Gastroenterology NPI 1316998016 o 189,000 in outstanding claims Additional details from Randy Maxwell as follows I'm Randi Maxwell, a member of the Provider Relations Leadership Team, responsible for managing HHSC enrollment-related escalations. I currently have a PRR associated with a SAR that requires a response within 24 hours. This item has been pending since before the transition, and as a result, it has experienced a series of misdirection. I'm reaching out to inquire if it's possible to prioritize this issue. I would greatly appreciate any response and guidance you can provide regarding its resolution. PRR 8014169 There is not sync back from C21 to PEMS, what should have occurred was PDC updates in PEMS first for it to flow down to C21. There needs to be an update to the program practice to remove PDC 40 for the program practice tied to TPI 1415622-01 in PEMS and for the gap that began on 5/2022 to closed/removed . ",PSR,negative,0%,not sync back c pems occurred pdc updates pems first flow c group location james casey ste needs update program practice remove pdc program practice tied tpi pems gap began closedremoved per sar npi pr assisting provider faced numerous challenges past year half issues escalated chris many conference call provider trying set enrollment records correct yesterday met discuss final concerns requests call explored tmhp could potentially address significant challenges systematic perspective chris rest team inclined oblige prevent escalation ec seeking sar direction hhsc reactivate original group enrollment ensure closure enrollment gap well waiving timely filing provider may rebill provider attempting keep claim activity alive billing biweekly however due groups disenrolled status claims rejecting upon submission clearing house please see listed provider details austin gastroenterology npi outstanding claims additional details randy maxwell follows randi maxwell member provider relations leadership team responsible managing hhsc enrollmentrelated escalations currently prr associated sar requires response within hours item pending since transition result experienced series misdirection reaching inquire possible prioritize issue would greatly appreciate response guidance provide regarding resolution prr not sync back c pems occurred pdc updates pems first flow c needs update program practice remove pdc program practice tied tpi pems gap began closedremoved,req sar provider escalation seeking state direction austin gastro npi,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 92,496154,PRR 7984666 - Wrong License populating,Closed,Not Ready to Deploy; Reject,"RN license #676355 is populating on Physician's letter of Agreement when the CNM license # should be listed. Provider is unable to list CNM license 13186 on agreement. Developer to research how the license is populated on the letter? See letter in attachments. ","PEMS – 20285314 PPM – 7978480 Application type- Revalidation NPI: 1043545437 RN license # is populating on Physician's letter of Agreement when the CNM license # should be listed. provider is unable to list CNM license 13186 on agreement Issue- RN license # is populating on Physician's letter of Agreement when the CNM license # should be listed. Provider is unable to list CNM license 13186 on agreement. The ""CNM or LM License Number"" on the Physicians Letter of Agreement is being mapped to the wrong Lic/Cert ",PSR,negative,0%,pems ppm application type revalidation npi right license populating physicians letter agreement cnm license listed provider unable list cnm license agreement issue right license populating physicians letter agreement cnm license listed provider unable list cnm license agreement cnm lm license number physicians letter agreement mapped wrong liccert,prr wrong license populating,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 93,496163,BusOps: 8014631 - Screen Risk SOP required to correct PEMS issues,Closed,BusOps; Parent Ticket - Bulk Request,Screen Risks are updated in linked Related tickets.,"8014631 - SOP required to correct PEMS issues SOP data fix required to fix issues. Accenture will upload a daily report as issues are identified. SOP – A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a request for system maintenance or modification that is initiated by Accenture Operations to complete the following tasks: OIG Required, Special Handling Required, Internal Provider Type, PEMS Provider Type, Screen Risk Category Updates, and Practice location merges. SOP – A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a request for system maintenance or modification that is initiated by Accenture Operations to complete the following tasks: • OIG review required. • Special Handling required. • Internal Provider Type. • PEMS Provider Type. • Screen Risk Category Updates. • Practice Location Merge. ",PSR,positive,98%,sop required correct pems issues sop data fix required fix issues accenture upload daily report issues identified sop standard operating procedure sop request system maintenance modification initiated accenture operations complete following tasks oig required special handling required internal provider type pems provider type screen risk category updates practice location merges sop standard operating procedure sop request system maintenance modification initiated accenture operations complete following tasks oig review required special handling required internal provider type pems provider type screen risk category updates practice location merge,busops screen risk sop required correct pems issues,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 94,496164,8014635 Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report),Closed,SOP; SOP 12; Target Date 9/15/23; Verified in Prod,"PEMS Status PPM Status Count Pending Response Response Received 11 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Submitted In Progress 22 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ","8014635 Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) Mismatch report- Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. The spread sheet includes a description of the mismatch, PEMS ID and PPM ID, once completed, please update column H with the appropriate response. Accenture will upload the report to the PRR daily as discrepancies are identified. Please let us know if you have any questions, included is the link to the SOP’s (Workflow sync issues). ",PSR,positive,97%,data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report mismatch report data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues spread sheet includes description mismatch pems id ppm id completed please update column h appropriate response accenture upload report prr daily discrepancies identified please let us know questions included link sops workflow sync issues,data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 95,496206,Workflow Sync 05 SOP Root Cause Analysis,Closed,Ops Escalation; Parent Ticket - Bulk Request,Bulk Request - closing when all related items (not root cause) are completed/closed.,Find the root cause of needing workflow sync script SOP 05.,Research and Analysis,neutral,52%,find root needing workflow sync script sop,workflow sync sop root analysis,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 96,496304,SAR 124717-1 Termination/PDC Update Due 9/18/23,Closed,SOP; SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"1033514542 Add to all locations/programs PDC 48 [Provider terminated due to action by OIG] and PDC 49 [Provider is not enrolled] with effective date 9/14/23. Please apply PDC 48 [Provider terminated due to action by OIG] and PDC 49 [Provider is not enrolled] to Provider’s Medicaid file effective September 14, 2023, to the provider listed below. NPI No. 1033514542 ","Note by Angela Kilcollins PE has created the following PRR for a termination SAR due on Monday. • PRR 8014877 • SAR 124717 • Due 9/18/22 Please apply PDC 48 [Provider terminated due to action by OIG] and PDC 49 [Provider is not enrolled] to Provider’s Medicaid file effective September 14, 2023, to the provider listed below. NPI No. 1033514542 Alfonso Luevano MD, PA ",PSR,negative,6%,note angela kilcollins pe created following prr termination sar due monday prr sar due please apply pdc provider terminated due action oig pdc provider not enrolled providers medicaid file effective september provider listed npi no alfonso luevano md pa,sar terminationpdc update due,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 97,496352,Locations Deleted during Location Merge - Root Cause Analysis,New,,Root cause for the location deletion as part of merges has a fix designed.,"The attached query shows number of requests where locations were deleted as part of location merges that will need to be reviewed and fixed. select * from TxnEnrollPractice TEP where TEP.MasterReassignBenefitEnrollPracticeId not in (select Id from MstrEnrollPractice) and TEP.RefPracticeTypeId = 5 ",Research and Analysis,negative,4%,attached query shows number requests locations deleted part location merges need reviewed fixed select txnenrollpractice tep tep masterreassignbenefitenrollpracticeid not select id mstrenrollpractice tep refpracticetypeid,locations deleted location merge root analysis,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 98,496404,CDEE1069 - State code not found.,In Development,C21 Integration; Research,"Preventative fix or workaround is identified. Workaround can include providing a list of records for BusOps to follow up on. Addresses for records seem to be slightly off when checking for address validation. This causes a state code not found error. Addresses for records seem to be slightly off when checking for address validation. This causes a state code not found error. Addresses for records seem to be slightly off when checking for address validation. This causes a state code not found error. ","Error Code : 1069 Error Desc : SB 30 - CDEE1069 - State code not found. Query to find failed tasks: SELECT * FROM dbo.PrsC21IntegrationTask WHERE (RefC21IntegrationTaskStatusId NOT IN (2, 7)) and errormessage like '%CDEE1069%' order by CreateDateTime desc 174 failed tasks as of 9/16 Possibly caused by initial PEMS data conversion load missing state codes/addresses. In which case other similar records can be identified and sent to Ops to help resolve. $/MASTER/PRES/Provider/ServiceFabric/Services/TPIManagementApi Past C21 Integration analysis for reference: PEMS - C21 Integration NPI specific Analysis - TMHPWiki PEMS - C21 Integration - TMHPWiki ",Research and Analysis,negative,1%,error code error desc sb cdee state code not found query find failed tasks select dbo prscintegrationtask refcintegrationtaskstatusid not errormessage like cdee order createdatetime desc failed tasks possibly caused initial pems data conversion load missing state codesaddresses case similar records identified sent ops help resolve masterpresproviderservicefabricservicestpimanagementapi past c integration analysis reference pems c integration npi specific analysis tmhpwiki pems c integration tmhpwiki,cdee state code not found,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 99,496453,FCBC Unsubscribe Report Generating Outside of SOP,In Development,SOP 52,"SOP 52 executed. Create ticket for the next month's run if automation is not yet in place. ","Execute SOP 52 by 10/15/23. Notes 10/17: There is already a FCBC Ubsub report generated and delivered to the FTP. Need to identify who/what job is delivering and if it is correct. 10/18: Changing this PSR to Analysis due to research needed on why there is a file already created. ",Research and Analysis,negative,25%,execute sop notes already fcbc ubsub report generated delivered ftp need identify whowhat job delivering correct changing psr analysis due research needed file already created,fcbc unsubscribe report generating outside sop,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 100,496454,09/18/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP; SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 5 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 15 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 09/18/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 101,496458,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Ops Escalation; SOP; SOP 13; Target 9/19/23; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: IPH HOME CARE SERVICES INC. PEMS Req: 20281593 NPI: 1023111069 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,51%,update risk category update high provider iph home care services inc pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 102,496460,Update Screen Risk Category,Closed,SOP 13; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to Limited. Provider: SLP HAMLIN LLC NPI: 1811949456 PEMS Req: 20248586 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to Limited due to addition of a new program ",PSR,neutral,51%,update risk category update limited provider slp hamlin llc npi pems req comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate limited due addition new program,update screen risk category,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 103,496462,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Ops Escalation; SOP; SOP 13; Target 9/19/23; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: Walgreen CO PEMS Req: 20319089 NPI: 1245446665 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 104,496463,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Ops Escalation; SOP; SOP 13; Target 9/19/23; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: Walgreen CO PEMS Req: 20319043 NPI: 1588679484 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 105,496464,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Ops Escalation; SOP; SOP 13; Target 9/19/23; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: IPH HOME CARE SERVICES INC. PEMS Req: 20319340 NPI: 1457552796 Comment to add to Request management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program ",PSR,neutral,51%,update risk category update high provider iph home care services inc pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 106,496466,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Ops Escalation; SOP; SOP 13; Target 9/19/23; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20318642 NPI: 1285649293 Comment to add to request management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 107,496468,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Ops Escalation; SOP; SOP 13; Target 9/19/23; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20319011 NPI: 1699979575 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 108,496470,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Ops Escalation; SOP; SOP 13; Target 9/19/23; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to Moderate. Provider: AADVANTAGE HEALTH HOSPICE CARE SYSTEMS INC. PEMS Req: 20302548 NPI: 1477768521 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Limited to Moderate due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,58%,update risk category update moderate provider aadvantage health hospice care systems inc pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted limited moderate due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 109,496471,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Duplicate; OIG; Pending Rejection,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20316259 NPI: 1427296631 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 110,496472,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,OIG; SOP 13; Target 9/19; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: HEARTLAND POST ACUTE LLC PEMS Req: 20316986 NPI: 1881184729 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Limited to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,60%,update risk category update high provider heartland post acute llc pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted limited high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 111,496473,Screen Risk Category Update,Removed,Duplicate; OIG; SOP 13,This is a duplicate,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20320110 NPI: 1528073525 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 112,496476,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Ops Escalation; SOP; SOP 13; Target 9/19/23; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20314716 NPI: 1396752390 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 113,496477,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Ops Escalation; SOP; SOP 13; Target 9/19/23; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20320321 NPI: 1043225949 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 114,496482,PRR 8015854 - SAR 124773-1 Termination/PDC Update Due 9/20/23,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"SAR - 124773 must be completed by 09/21 1285703249 Add PDC 48 and 49 to all locations/programs with effective date September 18, 2023 ","PE has created the following PRR for a termination SAR. • PRR - 8015854 • SAR - 124773 • Requested Due Date – 9/20/2023 (SAR reply due date 9/21) Please apply PDC 48 [Provider terminated due to action by OIG] and PDC 49 [Provider is not enrolled] to Provider’s Medicaid file effective September 18, 2023 to the provider listed below. The status codes need to be applied to ALL practice locations and programs under this NPI. NPI No. 1285703249 Jonathan Ohenhen ",PSR,negative,7%,pe created following prr termination sar prr sar requested due date sar reply due date please apply pdc provider terminated due action oig pdc provider not enrolled providers medicaid file effective september provider listed status codes need applied practice locations programs npi npi no jonathan ohenhen,prr sar terminationpdc update due,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 115,496485,LTC TINS Data Fix-SOP Update,Ready,LTC,,"For LTC TINS Data Fix--use the approval date (PEMs request was closed-enrolled) for TINS Alt ID effective date. NPI1235835554 ",BSR,negative,20%,ltc tins data fixuse approval date pems request closedenrolled tins alt id effective date npi,ltc tins data fixsop update,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 116,496493,Previous issue # 493528--1295782340--Vendor ID 148460 - Overlapping vendor IDs for CHOW Req# 8006847 ABELDTS,Closed,Need Review; VDP,"ALT IDs/Network IDs added during Buyer CHOW enrollment * Update NCPDPEffective Date = Approval Date for Buyer enrollment Request 4/27/2023 * Network 1-5 Effective Date = Approval Date for Buyer enrollment Request 4/27/2023 * Add Network (Delivery - 6, Retail - 7) = Approval Date for Buyer enrollment Request 4/27/2023 ","NPI 1295782340 went through a CHOW and the VDP ID (and possibly others) have overlapping dates. Data fix is needed immediately to resolve this issue, and a PBI to apply long term code fix. ABELDT'S GASLIGHT PHARMACY, INC. Previous issue # 493528---1295782340--Vendor ID 148460 has 02 segment with and end date that goes into the next vendor ID enrollment date and Network End dates. Vendor ID 150583 has begin dates that begin before 148460 ends. Issue not fixed. ",PSR,negative,1%,npi went chow vdp id possibly others overlapping dates data fix needed immediately resolve issue pbi apply long term code fix abeldts gaslight pharmacy inc previous issue vendor id segment end date goes next vendor id enrollment date network end dates vendor id begin dates begin ends issue not fixed,previous issue vendor id overlapping vendor ids chow req abeldts,23,"Vendor, ids, req, active, overlapping" 117,496524,Welcome letter was not generated,Closed,SOP; SOP 36; Verified in Prod,,"Provider is indicating they have not received the welcome letter and it does not appear in OnBase as well. The old TFS# number is 493957 and the issue that is still outstanding, The NPI is NPI is 1619460805.",PSR,negative,4%,provider indicating not received welcome letter not appear onbase well old tfs number issue still outstanding npi npi,welcome letter not generated,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 118,496568,Deficiency Not Displaying,Closed,SOP 02; Verified in Prod,,"There is a hidden deficiency that cannot be removed from the application. The deficiency was for an OOS location, but that location was removed so the deficiency is no longer accessible to edit/remove. Please have this def removed. PEMS Req: 20303056 Provider Name: KENDALL MICHELLE ROCKLER NPI: 1619276474 ",PSR,negative,1%,hidden deficiency not removed application deficiency oos location but location removed deficiency no longer accessible editremove please def removed pems req provider name kendall michelle rockler npi,deficiency not displaying,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 119,496570,Routed to Special Handling in Error,Closed,SOP; Verified in Prod,,"Ticket keeps getting sent to Special Handling even though Special Handling value is set to No and the ticket does not meet Special Handling requirements. Special Handling should be set to No PEMS Req: 20094411 Provider Name: COOK CHILDREN'S PHYSICIAN NETWORK NPI: 1750369203 ",PSR,negative,22%,ticket keeps getting sent special handling even though special handling value set no ticket not meet special handling requirements special handling set no pems req provider name cook childrens physician network npi,routed special handling error,24,"Special, handling, no, status, not" 120,496572,Routing to Internal QA Review ,Removed,Pending Rejection,,"System is routing to Internal QA Review in error. OIG not required. Do not remove subject line. PEMS Req: 20298215 Provider Name:EPIC HEALTH SERVICES, INC NPI: 1336819044 ",PSR,negative,6%,system routing internal qa review error oig not required not remove subject line pems req provider nameepic health services inc npi,routing internal qa review,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 121,496573,Routed to Internal QA Review,Removed,Pending Rejection,,"System is routing to Internal QA Review in error. OIG not required. Do not remove subject line. PEMS Req: 20298223 Provider Name:EPIC HEALTH SERVICES, INC NPI: 1023769486 ",PSR,negative,6%,system routing internal qa review error oig not required not remove subject line pems req provider nameepic health services inc npi,routed internal qa review,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 122,496574,Routed to Internal QA Review,Removed,Pending Rejection,,"System is routing to Internal QA Review in error. OIG not required. Do not remove subject line. PEMS Req: 20297808 Provider Name: CAMERON PEDIATRICS NPI: 1336821206 ",PSR,negative,6%,system routing internal qa review error oig not required not remove subject line pems req provider name cameron pediatrics npi,routed internal qa review,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 123,496576,VDP: Fate Pharmacy - Need Data Fix 04 Segments Missing,Closed,VDP; Verified in Prod,"The existing network rows were updated with the new effective date originally in error. The existing network rows should have been end dated and new rows should have been added for the new effective date. The existing rows with 2018-06-02|2023-06-01 need to be added back in with the end date. ","Need Data Fix and TFS for: Fate Pharmacy NPI: 1619479557 PRR: 8016321 TFS: Details: Vendor ID 149757 missing 04 segments. This appears to be a cleanup to end providers who were past due on their revalidation due to a batch that would do this daily not running. The VDP end dates that Conduent is questioning may be due to this fix from the 8/24 release. Per Conduent: Vendor ID 149757 is missing the 04 segments (I added the ????) 01|1619479557|149757||FATE PHARMACY|TXPHARMACISTS LLC|0001-01-01|5||242|03|12|02|01|||N|3336C0003X|||N||109001700209001700309001700409001700509001700||0001-01-01|2018-03-21|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1619479557|149757|1619479557|01|TX MCP|2018-06-02|2023-06-01||||||| 02|1619479557|149757|149757|15|TX VDP|2018-06-02|2023-06-01||||||| 02|1619479557|149757|18233380015000|16|TX VDP|2018-06-02|2023-06-01||||||| 02|1619479557|149757|823338001|11|IRS|2018-06-02|2028-09-04||||||| 02|1619479557|149757|31892|08|TX LIC|2018-06-02|2028-09-04|2018-03-06|2024-03-31|Active|||| 03|1619479557|149757|2018-06-02|2023-06-01|1|PH|3600 Conflans Rd|STE 210|Irving|TX|75061|6324||USA|4693404030||4697063371|||||| 03|1619479557|149757|2018-06-02|2023-06-01|1|MA|3600 Conflans Rd|STE 210|Irving|TX|75061|6324||USA|4693404030||4697063371|||||| 03|1619479557|149757|2018-06-02|2023-06-01|1|BA|3600 Conflans Rd|STE 210|Irving|TX|75061|6324||USA|4693404030||4697063371|||||| ???????? 06|1619479557|149757||Q|2018-06-02|9999-12-31|CHINTAPALLI|HARI|3600 Conflans Rd STE 210||Irving|TX|75061|6324||USA|3057812454|||4697063371|fatepharmacy@gmail.com||||| They “sort of” used to be there, with the wrong begin/end dates. Aug 11 file: 03|1619479557|149757|2018-06-02|2023-06-01|1|BA|3600 Conflans Rd|STE 210|Irving|TX|75061|6324||USA|4693404030||4697063371|||||| 06|1619479557|149757||Q|2018-06-02|9999-12-31|CHINTAPALLI|HARI|3600 Conflans Rd STE 04|1619479557|149757|V|2023-09-05|2028-09-04||||| 04|1619479557|149757|P|2023-09-05|2028-09-04||||| 04|1619479557|149757|K|2023-09-05|2028-09-04||||| 04|1619479557|149757|C|2023-09-05|2028-09-04||||| 04|1619479557|149757|W|2023-09-05|2028-09-04||||| 04|1619479557|149757|RT|2023-09-05|2028-09-04||||| Aug 09 file: 04|1619479557|149757|V|2018-06-02|2023-06-01||||| 04|1619479557|149757|P|2018-06-02|2023-06-01||||| 04|1619479557|149757|K|2018-06-02|2023-06-01||||| 04|1619479557|149757|C|2018-06-02|2023-06-01||||| 04|1619479557|149757|W|2018-06-02|2023-06-01||||| 04|1619479557|149757|RT|2018-06-02|2023-06-01||||| Per Deloitte: Product Backlog Item 489055: Batch Job Revalidation PDC 66 - Terminating Enrollment Period for Disenrollments - Microsoft Team Foundation Server (tmhp.net) This appears to be a cleanup to end providers who were past due on their revalidation due to a batch that would do this daily not running. The VDP end dates that Conduent is questioning may be due to this fix from the 8/24 release. We are reviewing to see if these pharmacies were a part of this cleanup. If so, then we will need an understanding and direction of the expectation to fix these if these pharmacies are not to be end dated with the dates that Brad is stating are incorrect. I attached an email that is also linked in TFS to this PBI with further detail in case not everyone has TFS access. ",PSR,negative,0%,need data fix tfs fate pharmacy npi prr tfs details vendor id missing segments appears cleanup end providers past due revalidation due batch would daily not running vdp end dates conduent questioning may due fix release per conduent vendor id missing segments added fate pharmacytxpharmacists llcncxnrt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph conflans rdste irvingtxusa conflans rdste irvingtxusa ba conflans rdste irvingtxusa qchintapallihari conflans rd ste irvingtxusafatepharmacygmail com sort used wrong beginend dates aug file ba conflans rdste irvingtxusa qchintapallihari conflans rd ste v p k c w rt aug file v p k c w rt per deloitte product backlog item batch job revalidation pdc terminating enrollment period disenrollments microsoft team foundation server tmhp net appears cleanup end providers past due revalidation due batch would daily not running vdp end dates conduent questioning may due fix release reviewing see pharmacies part cleanup need understanding direction expectation fix pharmacies not end dated dates brad stating incorrect attached email also linked tfs pbi detail case not everyone tfs access,vdp fate pharmacy need data fix segments missing,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 124,496578,Stuck Application - PEMS 20261258,Removed,OIG; Pending Rejection,Workflow sync SOP executed for PEMS 20261258.,"PEMS request is an escalation received by OIG Chief Counsel. It was processed on September 14th but is currently stuck pending PPM sync. Requestors email: The above referenced PEMS request is an escalation received by OIG Chief Counsel. It was processed on September 14th but is currently stuck pending PPM sync. Can I get a status on when the sync is going to occur? It’s my understanding that the PEMS update workflow sync SOP was to be run nightly, do I have an incorrect understanding or did something go wrong with this sync? Angela, Once the sync occurs, will you please expedite the processing of this IDR? ",PSR,negative,1%,pems request escalation received oig chief counsel processed september th but currently stuck pending ppm sync requestors email referenced pems request escalation received oig chief counsel processed september th but currently stuck pending ppm sync get status sync going occur understanding pems update workflow sync sop run nightly incorrect understanding something go wrong sync angela sync occurs please expedite processing idr,stuck application pems,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 125,496590,8010271 214 CORNER DRUG NPI 1336641133 – Correct End Dates,Closed,,"8010271 214 CORNER DRUG NPI 1336641133 – Correct End Dates - must be fixed The existing network rows were updated with the new effective date originally in error. The existing network rows should have been end dated and new rows should have been added for the new effective date. The existing rows with 6/29/2018 6/28/2023 need to be added back in with the end date. ","8010271 214 CORNER DRUG NPI 1336641133 – Correct End Dates Conduent identified Two different vendor IDs, same dates. 150683 & 149806 PEMS Maintenance – Provider Information – Change Email Request # 20278050 has ViD of 149806 – Closed-Approved PEMS Reenrollment # 20277766 has ViD of 150683 – Closed-Enrolled VDP confirmed to end date the old ViD 149806 one day prior to re-enrollment date of 08/03/2023. Conduent also Identified end dates are not correct. Deloitte correcting under new TFS 496590 ",PSR,negative,2%,corner drug npi correct end dates conduent identified two different vendor ids dates pems maintenance provider information change email request vid closedapproved pems reenrollment vid closedenrolled vdp confirmed end date old vid one day prior reenrollment date conduent also identified end dates not correct deloitte correcting new tfs,corner drug npi correct end dates,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 126,496591,Revalidation Screen Risk Category Logic - Duplicate ticket please ignore,Rejected,Duplicate,,"Revalidation Screen Risk Category Logic for an addition of a new Program. This PRR was created based on the discussion we had in the PEMS Escalation Process Discussion meeting held on 9/12/2023. As a reminder, PEMS allows for providers to add new program/practice location which should result in the screen risk to be elevated based on a new enrollment. ",PSR,positive,94%,revalidation screen risk category logic addition new program prr created based discussion pems escalation process discussion meeting held reminder pems allows providers add new programpractice location result screen risk elevated based new enrollment,revalidation screen risk category logic duplicate ticket please ignore,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 127,496597,PRR 8015899 - Revalidation Screen Risk Category Logic for an addition of a new Program.,New,Enhancement; Needs Refinement,Revalidation Screen Risk Category Logic for an addition of a new Program - must be completed.,"Revalidation Screen Risk Category Logic for an addition of a new Program. This PRR was created based on the discussion we had in the PEMS Escalation Process Discussion meeting held on 9/12/2023. As a reminder, PEMS allows for providers to add new program/practice location which should result in the screen risk to be elevated based on a new enrollment. Currently, PEMS allows providers to add a new program on a revalidation application. When a new program/practice location is added, the application is now considered a new enrollment and the screen risk category logic should be assigned accordingly. As an example, when a new DME is enrolled their screen risk category is set to High. Post enrollment the screen risk category drops to Moderate and SRC displays as such in the approved NPI record. During revalidation, if this DME provider adds a new home health agency provider type and practice location the system should bump the provider back too High to ensure proper screening. ",MSR,positive,100%,revalidation screen risk category logic addition new program prr created based discussion pems escalation process discussion meeting held reminder pems allows providers add new programpractice location result screen risk elevated based new enrollment currently pems allows providers add new program revalidation application new programpractice location added application considered new enrollment screen risk category logic assigned accordingly example new dme enrolled screen risk category set high post enrollment screen risk category drops moderate src displays approved npi record revalidation dme provider adds new home health agency provider type practice location system bump provider back high ensure proper screening,prr revalidation screen risk category logic addition new program,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 128,496599,Special Handling Indicator set to No ,Closed,SOP; Verified in Prod,,"Since the application no longer has a OOS location, please have the SH indicator changed to NO. PEMS Req: 20303056 Provider Name: KENDALL MICHELLE ROCKLER NPI: 1619276474 ",PSR,negative,6%,since application no longer oos location please sh indicator changed no pems req provider name kendall michelle rockler npi,special handling indicator set no,24,"Special, handling, no, status, not" 129,496605,Workflow Sync - PEMS Awaiting PPM Sync For OIG & PPM Pending OIG Review - Root Cause Analysis,Ready,HHS Escalation,A design or approach is defined to prevent the workflow sync mismatch.,"PEMS Awaiting PPM Sync For OIG & PPM Pending OIG Review There is an occasional failure (reason unknown) on the callback from OIG when this step completes. The callback needs to be manually invoked as part of SOP 12. ",Research and Analysis,neutral,49%,pems awaiting ppm sync oig ppm pending oig review occasional failure reason unknown callback oig step completes callback needs manually invoked part sop,workflow sync pems awaiting ppm sync oig ppm pending oig review root analysis,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 130,496630,Texas Oncology Pharmacy NPI 1437665551 UNSCRAMBLE,Closed,VDP; Verified in Prod,"Request 20301687 Reenrollment 1437665551 New Alt IDs TIN: 17528512928020 effective date 9/12/2023 Vendor ID: 471390 effective date 9/12/2023 NPI 1437665551 effective date 9/12/2023 NCPDP 5923138 effective date 9/12/2023 Add Network 1-5 effective date 9/12/2023 Old Alt IDs Vendor ID 149848 termination date 8/6/2023 1437665551 termination date 8/6/2023 NCPDP 5923138 termination date 8/6/2023 End date Network 1-5 termination date 8/6/2023 End date Delivery 6 termination date 8/6/2023 End date Retail 7 termination date 8/6/2023 ","Texas Oncology Pharmacy NPI 1437665551 UNSCRAMBLE This pharmacy is messed up. Vendor ID 149848 is broken up into two sections for some reason with different dates Vendor ID 471390 (has a space before the Vendor ID) Vendor ID 471390 has the same enrollment dates as 149848 – this is causing a trading partner process to bomb ",PSR,negative,7%,texas oncology pharmacy npi unscramble pharmacy messed vendor id broken two sections reason different dates vendor id space vendor id vendor id enrollment dates causing trading partner process bomb,texas oncology pharmacy npi unscramble,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 131,496639,09/19/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP; SOP 12; Target Date 9/19/23; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 4 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 16 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 09/19/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 132,496658,VDP: 1003030636 - HEB - Overlapping Network Segments,Closed,VDP; Verified in Prod,"1003030636 - HEB - Overlapping Network Segments- must be fixed Old ALT IDs VendorID 468852 Termination Date = 3/4/2025 TINS 17430106579035 Termination Date = 3/4/2025 NCPDP 4544171 Termination Date = 3/4/2025 NPI 1003030636 Termination Date = 3/4/2025 Network 1-5 Termination Date = 3/4/2025 Network 7 Termination Date = 3/4/2025 New ALT IDs Vendor ID 468852 Effective Date = 3/5/2025 TINS 17430106579035 Effective Date = 3/5/2025 NCPDP 4544171 Effective Date = 3/5/2025 NPI 1003030636 Effective Date = 3/5/2025 Network 1-5 Effective Date = 3/5/2025 ","I had previously reported this pharmacy back in early August and it is still not fixed Vendor ID 468852 – different begin dates for the ALT IDs – same END dates Vendor ID 468852 – different begin dates for the NETWORK IDs – same END dates ",PSR,negative,2%,previously reported pharmacy back early august still not fixed vendor id different begin dates alt ids end dates vendor id different begin dates network ids end dates,vdp heb overlapping network segments,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 133,496659,1003397019 - VOSS RD PHARMACY - Network Segments incorrect,Closed,VDP; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1003397019 End Date OLD Alt IDs for Revalidations · VendorID 149903 Expiration Date = One Day prior to the Approval Date for RevalidationEnrollment Request 10/23/2023 · TINS 18305681290000 Expiration Date = One Day prior to the Approval Date for RevalidationEnrollment Request 10/23/2023 · NCPDP 5925548 Expiration Date = One Day prior to the Approval Date for RevalidationEnrollment Request 10/23/2023 NPI 1003397019 Expiration Date = One Day prior to the Approval Date for Revalidation Enrollment Request 10/23/2023 Add Networks 1-5 & 7 with Effective Date = Original Enrollment Period Begin Date10/24/2018 Add Networks 1-5 & 7 with Expiration Date = One Day prior to the Approval Date for Revalidation Enrollment Request 10/23/2023 ALT IDs – Alt IDs should be the same but with different datesfor the new enrollment period. · Add VendorID 149903 Effective Date = Approval Date from RevalidationEnrollment Request 10/24/2023 · Add TINS 18305681290000 Effective Date = Approval Date from RevalidationEnrollment Request 10/24/2023 · Add NCPDP 5925548 Effective Date = Approval Date for Revalidation Enrollment Request 10/24/2023 Add NPI 1003397019 Effective Date = Approval Date for Revalidation Enrollment Request 10/24/2023 Add Networks 1-5 & 7 with Effective Date = Approval Date for Revalidation Enrollment Request 10/24/2023 ","Network segments have a different begin date and SAME End date for the same Vendor ID/NPI 01|1003397019|149903||VOSS RD PHARMACY|IRUKA & CO, INC|0001-01-01|||165|06|14|01|01|||N|3336C0003X|||N||109001800209001800309001800409001800509001800610001500||0001-01-01|2018-09-13|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1003397019|149903|1003397019|01|TX MCP|2018-10-24|2028-10-23||||||| 02|1003397019|149903|149903|15|TX VDP|2018-10-24|2023-10-23||||||| 02|1003397019|149903|18305681290000|16|TX VDP|2018-10-24|2028-10-23||||||| 02|1003397019|149903|830568129|11|IRS|2018-10-24|2028-10-23||||||| 02|1003397019|149903|32223|08|TX LIC|2018-10-24|2028-10-23|2018-08-22|2024-08-31|Active|||| 03|1003397019|149903|2018-10-24|2023-10-23|1|PH|2101 S Voss Rd|Suite 1500|Houston|TX|77057|3803||USA|8324918088||8324910410|||||| 03|1003397019|149903|2018-10-24|2023-10-23|1|MA|2101 S Voss Rd|Suite 1500|Houston|TX|77057|3803||USA|8324918088||8324910410|||||| 03|1003397019|149903|2018-10-24|2023-10-23|1|BA|14518 Legend Falls Ct||Houston|TX|77083|5778||USA|8324918088|||||||| 04|1003397019|149903|V|2023-08-13|2028-10-23||||| 04|1003397019|149903|P|2023-08-13|2028-10-23||||| 04|1003397019|149903|K|2023-08-13|2028-10-23||||| 04|1003397019|149903|C|2023-08-13|2028-10-23||||| 04|1003397019|149903|W|2023-08-13|2028-10-23||||| 04|1003397019|149903|RT|2023-08-13|2028-10-23||||| 06|1003397019|149903||Q|2018-10-24|9999-12-31|WOKOCHA|NKIRUKA|2101 S Voss Rd STE 1500||Houston|TX|77057|3803||USA|8324918088||||vossrdpharmacy@gmail.com||||| 01|1003397019|149903||VOSS RD PHARMACY|IRUKA & CO, INC|2023-08-14|||165|06|14|01|01|||N|3336C0003X|||N||109001800209001800309001800409001800509001800610001500||2023-10-24|2018-09-13|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1003397019|149903|1003397019|01|TX MCP|2023-10-24|2028-10-23||||||| 02|1003397019|149903|149903|15|TX VDP|2023-10-24|2028-10-23||||||| 02|1003397019|149903|18305681290000|16|TX VDP|2023-10-24|2028-10-23||||||| 02|1003397019|149903|830568129|11|IRS|2023-10-24|2028-10-23||||||| 02|1003397019|149903|32223|08|TX LIC|2018-10-24|2028-10-23|2018-08-22|2024-08-31|Active|||| 03|1003397019|149903|2023-10-24|2028-10-23|1|PH|2101 S Voss Rd|Suite 1500|Houston|TX|77057|3803||USA|8324918088||8324910410||vossrdpharmacy@gmail.com|||| 03|1003397019|149903|2023-10-24|2028-10-23|1|MA|2101 S Voss Rd|Suite 1500|Houston|TX|77057|3803||USA|8324918088||8324910410|||||| 03|1003397019|149903|2023-10-24|2028-10-23|1|BA|14518 Legend Falls Ct||Houston|TX|77083|5778||USA|8324918088|||||||| 04|1003397019|149903|V|2023-10-24|2028-10-23||||| 04|1003397019|149903|P|2023-10-24|2028-10-23||||| 04|1003397019|149903|K|2023-10-24|2028-10-23||||| 04|1003397019|149903|C|2023-10-24|2028-10-23||||| 04|1003397019|149903|W|2023-10-24|2028-10-23||||| 04|1003397019|149903|RT|2023-10-24|2028-10-23||||| 06|1003397019|149903||Q|2018-10-24|9999-12-31|WOKOCHA|NKIRUKA|2101 S Voss Rd STE 1500||Houston|TX|77057|3803||USA|8324918088||||vossrdpharmacy@gmail.com||||| ",PSR,positive,93%,network segments different begin date end date vendor idnpi voss rd pharmacyiruka co incncxnrt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph voss rdsuite houstontxusa voss rdsuite houstontxusa ba legend falls cthoustontxusa v p k c w rt qwokochankiruka voss rd ste houstontxusavossrdpharmacygmail com voss rd pharmacyiruka co incncxnrt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph voss rdsuite houstontxusavossrdpharmacygmail com voss rdsuite houstontxusa ba legend falls cthoustontxusa v p k c w rt qwokochankiruka voss rd ste houstontxusavossrdpharmacygmail com,voss rd pharmacy network segments incorrect,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 134,496660,OIG: PRR 7939439 Research needed on revalidation dates ,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Research incorrect revalidation dates - must be fixed OIG identified 2 applications that contained invalid enrollment period segments. The PRR 7939439 provides the additional details for the to requests for request 20033895 we are removing enrollment segment 05/02/2024- 05/01/2024. for request 20007293 we are removing 04/26/2022 - 04/25/2027 and updating begin date to 04/26/2022 on 04/26/2027 -6/1/2024. ","Research incorrect revalidation dates OIG identified 2 applications that contained invalid enrollment period segments. The PRR 7939439 provides the additional details for the to requests. PEMS Req: 20007293 and 20033895 Two revalidation requests contain invalid enrollment period segments and require correction. 20007293 - invalid enrollment period needs to be removed, begin date cannot be before end date. begin date 4/26/2027 end date 6/1/2024 20033895 - invalid enrollment period needs to be removed, begin date cannot be before end date. begin date 5/2/2024 end date 5/1/2024. These are tied to the OIG issue tracker with the OIG small group team. OIG is requesting confirmation that PEMS is working as designed and no defect exists for revalidation TLEs. ",PSR,negative,8%,research incorrect revalidation dates oig identified applications contained invalid enrollment period segments prr provides additional details requests pems req two revalidation requests contain invalid enrollment period segments require correction invalid enrollment period needs removed begin date not end date begin date end date invalid enrollment period needs removed begin date not end date begin date end date tied oig issue tracker oig small group team oig requesting confirmation pems working designed no defect exists revalidation tles,oig prr research needed revalidation dates,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 135,496661,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,SOP; SOP 13; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20321565 NPI: 1710992896 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 136,496662,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Ops Escalation; SOP; SOP 13; Target 9/19/23; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20321970 NPI: 1477568533 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 137,496663,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Ops Escalation; SOP; SOP 13; Target 9/19/23; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: ALON HEALTHCARE SERVICES INC. PEMS Req: 20267995 NPI: 1760812309 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider alon healthcare services inc pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 138,496664,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Ops Escalation; SOP; SOP 13; Target 9/19/23; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20316259 NPI: 1427296631 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 139,496665,Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Ops Escalation; SOP; SOP 13; Target 9/19/23; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: ALON HEALTHCARE SERVICES INC. PEMS Req: 20320110 NPI: 1528073525 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider alon healthcare services inc pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 140,496674,Special Handling Updated to No,Closed,Verified in Prod,,"SH should be set to NO ticket does not meet Special Handling requirements. PEMS Req: 20322635 Provider Name: ALEXANDER MAJID KHALAF NPI: 1093178444 ",PSR,negative,36%,sh set no ticket not meet special handling requirements pems req provider name alexander majid khalaf npi,special handling updated no,24,"Special, handling, no, status, not" 141,496677,Special Handling Status to No,Closed,Pending Rejection,SH should be set to NO ticket does not meet Special Handling requirements. Provider is disenrolling from out of state location.,"SH should be set to NO ticket does not meet Special Handling requirements. PEMS Req: 20322692 Provider Name: SHAWNTA COHEN NPI: 1932445947 ",PSR,negative,32%,sh set no ticket not meet special handling requirements pems req provider name shawnta cohen npi,special handling status no,24,"Special, handling, no, status, not" 142,496678,Special Handling Status to No,Closed,SOP 13; Verified in Prod,SH should be set to NO ticket does not meet Special Handling requirements. Provider is disenrolling from out of state location.,"SH should be set to NO ticket does not meet Special Handling requirements. PEMS Req: 20322661 Provider Name: RAVEN TEMEKA BROWN-MCKINNEY NPI: 1871118745 ",PSR,negative,31%,sh set no ticket not meet special handling requirements pems req provider name raven temeka brownmckinney npi,special handling status no,24,"Special, handling, no, status, not" 143,496679,Special Handling Status set to No,Closed,SOP 13; Verified in Prod,"Since the application no longer has a OOS location, please have the SH indicator changed to NO.","Since the application no longer has a OOS location, please have the SH indicator changed to NO. PEMS Req:20322707 Provider Name: BRANDY HEAD NPI: 1598360653 ",PSR,negative,5%,since application no longer oos location please sh indicator changed no pems req provider name brandy head npi,special handling status set no,24,"Special, handling, no, status, not" 144,496680,Special Handling Status Update,Closed,Verified in Prod,,"SH should be set to NO ticket does not meet Special Handling requirements. PEMS Request: 20322763 Provider Name: FREEDOM F PERKINS NPI: 1679530554 ",PSR,negative,34%,sh set no ticket not meet special handling requirements pems request provider name freedom f perkins npi,special handling status update,24,"Special, handling, no, status, not" 145,496684,Skip Special Handling Routing for Disenrolled Locations,Accepted,Rachana Aryal; Ready for Merge Testing in B,"Disenrolled locations are not considered in Special Handling routing logic. ","Disenrolled locations are being considered in Special Handling routing logic. Example that was data fixed: PEMS Req: 20094411 Provider Name: COOK CHILDREN'S PHYSICIAN NETWORK NPI: 1750369203 Transactions API - ProviderBusinessLogic class - SpecialHandlingReviewRuleAsync method Currently just checking out of state flag but not checking if the location is disenrolled. TBD - Vinay is to determining the condition of disenrolled, whether it is a property flag or some other logic. ",MSR,negative,40%,disenrolled locations considered special handling routing logic example data fixed pems req provider name cook childrens physician network npi transactions api providerbusinesslogic class specialhandlingreviewruleasync method currently checking state flag but not checking location disenrolled tbd vinay determining condition disenrolled whether property flag logic,skip special handling routing disenrolled locations,24,"Special, handling, no, status, not" 146,496733,Daily Data Fix Review,Ready,,,nan,BSR,positive,66%,nan,daily data fix review,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 147,496736,SAR 124501-1 HHSC Austin Gastro NPI 1316998016 Remove PDC 40,Closed,SOP 08 for note; SOP 14; Target 9/20; Verified in Prod,"NPI #1316998016 For location 4310 James Casey Ste 4A. Remove PDC 40 Add Note on request 20200000. Please use this note - Per SAR 124501-1 HHSC directionreceived to close enrollment gap on file for NPI 1316998016. ",Per SAR 124501-1 HHSC direction received to closeenrollment gap on file for NPI 1316998016. ,PSR,positive,67%,per sar hhsc direction received closeenrollment gap file npi,sar hhsc austin gastro npi remove pdc,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 148,496768,09/20/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Target 9/20; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 2 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 24 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 09/20/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 149,496782,BusOps: PRR 8017100 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report),Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"Description Id Closed - Enrolled 20073338 Closed - Enrolled 20085971 Closed - Enrolled 20266507 Submitted 20271497 Response Received 20277020 In Progress 20291519 In Progress 20292845 Closed - Approved 20299001 Closed - Enrolled 20302677 Pending Special Handling 20302834 Submitted 20321022 - Created Task Closed - Approved 20325106 Closed - Approved 20325117 Closed - Approved 20326068 ","Mismatch report- Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. The spread sheet includes a description of the mismatch. Please let us know if you have any questions, included is the link to the SOP’s (Workflow sync issues). New AMO PEMS SOPs - All Documents Link - http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20%2D%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR%2DProvider%20Enrollment%20%28PEP%29%2FF%2DStandard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs ",PSR,positive,94%,mismatch report data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues spread sheet includes description mismatch please let us know questions included link sops workflow sync issues new amo pems sops documents link httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfadtmhpapplicationsfprdproviderenrollmentpepffdstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssops,busops prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 150,496833,Deficiency is displaying in the wrong place on the screen.,New,,,"Deficiency is displaying in the wrong place on the screen. Program and Service Participation Details Screen See attached screenshot. 20279818 ",MSR,neutral,49%,deficiency displaying wrong place screen program service participation details screen see attached screenshot,deficiency displaying wrong place screen,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 151,496836,"VDP: Missing/Incorrect Network Segments - 1023157674 - AMERITA, INC. - FEIN 000000000 ",Closed,VDP; Verified in Prod,"NPI: 1023157674 Request#: 20043962 Old ALT IDs VendorID 351007 Expiration Date = 5/3/2022 TINS 15625549751004 Expiration Date = 5/3/2022 NCPDP 4544563 Expiration Date = 5/3/2022 NPI 1023157674 Expiration Date = 5/3/2022 Old Network IDs Network ID 3 Expiration Date = 5/3/2022 Old Tax IDs Tax ID 000000000 Expiration Date = 5/3/2022 New ALT IDs Vendor ID 351007 Effective Date = 5/4/2022 TINS 15625549751004 Effective Date = 5/4/2022 NCPDP 4544563 Effective Date = 5/4/2022 NPI 1023157674 Effective Date = 5/4/2022 New Network IDs Network ID 1/2/4 correct Effective Date = 5/4/2022 Add new Network ID 6 Effective Date = 5/4/2022 (Don't change existing Network ID 6) Update Network ID 7 correct Effective Date = 5/4/2022 ","Please remove the 000000000 FEIN from this pharmacy Missing V, C, P segments for 2016 – 2022 K segment is showing termed on 05/08/2022 K segment is showing a begin date of 05/04/2022 – These 2 dates overlap by 4 days 01||||| 02|1023157674|351007|1023157674|01|TX MCP|2016-03-04|2025-05-03||||||| 02|1023157674|351007|351007|15|TX VDP|2016-03-04|2022-05-03||||||| 02|1023157674|351007|15625549751004|16|TX VDP|2016-03-04|2025-05-03||||||| 02|1023157674|351007|562554975|11|IRS|2008-05-06|2025-05-03||||||| 02|1023157674|351007|000000000|11|IRS|2016-03-04|2025-05-03||||||| 02|1023157674|351007|25370|08|TX LIC|2008-01-31|2025-05-03|2006-12-21|2024-12-31|Active|||| 03|1023157674|351007|2016-03-04|2022-05-03|1|PH|2101 Donley Dr STE 105||Austin|TX|78758|4512|227|USA|5124583983||5124586988|||||| 03|1023157674|351007|2016-03-04|2022-05-03|1|MA|6912 S Quentin St STE 50||Centennial|CO|80112|4531|000|USA|7202825411||8773025251|||||| 03|1023157674|351007|2016-03-04|2022-05-03|1|BA|na||na|CO|00000|||USA|0000000000|||||||| 04|1023157674|351007|K|2016-03-04|2022-05-08||||| 04|1023157674|351007|W|2016-03-04|2022-03-29||||| 04|1023157674|351007|DEL|2016-03-04|2016-09-27|B|||| 01|1023157674|351007|||Amerita, Inc.|2021-12-09|6||000|07|03|||||Y|3336H0001X|332BP3500X|332B00000X|Y|14|108301730208301730308301730408301730508301730||2022-05-04|0001-01-01|0001-01-01||||| 02|1023157674|351007|1023157674|01|TX MCP|2022-05-04|2025-05-03||||||| 02|1023157674|351007|351007|15|TX VDP|2022-05-04|2025-05-03||||||| 02|1023157674|351007|15625549751004|16|TX VDP|2022-05-04|2025-05-03||||||| 02|1023157674|351007|562554975|11|IRS|2022-05-04|2025-05-03||||||| 02|1023157674|351007|000000000|11|IRS|2022-05-04|2025-05-03||||||| 02|1023157674|351007|25370|08|TX LIC|2008-01-31|2025-05-03|2006-12-21|2024-12-31|Active|||| 03|1023157674|351007|2022-05-04|2025-05-03|1|PH|2101 Donley Dr STE 105||Austin|TX|78758|4512|227|USA|5124583983||5124586988||Referrals_Austin@ameritaiv.com|||| 03|1023157674|351007|2022-05-04|2025-05-03|1|MA|6912 S Quentin St STE 50||Centennial|CO|80112|4531|000|USA|7202825411||8773025251|||||| 03|1023157674|351007|2022-05-04|2025-05-03|1|BA|na||na|CO|00000|||USA|0000000000|||||||| 03|1023157674|351007|2022-05-04|2025-05-03|1|BA|6912 S Quentin St STE 50||Centennial|CO|80112|4531|000|USA|7202825412||8776760493|||||| 03|1023157674|351007|2022-05-04|2025-05-03|1|BA|na||na|CO|00000|||USA|0000000000|||||||| 03|1023157674|351007|2022-05-04|2025-05-03|1|BA|na||na|CO|00000|||USA|0000000000|||||||| 04|1023157674|351007|K|2022-05-04|2025-05-03||||| 04|1023157674|351007|C|2022-05-04|2025-05-03||||| 04|1023157674|351007|RT|2022-05-04|2025-05-03||||| 04|1023157674|351007|V|2022-05-04|2025-05-03||||| 04|1023157674|351007|P|2022-05-04|2025-05-03||||| ",PSR,negative,22%,please remove fein pharmacy missing v c p segments k segment showing termed k segment showing begin date dates overlap days tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs irs tx licactive ph donley dr ste austintxusa quentin st ste centennialcousa bananacousa k w delb amerita inc yhxbpxbxy tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs irs tx licactive ph donley dr ste austintxusareferralsaustinameritaiv com quentin st ste centennialcousa bananacousa ba quentin st ste centennialcousa bananacousa bananacousa k c rt v p,vdp missingincorrect network segments amerita inc fein,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 152,496842,HHSC: PRR: 8017544 - SAR 124838-1 Remove PDC 66 for NPI 1770988685,Closed,SAR; SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"SAR 124838-1 Remove PDC 66 from all program/practice locations for NPI 1770988685 must be completed by 9/26/23 Add Note: PDC 66 removed from all program/practice locations per SAR 124838-1 ","The following has been created per SAR request 124838-1. I’ve summarized the request below, however additional details are included in the PRR. • PRR: 8017544 • Description: PDC 66 removal • Note: PDC 66 removed from all program/practice locations per SAR 124838-1 • Due Date: 9/26/23 (SAR reply due 9/27/23) Remove PDC 66 from ALL PRACTICE LOCATIONS AND ALL PROGRAMS (Acute care and Long-Term Care). There is a PDC 46 on the LTC record, please do not modify the PDC 46. NPI - 1770988685 MY SAFE HEAVEN CORPORATION NOTE - PDC 66 removed from all program/practice locations per SAR 124838-1 ",PSR,negative,10%,following created per sar request summarized request however additional details included prr prr description pdc removal note pdc removed programpractice locations per sar due date sar reply due remove pdc practice locations programs acute care longterm care pdc ltc record please not modify pdc npi safe heaven corporation note pdc removed programpractice locations per sar,hhsc prr sar remove pdc npi,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 153,496843,VDP: NPI 1033645635 - Kroger#130 Many Issues,Ready,Need info from Accenture; VDP,"NPI: 1033645635 Request: 20115608 Revalidation Enrollment Remove License# FK6974287 with Issuer OTHER from the Program Practice details for the Pharmacy program End Date OLD Alt IDs VendorID 471212 Expiration Date = 8/7/2026 TINS 13116785307015 Expiration Date = 8/7/2026 NCPDP 5921273 Expiration Date = 8/7/2026 NPI 1033645635 Expiration Date = 8/7/2026 Network IDs Add Old Network 1-5 Effective Date = 12/8/2017 Old Network 1-5 Expiration Date = 8/7/2026 Add Old Network 7 Effective Date = 12/8/2017 Old Network 7 Expiration Date = 8/7/2026 New ALT IDs VendorID 471212 Effective Date = 8/8/2026 TINS 13116785307015 Effective Date = 8/8/2026 NCPDP 5921273 Effective Date = 8/8/2026 NPI 1033645635 Effective Date = 8/8/2026 Network IDs Update New Network 1-5 Effective Date = 8/8/2026 Update New Network 7 Effective Date = 8/8/2026 · ","NPI 1033645635 - Kroger#130 Many Issues How are they enrolled until 2031? ALT IDs have different dates for the same vendor ID 02|1033645635|471212|1033645635|01|TX MCP|2017-12-08|2031-08-07||||||| 02|1033645635|471212|1033645635|01|TX MCP|2026-08-08|2031-08-07||||||| 02|1033645635|471212|471212|15|TX VDP|2017-12-08|2026-08-07||||||| 02|1033645635|471212|471212|15|TX VDP|2026-08-08|2031-08-07||||||| 02|1033645635|471212|13116785307015|16|TX VDP|2017-12-08|2031-08-07||||||| 02|1033645635|471212|13116785307015|16|TX VDP|2026-08-08|2031-08-07||||||| Networks have different begin dates with the same 08/07/2031 end date 02/15/2023 08/08/2026 License # is not a TX License 01|1033645635|471212||Kroger Pharmacy #130|KROGER TEXAS L.P.|0001-01-01|4||100|06|14|02|01|||N|3336C0003X|||N||109002000209002000309002000409002000509002000609001800710001700||0001-01-01|2017-10-25|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1033645635|471212|1033645635|01|TX MCP|2017-12-08|2031-08-07||||||| 02|1033645635|471212|471212|15|TX VDP|2017-12-08|2026-08-07||||||| 02|1033645635|471212|13116785307015|16|TX VDP|2017-12-08|2031-08-07||||||| 02|1033645635|471212|311678530|11|IRS|2017-12-08|2031-08-07||||||| 02|1033645635|471212|31505|08|TX LIC|2017-12-08|2031-08-07|2017-07-14|2025-02-28|Active|||| 02|1033645635|471212|FK6974287|08|TX LIC|2022-09-26|2031-08-07|2022-09-26|2025-12-31|Active|||| 03|1033645635|471212|2017-12-08|2026-08-07|1|PH|2150 Spring Stuebner Rd||Spring|TX|77389|4813|101|USA|2816020313||2816020315|||||| 03|1033645635|471212|2017-12-08|2026-08-07|1|MA|19245 DAVID MEMORIAL PARKWAY||SHENANDOAH|TX|77385||170|USA||||||||| 03|1033645635|471212|2017-12-08|2026-08-07|1|MA|1014 Vine St||Cincinnati|OH|45202|1141|000|USA|5137621090||5137621092|||||| 03|1033645635|471212|2017-12-08|2026-08-07|1|BA|PO BOX 842772||Boston|MA|02284|2772|000|USA|5135894745|||||||| 04|1033645635|471212|V|2023-02-15|2031-08-07||||| 04|1033645635|471212|P|2023-02-15|2031-08-07||||| 04|1033645635|471212|K|2023-02-15|2031-08-07||||| 04|1033645635|471212|C|2023-02-15|2031-08-07||||| 04|1033645635|471212|W|2023-02-15|2031-08-07||||| 04|1033645635|471212|RT|2023-02-15|2031-08-07||||| 05|1033645635|471212|183|||| 06|1033645635|471212||Q|2017-12-08|9999-12-31|BREDESTEGE|ALLISON||||||||USA|5137621019||||||||| 01|1033645635|471212||Kroger Pharmacy #130|KROGER TEXAS L.P.|2023-03-07|4||100|06|14|02|01|||N|3336C0003X|||N||109002000209002000309002000409002000509002000609001800710001700||2026-08-08|2017-10-25|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1033645635|471212|1033645635|01|TX MCP|2026-08-08|2031-08-07||||||| 02|1033645635|471212|471212|15|TX VDP|2026-08-08|2031-08-07||||||| 02|1033645635|471212|13116785307015|16|TX VDP|2026-08-08|2031-08-07||||||| 02|1033645635|471212|311678530|11|IRS|2026-08-08|2031-08-07||||||| 02|1033645635|471212|31505|08|TX LIC|2017-12-08|2031-08-07|2017-07-14|2025-02-28|Active|||| 02|1033645635|471212|FK6974287|08|TX LIC|2022-09-26|2031-08-07|2022-09-26|2025-12-31|Active|||| 03|1033645635|471212|2026-08-08|2031-08-07|1|PH|2150 Spring Stuebner Rd||Spring|TX|77389|4813|101|USA|2816020313||2816020315||rxlicensing@kroger.com|||| 03|1033645635|471212|2026-08-08|2031-08-07|1|MA|19245 DAVID MEMORIAL PARKWAY||SHENANDOAH|TX|77385||170|USA||||||||| 03|1033645635|471212|2026-08-08|2031-08-07|1|MA|1014 Vine St||Cincinnati|OH|45202|1141|000|USA|5137621090||5137621092|||||| 03|1033645635|471212|2026-08-08|2031-08-07|1|BA|PO BOX 842772||Boston|MA|02284|2772|000|USA|5135894745|||||||| 04|1033645635|471212|V|2026-08-08|2031-08-07||||| 04|1033645635|471212|P|2026-08-08|2031-08-07||||| 04|1033645635|471212|K|2026-08-08|2031-08-07||||| 04|1033645635|471212|C|2026-08-08|2031-08-07||||| 04|1033645635|471212|W|2026-08-08|2031-08-07||||| 04|1033645635|471212|RT|2026-08-08|2031-08-07||||| 05|1033645635|471212|183|||| 06|1033645635|471212||Q|2017-12-08|9999-12-31|BREDESTEGE|ALLISON||||||||USA|5137621019||||||||| ",PSR,negative,9%,npi kroger many issues enrolled alt ids different dates vendor id tx mcp tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp tx vdp tx vdp networks different begin dates end date license not tx license kroger pharmacy kroger texas l p ncxnrt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive fktx licactive ph spring stuebner rdspringtxusa david memorial parkwayshenandoahtxusa vine stcincinnatiohusa bapo box bostonmausa v p k c w rt qbredestegeallisonusa kroger pharmacy kroger texas l p ncxnrt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive fktx licactive ph spring stuebner rdspringtxusarxlicensingkroger com david memorial parkwayshenandoahtxusa vine stcincinnatiohusa bapo box bostonmausa v p k c w rt qbredestegeallisonusa,vdp npi kroger many issues,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 154,496847,VDP: Pharmacy files for Roger's Pharmacy - End dates are set to 2023 instead of 2028,Closed,Provider File; VDP SOP; Verified in Prod,"End dates are set to 2023 instead of 2028. This must be fixed for Vendors 149822 and 150686 A data fixneeds to be done Update the Enrollment Segment End Date 8/24/28 Update the RevalidationDue Date 8/24/28 End date thePDC 66 8/24/23 ","We received 2 different Vendor numbers, 149822 and 150686. It looks like we received the wrong end date on both of these Vendor numbers of 08/23/2023 so it will not show in our system as a contracted pharmacy. Both vendor IDs show effect date 8/24/23, end date 8/23/23, reval date 8/24/23. In PEMS it shows begin date 8/24/23, End date 8/23/28. End dates are set to 2023 instead of 2028. Therefore, this pharmacy is NOT enrolled at the moment and this is an access to care issue. 1821101932 ",PSR,negative,0%,received different vendor numbers looks like received wrong end date vendor numbers not show system contracted pharmacy vendor ids show effect date end date reval date pems shows begin date end date end dates set instead therefore pharmacy not enrolled moment access care issue,vdp pharmacy files rogers pharmacy end dates set instead,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 155,496994,BusOps: PRR 8017820 - Screen Risk SOP required to correct PEMS issues,Closed,Parent Ticket - Bulk Request,Closure when all related tickets are completed/closed,"The following PRR 8017820 has been created for the following task: SOP – A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a request for system maintenance or modification that is initiated by Accenture Operations to complete the following tasks: • OIG review required. • Special Handling required. • Internal Provider Type. • PEMS Provider Type. • Screen Risk Category Updates. • Practice Location Merge. Attached to the PRR is a spread sheet- Type of SOP needed (column C), Comments related to the category code and PEMS ID. Once completed, please update column K with the appropriate response. Please let us know if you have any questions, included is the link to the SOP’s (Based on Type of SOP needed). ",PSR,positive,99%,following prr created following task sop standard operating procedure sop request system maintenance modification initiated accenture operations complete following tasks oig review required special handling required internal provider type pems provider type screen risk category updates practice location merge attached prr spread sheet type sop needed column c comments related category code pems id completed please update column k appropriate response please let us know questions included link sops based type sop needed,busops prr screen risk sop required correct pems issues,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 156,496995,09/21/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP; SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 6 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 26 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 09/21/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 157,497024,BusOps: Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20317643 NPI: 1932114998 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,busops screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 158,497027,BusOps: Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20318505 NPI: 1487669479 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,busops screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 159,497028,BusOps: Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to Moderate. Provider: CORTEZ ALLIANCE LLC PEMS Req: 20312484 NPI: 1336855410 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Standard to Moderate due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update moderate provider cortez alliance llc pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted standard moderate due addition new program,busops screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 160,497033,BusOps: Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to Moderate Provider: PARAGON HEMOPHILIA SOLUTIONS LLC PEMS Req: 20304852 NPI: 1114058534 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Standard to Moderate due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,56%,update risk category update moderate provider paragon hemophilia solutions llc pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted standard moderate due addition new program,busops screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 161,497034,VDP: 8018011 COMPLETECARE PHARMACY Details did not save on UI,Closed,VDP SOP; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1619682044 REQ no 20203258 - New Enrollment · Retroactive Claim Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 (need to correct the effective dates) · Type Specialty Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 (need to correct the effective dates) · Program Practice Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 (need to correct the effective dates) · TAX ID (EIN) Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 (need to correct the effective dates) ALT IDs · Vendor ID 150651 Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 · TINS 18819507239000 Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 · NCPDP 5939004 Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 (need to correct the effective dates) NPI 1619682044 Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 Update Network 1-5 = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 (need to correct the network effective dates) Add Network 6-7 = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 ","There is an identified issue in need of a data fix and root cause. Thanks! Provider: JNPTX LLC dba Complete Care Pharmacy PRR: 8018011 TFS: 497034 NPI 1619682044 PEMS 20203258 Vendor ID 150651 TIN 18819507239000 Details: Complete Care Pharmacy Closed Enrolled with No Details Page Data. Application has been closed and enrolled, yet the VDP information did not stick within the Details page. This will need to be escalated to have the information added via data fix and analyzed for root cause of information not saving in UI. ",PSR,negative,0%,identified issue need data fix root thanks provider jnptx llc dba complete care pharmacy prr tfs npi pems vendor id tin details complete care pharmacy closed enrolled no details page data application closed enrolled yet vdp information not stick within details page need escalated information added via data fix analyzed root information not saving ui,vdp completecare pharmacy details not save ui,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 162,497039,BusOps: Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High Provider: WALGREEN CO. PEMS Req: 20320353 NPI: 1831277615 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,busops screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 163,497040,BusOps: Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20321457 NPI: 1073528162 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,busops screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 164,497041,BusOps: Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to Limited Provider: NOCONA HOSPITAL DISTRICT PEMS Req: 20300043 NPI: 1851857304 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Standard to Limited due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,negative,37%,update risk category update limited provider nocona hospital district pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted standard limited due addition new program,busops screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 165,497042,BusOps: Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20319769 NPI: 1780699876 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,busops screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 166,497043,BusOps: Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20321695 NPI: 1508871690 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,busops screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 167,497046,BusOps: Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20321463 NPI: 1962417055 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,busops screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 168,497047,BusOps: Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20321104 NPI: 1396750451 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,busops screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 169,497048,BusOps: Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: WALGREEN CO PEMS Req: 20324944 NPI: 1215336359 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,55%,update risk category update high provider walgreen co pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,busops screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 170,497050,BusOps: Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,,"Update Risk Category Update to High. Provider: MANO AMIGA PRIMARY HOME CARE LLC PEMS Req: 20319815 NPI: 1174016307 Comment to add to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Standard to High due to addition of a new program. ",PSR,neutral,56%,update risk category update high provider mano amiga primary home care llc pems req npi comment add request management screen risk category adjusted standard high due addition new program,busops screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 171,497065,BusOps: PRR: 8017627 SAR 124835 PDC Update,Closed,SAR; SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"SAR 124835 PDC Update must be completed. 1881615979 Add PDC 48 to all location's programs effective 09/20/2023 (The provider already has a PDC 49) There are no requests for this provider so i don't think we can add a note. Note: PDC 48 effective 09/20/2023 added per SAR 124835-1 ","• PRR: 8017627 • Description: PDC Update • NPI: 1881615979 • Note: PDC 48 effective 09/20/2023 added per SAR 124835-1 • Due Date: 9/25/23 (SAR reply due 9/26/23) *** Please note, the SAR attached to the PRR mentions adding a PDC 49. This provider already has a PDC 49 on file, please do not modify the PDC 49. The stakeholder will be notified that only the PDC 48 is required. ",PSR,negative,35%,prr description pdc update npi note pdc effective added per sar due date sar reply due please note sar attached prr mentions adding pdc provider already pdc file please not modify pdc stakeholder notified pdc required,busops prr sar pdc update,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 172,497074,VDP: Root Cause Analysis-Complete Care Pharmacy details did not save on UI,New,,,"There is an identified issue in need of a data fix and root cause. Thanks! Provider: JNPTX LLC dba Complete Care Pharmacy PRR: There is an identified issue in need of a data fix and root cause. Thanks! Provider: JNPTX LLC dba Complete Care Pharmacy PRR: 8018011 TFS: 497034 NPI 1619682044 PEMS 20203258 Vendor ID 150651 TIN 18819507239000 Details: Complete Care Pharmacy Closed Enrolled with No Details Page Data. Application has been closed and enrolled, yet the VDP information did not stick within the Details page. This will need to be escalated to have the information added via data fix and analyzed for root cause of information not saving in UI. TFS: 497034 NPI 1619682044 PEMS 20203258 Vendor ID 150651 TIN 18819507239000 Details: Complete Care Pharmacy Closed Enrolled with No Details Page Data. Application has been closed and enrolled, yet the VDP information did not stick within the Details page. This will need to be escalated to have the information added via data fix and analyzed for root cause of information not saving in UI. ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,identified issue need data fix root thanks provider jnptx llc dba complete care pharmacy prr identified issue need data fix root thanks provider jnptx llc dba complete care pharmacy prr tfs npi pems vendor id tin details complete care pharmacy closed enrolled no details page data application closed enrolled yet vdp information not stick within details page need escalated information added via data fix analyzed root information not saving ui tfs npi pems vendor id tin details complete care pharmacy closed enrolled no details page data application closed enrolled yet vdp information not stick within details page need escalated information added via data fix analyzed root information not saving ui,vdp root analysiscomplete care pharmacy details not save ui,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 173,497084,UI Functionality for Ops/HHS to Modify Special Handling,Ready,,,nan,MSR,positive,66%,nan,ui functionality opshhs modify special handling,24,"Special, handling, no, status, not" 174,497111,HHSC: 8018424 SAR 124844 - PEMS Static Text - PHE Revalidation Waiver,Closed,SAR; Verified in Prod,"Static text on dashboard is updated to the following: Texas Medicaid waived provider revalidations during the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. The last day of the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency was May 11, 2023. The provider revalidation grace period for the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency will end on November 11, 2023. TMHP has sent an email to affected providers with a recalculated revalidation due date. Providers can also find their revalidation due dates in the Revalidation Due Date field on the Provider Information page in the Enrollment Information section. You must respond to and resolve all deficiencies within 45 business days, and you must review and update all practice location addresses on the Practice Location Information page. ","8018424 SAR 124844 - PEMS Static Text - PHE Revalidation Waiver AMD Team – I have submitted PRR 8018424 to update the current PEMS Static Text to reflect the new 6-month Post-PHE grace period through 11/11/2023 per SAR 124844. HHSC and TMHP Publications has provided approval for this verbiage update below, if needed. • Revised: Texas Medicaid waived provider revalidations during the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. The last day of the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency was May 11, 2023. The provider revalidation grace period for the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency will end on November 11, 2023. TMHP has sent an email to affected providers with a recalculated revalidation due date. Providers can also find their revalidation due dates in the Revalidation Due Date field on the Provider Information page in the Enrollment Information section. You must respond to and resolve all deficiencies within 45 business days, and you must review and update all practice location addresses on the Practice Location Information page. We are requesting a due-date of 10/2/2023 to meet the SAR deliverable by 10/4/2023. Please let me know if this can be done sooner to reduce the escalations we are seeing regarding the PHE extension. Environment: A Branch: 23272 ",MSR,positive,97%,sar pems static text phe revalidation waiver amd team submitted prr update current pems static text reflect new month postphe grace period per sar hhsc tmhp publications provided approval verbiage update needed revised texas medicaid waived provider revalidations federal covid public health emergency last day federal covid public health emergency may provider revalidation grace period federal covid public health emergency end november tmhp sent email affected providers recalculated revalidation due date providers also find revalidation due dates revalidation due date field provider information page enrollment information section must respond resolve deficiencies within business days must review update practice location addresses practice location information page requesting duedate meet sar deliverable please let know done sooner reduce escalations seeing regarding phe extension environment branch,hhsc sar pems static text phe revalidation waiver,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 175,497114,BusOps: PPM/PEMS Sync not Reflected under PROVIDER MANAGEMENT,Closed,Verified in Prod,Txn -> Mstr merge issue is resolved for the record.,"Not Reflected under PROVIDER MANAGEMENT - #1891468591 & #1073582656 The issue is that within PEMS under REQUESTS the provider reflects ‘Closed Enrolled’, yet when you search under PROVIDER MANAGEMENT the updates/enrollment is not reflected. Accenture thinks it’s a syncing error. The issue with NPI #1891468591, Scott & White Hospital, has been brought to your attention I’ve been told. NPI #1073582656, Sid Peterson Memorial Hospital, has the same issue as above as the new dates are not reflected under PROVIDER MANAGEMENT. ",PSR,negative,0%,not reflected provider management issue within pems requests provider reflects closed enrolled yet search provider management updatesenrollment not reflected accenture thinks syncing error issue npi scott white hospital brought attention told npi sid peterson memorial hospital issue new dates not reflected provider management,busops ppmpems sync not reflected provider management,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 176,497116,8016031 Optum Pharmacy 1427250448 UNSCRAMBLE - 2nd Issue NPI 1427250448,New,,,"8016031 Optum Pharmacy 1427250448 UNSCRAMBLE - 2nd Issue NPI 1427250448 License Numbers still active. This has not been fixed 02|1427250448|582086|57970|08|TX LIC|2016-02-18|2027-06-15|2016-02-18|2024-07-31|Active|||| 02|1427250448|582086|34284|08|TX LIC|2022-06-16|2027-06-15|2022-05-11|2024-05-31|Active|||| ",BSR,negative,3%,optum pharmacy unscramble nd issue npi license numbers still active not fixed tx licactive tx licactive,optum pharmacy unscramble nd issue npi,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 177,497120,SAR 124844-1 - PRR 8018426 - Revalidation Due Date Extension PHE,Closed,Verified in Prod,Revalidation due date extended by 6 months from the current due date for the providers identified in the PDC 66 removal (ticket 497773).,"AMD Team – We have officially received SAR 124844 for the 6-month Post-PHE grace period, see attached for documentation purposes. I’ve submitted PRR 8018426 for the next steps to extend the revalidation due-dates. The same list of Providers who have their PDC-66 removed will need to also have their revalidation due date/enrollment period extended by 6-months. We do not want to extend the due-date for a Provider who was not eligible for PDC-66 removal. HHSC submitted SAR 124844-1 on 09/20/2023 to allow for a 6-month grace period for revalidation due dates following the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) closure on 5/11/2023. Providers with Revalidation Due Dates scheduled between 5/12/2023 through 11/11/2023 should receive an additional 6-months to complete revalidation. TMHP should update the enrollment period with a 6-month extension. A list of providers should be provided to PE Operations for E00214/L00217 generation. ",PSR,negative,18%,amd team officially received sar month postphe grace period see attached documentation purposes submitted prr next steps extend revalidation duedates list providers pdc removed need also revalidation due dateenrollment period extended months not want extend duedate provider not eligible pdc removal hhsc submitted sar allow month grace period revalidation due dates following covid public health emergency phe closure providers revalidation due dates scheduled receive additional months complete revalidation tmhp update enrollment period month extension list providers provided pe operations el generation,sar prr revalidation due date extension phe,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 178,497133,BusOps: PEMS performance issues being reported 9.22.23 - Help Desk Ticket # INC000007708809,Removed,,,"We are receiving reports of PEMS performance issues that is impacting the provider community, they are receiving “RED BANNER” messages while attempting to progress a ticket. Example: NPI 1083164818 PEMS ID 20318702 ",MSR,positive,61%,receiving reports pems performance issues impacting provider community receiving red banner messages attempting progress ticket example npi pems id,busops pems performance issues reported help desk ticket inc,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 179,497143,09/22/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 8 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 22 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 09/22/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 180,497197,"OIG: PEMS 20306787, Existing Enrollment Incorrectly Routed to OIG",Closed,SOP 21; Verified in Prod,Please research if routed to OIG in error.,"Provider incorrectly routed to OIG for review. According to business rules this provider does not need OIG review to continue enrollment. This is a defect identified in 8/24/2023 deployment. PEMS 20306787 SCR-High, No Ownership change indicated in PEMS, No person has any ownership only the entity Issue: According to new business rules implemented in August 2023, only very few Existing Enrollments with a High Screen Risk Category (SRC) now require OIG review. OIG received the following requests that do not meet the agreed upon criteria. NPI: 1962550608 Provider: Paragon Infusion Care, INC ",PSR,negative,5%,provider incorrectly routed oig review according business rules provider not need oig review continue enrollment defect identified deployment pems scrhigh no ownership change indicated pems no person ownership entity issue according new business rules implemented august existing enrollments high screen risk category src require oig review oig received following requests not meet agreed upon criteria npi provider paragon infusion care inc,oig pems existing enrollment incorrectly routed oig,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 181,497198,"OIG: PEMS 20263034, Existing Enrollment Incorrectly Routed to OIG",Closed,SOP 21; Verified in Prod,Please research if routed to OIG in error.,"Provider incorrectly routed to OIG (this is a defect identified during the 08/24/2023 deployment). This provider does not require OIG Review. PEMS 20263034 SCR-High, No Ownership change indicated in PEMS, Indicated a Staffing change (not ownership), No person has any ownership only the entity. Issue: According to new business rules implemented in August 2023, only very few Existing Enrollments with a High Screen Risk Category (SRC) now require OIG review. OIG received the following requests that do not meet the agreed upon criteria. NPI: 1174539910 Provider: Dallas Hospice, Inc. ",PSR,negative,1%,provider incorrectly routed oig defect identified deployment provider not require oig review pems scrhigh no ownership change indicated pems indicated staffing change not ownership no person ownership entity issue according new business rules implemented august existing enrollments high screen risk category src require oig review oig received following requests not meet agreed upon criteria npi provider dallas hospice inc,oig pems existing enrollment incorrectly routed oig,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 182,497217,BusOps: PRR 8019043 - PEMS/PPM Workflow Sync,Closed,bulk ticket; SOP 12,,"The following PRR 8019043 has been created for the following task: Mismatch report- Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. The spread sheet includes a description of the mismatch, PEMS ID and PPM ID, once completed, please update column H with the appropriate response. Accenture will upload the report to the PRR daily as discrepancies are identified. Please let us know if you have any questions, included is the link to the SOP’s (Workflow sync issues). New AMO PEMS SOPs - All Documents - http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20%2D%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR%2DProvider%20Enrollment%20%28PEP%29%2FF%2DStandard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs ",PSR,positive,97%,following prr created following task mismatch report data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues spread sheet includes description mismatch pems id ppm id completed please update column h appropriate response accenture upload report prr daily discrepancies identified please let us know questions included link sops workflow sync issues new amo pems sops documents httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfadtmhpapplicationsfprdproviderenrollmentpepffdstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssops,busops prr pemsppm workflow sync,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 183,497223,VDP: Texas Oncology Pharmacy,Closed,VDP; VDP SOP; Verified in Prod,"1437665551 Remove Space in front of vendor ID AltIdValue 471390 ","PEMS Req: 20301687 NPI: 1437665551 Data fix required (SOP approved by Tiffany Richards on 9/14) to fix overlapping dates. Vendor ID 471390 has the same enrollment dates as 149848 –this is causing a trading partner process to bomb. This pharmacy is messed up. Vendor ID 149848 is broken up into two sections for somereason with different dates Vendor ID 471390 (has a space before the Vendor ID) Vendor ID 471390 has the same enrollment dates as 149848 –this is causing a trading partner process to bomb 01|1437665551|149848||Texas Oncology Pharmacy|ONCOLOGYPHARMACY SERVICES,INC|0001-01-01|6||229|06|14|02|01|||N|3336C0003X|||N||108001700208001700308001700408001700508001700||0001-01-01|2018-03-21|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1437665551|149848|1437665551|01|TXMCP|2018-08-07|2028-09-11||||||| 02|1437665551|149848|149848|15|TX VDP|2018-08-07|2023-08-06||||||| 02|1437665551|149848|752851292|11|IRS|2018-08-07|2028-09-11||||||| 02|1437665551|149848|31739|08|TX LIC|2018-08-07|2028-09-11|2017-12-01|2023-12-31|Active|||| 03|1437665551|149848|2018-08-07|2023-08-06|1|PH|13215 DotsonRd STE 300||Houston|TX|77070|4535|101|USA|8329964026||8326016194|||||| 03|1437665551|149848|2018-08-07|2023-08-06|1|MA|12221 MeritDr STE 500||Dallas|TX|75251|3100|015|USA|9972997810|||||||| 03|1437665551|149848|2018-08-07|2023-08-06|1|BA|PO BOX731145||Dallas|TX|75373|1145||USA|9729978103|||||||| 06|1437665551|149848||Q|2018-08-07|9999-12-31|Bivona|Todd|POBOX 731145||Dallas|TX|75373|1145||USA|9729978016||||Todd.bivona@usoncology.com||||| 01|1437665551| 471390||Texas Oncology Pharmacy|ONCOLOGYPHARMACY SERVICES, INC|2023-09-12|6||229|06|14|02|01|||N|3336C0003X|||N||108001700208001700308001700408001700508001700||2023-09-12|2018-03-21|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1437665551| 471390|1437665551|01|TX MCP|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||||| 02|1437665551|471390|149848|15|TX VDP|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||||| 02|1437665551|471390| 471390|15|TX VDP|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||||| 02|1437665551| 471390|17528512928020|16|TXVDP|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||||| 02|1437665551|471390|752851292|11|IRS|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||||| 02|1437665551| 471390|31739|08|TX LIC|2018-08-07|2028-09-11|2017-12-01|2023-12-31|Active|||| 03|1437665551| 471390|2023-09-12|2028-09-11|1|PH|13215Dotson Rd STE 300||Houston|TX|77070|4535|101|USA|8329964026||8326016194|||||| 03|1437665551| 471390|2023-09-12|2028-09-11|1|MA|12221 MeritDr STE 500||Dallas|TX|75251|3100|015|USA|9972997810|||||||| 03|1437665551| 471390|2023-09-12|2028-09-11|1|BA|PO BOX731145||Dallas|TX|75373|1145||USA|9729978103|||||||| 04|1437665551| 471390|V|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||| 04|1437665551| 471390|P|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||| 04|1437665551| 471390|K|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||| 04|1437665551| 471390|C|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||| 04|1437665551| 471390|W|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||| 04|1437665551| 471390|RT|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||| 06|1437665551| 471390||Q|2018-08-07|9999-12-31|Bivona|Todd|POBOX 731145||Dallas|TX|75373|1145||USA|9729978016||||Todd.bivona@usoncology.com||||| 01|1437665551|149848||Texas Oncology Pharmacy|ONCOLOGYPHARMACY SERVICES,INC|2023-09-12|6||229|06|14|02|01|||N|3336C0003X|||N||108001700208001700308001700408001700508001700||2023-09-12|2018-03-21|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1437665551|149848|1437665551|01|TXMCP|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||||| 02|1437665551|149848|149848|15|TXVDP|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||||| 02|1437665551|149848|471390|15|TX VDP|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||||| 02|1437665551|149848|17528512928020|16|TXVDP|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||||| 02|1437665551|149848|752851292|11|IRS|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||||| 02|1437665551|149848|31739|08|TXLIC|2018-08-07|2028-09-11|2017-12-01|2023-12-31|Active|||| 03|1437665551|149848|2023-09-12|2028-09-11|1|PH|13215 DotsonRd STE 300||Houston|TX|77070|4535|101|USA|8329964026||8326016194||Todd.bivona@usoncology.com|||| 03|1437665551|149848|2023-09-12|2028-09-11|1|MA|12221 MeritDr STE 500||Dallas|TX|75251|3100|015|USA|9972997810|||||||| 03|1437665551|149848|2023-09-12|2028-09-11|1|BA|PO BOX731145||Dallas|TX|75373|1145||USA|9729978103|||||||| 04|1437665551|149848|V|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||| 04|1437665551|149848|P|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||| 04|1437665551|149848|K|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||| 04|1437665551|149848|C|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||| 04|1437665551|149848|W|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||| 04|1437665551|149848|RT|2023-09-12|2028-09-11||||| 06|1437665551|149848||Q|2018-08-07|9999-12-31|Bivona|Todd|POBOX 731145||Dallas|TX|75373|1145||USA|9729978016||||Todd.bivona@usoncology.com||||| Sent secure via TLS. ",PSR,negative,7%,pems req npi data fix required sop approved tiffany richards fix overlapping dates vendor id enrollment dates causing trading partner process bomb pharmacy messed vendor id broken two sections somereason different dates vendor id space vendor id vendor id enrollment dates causing trading partner process bomb texas oncology pharmacyoncologypharmacy servicesincncxnrt txmcp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph dotsonrd ste houstontxusa meritdr ste dallastxusa bapo boxdallastxusa qbivonatoddpobox dallastxusatodd bivonausoncology com texas oncology pharmacyoncologypharmacy services incncxnrt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp txvdp irs tx licactive phdotson rd ste houstontxusa meritdr ste dallastxusa bapo boxdallastxusa v p k c w rt qbivonatoddpobox dallastxusatodd bivonausoncology com texas oncology pharmacyoncologypharmacy servicesincncxnrt txmcp txvdp tx vdp txvdp irs txlicactive ph dotsonrd ste houstontxusatodd bivonausoncology com meritdr ste dallastxusa bapo boxdallastxusa v p k c w rt qbivonatoddpobox dallastxusatodd bivonausoncology com sent secure via tls,vdp texas oncology pharmacy,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 184,497239,09/25/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 8 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 20 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 09/25/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 185,497266,BusOps: PPM/PEMS Sync issue,Removed,,,"Out of Sync. PPM is in RESPONSE RECEIVED. PEMS is in PROVIDER CONTACTED PRIOR TO AUTO CLOSE. Provider Name: GREGORY W WOLFE PEMS Req: 20289022 NPI: 1770615833 PPM: 7977761 ",PSR,negative,34%,sync ppm response received pems provider contacted prior auto close provider name gregory w wolfe pems req npi ppm,busops ppmpems sync issue,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 186,497267,VDP: PPR 8019784 Data Query/Data Request for Pharmacies PHE,Ready,PHE,"Query VDP Providers with vendor idstarting with “6” that had an active enrollment period on or after 3/1/20? Please provide query results indicating NPI, name, PEMS ID, enrollment status, enrollment date, termination date and revalidation date if currently enrolled. Also, if they have enrolled with a complete application through PEMS, please provide the new Vendor ID number. Active enrollment periods with a future dated end date Inactive enrollment period with end date after 5/11/23 The NPI that was provided as an example show the provider has anactive segment after 3/1/20 and should have been end dated 5/11/23. ","Please find PRR 8019784, which has been created for a data query/data request related to pharmacies. History: Pharmacies with a vendor ID beginning with a “6” were considered “COVID” pharmacies and they enrolled with VDP via paper. They were converted when PEMS went live and were only enrolled as part of COVID protocol. They should be terminated at the end of the PHE (5/11/23) if they did not submit a full enrollment into the Medicaid program. Example is NPI 1033203682 (should have been disenrolled at the end of the PHE). Application was a converted application from VDP at PEMS conversion and has never been screened by OIG. Please provide query results indicating NPI, name, PEMS ID, enrollment status, enrollment date, termination date and revalidation date if currently enrolled. Also, if they have enrolled with a complete application through PEMS, please provide the new Vendor ID number in results. Please pull info from 1/1/20 (as anything before would have been hurricane enrollment and not necessary for this query). Please provide query results indicating NPI, name, PEMS ID, enrollment status, enrollment date, termination date and revalidation date if currently enrolled. Also, if they have enrolled with a complete application through PEMS, please provide the new Vendor ID number. Please contact Andrea Daniell directly for questions. She will be out of office 9/28 and 9/29, however, her backup (Manny Benavides) will be briefed on the topic and able to answer questions. ",BSR,negative,2%,please find prr created data querydata request related pharmacies history pharmacies vendor id beginning considered covid pharmacies enrolled vdp via paper converted pems went live enrolled part covid protocol terminated end phe not submit full enrollment medicaid program example npi disenrolled end phe application converted application vdp pems conversion never screened oig please provide query results indicating npi name pems id enrollment status enrollment date termination date revalidation date currently enrolled also enrolled complete application pems please provide new vendor id number results please pull info anything would hurricane enrollment not necessary query please provide query results indicating npi name pems id enrollment status enrollment date termination date revalidation date currently enrolled also enrolled complete application pems please provide new vendor id number please contact andrea daniell directly questions office however backup manny benavides briefed topic able answer questions,vdp ppr data querydata request pharmacies phe,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 187,497268,BusOps: PPM/PEMS Sync Issue,Removed,,,"Out of Sync. PPM is in PENDING RESPONSE. PEMS is in CONTACT PROVIDER BY PHONE. PEMS Req: 20276820 Provider: WALGREEN CO NPI: 1770598724 PPM: 7965543 ",PSR,negative,31%,sync ppm pending response pems contact provider phone pems req provider walgreen co npi ppm,busops ppmpems sync issue,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 188,497270,BusOps: PPM/PEMS Sync Issue,Removed,,,"Out of Sync. PPM is in RESPONSE RECEIVED. PEMS is in PENDING RESPONSE. PEMS Req: 20324919 Provider: LINCARE INC NPI:1073714655 PPM: 8016538 ",PSR,negative,41%,sync ppm response received pems pending response pems req provider lincare inc npi ppm,busops ppmpems sync issue,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 189,497274,BusOps: PPM/PEMS Sync Issue,Removed,,,"Out of Sync. PPM is in RESPONSE RECEIVED. PEMS is in PENDING RESPONSE. PEMS Req: 20277053 Provider: KAK HEALTHCARE LLC NPI: 1497254544 PPM: 7990012 ",PSR,negative,43%,sync ppm response received pems pending response pems req provider kak healthcare llc npi ppm,busops ppmpems sync issue,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 190,497275,BusOps: PPM/PEMS Sync Issue,Removed,,,"Out of Sync. PPM is in IN PROGRESS. PEMS is in SUBMITTED. PEMS Req: 20136848 Provider Name: MEGHAN A GALE NPI: 1770899635 PPM: 8018252 ",PSR,negative,22%,sync ppm progress pems submitted pems req provider name meghan gale npi ppm,busops ppmpems sync issue,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 191,497278,BusOps: PC Needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC provider correspondence(site visit) ticket should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20296536 Provider:WALGREEN CO NPI: 1760499651 PPM: 7995029 ",PSR,positive,87%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc provider correspondence site visit ticket generated practice locations pems req providerwalgreen co npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 192,497280,BusOps: PC needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20308638 Provider: WALGREEN CO NPI: 1922015940 PPM: 7998401 ",PSR,positive,87%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider walgreen co npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 193,497286,BusOps: PC needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20308816 Provider: WALGREEN CO NPI: 1376550251 PPM: 7999433 ",PSR,positive,87%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider walgreen co npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 194,497289,BusOps: PC needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20293022 Provider: WALGREEN CO NPI: 1376550251 PPM: 7987562 ",PSR,positive,87%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider walgreen co npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 195,497297,BusOps: PPM/PEMS Sync Issue,Removed,,,"Out of Sync. PPM is in IN PROGRESS. PEMS is in SUBMITTED. PEMS Req: 20325785 Provider: CLEAR LAKE ONCOLOGY PLLC NPI: 1437543626 PPM: 8018205 ",PSR,negative,33%,sync ppm progress pems submitted pems req provider clear lake oncology pllc npi ppm,busops ppmpems sync issue,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 196,497298,BusOps: PPM/PEMS Sync Issue,Removed,,,"Out of Sync. PPM is in RESPONSE RECEIVED. PEMS is in PENDING RESPONSE. PEMS Req: 20320828 Provider: CORE HEALTH SYSTEMS NPI: 1396427852 PPM: 8010414 ",PSR,negative,40%,sync ppm response received pems pending response pems req provider core health systems npi ppm,busops ppmpems sync issue,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 197,497299,BusOps: PPM/PEMS Sync Issue,Removed,,,"Out of Sync. PPM is in RESPONSE RECEIVED. PEMS is in PENDING RESPONSE. PEMS Req: 20321173 Provider: FANNIN COUNTY HOSPITAL AUTHORITY NPI: 1114388089 PPM: 8018206 ",PSR,negative,26%,sync ppm response received pems pending response pems req provider fannin county hospital authority npi ppm,busops ppmpems sync issue,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 198,497300,BusOps: PRR 8019965--Welcome Letter Regenerated,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Welcome Letter must be generated for PEMS ID: 20281164 Provider: HOPKINS COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT ","Please find PRR 8019965 created to regenerate a welcome letter: History: Provider was enrolled on 9/20/23 and has not received a welcome letter. This will impact the provider’s ability to credential with the MCOs and bill for services rendered. As this is a reenrollment, there is a heightened urgency around this welcome letter. PEMS ID: 20281164 Provider: HOPKINS COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT NPI: 1073900882 PPM: 7968175 ",PSR,neutral,51%,please find prr created regenerate welcome letter history provider enrolled not received welcome letter impact providers ability credential mcos bill services rendered reenrollment heightened urgency around welcome letter pems id provider hopkins county hospital district npi ppm,busops prr welcome letter regenerated,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 199,497301,BusOps: PPM/PEMS Sync Issue,Removed,,,"Out of Sync. PPM is in RESPONSE RECEIVED. PEMS is in PENDING RESPONSE. PEMS Req: 20320877 Provider: NV PACS 2 LLC NPI: 1427534809 PPM: 8017014 ",PSR,negative,43%,sync ppm response received pems pending response pems req provider nv pacs llc npi ppm,busops ppmpems sync issue,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 200,497309,BusOps: PPM/PEMS Sync Issue,Removed,,,"Out of Sync. PPM is in PENDING OIG REVIEW. PEMS is in CLOSED-ENROLLED. PEMS Req: 20315235 Provider: VANESSA IRIS FUENTES NPI: 1568838779 PPM: 8004256 ",PSR,negative,15%,sync ppm pending oig review pems closedenrolled pems req provider vanessa iris fuentes npi ppm,busops ppmpems sync issue,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 201,497314,BusOps: PC Needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20278611 Provider: WALGREEN CO NPI: 1366459364 PPM: 7967457 ",PSR,positive,87%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider walgreen co npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 202,497317,BusOps: PC Needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20240498 Provider: CENTRAL LINE INFUSION DALLAS DIVISION LTD NPI: 1285678490 PPM: 7951615 ",PSR,positive,87%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider central line infusion dallas division ltd npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 203,497320,BusOps: PC Needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20316191 Provider: HANGER PROSTHETICS ORTHOTICS INC. NPI: 1326419920 PPM: 8005458 ",PSR,positive,91%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider hanger prosthetics orthotics inc npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 204,497322,BusOps: PC Needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate- per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20303953 Provider: WINNIE-STOWELL HOSPITAL DISTRICT NPI: 1720490311 PPM: 7997721 ",PSR,positive,72%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider winniestowell hospital district npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 205,497325,BusOps: PC Needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20303934 Provider: WALGREEN CO NPI: 1457366536 PPM: 7995458 ",PSR,positive,86%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider walgreen co npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 206,497326,BusOps: PC Needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20303831 Provider: WALGREEN CO NPI: 1891700977 PPM: 7995463 ",PSR,positive,86%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider walgreen co npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 207,497327,BusOps: PC Needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20313023 Provider: WALGREEN CO NPI: 1447265442 PPM: 8003376 ",PSR,positive,86%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider walgreen co npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 208,497328,BusOps: PC needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req:20303536 Provider: WALGREEN CO NPI: 1952585523 PPM: 7999529 ",PSR,positive,86%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider walgreen co npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 209,497329,BusOps: PC needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate- per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20296512 Provider: BULOW BIOTECH PROSTHETICS, LLC NPI: 1982988390 PPM: 7999647 ",PSR,positive,88%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider bulow biotech prosthetics llc npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 210,497331,BusOps: PC Needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate- per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20319203 Provider: BTDI JV LLP NPI: 1730543570 PPM:8010730 ",PSR,positive,87%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider btdi jv llp npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 211,497334,BusOps: PC Needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20310923 Provider: WALGREEN CO NPI: 1548497175 PPM: 8000169 ",PSR,positive,86%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider walgreen co npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 212,497340,BusOps: PC Needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate- per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20302650 Provider: Emily Wilson NPI: 1942975164 PPM: 7990382 ",PSR,positive,87%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider emily wilson npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 213,497349,BusOps: PC Needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20313351 Provider: WALGREEN CO NPI: 1679970834 PPM: 8003280 ",PSR,positive,86%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider walgreen co npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 214,497355,BusOps: PC needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. PEMS Req: 20303324 Provider: CORYELL COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AUTHORITY NPI: 1750770749 PPM: 7997720 ",PSR,positive,78%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider coryell county memorial hospital authority npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 215,497359,BusOps: PC needs to be Generated for Practice Locations,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH- per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations PEMS Req: 20303831 Provider: WALGREEN CO NPI: 1891700977 PPM: 7995463 ",PSR,positive,86%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations pems req provider walgreen co npi ppm,busops pc needs generated practice locations,4,"Busops, pc, needs, generated, practice" 216,497361,BusOps: 8020235 KHC Sync Issue,Closed,HHSC Due Date 10/02/2023; Verified in Prod,"Appears transaction to master merge issue. I think this needs a location merge. The locations are really the same.","KHC program is showing as pending change and currently is showing disenrolled. The provider needs to add the social worker and we program to show active and enrolled. Please find PRR 8020235 created as there seems to be an integration issue. Provider: DIALYSIS CLINIC INC PEMS ID: 20282378 The HHSC-Kidney Health Program is involved in this application. Please see the note: Specialty Health Provider Relations along with, Dialysis Clinic Inc. (1730628165), would appreciate your assistance in getting this provider back enrolled in the KHC Program as they should have never been terminated. Both Programs should be enrolled. It appears this change did not fully execute.. ",PSR,negative,3%,khc program showing pending change currently showing disenrolled provider needs add social worker program show active enrolled please find prr created seems integration issue provider dialysis clinic inc pems id hhsckidney health program involved application please see note specialty health provider relations along dialysis clinic inc would appreciate assistance getting provider back enrolled khc program never terminated programs enrolled appears change not fully execute,busops khc sync issue,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 217,497368,BusOps: Change of ownership-PC ticket not Generated,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"Existing Enrollment - CHOW - PEMS is expected to create a site visit ticket for this scenario where the provider changes ownership of 5% or more Site Visit Bypassed Unable to generate PC Tickets PEMS Req: 20303236 Provider: MEDXBRIGHT NPI: 1962112276 PPM: 7991590 ",PSR,neutral,48%,existing enrollment chow pems expected create site visit ticket scenario provider changes ownership site visit bypassed unable generate pc tickets pems req provider medxbright npi ppm,busops change ownershippc ticket not generated,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 218,497369,BusOps: Site Visit was Bypassed Incorrectly,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,Research why this wasn't routed to site visit,"SV was bypassed – per PEMS logic Revalidation/LBA/ moderate will need to route to SV PEMS Req: 20311265 Provider: HANNA M CAIN NPI: 1407328255 PPM: 7999715 ",PSR,neutral,57%,sv bypassed per pems logic revalidationlba moderate need route sv pems req provider hanna cain npi ppm,busops site visit bypassed incorrectly,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 219,497393,BusOps: Req 8020429 -PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report),Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"Status Code Description Id 4 N New 20293340 4 N New 20293567 4 N New 20293606 4 N New 20305366 4 N New 20314916 The Requests above were forwarded to the PPM team and have been taken care of. The attached worksheet has the results from research, a script was created to fix the remaining requests. ","Mismatch report- Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. The spread sheet includes a description of the mismatch, PEMS ID and PPM ID, once completed, please update column H with the appropriate response. Accenture will upload the report to the PRR daily as discrepancies are identified. ",PSR,positive,93%,mismatch report data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues spread sheet includes description mismatch pems id ppm id completed please update column h appropriate response accenture upload report prr daily discrepancies identified,busops req pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 220,497395,HHSC: Escalation Req 8013103 - PEMS Request and Provider Management Sync Issue,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"Request 20262999 closed enrolled on 9/11/2023 but updated information is not reflecting under Provider Management page, must be fixed. Transaction to master merge issue ","The following PRR 8013103 has been created for the following task: Request 20262999 closed enrolled on 9/11/2023 but updated information is not reflecting under Provider Management page (showing disenrolled). This is preventing performing providers from re-enrolling under group NPI 1093241903. Please research why PEMS has not updated the enrollment record as this is presenting additional performing provider enrollments. Provider: BHS PHYSICIANS NETWORK, INC. NPI: 1093241903 ",PSR,negative,0%,following prr created following task request closed enrolled but updated information not reflecting provider management page showing disenrolled preventing performing providers reenrolling group npi please research pems not updated enrollment record presenting additional performing provider enrollments provider bhs physicians network inc npi,hhsc escalation req pems request provider management sync issue,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 221,497397,OIG: Routed to OIG in Error Code Fix,New,,,"Defect from 8/24/2023 release. Provider incorrectly routed to OIG for review. According to business rules this provider does not need OIG review to continue enrollment. This is a defect identified in 8/24/2023 deployment. Issue: According to new business rules implemented in August 2023, only very few Existing Enrollments with a High Screen Risk Category (SRC) now require OIG review. OIG received the following requests that do not meet the agreed upon criteria. ",MSR,negative,14%,defect release provider incorrectly routed oig review according business rules provider not need oig review continue enrollment defect identified deployment issue according new business rules implemented august existing enrollments high screen risk category src require oig review oig received following requests not meet agreed upon criteria,oig routed oig error code fix,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 222,497400,"BusOps: Site Visit Bypassed, Incomplete Application",Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,Research why this wasn't routed to site visit.,"Application is in PENDING OIG- requesting back – SV was bypassed – per PEMS logic Rework Missing or incomplete application should route back to PSV. PEMS Req: 20298060 Provider: LHCG CXIV LLC NPI: 1275055774 PPM: 7988190 ",PSR,negative,16%,application pending oig requesting back sv bypassed per pems logic rework missing incomplete application route back psv pems req provider lhcg cxiv llc npi ppm,busops site visit bypassed incomplete application,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 223,497403,HHSC: Provider License Expiration Date not Updated,Closed,,"Analysis: The TMB inbound folder had both the August and September files. When the batch ran on schedule it only picked up and ran the one latest file (September; by design). Batch & Monitoring team reported that a file is still in the inbound folder so that batch was manually kicked off to process it. This used the August file to overwrite September data. Resolution: Re-run the September TMB file. The linked ticket 494281 for the Batch team escalation was reopened to monitor that next month there is only one file that processes on time. ","Sept Board of Nursing File Processed Thru PEMS - a provider’s license has not been updated in PEMS - Syed I Anwar NPI: 1053314401 Texas Medical Board expiration date should be 08/31/2025, according to TMB file for this provider. Need to check if the TMB file went through to production and did not stop at staging. See email attached ",PSR,negative,7%,sept board nursing file processed thru pems providers license not updated pems syed anwar npi texas medical board expiration date according tmb file provider need check tmb file went production not stop staging see email attached,hhsc provider license expiration date not updated,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 224,497448,Batch Error - NPPESDataProcess,Ready,,"Root cause issue for files remaining in input folder is identified and a resolution approach is found. Root cause issue for ""endpoint_"" failing to process since August 2021 is identified and a resolution is found. ","NPPESDataProcess batch failed on 9/26. Task Scheduler showed successful however the files are still present in the input folder and the service logs logged the following exception: ""NPPES Data extract Unsuccessful. Please verify the logs"" Error in batch that invokes screening: File log Invoke-RestMethod :The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. AtD:\TMHPBatch\Provider\NPPESDataProcess\NPPESDataProcess.ps1:1 char:1 + Invoke-RestMethod-Uri https://sfprod.tmhp.org:41600/Prov_ScreeningCo... +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation:(System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebExc eption + FullyQualifiedErrorId :WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand Reruns needed: * 10/3 * 10/11 - second rerun failed, third try at 8am succeed Of the four input files, ""endpoint_"" has not processed since August 2021. Need to research on why this file is failing. ",Research and Analysis,negative,1%,nppesdataprocess batch failed task scheduler showed successful however files still present input folder service logs logged following exception nppes data extract unsuccessful please verify logs error batch invokes screening file log invokerestmethod remote server returned error internal server error atdtmhpbatchprovidernppesdataprocessnppesdataprocess ps char invokerestmethoduri httpssfprod tmhp orgprovscreeningco categoryinfo invalidoperation system net httpwebrequesthttpwebrequest invokerestmethod webexc eption fullyqualifiederrorid webcmdletwebresponseexceptionmicrosoft powershell commands invokerestmethodcommand reruns needed second rerun failed third try succeed four input files endpoint not processed since august need research file failing,batch error nppesdataprocess,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 225,497496,Incident and Reporting Process Standup,Ready,Meeting Tracking,,Tme tracking for Daily Incident and Reporting Process standup ,BSR,positive,73%,tme tracking daily incident reporting process standup,incident reporting process standup,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 226,497614,09/26/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 11 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 12 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 09/26/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 227,497647,Create a New Maintenance Request Type for Add/Update Alt IDs for LTC/KHC/VDP Programs,New,Enhancement,,"Create a New Maintenance Request Type for Add/Update Alt IDs for LTC/KHC/VDP Programs This should be for internal users only. This request should just allow internal users to add/update Alts for LTC/KHC/VDP Programs after an enrollment request is in a closed/enrolled status. The alt ids for these programs are sometimes determined after the request is closed enrolled which then requires a data fix. They should not have the ability to update all alt ids. only the alt ids for LTC/KHC/VDP Programs. ",MSR,negative,5%,create new maintenance request type addupdate alt ids ltckhcvdp programs internal users request allow internal users addupdate alts ltckhcvdp programs enrollment request closedenrolled status alt ids programs sometimes determined request closed enrolled requires data fix not ability update alt ids alt ids ltckhcvdp programs,create new maintenance request type addupdate alt ids ltckhcvdp programs,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 228,497648,Internal: HTW Analysis on Editable Scenarios,New,Enhancement,,Research analysis on editable end dates for providers in HTW UI screen. Run analysis on editable scenarios in lower environments. ,Research and Analysis,positive,69%,research analysis editable end dates providers htw ui screen run analysis editable scenarios lower environments,internal htw analysis editable scenarios,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 229,497654,Internal: VDP: Overlapping Network Segments,New,,,"Research analysis on VDP overlapping network segments. Research Analysis on Retail and delivery Networks IDs and notes missing after the Revalidation. ",Research and Analysis,neutral,59%,research analysis vdp overlapping network segments research analysis retail delivery networks ids notes missing revalidation,internal vdp overlapping network segments,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 230,497693,BusOps: Red Banner Error in RM,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Please research why the page is returning a red banner error when selecting REQUEST COMPLETE-ACCEPTED.,"Red banner error when selecting REQUEST COMPLETE-ACCEPTED in R.M. PEMS Req: 20275193 PPM: 7981854 NPI: 1598059776 Provider: PEDIATRIC URGENT CARE PA ",PSR,negative,43%,red banner error selecting request completeaccepted r pems req ppm npi provider pediatric urgent care pa,busops red banner error rm,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 231,497700,BusOps: Red Banner Error in RM,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Please research why the page is returning a red banner error when selecting MATCH/OVERRIDE.,"Red Banner error when selecting MATCH/OVERRIDE in R.M. PEMS Req: 20294989 PPM: 7982659 NPI: 1003083445 Provider name: TEXAS ONCOLOGY PA ",PSR,negative,36%,red banner error selecting matchoverride r pems req ppm npi provider name texas oncology pa,busops red banner error rm,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 232,497703,BusOps: Red Banner Error in RM,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Please research red banner error when selecting COMPLETE.,"Red Banner error when selecting COMPLETE in R.M. PEMS Req: 20282773 PPM: 7970156 NPI: 1407229529 Provider: DECATUR HOSPITAL AUTHORITY ",PSR,negative,27%,red banner error selecting complete r pems req ppm npi provider decatur hospital authority,busops red banner error rm,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 233,497704,SOP 40 Remove PDC 66 - Update SOP Doc with PHE Rules,New,,,"The follow rules should apply for removing PDC 66 for PHE. * If there is a disenrolled PDC (40,41,42,44,45,47,48,49,50,56,59,61,62,64,65,66) that is Active and a PDC 66 that is Active or Inactive then do not remove the PDC 66. * If there is a disenrolled PDC (40,41,42,44,45,47,48,49,50,56,59,61,62,64,65,66) that is Inactive and there is an Active PDC 66 then remove the PDC 66. * If there is a deactivated PDC (46,60,63,67) Active or Inactive and an Inactive PDC 66 then do not remove the PDC 66. * If there is a deactivated PDC (46,60,63,67) Active or Inactive and an Active PDC 66 then remove the PDC 66. * If there is an Inactive PDC 66 and no other PDCs then do not remove the PDC 66 * If there is an Active PDC 66 and no other PDCs then remove the PDC 66 ",Research and Analysis,positive,70%,follow rules apply removing pdc phe disenrolled pdc active pdc active inactive not remove pdc disenrolled pdc inactive active pdc remove pdc deactivated pdc active inactive inactive pdc not remove pdc deactivated pdc active inactive active pdc remove pdc inactive pdc no pdcs not remove pdc active pdc no pdcs remove pdc,sop remove pdc update sop doc phe rules,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 234,497731,Provider Correspondence (Site Visit) Ticket Should Not Be Generated and screen risk should not be evaluated for Existing Enrollments,Ready,Rachana Aryal,"For existing enrollment if there is no change to the practice location then the site visit tickets should not be generated. For all others (enrollments new enrollment, revalidation, re-enrollment) even if there is no change to the practice location a site visit ticket should still be generated. Demonstrate when Existing Enrollment applications are submitted, site visit is not created when the following is true: * did not include adding a new practice location * did not include changing the address on an existing location * did not include new owners with 5% or more (or existing owners with ownership increasing to 5% or more) * did not include new partners with ownership greater than 0% (or existing partners with ownership increasing above 0%) Demonstrate when Existing Enrollment applications are submitted, screen risk logic is not evaluated when the following is true: * did not include adding a new practice location * did not include changing the address on an existing location * did not include new owners with 5% or more (or existing owners with ownership increasing to 5% or more) * did not include new partners with ownership greater than 0% (or existing partners with ownership increasing above 0%) ","Issue 1: Site visit tickets are being created for ExistingEnrollments even though the address isn’t being changed, and new practicelocation hasn’t been added, and ownership of 5% or more hasn’t changed. See attached email For existing enrollment if there is no change to the practice location then the site visit tickets should not be generated. For all other enrollments even if there is no change to the practice location a site visit ticket should still be generated, ACN TFS 487069 Defect identified from ACN TFS As a Project Stakeholder, when a provider submits an Existing Enrollment request in PEMS which is assigned a High or Moderate screen risk, I want PEMS to create a pre-site visit if any of the following is true: * Adding a new practice location (pre-site visit for each) * Changing address on an existing practice location * Adding new owners with 5% or more (individual or entity) and no site visit had been performed for a given existing practice location * Adding new partners with ownership greater than 0% and no site visit had been performed for a given existing practice location If none of the above scenarios are met, PEMS must not create a pre-site visit. Assumptions: * Increasing % owned by an existing owner from less than 5% to 5% or greater is equivalent to adding a new owner with >=5% * Increasing % owned by an existing partner from 0% to greater than 0% is equivalent to adding new partners with ownership greater than 0% ACN TFS 487069 (linked) deployed to production with this issue in the 8/24/23 deployment. Irrespective of practice location- (added or modified or not changed) - and Provider Risk Category is High/Moderate then Pre-Site visit ticket must be created for each and every practice location if the request type is any of the following. * PEMS - New Enrollment * PEMS - Revalidation * PEMS - Reenrollment ",MSR,negative,22%,issue site visit tickets created existingenrollments even though address not changed new practicelocation not added ownership not changed see attached email existing enrollment no change practice location site visit tickets not generated enrollments even no change practice location site visit ticket still generated acn tfs defect identified acn tfs project stakeholder provider submits existing enrollment request pems assigned high moderate screen risk want pems create presite visit following true adding new practice location presite visit changing address existing practice location adding new owners individual entity no site visit performed given existing practice location adding new partners ownership greater no site visit performed given existing practice location none scenarios met pems must not create presite visit assumptions increasing owned existing owner less greater equivalent adding new owner increasing owned existing partner greater equivalent adding new partners ownership greater acn tfs linked deployed production issue deployment irrespective practice location added modified not changed provider risk category highmoderate presite visit ticket must created every practice location request type following pems new enrollment pems revalidation pems reenrollment,provider correspondence site visit ticket not generated screen risk not evaluated existing enrollments,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 235,497752,"PRR 8021142 IVEDCO, LLC DBA KabaFusion TX ",Closed,Verified in Prod,"NPI: 1922069525 Request 20267434 Existing Enrollment The wrong alt Ids were added with effective date 2021-09-17 End Date OLD Alt IDs VendorID 321002 Expiration Date = 2021-09-16 already end dated TINS 17525202408000 Expiration Date = 2021-09-16 already end dated NCPDP 4591978 Expiration Date = 2021-09-16 already end dated NPI 1922069525 Expiration Date = 2021-09-16 already end dated Old Network 1-5 2021-09-16 already end dated Old Network 9 2021-09-16 already end dated Add New ALT IDs The old alt ids are already there with these effective dates, so the alt ids just need to be corrected on those rows. VendorID 150693 Effective Date = 2021-09-17 TINS 17525202408001 Effective Date = 2021-09-17 NCPDP 4591978 Effective Date = 2021-09-17 NPI 1922069525 Effective Date = 2021-09-17 Network 1-2 Effective Date = 2021-09-17 9 Effective Date = 2021-09-17 Need to delete 3-5 with effective date 9/12/2023 since these are not selected on the request. ","Name: IVEDCO, LLC DBA KabaFusion TX NPI: 1922069525 PRR: 8021142 TFS: Details: IVEDCO, LLC DBA KabaFusion TX (NPI: 1922069525) recently relocated from 4950 Westgrove Dr, Dallas, TX 75248-1924 to 3000 Kellway Dr., Suite 110, Carrollton, TX 75006-3356 and this was reported to TMHP and approved by TMHP (effective 9/13/2023). TMHP has verified the new correct address, 3000 Kellway Dr., Suite 110, Carrollton, TX 75006-3356, was reported in their most recent file to Vendor Drug Program and other MCO payors. However, the Pharmacy Provider Search results and information in the Vendor Drug Program system are still population the previous address, 4950 Westgrove Dr, Dallas, TX 75248-1924. This has recently created claims rejections for some of our patients and we are reaching out to see if you can verify when the new information will be updated. TMHP Internal Research: The new Texas Vendor ID and TIN number were not added to the Alternate Identifiers section for the new location. Location: 4950 Westgrove Dr - There is a PDC in the old location, however PEMS still showing the pharmacy active under Alternate Identifiers. ",PSR,positive,80%,name ivedco llc dba kabafusion tx npi prr tfs details ivedco llc dba kabafusion tx npi recently relocated westgrove dr dallas tx kellway dr suite carrollton tx reported tmhp approved tmhp effective tmhp verified new correct address kellway dr suite carrollton tx reported recent file vendor drug program mco payors however pharmacy provider search results information vendor drug program system still population previous address westgrove dr dallas tx recently created claims rejections patients reaching see verify new information updated tmhp internal research new texas vendor id tin number not added alternate identifiers section new location location westgrove dr pdc old location however pems still showing pharmacy active alternate identifiers,prr ivedco llc dba kabafusion tx,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 236,497758,BusOps: PRR 8021244 - PEMS/PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report),Closed,bulk ticket; SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"PRR 8021244 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) needs to be fixed. Spreadsheet attached with updates being performed. ","PRR 8021244 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) Mismatch report- Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. The spread sheet includes a description of the mismatch, PEMS ID and PPM ID, once completed, please update column H with the appropriate response. Accenture will upload the report to the PRR daily as discrepancies are identified. ",PSR,positive,93%,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report mismatch report data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues spread sheet includes description mismatch pems id ppm id completed please update column h appropriate response accenture upload report prr daily discrepancies identified,busops prr pemsppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 237,497773,8009452 - Remove PDC-66 for post-PHE grace period ,Closed,SOP 40; Verified in Prod,"PDC 66 removed from identified records. Impacted records are documented in a linked spreadsheet. Remove PDC 66 for the providers on that attached spreadsheet. See Spreadsheet in sharepoint Copy of Revalidations 0512 through 1111 with Program 20230821.xlsx SOP 40 TMHP SharePoint link: http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=265762 Filtered the list on column D disenrolled for other =No and Column E PDC 66=YesIf there is a disenrolled PDC * If there is a disenrolled PDC (40,41,42,44,45,47,48,49,50,56,59,61,62,64,65,66) that is Active and a PDC 66 that is Active or Inactive then do not remove the PDC 66. * If there is a disenrolled PDC (40,41,42,44,45,47,48,49,50,56,59,61,62,64,65,66) that is Inactive and there is an Active PDC 66 then remove the PDC 66. * If there is a deactivated PDC (46,60,63,67) Active or Inactive and an Inactive PDC 66 then do not remove the PDC 66. * If there is a deactivated PDC (46,60,63,67) Active or Inactive and an Active PDC 66 then remove the PDC 66. * If there is an Inactive PDC 66 and no other PDCs then do not remove the PDC 66 * If there is an Active PDC 66 and no other PDCs then remove the PDC 66 PDC 66 Other PDC = Yes Next Step Yes Only 46 Only Remove PDC 66 Yes Only 60 Only Remove PDC 66 Yes Only 63 Only Remove PDC 66 Yes Only 67 Only Remove PDC 66 Yes Any combo of 46, 60, 63 and 67 Only Remove PDC 66 No Any PDC (not 66) Do Not Update Yes Any PDC that is not 46, 60, 63, or 67 (46, 60, 63, or 67 does not exist with this NPI as well) Only Remove PDC 66 (Do Not Update) Yes Any PDC that is not 46, 60, 63, or 67 (but 46, 60, 63, or 67 does exist with this NPI as well) Do Not Update ","Remove PDC 66 from identified NPI locations. Original ticket is linked for the remainder of requests. In this PBI we will be deleting 1.) PDC 66 record for the NPI's which have Active PDC 66 with Deactivated PDC's 2.) PDC 66 record for the NPI's which have Active PDC 66 with In-Active Disenrolled PDC's 3.) PDC 66 record for the NPI's with only Active PDC 66's 8009452 - Remove PDC-66 for post-PHE grace period Remove (Delete) PDC-66 with effective dates between 5/12/23 and 11/11/23. CMS advises that for revalidations that are due within six months after the expiration of the PHE, states will be granted an additional six months to complete those revalidations. Accenture recommends that providers with due dates within this 6-month time frame (5/12/23 – 11/11/23) receive a recalculated due date equal to 6-months from the current due-date. By taking this action Accenture will ensure that providers are not disenrolled due to failure to revalidate during this 6-month timeframe and may continue to receive payment from Texas State Healthcare Plans. ",PSR,positive,78%,remove pdc identified npi locations original ticket linked remainder requests pbi deleting pdc record npis active pdc deactivated pdcs pdc record npis active pdc inactive disenrolled pdcs pdc record npis active pdc remove pdc postphe grace period remove delete pdc effective dates cms advises revalidations due within six months expiration phe states granted additional six months complete revalidations accenture recommends providers due dates within month time frame receive recalculated due date equal months current duedate taking action accenture ensure providers not disenrolled due failure revalidate month timeframe may continue receive payment texas state healthcare plans,remove pdc postphe grace period,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 238,497775,Root Cause - Red Banner error when selecting MATCH/OVERRIDE in R.M.,Closed,Parent Ticket - Bulk Request,,See linked tickets for escalations.,Research and Analysis,positive,77%,see linked tickets escalations,root red banner error selecting matchoverride r,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 239,497786,Root Cause - PPM/PEMS Sync not Reflected under PROVIDER MANAGEMENT,New,,Root cause identified and remediation approach defined.,"See linked ticket for details on the escalation. This record needed a data fix for the transaction to master merge process for it to complete. ",Research and Analysis,positive,85%,see linked ticket details escalation record needed data fix transaction master merge process complete,root ppmpems sync not reflected provider management,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 240,497806,BusOps: PRR 8021450 -Issues with Site Visits being Created - Issue#1 ,New,Team 2,,"PRR 8021450 - There are Issues with Site Visits being Created - Issue#1 Issue#1 Site visit tickets being created for Existing Enrollments though address isn’t changed, and new practice location hasn’t changed, and new practice location hasn’t been added, and ownership of 5% or more hasn’t changed. Determine if this is a maintenance or Modification issue Reported: TFS Product Backlog Item 493412: Workflow - Site Visit Creation Issues - Microsoft Team Foundation Server ",Research and Analysis,negative,4%,prr issues site visits created issue issue site visit tickets created existing enrollments though address not changed new practice location not changed new practice location not added ownership not changed determine maintenance modification issue reported tfs product backlog item workflow site visit creation issues microsoft team foundation server,busops prr issues site visits created issue,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 241,497818,PRR 8021453 - Issue 2: The work around for creating tickets when the application did not come to the site visit team no longer works. ,New,Team 2,,"There are issues with site visits being created. See attached document for additional information. PRR 8021453 - Issue 2: The work around for creating tickets when the application did not come to the site visit team no longer works. Determine if this is a maintenance or Modification issue TFS: Product Backlog Item 493412: Workflow - Site Visit Creation Issues - Microsoft Team Foundation Server ",Research and Analysis,negative,12%,issues site visits created see attached document additional information prr issue work around creating tickets application not come site visit team no longer works determine maintenance modification issue tfs product backlog item workflow site visit creation issues microsoft team foundation server,prr issue work around creating tickets application not come site visit team no longer works,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 242,497819,BusOps: Red Banner Error in RM,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Please research why the page is returning a red banner error when selecting REQUEST COMPLETE-ACCEPTED.,"Red banner error when selecting REQUEST COMPLETE-ACCEPTED in R.M. PEMS Req: 20303433 PPM: 7992363 NPI: 1518209113 Provider: NLUC PLLC ",PSR,neutral,46%,red banner error selecting request completeaccepted r pems req ppm npi provider nluc pllc,busops red banner error rm,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 243,497822,BusOps: Red Banner Error in RM,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Please research why the page is returning a red banner error when selecting REQUEST COMPLETE-ACCEPTED.,"Red banner error when selecting REQUEST COMPLETE-ACCEPTED in R.M. PEMS Req: 20304498 PPM: 7995048 NPI: 1922627835 Provider: EMILY SUE IMHOFF ",PSR,neutral,48%,red banner error selecting request completeaccepted r pems req ppm npi provider emily sue imhoff,busops red banner error rm,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 244,497823,PRR 8021454 - There are issues with site visits being created Issue#3 expect to see a new site visit ticket created to address the error. ,New,Team 2,,"PRR 8021454 - There are issues with site visits being created Issue#3 expect to see a new site visit ticket created to address the error. Issue 3: After the site visit team progresses a ticket to OIG/HHSC and OIG/HHSC returns the ticket for a site visit error, we would expect to see a new site visit ticket created to address the error. Determine if this is a maintenance or Modification issue TFS: Product Backlog Item 493412: Workflow - Site Visit Creation Issues - Microsoft Team Foundation Server ",Research and Analysis,positive,92%,prr issues site visits created issue expect see new site visit ticket created address error issue site visit team progresses ticket oighhsc oighhsc returns ticket site visit error would expect see new site visit ticket created address error determine maintenance modification issue tfs product backlog item workflow site visit creation issues microsoft team foundation server,prr issues site visits created issue expect see new site visit ticket created address error,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 245,497837,PRR 802145 - issues with site visits being created Issue#4 PEMS to put app in RTE – Ready to Enroll it was routed back to PSV and generated a new PC#,New,Team 2,,"PRR 802145 - issues with site visits being created Issue#4 PEMS to put app in RTE – Ready to Enroll it was routed back to PSV and generated a new PC# Issue 4: PEMS: 20287659 PC# 7999065 was closed and when selected complete on PEMS to put app in RTE – Ready to Enroll it was routed back to PSV and generated a new PC# 8004332. PRR: 8021456 Determine if this is a maintenance or Modification issue TFS: Product Backlog Item 493412: Workflow - Site Visit Creation Issues - Microsoft Team Foundation Server ",Research and Analysis,negative,12%,prr issues site visits created issue pems put app rte ready enroll routed back psv generated new pc issue pems pc closed selected complete pems put app rte ready enroll routed back psv generated new pc prr determine maintenance modification issue tfs product backlog item workflow site visit creation issues microsoft team foundation server,prr issues site visits created issue pems put app rte ready enroll routed back psv generated new pc,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 246,497843,PRR 8021458 - There are issues with site visits being created - Issue#5 Why were these created for 2 same address locations?,New,Team 2,,"PRR 8021458 - There are issues with site visits being created - Issue#5 Why were these created for 2 same address locations? Issue 5: PEMS: 20311184 EE – PC# 8004524- Site Visit not needed – no changes to address or chow. EE – PC# 8004452- Site Visit not needed – no changes to address or chow. Why were these created for 2 same address locations? Determine if this is a maintenance or Modification issue TFS: Product Backlog Item 493412: Workflow - Site Visit Creation Issues - Microsoft Team Foundation Server ",Research and Analysis,negative,3%,prr issues site visits created issue created address locations issue pems ee pc site visit not needed no changes address chow ee pc site visit not needed no changes address chow created address locations determine maintenance modification issue tfs product backlog item workflow site visit creation issues microsoft team foundation server,prr issues site visits created issue created address locations,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 247,497846,BusOps: Red Banner Error in RM,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Please research why the page is returning a red banner error when selecting COMPLETE-ACCEPTED,"Red banner error when selecting REQUEST COMPLETE-ACCEPTED in R.M. PEMS Req: 20261316 PPM: 7986411 NPI: 1811944101 Provider: TEXAS ONCOLOGY PA ",PSR,neutral,45%,red banner error selecting request completeaccepted r pems req ppm npi provider texas oncology pa,busops red banner error rm,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 248,497848,BusOps: Red Banner Error in RM,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Please research why the page is returning a red banner error when selecting COMPLETE,"Red banner error when selecting COMPLETE in R.M. PEMS Req: 20287628 PPM: 7977190 NPI: 1477712685 Provider: TEI AND ASSOCIATES LLC ",PSR,neutral,45%,red banner error selecting complete r pems req ppm npi provider tei associates llc,busops red banner error rm,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 249,497850,PRR 8021460 - PC# 8006327- was generated when trying to progress app to RTE- even though a site visit was already completed ,New,Team 2,,"PRR 8021460 - PC# 8006327- was generated when trying to progress app to RTE- even though a site visit was already completed Issue 6: PEMS 20297674 EE- PC# 8006327- was generated when trying to progress app to RTE- even though a site visit was already completed and approved by TMHP QA team. Determine if this is a maintenance or Modification issue TFS: Product Backlog Item 493412: Workflow - Site Visit Creation Issues - Microsoft Team Foundation Server ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,prr pc generated trying progress app rte even though site visit already completed issue pems ee pc generated trying progress app rte even though site visit already completed approved tmhp qa team determine maintenance modification issue tfs product backlog item workflow site visit creation issues microsoft team foundation server,prr pc generated trying progress app rte even though site visit already completed,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 250,497852,BusOps: Red Banner Error in RM,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Please research why the page is returning a red banner error when selecting COMPLETE-ACCEPTED.,"Red banner error when selecting REQUEST COMPLETE-ACCEPTED in R.M. PEMS Req: 20300194 PPM: 8005397 NPI: 20300194 Provider: CHRISTUS TRINITY CLINIC ",PSR,negative,39%,red banner error selecting request completeaccepted r pems req ppm npi provider christus trinity clinic,busops red banner error rm,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 251,497853,BusOps: Red Banner Error in RM,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Please research why the page is returning a red banner error when selecting COMPLETE-ACCEPTED.,"Red banner error when selecting REQUEST COMPLETE-ACCEPTED in R.M. PEMS Req: 20251322 PPM: 8001676 NPI: 1144251547 Provider: DONNA MEDICAL CLINIC PA ",PSR,negative,36%,red banner error selecting request completeaccepted r pems req ppm npi provider donna medical clinic pa,busops red banner error rm,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 252,497854,BusOps: Red Banner Error in RM,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Please research why the page is returning a red banner error when selecting NEED MORE INFORMATION.,"Red banner error when selecting NEED MORE INFORMATION in R.M. PEMS Req: 20294378 PPM: 7995475 NPI: 1134169535 Provider: REACH AIR MEDICAL SERVICES LLC. ",PSR,negative,33%,red banner error selecting need information r pems req ppm npi provider reach air medical services llc,busops red banner error rm,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 253,497855,PRR 8021461 - Issue #7 REQUEST TYPE PEMS Maintenance - W9/Tax Information - I don’t believe this should have created a SV. ,New,Team 2,,"PRR 8021461 - Issue #7 REQUEST TYPE PEMS Maintenance - W9/Tax Information - I don’t believe this should have created a SV. Issue 7: PEMS 20286536 REQUEST TYPE PEMS Maintenance - W9/Tax Information - I don’t believe this should have created a SV. Determine if this is a maintenance or Modification issue TFS: Product Backlog Item 493412: Workflow - Site Visit Creation Issues - Microsoft Team Foundation Server ",Research and Analysis,negative,2%,prr issue request type pems maintenance wtax information not believe created sv issue pems request type pems maintenance wtax information not believe created sv determine maintenance modification issue tfs product backlog item workflow site visit creation issues microsoft team foundation server,prr issue request type pems maintenance wtax information not believe created sv,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 254,497856,PRR 8021462 - Issue#8 Provider is doing address change from 1 location to 3 locations.,New,Team 2,,"PRR 8021462 - Issue#8 Provider is doing address change from 1 location to 3 locations. Determine if this is a maintenance or Modification issue Issue 8: PEMS: 20280393 EE - 2 Tickets have the same address, don't seem to have a change/add in address and don’t have change of ownership. PC# 8001782 – has the 1818 after the Zip. PC# 8001873 - does not have the 1818 after the Zip. Only differences in PEMS we are seeing. Provider is doing address change from 1 location to 3 locations. If you look at the approved date, all three locations 512 N Smith Ave, 1409 N Stuart Ave, and 4207 Jaime Zapata Memorial HWY are all being changed from 2820 S Padre Island Dr. Is this possible or should it be allowed? Recent change was not made to address that mentioned PC tickets are tied to. Skilled Nursing Services (Home Health Agency TFS: Product Backlog Item 493412: Workflow - Site Visit Creation Issues - Microsoft Team Foundation Server ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,prr issue provider address change location locations determine maintenance modification issue issue pems ee tickets address not seem changeadd address not change ownership pc zip pc not zip differences pems seeing provider address change location locations look approved date three locations n smith ave n stuart ave jaime zapata memorial hwy changed padre island dr possible allowed recent change not made address mentioned pc tickets tied skilled nursing services home health agency tfs product backlog item workflow site visit creation issues microsoft team foundation server,prr issue provider address change location locations,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 255,497859,PRR 8021463 - Issue #9 Rework Missing or incomplete application should route back to PSV. ,New,,,"PRR 8021463 - Issue #9 Rework Missing or incomplete application should route back to PSV. Determine if this is a Maintenance or Modification Issue Issue 9: PEMS: 20302920 PEMS generated PC tickets for PL that were not required- However, the PL that required a rework was not generated meaning that a SV ticket was not created on pass two even though the bypass reason is Rework – Missing or Incomplete information. PEMS: 20298060 Application is in PENDING OIG- requesting back – SV was bypassed – per PEMS logic Rework Missing or incomplete application should route back to PSV. TFS: Product Backlog Item 493412: Workflow - Site Visit Creation Issues - Microsoft Team Foundation Server ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,prr issue rework missing incomplete application route back psv determine maintenance modification issue issue pems pems generated pc tickets pl not required however pl required rework not generated meaning sv ticket not created pass two even though bypass reason rework missing incomplete information pems application pending oig requesting back sv bypassed per pems logic rework missing incomplete application route back psv tfs product backlog item workflow site visit creation issues microsoft team foundation server,prr issue rework missing incomplete application route back psv,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 256,497862,PRR 8021464 - Issue#10 2nd time seeing this app in SV (returned from rework),New,,,"PRR 8021464 - Issue#10 2nd time seeing this app in SV (returned from rework) Determine if this is Maintenance or Modification Issue 10: PEMS 20267812 PE 7955516 LEGACY COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES INC •2nd time seeing this app in SV (returned from rework) •all reworks came back with a new PC ticket properly – reworks were sent out on 7/24/2023 •new PCs were generated for enrolled locations that did not previously come to SV the first time around (see all locations below) TFS: Product Backlog Item 493412: Workflow - Site Visit Creation Issues - Microsoft Team Foundation Server ",Research and Analysis,positive,63%,prr issue nd time seeing app sv returned rework determine maintenance modification issue pems pe legacy community health services inc nd time seeing app sv returned rework reworks came back new pc ticket properly reworks sent new pcs generated enrolled locations not previously come sv first time around see locations tfs product backlog item workflow site visit creation issues microsoft team foundation server,prr issue nd time seeing app sv returned rework,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 257,497952,HHSC: SAR 124968 End Date PDC 42 due 9/28/2023,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1831297266 End date PDC 42 to 09/25/2023 for all practice location and programs. Note: PDC 42 End Date effective 09/25/2023 as part of SAR 124968 ","The following has been created per SAR request 124968-1. I’ve summarized the request below, however additional details are included in the PRR. • PRR: 8021279 • Description: PDC Update • NPI: 1831297266 • Note: PDC 42 End Date effective 09/25/2023 • Due Date: 9/28/23 Updated Karla Lee's provider eligibility file by entering an END DATE of 09/25/2023 on Action/Reason code 42 for programs and practice locations . ",PSR,negative,34%,following created per sar request summarized request however additional details included prr prr description pdc update npi note pdc end date effective due date updated karla lees provider eligibility file entering end date actionreason code programs practice locations,hhsc sar end date pdc due,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 258,497968,09/27/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 6 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 23 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 09/27/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 259,497974,VDP: PPM 8022076 Leading Spaces in Vendor ID,Closed,VDP SOP; Verified in Prod,"Leading spaces for the Vendor IDs are removed for NPIs: NPI: 1619479557, for Vendor ID 471386 NPI: 1316656796, for Vendor ID 471380 for NPI: 1437665551, Vendor ID space is removed as part of other TFS ticket. ","There are 3 pharmacies on the interim file with a leading SPACE prior to the Vendor ID for all segments AND in the 02 segment for Vendor ID Can you remove them? These 3, if I am not mistaken, these are from recent data fixes. NPI: 1437665551 NPI: 1619479557 NPI: 1316656796 ",PSR,neutral,53%,pharmacies interim file leading space prior vendor id segments segment vendor id remove not mistaken recent data fixes npi npi npi,vdp ppm leading spaces vendor id,23,"Vendor, ids, req, active, overlapping" 260,497979,BusOps: SAR 124844 - PRR 8018426 - Revalidation Due Date Extension PHE Notifications,Rejected,Duplicate,"Temporary notes - delete after this is cleared up and replace Acceptance text. Need to discuss with BusOps on the notification process. In a meeting for post-PHE, BusOps said they would take care of this step. However previously at TMHP, tech qould run queries to get email addresses and supply to CRM team tosend the notifications.","HHSC submitted SAR 124844-1 on 09/20/2023 to allow for a 6-month grace period for revalidation due dates following the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) closure on 5/11/2023. Providers with Revalidation Due Dates scheduled between 5/12/2023 through 11/11/2023 should receive an additional 6-months to complete revalidation. TMHP should update the enrollment period with a 6-month extension. A list of providers should be provided to PE Operations for E00214/L00217 generation. Upon completion of these efforts, Operations will need the list of impacted NPIs following the date extension so that we can send out the emails/letters. We will also use that list for Post-PHE monitoring in our Bi-Weekly Stakeholder meetings. When we get to that point you all can work with me on the output needed for follow-up efforts. We will need the list of NPIs to include Provider Name, Original Due Date, Recalculated Post-PHE Due Date, and Primary & Secondary Email Addresses. Those NPIs without email addresses will be sent physical letters so we will need an export of all Practice Locations for those without email addresses. ",PSR,positive,100%,hhsc submitted sar allow month grace period revalidation due dates following covid public health emergency phe closure providers revalidation due dates scheduled receive additional months complete revalidation tmhp update enrollment period month extension list providers provided pe operations el generation upon completion efforts operations need list impacted npis following date extension send emailsletters also use list postphe monitoring biweekly stakeholder meetings get point work output needed followup efforts need list npis include provider name original due date recalculated postphe due date primary secondary email addresses npis without email addresses sent physical letters need export practice locations without email addresses,busops sar prr revalidation due date extension phe notifications,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 261,498040,HHSC SAR 124992-1 due 9/28,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod,,"The following has been created per SAR request 124992-1. I’ve summarized the request below, however additional details are included in the PRR. • PRR: 8022188 • Description: PDC Update • 1780688598 • Note: Add Status Code 48 (Provider terminated) and PDC 49 [Provider is not enrolled] effective 09/26/2023 • Due Date: 9/28/23 ",PSR,negative,11%,following created per sar request summarized request however additional details included prr prr description pdc update note add status code provider terminated pdc provider not enrolled effective due date,hhsc sar due,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 262,498041,HHSC: PRR 8022189: SAR 124995-1 PDC Update due 9/28,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"PDC 48 and PDC 49 effective 09/26/2023 as part of SAR 124995 on all practice locations and programs. There are no requests so notes cannot be added in PEMS. ","The following has been created per SAR request 124995-1. I’ve summarized the request below; however additional details are included in the PRR. • PRR: 8022189 • Description: PDC Update • NPI: 1306854369 • Note: Add Status Code 48 (Provider terminated) and PDC 49 [Provider is not enrolled] effective 09/26/2023 • Due Date: 9/28/23 ",PSR,negative,12%,following created per sar request summarized request however additional details included prr prr description pdc update npi note add status code provider terminated pdc provider not enrolled effective due date,hhsc prr sar pdc update due,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 263,498103,HHS Requesting Manual Adding of Alt Ids,New,Enhancement,"Approach or design to avoid backend updates is defined. The recommended solution is to create a new Maintenace request type that will allow provider enrollment to add/update alt ids for KHC/LTC/VDP. The should not have the ability to update all alt ids. Only the alt ids for these programs. MSR TFS is linked. ","Questions: Why does this need to be done through the back end? for LTC and KHC the TINS number is not provided until after the requests are closed enrolled. For VDP there are times that the application does not route to VDP and so VDP notes are not added and after the request is closed enrolled a data fix is required to add the alt ids. Also, when the VDP notes are not added if the Alt IDs are keyed incorrectly or the effective dates are not correct then that will require a data fix to update make the corrections. Is there a way for HHS or BusOps to do this? not after the request is closed enrolled. See linked tickets for example requests. ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,questions need done back end ltc khc tins number not provided requests closed enrolled vdp times application not route vdp vdp notes not added request closed enrolled data fix required add alt ids also vdp notes not added alt ids keyed incorrectly effective dates not correct require data fix update make corrections way hhs busops not request closed enrolled see linked tickets example requests,hhs requesting manual adding alt ids,23,"Vendor, ids, req, active, overlapping" 264,498163,PRR 8022589 - PEMS Data Fix Request: NPI 1457985681 - Add Alt Id LTC,Closed,Verified in Prod,"NPI 1457985681 Request 20092170 Add Alt ID TINS 12732277335000 with effective date 12/15/2022 which is the approval date for the request. ","PRR 8022589 - PEMS Data Fix Request: NPI 1457985681 - Add Alt Id HHSC/LTC is requesting Accenture add to the PEMS database, to the 1457985681 NPI, an Alternate Id Type of 16, with a value of 12732277335000 The address for this Provider is: 4411 Breckenridge Dr Houston TX 77066 4787 HHSC/LTC is requesting confirmation when the Alternate Id request is received and again when TMHP adds the Alternate Id to the NPI. Please contact Russell Orth at Russell.Orth@HHS.Texas.gov and Mark High at Mark.High@hhs.texas.gov with questions about this request. Please confirm receipt and a unique tracking number for this request. ",PSR,positive,72%,prr pems data fix request npi add alt id hhscltc requesting accenture add pems database npi alternate id type value address provider breckenridge dr houston tx hhscltc requesting confirmation alternate id request received tmhp adds alternate id npi please contact russell orth russell orthhhs texas gov mark high mark highhhs texas gov questions request please confirm receipt unique tracking number request,prr pems data fix request npi add alt id ltc,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 265,498171,PRR 8022499 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report),Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Added spreadsheet with research results. All requests have been taken care of. ,"PRR 8022499 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) The following PRR 8022499 has been created for the following task: Mismatch report- Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. The spread sheet includes a description of the mismatch, PEMS ID and PPM ID, once completed, please update column H with the appropriate response. Accenture will upload the report to the PRR daily as discrepancies are identified. Please let us know if you have any questions, included is the link to the SOP’s (Workflow sync issues). http://New%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs%20-%20All%20Documents/ ",PSR,positive,98%,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report following prr created following task mismatch report data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues spread sheet includes description mismatch pems id ppm id completed please update column h appropriate response accenture upload report prr daily discrepancies identified please let us know questions included link sops workflow sync issues httpnewamopemssopsalldocuments,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 266,498175,PRR 8006536 & 8003295 HHSC Escalation for UTSW and both PRRs tied together and related to issue,Closed,Verified in Prod,"NPI 1992768626 - PEMS 20279613 We need to do a location merge in PEMS. Thisdeficiency is due to the phone number missing but because this is a duplicatelocation the phone number cannot be updated. Please confirm if you agree thatthese locations should be merged. NPI 1689884207 - CRM 2024633800 Thisone the 6201 HARRY HINES BLVD address is linked to the 5323 HARRY HINES BLVD inthe tables. These should not be linked. The MasterReassignBenefitEnrollPgmPractAssocId needs to be changed to match the ID for the group location 6201 HARRY HINES BLVD. ","PRR 8006536 & 8003295 HHSC Escalation for UTSW and both PRRs tied together and related to issue We have an HHSC escalation for UTSW that requires technical assistance. There are two PRRs related to the issue. Please create a TFS# for both PRR 8006536 & 8003295 as these are tied together. PRR 8006536 - NPI 1992768626 - PEMS 20279613 - Jeannne Joglar - UTSW Dallas - Unable to submit request to add secondary taxonomy as provider received repeat deficiencies for address 5323 HARRY HINES BLVD We have tried to end participation for CSHCN and readd it to the segment with acute care fee for service in hopes of clearing deficiency. "" We have also tried to change the address to include STE1 to the requested dis-enrolled CSHCN segment. PRR 8003295 - NPI 1689884207 - CRM 2024633800 - Sheena Pimpalwar - UTSW Dallas - Integration Issue -PEMS shows 6201 HARRY HINES BLVD, DALLAS, TX, 75390-5202 but C21 doesn't. PP NPI: 1689884207 Group NPI: 1972579365 **Possible related to duplicate issue PRR 8003293** ",PSR,negative,1%,prr hhsc escalation utsw prrs tied together related issue hhsc escalation utsw requires technical assistance two prrs related issue please create tfs prr tied together prr npi pems jeannne joglar utsw dallas unable submit request add secondary taxonomy provider received repeat deficiencies address harry hines blvd tried end participation cshcn readd segment acute care fee service hopes clearing deficiency also tried change address include ste requested disenrolled cshcn segment prr npi crm sheena pimpalwar utsw dallas integration issue pems shows harry hines blvd dallas tx but c not pp npi group npi possible related duplicate issue prr,prr hhsc escalation utsw prrs tied together related issue,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 267,498178,PRR 8021549 - PPM tickets created incorrectly or disassociated from PEMS request (5 Issues),New,bulk ticket,"10/12: Working with AMD PPM team to define an approach for these going forward. 10/14: Approach being finalized and once finalized we will send a new list to ops to review. ","Accenture has identified an issue where PPM tickets are being created incorrectly or being disassociated from PEMS request. This is causing downstream impacts to Provider Enrollment Inventory and SLAs. Attached spread sheet in PRR 8021549 contains PPM tickets created or disassociated inaccurately. Please use the attached spread sheet to review examples of the issues identified. Some examples found in the spreadsheet include: 1) PPM no longer associated to PEMS request on the Request Management page. (Example 7824444) 2) Several Duplicate PPM tickets created for one PEMS request (Example 20238957) 3) Systematically approved PEMS Maintenance-Add/Modify Performing Provider request should not create a PPM ticket.(Example 7970136) 4) Systematically approved PEMS Maintenance-Practice Location-Demographics request should not create a PPM ticket.(Example 7817141) 5) PPM-New Electronic created for Provider Disenrollment Letter (Example 7932774) ",PSR,negative,8%,accenture identified issue ppm tickets created incorrectly disassociated pems request causing downstream impacts provider enrollment inventory slas attached spread sheet prr contains ppm tickets created disassociated inaccurately please use attached spread sheet review examples issues identified examples found spreadsheet include ppm no longer associated pems request request management page example several duplicate ppm tickets created one pems request example systematically approved pems maintenanceaddmodify performing provider request not create ppm ticket example systematically approved pems maintenancepractice locationdemographics request not create ppm ticket example ppmnew electronic created provider disenrollment letter example,prr ppm tickets created incorrectly disassociated pems request issues,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 268,498297,BusOps: Correction to Request; PRR 8021488- Hidden Deficiency in PEMS ,Closed,SOP 02; Verified in Prod,"Please research hidden deficiency. Ignore the verbiage around deficiency count, they were just using that verbiage because that is the name of the SOP. ","The following PRR has been 8022472 created for the following task: • Update the Deficiency Count in PEMS Please provide a response once completed. PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 759372 found under deficiency history tab. NPI: 1790777696 PEMS Request: 20294502 PPM PE Request: 8015090 ",PSR,neutral,48%,following prr created following task update deficiency count pems please provide response completed pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab npi pems request ppm pe request,busops correction request prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 269,498307,PEMS Data Fix Request: NPI 1043956618 - Add Alt Id LTC,Closed,Verified in Prod,"1043956618 Add TINS Alternate Id Type with a value 18740539111000 to the LTC program with effective date 1/7/2023 which is the approval date from the new enrollment request. add to the long term care program on both requests. ","HHSC/LTC is requesting AMD add to the PEMS database, to the 1043956618 NPI, an Alternate Id Type of 16, with a value of 18740539111000. The address for this Provider is: 215 Chamberlain Dr Fate TX 75189 4935 HHSC/LTC is requesting confirmation when the Alternate Id request is received and again when TMHP adds the Alternate Id to the NPI. ",PSR,neutral,58%,hhscltc requesting amd add pems database npi alternate id type value address provider chamberlain dr fate tx hhscltc requesting confirmation alternate id request received tmhp adds alternate id npi,pems data fix request npi add alt id ltc,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 270,498308,09/28/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 27 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 10 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 09/28/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 271,498310,PRR 8022876 - PEMS Data Fix Request: NPI 1699102574 - Add Alt Id LTC,Closed,Verified in Prod,"PRR 8022876 - PEMS Data Fix Request: NPI 1699102574 - Add Alt Id must be fixed. 1699102574 Add alt id for TINS 14638305442000 with effective date 4/6/2023 to the LTC program which is the approval date from the existing enrollment request. ","HHSC/LTC is requesting AMD add to the PEMS database, to the 1699102574 NPI, an Alternate Id Type of 16, with a value of 14638305442000. The address for this Provider is: 8919 Aspen Meadow Dr Houston TX 77071 3256 HHSC/LTC is requesting confirmation when the Alternate Id request is received and again when TMHP adds the Alternate Id to the NPI. Please contact Russell Orth at Russell.Orth@HHS.Texas.gov and Mark High at Mark.High@hhs.texas.gov with questions about this request. ",PSR,positive,65%,hhscltc requesting amd add pems database npi alternate id type value address provider aspen meadow dr houston tx hhscltc requesting confirmation alternate id request received tmhp adds alternate id npi please contact russell orth russell orthhhs texas gov mark high mark highhhs texas gov questions request,prr pems data fix request npi add alt id ltc,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 272,498314,BusOps: Req: 8022879 - PEMS Data Fix Request: NPI 1982936316 - Add Alt Id LTC,Closed,SOP 10; Verified in Prod,"Update both transaction and master 1982936316 Request 20207462 Add alt id TINS 12718663847000 on the LTC program with effective date 4/28/2023 which is the approval of the request","HHSC/LTC is requesting AMD add to the PEMS database, to the 1982936316 NPI, an Alternate Id Type of 16, with a value of TINS 12718663847000. The address for this Provider is: 1515 Cessna Dr STE 102 El Paso TX 79925 2554 HHSC/LTC is requesting confirmation when the Alternate Id request is received and again when TMHP adds the Alternate Id to the NPI. Please contact Russell Orth at Russell.Orth@HHS.Texas.gov and Mark High at Mark.High@hhs.texas.gov with questions about this request. ",PSR,neutral,49%,hhscltc requesting amd add pems database npi alternate id type value tins address provider cessna dr ste el paso tx hhscltc requesting confirmation alternate id request received tmhp adds alternate id npi please contact russell orth russell orthhhs texas gov mark high mark highhhs texas gov questions request,busops req pems data fix request npi add alt id ltc,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 273,498318,PEMS Data Fix Request: NPI 1881214161 - Add Alt Id LTC,Closed,SOP 10; Verified in Prod,Add Alt ID for TINS 18507388496000 with effective date 6/2/2023 which is the approval date for the request.,"HHSC/LTC is requesting AMD add to the PEMS database, to the 1881214161 NPI, an Alternate Id Type of 16 (TINS), with a value of 18507388496000. The address for this Provider is: 1412 Main St STE 2500 Dallas TX 75202 4803 HHSC/LTC is requesting confirmation when the Alternate Id request is received and again when TMHP adds the Alternate Id to the NPI. ",PSR,neutral,46%,hhscltc requesting amd add pems database npi alternate id type tins value address provider main st ste dallas tx hhscltc requesting confirmation alternate id request received tmhp adds alternate id npi,pems data fix request npi add alt id ltc,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 274,498358,"PRR 8021142 IVEDCO, LLC DBA KabaFusion TX ",Closed,VDP; Verified in Prod,"The original Alt IDs were added on the wrong locations. The Alt IDs were corrected for Effective Date = 2021-09-17 but should have been moved to the correct location These need to be added to the correct location. 1922069525 Request 20267434 Existing Enrollment Vendor ID 150693 Effective Date = 2021-09-17 TINS 17525202408001 Effective Date = 2021-09-17 NCPDP 4591978 Effective Date = 2021-09-17 NPI 1922069525 Effective Date = 2021-09-17 ","Name: IVEDCO, LLC DBA KabaFusion TX NPI: 1922069525 PRR: 8021142 TFS: Details: IVEDCO, LLC DBA KabaFusion TX (NPI: 1922069525) recently relocated from 4950 Westgrove Dr, Dallas, TX 75248-1924 to 3000 Kellway Dr., Suite 110, Carrollton, TX 75006-3356 and this was reported to TMHP and approved by TMHP (effective 9/13/2023). TMHP has verified the new correct address, 3000 Kellway Dr., Suite 110, Carrollton, TX 75006-3356, was reported in their most recent file to Vendor Drug Program and other MCO payors. However, the Pharmacy Provider Search results and information in the Vendor Drug Program system are still population the previous address, 4950 Westgrove Dr, Dallas, TX 75248-1924. This has recently created claims rejections for some of our patients and we are reaching out to see if you can verify when the new information will be updated. TMHP Internal Research: The new Texas Vendor ID and TIN number were not added to the Alternate Identifiers section for the new location. Location: 4950 Westgrove Dr - There is a PDC in the old location, however PEMS still showing the pharmacy active under Alternate Identifiers. ",PSR,positive,80%,name ivedco llc dba kabafusion tx npi prr tfs details ivedco llc dba kabafusion tx npi recently relocated westgrove dr dallas tx kellway dr suite carrollton tx reported tmhp approved tmhp effective tmhp verified new correct address kellway dr suite carrollton tx reported recent file vendor drug program mco payors however pharmacy provider search results information vendor drug program system still population previous address westgrove dr dallas tx recently created claims rejections patients reaching see verify new information updated tmhp internal research new texas vendor id tin number not added alternate identifiers section new location location westgrove dr pdc old location however pems still showing pharmacy active alternate identifiers,prr ivedco llc dba kabafusion tx,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 275,498372,BusOps: Req 8021494 - Hidden Deficiency ,Rejected,,this one needs to be rejected see notes below,"The following PRR 8021494 has been created for the following task: • Hidden Deficiency PEMS is indicating a deficiency, but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 753446 found under deficiency history tab. NPI: 1578348512 PEMS Req: 20326030 ",PSR,negative,31%,following prr created following task hidden deficiency pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab npi pems req,busops req hidden deficiency,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 276,498535,BusOps: Req 8020923 - Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Sop 08; Verified in Prod,"Screen Risk Category should be Moderate. Add note ""The screen risk category was adjusted from Limited to Moderate as this is a revalidation application and a new program was not added.""","Please provide a response once completed. This is a revalidation application. The provider did not add a new program; therefore, the screen risk category should be Moderate as indicated in the approved work instructions and taxonomy crosswalk as one of the provider types is Skilled Nursing Facility. Request Management Comment: The screen risk category was adjusted from Limited to Moderate as this is a revalidation application and a new program was not added. ",PSR,neutral,56%,please provide response completed revalidation application provider not add new program therefore screen risk category moderate indicated approved work instructions taxonomy crosswalk one provider types skilled nursing facility request management comment screen risk category adjusted limited moderate revalidation application new program not added,busops req screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 277,498537,BusOps: Req 8020925- Screen Risk Category Update ,Closed,Sop 08; Verified in Prod,"Update Screen Risk Category to High. Add note ""The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program.""","The following PRR 8020925 has been created for the following task: • Update the Screen Risk Category Add the following comment to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. NPI: 1124033022 PEMS Req: 20328205 ",PSR,neutral,57%,following prr created following task update screen risk category add following comment request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program npi pems req,busops req screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 278,498538,BusOps: Req 8020522 - Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Sop 08; Verified in Prod,"Change screen risk from Moderate to High. Add note ""The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program.""","The following PRR 8020522 has been created for the following task: • Update the Screen Risk Category NPI: 1952316861 PEMS Req: 20328210 Add the following comment to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. Please provide a response once completed. Please let us know if you have any questions, included is the link to the SOP’s (Based on Type of SOP needed). New AMO PEMS SOPs - All Documents - http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20%2D%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR%2DProvider%20Enrollment%20%28PEP%29%2FF%2DStandard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs ",PSR,positive,92%,following prr created following task update screen risk category npi pems req add following comment request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program please provide response completed please let us know questions included link sops based type sop needed new amo pems sops documents httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfadtmhpapplicationsfprdproviderenrollmentpepffdstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssops,busops req screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 279,498539,BusOps: PRR 8021476 - Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Sop 08; Verified in Prod,"Adjust SRC to Moderate. Add the following comment to Request Management: ""The screen risk category was adjusted from High to Moderate as this is a revalidation application and a new program was not added."" ","The screen risk category was adjusted from High to Moderate as this is a revalidation application and a new program was not added. Screen Risk Category should be Moderate Per wiki & taxonomy crosswalk. Please provide a response once completed. NPI: 1871508978 PEMS Req: 20323870 ",PSR,positive,72%,screen risk category adjusted high moderate revalidation application new program not added screen risk category moderate per wiki taxonomy crosswalk please provide response completed npi pems req,busops prr screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 280,498548,BusOps: PRR 8021492 Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"Hidden Deficiency number is 745545 has description 'Everything with a red asterisk must be completed. ' Checked all the mandatory fields in the request are filled out and no data is missing. Please fix the hidden deficiency 745545 'Everything with a red asterisk must be completed'. ","PRR 8021492 Hidden Deficiency in PEMS - 8021492 PEMS is indicating a deficiency, but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 745545 found under deficiency history tab. NPI: 1932706025 PEMS Req: 20320591 ",PSR,negative,38%,prr hidden deficiency pems pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab npi pems req,busops prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 281,498550,BusOps: PRR 8021474 - Screen Risk Category Updates,Closed,Sop 08; Verified in Prod,"Change screen risk to High. Add note to request management page: ""The screen risk category was adjusted from Limited to High due to addition of a new program. ""","The following PRR 8021474 has been created for the following task: • Update the Screen Risk Category NPI: 1528375425 PEMS Req: 20286475 Add the following comment to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Limited to High due to addition of a new program. Please provide a response once completed. Please let us know if you have any questions, included is the link to the SOP’s (Based on Type of SOP needed). New AMO PEMS SOPs - All Documents - http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20%2D%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR%2DProvider%20Enrollment%20%28PEP%29%2FF%2DStandard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs ",PSR,positive,92%,following prr created following task update screen risk category npi pems req add following comment request management screen risk category adjusted limited high due addition new program please provide response completed please let us know questions included link sops based type sop needed new amo pems sops documents httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfadtmhpapplicationsfprdproviderenrollmentpepffdstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssops,busops prr screen risk category updates,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 282,498557,BusOps: Hidden Deficiency in PEMS - PRR 8022472,Closed,SOP 02; Verified in Prod,"NPI:1952472706 PEMS Req: 20253584 Please research hidden deficiency that is not visible on the Program and Service Participation Details page Deficiency Business 208 - please remove medicare id CA214143 as it does not link to receiving medicare id CH182A under group npi ","• Update the Deficiency Count in PEMS PEMS is indicating a deficiency, but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 759372 found under deficiency history tab. NPI:1952472706 PEMS Req: 20253584 ",PSR,neutral,49%,update deficiency count pems pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab npi pems req,busops hidden deficiency pems prr,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 283,498558,PRR 8021489 - Hidden Deficiency 8021489,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The hidden deficiency can be removed as duplicate on W9-Accounting/Billing Information page having ID 29 and business Object Id 108824 ""Please review and correct the provider name so that it matches the name on the filing documents submitted: OPTIMUM CARE SERVICES LLC"" NPI- 1003322934 REQ- 20261155 ","The following PRR 8021489 has been created for the following task: Please provide a response once completed. Please let us know if you have any questions, included is the link to the SOP’s (Based on Type of SOP needed). PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 754414 found under deficiency history tab. 1003322934 20261155 ",PSR,positive,70%,following prr created following task please provide response completed please let us know questions included link sops based type sop needed pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,prr hidden deficiency,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 284,498630,Vendor IDs Have Leading Spaces - Code Fix,Accepted,Aubrie Midkiff; Ready for Merge Testing in B & C,Users are unable to submit Vendor IDs with leading or trailing spaces.,"Escalations for data fixes for Vendor ids with leading spaces are linked. Prevent users from submitting Vendor IDs with leading/trailing spaces. Note: Preventing spaces in this field will affect all Alt Id types that use that same field. Alt Id UI location for reference: Practice Locations -> Programs -> Taxonomies -> Alternate Identifiers ",MSR,positive,86%,escalations data fixes vendor ids leading spaces linked prevent users submitting vendor ids leadingtrailing spaces note preventing spaces field affect alt id types use field alt id ui location reference practice locations programs taxonomies alternate identifiers,vendor ids leading spaces code fix,23,"Vendor, ids, req, active, overlapping" 285,498743," VDP: PRR 8023434 IVEDCO, LLC DBA KabaFusion TX Dispenser C&T",Closed,VDP SOP; Verified in Prod,"Add Dispenser Class and Dispenser Type Dispenser Class: Independent Pharmacy Dispenser Type: Specialty Description: "," Need a TFS# and this needs prioritized as urgent as the provider has been in the process of fixes and there is an access to care issue. Thanks! Name: IVEDCO, LLC DBA KabaFusion TX NPI: 1922069525 PRR: 8023434 TFS: Details: Dispenser class and type are not added into the UI from the VDP notes section. Vendor ID and TINS are correct (in green) but need red arrows to be populated. ",PSR,negative,2%,need tfs needs prioritized urgent provider process fixes access care issue thanks name ivedco llc dba kabafusion tx npi prr tfs details dispenser class type not added ui vdp notes section vendor id tins correct green but need red arrows populated,vdp prr ivedco llc dba kabafusion tx dispenser ct,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 286,498777,BusOps: PRR 8023594 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) ,Closed,Parent Ticket - Bulk Request,,"Mismatch report- Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. The spread sheet includes a description of the mismatch, PEMS ID and PPM ID, once completed, please update column H with the appropriate response. Accenture will upload the report to the PRR daily as discrepancies are identified. NPIs: 1952359838 1386949113 1013496702 1619032976 1083088306 1093841538 ",PSR,positive,87%,mismatch report data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues spread sheet includes description mismatch pems id ppm id completed please update column h appropriate response accenture upload report prr daily discrepancies identified npis,busops prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 287,498783,09/29/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 6 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 22 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ","PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 09/29/2023 ",PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 288,498821,BusOps: Red Banner Error in RM,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,,"Red banner error when selecting COMPLETE in R.M. PEMS Req: 20261316 PPM: 7986411 NPI: 1811944101 Provider: TEXAS ONCOLOGY PA ",PSR,neutral,45%,red banner error selecting complete r pems req ppm npi provider texas oncology pa,busops red banner error rm,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 289,498823,BusOps: Red Banner Error in RM,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,,"Red banner error when selecting CONTACT COMPLETED in R.M. PEMS Req: 20294378 PPM: 7986411 NPI: 1134169535 Provider: REACH AIR MEDICAL SERVICES LLC. ",PSR,negative,39%,red banner error selecting contact completed r pems req ppm npi provider reach air medical services llc,busops red banner error rm,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 290,498828,BusOps: Red Banner Error in RM,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,,"Red banner error when selecting COMPLETE in R.M. PEMS Req: 20251322 NPI: 1144251547 Provider: DONNA MEDICAL CLINIC PA PPM: 8001676 ",PSR,negative,41%,red banner error selecting complete r pems req npi provider donna medical clinic pa ppm,busops red banner error rm,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 291,498830,BusOps: Red Banner Error in RM,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,,"Red banner error when selecting COMPLETE in R.M. PEMS Req: 20304498 NPI: 1922627835 Provider: EMILY SUE IMHOFF PPM: 7995048 ",PSR,neutral,54%,red banner error selecting complete r pems req npi provider emily sue imhoff ppm,busops red banner error rm,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 292,498835,BusOps: Red Banner Error in RM,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,,"Red banner error when selecting COMPLETE in R.M. PEMS Req: 20300194 NPI: 1285684225 Provider: CHRISTUS TRINITY CLINIC PPM: 8005397 ",PSR,negative,45%,red banner error selecting complete r pems req npi provider christus trinity clinic ppm,busops red banner error rm,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 293,498859,TPI Management API/C21 Integration - Retry Logic Analysis,New,C21 Integration,A design and approach for systematically retying C21 Integration tasks is defined.,"Columns exist in the database for retrying C21 Integration tasks. There are certain responses from the C21 push step of enrollment that simply need to be retried. An example of this is ""table locked"" response. Needs analysis why retries are not active, and the effort to put retries in place for known responses that require a retry. ",Research and Analysis,negative,10%,columns exist database retrying c integration tasks certain responses c push step enrollment simply need retried example table locked response needs analysis retries not active effort put retries place known responses require retry,tpi management apic integration retry logic analysis,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 294,498863,BusOps: PRR 8023185 Post PHE Enrollment Gaps ,New,,PRR 8023185 Post PHE Enrollment Gaps must be fixed.,"PE has attached a list of NPIs that currently have enrollment-gaps at the NPI level (Provider Information Tab) that need to be removed. .Here are the PRR notes, to make triaging easier: PE has attached a list of NPIs that currently have enrollment-gaps at the NPI level (Provider Information Tab) that need to be removed. The ""CurrentEnrollSegmentBeginDate"" should be updated to reflect +1day from the ""PreviousEnrollSegmentEndDate,"" to close the gap. Example: If PreviousEnrollSegmentEndDate = 2023-06-07 & CurrentEnrollSegmentBeginDate = 2023-07-05 The new ""CurrentEnrollSegmentBegineDate"" should = 2023-06-08 No change to the ""CurrentEnrollSegmentEndDate"". ",PSR,positive,64%,pe attached list npis currently enrollmentgaps npi level provider information tab need removed prr notes make triaging easier pe attached list npis currently enrollmentgaps npi level provider information tab need removed currentenrollsegmentbegindate updated reflect day previousenrollsegmentenddate close gap example previousenrollsegmentenddate currentenrollsegmentbegindate new currentenrollsegmentbeginedate no change currentenrollsegmentenddate,busops prr post phe enrollment gaps,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 295,498901,BusOps: Workflow Sync PPM/PEMS,Closed,Parent Ticket - Bulk Request; SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) needs to be fixed. 20021831 - Closed - No Response, PPM 7693395 - Closed - No Response -synced 20063979 Provider Contacted Prior To Auto Close (Enrollment), PPM 7792980 - Closed - No Response -created script 20170408 - Closed - Approved, PPM 7840255 - Closed - Approved - synced 20177508 - Response Received, PPM 7852758 - Pending OIG Review - synced The two in bold have been escalated to a Subject Matter Expert. ","Workflow sync issues between PPM/PEMS NPI: 1548259179 1952993800 1538573746 1316406549 1720779531 ",PSR,positive,65%,workflow sync issues ppmpems npi,busops workflow sync ppmpems,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 296,498906,New PEMS Business Deficiency Text - PRR 8023750,Accepted,Post-PHE; Ready for Merge Testing in B; Shivani Rajput,"A new business deficiency for the Provider Information page is added with the following text: ""Texas Medicaid waived provider revalidations during the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). The provider revalidation grace period for the federal COVID-19 PHE will end on November 11, 2023. Because your revalidation due date falls within the grace period, you may cancel this application and resubmit it within 120 days of your newly recalculated due date. Alternatively, you may continue with this application to avoid revalidation delays at the end of the grace period. You can find your recalculated revalidation due date in the Revalidation Due Date field on the Provider Information page in the Enrollment Information section."" Title : Revalidation Public Health Emergency (PHE) ","PRR 8023750 to establish a new business deficiency within the PEMS Provider Information page for post-PHE revalidation grace period text. This is brand new text, no changes to any existing deficiencies within this page. The approved text should read: Texas Medicaid waived provider revalidations during the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). The provider revalidation grace period for the federal COVID-19 PHE will end on November 11, 2023. Because your revalidation due date falls within the grace period, you may cancel this application and resubmit it within 120 days of your newly recalculated due date. Alternatively, you may continue with this application to avoid revalidation delays at the end of the grace period. You can find your recalculated revalidation due date in the Revalidation Due Date field on the Provider Information page in the Enrollment Information section. The due date is flexible since we have the ability to add this text manually, I’ve requested a PRR due date of 10/27/2023. ",MSR,positive,100%,prr establish new business deficiency within pems provider information page postphe revalidation grace period text brand new text no changes existing deficiencies within page approved text read texas medicaid waived provider revalidations federal covid public health emergency phe provider revalidation grace period federal covid phe end november revalidation due date falls within grace period may cancel application resubmit within days newly recalculated due date alternatively may continue application avoid revalidation delays end grace period find recalculated revalidation due date revalidation due date field provider information page enrollment information section due date flexible since ability add text manually requested prr due date,new pems business deficiency text prr,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 297,498924,BusOps: PRR 8023356 - Screen Risk Category Updates,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,"Update screen risk to High. Add note ""The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program."" PEMS Request # 20324700 Revalidation application has a program status of DEACTIVATED and Request Action of EDITED. Screen Risk Category should be updated to HIGH per approved work instructions. ","PRR 8023356 - Screen Risk Category Updates The following PRR 8023356 has been created for the following task: • Update the Screen Risk Category Revalidation application has a program status of DEACTIVATED and Request Action of EDITED. Screen Risk Category should be updated to HIGH per approved work instructions. Add the following comment to Request Management: {{The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program.}} NPI: 1851697916 PEMS: 20324700 Please provide a response once completed. http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20-%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR-Provider%20Enrollment%20(PEP)%2FF-Standard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs ",PSR,positive,68%,prr screen risk category updates following prr created following task update screen risk category revalidation application program status deactivated request action edited screen risk category updated high per approved work instructions add following comment request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program npi pems please provide response completed httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfatmhpapplicationsfprproviderenrollment pep ffstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssops,busops prr screen risk category updates,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 298,498931,BusOps: SAR 125009 PDC Update Due Date 10/3/2023,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod,SAR 125009 PDC Update Due Date 10/3/2023 must be completed.,"• PRR: 8023697 • Description: PDC Update • NPI: 1609830645 • Note: Per HHSC the following provider has been excluded from participation in the Medicaid program. o Action: Please disenroll NPI 1609830645 from all billing locations. PDC 42 & 49 should be applied effective 6/15/2023. ",PSR,positive,69%,prr description pdc update npi note per hhsc following provider excluded participation medicaid program action please disenroll npi billing locations pdc applied effective,busops sar pdc update due date,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 299,498934,BusOps: Screen Risk Category Updates -- PRR 8023063,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,"Screen Risk Category needs to updated to high screen risk category. Add note to Request Management: ""The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to the addition of a new program.""","This is a revalidation application. The provider added a new program; therefore, the screen risk category should be HIGH as indicated in the approved work instructions and taxonomy crosswalk. • Update the Screen Risk Category' NPI: 1861936593 PEMS Request # 20286648 ",PSR,positive,93%,revalidation application provider added new program therefore screen risk category high indicated approved work instructions taxonomy crosswalk update screen risk category npi pems request,busops screen risk category updates prr,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 300,498935,BusOps: PRR 8023619 - Hidden Deficiency ,Closed,SOP 02; Verified in Prod,This is a valid hidden deficiency. Hidden Deficiency number is 760952 found under deficiency history tab.,"PRR 8023619 - NPI 1588656540 - Hidden Deficiency PEMS Request# 20319557 – Requested Due Date 10/3/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency, but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 760952 found under deficiency history tab. ",PSR,negative,40%,prr npi hidden deficiency pems request requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,busops prr hidden deficiency,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 301,498938,BusOps: PRR 8022722 - Hidden Deficiency ,Closed,SOP 02; Verified in Prod,This is a valid hidden deficiency. Hidden Deficiency number is 763476 found under deficiency history tab. ,"PEMS Request# 20303056 – Requested Due Date 10/5/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 763476 found under deficiency history tab. • Hidden Deficiency NPI: 1619276474 ",PSR,negative,38%,pems request requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab hidden deficiency npi,busops prr hidden deficiency,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 302,498942,BusOps: PRR 8022049 - NPI 1689810103 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed,Closed,Sop 08; Verified in Prod,"Screen risk category should be set to high. Add note to request management page: ""The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. "" ","PRR 8022049 - NPI 1689810103 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed This is a revalidation application. The provider added a new program; therefore, the screen risk category should be High as indicated in the approved work instructions and taxonomy crosswalk. With a SRC of high the following principal will need to be updated in the OIG table to submit proof of fingerprinting. -Stefano Pessina PEMS Request# 20325388 NPI: 1689810103 Requested Due Date = 9/29/23 ",PSR,positive,96%,prr npi screen risk category updates needed revalidation application provider added new program therefore screen risk category high indicated approved work instructions taxonomy crosswalk src high following principal need updated oig table submit proof fingerprinting stefano pessina pems request npi requested due date,busops prr npi screen risk category updates needed,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 303,498945,BusOps: PRR 8022412 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,"Screen Risk should be set to moderate. Add the following comment to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Limited toModerate as this is a revalidation application and a new program was not added. ","PRR 8022412 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed This is a re-enrollment application. The provider added a new program; therefore, the screen risk category should be Moderate as indicated in the approved work instructions and taxonomy crosswalk. PEMS: 20320598 Requested Due Date 9/29/23 Add the following comment to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Limited toModerate as this is a revalidation application and a new program was not added. ",PSR,positive,94%,prr screen risk category updates needed reenrollment application provider added new program therefore screen risk category moderate indicated approved work instructions taxonomy crosswalk pems requested due date add following comment request management screen risk category adjusted limited tomoderate revalidation application new program not added,busops prr screen risk category updates needed,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 304,498951,BusOps: PRR 8023861 - NPI 1780307397 - Sitlausdeo Pharmacy LLC Missing Data,Closed,VDP SOP; Verified in Prod,"There is a transaction to Master table merge issue. NPI 1780307397, Req no 20286841 Remove EnrollPgmPractVDPTerminationDate column in TxnEnrollPgmPractAssocVDP table · Update RetroactiveClaim Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 · Update TypeSpecialty Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 Update ProgramPractice Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 · Update TAX ID (EIN) Effective Date = Approval Date for NewEnrollment Request 8/28/2023 ALT IDs · Update TINS 18633207669000 Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 · Update NCPDP 5939876 Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 Add NPI 1780307397 Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 Update Networks 1-5 Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 Add Network (Specialty - 9) Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 8/28/2023 Add Dispenser Class: Independent Pharmacy Add Dispenser Type: Community Retail ","PRR 8023861 - NPI 1780307397 - Sitlausdeo Pharmacy LLC Missing Data - URGENT Access to Care Issue Provider: Sitlausdeo Pharmacy LLC NPI: 1780307397 PEMS: 20286841 PRR: 8023861 Texas Vendor ID and Tins segments missing in the Approved NPI Data and Internal Use Only need to be applied to the Program and Services participation Details page specifically Dispenser Class = Independent Pharmacy & Dispenser Type = Community Retail. Also there is other data missing in the PEMS request that is answered on the approved data but not showing up in the PEMS request. Screen shots in the attachment. Accenture findings: This data appears to be missing due to a technical error however a root cause will need to be performed by Deloitte, we do not see that it was caused manually at this juncture. These questions are answered on the approved data but not in the actual PEMS request 20286841. ",PSR,negative,0%,prr npi sitlausdeo pharmacy llc missing data urgent access care issue provider sitlausdeo pharmacy llc npi pems prr texas vendor id tins segments missing approved npi data internal use need applied program services participation details page specifically dispenser class independent pharmacy dispenser type community retail also data missing pems request answered approved data but not showing pems request screen shots attachment accenture findings data appears missing due technical error however root need performed deloitte not see caused manually juncture questions answered approved data but not actual pems request,busops prr npi sitlausdeo pharmacy llc missing data,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 305,498956,PRR 8023024 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed,Closed,Sop 08; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8023024 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed PEMS 20326720 Requested Due Date: 10/2/23 Priority: High/Disabled Without Workaround This is a revalidation application. The provider added a new program; therefore, the screen risk category should be High as indicated in the approved work instructions and taxonomy crosswalk. With a SRC of high the following principal will need to be updated in the OIG table to submit proof of fingerprinting. ",PSR,positive,93%,prr screen risk category updates needed pems requested due date priority highdisabled without workaround revalidation application provider added new program therefore screen risk category high indicated approved work instructions taxonomy crosswalk src high following principal need updated oig table submit proof fingerprinting,prr screen risk category updates needed,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 306,498960,BusOps: PRR 8022394 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed ,Rejected,Duplicate; Pending Rejection,,"PRR 8022394 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed PEMS 20326141 Requested Due Date 9/29/23 Priority: High The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. This is a revalidation application. The provider added a new program; therefore, the screen risk category should be High as indicated in the approved work instructions and taxonomy crosswalk. Add the following comment to Request Management: The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to Highdue to addition of a new program. With a SRC of high the following principal will need to be updated in the OIG table to submit proof of fingerprinting. -Stefano Pessina ",PSR,positive,95%,prr screen risk category updates needed pems requested due date priority high screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program revalidation application provider added new program therefore screen risk category high indicated approved work instructions taxonomy crosswalk add following comment request management screen risk category adjusted moderate highdue addition new program src high following principal need updated oig table submit proof fingerprinting stefano pessina,busops prr screen risk category updates needed,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 307,498963,BusOps: PRR 8023009 - Screen Risk Category Update,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Update Screen risk category to High. Add note ""The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program.""","PRR 8023009 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed PEMS Request#: 20326683 Requested Due Date: 10/2/23 Priority: High The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. NPI: 1528073616 This is a revalidation application. The provider added a new program; therefore, the screen risk category should be High as indicated in the approved work instructions and taxonomy crosswalk. With a SRC of high the following principal will need to be updated in the OIG table to submit proof of fingerprinting. -Stefano Pessina ",PSR,positive,91%,prr screen risk category updates needed pems request requested due date priority high screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program npi revalidation application provider added new program therefore screen risk category high indicated approved work instructions taxonomy crosswalk src high following principal need updated oig table submit proof fingerprinting stefano pessina,busops prr screen risk category update,5,"Screen, risk, update, category, busops" 308,498964,BusOps: PRR 8022984 - Fingerprint Required Updates,Closed,Verified in Prod,FCBC needs to be YES for O/C/P =>5% ownership when SRC is elevated to High,"PRR 8022984 - Fingerprint Required Updates PEMS Request# 20321970, 20267995, 20316259, 20320110, 20318505, 20320353, 20321457, 20319769, 20321695 Requested Due Date: 10/2/23 Priority: High After a providers SRC is elevated to HIGH the Individuals listed on the Ownership Controlling Interest table with =>5% Ownership will need the FCBC indicator set to YES. ",PSR,positive,82%,prr fingerprint required updates pems request requested due date priority high providers src elevated high individuals listed ownership controlling interest table ownership need fcbc indicator set yes,busops prr fingerprint required updates,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 309,498988,Batch Error: FILETRANSFER,New,,,"9/30/2023 4:55:02 AM HHSC4AV4POBAP05 FILETRANSFER EmergencyError PORTOPL-PAP.SVC File \\ausfile01.tmhp.net\share\WorkProducts\Work Groups\TPR\OI\Incoming\CHD24900 is unable to be archived ordeleted Access to the path '\\ausfile01.tmhp.net\share\Work Products\WorkGroups\TPR\OI\Incoming\CHD24900' is denied. StackTrace= atSystem.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.File.InternalCopy(StringsourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.File.Copy(StringsourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite) atTMHP.Portal.Batch.FileTransfer.Implementations.LANHelper.MoveFile(FileHelperfho, String sourceFilePath, String targetFolder, String appendWith, BooleandeleteFile)| ",Research and Analysis,negative,6%,hhscavpobap filetransfer emergencyerror portoplpap svc file ausfile tmhp netshareworkproductswork groupstproiincomingchd unable archived ordeleted access path ausfile tmhp netsharework productsworkgroupstproiincomingchd denied stacktrace atsystem io error winioerror int errorcode string maybefullpath system io file internalcopy stringsourcefilename string destfilename boolean overwrite boolean checkhost system io file copy stringsourcefilename string destfilename boolean overwrite attmhp portal batch filetransfer implementations lanhelper movefile filehelperfho string sourcefilepath string targetfolder string appendwith booleandeletefile,batch error filetransfer,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 310,498989, Batch: PEMSLoadCLIALicenseData- File did not picked,New,,,The file is sitting in the Input folder and did not get picked to process. ,Research and Analysis,negative,32%,file sitting input folder not get picked process,batch pemsloadclialicensedata file not picked,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 311,498993,Batch FILETRANSFER:FTP Files are unabled to be archived at the FTP location,New,Internal; Research,,"File PVO95273 and PVO94273 is unabled to be archived at the FTP location. Please refer to the email with the following subject: Batch Notification Error: PEMSInactivityWarningCourtesyLetterData FILETRANSFER:FTP Error : File PVO95273 and PVO94273 is unabled to be archived at the FTP location 9/30/2023 9:25:07 PM HHSC4AV4POBAP05 FILETRANSFER EmergencyError PORTOPL-PAP.SVC FTP Error : File PVO95273 is unabled to be archived atthe FTP location Value cannot be null.Parameter name: source StackTrace= atSystem.Linq.Enumerable.Where[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2predicate) atTMHP.Portal.Batch.FileTransfer.Implementations.FTPHelper.ArchiveFile(FileHelperfho, String fileName)| 9/30/2023 9:25:07 PM HHSC4AV4POBAP05 FILETRANSFER EmergencyError PORTOPL-PAP.SVC FTP Error : File PVO94273 isunabled to be archived at the FTP location Value cannot be null.Parameter name:source StackTrace= atSystem.Linq.Enumerable.Where[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2predicate) at TMHP.Portal.Batch.FileTransfer.Implementations.FTPHelper.ArchiveFile(FileHelperfho, String fileName)| ",Research and Analysis,negative,4%,file pvo pvo unabled archived ftp location please refer email following subject batch notification error pemsinactivitywarningcourtesyletterdata filetransferftp error file pvo pvo unabled archived ftp location pm hhscavpobap filetransfer emergencyerror portoplpap svc ftp error file pvo unabled archived atthe ftp location value not null parameter name source stacktrace atsystem linq enumerable wheretsource ienumerable source funcpredicate attmhp portal batch filetransfer implementations ftphelper archivefile filehelperfho string filename pm hhscavpobap filetransfer emergencyerror portoplpap svc ftp error file pvo isunabled archived ftp location value not null parameter namesource stacktrace atsystem linq enumerable wheretsource ienumerable source funcpredicate tmhp portal batch filetransfer implementations ftphelper archivefile filehelperfho string filename,batch filetransferftp files unabled archived ftp location,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 312,499045,BusOps: Disenrolled Provider Type/Specialty should Not populating on OIG tab P/O table,New,,Remove disenrolled provider type ,"The PRR 7999798?has been created for the following task: Please provide a response once completed. Disenrolled Program PT/PS code should not populate on the OIG Provider Types table. Provider Types - ""Clinic/Group Practice / 22 / 70"" should not populate on PO table due to program being disenrolled and Not seeking Reenrollment. NPI: 1205033057 PEMS Request: 20293075 ",MSR,negative,1%,prr created following task please provide response completed disenrolled program ptps code not populate oig provider types table provider types clinicgroup practice not populate po table due program disenrolled not seeking reenrollment npi pems request,busops disenrolled provider typespecialty not populating oig tab po table,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 313,499048,BusOps: PRR 8003951 - Program and Services Participation PROGRAM correction,Closed,Verified in Prod,"PEMS Request# 20295901 Approved NPI 1346293156 Practice Location: Group 9401 Southwest Fwy, Southwest Clinic, Houston, TX, 77074-1407 The program with CSHCN benefit code should be CSHCN. Change program to CSHCN. See screenshots attached.","PRR 8003951 - Program and Services Participation PROGRAM correction Priority: High Requested Due Date – 10/4/23 PEMS Request# 20295901 Approved NPI 1346293156 Practice Location: Group 9401 Southwest Fwy, Southwest Clinic, Houston, TX, 77074-1407 Programs and Services Participation: 193200000X Acute Care - Fee-for-Service CSN - CSHCN Providers Should be corrected to the CSHCN program as listed below. 193200000X ""Children With Special Health Care Needs Services"" CSN - CSHCN Providers Group NPI 1346293156 Practice locations should have been converted to PEMS under the ""Children with Special Health Care Needs Services Program (CSHCN)"" not the acute care fee-for-services program. TPI 1131807-05 should have been converted to PEMS under the CSHCN program. ",PSR,negative,19%,prr program services participation program correction priority high requested due date pems request approved npi practice location group southwest fwy southwest clinic houston tx programs services participation x acute care feeforservice csn cshcn providers corrected cshcn program listed x children special health care needs services csn cshcn providers group npi practice locations converted pems children special health care needs services program cshcn not acute care feeforservices program tpi converted pems cshcn program,busops prr program services participation program correction,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 314,499049,BusOps: PRR 8024156 - Medicare questions needed for KHC-Physicians ,New,emailed ACN,"The PRR 8024156?has been created for the following task: • Medicare questions needed for KHC-Physicians on Program and Services Participation Details page must be completed. For crosswalk updates end date the existing row and add new rows that include the changes. Only make the updates from the taxonomy change tab on the attached spreadsheet. ","The PRR 8024156?has been created for the following task: • Medicare questions needed for KHC-Physicians on Program and Services Participation Details pg The Medicare Questions are required for Kidney Health Care-Physician MD/DO enrollments. The PEMS Taxonomy crosswalk needs to be updated to allow KHC Physicians to respond to the Medicare questions on the Program and Services Participation Details page. NPI: 1689952509 PEMS Req: 20279767 ",PSR,positive,65%,prr created following task medicare questions needed khcphysicians program services participation details pg medicare questions required kidney health carephysician mddo enrollments pems taxonomy crosswalk needs updated allow khc physicians respond medicare questions program services participation details page npi pems req,busops prr medicare questions needed khcphysicians,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 315,499056,BusOps: Special Handling NOT APPROVED - REWORK REQUIRED needs to be NULL ,Closed,Verified in Prod,Special Handling MEDICARE WAIVER APPROVAL response value of NOT APPROVED - REWORK REQUIRED needs to be NULL in PEMS.,"The PRR 8006035 has been created for the following task: • Special Handling response value of NOT APPROVED - REWORK REQUIRED needs to be NULL in PEMS Please provide a response once completed or reach out if you have any questions. Special Handling MEDICARE WAIVER APPROVAL response value of NOT APPROVED - REWORK REQUIRED needs to be NULL in PEMS. The Medicare Waiver Approval drop down value NOT APPROVED-Rework Required value is preventing the PEMS request from progressing to Closed Enrolled PBI needed for Special Handling Approval drop down values to include a selection that allows the request to be routed back to TMHP without preventing the enrollment. This value should be used only as a routing option in case a req was routed to a special handling status on accident. NPI: 1861761785 PEMS Req: 20223578 ",PSR,negative,1%,prr created following task special handling response value not approved rework required needs null pems please provide response completed reach questions special handling medicare waiver approval response value not approved rework required needs null pems medicare waiver approval drop value not approvedrework required value preventing pems request progressing closed enrolled pbi needed special handling approval drop values include selection allows request routed back tmhp without preventing enrollment value used routing option case req routed special handling status accident npi pems req,busops special handling not approved rework required needs null,24,"Special, handling, no, status, not" 316,499061,BusOps: PRR 8008006 - Practice Location Merge,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,Data fix must be completed for PRR 8008006 - Practice Location Merge,"NPI 1801257779 PEMS Request# 20298131 Priority: High Practice Location Merge- (18514 SONTERRA PLACE, SAN ANTONIO, TX, 78258) Merge with duplicate address- (18514 Sonterra Pl, San Antonio, TX, 78258-4263) ",PSR,positive,73%,npi pems request priority high practice location merge sonterra place san antonio tx merge duplicate address sonterra pl san antonio tx,busops prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 317,499069,BusOps: PRR 8007045 - Practice Location Merge,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,"PRR 8007045 - Practice Location Merge must be completed. ","NPI 1912912940 PEMS 20315855 Priority: High Practice Location Merge- (3400 Matlock Rd, Arlington, TX, 76015-3601) Merge with duplicate practice location. (3400 MATLOCK RD., ARLINGTON, TX, 76015-0000) 9/5 JAZ Merge still needed ",PSR,positive,66%,npi pems priority high practice location merge matlock rd arlington tx merge duplicate practice location matlock rd arlington tx jaz merge still needed,busops prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 318,499071,10/02/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 7 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 21 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/02/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 319,499085,BusOps: PRR 8007643 - Unable to update Surety Bond Number in PEMS,Rejected,emailed ACN,PRR 8007643 - Unable to update Surety Bond Number in PEMS must be completed.,"NPI 1124033162 PEMS Request# 20305660 Priority: High Unable to update Surety Bond Number in PEMS. When updating number to 84C001978, & selecting save, page goes blank, and changes are not saved. 7995752 / 20305660 pages goes blank after Surety Bond Amount & Surety Bond Effective Date updated and page saved. REQ 20305660 - unable to update surety bond amount (36,000,000) & date (10/01/2014) ",PSR,negative,3%,npi pems request priority high unable update surety bond number pems updating number c selecting save page goes blank changes not saved pages goes blank surety bond amount surety bond effective date updated page saved req unable update surety bond amount date,busops prr unable update surety bond number pems,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 320,499086,BusOps:PRR 8024158 - Unable to update Surety Bond Number in PEMS.,Closed,Verified in Prod,"PEMS Request 20304689 Unable to update Surety Bond Number in PEMS to ""84C001978"". When updating number to 84C001978, & selecting save, page goes blank and changes are not saved. SURETY BOND AMOUNT should be - 36,000,000 Surety Bond Effective date should be -10/01/2014-10/01/2023 ","The PRR 8024158 has been created for the following task: • Unable to update Surety Bond Number in PEMS NPI 1184631129 PEMS Request# 20304689 Priority: High Unable to update Surety Bond Number in PEMS. When updating number to 84C001978, & selecting save, page goes blank and changes are not saved. 7995030 / 20304689 pages goes blank after Surety Bond number updated and page saved. unable to update surety bond amount (36,000,000) & date (10/01/2014) ",PSR,negative,1%,prr created following task unable update surety bond number pems npi pems request priority high unable update surety bond number pems updating number c selecting save page goes blank changes not saved pages goes blank surety bond number updated page saved unable update surety bond amount date,busopsprr unable update surety bond number pems,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 321,499088,BusOps: PRR 8009193 - Practice Location Merge,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,Practice location merge,"PRR 8009193 - Practice Location Merge NPI 1114934114 PEMS Request# 20318479 Priority: High Keep Facility Practice Location (101 W Southmore Ave, Pasadena, TX, 77502-1001) Merge with duplicate Facility practice location (101 W. SOUTHMORE AVE, PASADENA, TX, 77502-0000) ",PSR,positive,77%,prr practice location merge npi pems request priority high keep facility practice location w southmore ave pasadena tx merge duplicate facility practice location w southmore ave pasadena tx,busops prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 322,499089,BusOps: PRR 8024157 - Special Handling NOT APPROVED - REWORK REQUIRED needs to be NULL ,Closed,Verified in Prod,,"NPI 1134173529 Priority: High PEMS Request# 20183495 Special Handling MEDICARE WAIVER APPROVAL response value of NOT APPROVED - REWORK REQUIRED needs to be NULL in PEMS. The Medicare Waiver Approval drop down value NOT APPROVED-Rework Required value is preventing the PEMS request from progressing to Closed Enrolled PBI needed for Special Handling Approval drop down values to include a selection that allows the request to be routed back to TMHP without preventing the enrollment. This value should be used only as a routing option in case a req was routed to a special handling status on accident. Note: Requests for TFS tickets received after 4pm weekdays (3:30pm on Friday) will be accomplished the next business day. The PRR 8024157 been created for the following task: • Special Handling response value of NOT APPROVED - REWORK REQUIRED needs to be NULL in PEMS ",PSR,negative,1%,npi priority high pems request special handling medicare waiver approval response value not approved rework required needs null pems medicare waiver approval drop value not approvedrework required value preventing pems request progressing closed enrolled pbi needed special handling approval drop values include selection allows request routed back tmhp without preventing enrollment value used routing option case req routed special handling status accident note requests tfs tickets received pm weekdays pm friday accomplished next business day prr created following task special handling response value not approved rework required needs null pems,busops prr special handling not approved rework required needs null,24,"Special, handling, no, status, not" 323,499093,BusOps: PRR 8009201 - Practice Location Merge,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,PRR 8009201 - Practice Location Merge must be completed,"NPI 1295746436 PEMS Request# 20318617 Priority: High Keep Facility Address- (1819 E Bethany Dr, Allen, TX, 75002-1882) Merge with duplicate practice location- (1819 EAST BETHANY DRIVE, ALLEN, TX, 75002-1882) ",PSR,positive,79%,npi pems request priority high keep facility address e bethany dr allen tx merge duplicate practice location east bethany drive allen tx,busops prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 324,499095,BusOps: PRR 8010793 Unable to update Surety Bond Effective Date,Closed,Verified in Prod,Update Surety bond effective date to 10/01/2014 3605 College StBeaumont TX 77701-4617 ,"Unable to update Surety Bond Effective Date NPI 1134134182 PEMS Request# 20316329 Priority: High Unable to update Surety Bond Effective date to 10/01/2014.. When date is updated & save is selected, page goes blank and changes are not saved. UI still fails after trying to correct the Surety Bond Effective Date to 10/01/2014 and save the page ",PSR,negative,2%,unable update surety bond effective date npi pems request priority high unable update surety bond effective date date updated save selected page goes blank changes not saved ui still fails trying correct surety bond effective date save page,busops prr unable update surety bond effective date,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 325,499097,BusOps: PRR 8024481 - Dogwood Hospice NPI 1952993800,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"PEMS Request 20177508 status moved to Response Received. ","PEMS 20177508 NPI 1952993800 Priority: High Requested Due Date 10/4/23 Sync/mis-match issue. Escalated by an attorney (former EC). Hospice provider cannot submit application. Mismatch between PPM and PEMS for Dogwood Hospice NPI 1952993800 ",PSR,negative,40%,pems npi priority high requested due date syncmismatch issue escalated attorney former ec hospice provider not submit application mismatch ppm pems dogwood hospice npi,busops prr dogwood hospice npi,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 326,499102,BusOps: PRR 8010980 - Practice Location Merge,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,"Keep 7222 Majorca Ct, El Paso, TX, 79912-2112 and merge the other address. Merge the location on Practice location page , please see the attachment Keep this- 7222 Majorca Ct, El Paso, TX, 79912-2112 Remove this- 7222 MAJORCA CT, EL PASO, TX, 79913 ","NPI 1003322983 PEMS Request# 20247847 Priority: High Practice Location Merge- (7222 Majorca Ct, El Paso, TX, 79912-2112) Merge with duplicate practice location (7222 MAJORCA CT, EL PASO, TX, 79913) Merge duplicate prac location The PRR 8010980 has been created for the following task: • Practice Location Merge- 7222 Majorca Ct, El Paso, TX, 79912-2112 ",PSR,neutral,58%,npi pems request priority high practice location merge majorca ct el paso tx merge duplicate practice location majorca ct el paso tx merge duplicate prac location prr created following task practice location merge majorca ct el paso tx,busops prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 327,499122,PRR 8025111 - NPI 1205435138 RITE AWAY PHARMACY - End dates do not align with Vendor ID,Closed,VDP SOP; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1205435138, Req no 20007238 · RetroactiveClaim Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 9/9/2022 · TypeSpecialty Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 9/9/2022 · ProgramPractice Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 9/9/2022 · TAX ID (EIN) Effective Date = Approval Date for NewEnrollment Request 9/9/2022 ALT IDs · VendorID 150515 Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 9/9/2022 · TINS 18425370931000 Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 9/9/2022 · NCPDP 5932822 Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 9/9/2022 NPI 1205435138 Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 9/9/2022 Update Network ID 1 Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 9/9/2022 Add Network ID 7 Effective Date = Approval Date for New Enrollment Request 9/9/2022 ","PRR 8025111 - NPI 1205435138 RITE AWAY PHARMACY - End dates do not align with Vendor ID ALT IDs The NPI end date does not match the end date of the Vendor ID, or TINS Either the NPI end date is wrong, or the Vendor ID and TINS end dates are wrong Please align the dates If the Vendor ID and TINS are wrong, this is an access to care issue. If the NPI date is wrong, this pharmacy appears active on the MPF, but claims will reject for no active Vendor ID. NETWORK SEGMENTS End dates do not align with Vendor ID. If the NPI end date is correct, then these dates do not need to be updated ",PSR,negative,0%,prr npi rite away pharmacy end dates not align vendor id alt ids npi end date not match end date vendor id tins either npi end date wrong vendor id tins end dates wrong please align dates vendor id tins wrong access care issue npi date wrong pharmacy appears active mpf but claims reject no active vendor id network segments end dates not align vendor id npi end date correct dates not need updated,prr npi rite away pharmacy end dates not align vendor id,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 328,499131,PRR 8025116 - PEMS Data Fix Request: NPI 1194222570 - Add Alt Id,Closed,SOP 25; Verified in Prod,"Update transaction and master. Please update the new enrollment and both existing enrollment 1194222570 Add TINS 14748061992000 Alt ID to the long term care program. Effective Date 5/10/2023 New Enrollment Request Approval date Do not add to LTSS program. ","PRR 8025116 - PEMS Data Fix Request: NPI 1194222570 - Add Alt Id HHSC/LTC is requesting AMD add to the PEMS database, to the 1194222570 NPI, an Alternate Id Type of 16, with a value of 14748061992000. The address for this Provider is: 205 E US Highway 80 White Oak TX 75693 2103 HHSC/LTC is requesting confirmation when the Alternate Id request is received and again when TMHP adds the Alternate Id to the NPI. Please contact Russell Orth at Russell.Orth@HHS.Texas.gov and Mark High at Mark.High@hhs.texas.gov with questions about this request. Please confirm receipt and a unique tracking number for this request. ",PSR,positive,66%,prr pems data fix request npi add alt id hhscltc requesting amd add pems database npi alternate id type value address provider e us highway white oak tx hhscltc requesting confirmation alternate id request received tmhp adds alternate id npi please contact russell orth russell orthhhs texas gov mark high mark highhhs texas gov questions request please confirm receipt unique tracking number request,prr pems data fix request npi add alt id,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 329,499137,PRR 8025118 - PEMS Data Fix Request: NPI 1467167866 - Add Alt Id,Closed,SOP 25; Verified in Prod,"NPI: 1467167866, Address: 215 County Road 746 Buna TX 77612 6333 Add the Alt ID for TINS to the LTC program. * TINS 18116941313000 ","PRR 8025118 - PEMS Data Fix Request: NPI 1467167866 - Add Alt Id HHSC/LTC is requesting AMD add to the PEMS database, to the 1467167866 NPI, an Alternate Id Type of 16, with a value of 18116941313000. The address for this Provider is: 215 County Road 746 Buna TX 77612 6333 HHSC/LTC is requesting confirmation when the Alternate Id request is received and again when TMHP adds the Alternate Id to the NPI. Please contact Russell Orth at Russell.Orth@HHS.Texas.gov and Mark High at Mark.High@hhs.texas.gov with questions about this request. Please confirm receipt and a unique tracking number for this request. ",PSR,positive,70%,prr pems data fix request npi add alt id hhscltc requesting amd add pems database npi alternate id type value address provider county road buna tx hhscltc requesting confirmation alternate id request received tmhp adds alternate id npi please contact russell orth russell orthhhs texas gov mark high mark highhhs texas gov questions request please confirm receipt unique tracking number request,prr pems data fix request npi add alt id,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 330,499146,Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) - PRR 8025114 ,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Workbook with research results and action taken. ," PRR 8025114 Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) Mismatch report- Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. The spread sheet includes a description of the mismatch, PEMS ID and PPM ID, once completed, please update column H with the appropriate response. Accenture will upload the report to the PRR daily as discrepancies are identified. ",PSR,positive,93%,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report mismatch report data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues spread sheet includes description mismatch pems id ppm id completed please update column h appropriate response accenture upload report prr daily discrepancies identified,data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report prr,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 331,499228,Critical PRIORITY PRR 8023224,Closed,SOP 22; Verified in Prod,"Request 20271038 is merged to master tables and ready for evening C21 push. NPI: 1285630004 PEMS: 20271038 Application was submitted 7/31 and closed enrolled 9/27 and original revalidation due date is 8/10/23. closed enrolled 49 days from original revalidation due date is 8/10/23. End date PDC 66 9/26/23 ","This PRR needs to be escalated to a critical priority. The provider’s representative is planning on engaging CMS for assistance. This has been marked emergency/critical with no workaround. Please review the PRR and if we need to talk through it, let me know. PRR: 8023224 PEMS ID 20271038 Provider: CHARLES RURANGIRWA Issue: closed approved 9/27/2023 but did not merge to Provider Management page and C21. This is creating billing issues for the provider and impacting revenue/financials ",PSR,negative,1%,prr needs escalated critical priority providers representative planning engaging cms assistance marked emergencycritical no workaround please review prr need talk let know prr pems id provider charles rurangirwa issue closed approved but not merge provider management page c creating billing issues provider impacting revenuefinancials,critical priority prr,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 332,499231,SAR 125086 PDC Update Due Date 10/10/2023,Closed,SAR Due Date 10/10/2023; Verified in Prod,"Please disenroll NPI 1821199613 from all billing locations. PDC 42 & 49 should be applied effective 03/20/2023. Note: Per HHSC the following provider has been excluded from participation in the Medicaid program. SAR 125086-1 ","The following has been created per SAR request 125086-1 Due Date 10/10/2023. I’ve summarized the request below. • PRR: 8025516 • Description: PDC Update • NPI: 1821199613 • Note: Per HHSC the following provider has been excluded from participation in the Medicaid program. o Action: Please disenroll NPI 1821199613 from all billing locations. PDC 42 & 49 should be applied effective 03/20/2023. ",PSR,negative,33%,following created per sar request due date summarized request prr description pdc update npi note per hhsc following provider excluded participation medicaid program action please disenroll npi billing locations pdc applied effective,sar pdc update due date,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 333,499238,PRR 8009547 – Duplicate Certification 970 Removal,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Remove duplicates from transaction and master. NPI 1821157579 PEMS 20265017 970 11/11/2008 add to Facility location 22420 IH 35 STE 203, KYLE, TX - Texas, 78640-2656 970 10/21/2022 disassociate and remove ","NPI 1821157579 PEMS Request# 2065017 Priority: High Unable to list Duplicate CLIA as OTHER on L/C/A tab. when issuer is set to OTHER, and save is selected, License/Certification/Accreditation already exists. Please edit the license to make changes error appears. changes are not saved. Req# 20265017 duplicate certification 970 marked as Historical. Email sent to Wiki team to confirm if req can be worked. ",PSR,negative,8%,npi pems request priority high unable list duplicate clia lca tab issuer set save selected licensecertificationaccreditation already exists please edit license make changes error appears changes not saved req duplicate certification marked historical email sent wiki team confirm req worked,prr duplicate certification removal,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 334,499243,Critical Priority - PRR 8009795 - PBI needed for Workflow Logic - PEMS 20302920 - PC not linked to PEMS,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,"Critical Priority - PRR 8009795 must be fixed. NPI1306289996 PEMS Request# 20302920 Priority: Critical creating PRR for this PC (8009657) due to no connection to PEMS- ticket was created by tech after not correctly being created by PEMS uponreturn from PE after rework for PC 7996283, email for PC creation request senton 9/6/2023, previous PRR - 8008005 new PC should be listed underneath the previous one on the RM -site visit page in PEMS, as well as on the Programs and Services Participationpage under the Site Visit section Site Visit: PC# 8009657 1320 An County Road 421, Palestine, 75803-6890 returned rework - created by tech - not connected to PEMS ","NPI 1306289996 PEMS Request# 20302920 Priority: Critical creating PRR for this PC (8009657) due to no connection to PEMS - ticket was created by tech after not correctly being created by PEMS upon return from PE after rework for PC 7996283, email for PC creation request sent on 9/6/2023, previous PRR - 8008005 new PC should be listed underneath the previous one on the RM - site visit page in PEMS, as well as on the Programs and Services Participation page under the Site Visit section Site Visit: PC# 8009657 1320 An County Road 421, Palestine, 75803-6890 returned rework - created by tech - not connected to PEMS ",PSR,negative,22%,npi pems request priority critical creating prr pc due no connection pems ticket created tech not correctly created pems upon return pe rework pc email pc creation request sent previous prr new pc listed underneath previous one rm site visit page pems well programs services participation page site visit section site visit pc county road palestine returned rework created tech not connected pems,critical priority prr pbi needed workflow logic pems pc not linked pems,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 335,499254,PRR 8020144 - Remove selection is missing on CLIA in PEMS,Closed,SOP 29; Verified in Prod,"remove from transaction and master 1932210838 Remove CLIA 45D1098404 from both Enroll License and Enroll program practice license"," PRR 8020144?has been created for the following task: ? ?? {{ Remove selection is missing on CLIA in PEMS }} NPI 1932210838 PEMS Request# 20310702 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Remove selection is missing on CLIA in PEMS. Provider is unable to remove an invalid CLIA listed. Wiki states to select remove and save, but remove option is not present. 45D1098404 ",PSR,negative,0%,prr created following task remove selection missing clia pems npi pems request priority high requested due date remove selection missing clia pems provider unable remove invalid clia listed wiki states select remove save but remove option not present,prr remove selection missing clia pems,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 336,499258,10/03/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 7 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 15 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/03/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 337,499294,RE: PRR 8011760 Practice Location Merge ,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,"Duplicate locations, see attached. Keep-10997 Fuqua St, Houston, TX, 77089-2409 Remove-10997 FUQUA STREET, HOUSTON, TX, 77089-0000 ","NPI 1164439162 PEMS Request# 20312510 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/2/23 Keep Practice Location - (10997 Fuqua St, Houston, TX, 77089-2409) Merge duplicate location with address above (10997 FUQUA STREET, HOUSTON, TX, 77089-0000) The following PRR 8011760 has been created for the following task: Practice Location Merge- (10997 Fuqua St, Houston, TX, 77089-2409) ",PSR,neutral,52%,npi pems request priority high requested due date keep practice location fuqua st houston tx merge duplicate location address fuqua street houston tx following prr created following task practice location merge fuqua st houston tx,prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 338,499302,PRR 8011763 Practice Location Merge ,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,"Merge and delete duplicate practice location to address above. Keep: (500 Maxey Rd, Houston, TX, 77013-5036) Remove: (500 MAXEY ROAD, HOUSTON, TX, 77013-0000) ","NPI 1043225949 PEMS Request# 20320321 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/5/23 Keep Practice Location - (500 Maxey Rd, Houston, TX, 77013-5036) Merge duplicate location with address above. (500 MAXEY ROAD, HOUSTON, TX, 77013-0000) ",PSR,positive,65%,npi pems request priority high requested due date keep practice location maxey rd houston tx merge duplicate location address maxey road houston tx,prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 339,499307,S3 Extract Does Not Log Errors on Failure,Ready,Shivani Rajput,"S3 extract exceptions are logged with the correct type of ""Critical"" or ""Error"".","When S3 extract has a failure in the scheduled run it does not log an error. Exceptions are being logged as type ""Debug"" instead of ""Critical"" or ""Error"" so the details are not being captured in the case of an error. This was found due to an escalation of a zero-byte S3 file but no errors in the logs. Determine a method to simulate an error to verify in lower environments. ",MSR,negative,0%,extract failure scheduled run not log error exceptions logged type debug instead critical error details not captured case error found due escalation zerobyte file but no errors logs determine method simulate error verify lower environments,extract not log errors failure,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 340,499309,PRR 8018951 - Screening for this Request is not completed. error when Screening is complete.,New,,,"The following PRR 8018951 has been created for the following task: ? ?? {{ Screening for this Request is not completed. error when Screening is complete. }} NPI 1053397331 PEMS Request# 20319106 Priority: High Requested Due Date 10/31/23 Screening for this Request is not completed. error when Screening is complete. All screening segments are set to NOT REQUIRED. Processor is met with screening error when progressing application with Request Complete-Accepted. ",PSR,negative,0%,following prr created following task screening request not completed error screening complete npi pems request priority high requested due date screening request not completed error screening complete screening segments set not required processor met screening error progressing application request completeaccepted,prr screening request not completed error screening complete,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 341,499317,PRR 8010978 Practice Location Merge ,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,"Merge and delete duplicate practice location to address above. Keep: (2401 Ranch Road 620 S, Lakeway, TX, 78738-5603) Remove: (2401 RANCH ROAD 620 SOUTH, LAKEWAY, TX, 78738-5603) ","NPI 1023023926 PEMS Request# 20319501 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Keep Practice Location - (2401 Ranch Road 620 S, Lakeway, TX, 78738-5603) Merge duplicate location with address above. (2401 RANCH ROAD 620 SOUTH, LAKEWAY, TX, 78738-5603) Merge duplicate prac location ",PSR,positive,74%,npi pems request priority high requested due date keep practice location ranch road lakeway tx merge duplicate location address ranch road south lakeway tx merge duplicate prac location,prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 342,499319,PRR 8006837 – Duplicate license segment need to be removed,Closed,SOP 29; Verified in Prod,"update both transaction and master NPI 1497716393 PEMS Request# 20312744 Remove LICENSES Other TLB274 09/30/2002 12/12/2002 from both Enroll License and Enroll practice license. ","The following PRR 8006837 has been created for the following task: {{ Duplicate license segment needs to be removed}} NPI 1497716393 PEMS Request# 20312744 Priority: Medium Duplicate license segment listed as Temporary need to be removed. ",PSR,negative,20%,following prr created following task duplicate license segment needs removed npi pems request priority medium duplicate license segment listed temporary need removed,prr duplicate license segment need removed,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 343,499322,PRR 7991503 Practice Location Merge ,New,,"PRR 7991503 Practice Location Merge must be fixed. The location missing the name and group info having the same address (710 Cypress Creek Pkwy, Houston, TX, 77090-3402) should be removed. See attachment ","NPI 1164910956 PEMS Request# 20302892 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Keep Practice Location - (1164910956 - HERALD EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS PLLC Performing 710 Cypress Creek Pkwy, Houston, TX, 77090-3402) Merge duplicate practice location with address above (710 Cypress Creek Pkwy, Houston, TX, 77090-3402) This address is a duplicate and is also missing the groups info. location 710 Cypress Creek Pkwy, Houston, TX, 77090-3402 still shows twice in PEMS ",PSR,negative,3%,npi pems request priority high requested due date keep practice location herald emergency physicians pllc performing cypress creek pkwy houston tx merge duplicate practice location address cypress creek pkwy houston tx address duplicate also missing groups info location cypress creek pkwy houston tx still shows twice pems,prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 344,499325,TINS applications Update (PEMS) – PRV-0256,Closed,TINS SOP; Verified in Prod,"Add Alt IDs to KHC program 1316515489 add PEMS TINS 18634245502000 to KHC effective date 9/21/2023 1558031559 add PEMS TINS 18631407378000 to KHC effective date 10/23/2023 Only these 2 should be updated. Email attached with explanation. ","TINS applications Update (PEMS) – PRV-0256 PRV-0256 SAR Date SAR submitted SAR Due date: 124368-1 8/25/23 9/12/2023 Duplicate NPI 1780044388 124875-1 9/22/23 9/29/2023 TINS Application 124877-1 9/22/23 9/29/2023 TINS Application 125087-1 10/2/23 10/5/2023 TINS Application SAR 124368-1 Request: There is a duplicateNPI 1780044388. This is request to remove profile K00111184 (this is the oldclinic). Our IBIS IT tech team report this is coming from PEMS. Name Program ID NPI Number Provider Type Source City State Provider Status FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE BRAZOS K00111488 1780044388 Outpatient Dialysis PEMS Rosenberg TX Enrolled FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE BRAZOS K00111184 1780044388 Outpatient Dialysis PEMS Rosenberg TX Enrolled MCATSresponse: With the transition of PEMS on 9/1, Accenture will not be able tocomplete this update today. Please work with HHSC AMD Vendor contacts tosubmit these update requests to the new vendor. Thank you. ========================================================= 124875-1 (attached spreadsheet“TINS Update 9-22-2023 New Enrollment”) SAR Request: This is a requestto update the attached TIN applications (New Enrollments) MCATSresponse: As of 9/1/2023 the technology support of PEMS has transitioned to thenew HHSC Application Maintenance and Development vendor (AMD). Please submitall requests related for the previous Contract Requirement Number: PRV-0256 tothe HHSC AMD Vendor contacts (AMDContractManagement@hhs.texas.gov). ========================================================== 124877-1 (attachedspreadsheet “TINS Update 9-22-2023 Existing Enrollment”) Request: This is a TIN Application update request for theattached. Mailcode should be 000. Full TINS (14554054628000) MCATS response: As of 9/1/2023 thetechnology support of PEMS has transitioned to the new HHSC ApplicationMaintenance and Development vendor (AMD). Please submit all requests relatedfor the previous Contract Requirement Number: PRV-0256 to the HHSC AMD Vendor contacts(AMDContractManagement@hhs.texas.gov). ================================================ 125087-1 (attachedspreadsheet “TINS Update 9-29-2023 New Enrollment”) Request: TINS Application Update9/29/2023 MCATS response: As of 9/1/2023 the technology support of PEMS hastransitioned to the new HHSC Application Maintenance and Development vendor(AMD). Please submit all requests related for the previous Contract RequirementNumber: PRV-0256 to the HHSC AMD Vendor contacts (AMDContractManagement@hhs.texas.gov). ",PSR,positive,66%,tins applications update pems prv prv sar date sar submitted sar due date duplicate npi tins application tins application tins application sar request duplicatenpi request remove profile k oldclinic ibis tech team report coming pems name program id npi number provider type source city state provider status fresenius medical care brazos k outpatient dialysis pems rosenberg tx enrolled fresenius medical care brazos k outpatient dialysis pems rosenberg tx enrolled mcatsresponse transition pems accenture not able tocomplete update today please work hhsc amd vendor contacts tosubmit update requests new vendor thank attached spreadsheettins update new enrollment sar request requestto update attached tin applications new enrollments mcatsresponse technology support pems transitioned thenew hhsc application maintenance development vendor amd please submitall requests related previous contract requirement number prv tothe hhsc amd vendor contacts amdcontractmanagementhhs texas gov attachedspreadsheet tins update existing enrollment request tin application update request theattached mailcode full tins mcats response thetechnology support pems transitioned new hhsc applicationmaintenance development vendor amd please submit requests relatedfor previous contract requirement number prv hhsc amd vendor contacts amdcontractmanagementhhs texas gov attachedspreadsheet tins update new enrollment request tins application update mcats response technology support pems hastransitioned new hhsc application maintenance development vendor amd please submit requests related previous contract requirementnumber prv hhsc amd vendor contacts amdcontractmanagementhhs texas gov,tins applications update pems prv,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 345,499327,KHC Facility Disenrollment (PDC 62) - PRV-0092,Rejected,,KHC Facility Disenrollment (PDC 62) - PRV-0092 must be completed,"KHC Facility Disenrollment (PDC 62) - PRV-0092 SAR 125170-1 SAR Due Date: 10/13/2023 Contract#: PRV-0092 Specialty Health has determined the facilities below haveclosed and are no longer in business. Specialty Health directs Accenture todisenroll the provider from the Kidney Health Care Program by applying StatusCode - Out of Business (PDC 62) to the providers KHC program record. * NPI: 1104378397 * Provider Name: Physicians Dialysis Frisco * Effective Date of PDC 62: 3/21/2021 ",PSR,negative,10%,khc facility disenrollment pdc prv sar sar due date contract prv specialty health determined facilities haveclosed no longer business specialty health directs accenture todisenroll provider kidney health care program applying statuscode business pdc providers khc program record npi provider name physicians dialysis frisco effective date pdc,khc facility disenrollment pdc prv,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 346,499331,PRR 8024499: Site Visit Routing Required Field Override Capability PE Super Access - Not Working,New,,,"Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 PBI 471237 deployed in the June 2023 release per SR 7914489. The SV override field of “Required Site Visit” should allow a super user to execute SV routing process on an application, as this indicator should have precedence over all SV routing logic. However, this indicator is not working. A fix is needed to ensure this indicator works. Having it fixed would enable us to create SV for those apps that currently are not routing to SV when SV is required. We can utilize this functionality as a workaround for creating SV PC while waiting for the permanent fix on the SV routing logic. ",Research and Analysis,negative,5%,priority high requested due date pbi deployed june release per sr sv override field required site visit allow super user execute sv routing process application indicator precedence sv routing logic however indicator not working fix needed ensure indicator works fixed would enable us create sv apps currently not routing sv sv required utilize functionality workaround creating sv pc waiting permanent fix sv routing logic,prr site visit routing required field override capability pe super access not working,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 347,499337,PRR 8013924 - Unable to remove duplicate Medicare number in PEMS.,Closed,Verified in Prod,"RemoveMedicare number 8L1148. Keep 8L11483 for Practice Location 107 Swift Street, Refugio TX,78377-2425. ","The following PRR 8013924 ?has been created for the following task: ? ?? {{Unable to remove duplicate Medicare number in PEMS.}} NPI 1295705820 PEMS Request# 20322711 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Unable to remove duplicate Medicare number in PEMS. remove button is not present. ",PSR,negative,1%,following prr created following task unable remove duplicate medicare number pems npi pems request priority high requested due date unable remove duplicate medicare number pems remove button not present,prr unable remove duplicate medicare number pems,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 348,499339, PRR 8023618 - License issuer listed as Other does not have the option to remove.,Rejected,emailed ACN,,"NPI 1679530554 PEMS Request# 20322763 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Per the approved work instructions, 'If a provider added a license that is not required to be stored in PEMS for the provider type under which they are enrolling, e.g. A license whose issuer has been changed to OTHER - select remove & save. The remove option is not available to select. The license is not listed under any practice location programs. The following PRR 8023618?has been created for the following task: ? ?? {{License issuer listed as Other does not have the option to remove.}} ",PSR,negative,0%,npi pems request priority high requested due date per approved work instructions provider added license not required stored pems provider type enrolling e g license whose issuer changed select remove save remove option not available select license not listed practice location programs following prr created following task license issuer listed not option remove,prr license issuer listed not option remove,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 349,499347,Vendor IDs Have Leading Spaces - Data Fix,New,,Vendor IDs with leading and trailing spaces are updated to have them removed.,"Escalations for data fixes have been received for vendor ids that have leading spaces. Identify and data fix other Vendor IDs that have not been escalated. Check for leading and trailing spaces. This should be performed after the code fix deploying 10/27. If no records have leading/trailing spaces then this can be rejected. ",PSR,negative,26%,escalations data fixes received vendor ids leading spaces identify data fix vendor ids not escalated check leading trailing spaces performed code fix deploying no records leadingtrailing spaces rejected,vendor ids leading spaces data fix,23,"Vendor, ids, req, active, overlapping" 350,499352,PRR 8025192 - Hidden Deficiency,Closed,SOP 02; Verified in Prod,"Deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details page having ID 208 and business object ID #1478730 ""The Medicare ID *****442 does not have the correct reassignment of benefits. Please either correct the reassignment of benefit so that it has the correct linkage to the group or remove that Medicare ID."" NPI 1871813105 PEMS Request# 20331288 ","PRR 8025192 - Update Deficiency Count in PEMS NPI 1871813105 PEMS Request# 20331288 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/4/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency, but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 768552 found under deficiency history tab. New AMO PEMS SOPs - All Documents ",PSR,neutral,50%,prr update deficiency count pems npi pems request priority high requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab new amo pems sops documents,prr hidden deficiency,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 351,499354,PRR 8025191 - Hidden Deficiency ,Closed,SOP 02; Verified in Prod,This is a valid hidden deficiency. Hidden Deficiency number is 410494 found under deficiency history tab.,"NPI 1164099768 PEMS Request# 20086855 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Hidden def needs to be removed from the Ownership & Controlling Interest Page - def # 410494 PRR 8025191 - Hidden Deficiency ",PSR,negative,41%,npi pems request priority high requested due date hidden def needs removed ownership controlling interest page def prr hidden deficiency,prr hidden deficiency,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 352,499356,PRR 8025188 - Hidden Deficiency ,Closed,SOP 02; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details page that has ID 208 and business object id #1405969 ""Practice location Information/ Programs and Services Participation Details/Demographics The Practice location Information/Programs and Services Participation Details/Demographics Section of the application is not completed. Please complete the Practice location Information/ Programs and Services Participation Details/Demographics section of the application. "" NPI 1730428053 PEMS Request# 20310887 ","The following PRR 8025188 has been created for the following task: • Hidden Deficiency in PEMS NPI 1730428053 PEMS Request# 20310887 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 762914 found under deficiency history tab. ",PSR,negative,26%,following prr created following task hidden deficiency pems npi pems request priority high requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,prr hidden deficiency,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 353,499358,PRR 8020917 - Remove button for License listed as OTHER is not in PEMS,Rejected,emailed ACN,,"PRR 8020917 - Remove button for License listed as OTHER is not in PEMS NPI 1659383305 PEMS Request# 20327017 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Remove button for License listed as OTHER is not in PEMS. Per wiki, If a provider added a license that is not required to be stored in PEMS for the provider type under which they are enrolling, e.g. A license whose Issuer has been changed to Other: Select Remove. ",PSR,negative,0%,prr remove button license listed not pems npi pems request priority high requested due date remove button license listed not pems per wiki provider added license not required stored pems provider type enrolling e g license whose issuer changed select remove,prr remove button license listed not pems,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 354,499367,BusOps: PRR 8020928 - License Deficiency is populating when not required.,Rejected,emailed ACN,,"The following PRR 8020928 has been created for the following task: {{License Deficiency is populating when not required.}} NPI 1942684840 PEMS Request# 20327139 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Deficiencies 'In order to enroll and/or maintain enrollment in this program, please add the missing license, certification, or accreditation to the program record.' & 'Missing required data on the Programs page for practice location record. Please enter all required information on the Programs page of the practice location record.' are populating under both Practice locations but license information is up to date in PEMS & added appropriately. ",PSR,negative,4%,following prr created following task license deficiency populating not required npi pems request priority high requested due date deficiencies order enroll andor maintain enrollment program please add missing license certification accreditation program record missing required data programs page practice location record please enter required information programs page practice location record populating practice locations but license information date pems added appropriately,busops prr license deficiency populating not required,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 355,499370,BusOps: PRR 8009547 – Unable to list Duplicate CLIA as OTHER on L/C/A tab,Closed,SOP 29; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1609874098 PEMS 20308021 Remove 45D0916140 02/08/2022 02/07/2024 Remove 45D09 02/08/2022 02/07/2024 ","NPI: 1821157579 PEMS Request# 20265017 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Unable to list Duplicate CLIA as OTHER on L/C/A tab. when issuer is set to OTHER, and save is selected, License/Certification/Accreditation already exists. Please edit the license to make changes error appears. changes are not saved. ",PSR,negative,5%,npi pems request priority high requested due date unable list duplicate clia lca tab issuer set save selected licensecertificationaccreditation already exists please edit license make changes error appears changes not saved,busops prr unable list duplicate clia lca tab,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 356,499371,PRR 8023018 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS,Closed,Verified in Prod,"PRR 8023018 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS must be completed. SRC Reason updated to Standard Risk Level ","PEMS Request #20310500 Requested Due Date: 10/6/23 Priority: Medium OIG escalated PEMS 20310500 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated ",PSR,negative,27%,pems request requested due date priority medium oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,prr src reason not populated pems,8,"Pems, src, reason, not, populated" 357,499372,PRR 8022476 - Group Information field is blank,Ready,,"Group name on practice location page for NPI 1104485945 updated to ""MED Southwest, PLLC""","NPI 1609555879 PEMS Request# 20330183 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Work instructions states 'PEMS will verify Group Information field is completed'. PEMS did not verify this information was provided within the application. ",PSR,negative,19%,npi pems request priority high requested due date work instructions states pems verify group information field completed pems not verify information provided within application,prr group information field blank,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 358,499374,BusOps: PRR 8023017 - SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS,Closed,Verified in Prod,SRC Reason updated to Standard Risk Level,"PRR 8023017 - SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS SRC: Limited, the Reason Code is not populating in table for this provider. PEMS Request# 20302344 Priority: Medium Requested Delivery Date: 10/6/23 OIG escalated PEMS 20302344 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated ",PSR,negative,1%,prr src reason not populated pems src limited reason code not populating table provider pems request priority medium requested delivery date oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,busops prr src reason not populated pems,8,"Pems, src, reason, not, populated" 359,499386,PRR 8025885 Critical Priority - Incorrect PDC 66 End Date and Incorrect Surety Bond End Date,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Update both transaction and master PEMS ID 20151028 NPI 1194725705 Update PDC 66 end date with 06/13/2023 one day prior to the reenrollment approval date. Remove PDC 60 Provider Enrollment will have to update the Surety Bond in Phoenix manually. ","Provider: GABECARE DIRECTRX INC PEMS ID 20151028 NPI 1194725705 PEMS Request# 20151028 Priority: Critical Requested Due Date: 10/5/23 NPI 1194725705 has a PDC 66 in PEMS & Phoenix from 07/21/2019-07/16/2023. The provider reenrolled under request # 20151028 which was approved on 06/14/2023 and this is the date of welcome letter issued to the provider. The PDC 66 should have been end dated on 06/14/2023, since this was the date the reenrollment was approved. The provider also still has an open PDC 60 for expired surety bond in Phoenix as of 02/03/2020, although the surety bond was updated in PEMS. PEMS has the end date of the PDC 60 as 07/16/2023 as well, but should be 06/14/2023 since that is the date the reenrollment was approved ",PSR,negative,12%,provider gabecare directrx inc pems id npi pems request priority critical requested due date npi pdc pems phoenix provider reenrolled request approved date welcome letter issued provider pdc end dated since date reenrollment approved provider also still open pdc expired surety bond phoenix although surety bond updated pems pems end date pdc well but since date reenrollment approved,prr critical priority incorrect pdc end date incorrect surety bond end date,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 360,499411,8009452 - Remove PDC-66 for post-PHE grace period /Extend Revalidation Due Date,Closed,Post-PHE; Verified in Prod," * If there is an Active PDC 66 and no other PDCs then remove the PDC 66. Make sure to check when there is an active PDC 66 with an inactive PDC 66. Only remove the active PDC 66. Update revalidation due date/enrollment period extended by 6-months. ","There was a mistake in the query for NPIs with only an active PDC 66. PDC 66 removed from identified records. Impacted records are documented in a linked spreadsheet. Remove PDC 66 for the providers on that attached spreadsheet. See Spreadsheet in sharepoint Copy of Revalidations 0512 through 1111 with Program 20230821.xlsx Filter out any that have Yes in column D (disenrolled for other) SOP 40 TMHP SharePoint link: http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=265762 * If there is a disenrolled PDC (40,41,42,44,45,47,48,49,50,56,59,61,62,64,65,66) that is Active and a PDC 66 that is Active or Inactive then do not remove the PDC 66. * If there is a disenrolled PDC (40,41,42,44,45,47,48,49,50,56,59,61,62,64,65,66) that is Inactive and there is an Active PDC 66 then remove the PDC 66. * If there is a deactivated PDC (46,60,63,67) Active or Inactive and an Inactive PDC 66 then do not remove the PDC 66. * If there is a deactivated PDC (46,60,63,67) Active or Inactive and an Active PDC 66 then remove the PDC 66. * If there is an Inactive PDC 66 and no other PDCs then do not remove the PDC 66 * If there is an Active PDC 66 and no other PDCs then remove the PDC 66 I’ve submitted PRR 8018426 for the next steps to extend the revalidation due-dates. The same list of Providers who have their PDC-66 removed will need to also have their revalidation due date/enrollment period extended by 6-months. We do not want to extend the due-date for a Provider who was not eligible for PDC-66 removal. HHSC submitted SAR 124844-1 on 09/20/2023 to allow for a 6-month grace period for revalidation due dates following the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) closure on 5/11/2023. Providers with Revalidation Due Dates scheduled between 5/12/2023 through 11/11/2023 should receive an additional 6-months to complete revalidation. TMHP should update the enrollment period with a 6-month extension. A list of providers should be provided to PE Operations for E00214/L00217 generation. ",PSR,negative,4%,mistake query npis active pdc pdc removed identified records impacted records documented linked spreadsheet remove pdc providers attached spreadsheet see spreadsheet sharepoint copy revalidations program xlsx filter yes column disenrolled sop tmhp sharepoint link httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsdispform aspxid disenrolled pdc active pdc active inactive not remove pdc disenrolled pdc inactive active pdc remove pdc deactivated pdc active inactive inactive pdc not remove pdc deactivated pdc active inactive active pdc remove pdc inactive pdc no pdcs not remove pdc active pdc no pdcs remove pdc submitted prr next steps extend revalidation duedates list providers pdc removed need also revalidation due dateenrollment period extended months not want extend duedate provider not eligible pdc removal hhsc submitted sar allow month grace period revalidation due dates following covid public health emergency phe closure providers revalidation due dates scheduled receive additional months complete revalidation tmhp update enrollment period month extension list providers provided pe operations el generation,remove pdc postphe grace period extend revalidation due date,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 361,499413,PRR 8006622 - PDC 63 disenrolling practice locations - Group 1790777696,New,,"NPI 1790777696 GROUP practice location 215 Chisholm Trl, Jacksboro, TX, 76458-1403 has an active pdc 63 which should not disenroll the location. PDC 63 is not a disenrolled PDC research why program is showing disenrolled and not deactivated. ","PRR 8006622 - PDC 63 disenrolling practice locations - Group 1790777696 NPI 1790777696 PEMS Request# 20217693 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 PDC 63 disenrolling practice location for Group 1790777696. If only PDC 63 on file program status should be ""ENROLLED"" GROUP practice location 215 Chisholm Trl, Jacksboro, TX, 76458-1403 has an active pdc 63 which should not disenroll the location. Group NPI 1790777696 Practice location 215 Chisholm Trl enrollment status should be ENROLLED per PBI 367462. ",MSR,negative,42%,prr pdc disenrolling practice locations group npi pems request priority high requested due date pdc disenrolling practice location group pdc file program status enrolled group practice location chisholm trl jacksboro tx active pdc not disenroll location group npi practice location chisholm trl enrollment status enrolled per pbi,prr pdc disenrolling practice locations group,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 362,499423,PRR 8012739 - Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership,Closed,Verified in Prod,"If the Screen Risk is set to HIGH then the Screen Fingerprinting should be set to yes for principal with 5% or more ownership. ","PRR 8012739 - Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership NPI 1942217856 PEMS Request# 20304922 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/06/23 The Provider is adding a CSHCN/DME practice location. Per the Wiki if the Screen Risk is set to HIGH then the Screen Fingerprinting should be set to yes for principal with 5% or more ownership. Update the Fingerprint Required on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. O/C/P ""STEFANO PESSINA"" ",PSR,positive,99%,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership npi pems request priority high requested due date provider adding cshcndme practice location per wiki screen risk set high screen fingerprinting set yes principal ownership update fingerprint required ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned ocp stefano pessina,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 363,499427,PRR 8013740 - Practice Location Merge,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,"Practice Location Merge 7255 COIT ROAD, FRISCO, TX, 75035 ","PRR 8013740 - Practice Location Merge NPI 1619101185 PEMS Request# 20316510 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/6/23 Keep Practice Location 7255 Coit Rd, Frisco, TX, 75035-4906 Merge duplicate practice location to address above 7255 COIT ROAD, FRISCO, TX, 75035 ",PSR,neutral,59%,prr practice location merge npi pems request priority high requested due date keep practice location coit rd frisco tx merge duplicate practice location address coit road frisco tx,prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 364,499429,PRR 8022737 - Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Applications with a High Screen Risk Category should required fingerprinting documentations for owners with 5% or more ownership. All persons listed on the Owners/Controlling Interest tab with 5% or more ownership should be set to YES for Fingerprinting Required field. ","PRR 8022737 - Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership NPI 158867984 PEMS Request# 20319043 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Per work instructions, applications with a High Screen Risk Category should required fingerprinting documentations for owners with 5% or more ownership. All persons listed on the Owners/Controlling Interest tab with 5% or more ownership should be set to YES for Fingerprinting Required field. Update the Fingerprint Required on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. O/C/P - STEFANO PESSINA ",PSR,positive,100%,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership npi pems request priority high requested due date per work instructions applications high screen risk category required fingerprinting documentations owners ownership persons listed ownerscontrolling interest tab ownership set yes fingerprinting required field update fingerprint required ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned ocp stefano pessina,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 365,499430,PRR 8013479 - Practice Location Merge,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,"Practice Location Merge 4445 KINGWOOD DRIVE, KINGWOOD, TX, 77339-3701","PRR 8013479 - Practice Location Merge NPI 1891702890 PEMS Request# 20317959 Priority: High Keep Practice Location - 4445 Kingwood Dr, Kingwood, TX, 77339-3701 Merge duplicate practice location to address above. 4445 KINGWOOD DRIVE, KINGWOOD, TX, 77339-3701 ",PSR,positive,61%,prr practice location merge npi pems request priority high keep practice location kingwood dr kingwood tx merge duplicate practice location address kingwood drive kingwood tx,prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 366,499445,BusOps: PRR 8023039 - Practice Location Merge,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,"Practice location merge -Keep Address: 2140 E Campbell Rd, Richardson, TX, 75081-2027 Remove - 2140 E. CAMPBELL RD., RICHARDSON, TX, 75081-0000 ","PRR 8023039 - Practice Location Merge NPI 1013922046 PEMS Request# 20325372 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/6/23 Keep Address: 2140 E Campbell Rd, Richardson, TX, 75081-2027 Merge duplicate practice location to address above (2140 E. CAMPBELL RD., RICHARDSON, TX, 75081-0000) ",PSR,neutral,57%,prr practice location merge npi pems request priority high requested due date keep address e campbell rd richardson tx merge duplicate practice location address e campbell rd richardson tx,busops prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 367,499529,8006881 - HTW N01 Certification,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Change the N01 segments for the following providers as follows: Change the date from 01/03/2023 to 03/01/2023 NPI: 1063036515 In PEMS: Correct 03/01/2023 – 04/16/2023 segment NPI: 1750983276 In PEMS: * correct 03/01/2023 – 04/13/2023 segment NPI: 1295064194 In PEMS: * Correct 03/01/2023 – 05/09/2023 segment NPI: 1386238624 In PEMS: * correct 03/01/2023 – 05/09/2023 segment ","The date was not added correctly on the previous data fix. Change the N01 segments for the following providers as follows: NPI: 1063036515 In PEMS: Correct 03/01/2023 – 04/16/2023 segment NPI: 1750983276 In PEMS: * correct 03/01/2023 – 04/13/2023 segment NPI: 1295064194 In PEMS: * Correct 03/01/2023 – 05/09/2023 segment NPI: 1386238624 In PEMS: * correct 03/01/2023 – 05/09/2023 segment ",PSR,positive,68%,date not added correctly previous data fix change n segments following providers follows npi pems correct segment npi pems correct segment npi pems correct segment npi pems correct segment,htw n certification,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 368,499530,PRR 8023045 - Remove Systematic deficiency in PEMS.,Rejected,,"No hidden deficiencies are found, the deficiencies required provider action are on Programs and Services Participation page and Program and Service Participation Details page of each locations.","The following PRR 8023045 has been created for the following task: {{Remove Systematic deficiency in PEMS..}} NPI 1043694128 PEMS Request# 20298356 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Provider is enrolling with multistate licensure. License Information in PEMS is correct per Work instructions - 'A registered nurse under the multi-state licensure compact can be licensed in another state, but must be certified as an APRN by the Texas BON for the state of Texas.' 'The multi-state RN license effective date cannot be after the APRN license effective date.' Deficiencies in PEMS are populating stating ' Missing required data on the Programs page for practice location record. Please enter all required information on the Programs page of the practice location record.' & 'In order to enroll and/or maintain enrollment in this program, please add the missing license, certification, or accreditation to the program record.' License information is listed under each practice location. These Systematic Deficiencies should not populate. ",PSR,negative,2%,following prr created following task remove systematic deficiency pems npi pems request priority high requested due date provider enrolling multistate licensure license information pems correct per work instructions registered nurse multistate licensure compact licensed another state but must certified aprn texas bon state texas multistate right license effective date not aprn license effective date deficiencies pems populating stating missing required data programs page practice location record please enter required information programs page practice location record order enroll andor maintain enrollment program please add missing license certification accreditation program record license information listed practice location systematic deficiencies not populate,prr remove systematic deficiency pems,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 369,499531,PRR 8005252 FCBC for O/C/P need to be set to YES,Closed,Verified in Prod,"PEMS Request 20281305 FCBC is set to '1' for enrollment principal Ids 344724, 344727, 344729, 344733, 344734, 344743, 344744.","NPI 1093958233 PEMS Request# 20281305 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/6/23 When the screen risk category is set to High Update the Fingerprint Required on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. O/C/P - STEFANO PESSINA ",PSR,positive,83%,npi pems request priority high requested due date screen risk category set high update fingerprint required ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned ocp stefano pessina,prr fcbc ocp need set yes,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 370,499538,TIN Application update (New Enrollments and Existing Enrollments),New,Waiting on HHSC,,"Specialty Services received notice that we should submit TINS Applications to the AMD Vendor team. This is a request to update the attached TIN applications (New Enrollments and Existing Enrollments) Can this request be completed by 9/29/2023. Would you like these requests in a different format? Please let us know how you want to receive these requests. Please see attachments. ",PSR,positive,91%,specialty services received notice submit tins applications amd vendor team request update attached tin applications new enrollments existing enrollments request completed would like requests different format please let us know want receive requests please see attachments,tin application update new enrollments existing enrollments,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 371,499545,UI Security Vulnerabilities - Critical Issues Batch 1,Accepted,Rachana Aryal; Ready for Merge Testing in B & C; TSS," * Security scan passes for the issues indicated in Description. Work with security team (Sijo Stephen and Jonathan Andrian) to rerun the scan in test & regression environments. * Regression testing passes for affected functionality: * Clicking the left arrow navigation button when on a nested page navigates back to the parent page. * Nested pages: * Ownership Entity Information * Ownership License view * Practice Location Basic Info * Practice Location Program Association * Practice Location Program Service * Tax Information * EFT * Site Visit ","Batch 1 - Critical Items 1 DirtyForm.js - 10 issues in linked spreadsheet Suggested Mitigation: Data mustnot be dynamically written from any un-trusted source into the HTML document.Security controls must be in place if the functionality requires it. It mayinvolve a combination of JavaScript escaping, HTML encoding, and URL encoding. ",MSR,neutral,55%,batch critical items dirtyform js issues linked spreadsheet suggested mitigation data mustnot dynamically written untrusted source html document security controls must place functionality requires mayinvolve combination javascript escaping html encoding url encoding,ui security vulnerabilities critical issues batch,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 372,499562,PRR 8023631 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS,Closed,Verified in Prod,"PRR 8023631 PEMS 20315426 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS must be fixed. SRC Reason updated to Standard Risk Level ","NPI 1821507575 PEMS Request# 20315426 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/6/23 Per the approved work instructions, The Screen Risk Category Reason Code is systematically derived and is not editable. This field is not completed on the Provider Information tab and OIG tab on Request Management tab. SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated. ",PSR,negative,0%,npi pems request priority high requested due date per approved work instructions screen risk category reason code systematically derived not editable field not completed provider information tab oig tab request management tab src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,prr src reason not populated pems,8,"Pems, src, reason, not, populated" 373,499566, BusOps: PRR 8026362 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS,Closed,Verified in Prod,SRC Reason updated to Standard Risk Level,"NPI 1528459914 PEMS Request# 20320337 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/6/23 Per the approved work instructions, The Screen Risk Category Reason Code is systematically derived and is not editable. This field is not completed on the Provider Information tab and OIG tab under the Request Management tab. SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. The following PRR 8026362 has been created for the following task: • PEMS 20320337 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS ",PSR,negative,0%,npi pems request priority high requested due date per approved work instructions screen risk category reason code systematically derived not editable field not completed provider information tab oig tab request management tab src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs following prr created following task pems src reason not populated pems,busops prr src reason not populated pems,8,"Pems, src, reason, not, populated" 374,499567,10/04/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 8 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 19 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/04/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 375,499573,PRR 8013469 Practice Location Merge ,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,"Merge and delete duplicate practice location to address above. Keep: (4130 Legacy Dr, Plano, TX, 75024-3404) Remove: (4130 LEGACY DR., PLANO, TX, 75024-0000) ","NPI 1306851373 PEMS Request# 20294175 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Keep Practice Location 4130 Legacy Dr, Plano, TX, 75024-3404 Merge duplicate location to address above 4130 LEGACY DR., PLANO, TX, 75024-0000 ",PSR,neutral,57%,npi pems request priority high requested due date keep practice location legacy dr plano tx merge duplicate location address legacy dr plano tx,prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 376,499575,PRR 8024159 – Unable to update Surety Bond Effective date.,Removed,,,"Unable to update Surety Bond Effective date. NPI 1457495541 PEMS Request# 20303658 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Unable to update Surety Bond Effective date. When date is updated & save is selected, page goes blank and changes are not saved. UI still fails after trying to correct the Surety Bond Effective Date to 10/01/2014 and save the page. ",PSR,negative,2%,unable update surety bond effective date npi pems request priority high requested due date unable update surety bond effective date date updated save selected page goes blank changes not saved ui still fails trying correct surety bond effective date save page,prr unable update surety bond effective date,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 377,499578,PRR 8005256 Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership,Closed,Verified in Prod,"There was a data fix to change the screen risk to high and the fingerprint required was not updated as part of that data fix. Fingerprint Required was set to ""No"" on 7/25/23 Screen was changed from Moderate to high on 8/11/23. Change fingerprint required to Yes on the Ownership/Controlling Interest (O/C/P) ","NPI 1902089667 PEMS Request# 20292582 Priority: High When the Screen Risk Category is set to High then the Fingerprinting should be set to yes for principal with 5% or more ownership. Update the Fingerprint Required on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. O/C/P- STEFANO PESSINA The following PRR 8005256 has been created for the following task: • Update the Fingerprint Required on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. ",PSR,positive,99%,npi pems request priority high screen risk category set high fingerprinting set yes principal ownership update fingerprint required ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned ocp stefano pessina following prr created following task update fingerprint required ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 378,499581,PRR 8026974: Application unable to be submitted due to duplicative addresses and historical information. ,Rejected,emailed ACN,Delete duplicate location that has the unsigned EFT agreement ,"Issue: Application unable to be submitted due to duplicative addresses and historical information. EFT agreement is signed for the location that should remain. The other two are either the duplicative address or historical/previous owner information (which shouldn’t be requiring a signature by the new owner). NPI: 1366540288 PEMS ID: 20319041 Provider: Dallas County Hospital District DBA Emerald Hills Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/6/23 The provider is not able to submit this and the CEO will not sign the second duplicative address since he has already singed one of them. What needs to happen, at least from my perspective, is the duplicative address needs to be deleted (and the provider has indicated she can’t delete it) or merged with the address that should remain/ Provider wants to keep the address that was sent and signed (the first one). The second is the duplicate which should be deleted and the third is for an inactive record under the old EIN/owner. see attachment in TMHP PPM 8026974 for email communication that has taken place ",PSR,negative,0%,issue application unable submitted due duplicative addresses historical information eft agreement signed location remain two either duplicative address historicalprevious owner information not requiring signature new owner npi pems id provider dallas county hospital district dba emerald hills priority high requested due date provider not able submit ceo not sign second duplicative address since already singed one needs happen least perspective duplicative address needs deleted provider indicated not delete merged address remain provider wants keep address sent signed first one second duplicate deleted third inactive record old einowner see attachment tmhp ppm email communication taken place,prr application unable submitted due duplicative addresses historical information,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 379,499673,PRR 8022730 Practice Location Merge ,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,"Keep practice location: 1301 Nasa Pkwy, Houston, TX, 77058-3112","The following PRR 8022730 has been created for the following task: Practice Location Merge- (1301 Nasa Pkwy, Houston, TX, 77058-3112) NPI 164927766 PEMS Request# 20318587 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Keep practice location: 1301 Nasa Pkwy, Houston, TX, 77058-3112 Merge duplicate practice location to address above 1301 NASA PARKWAY, HOUSTON, TX, 77058 ",PSR,neutral,52%,following prr created following task practice location merge nasa pkwy houston tx npi pems request priority high requested due date keep practice location nasa pkwy houston tx merge duplicate practice location address nasa parkway houston tx,prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 380,499674,PRR 8023038 Practice Location Merge ,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,"Merge duplicate practice location address. Keep Address (1211 N US Highway 281, Marble Falls, TX, 78654-4501)","NPI 1710992896 PEMS Request# 20321565 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Keep Address (1211 N US Highway 281, Marble Falls, TX, 78654-4501) Merge duplicate practice location with address above. Programs should be in one segment due to duplicate address in PEMS. 1211 US HIGHWAY 281, MARBLE FALLS, TX, 78654-4501 The following PRR 8023038 has been created for the following task: Practice Location Merge- (1211 N US Highway 281, Marble Falls, TX, 78654-4501) ",PSR,negative,28%,npi pems request priority high requested due date keep address n us highway marble falls tx merge duplicate practice location address programs one segment due duplicate address pems us highway marble falls tx following prr created following task practice location merge n us highway marble falls tx,prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 381,499682,PRR 8020533 Practice Location Merge ,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,"Keep Practice Location - 6333 N Main St, Altus, OK, 73521-9203, merge duplicate. ","NPI 1235112426 PEMS Request# 20328102 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Keep Practice Location - (6333 N Main St, Altus, OK, 73521-9203) Merged duplicate location to address above: (6333 N MAIN ST, ALTUS, OK, 73521) ",PSR,neutral,58%,npi pems request priority high requested due date keep practice location n main st altus ok merged duplicate location address n main st altus ok,prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 382,499706,PRR 8020335 Practice Location Merge ,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,"Keep Practice Location - 5742 E Mockingbird Ln, Dallas, TX, 75206-5422 and merge the duplicate. ","NPI 1760497663 PEMS Request# 20327648 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Keep Practice Location - (5742 E Mockingbird Ln, Dallas, TX, 75206-5422) Merge duplicate location to address above (5742 E MOCKINGBIRD LANE, DALLAS, TX, 75206-0000) The following PRR 8020335 has been created for the following task: Practice Location Merge- (5742 E Mockingbird Ln, Dallas, TX, 75206-5422) ",PSR,neutral,55%,npi pems request priority high requested due date keep practice location e mockingbird ln dallas tx merge duplicate location address e mockingbird lane dallas tx following prr created following task practice location merge e mockingbird ln dallas tx,prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 383,499714,PRR 8021255 Practice Location Merge ,Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,"Merge duplicate practice location to address above. (7440 FM 1960 RD E, HUMBLE, TX, 77346-3219) ","The following PRR 8021255 has been created for the following task: • Practice Location Merge- (7440 Fm 1960 Rd E, Humble, TX, 77346-3129) NPI 1467467480 PEMS Request# 20323869 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Keep Practice Location - (7440 Fm 1960 Rd E, Humble, TX, 77346-3129) Merge duplicate practice location to address above. (7440 FM 1960 RD E, HUMBLE, TX, 77346-3219) ",PSR,positive,64%,following prr created following task practice location merge fm rd e humble tx npi pems request priority high requested due date keep practice location fm rd e humble tx merge duplicate practice location address fm rd e humble tx,prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 384,499718,Query Request - Email Address/Practice Location for PHE Revalidation Extension Letters,New,,"Accenture needs the list of NPIs to include Provider Name, Original Due Date, Recalculated Post-PHE Due Date, and Primary & Secondary Email Addresses. Those NPIs without email addresses will be sent physical letters so we will need an export of all Practice Locations for those without email addresses. ","Accenture needs the following query to send the letters for the PHE revalidation extension. Accenture needs the list of NPIs to include Provider Name, Original Due Date, Recalculated Post-PHE Due Date, and Primary & Secondary Email Addresses. Those NPIs without email addresses will be sent physical letters so we will need an export of all Practice Locations for those without email addresses. ",BSR,positive,91%,accenture needs following query send letters phe revalidation extension accenture needs list npis include provider name original due date recalculated postphe due date primary secondary email addresses npis without email addresses sent physical letters need export practice locations without email addresses,query request email addresspractice location phe revalidation extension letters,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 385,499739,PRR 8022002 Duplicate program merge ,Ready,," NPI 1134461379 TPI merge for location 8143 LONG POINT RD TPI 3435919-01 has a PDC 44 in C21 TPI 3195547-01 is the active TPI. Need to add Alt id 21 with TPI 3195547-01 on TPI 3435919-01 so the old TPI shows what the new TPI is. PDC 44 should be added TPI 3435919-01 effective 04/03/2014 to match C21 ","NPI 1134461379 PEMS Request# 20317430 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Practice Location (8143 Long Point Rd, Houston, TX, 77055-2032 - 1134461379) Duplicate Programs: 193400000X-Acute Care - Texas Health Steps Dental (Status-Pending Enrollment) needs to be removed. 1223S0112X-Acute Care - Texas Health Steps Dental Remove practice location linked to TPI 343591901 (NPI is stripped in C21) Keep Acute Care - Texas Health Steps Dental program linked to TPI 319554701 and update Primary Taxonomy to 193400000X ",PSR,neutral,58%,npi pems request priority high requested due date practice location long point rd houston tx duplicate programs xacute care texas health steps dental statuspending enrollment needs removed sxacute care texas health steps dental remove practice location linked tpi npi stripped c keep acute care texas health steps dental program linked tpi update primary taxonomy x,prr duplicate program merge,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 386,499745,PRR 8027136 Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership,Closed,Verified in Prod,,"The following PRR 8027136 has been created for the following task: • Update the Fingerprint Required on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. NPI 1700891884 PEMS Request# 20301634 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 When the Screen Risk Category is set to High then the Fingerprinting should be set to yes for principal with 5% or more ownership. Update the Fingerprint Required on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. O/C/P- STEFANO PESSINA ",PSR,positive,98%,following prr created following task update fingerprint required ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned npi pems request priority high requested due date screen risk category set high fingerprinting set yes principal ownership update fingerprint required ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned ocp stefano pessina,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 387,499774,PRR 8027140 Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership,Closed,Verified in Prod,,"Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership The following PRR 8027140 has been created for the following task: • Update the Fingerprint Required on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. NPI 1801803812 PEMS Request# 20303297 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 When the Screen Risk Category is set to High then the Fingerprinting should be set to yes for principal with 5% or more ownership. Update the Fingerprint Required on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. O/C/P- STEFANO PESSINA ",PSR,positive,99%,fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership following prr created following task update fingerprint required ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned npi pems request priority high requested due date screen risk category set high fingerprinting set yes principal ownership update fingerprint required ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned ocp stefano pessina,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 388,499777,PRR 8027137 Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership,Closed,Verified in Prod,PRR 8027137 Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership must be completed.,"NPI 1003063355 PEMS Request# 20286077 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 When the Screen Risk Category is set to High then the Fingerprinting should be set to yes for principal with 5% or more ownership. Update the Fingerprint Required on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. O/C/P- STEFANO PESSINA ",PSR,positive,96%,npi pems request priority high requested due date screen risk category set high fingerprinting set yes principal ownership update fingerprint required ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned ocp stefano pessina,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 389,499825,PRR 8027141 Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership,Closed,Verified in Prod,PRR 8027141 Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership must be completed.,"NPI 1689689788 PEMS Request# 20306435 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 When the Screen Risk Category is set to High then the Fingerprinting should be set to yes for principal with 5% or more ownership. Update the Fingerprint Required on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. O/C/P- STEFANO PESSINA ",PSR,positive,96%,npi pems request priority high requested due date screen risk category set high fingerprinting set yes principal ownership update fingerprint required ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned ocp stefano pessina,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 390,499830,PRR 8027143 Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership,Closed,Verified in Prod,set O/C/P- STEFANO PESSINA FCBC to yes,"Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership The following PRR 8027143 has been created for the following task: • Update the Fingerprint Required on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. 'NPI 1932114980 PEMS Request# 20315331 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 When the Screen Risk Category is set to High then the Fingerprinting should be set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership. Update the Fingerprint Required on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. O/C/P- STEFANO PESSINA ",PSR,positive,99%,fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership following prr created following task update fingerprint required ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned npi pems request priority high requested due date screen risk category set high fingerprinting set yes principal ownership update fingerprint required ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned ocp stefano pessina,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 391,499862, PRR 8027498 - New LTSS enrollments approved for less than 2 months: #1174539910 (2 locations) & #1609184118,Rejected,,,"The above-mentioned LTSS providers were recently enrolled, but their enrollment period is less than 2 months. Enrollments are at least 2 years long and/or normally 5 years long. NPI: 1174539910 PEMS Req: 20263034 NPI: 1609184118 PEMS Req: 20280457 I’m not sure if it is b ecause these enrollments, although new for LTSS, were currently enrolled in LTC as well. 1174539910 830339244 DALLAS HOSPICE INC ELARA CARING 1010 WEST JASPER DRIVE SUITE 10 KILLEEN TX 76542 251G00000X 09/29/2023 11/19/2023 1174539910 830339244 DALLAS HOSPICE INC ELARA CARING 827 NORTH MAIN STREET CLEBURNE TX 76033 251G00000X 09/29/2023 11/19/2023 1609184118 273311792 GRAPEVINE MISSION HOSPICE LLC GRAPEVINE MISSION HOSPICE LLC 1333 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE 350 IRVING TX 75038 251G00000X 09/27/2023 11/23/2023 Related TMHP PPM ticket TMHP PPM PRR 8027498 ",PSR,neutral,54%,abovementioned ltss providers recently enrolled but enrollment period less months enrollments least years long andor normally years long npi pems req npi pems req not sure b ecause enrollments although new ltss currently enrolled ltc well dallas hospice inc elara caring west jasper drive suite killeen tx gx dallas hospice inc elara caring north main street cleburne tx gx grapevine mission hospice llc grapevine mission hospice llc corporate drive suite irving tx gx related tmhp ppm ticket tmhp ppm prr,prr new ltss enrollments approved less months locations,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 392,499894,PRR 8027564 Hidden Deficiency ,Closed,emailed ACN; Verified in Prod,"The hidden deficiencies are on Enrollment Principal Basic Information Validation having ID-146 and having business object id 367014 ""The driver's license provided is expired. Please review and update."" NPI 1306416920 PEMS Request# 20225736 ","NPI 1306416920 PEMS Request# 20225736 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 PEMS is indicating a systematic deficiency that's needs to be removed. Deficiency number 718134 Missing or Invalid Attachment - Proof of Fingerprinting needs to be removed - no owners present with 5% or more ownership. ",PSR,negative,13%,npi pems request priority high requested due date pems indicating systematic deficiency needs removed deficiency number missing invalid attachment proof fingerprinting needs removed no owners present ownership,prr hidden deficiency,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 393,499896,PRR 8027342 - SRC Reason Not Populated in PEMS,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Screen Risk Category Reason Code needs to populate. SRC Reason updated to Standard Risk Level ","PRR 8027342 - SRC Reason Not Populated in PEMS NPI 1770972572 PEMS Request# 20330403 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 OIG escalated PEMS 20330403 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated ",PSR,negative,8%,prr src reason not populated pems npi pems request priority medium requested due date oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,prr src reason not populated pems,8,"Pems, src, reason, not, populated" 394,499897,PRR 8022720 - Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership,Closed,Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8022720 - Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership. NPI 1134167034 PEMS Request# 20311739 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 When the Screen Risk Category is set to High then the Fingerprinting should be set to yes for principal with 5% or more ownership. Update the Fingerprint Required on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. O/C/P- STEFANO PESSINA ",PSR,positive,99%,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership npi pems request priority high requested due date screen risk category set high fingerprinting set yes principal ownership update fingerprint required ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned ocp stefano pessina,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 395,499900,PRR 8022736 - Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Set the fingerprinting flag to ""Yes"" for Stefano Pessina.","PRR 8022736 - Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership NPI 1285649293 PEMS Request# 20318642 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Per work instructions, applications with a High Screen Risk Category should required fingerprinting documentations for owners with 5% or more ownership. All owners listed on the Owners/Controlling Interest tab with 5% or more ownership should be set to YES for Fingerprinting Required field. O/C/P - STEFANO PESSINA ",PSR,positive,99%,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership npi pems request priority high requested due date per work instructions applications high screen risk category required fingerprinting documentations owners ownership owners listed ownerscontrolling interest tab ownership set yes fingerprinting required field ocp stefano pessina,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 396,499902,PRR 8012722 - Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership,Rejected,,,"PRR 8012722 - Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership NPI 1073528162 PEMS Request# 20321457 Priority: High When the Screen Risk Category is set to High then the Fingerprinting should be set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership. Update the Fingerprint Required on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. O/C/P- STEFANO PESSINA ",PSR,positive,99%,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership npi pems request priority high screen risk category set high fingerprinting set yes principal ownership update fingerprint required ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned ocp stefano pessina,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 397,499906,PRR 8019169 - Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership,Removed,,,"PRR 8019169 - Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership NPI 1508871690 PEMS Request# 20321695 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 When the Screen Risk Category is set to High then the Fingerprinting should be set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership. Update the Fingerprint Required to YES on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. O/C/P- STEFANO PESSINA ",PSR,positive,99%,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership npi pems request priority high requested due date screen risk category set high fingerprinting set yes principal ownership update fingerprint required yes ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned ocp stefano pessina,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 398,499909,PRR 8020136 - Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership,Rejected,,,"PRR 8020136 - Fingerprinting Required set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership NPI 1780699876 PEMS Request# 20319769 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 When the Screen Risk Category is set to High then the Fingerprinting should be set to YES for principal with 5% or more ownership. Update the Fingerprint Required to YES on the Ownership/Controlling Interest page for any human owners with Percent Owned >/= %5 or more. O/C/P- STEFANO PESSINA ",PSR,positive,99%,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership npi pems request priority high requested due date screen risk category set high fingerprinting set yes principal ownership update fingerprint required yes ownershipcontrolling interest page human owners percent owned ocp stefano pessina,prr fingerprinting required set yes principal ownership,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 399,499914,Overlapping vendor IDs for CHOW Req# 8006847 ABELDTS,Closed,Verified in Prod,"1295782340 SellerTax ID (EIN) with effective date 4/29/2016 Update TAX ID (EIN) Expiration Date = Enrollment period end date 2022-02-17 Update seller enrollment segment beginning with 4/29/2016 with end date 2022-02-17 Remove seller enrollment Segment 5/29/2022 - 8/23/2023 End Date Seller Alt IDs/Network IDs · Update VendorID 148460 Expiration Date = Enrollment period end date 2022-02-17 · Update TINS17516218611006 Expiration Date = Enrollment period end date 2022-02-17 · Update NCPDP 4552483 Expiration Date = Enrollment period end date 2022-02-17 Update NPI 1295782340 Expiration Date = Enrollment period end date 2022-02-17 Network 1-5 Expiration Date = Enrollment period end date 2022-02-17 Add Network (Delivery - 6, Retail - 7) = Expiration Date = Enrollment period end date 2022-02-17 ","NPI 1295782340 went through a CHOW and the VDP ID (and possibly others) have overlapping dates. Data fix is needed immediately to resolve this issue, and a PBI to apply long term code fix. ABELDT'S GASLIGHT PHARMACY, INC. Previous issue # 493528---1295782340--Vendor ID 148460 has 02 segment with and end date that goes into the next vendor ID enrollment date and Network End dates. Vendor ID 150583 has begin dates that begin before 148460 ends. Issue not fixed.",PSR,negative,1%,npi went chow vdp id possibly others overlapping dates data fix needed immediately resolve issue pbi apply long term code fix abeldts gaslight pharmacy inc previous issue vendor id segment end date goes next vendor id enrollment date network end dates vendor id begin dates begin ends issue not fixed,overlapping vendor ids chow req abeldts,23,"Vendor, ids, req, active, overlapping" 400,499916,PRR 8021467 - Clear VDP DECISION field as Application did not fall into Pending HHSC-VDP Approval status,Closed,Verified in Prod,VDP approval not required. VDP decision field needs to be reset to select one. ,"PRR 8021467 - Clear VDP DECISION field as Application did not fall into Pending HHSC-VDP Approval status NPI 1154548402 PEMS Request# 20256970 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/11/23 Clear VDP DECISION field as Application did not fall into Pending HHSC-VDP Approval status. VDP DECISION is set to NOT APPROVED-REWORK REQUIRED, Which is preventing enrollment. VDP approval is not required. ",PSR,negative,0%,prr clear vdp decision field application not fall pending hhscvdp approval status npi pems request priority high requested due date clear vdp decision field application not fall pending hhscvdp approval status vdp decision set not approvedrework required preventing enrollment vdp approval not required,prr clear vdp decision field application not fall pending hhscvdp approval status,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 401,499917,PRR 8015526 - The dollar amount on the Application Fee page is not being calculated accurately,Rejected,,,"PRR 8015526 - The dollar amount on the Application Fee page is not being calculated accurately NPI 1013023316 PEMS Request# 20307605 Priority: Critical Requested Due Date: 10/6/23 The dollar amount on the Application Fee page is not being calculated accurately. The dollar amount is incorrect when PEMS is requiring a application fee to be received. ""Make the check payable in the amount of $0 to Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP)."" .<----the dollar amount in this sentence is calculated by PEMS and is displaying the amount of $0 incorrectly Submission Business Rules may be preventing the Application Fee calculation. ",PSR,negative,0%,prr dollar amount application fee page not calculated accurately npi pems request priority critical requested due date dollar amount application fee page not calculated accurately dollar amount incorrect pems requiring application fee received make check payable amount texas medicaid healthcare partnership tmhp dollar amount sentence calculated pems displaying amount incorrectly submission business rules may preventing application fee calculation,prr dollar amount application fee page not calculated accurately,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 402,499918,Welcome Letters did not Generate,Closed,SOP 36; Verified in Prod,"Requests that are being triggered: 20040980 20223236 20262999 20293516 20293569 20303690 20316622 20319510 20320877 20330060 20330408 20334592 ","Welcome letters did not generate. ",PSR,neutral,49%,welcome letters not generate,welcome letters not generate,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 403,499946,PEPLBAExtractDaily Error on Archive Step of Batch,Ready,,PEPLBAExtractDaily batch does not throw daily error.,"The below error occurred again for PEPLBAExtractDaily Job so we have created a new TFS ticket CriticalFailure Could not find apart of the path.Could not find a part of the path. StackTrace= at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, StringmaybeFullPath) at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError() atSystem.IO.FileInfo.MoveTo(String destFileName) atSQLReportGenerator.Converter.ArchiveReports() atSQLReportGenerator.Program.Main(String[] args)| * This error start again on the 9/23 12AM run. * The report gets generated but the Archive step fails. * There is a txt file in the folder created 9/22 with the name ""Please do not archive these files without speaking to Daniel Brazell.txt"" * Assumption is Daniel has modify access on this folder and is using it as his working folder. Need to discuss with Daniel on the systematic process for archiving. ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,error occurred peplbaextractdaily job created new tfs ticket criticalfailure could not find apart path could not find part path stacktrace system io error winioerror int errorcode stringmaybefullpath system io error winioerror atsystem io fileinfo moveto string destfilename atsqlreportgenerator converter archivereports atsqlreportgenerator program main string args error start run report gets generated but archive step fails txt file folder created name please not archive files without speaking daniel brazell txt assumption daniel modify access folder using working folder need discuss daniel systematic process archiving,peplbaextractdaily error archive step batch,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 404,499972,PRR 8027535 - PEMS Issue - PEMS application placed on hold for outstanding overpayments,New,,PRR 8027535 - PEMS Issue - PEMS application placed on hold for outstanding Acute Care Medicaid overpayment should not be on hold.,"We identified a PEMS application that was placed on hold for an outstanding Acute Care Medicaid overpayment that should not be on hold. PEMS 20333843 PPM 8027535 – Carthage Hospital LLC; NPI 1538667035 Carthage Hospital’s application was submitted today (10/4/2023) in PEMS and as of the most recent FINR249C report as of 9/29/2023 there is no outstanding Medicaid overpayment for this provider. We did some additional research and discovered this overpayment of $1,180.09 showing in PEMS was from the FINR249C report as of 8/25/2023. PEMS should be using the FINR249C data from the most recent financial cycle ending on 9/29/2023. ",Research and Analysis,negative,8%,identified pems application placed hold outstanding acute care medicaid overpayment not hold pems ppm carthage hospital llc npi carthage hospitals application submitted today pems recent finrc report no outstanding medicaid overpayment provider additional research discovered overpayment showing pems finrc report pems using finrc data recent financial cycle ending,prr pems issue pems application placed hold outstanding overpayments,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 405,499976,PRR 8027586 - CHOW Welcome Letter Not Generated,Closed,SOP 36; Verified in Prod,"Welcome letter generated for: NPI: 1043919707 PEMS ID: 20223236 Name of Provider: NEXION HEALTH AT BAY RIDGE, INC. Letter is included as part of ticket 499918 (linked) SOP run. ","NPI: 1043919707 PEMS ID: 20223236 Name of Provider: NEXION HEALTH AT BAY RIDGE, INC. Issue: This is a CHOW. Provider’s welcome letter failed to generate. This is impacting contracting/credentialing with the MCOs, which is where their revenue comes from. They have had multiple interactions with OIG on this application as well. Due Date: 10/5/23 Please review to see if this is a one off situation or if it is impacting multiple providers. Per email communication with AMD to alert of this, response was: There was a failure creating the Approval notification task. We are researching this now. ",PSR,negative,38%,npi pems id name provider nexion health bay ridge inc issue chow providers welcome letter failed generate impacting contractingcredentialing mcos revenue comes multiple interactions oig application well due date please review see one situation impacting multiple providers per email communication amd alert response failure creating approval notification task researching,prr chow welcome letter not generated,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 406,499979,PRIORITY PRR 8023224 Changes in Submission History are not in the Database,New,Responded to ACN,There is no data fix for this currently but further research is needed to determine why the updates are not in the database. The submission history in PEMS shows these updates were made but there is nothing in the database to show these updates.,"Please create a new TFS ticket for PRR 8023224/PEMS 20271038 for new issue and provide to original requestor and copy our team. NPI 1144544487 : Daniell, Andrea -I have had production validation done on this and there is an issue identified. The information appears to be updated for the most part except I’m not sure why this location was “re-enrolled” when provider had requested to disenroll. Performing Provider can’t re-enroll or revalidate if Group is disenrolled. Request 20271038 ",Research and Analysis,negative,10%,please create new tfs ticket prr pems new issue provide original requestor copy team npi daniell andrea andrea danielltmhp com production validation done issue identified information appears updated part except not sure location reenrolled provider requested disenroll performing provider not reenroll revalidate group disenrolled request,priority prr changes submission history not database,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 407,499994,PRR 8018426 - Revalidation Due Date/Enrollment Period Extension PHE,Closed,Post-PHE; Verified in Prod,"The same list of Providers who have their PDC-66 removed will need to also have their revalidation due date/enrollment period extended by 6-months. We do not want to extend the due-date for a Provider who was not eligible for PDC-66 removal. Revalidation Due Date should reflect the new revalidation due date. Original Revalidation Date should reflect the previous revalidation due date. Enrollment Period end date (EnrollSegmentEndDate) should match the revalidation due date ","I’ve submitted PRR 8018426 for the next steps to extend the revalidation due-dates. The same list of Providers who have their PDC-66 removed will need to also have their revalidation due date/enrollment period extended by 6-months. We do not want to extend the due-date for a Provider who was not eligible for PDC-66 removal. HHSC submitted SAR 124844-1 on 09/20/2023 to allow for a 6-month grace period for revalidation due dates following the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) closure on 5/11/2023. Providers with Revalidation Due Dates scheduled between 5/12/2023 through 11/11/2023 should receive an additional 6-months to complete revalidation. TMHP should update the enrollment period with a 6-month extension. A list of providers should be provided to PE Operations for E00214/L00217 generation. ",PSR,negative,9%,submitted prr next steps extend revalidation duedates list providers pdc removed need also revalidation due dateenrollment period extended months not want extend duedate provider not eligible pdc removal hhsc submitted sar allow month grace period revalidation due dates following covid public health emergency phe closure providers revalidation due dates scheduled receive additional months complete revalidation tmhp update enrollment period month extension list providers provided pe operations el generation,prr revalidation due dateenrollment period extension phe,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 408,500032,Batch Job Progressed PPM Status Before Payment Received,New,,"Research why PPM status changed when payment was not received,","PPM should stay in New Electronic status until funds management uploads the mailed check for the application fee. Batch job looks for onbase form type Payment to progress PPM to In Progress status. When payment is received ACN Funds Management adds the payment amount in onbase and the batch job copies that amount into PEMS on the Payment tab in request management. PPM 8022341 ",Research and Analysis,positive,65%,ppm stay new electronic status funds management uploads mailed check application fee batch job looks onbase form type payment progress ppm progress status payment received acn funds management adds payment amount onbase batch job copies amount pems payment tab request management ppm,batch job progressed ppm status payment received,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 409,500036,10/05/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 6 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 22 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/05/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 410,500056,Duplicate ACA Fee Payments in PEMS,New,,"Provider enrollment is able to remove the duplicates, but we need to research the cause. ","This issue was initially reported in TMHP’s PPM database in May 2022 under Request # 7722516. The PPM Request was prematurely closed prior to the transition to the new contract; so, I’m not sure if this issue is currently on anyone’s radar. PEMS Request# 20060139 PEMS sometimes duplicates the ACA Fee Payment entries on the Request Management>Payments page. The number of duplications varies per fee. There’s no way for us to identify when a duplicate entry occurs other than to come across it during the course of daily work. So, we don’t have an efficient way to go back and manually remove the duplicates. For example: PEMS ID 20013543 (Note: We've been removing the duplicates as we come across them. We left the duplicates on this one just for research purposes.) Please see my notes/questions from 3/10/2023. I am still coming across duplicate payment entries in PEMS (screenshots attached). So, I am once again reopening this request. Before this request is closed again, I would like to have documented: (1) the root cause of the issue, (2) what was (or will be) done to correct the issue and, (3) what was (or will be) done to identify and remove the duplicates currently in PEMS. ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,issue initially reported tmhps ppm database may request ppm request prematurely closed prior transition new contract not sure issue currently anyones radar pems request pems sometimes duplicates aca fee payment entries request managementpayments page number duplications varies per fee no way us identify duplicate entry occurs come across course daily work not efficient way go back manually remove duplicates example pems id note removing duplicates come across left duplicates one research purposes please see notesquestions still coming across duplicate payment entries pems screenshots attached reopening request request closed would like documented root issue done correct issue done identify remove duplicates currently pems,duplicate aca fee payments pems,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 411,500103,HHSC Escalation - PRR 8011308 - Revalidation date not updated/PDC 66 on file,Closed,SOP 40; Verified in Prod,"update both transaction and master 1851844104 PEMS Req: 20278371 Enrollment segment 8/10/2023- 8/23/2023 Update Enrollment segment to 6/30/2023 -08/09/2028 Update revalidation due date to 08/09/2028 Remove PDC 66 from all programs ","The provider application was closed-enrolled under PEMS 20278371, but all locations are still showing disenrolled with a PDC 66. They are unable to enroll providers or receive reimbursement for their services. This was submitted as a complaint. NPI: 1851844104 PEMS Req: 20278371 ",PSR,negative,4%,provider application closedenrolled pems but locations still showing disenrolled pdc unable enroll providers receive reimbursement services submitted complaint npi pems req,hhsc escalation prr revalidation date not updatedpdc file,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 412,500105,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS - PRR 8028008,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiencies are hidden on Program and Service Participation page the count is showing 3 for all the locations but none of the location showing any deficiency. The deficiency missing has ID 208 and business object id- 1448044 and1448045 ""Please complete the Demographics, Program Specific Questions and any section with a red asterisk. "" NPI 1881675585 PEMS Request# 20323687 ","The following PRR 8028008 has been created for the following task: • Update the Hidden Deficiency in PEMS Please provide a response once completed. NPI 1881675585 PEMS Request# 20323687 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/9/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 745919, 745918, 745914 found under deficiency history tab. ",PSR,negative,33%,following prr created following task update hidden deficiency pems please provide response completed npi pems request priority high requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,hidden deficiency pems prr,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 413,500108,RE: PRR 8001397 C21 Integration - TPIs need to be rendered,Closed,C21 Integration,"Need to rerun failed C21 integration tasks 1851787303. License was added to the program for these locations.","NPI 1851787303 PEMS Request#20294570 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 CRM 706850700 C21 Integration issue. TPIs need to be rendered for both enrolled NPI 1851787303 locations below. - 575 HILL COUNTRY DR STE 101, KERRVILLE, TX, 78028-6024 - 575 Hill Country Dr STE 202, Kerrville, TX, 78028-6024 ",PSR,neutral,47%,npi pems request priority high requested due date crm c integration issue tpis need rendered enrolled npi locations hill country dr ste kerrville tx hill country dr ste kerrville tx,prr c integration tpis need rendered,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 414,500119,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS - PRR 8027994,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1316943566 PEMS Request# 20331266 Deficiency is not getting displayed on Program and services participation detail page having Id 208 and business object id -1478608 ""FYI: You entered CLIA information under the licenses/certifications Tab and submitted a copy of the CLIA certificate, however, you did not list it under the Licenses / Certifications / Accreditations section of the location entry. Please review and update accordingly."" ","NPI 1316943566 PEMS Request# 20331266 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/12/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 772495 found under deficiency history tab. ",PSR,negative,35%,npi pems request priority high requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,hidden deficiency pems prr,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 415,500171,Welcome Letters Not Generating - Root Cause Analysis,New,Team 2,,Various escalations have been raise (linked as Related). Need research and documentation on root cause of the issues.,Research and Analysis,neutral,53%,various escalations raise linked related need research documentation root issues,welcome letters not generating root analysis,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 416,500176,PRR 8001194 DO YOU WISH TO RESUME YOUR PARTICIPATION is now blank after pg saved.,New,,PRR 8001194 DO YOU WISH TO RESUME YOUR PARTICIPATION is now blank after pg saved must be fixed.,"Priority High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Needed to prevent the ""DO YOU WISH TO RESUME YOUR PARTICIPATION"" question on the Details page from being wiped out after details page saved by PE Specialist DO YOU WISH TO RESUME YOUR PARTICIPATION is now blank after PE Specialist saved Healthy Texas Women’s question on the Program and Services Participation Details pg. PEMS Request #:20311027 NPI: 1588153993 See attached email. ",PSR,positive,91%,priority high requested due date needed prevent wish resume participation question details page wiped details page saved pe specialist wish resume participation blank pe specialist saved healthy texas womens question program services participation details pg pems request npi see attached email,prr wish resume participation blank pg saved,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 417,500181,Screen Risk Category Updates Needed - PRR 8027345,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,"Update screen risk category to moderate Note for request management page: The screen risk category was adjusted from High to Moderate as this is an existing enrollment application and a new program was not added.","The following PRR 8027345 has been created for the following task: • Update the Screen Risk Category Add the following comment to Request Management: {{ The screen risk category was adjusted from High to Moderate as this is an existing enrollment application and a new program was not added.}} NPI 1013946300 PEMS Request# 20331733 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/11/23 Existing Enrollment application has a program status of ENROLLED and a request action of EDITED. Per the Hospice, Palliative Care - Community approved wiki the Screen Risk Category should be MODERATE. Also a Program status of ENROLLED and a request action of BLANK. Per the Hospice approved wiki the Screen Risk Category should be MODERATE. No addition of a new program. ",PSR,positive,87%,following prr created following task update screen risk category add following comment request management screen risk category adjusted high moderate existing enrollment application new program not added npi pems request priority high requested due date existing enrollment application program status enrolled request action edited per hospice palliative care community approved wiki screen risk category moderate also program status enrolled request action blank per hospice approved wiki screen risk category moderate no addition new program,screen risk category updates needed prr,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 418,500200,PRR 8003622 Update PEMS Provider Type (Service ID) for CSHCN programs,Ready,ACN Needs to provide template,"NPI 1205874773 PEMS Request# 20268524 CSHCN Programs Update PEMS provider type (service ID) to ORF Outpatient Physical Therapy Service (ORF) see email attached no crosswalk update required. This provider type already exists for this taxonomy 261QR0400X ","The following PRR 8003622 has been created for the following task: • PEMS needs to allow Taxonomy code 261QR0400X for CSHCN Program Provider Type - Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility (CORF) enrollment. NPI 1205874773 PEMS Request# 20268524 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 PEMS needs to allow Taxonomy code 261QR0400X for CSHCN Program Provider Type - Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility (CORF) enrollment. Provider listed code 261QR0400X but under practice location, taxonomy shows 261Q7R0401X per C21 data that was converted into PEMS. Taxonomy code 261QR0400X needs to be added for CORF enrollments 65/25. Taxonomy Xwalk update needed. ",PSR,negative,6%,following prr created following task pems needs allow taxonomy code qrx cshcn program provider type comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility corf enrollment npi pems request priority high requested due date pems needs allow taxonomy code qrx cshcn program provider type comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility corf enrollment provider listed code qrx but practice location taxonomy shows qrx per c data converted pems taxonomy code qrx needs added corf enrollments taxonomy xwalk update needed,prr update pems provider type service id cshcn programs,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 419,500201,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS - PRR 8027993,Closed,SOP 02; Verified in Prod,"Deficiency is not getting displayed on the program practice details page NPI 1053452151 PEMS Request# 20294943 On Practice location page the deficiency count shows 2, but only one is getting displayed. Refer to attached screenshot. The hidden deficiency that is not getting displayed is for RefdeficiencyBusiness ID 208 and business object id-711606. ","NPI 1053452151 PEMS Request# 20294943 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/12/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 758977 found under deficiency history tab. The following PRR 8027993 has been created for the following task: • Update the Hidden Deficiency in PEMS Please provide a response once completed. Please let us know if you have any questions, included is the link to the SOP’s (Based on Type of SOP needed). New AMO PEMS SOPs - All Documents - http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20%2D%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR%2DProvider%20Enrollment%20%28PEP%29%2FF%2DStandard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs ",PSR,positive,76%,npi pems request priority high requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab following prr created following task update hidden deficiency pems please provide response completed please let us know questions included link sops based type sop needed new amo pems sops documents httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfadtmhpapplicationsfprdproviderenrollmentpepffdstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssops,hidden deficiency pems prr,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 420,500208,PRR 8027066 Screen Risk Category Updates Needed,Closed,Sop 08; Verified in Prod,Screen Risk Category Updates Needed - PRR 8027066 must be completed.,"NPI 1467882860 PEMS Request# 20331821 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/6/23 Revalidation application has a program status of PENDINGENROLLMENT and a request action of Added. Per the Skilled Nursing Facility approved wiki the Screen Risk Category should be HIGH. Due to addition of new program. The following PRR 8027066 has been created for the following task: • Update the Screen Risk Category Add the following comment to Request Management: {{ The screen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of a new program. }} ",PSR,positive,65%,npi pems request priority high requested due date revalidation application program status pendingenrollment request action added per skilled nursing facility approved wiki screen risk category high due addition new program following prr created following task update screen risk category add following comment request management screen risk category adjusted moderate high due addition new program,prr screen risk category updates needed,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 421,500214,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS - PRR 8027054,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"Deficiency is not getting displayed. NPI 1548740053 PEMS Request# 20326363 The hidden deficiency not gettingdisplayed on Program and Service Participation Details page having ID- 208 and business object id- 1458155 ""The Medicare waiver must match the age group listed in the Demographics section."" ","NPI 1548740053 PEMS Request# 20326363 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/6/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 758977 found under deficiency history tab. ",PSR,negative,35%,npi pems request priority high requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,hidden deficiency pems prr,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 422,500218,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS - PRR 8026388,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1366691115 PEMS Request# 20330193 Issue is valid, Please Fix the hidden deficiency that is missing from Program Practice Detail page The hidden deficiency ID 208 having business object id 1473946 ","NPI 1366691115 PEMS Request# 20330193 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/10/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 765805 found under deficiency history tab. ",PSR,negative,35%,npi pems request priority high requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,hidden deficiency pems prr,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 423,500219,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS - PRR 8025830,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1467778902 PEMS Request# 20318013 Issue is valid, Please Fix the hidden deficiency that is missing from Program Practice Detail page The hidden deficiency ID 208 having business object id 1414097 ""Please add the Healthy Texas Women Attestation under the Licenses / Certifications / Accreditations section."" ","The following PRR 8025830 has been created for the following task: • Update the Hidden Deficiency in PEMS NPI: 1467778902 PEMS Request# 20318013 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/5/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 728680 found under deficiency history tab. ",PSR,negative,28%,following prr created following task update hidden deficiency pems npi pems request priority high requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,hidden deficiency pems prr,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 424,500224,PRR 8025808 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Screen Risk category should be set to High. Note for Request Management page ""Re-enrollmentapplication with a program status of DEACTIVATED & request action of EDITEDshould have a Screen Risk Category of HIGH""","PRR 8025808 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed NPI 1316374408 PEMS Request# 20320186 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/5/23 Re-enrollment application with a program status of DEACTIVATED & request action of EDITED should have a Screen Risk Category of HIGH. The approved taxonomy crosswalk also shows this combination should be set to HIGH. ",PSR,positive,93%,prr screen risk category updates needed npi pems request priority high requested due date reenrollment application program status deactivated request action edited screen risk category high approved taxonomy crosswalk also shows combination set high,prr screen risk category updates needed,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 425,500229,PRR 8025804 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1194226753 PEMS Request# 20288802 Below deficiencies are hidden on Program and Service Participation Details- 1. RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and business object id# 1258182. ""per pecos medicare id 666570 has an end date of 9/18/2021, please update or remove"" 2. RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and business object id# 1258183. ""per pecos medicare id 666570 has an end date of 9/18/2021, please update or remove"" ","PRR 8025804 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS NPI 1194226753 PEMS Request# 20288802 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/5/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 750923, 750913 found under deficiency history tab. ",PSR,negative,33%,prr hidden deficiency pems npi pems request priority high requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 426,500232,PRR 8028656 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report),Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"Added spreadsheet with research findings. Created scripts for 20326566, 20326566, 20303433, 20223674, 20301482. Items in green require no further action. ","PRR 8028656 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 See Attachment: Data fix required to fix PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. Accenture will upload daily as discrepancies are identified. The following have been escalated to a subject matter expert: ",PSR,neutral,52%,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report priority high requested due date see attachment data fix required fix pems ppm workflow syncing issues accenture upload daily discrepancies identified following escalated subject matter expert,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 427,500236,PRR 8025438 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed,Closed,Sop 08; Verified in Prod,"Screen risk needs to be changed from high to limited. Note for Request Management: ""Reenrollmentapplication, Per the Vision Medical Supplier (VMS) approved wiki & approvedtaxonomy crosswalk, the Screen Risk Category should be LIMITED.""","PRR 8025438 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed NPI 1053689331 PEMS Request# 20327157 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Reenrollment application has a program status of PENDINGREENROLLMENT and a request action of EDITED. Per the Vision Medical Supplier (VMS) approved wiki & approved taxonomy crosswalk, the Screen Risk Category should be LIMITED. ",PSR,positive,83%,prr screen risk category updates needed npi pems request priority high requested due date reenrollment application program status pendingreenrollment request action edited per vision medical supplier vms approved wiki approved taxonomy crosswalk screen risk category limited,prr screen risk category updates needed,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 428,500238,PRR 8025712 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed ,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,"Screen Risk Category should be set to high due to addition of new program. Note for Request management page: ""Thescreen risk category was adjusted from Moderate to High due to addition of anew program."" ","PRR 8025712 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed PEMS Request#20311187 NPI: 1861407819 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/6/23 This is a revalidation application. The provider added a new program; therefore, the screen risk category should be High as indicated in the approved work instructions and taxonomy crosswalk. Due to SRC being elevated owners with 5% or more ownership will need to submit proof of fingerprinting. -STEFANO PESSINA ",PSR,positive,90%,prr screen risk category updates needed pems request npi priority high requested due date revalidation application provider added new program therefore screen risk category high indicated approved work instructions taxonomy crosswalk due src elevated owners ownership need submit proof fingerprinting stefano pessina,prr screen risk category updates needed,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 429,500240,PRR 8022677 PEMS 20332536 - Provider complaint,Closed,SOP 7; Verified in Prod,"Update both transaction and Master 1720155849 PEMS Request# 20332536 Change PEMS provider type (service id) from 52 LPC to 50 LMFT on the Acute Care Program The specialty is already correct. ","PRR 8022677 PEMS 20332536 - Provider complaint NPI 1720155849 PEMS Request# 20332536 Priority: Critical Requested Due Date: 10/20/23 CRM 2024761024 Provider Name: Donald Lane Provider Point of Contact: DONALD 8173268306 dr.lane.lmft@sbcglobal.net The current enrollment shows the provider as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). Per the last enrollment history the provider should have been converted as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). Once the provider type and specialty are updated to reflect LMFT the provider should be able to submit license update request. Provider is unable to update the license the PEMS system is requesting LPC information for his LMFT enrollment. ",PSR,negative,15%,prr pems provider complaint npi pems request priority critical requested due date crm provider name donald lane provider point contact donald dr lane lmftsbcglobal net current enrollment shows provider licensed professional counselor lpc per last enrollment history provider converted licensed marriage family therapist lmft provider type specialty updated reflect lmft provider able submit license update request provider unable update license pems system requesting lpc information lmft enrollment,prr pems provider complaint,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 430,500336,Remove/End Date PDC 66 for Providers with a Re-enrollment Submitted Prior to Revalidation Due Date,New,,"For providers that submitted the reenrollment request prior to the original revalidation due date and the request was closed enrolled within 45 calendars after the original revalidation due date the PDC 66 should be removed. For providers that submitted the reenrollment request prior to the original revalidation due date and the request was Not closed enrolled within 45 calendars after the original revalidation due date the PDC 66 should be end dated. ","There was a data fix done on 8/24/23 to disenroll providers who did not revalidate prior to their revalidation due date. The revalidation due date and enrollment period end date were updated to 8/23/23. There wasn't a check to confirm if these providers submitted a reenrollment request prior to their revalidation due date. For providers that submit a reenrollment request prior to their revalidation due date and then the request is closed enrolled within 45 days after the original revalidation due date the PDC 66 should be removed. For providers that submitted the reenrollment request prior to the original revalidation due date and the request was Not closed enrolled within 45 calendars after the original revalidation due date the PDC 66 should be end dated. A query needs to be run to identify these providers. Modified User ID ""SR"" Modified Date 2023-08-24 Reenrollment Request with submission date prior to the providers original revalidation due date. Then from that list determine which requests were closed-enrolled within 45 calendar days after the revalidation due date. Then from that list determine which requests were not closed-enrolled within 45 calendar days after the revalidation due date. ",PSR,negative,0%,data fix done disenroll providers not revalidate prior revalidation due date revalidation due date enrollment period end date updated not check confirm providers submitted reenrollment request prior revalidation due date providers submit reenrollment request prior revalidation due date request closed enrolled within days original revalidation due date pdc removed providers submitted reenrollment request prior original revalidation due date request not closed enrolled within calendars original revalidation due date pdc end dated query needs run identify providers modified user id sr modified date reenrollment request submission date prior providers original revalidation due date list determine requests closedenrolled within calendar days revalidation due date list determine requests not closedenrolled within calendar days revalidation due date,removeend date pdc providers reenrollment submitted prior revalidation due date,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 431,500339,10/06/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 5 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response 25 Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 23 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/06/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 432,500341,8009452 - Remove PDC-66 for post-PHE grace period ,Closed,Post-PHE; SOP 40; Verified in Prod,,"There are some providers that were missed on the original request. We need to filer the original spreadsheet Copy of Revalidations 0512 through 1111 with Program 20230821.xlsx with column D disenrolled for other =No and Column E PDC 66=No and then query the following scenarios: * If there is a disenrolled PDC (40,41,42,44,45,47,48,49,50,56,59,61,62,64,65,66) that is Active and a PDC 66 that is Active or Inactive then do not remove the PDC 66. * If there is a disenrolled PDC (40,41,42,44,45,47,48,49,50,56,59,61,62,64,65,66) that is Inactive and there is an Active PDC 66 then remove the PDC 66. * If there is a deactivated PDC (46,60,63,67) Active or Inactive and an Inactive PDC 66 then do not remove the PDC 66. * If there is a deactivated PDC (46,60,63,67) Active or Inactive and an Active PDC 66 then remove the PDC 66. * If there is an Inactive PDC 66 and no other PDCs then do not remove the PDC 66 * If there is an Active PDC 66 and no other PDCs then remove the PDC 66 ",PSR,neutral,57%,providers missed original request need filer original spreadsheet copy revalidations program xlsx column disenrolled no column e pdc no query following scenarios disenrolled pdc active pdc active inactive not remove pdc disenrolled pdc inactive active pdc remove pdc deactivated pdc active inactive inactive pdc not remove pdc deactivated pdc active inactive active pdc remove pdc inactive pdc no pdcs not remove pdc active pdc no pdcs remove pdc,remove pdc postphe grace period,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 433,500344,Revalidation Due Date Extension PHE,Closed,Post-PHE; SOP 35; Verified in Prod,,"The same list of Providers identified on TFS 500341 will need to also have their revalidation due date/enrollment period extended by 6-months. We do not want to extend the due-date for a Provider who was not eligible for PDC-66 removal. Revalidation Due Date should reflect the new revalidation due date. Original Revalidation Date should reflect the previous revalidation due date. Enrollment Period end date (EnrollSegmentEndDate) should match the revalidation due date. ",PSR,negative,18%,list providers identified tfs need also revalidation due dateenrollment period extended months not want extend duedate provider not eligible pdc removal revalidation due date reflect new revalidation due date original revalidation date reflect previous revalidation due date enrollment period end date enrollsegmentenddate match revalidation due date,revalidation due date extension phe,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 434,500358,VDP Interim File Export Timeout Error,New,,Root cause or remediation approach for the timeout error is discovered.,"10/5 export failed to complete due to a timeout exception. Oct 5, 2023 @ 21:03:04.702 Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. Error occurred while Exporting data PEMSCONVERSIONAPI_PROD Additional monitoring steps provided to the batch monitoring team to look for this error. Priority set to 3 as batch monitoring team has instructions on how to rerun on a future failure. ",Research and Analysis,negative,1%,export failed complete due timeout exception oct execution timeout expired timeout period elapsed prior completion operation server not responding execution timeout expired timeout period elapsed prior completion operation server not responding error occurred exporting data pemsconversionapiprod additional monitoring steps provided batch monitoring team look error priority set batch monitoring team instructions rerun future failure,vdp interim file export timeout error,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 435,500459,Screen Risk Category Updates - Root Cause Analysis,New,,"Analysis: * Why does this need to be a data fix? * Does BusOps not have this access and they should? * Approach to give end-users more control over Screen Risk categories. ","Screen Risk category updates are being requested for AMD to update in the database. Analysis needed: * Why does this need to be a data fix? * Does BusOps not have this access and they should? * Approach to give end-users more control over Screen Risk categories. ",Research and Analysis,negative,3%,screen risk category updates requested amd update database analysis needed need data fix busops not access approach give endusers control screen risk categories,screen risk category updates root analysis,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 436,500462,PRR 8030555 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report),Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"PRR 8030555 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) must be fixed. See attachment for results. ","Mismatch report- Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. The spread sheet includes a description of the mismatch, PEMS ID and PPM ID, once completed, please update column H with the appropriate response. Accenture will upload the report to the PRR daily as discrepancies are identified.",PSR,positive,93%,mismatch report data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues spread sheet includes description mismatch pems id ppm id completed please update column h appropriate response accenture upload report prr daily discrepancies identified,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 437,500473,PRR 8028975 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details page having id 207 and business object id 1510125 ""Per PECOS report, there are no practice locations listed. Please review and make corrections"" NPI 1326398959 PEMS Request# 20336970 ","PRR 8028975 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS NPI 1326398959 PEMS Request# 20336970 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/10/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 777042 found under deficiency history tab. - remove deficiency as application is CLOSED-ENROLLED ",PSR,negative,9%,prr hidden deficiency pems npi pems request priority high requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab remove deficiency application closedenrolled,prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 438,500475,Practice Location Merge Failure - Root Cause Analysis,New,,,nan,Research and Analysis,positive,66%,nan,practice location merge failure root analysis,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 439,500477,PRR 8028532 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details having id-208 and business object id -1462777 ""You must answer all sections marked with a red asterisk. Please complete all section of Programs and Services Participation. "" NPI 1053874149 PEMS Request# 20327202 ","PRR 8028532 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS NPI 1053874149 PEMS Request# 20327202 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/12/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 764449 found under deficiency history tab. ",PSR,negative,33%,prr hidden deficiency pems npi pems request priority high requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 440,500478,PRR 8025885 Critical Priority - Incorrect PDC 66 End Date,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"The PDC was end dated correctly in transaction but not in master Update both transaction and master PEMS ID 20151028 NPI 1194725705 Update PDC 66 end date with 06/13/2023 one day prior to the reenrollment approval date. Remove PDC 60 Provider Enrollment will have to update the Surety Bond in Phoenix manually. ","Provider: GABECARE DIRECTRX INC PEMS ID 20151028 NPI 1194725705 PEMS Request# 20151028 Priority: Critical Requested Due Date: 10/5/23 NPI 1194725705 has a PDC 66 in PEMS & Phoenix from 07/21/2019-07/16/2023. The provider reenrolled under request # 20151028 which was approved on 06/14/2023 and this is the date of welcome letter issued to the provider. The PDC 66 should have been end dated on 06/14/2023, since this was the date the reenrollment was approved. The provider also still has an open PDC 60 for expired surety bond in Phoenix as of 02/03/2020, although the surety bond was updated in PEMS. PEMS has the end date of the PDC 60 as 07/16/2023 as well, but should be 06/14/2023 since that is the date the reenrollment was approved ",PSR,negative,12%,provider gabecare directrx inc pems id npi pems request priority critical requested due date npi pdc pems phoenix provider reenrolled request approved date welcome letter issued provider pdc end dated since date reenrollment approved provider also still open pdc expired surety bond phoenix although surety bond updated pems pems end date pdc well but since date reenrollment approved,prr critical priority incorrect pdc end date,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 441,500479,PRR 8028510 - SOP – Screen Risk Category Updates,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,"Update the screen risk category to high. Request Management note: ""NewEnrollment -Per the CSHCN skilled nursing services Home Health Agency approvedwiki the Screen Risk Category should be HIGH.""","PRR 8028510 - SOP – Screen Risk Category Updates NPI 1891479820 PEMS Request# 20311379 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/9/23 New Enrollment application has a program status of PENDINGENROLLMENT and a request action of ADDED. Per the CSHCN skilled nursing services Home Health Agency approved wiki the Screen Risk Category should be HIGH. ",PSR,positive,84%,prr sop screen risk category updates npi pems request priority high requested due date new enrollment application program status pendingenrollment request action added per cshcn skilled nursing services home health agency approved wiki screen risk category high,prr sop screen risk category updates,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 442,500481,PRR 8028010 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details page having Id 208 and business object id 1489557 ""Please complete Demographic and Program specific section. Please ensure that all fields with the red asterisk must be completed. "" NPI 1407531775 Req Id- 20333099 ","PRR 8028010 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS NPI 1407531775 Priority High Requested Due Date: 10/9/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 745919, 745918, 745914 found under deficiency history tab. ",PSR,negative,33%,prr hidden deficiency pems npi priority high requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 443,500612, SAR 124844 -PRR 8018426 - Revalidation Due Date Extension ,Rejected,Duplicate, SAR 124844 -PRR 8018426 - Revalidation Due Date Extension must be completed.,"We have officially received SAR 124844 for the 6-month Post-PHE grace period, see attached for documentation purposes. I’ve submitted PRR 8018426 for the next steps to extend the revalidation due-dates. The same list of Providers who have their PDC-66 removed will need to also have their revalidation due date/enrollment period extended by 6-months. We do not want to extend the due-date for a Provider who was not eligible for PDC-66 removal. Upon completion of these efforts, Operations will need the list of impacted NPIs following the date extension so that we can send out the emails/letters. We will also use that list for Post-PHE monitoring in our Bi-Weekly Stakeholder meetings. When we get to that point you all can work with me on the output needed for follow-up efforts. We will need the list of NPIs to include Provider Name, Original Due Date, Recalculated Post-PHE Due Date, and Primary & Secondary Email Addresses. Those NPIs without email addresses will be sent physical letters so we will need an export of all Practice Locations for those without email addresses. ",PSR,negative,37%,officially received sar month postphe grace period see attached documentation purposes submitted prr next steps extend revalidation duedates list providers pdc removed need also revalidation due dateenrollment period extended months not want extend duedate provider not eligible pdc removal upon completion efforts operations need list impacted npis following date extension send emailsletters also use list postphe monitoring biweekly stakeholder meetings get point work output needed followup efforts need list npis include provider name original due date recalculated postphe due date primary secondary email addresses npis without email addresses sent physical letters need export practice locations without email addresses,sar prr revalidation due date extension,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 444,500614,OPL - Page Title Not Set,New,,,"OPL uses the url for the title. Should have a relevantly-word title depending on the OPL page the user is on. Need list of pages and titles. Landing/Basic Search Page: ""Online Provider Lookup"" Provider Details Page: ""OPL - Org name or Last, First"" Other pages? ",MSR,positive,89%,opl uses url title relevantlyword title depending opl page user need list pages titles landingbasic search page online provider lookup provider details page opl org name last first pages,opl page title not set,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 445,500671,10/09/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 6 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 29 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/09/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 446,500673,VDP Query - Providers with Future Dated Enrollment Segments,New,,,"Query to identify Providers with VDP programs with Future Dated Enrollment Segments. Enrollment Period Begin date is future dated. Return NPI, Enrollment Segments, Programs, Vendor IDs ",BSR,positive,88%,query identify providers vdp programs future dated enrollment segments enrollment period begin date future dated return npi enrollment segments programs vendor ids,vdp query providers future dated enrollment segments,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 447,500781,PRR 8031353 - AMERITA INC NPI 1396896395 UNSCRAMBLE ,Closed,VDP SOP; Verified in Prod,"1396896395 PEMS ID: 20246506 revalidation Remove enrollment period 10/2/2025-10/1/2025 End Date OLD Alt IDs End Date Vendor ID 351006 Expiration Date = 10/5/2023 End Date TINS 15625549751002 Expiration Date = 10/5/2023 · End Date NCPDP 4543787 Expiration Date = 10/5/2023 Eee End Date NPI 1396896395 Expiration Date = 10/5/2023 Eff New ALTIDs Add Vendor ID 351006 Effective Date = 10/6/2023 Add TINS 15625549751002 Effective Date = 10/6/2023 · Add NCPDP 4543787 Effective Date =10/6/2023 Add NPI 1396896395 Effective Date =10/6/2023 Update Network 1-5 , 7 = Effective Date =10/6/2023 Ad Add Network 6 with Effective Date =10/6/2023 Add Dispenser Class Independent Pharmacy Add Dispenser Type Community/Retail a a ","PRR 8031353 - AMERITA INC NPI 1396896395 UNSCRAMBLE NPI 1396896395 PEMS Request# Revalidation #20246506 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/10/23 Provider: AMERITA INC NPI 1396896395 Revalidation #: 20246506 Details: Per Conduent: do not have enrollment past 07/01/2023. If they have revalidated or something, we have not gotten it. I also see the NPI and TINS – have 2 sets of begin dates and the same end date. TMHP Research: NPI 1396896395 AMERITA INC ¿ Revalidation Request PEMS ID: 20246506 • DME – Yes • This application is currently in Review OIG Decision • PEMS ID 20246506, Date Received 5/22/2023, deficiencies sent to the provider on 5/31/2023, we have not been able to close this app due to tech issues. ",PSR,negative,0%,prr amerita inc npi unscramble npi pems request revalidation priority high requested due date provider amerita inc npi revalidation details per conduent not enrollment past revalidated something not gotten also see npi tins sets begin dates end date tmhp research npi amerita inc revalidation request pems id dme yes application currently review oig decision pems id date received deficiencies sent provider not able close app due tech issues,prr amerita inc npi unscramble,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 448,500794,PRR 7999798 - Disenrolled Provider Type/Specialty should Not populating on OIG tab P/O table,New,,,"PRR 7999798 - Disenrolled Provider Type/Specialty should Not populating on OIG tab P/O table NPI 1205033057 PEMS Request# 20293075 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Disenrolled Program PT/PS code should not populate on the OIG tab Provider Types table. Provider Types - ""Clinic/Group Practice / 22 / 70"" should not populate on PO table due to program being disenrolled and Not seeking ReEnrollment ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,prr disenrolled provider typespecialty not populating oig tab po table npi pems request priority high requested due date disenrolled program ptps code not populate oig tab provider types table provider types clinicgroup practice not populate po table due program disenrolled not seeking reenrollment,prr disenrolled provider typespecialty not populating oig tab po table,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 449,500800,WALGREEN CO Disenrolled Program PT/PS code should not populate on the OIG tab,New,requires a code change,Checking to see if this can be data fixed or requires a code fix.,"WALGREEN CO NPI 1205033057 PEMS Request# 20293075 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Disenrolled Program PT/PS code should not populate on the OIG tab Provider Types table. Provider Types - ""Clinic/Group Practice / 22 / 70"" should not populate on PO table due to program being disenrolled and Not seeking ReEnrollment ",MSR,negative,1%,walgreen co npi pems request priority high requested due date disenrolled program ptps code not populate oig tab provider types table provider types clinicgroup practice not populate po table due program disenrolled not seeking reenrollment,walgreen co disenrolled program ptps code not populate oig tab,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 450,500807,PRR 8000706 - Request Management Screening page resets screening activities when request is re-opened,Rejected,,,"PRR 8000706 - Request Management Screening page resets screening activities when request is re-opened NPI 1659745305 PEMS Request# 20280902 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Request Management -Screening page resets DCN and STATUS to blank when PEMS Request is re-opened. Previously completed screening activities should not reset due to re-opening the PEMS request. Global fix needed. ",PSR,negative,12%,prr request management screening page resets screening activities request reopened npi pems request priority high requested due date request management screening page resets dcn status blank pems request reopened previously completed screening activities not reset due reopening pems request global fix needed,prr request management screening page resets screening activities request reopened,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 451,500812,PRR 8023224 - Critical PRIORITY / New TFS Ticket Needed - Provider Prevented from Billing,Rejected,,,"PRR 8023224 - Critical PRIORITY / New TFS Ticket Needed - Provider Prevented from Billing NPI 1285630004 PEMS Request# 20271038 Priority: Critical Requested Due Date: 10/5/23 Request 20271038 closed approved 9/27/2023 but did not merge to Provider Management page and C21. This prevents provider from billing. ",PSR,negative,10%,prr critical priority new tfs ticket needed provider prevented billing npi pems request priority critical requested due date request closed approved but not merge provider management page c prevents provider billing,prr critical priority new tfs ticket needed provider prevented billing,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 452,500818,PRR 8015092 SAR 119493 PDC Update Due Date 10/19/2023,Closed,Due Date 10/19/2023; SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"Provider: • Care Parth Healthcare System LLP • NPI 1124250998 Action: • Add a effective date of 06/10/2022 and an end date of 06/06/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Long Term Care Services o Practice Location- 720 W NATHAN LOWE RD STE 100, ARLINGTON, TX, 76017-6231 o Note – PDC 63 add effective 06/10/2022 and end date 06/06/2023 per SAR 119493 Summary: • There is an existing PDC 63 (BANKRUPTCY) on file for the provider below. HHSC direction has been received to end date the PDC 63, per SAR 119493. Provider: • Care Parth Healthcare System LLP • NPI 1124250998 Action: • Add an end date of 06/06/2023 to the existing PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 720 W NATHAN LOWE RD STE 100, ARLINGTON, TX, 76017-6231 associated to TPI 2803454-01 o Note – PDC 63 end dated effective 06/06/2023 per SAR 119493 Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you ","PRR 8015092 SAR 119493 PDC Update Due Date 10/19/2023 The following has been created per SAR request 119493. Due Date 10/19/2023. I’ve summarized the request below. • PRR: 8015092 • Description: PDC Update • NPI: 1124250998 Summary: • HHSC direction has been received to add date and end date a PDC 63, per SAR 119493. Provider: • Care Parth Healthcare System LLP • NPI 1124250998 Action: • Add a effective date of 06/10/2022 and an end date of 06/06/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Long Term Care Services o Practice Location- 720 W NATHAN LOWE RD STE 100, ARLINGTON, TX, 76017-6231 o Note – PDC 63 add effective 06/10/2022 and end date 06/06/2023 per SAR 119493 Summary: • There is an existing PDC 63 (BANKRUPTCY) on file for the provider below. HHSC direction has been received to end date the PDC 63, per SAR 119493. Provider: • Care Parth Healthcare System LLP • NPI 1124250998 Action: • Add an end date of 06/06/2023 to the existing PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 720 W NATHAN LOWE RD STE 100, ARLINGTON, TX, 76017-6231 associated to TPI 2803454-01 o Note – PDC 63 end dated effective 06/06/2023 per SAR 119493 Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you ",PSR,neutral,50%,prr sar pdc update due date following created per sar request due date summarized request prr description pdc update npi summary hhsc direction received add date end date pdc per sar provider care parth healthcare system llp npi action add effective date end date pdc following programpractice locations program long term care services practice location w nathan lowe rd ste arlington tx note pdc add effective end date per sar summary existing pdc bankruptcy file provider hhsc direction received end date pdc per sar provider care parth healthcare system llp npi action add end date existing pdc following programpractice locations program acute care practice location w nathan lowe rd ste arlington tx associated tpi note pdc end dated effective per sar please let know questions thank,prr sar pdc update due date,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 453,500822,SAR 124022 PDC Update Due Date 10/12/2023,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"Provider: • WEST TEXAS MEDICAL ASSOCIATES • NPI 1750544367 Action: • Add date effective 03/13/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 3605 EXECUTIVE DR, SAN ANGELO, TX, 76904-6884 associated to TPI 1350316-01 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/13/2023 per SAR 124022. Provider: • WEST TEXAS MEDICAL ASSOCIATES • NPI 1114133634 Action: • Add date effective 03/13/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 3605 EXECUTIVE DR, SAN ANGELO, TX, 76904-6884 associated to TPI 1350316-05 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/13/2023 per SAR 124022. ","The following has been created per SAR request 124022. Due Date 10/12/2023. I’ve summarized the request below. • PRR: 8015093 • Description: PDC Update • Summary: • HHSC direction has been received to add PDC 63 (BANKRUPTCY), per SAR 124022 Provider: • WEST TEXAS MEDICAL ASSOCIATES • NPI 1750544367 Action: • Add date effective 03/13/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 3605 EXECUTIVE DR, SAN ANGELO, TX, 76904-6884 associated to TPI 1350316-01 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/13/2023 per SAR 124022. Provider: • WEST TEXAS MEDICAL ASSOCIATES • NPI 1114133634 Action: • Add date effective 03/13/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 3605 EXECUTIVE DR, SAN ANGELO, TX, 76904-6884 associated to TPI 1350316-05 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/13/2023 per SAR 124022. ",PSR,negative,15%,following created per sar request due date summarized request prr description pdc update summary hhsc direction received add pdc bankruptcy per sar provider west texas medical associates npi action add date effective pdc following programpractice locations program acute care practice location executive dr san angelo tx associated tpi note pdc add date effective per sar provider west texas medical associates npi action add date effective pdc following programpractice locations program acute care practice location executive dr san angelo tx associated tpi note pdc add date effective per sar,sar pdc update due date,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 454,500823,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS-PRR 8031579,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1497117147 PEMS Request# 20277020 The deficiency is hidden on Ownership/Controlling Interest page that has RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 30 and business object id# NULL. ""The owner's, creditor's or principal's information from the Owners/Creditors/Principals table must be removed. "" ","NPI 1497117147 PEMS Request# 20277020 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency, but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 615911 found under deficiency history tab. The following PRR 8031579 has been created for the following task: • PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 615911 found under deficiency history tab ",PSR,negative,15%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab following prr created following task pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,hidden deficiency pemsprr,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 455,500824, PRR 8031638 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report),Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Attached workbook with updates on mismatch research findings. Most are already synced. Changeset created to address others,"The following PRR 8031638 has been created for the following task: Mismatch report- Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. The spread sheet includes a description of the mismatch, PEMS ID and PPM ID, once completed, please update column H with the appropriate response. Accenture will upload the report to the PRR daily as discrepancies are identified. Please let us know if you have any questions, included is the link to the SOP’s (Workflow sync issues). New AMO PEMS SOPs - All Documents http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20-%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR-Provider%20Enrollment%20%28PEP%29%2FF-Standard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs ",PSR,positive,98%,following prr created following task mismatch report data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues spread sheet includes description mismatch pems id ppm id completed please update column h appropriate response accenture upload report prr daily discrepancies identified please let us know questions included link sops workflow sync issues new amo pems sops documents httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfatmhpapplicationsfprproviderenrollmentpepffstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssops,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 456,500825,PRR 8016821 - SAR 124550 PDC Update Due Date 10/12/2023,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"Provider: • Early Bird Pediatric Therapy • NPI 1639538077 Action: • Add date effective 03/31/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care/ Children with Special Health Care Needs Services Program (CSHCN) o Practice Location- 1351 N Zaragoza Rd, Building H, El Paso, TX, 79936-7902 associated to TPI 3568941-01 and 3568941-02 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/31/2023 per SAR 124550 Provider: • EARLY BIRD PEDIATRIC THERAPY • NPI 1639538077 Action: • Add date effective 03/31/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care/ Children with Special Health Care Needs Services Program (CSHCN) o Practice Location- 2114 N Zaragoza Rd STE C, El Paso, TX, 79938-8078 associated to TPI 3568941-01 and 3568941-02 and 3568941-04 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/31/2023 per SAR 124550 Provider: • Early Bird Pediatric Therapy - Far East • NPI 1639538077 Action: • Add date effective 03/31/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 2114 N Zaragoza Rd STE C1, El Paso, TX, 79938-8129 associated to TPI 4249922-01 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/31/2023 per SAR 124550 Provider: • EARLY BIRD PEDIATRIC THERAPY CLINIC INC • NPI 1639538077 Action: • Add date effective 03/31/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 3160 N Lee Trevino Dr STE 104, El Paso, TX, 79936-2061 associated to TPI 4320111-01 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/31/2023 per SAR 124550 Provider: • Early Bird Pediatric Therapy - Northeast • NPI 1639538077 Action: • Add date effective 03/31/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 5255 Woodrow Bean STE B18, El Paso, TX, 79924-3832 associated to TPI 4333544-01 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/31/2023 per SAR 124550 Provider: • Early Bird Pediatric Therapy - San Antonio • NPI 1639538077 Action: • Add date effective 03/31/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 12000 Network Blvd STE 105A, San Antonio, TX, 78249-3344 associated to TPI 4578338-01 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/31/2023 per SAR 124550 ","The following has been created per SAR request 124550. Due Date 10/12/2023. I’ve summarized the request below. • PRR: 8016821 • Description: PDC Update • Summary: • HHSC direction has been received to add PDC 63 (BANKRUPTCY), per SAR 124550 Provider: • Early Bird Pediatric Therapy • NPI 1639538077 Action: • Add date effective 03/31/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care/ Children with Special Health Care Needs Services Program (CSHCN) o Practice Location- 1351 N Zaragoza Rd, Building H, El Paso, TX, 79936-7902 associated to TPI 3568941-01 and 3568941-02 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/31/2023 per SAR 124550 Provider: • EARLY BIRD PEDIATRIC THERAPY • NPI 1639538077 Action: • Add date effective 03/31/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care/ Children with Special Health Care Needs Services Program (CSHCN) o Practice Location- 2114 N Zaragoza Rd STE C, El Paso, TX, 79938-8078 associated to TPI 3568941-01 and 3568941-02 and 3568941-04 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/31/2023 per SAR 124550 Provider: • Early Bird Pediatric Therapy - Far East • NPI 1639538077 Action: • Add date effective 03/31/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 2114 N Zaragoza Rd STE C1, El Paso, TX, 79938-8129 associated to TPI 4249922-01 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/31/2023 per SAR 124550 Provider: • EARLY BIRD PEDIATRIC THERAPY CLINIC INC • NPI 1639538077 Action: • Add date effective 03/31/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 3160 N Lee Trevino Dr STE 104, El Paso, TX, 79936-2061 associated to TPI 4320111-01 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/31/2023 per SAR 124550 Provider: • Early Bird Pediatric Therapy - Northeast • NPI 1639538077 Action: • Add date effective 03/31/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 5255 Woodrow Bean STE B18, El Paso, TX, 79924-3832 associated to TPI 4333544-01 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/31/2023 per SAR 124550 Provider: • Early Bird Pediatric Therapy - San Antonio • NPI 1639538077 Action: • Add date effective 03/31/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 12000 Network Blvd STE 105A, San Antonio, TX, 78249-3344 associated to TPI 4578338-01 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/31/2023 per SAR 124550 ",PSR,negative,0%,following created per sar request due date summarized request prr description pdc update summary hhsc direction received add pdc bankruptcy per sar provider early bird pediatric therapy npi action add date effective pdc following programpractice locations program acute care children special health care needs services program cshcn practice location n zaragoza rd building h el paso tx associated tpi note pdc add date effective per sar provider early bird pediatric therapy npi action add date effective pdc following programpractice locations program acute care children special health care needs services program cshcn practice location n zaragoza rd ste c el paso tx associated tpi note pdc add date effective per sar provider early bird pediatric therapy far east npi action add date effective pdc following programpractice locations program acute care practice location n zaragoza rd ste c el paso tx associated tpi note pdc add date effective per sar provider early bird pediatric therapy clinic inc npi action add date effective pdc following programpractice locations program acute care practice location n lee trevino dr ste el paso tx associated tpi note pdc add date effective per sar provider early bird pediatric therapy northeast npi action add date effective pdc following programpractice locations program acute care practice location woodrow bean ste b el paso tx associated tpi note pdc add date effective per sar provider early bird pediatric therapy san antonio npi action add date effective pdc following programpractice locations program acute care practice location network blvd ste san antonio tx associated tpi note pdc add date effective per sar,prr sar pdc update due date,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 457,500826,PRR: 8016820 - SAR 123013 PDC Update Due Date 10/12/2023,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod," Provider: • BURKE, COTTICHIA • NPI 1437400074 Action: • Add date effective 12/30/2022 and End date 07/18/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care/ Children with Special Health Care Needs Services Program (CSHCN)/ Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) o Practice Location- 29810 Fm 1093 Rd STE E, Fulshear, TX, 77441-3923 associated to TPI 3721664-03 and 3721664-04 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 12/30/2022 and End date 07/18/2023 per SAR 123013 Provider: • BURKE, COTTICHIA J • NPI 1437400074 Action: • Add date effective 12/30/2022 and End date 07/18/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care/ Children with Special Health Care Needs Services Program (CSHCN) o Practice Location- 5218 PRAIRIE TERRACE LN, FULSHEAR, TX, 77441-2199 associated to TPI 3721664-05 and 3721664-06 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 12/30/2022 and End date 07/18/2023 per SAR 123013 ","The following has been created per SAR request 123013. Due Date 10/12/2023. I’ve summarized the request below. • PRR: 8016820 • Description: PDC Update • Summary: • HHSC direction has been received to add date and end date PDC 63 (BANKRUPTCY), per SAR 123013 Provider: • BURKE, COTTICHIA • NPI 1437400074 Action: • Add date effective 12/30/2022 and End date 07/18/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care/ Children with Special Health Care Needs Services Program (CSHCN)/ Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) o Practice Location- 29810 Fm 1093 Rd STE E, Fulshear, TX, 77441-3923 associated to TPI 3721664-03 and 3721664-04 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 12/30/2022 and End date 07/18/2023 per SAR 123013 Provider: • BURKE, COTTICHIA J • NPI 1437400074 Action: • Add date effective 12/30/2022 and End date 07/18/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care/ Children with Special Health Care Needs Services Program (CSHCN) o Practice Location- 5218 PRAIRIE TERRACE LN, FULSHEAR, TX, 77441-2199 associated to TPI 3721664-05 and 3721664-06 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 12/30/2022 and End date 07/18/2023 per SAR 123013 ",PSR,negative,9%,following created per sar request due date summarized request prr description pdc update summary hhsc direction received add date end date pdc bankruptcy per sar provider burke cottichia npi action add date effective end date pdc following programpractice locations program acute care children special health care needs services program cshcn childrens health insurance program chip practice location fm rd ste e fulshear tx associated tpi note pdc add date effective end date per sar provider burke cottichia j npi action add date effective end date pdc following programpractice locations program acute care children special health care needs services program cshcn practice location prairie terrace ln fulshear tx associated tpi note pdc add date effective end date per sar,prr sar pdc update due date,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 458,500827,PRR 8017215 - SAR 124071 PDC Update Due Date 10/12/2023,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod," NPI 1265844344 Action: • Add date effective 03/13/2023 and End date 07/31/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 2985 S STATE HIGHWAY 360, 140, GRAND PRAIRIE, TX, 75052 associated to TPI 3508517-05 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/13/2023 and End date 07/31/2023 per SAR 124071 ","The following has been created per SAR request 124071. Due Date 10/12/2023. I’ve summarized the request below. • PRR: 8017215 • Description: PDC Update • Summary: • HHSC direction has been received to add date and end date PDC 63 (BANKRUPTCY), per SAR 124071 Provider: • Paul Hessler • NPI 1265844344 Action: • Add date effective 03/13/2023 and End date 07/31/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 2985 S STATE HIGHWAY 360, 140, GRAND PRAIRIE, TX, 75052 associated to TPI 3508517-05 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/13/2023 and End date 07/31/2023 per SAR 124071 ",PSR,negative,14%,following created per sar request due date summarized request prr description pdc update summary hhsc direction received add date end date pdc bankruptcy per sar provider paul hessler npi action add date effective end date pdc following programpractice locations program acute care practice location state highway grand prairie tx associated tpi note pdc add date effective end date per sar,prr sar pdc update due date,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 459,500828, PRR 8031619 - SAR 125170 PDC Update Due Date 10/13/2023,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod," Provider: • Physicians Dialysis Frisco • NPI 1104378397 Action: • Add effective date 3/21/2021 to PDC 62 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Kidney Health Care (KHC) o Practice Location- 6116 SPORTS VILLAGE RD, FRISCO, TX, 75033 o Note – PDC 62 add effective date 3/21/2021 per SAR 125170 ","The following has been created per SAR request 125170. Due Date 10/13/2023. I’ve summarized the request below. • PRR: 8031619 • Description: PDC Update • Summary: • HHSC direction has been received to add PDC 62 (Out Of Business), per SAR 125170 Provider: • Physicians Dialysis Frisco • NPI 1104378397 Action: • Add effective date 3/21/2021 to PDC 62 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Kidney Health Care (KHC) o Practice Location- 6116 SPORTS VILLAGE RD, FRISCO, TX, 75033 o Note – PDC 62 add effective date 3/21/2021 per SAR 125170 ",PSR,negative,27%,following created per sar request due date summarized request prr description pdc update summary hhsc direction received add pdc business per sar provider physicians dialysis frisco npi action add effective date pdc following programpractice locations program kidney health care khc practice location sports village rd frisco tx note pdc add effective date per sar,prr sar pdc update due date,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 460,500897,"PRR 7999809 PP NPI 1215165162 (suffixes 06, 07, and 08) are enrolled in group NPI 1407322415 in PEMS, but not in C21",New,,"PRR 7999809 PP NPI 1215165162 (suffixes 06, 07, and 08) are enrolled in group NPI 1407322415 in PEMS, but not in C21 must be fixed.","Group NPI 1407322415 recently enrolled their practice locations and performing provider wants their old TPIs associated with the Groups newly rendered TPIs in PEMS and in C21. Perf Provider NPI: 1215165162 TPI: 3587842-06 Address: 2001 N OREGON ST EL PASO TX 79902-3320 Current Group: 4461972-01/NPI Stripped Wants to be linked to Group TPI: 4522112-01/1407322415 Perf Provider NPI: 1215165162 TPI: 3587842-07 Address: 3280 JOE BATTLE BLVD EL PASO TX 79938-2622 Current Group: 4462004-01/NPI Stripped Wants to be linked to Group TPI: 4522146-01/1407322415 Perf Provider NPI: 1215165162 TPI: 3587842-08 Address: 3270 JOE BATTLE BLVD STE 360 EL PASO TX 79938-2656 Current Group: 4461998-01 Wants to be linked to Group TPI: 4522138-01/1407322415 ",PSR,negative,26%,group npi recently enrolled practice locations performing provider wants old tpis associated groups newly rendered tpis pems c perf provider npi tpi address n oregon st el paso tx current group npi stripped wants linked group tpi perf provider npi tpi address joe battle blvd el paso tx current group npi stripped wants linked group tpi perf provider npi tpi address joe battle blvd ste el paso tx current group wants linked group tpi,prr pp npi suffixes enrolled group npi pems but not c,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 461,500903, PRR 8031232 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The Deficiency is hidden on Programs and Services Participation page for the Location -Stephenville ISD having Id 208 and business object id-1447208 "" If enrolling as an Individual without Medicare, the provider must enroll as a CCP provider; the Provider cannot enroll in Acute Care - Fee-for-Service as an Individual without Medicare. If the provider wishes to enroll as an Individual without Medicare then the provider will need to remove the ADDED Acute Care - Fee-for-Service and enroll in Acute Care Services – Comprehensive Care Program (CCP). "" NPI 1396381687 PEMS Request# 20318404 ","NPI 1396381687 PEMS Request# 20318404 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/11/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 763817 found under deficiency history tab The following PRR 8031232 has been created for the following task: • Update the Deficiency Count in PEMS Please provide a response once completed. Please let us know if you have any questions, included is the link to the SOP’s (Based on Type of SOP needed). New AMO PEMS SOPs - All Documents http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20%2D%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR%2DProvider%20Enrollment%20%28PEP%29%2FF%2DStandard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs ",PSR,positive,86%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab following prr created following task update deficiency count pems please provide response completed please let us know questions included link sops based type sop needed new amo pems sops documents httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfadtmhpapplicationsfprdproviderenrollmentpepffdstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssops,prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 462,500974,PRR 8031207 - Update Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The Deficiency is hidden on Programs and Services Participation page having Id 208 and business object id-1453528 ""The limit age is 20. Please make the appropriate adjustments."" NPI 1225477599 PEMS Request# 20325475 ","NPI 1225477599 PEMS Request# 20325475 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/16/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 774639 found under deficiency history tab ",PSR,negative,42%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,prr update hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 463,501017,"PRR 8031368 - Update the internal provider type, and/or specialty on the PEMS database",Closed,SOP 24; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1003918210 PEMS Request# 20305507 Update PEMS provider type (service id) to hospital out of state","NPI 1003918210 PEMS Request# 20305507 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/11/23 The provider is unable to switch provider type to hospital out of state, and unable to disenroll and reenroll with the new provider type. ",PSR,negative,21%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date provider unable switch provider type hospital state unable disenroll reenroll new provider type,prr update internal provider type andor specialty pems database,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 464,501042,RE: PRR 8013546 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,"Update the screen riskcategory to limited. The request management note ""Screen risk category should be Limited for Physical/Occupational TherapyGroup enrollments"" ","NPI 1427757780 REMS Request# 20239328 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/11/23 Provider is enrolling as Physical/Occupational Therapy Group; Screen risk category should be Limited for Physical/Occupational Therapy Group enrollments ",PSR,positive,82%,npi rems request priority medium requested due date provider enrolling physicaloccupational therapy group screen risk category limited physicaloccupational therapy group enrollments,prr screen risk category updates needed,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 465,501046,PRR 8029994 - Update Hidden Deficiency in PEMS ,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The similar deficiencies are hidden on Programs and Services Participation detail page for the four locations, the count is showing as 4 The missing deficiency ids is 208 and business object ids - 1875980 1473803 1473785 1473804 ""The Medicare ID 00558T is associated with the group, please enter a correct Medicare ID for this practice location and ensure that the Medicare ID must link to the group enrollment."" NPI 1730573973 PEMS Request# 20330169 ","NPI 1730573973 PEMS Request# 20330169 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/10/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 773529, 773525, 773514, 773483 found under deficiency history tab. - remove deficiency as application is CLOSED-ENROLLED ",PSR,negative,12%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab remove deficiency application closedenrolled,prr update hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 466,501048,10/10/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 11 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 18 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/09/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 467,501059,PRR 8030326 - Update Hidden Deficiency in PEMS ,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The Deficiency is hidden on Practice location information-mailing and Contact address page having Id-213 and business object id-936986 ""Contact Information must be completed in full."" NPI 1992036214 PEMS Request# 20303633 ","NPI 1992036214 PEMS Request# 20303633 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/10/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 728803 found under deficiency history tab The following PRR 8030326 has been created for the following task: • Update the Hidden Deficiency in PEMS Please provide a response once completed. Please let us know if you have any questions, included is the link to the SOP’s (Based on Type of SOP needed). New AMO PEMS SOPs - All Documents http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20%2D%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR%2DProvider%20Enrollment%20%28PEP%29%2FF%2DStandard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs ",PSR,positive,81%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab following prr created following task update hidden deficiency pems please provide response completed please let us know questions included link sops based type sop needed new amo pems sops documents httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfadtmhpapplicationsfprdproviderenrollmentpepffdstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssops,prr update hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 468,501084, PRR 8030313 - Update Hidden Deficiency in PEMS ,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The Deficiency is hidden on Programs and Services Participation details page having Id 208 and business object id-1498658 ""Please complete the patient gender age, Demographics tab, and program specific questions. "" NPI 1548265184 PEMS Request# 20334858 ","NPI 1548265184 PEMS Request# 20334858 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/10/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 773896 found under deficiency history tab. - remove deficiency as application is CLOSED-ENROLLED The following PRR 8030313 has been created for the following task: • Update the Hidden Deficiency in PEMS Please provide a response once completed. Please let us know if you have any questions, included is the link to the SOP’s (Based on Type of SOP needed). New AMO PEMS SOPs - All Documents http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20%2D%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR%2DProvider%20Enrollment%20%28PEP%29%2FF%2DStandard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs ",PSR,negative,39%,npi pems request priority high requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab remove deficiency application closedenrolled following prr created following task update hidden deficiency pems please provide response completed please let us know questions included link sops based type sop needed new amo pems sops documents httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfadtmhpapplicationsfprdproviderenrollmentpepffdstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssops,prr update hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 469,501086,"PRR 8030897 - Update the internal provider type, and/or specialty on the PEMS database",New,,,"NPI 1346568946 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/11/23 Need the provider type updated from MD to DO. Per request (attached below) TPI 3469520-01 3469520-02, 3469520-03, 3469520-04 to provider type 19. The following PRR 8030897?has been created for the following task: Update the Internal provider type. Please provide a response once completed. Please let us know if you have any questions, included is the link to the SOP’s (Based on Type of SOP needed). New AMO PEMS SOPs - All Documents - http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20-%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR-Provider%20Enrollment%20%28PEP%29%2FF-Standard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs ",PSR,positive,91%,npi priority medium requested due date need provider type updated md per request attached tpi provider type following prr created following task update internal provider type please provide response completed please let us know questions included link sops based type sop needed new amo pems sops documents httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfatmhpapplicationsfprproviderenrollmentpepffstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssops,prr update internal provider type andor specialty pems database,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 470,501093,PRR: 8017215 SAR 124071 Add and End Date PDC 63,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod," Provider: • Paul Hessler • NPI 1265844344 Action: • Add date effective 03/13/2023 and End date 07/31/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 2985 S STATE HIGHWAY 360, 140, GRAND PRAIRIE, TX, 75052 associated to TPI 3508517-05 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/13/2023 and End date 07/31/2023 per SAR 124071 ","Thefollowing has been created per SAR request 124071.Due Date 10/12/2023. I’ve summarized the request below. * PRR: 8017215 * Description: PDC Update * Summary: * HHSC direction has been received to add date and end date PDC 63 (BANKRUPTCY), per SAR 124071 Provider: • Paul Hessler • NPI 1265844344 Action: • Add date effective 03/13/2023 and End date 07/31/2023 to PDC 63 for thefollowing program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 2985 S STATE HIGHWAY 360, 140, GRAND PRAIRIE, TX, 75052associated to TPI 3508517-05 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 03/13/2023 and End date 07/31/2023 per SAR124071 ",PSR,negative,8%,thefollowing created per sar request due date summarized request prr description pdc update summary hhsc direction received add date end date pdc bankruptcy per sar provider paul hessler npi action add date effective end date pdc thefollowing programpractice locations program acute care practice location state highway grand prairie tx associated tpi note pdc add date effective end date per sar,prr sar add end date pdc,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 471,501106,Internal: Root Cause Data Cleanup for the data created before 08/24 to Clear SH DECISIONS as Application did not fall into HHSC status.,Closed,,Closing tickets as root cause has been identified and PSR is created.,"Data Cleanup is required for the data that was created before 08/24 with the issue mentioned in TFS - 499916 Root Cause: When a VDP Provider would get a new enrollment and it would get routed to special handling sometimes. After decision was made and provider would get approved it would merge up to the master table. Later on provider would attempt to revalidated and the previous special handling data would get merged down. A revalidation request does not require special handling and the data being moved down would cause the issue due to VDP decision being present. Code Fix: Prevent the data from merging up to master and/or back down to transaction tables (Change set 403421) Datafix: Remove VDP decision for providers that are not new enrollment, request is in open status and not in special handling ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,data cleanup required data created issue mentioned tfs root vdp provider would get new enrollment would get routed special handling sometimes decision made provider would get approved would merge master table later provider would attempt revalidated previous special handling data would get merged revalidation request not require special handling data moved would cause issue due vdp decision present code fix prevent data merging master andor back transaction tables change set datafix remove vdp decision providers not new enrollment request open status not special handling,internal root data cleanup data created clear sh decisions application not fall hhsc status,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 472,501108,Screen Risk Assignment for Existing Enrollment Applications,New,,,"As a Project Stakeholder, when a provider submits an Existing Enrollment request in PEMS, I want PEMS to execute the existing risk assignment logic only if this request includes one of the following scenarios: * Adding a new practice location * Changing address on an existing practice location * Adding new owners with 5% or more (individual or entity) * Adding new partners with ownership greater than 0% (individual or entity) If none of the above scenarios are met, I want PEMS to assign the existing screen risk value found on the current provider record. Assumptions: * Increasing % owned by an existing owner from less than 5% to 5% or greater is equivalent to adding a new owner with >=5% * Increasing % owned by an existing partner from 0% to greater than 0% is equivalent to adding new partners with ownership greater than 0% ",MSR,positive,97%,project stakeholder provider submits existing enrollment request pems want pems execute existing risk assignment logic request includes one following scenarios adding new practice location changing address existing practice location adding new owners individual entity adding new partners ownership greater individual entity none scenarios met want pems assign existing screen risk value found current provider record assumptions increasing owned existing owner less greater equivalent adding new owner increasing owned existing partner greater equivalent adding new partners ownership greater,screen risk assignment existing enrollment applications,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 473,501109,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The Deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details page having Id 208 and business object id-1129077 ""Please fill out Demographics, Program Specific Questions, Healthy Texas Women question please."" PEMS Req: 20264965 NPI: 1942325113 ","PEMS ID/NPI record. There are several PRRs in the attachment and all have been created for the following task: • Hidden Deficiency in PEMS PEMS Req: 20264965 NPI: 1942325113 ",PSR,positive,75%,pems idnpi record several prrs attachment created following task hidden deficiency pems pems req npi,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 474,501112,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden and be removed from Program and Service Participation Details page, having business object id 1411652 as its duplicate ""All questions showing a red asterisk need to be answered on PEMS application. Please answer and resubmit application. "" NPI: 1437839701 PEMS Req: 20317490 ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #745122. NPI: 1437839701 PEMS Req: 20317490 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 475,501113,Hidden Deficiency Count in PEMS - PRR 8022489,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details page (the count shows as one)having Id 208 and business object id-1029694 ""Referring/Consulting/Supervising Physician License effective date is 02/05/2010. Please update and resubmit. "" PEMS Req: 20246858 NPI: 1467166314 ","PEMS Request #: 20246858 InitialReview;NPI 1467166314; Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice locationinformation def #742768; High Priority ",PSR,neutral,47%,pems request initialreviewnpi hidden def needs removed practice locationinformation def high priority,hidden deficiency count pems prr,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 476,501115,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS - List of PRR's: ,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"Two deficiencies are hidden and need to be removed from Program and Service Participation Details page, having business object id 1263818 as they are duplicate. ""Please answer questions under the ""Demographics"" section, ""Program Specific Questions"" section. "" NPI: 1205392818 PEMS Req: 20291358 ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def # 724096, 724093. NPI: 1205392818 PEMS Req: 20291358 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems list prrs,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 477,501121,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS - PRR 8022491,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiencies are hidden on following screen Owner/Creditor/Principal Information page-having id 31 and business object id-151725 ""This section is specifically for OR FACTOR LLC. License information is for Kimberly Byrne. Kimberly can be added as a principle if needed."" Attachment page-having Id 12 and business Object Id-126516 ""Provider has listed a DBA that differs from their Legal Name, attach Assumed Name Certificate filed with the Secretary of State."" NPI: 1285177675 PEMS Req: 20308566 ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #743838. NPI: 1285177675 PEMS Req: 20308566 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems prr,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 478,501127,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS - List of PRR's: ,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The hidden deficiency on Owner/Creditor/Principal Information page having Id 31 and business object id 110391 ""Unable to verify lic online as the website is down, can you attach a copy of the license to verify."" PEMS Req: 20201670 NPI-1215421706 ","Def indicator needs to be removed def #734541 PEMS Req: 20201670 ",PSR,negative,44%,def indicator needs removed def pems req,hidden deficiency pems list prrs,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 479,501131,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS - List of PRR's,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details page (count shows one) having id-208 and business object id-1315818 ""Please add in Licenses / Certifications / Accreditations (RN, APRN, HTW)"" NPI: 1275222630 PEMS Req: 20287624 ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #740118. NPI: 1275222630 PEMS Req: 20287624 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems list prrs,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 480,501132,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS - List of PRR's,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details page (the count shows as one)having Id 208 and business object id-1448394 ""Within the practice location information you have selected “YES” to the Healthy Texas Women question. Please list the HTW within the License/Certification/Accreditations."" PEMS Req: 20324482 NPI: 1164899472 ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #746730. NPI: 1164899472 PEMS Req: 20324482 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems list prrs,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 481,501134,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"Deficiency is not hidden but should either be resolved or removed from 'Application fee page"" having id -84 and business object id-221830 ""missing required data on the Application Fee page. Please enter all information on the Application Fee page."" NPI: 1194787218 PEMS Req: 20220178 ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the application fee def #754436. NPI: 1194787218 PEMS Req: 20220178 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed application fee def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 482,501136,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on Accounts and Billing information page having Id 29 having business object id 132419 ""Per provider selected Federal Tax classification S - Corporation, please attach the required missing documents: **1. Organizational Structure Document, **2. At least one of the Filing Documentation – Secretary of State forms, list of acceptable forms follow: [Articles of Association, Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Merger, Articles of organization, Certificate of Amendment, Certificate of Authority, Certificate of Fact, Certificate of Filing, Certificate of Formation, Certificate of Incorporation, Certificate of limited partnership, Certificate of Merger, Certificate of Registration, Charter], **3. Franchise Tax Account Status."" NPI:1952754053 PEMS Req: 20324643 ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the accounting/billing information def #751850. NPI:1952754053 PEMS Req: 20324643 ",PSR,negative,44%,hidden def needs removed accountingbilling information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 483,501172,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS ,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The following hidden deficiency need to be removed as its duplicate. Having Id- 208 and business Object Id-1214706 ""Please answer all questions under Demographics, and Program Specific Questions. This provider type is eligible to request a Medicare Waiver. "" NPI: 1730538091 PEMS Req: 20281022 ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the accounting/billing information def #635250. NPI: 1730538091 PEMS Req: 20281022 ",PSR,negative,44%,hidden def needs removed accountingbilling information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 484,501179,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS ,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on ownership controlling interest page having Id -146 and business Object Id-278151 ""Please complete relationship information and disclosures pages."" NPI: 1730426156 PEMS Req: 20226008 ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #720024. NPI: 1730426156 PEMS Req: 20226008 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 485,501180,FCBC Indicator Updated in the Database,New,,,Needs approach to not have data updates for FCBC indicator worked through SMS team.,Research and Analysis,negative,24%,needs approach not data updates fcbc indicator worked sms team,fcbc indicator updated database,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 486,501181,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI:1356000491 PEMS Req:20292503 The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details that has RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and Business object id# 1270503. ""Please complete the Demographics, Program Specific Questions and all sections with a red asterisk. "" ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #728677. NPI:1356000491 PEMS Req:20292503 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 487,501183,8022482 Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Rejected,,"All the deficiencies are mentioned in the bottom left corner of the page. Deficiencies are either in 'Deficient' status or in 'Correction made' status. ","Def indicators need to be removed in the practice location. NPI:1497383343 PEMS Req:20276360 ",PSR,neutral,46%,def indicators need removed practice location npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 488,501187,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI: 1710663398 PEMS Req: 20319871 The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details that has RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and Business object id# 1424541. "" All questions showing a red asterisk need to be answered on PEMS application. Please answer and resubmit application. "" ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #743624. NPI: 1710663398 PEMS Req: 20319871 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 489,501216,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI: 1669177903 PEMS Req: 20314985 The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details that has RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and Business object id# 1402140. ""Add the Facility license information to the Licenses / Certifications / Accreditations section."" ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #723406. NPI: 1669177903 PEMS Req: 20314985 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 490,501218,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI: 1174189732 PEMS Req: 20304664 The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details that has RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and Business object id# 1343678. ""PLEASE REVIEW-Per PECOS report, the Performing Provider's Medicare Number ""2X4554"" is not associated with the group's Medicare Number ""0A5621"". Performing Provider's Medicare Number ""2X4554"" is linked to ""849304""."" ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #687332. NPI: 1174189732 PEMS Req: 20304664 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 491,501219,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details page (the count shows as Two)having Id 208 and business object id-1426181 ""The Performing Provider must be enrolled in Medicare with Reassignment of Benefits to the Group. Then enter the Medicare PTAN for the Performing Provider on this page. NPI: 1679022420 PEMS Req: 20320274 ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #743043. NPI: 1679022420 PEMS Req: 20320274 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 492,501226,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The hidden deficiency needs to be removed as its duplicate from Program and Service Participation Details page having ID-208 and business Object Id-1163053 ""The specialty does not match with the specialty on PECOS. Please make the appropriate adjustment. "" NPI: 1477567758 PEMS Req: 20270914 ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #676201. NPI: 1477567758 PEMS Req: 20270914 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 493,501227,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod," The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details page (the count shows as one)having Id 208 and business object id-1212915 ""Please add the license to the Licenses / Certifications / Accreditations section."" NPI: 1962132878 PEMS Req: 20280651 ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #734945. NPI: 1962132878 PEMS Req: 20280651 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 494,501232,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"Multiple deficiencies are hidden on following pages 1- 'Agreement' Page with ID 36 ""select yes or no for each Eligible Program question."" ""Please add or deselect yes for this program. The provider selected Chip. on the Program page. The program is missing on the program and services participation page,"" 2-'Program and Service Participation Details Page' with ID 207 and Business object id-1197423 ""The provider selected Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). on the Program page. Each program added will need to have a location and all required fields will need to be filled out. The program is missing on the program and services participation page, Please add or deselect yes for this program. For assistance call 1-800-925-9126 and choose option 3. 3-' Accounting/Billing Information' page having ID-15 and Business Object ID 115212 -""Please submit an Organizational Chart"" 4- 'Agreement' Page having ID-56 ""For Organization enrollments, an Owner or Principal who is a Person must be selected in order to sign the Agreement."" NPI:1548945058 PEMS Req:20277961 ","Def indicator needs to be removed from the Ownership/Controlling Interest page def.. NPI:1548945058 PEMS Req:20277961 ",PSR,neutral,47%,def indicator needs removed ownershipcontrolling interest page def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 495,501233,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"PEMS Req: 20298862 NPI: 1922353119 The deficiency is hidden on Mailing and Contact Address page that has RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 213 and Business object id# 919675. ""Please complete the Contact Information."" ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #720313. PEMS Req: 20298862 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 496,501234,Update Deficiency Count in PEMS - List of PRR's: ,Rejected,,,"PEMS ID/NPI record. There are several PRRs in the attachment and all have been created for the following task: • Update the Deficiency Count in PEMS ",PSR,positive,82%,pems idnpi record several prrs attachment created following task update deficiency count pems,update deficiency count pems list prrs,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 497,501235,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI: 1902257587 PEMS Req: 20319751 The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details that has RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and Business object id# 1423871. ""Please complete the Demographics information (Patient Gender Limitations, Patient Age Limitations, Accepting Patients) and the Program Specific questions as indicated by a red asterisk."" ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #741931. NPI: 1902257587 PEMS Req: 20319751 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 498,501236,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Removed,,"NPI: 1518665611 PEMS Req: 20266802 Remove the deficiency indicator from the Ownership/Controlling Interest page. Below deficiencies that are in removed status on this page. 1. RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 31 and business object id# 326503. 2. RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 32 and business object id# 326503. ","Def indicator needs to be removed from the Ownership/Controlling Interest page def.. NPI: 1518665611 PEMS Req: 20266802 ",PSR,neutral,47%,def indicator needs removed ownershipcontrolling interest page def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 499,501266,8021574 Hidden Deficiency,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The Deficiencies are hidden on following pages 1-Owners/Creditors/Principals Information Page having id 30 and business object Id -102836 ""OWNERSHIP/CREDITOR/PRINCIPALS In the Owner/Creditor/Principal Information/Basic Information section of the application we are unable to verify the Social Security Number for the Owner/Creditor/Principal DONALD GROBOWSKY. Please review and correct the Owner/Creditor/Principal Social Security number on the Owner/Creditor/Principal Information/Basic Information section of the application. Please also submit a copy of the Owner/Creditor/Principals Social Security Card for verification purposes."" 2-Owners/Creditors/Principals Information Page having id 30 and business object Id -102836 - ( Note- The deficiency displayed the middle name 'DRAYTON' instead First name 'Robert') ""OWNERSHIP/CREDITOR/PRINCIPALS We are unable to complete the screening of DRAYTON MCLANE III based on the First name that was provided in the application. Please review and make corrections as needed. 3-Enrollment Principal Basic Information Validation page having Id 146 and business object id 185895 ""Please update your driver's license has expired."" NPI 1891022828 PEMS#20102194 ","PEMS#20102194 Initial Review; NPI 1891022828 Def indicator needs to be removed from the Ownership/Controlling Interest page def High Priority ",PSR,neutral,51%,pems initial review npi def indicator needs removed ownershipcontrolling interest page def high priority,hidden deficiency,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 500,501273,8021368 Hidden Deficiency ,Rejected,,"No hidden deficiencies are found. All the listed deficiencies are either resolved or removed. ","PEMS# 20316481 Initial Review; NPI 1659366557 Def indicator needs to be removed from the Ownership/Controlling Interest page def High Priority ",PSR,neutral,51%,pems initial review npi def indicator needs removed ownershipcontrolling interest page def high priority,hidden deficiency,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 501,501275,8021301 Hidden Deficiency ,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"There is a hidden deficiency that is duplicate of the one that is resolved on Program and Service Participation Details page having id 207 and business object id 1154011 ""Please fill out anything with an asterisk under the Demographics & Program Specific Questions sections & make a selection under the Healthy Texas Women section."" Duplicate deficiency can be removed. NPI 1528078060 PEMS#20269232 ",PEMS#20269232 Initial Review; NPI 1528078060; Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #623617; High Priority,PSR,neutral,45%,pems initial review npi hidden def needs removed practice location information def high priority,hidden deficiency,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 502,501278,8021300 Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden and can be removed as duplicate on Accounting/Billing information page having ID 29 and business object ID 111930 ""Please attach the Franchise Tax Account Status which shows proof of the provider's the right to transact business in Texas"" PEMS#20269785 NPI 1346890860; ","PEMS#20269785 NPI 1346890860; Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #717395; High Priority ",PSR,negative,44%,pems npi hidden def needs removed practice location information def high priority,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 503,501279,PRR 8030843 - Update Hidden Deficiency in PEMS ,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on Accounting/Billing information page-EFT having ID 64 and business object ID 134760 ""Please enter all information on the EFT page. If you wish to participate in the EFT Program, you must submit a voided check or signed letter from the bank on bank letterhead. All of the information on the check must match what was submitted on the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Notification."" The Deficiencies is hidden on following pages on Owners/Creditors/Principals Information Page having id 78 and business object Id -408636 ""Missing required data on the Disclosures page for owner/creditor/principal record. Please enter all required information on the Disclosures page of the owner/creditor/principal record."" NPI 1508902321 PEMS Request# 20324254 "," NPI 1508902321 PEMS Request# 20324254 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/11/23 PRR 8030843 has been created for the following task: • Update the Hidden Deficiency in PEMS PEMS is indicating a deficiency but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 764419 found under deficiency history tab ",PSR,negative,31%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date prr created following task update hidden deficiency pems pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,prr update hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 504,501280,8021296 Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1205512035 PEMS Request# 20312810 The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details that has RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and Business object id# 1387953. ""All questions showing a red asterisk need to be answered on PEMS application. The provider must be actively enrolled in Medicare as an Optometrist. This provider type is eligible to request a Medicare Waiver."" ","PEMS# 20312810 NPI 1205512035; Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #732553; High Priority ",PSR,negative,44%,pems npi hidden def needs removed practice location information def high priority,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 505,501296,Dialysis Clinic-Enrolled programs not appearing in PEMS,Removed,,Research transaction to master merge issue.,"HHSC Kidney Health cannot complete what needs to be done on their end. Under provider management, the location 304 Epps Street only shows the Acute program and not the KHC program. HHSC is needing the KHC program to be integrated into the enrollment and have it visible. First screen shot is correctly displaying, however KHC is not appearing on Practice Location Information Page. 20282378 1730628165 ",PSR,negative,0%,hhsc kidney health not complete needs done end provider management location epps street shows acute program not khc program hhsc needing khc program integrated enrollment visible first screen shot correctly displaying however khc not appearing practice location information page,dialysis clinicenrolled programs not appearing pems,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 506,501318,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Rejected,Verified in Prod,,"Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information NPI: 1619276474 PEMS Req:20303056 Def #732553. ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information npi pems req def,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 507,501319,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,Verified in Prod,"The deficiency that is hidden and can be removed as duplicate from Program and Service Participation Details page having Id 208 and business object id-1452507 ""Medicare ID is not listed on PECOS, Please review."" The deficiency that is Hidden Program and Service Participation Details page having Id 208 and business object id-1142256 ""Please fully fill out this page. Missing information under: Demographics, Program Specific Questions "" NPI: 1194161091 PEMS Req:20267122 ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information NPI: 1194161091 PEMS Req:20267122 Def #627711. ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information npi pems req def,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 508,501320,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details page (the count shows as 4 ) having Id 208 and business object id- 1329825 ""- explain and justify your reasons for making a Medicare Waiver Request"" PEMS Req: 20297282 def #693689. ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information. NPI: 1457048563 PEMS Req: 20297282 def #693689. ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information npi pems req def,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 509,501321,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details page (the count shows as one)having Id 208 and business object id-1411163 ""Per PECOS, the Provider’s Medicare # (***162) listed on the Application is not linked to the Group’s Medicare # (***74Y) for Practice Location 600 EAST I-20, STANTON, TX, 79782-0640. Please update/correct this information."" NPI: 1619157427 PEMS Req: 20317385 ","PEMS ID/NPI record. • Update the Deficiency Count in PEMS NPI: 1619157427 PEMS Req: 20317385 Def #726531 ",PSR,positive,82%,pems idnpi record update deficiency count pems npi pems req def,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 510,501323,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI: 1417111477 PEMS Req: 20297652 The deficiency is hidden on Practice location Basic Information page that has RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 65 and Business object id# 300566. ","PEMS ID/NPI record. There are several PRRs in the attachment and all have been created for the following task: • Update the Deficiency Count in PEMS NPI: 1417111477 PEMS Req: 20297652 Def #: 728324 ",PSR,positive,80%,pems idnpi record several prrs attachment created following task update deficiency count pems npi pems req def,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 511,501329,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1497285316 PEMS Request# 20304539 The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details that has RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and Business object id# 1390718. ""The Provider specialty is incorrect according to Pecos. Please review and provide the correct Provider specialty."" ","PRR 8021251 - SOP-Update Deficiency Count NPI 1497285316 PEMS 20304539 NPI 1497285316; Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def # 717309; High Priority; ",PSR,neutral,54%,prr sopupdate deficiency count npi pems npi hidden def needs removed practice location information def high priority,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 512,501330,PRR 8021250 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1720196033 PEMS 20308757 The deficiencies are hidden on Program and Service Participation Details that has below Ids- 1. RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and Business object id# 1365977. 'The medicare id listed does not match an active medicare id listed in the pecos report, please correct' 2. RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and Business object id# 1384034. 'The medicare id listed does not match an active medicare id listed in the pecos report, please correct' ","PRR 8021250 - SOP-Update Deficiency Count - NPI 1720196033 PEMS 20308757 NPI 1720196033; Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def # 706534, 706533; High Priority; ",PSR,neutral,54%,prr sopupdate deficiency count npi pems npi hidden def needs removed practice location information def high priority,prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 513,501332,PRR 8020596 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Rejected,,"There are no hidden deficiencies on the 'Program and Service Participation Details' and 'Disclosure' page. Some deficiencies are mentioned on the bottom left of the page. ","PRR 8020596 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS; NPI 1396704870 PEMS 20298444 NPI 1396704870; Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def; High Priority; ",PSR,negative,42%,prr hidden deficiency pems npi pems npi hidden def needs removed practice location information def high priority,prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 514,501333,PRR 8020475 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1053438465 PEMS Request# 20316038 The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details that has RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and Business object id# 1404134. ""The Medicare ID listed does not sync up with the Group's per PECOS report. Please review report and update accordingly."" ","PRR 8020475 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS NPI 1053438465 PEMS Request# 20316038 NPI 1053438465; Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def # 721581; High Priority; ",PSR,negative,42%,prr hidden deficiency pems npi pems request npi hidden def needs removed practice location information def high priority,prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 515,501334,PRR 8020471 -Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The hidden deficiency can be removed as duplicate from Program and Service Participation Details page (the count shows as one) having Id 208 and business object id-1411827 ""Please complete all required (*) fields"" NPI 1821523317 Request-20305761 ","PRR 8020471 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS Deficiet; NPI 1821523317 PEMS 20305761 NPI 1821523317; Hidden def needs to be removed from the Ownership/Controlling Interest page def # 726178; High Priority; ",PSR,neutral,46%,prr hidden deficiency pems deficiet npi pems npi hidden def needs removed ownershipcontrolling interest page def high priority,prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 516,501336,PRR 8020466 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The Deficiency is hidden on Owners/Creditors/Principals Information Page having id 31 and business object Id -149973 ""Please remove license. License belongs to a facility. FYI- License information submitted in this section should have Donna Higginbotham-buttrill as the license name. "" NPI 1992407431 PEMS Request# 20303933 ","PRR 8020466 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS NPI 1992407431 PEMS Request# 20303933 NPI 1992407431; Hidden def needs to be removed from the Ownership/Controlling Interest page def # 623395; High Priority ",PSR,neutral,46%,prr hidden deficiency pems npi pems request npi hidden def needs removed ownershipcontrolling interest page def high priority,prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 517,501338,PRR 8020455 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The Information is hidden on Accounting and Billing information page that has Id-64 and business Object Id-125215 ""Please enter all information on the EFT page. If you wish to participate in the EFT Program, you must submit a voided check or signed letter from the bank on bank letterhead. All of the information on the check must match what was submitted on the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Notification."" NPI 1730426156 PEMS Request# 20226008 ","PRR 8020455 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS NPI 1730426156 PEMS Request# 20226008 NPI 1730426156; Hidden def needs to be removed from the EFT section def # 720024; High Priority; ",PSR,negative,43%,prr hidden deficiency pems npi pems request npi hidden def needs removed eft section def high priority,prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 518,501342,PRR 8020195 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Rejected,,"NPI 1457534596 PEMS Request# 20306828 Request is in Closed-Enrolled status and no deficiencies are displayed on the UI. ","PRR 8020195 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS NPI 1457534596 PEMS Request# 20306828 NPI 1457534596; Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def # 695201; High Priority; ",PSR,negative,42%,prr hidden deficiency pems npi pems request npi hidden def needs removed practice location information def high priority,prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 519,501346,PRR 8020191 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details page (the count shows as one) having Id 208 and business object id-1393740 ""Please update the explanation provided for the Medicare Waiver Request; we cannot accept N/A to justify your reasons for making a Medicare Waiver Request. "" PEMS Request# 20313852 NPI 1497243240 ","PRR 8020191 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS NPI 1497243240 PEMS Request# 20313852 NPI 1497243240; Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def # 720643; High Priority; ",PSR,negative,42%,prr hidden deficiency pems npi pems request npi hidden def needs removed practice location information def high priority,prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 520,501349,PRR 8020190 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The Hidden deficiency that can be removed as duplicate on Program and Service Participation Details page (the count shows as one) having Id 208 and business object id-1217619 ""Please fill out anything with an asterisk on the Demographics, Program Specific Questions sections & make a selection under the Healthy Texas Women section. "" NPI 1114168549 PEMS Request# 20281539 ","PRR 8020190 - Hidden Deficiency in PEMS NPI 1114168549 PEMS Request# 2081539 NPI 1114168549; Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def # 623395; High Priority; ",PSR,negative,42%,prr hidden deficiency pems npi pems request npi hidden def needs removed practice location information def high priority,prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 521,501352,UI Security Vulnerabilities - Critical Issues Batch 2,Testing,Aubrie Midkiff; TSS," * Security scan passes for the files indicated in Description. Work with security team (Sijo Stephen and Jonathan Andrian) to rerun the scan in test & regression environments. 11/1/23: Scan has passed on updated code. * Regression testing passes for affected functionality: * OPL - View map in search result list and detail view * OPL - Select ""Pharmacy Provider Search"" and confirm redirect to https://www.txvendordrug.com/providers * OPL - Change language option in the top right dropdown. (Note: Potential production issue exists for Spanish. Compare against production if there is any question on text displayed) * PEMS - Navigate through all nested pages (ellipses control) ","Resolve the 6 issues identified in the attached spreadsheet for the following files and libraries: * OplSearch.js * jquery.validate-vsdoc.js * EllipsisControl.js * Views/OPL/_Map.cshtml ",MSR,positive,74%,resolve issues identified attached spreadsheet following files libraries oplsearch js jquery validatevsdoc js ellipsiscontrol js viewsoplmap cshtml,ui security vulnerabilities critical issues batch,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 522,501439,PRR 7991502 PT/SP in C21 does not match what is listed in PEMS.,Rejected,Waiting on ACN,Provider enrollment needs to create a license maintenance request and add the license to the program. Once the license is added the C21 integration failed task can be rerun and the TPI will be generated.,"PT/SP in C21 does not match what is listed in PEMS. New TPI needs to be rendered for 16/A5 LPC per req 20211012. TPI 4373649-02 enrolled with the incorrect PT/PS 96/19. Provider enrolled as a LPC (16/A5), but sfx 02 pt/sp shows 96/19. NPI 1144600578 PEMS Request# 20094847 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/7/23 PT/SP in C21 does not match what is listed in PEMS. New TPI needs to be rendered for 16/A5 LPC per req 20211012. TPI 4373649-02 enrolled with the incorrect PT/PS 96/19. Provider enrolled as a LPC (16/A5), but sfx 02 pt/sp shows 96/19 ",PSR,negative,2%,ptsp c not match listed pems new tpi needs rendered lpc per req tpi enrolled incorrect ptps provider enrolled lpc but sfx ptsp shows npi pems request priority high requested due date ptsp c not match listed pems new tpi needs rendered lpc per req tpi enrolled incorrect ptps provider enrolled lpc but sfx ptsp shows,prr ptsp c not match listed pems,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 523,501440,"1427451897 Donna Assisted Living, Inc. in PEMS",New,,"Is this a transaction to master merge issue? enrollment period and revalidation due date are different in transaction vs master.","The above-mentioned provider recently revalidated, yet the new revalidation date is not showing up in PEMS under PROVIDER MANAGEMENT. Also, this provider should not have a gap in their enrollment. NPI: 1427451897 Req: 20300031 ",PSR,negative,5%,abovementioned provider recently revalidated yet new revalidation date not showing pems provider management also provider not gap enrollment npi req,donna assisted living inc pems,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 524,501452,PRR 8032364 Special Handling response value of NOT APPROVED - REWORK REQUIRED needs to be NULL in PEMS,Ready,,,"NPI 1932308947 PEMS Request# 20268257 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/7/23 Special Handling ""EXCEPTION TO PROCESS WAIVER APPROVAL"" response value of NOT APPROVED - REWORK REQUIRED needs to be NULL in PEMS. The EXCEPTION TO PROCESS WAIVER APPROVAL drop down value NOT APPROVED-Rework Required value is preventing the PEMS request from progressing to Closed Enrolled PBI needed for Special Handling Approval drop down values to include a selection that allows the request to be routed back to TMHP without preventing the enrollment. This value should be used only as a routing option in case a req was routed to a special handling status on accident. The following PRR 8032364 has been created for the following task: • Special Handling ""EXCEPTION TO PROCESS WAIVER APPROVAL"" response value of NOT APPROVED - REWORK REQUIRED needs to be NULL in PEMS. The EXCEPTION TO PROCESS WAIVER APPROVAL drop down value NOT APPROVED-Rework Required value is preventing the PEMS request from progressing to Closed Enrolled. ",PSR,negative,0%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date special handling exception process waiver approval response value not approved rework required needs null pems exception process waiver approval drop value not approvedrework required value preventing pems request progressing closed enrolled pbi needed special handling approval drop values include selection allows request routed back tmhp without preventing enrollment value used routing option case req routed special handling status accident following prr created following task special handling exception process waiver approval response value not approved rework required needs null pems exception process waiver approval drop value not approvedrework required value preventing pems request progressing closed enrolled,prr special handling response value not approved rework required needs null pems,24,"Special, handling, no, status, not" 525,501455,PRR 8032902 - FCBC update required,Closed,Verified in Prod,,"NPI 1619101185 PEMS Request# 20316510 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/17/23 FCBC needs to be flipped to YES due to SRC being updated to High per 8013740 The following PRR 8032902?has been created for the following task: ? ?? {{Update FCBC}} ",PSR,negative,24%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date fcbc needs flipped yes due src updated high per following prr created following task update fcbc,prr fcbc update required,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 526,501464,PRR 8032900 – FCBC update required,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Change fingerprint requirement to ""yes"" for Stefano Pessina since he has 6% ownership. ","NPI 1528073616 PEMS Request# 20326683 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 FCBC wasn’t flipped to Yes for Stefano P after updating the SRC to High per 8023009 ",PSR,neutral,55%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date fcbc not flipped yes stefano p updating src high per,prr fcbc update required,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 527,501479,10/11/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 4 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 20 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received 20322325 and 20019332 TFS 496782: PEMS req 20302677 TFS 497393: PEMS Req 20292363 ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/11/23,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 528,501494,LTSS post PHE 6-month extension & PDC 66 Updates/Corrections Needed - ticket 1,Rejected,,Updated on previous TFS 502980," NPI 1790817377 Note from Nelson , Becky . I have gone through and checked against PEMS the LTSS providers with revalidation dates of 5.12.23 thru 11.11.23. The attached spreadsheet reflects the LTSS providers that require PEMS updates as they have been disenrolled, not extended, have gaps, etc. If there is anything else needed, please let me know. ",PSR,negative,7%,npi note nelson becky gone checked pems ltss providers revalidation dates thru attached spreadsheet reflects ltss providers require pems updates disenrolled not extended gaps etc anything else needed please let know,ltss post phe month extension pdc updatescorrections needed ticket,10,"Post, phe, month, ltss, extension" 529,501504,API - F500301220 - LTSS post PHE 6-month extension & PDC 66 Updates/Corrections Needed - Ticket 2,Rejected,,," NPI 1851423420 Note by Nelson Becky I have gone through and checked against PEMS the LTSS providers with revalidation dates of 5.12.23 thru 11.11.23. The attached spreadsheet reflects the LTSS providers that require PEMS updates as they have been disenrolled, not extended, have gaps, etc. ",PSR,negative,3%,npi note nelson becky gone checked pems ltss providers revalidation dates thru attached spreadsheet reflects ltss providers require pems updates disenrolled not extended gaps etc,api f ltss post phe month extension pdc updatescorrections needed ticket,10,"Post, phe, month, ltss, extension" 530,501508, API S500472740 - LTSS post PHE 6-month extension & PDC 66 Updates/Corrections Needed Ticket 3,Rejected,,," Message by Nelson Becky I have gone through and checked against PEMS the LTSS providers with revalidation dates of 5.12.23 thru 11.11.23. The attached spreadsheet reflects the LTSS providers that require PEMS updates as they have been disenrolled, not extended, have gaps, etc. ",PSR,negative,3%,message nelson becky gone checked pems ltss providers revalidation dates thru attached spreadsheet reflects ltss providers require pems updates disenrolled not extended gaps etc,api ltss post phe month extension pdc updatescorrections needed ticket,10,"Post, phe, month, ltss, extension" 531,501510,API F500300720 - LTSS post PHE 6-month extension & PDC 66 Updates/Corrections Needed,Rejected,,," Note by Nelson Becky I have gone through and checked against PEMS the LTSS providers with revalidation dates of 5.12.23 thru 11.11.23. The attached spreadsheet reflects the LTSS providers that require PEMS updates as they have been disenrolled, not extended, have gaps, etc. ",PSR,negative,3%,note nelson becky gone checked pems ltss providers revalidation dates thru attached spreadsheet reflects ltss providers require pems updates disenrolled not extended gaps etc,api f ltss post phe month extension pdc updatescorrections needed,10,"Post, phe, month, ltss, extension" 532,501511,API - S500554370 - LTSS post PHE 6-month extension & PDC 66 Updates/Corrections Needed - Ticket 5,Rejected,,,"Note by Nelson Beck I have gone through and checked against PEMS the LTSS providers with revalidation dates of 5.12.23 thru 11.11.23. The attached spreadsheet reflects the LTSS providers that require PEMS updates as they have been disenrolled, not extended, have gaps, etc. ",PSR,negative,5%,note nelson beck gone checked pems ltss providers revalidation dates thru attached spreadsheet reflects ltss providers require pems updates disenrolled not extended gaps etc,api ltss post phe month extension pdc updatescorrections needed ticket,10,"Post, phe, month, ltss, extension" 533,501512, LTSS post PHE 6-month extension & PDC 66 Updates/Corrections Needed,Closed,SOP 35; Verified in Prod,"1821438623 Provider re-enrolled 8/29/2023 Original Reval Date 2023-06-01 Remove gap in enrollment segment. 8/29/2023- 8/28/2028 Update segment begin date to 6/2/2023 Remove PDC 66 1841471406 Provider revalidated 8/8/2023 Original Reval Date 2023-06-01 Remove gap in enrollment segment. 8/8/2023-6/11/2028 Update segment begin date to 6/12/2023. 1619283744 Provider revalidated 8/14/2023 Original Reval Date 2023-06-15 Remove gap in enrollment segment. 8/14/2023-6/15/2028 Update segment begin date to 6/16/2023. 1033451752 Provider revalidated 9/11/2023 Original Reval Date 2023-05-16 Remove gap in enrollment segment. 9/11/2023-9/10/2028 Update segment begin date to 5/17/2023. 1386198315 Provider revalidated 7/11/2023 Original Reval Date 2023-05-21 Remove gap in enrollment segment. 7/11/2023-5/21/2028 Update segment begin date to 5/22/2023. 1487907861 Provider revalidated 8/17/2023 Original Reval Date 2023-05-21 Remove gap in enrollment segment. 8/17/2023-9/1/2025 Update segment begin date to 5/22/2023. 1629587704 Provider revalidated 8/2/2023 Original Reval Date 2023-05-21 Remove gap in enrollment segment. 8/2/2023-5/21/2028 Update segment begin date to 5/22/2023. 1245309350 Provider revalidated 9/7/2023 Original Reval Date 2023-05-25 Remove gap in enrollment segment. 9/7/2023-9/6/2028 Remove PDC 66 Update segment begin date to 5/26/2023. ","LTSS providers that need to be corrected. 1932228467 & 1841471406 = Have gap’s and no PDC’s 1821438623 = Has gap with a PDC None of them need date extensions. Only remove gap and remove PDC 66. 1821438623 1841471406 1619283744 1033451752 1386198315 1487907861 1629587704 1245309350 ",PSR,negative,11%,ltss providers need corrected gaps no pdcs gap pdc none need date extensions remove gap remove pdc,ltss post phe month extension pdc updatescorrections needed,10,"Post, phe, month, ltss, extension" 534,501514,LTSS post PHE 6-month extension & PDC 66 Updates/Corrections Needed,Rejected,,,"LTSS post PHE 6-month extension & PDC 66 Updates/Corrections Needed NPI 1487696118 ",PSR,positive,75%,ltss post phe month extension pdc updatescorrections needed npi,ltss post phe month extension pdc updatescorrections needed,10,"Post, phe, month, ltss, extension" 535,501515,LTSS post PHE 6-month extension & PDC 66 Updates/Corrections Needed,Rejected,,,"LTSS post PHE 6-month extension & PDC 66 Updates/Corrections Needed NPI 1366776064 ",PSR,positive,75%,ltss post phe month extension pdc updatescorrections needed npi,ltss post phe month extension pdc updatescorrections needed,10,"Post, phe, month, ltss, extension" 536,501517,LTSS post PHE 6-month extension & PDC 66 Updates/Corrections Needed,Rejected,,,"LTSS post PHE 6-month extension & PDC 66 Updates/Corrections Needed NPI 1417496357 ",PSR,positive,75%,ltss post phe month extension pdc updatescorrections needed npi,ltss post phe month extension pdc updatescorrections needed,10,"Post, phe, month, ltss, extension" 537,501518,PRR 8032200 - Update Hidden Deficiency in PEMS ,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The hidden deficiency can be removed as duplicate from Program and Service Participation Details page (the count shows as one) having Id 208 and business object id-1603788 ""Corrections were not completed. Please All questions showing a red asterisk need to be answered on PEMS application. Please answer and resubmit application. May have not been saved."" NPI 1528483955 PEMS Request# 20288850 ","NPI 1528483955 PEMS Request# 20288850 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/12/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency, but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 751742 found under deficiency history tab ",PSR,negative,42%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,prr update hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 538,501519,LTSS post PHE 6-month extension & PDC 66 Updates/Corrections Needed,Rejected,,,"LTSS post PHE 6-month extension & PDC 66 Updates/Corrections Needed. See attachment NPI 1588061063 ",PSR,positive,76%,ltss post phe month extension pdc updatescorrections needed see attachment npi,ltss post phe month extension pdc updatescorrections needed,10,"Post, phe, month, ltss, extension" 539,501520, PRR 8032046 - Update Hidden Deficiency in PEMS ,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1528137551 PEMS Request# 20338120 The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details that has RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and Business object id# 1515924. ""Please recertify for the HTW by attesting with an expiration date of next year. If you choose to opt out of the HTW please change answer to ""no"" on the programs and services page. "" ","NPI 1528137551 PEMS Request# 20338120 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/12/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency, but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 782750 found under deficiency history tab Please provide a response once completed. New AMO PEMS SOPs - All Documents - http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20%2D%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR%2DProvider%20Enrollment%20%28PEP%29%2FF%2DStandard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs ",PSR,positive,63%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab please provide response completed new amo pems sops documents httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfadtmhpapplicationsfprdproviderenrollmentpepffdstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssops,prr update hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 540,501521,PRR 8032025 - Update Hidden Deficiency in PEMS ,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The hidden deficiency that is duplicate can be removed having ID 29 and business Object Id 111930 ""Please attach the Franchise Tax Account Status which shows proof of the provider's the right to transact business in Texas"" NPI 1346890860 PEMS Request# 20269785 ","NPI 1346890860 PEMS Request# 20269785 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/12/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency, but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 717395 found under deficiency history tab ",PSR,negative,42%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,prr update hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 541,501523,PRR 8032023 - Update Hidden Deficiency in PEMS ,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The hidden deficiency can be removed as duplicate from Program and Service Participation Details page (the count shows as three) having Id 208 and business object id-1507750 ""Please fill out the Demographics section."" NPI 1356835763 PEMS Request# 20336280 ","PRR 8032023 has been created for the following task: • Update the Hidden Deficiency in PEMS NPI 1356835763 PEMS Request# 20336280 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/12/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency, but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 784022 found under deficiency history tab ",PSR,negative,28%,prr created following task update hidden deficiency pems npi pems request priority medium requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,prr update hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 542,501625,PRR 8031579 - Update Hidden Deficiency in PEMS ,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on Owners/Creditors/Principals Information Page having id 30 and business object Id -Null ""The owner's, creditor's or principal's information from the Owners/Creditors/Principals table must be removed."" NPI 1497117147 PEMS Request# 20277020 ","NPI 1497117147 PEMS Request# 20277020 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 PEMS is indicating a deficiency, but it is hidden. Hidden Deficiency number is 615911 found under deficiency history tab. ",PSR,negative,42%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date pems indicating deficiency but hidden hidden deficiency number found deficiency history tab,prr update hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 543,501674,Special Handling Rework Required should be NULL - Root Cause,New,,,nan,Research and Analysis,positive,66%,nan,special handling rework required null root,24,"Special, handling, no, status, not" 544,501679,8031359 Acorn Pharmacy Inc 1326103755 VDP Issue UNSCRAMBLE,Closed,VDP SOP; Verified in Prod,"NPI: 1326103755 Revalidation PEMS#: 20223553 End Date OLD Alt IDs VendorID 149702 Expiration Date = 1/17/2023 TINS 17605068604001 Expiration Date = 1/17/2023 NCPDP 4598275 Expiration Date = 1/17/2023 NPI 1326103755 Expiration Date = 1/17/2023 Add back from history Network 1-5 and 7 effective 2018-01-18 - Expiration Date = 1/17/2023 Add New ALT IDs – Alt IDs should be the same but with different datesfor the new enrollment period. VendorID 149702 Effective Date = 9/12/2023 TINS 17605068604001 Effective Date = 9/12/2023 NCPDP 4598275 Effective Date = 9/12/2023 NPI 1326103755 Effective Date = 9/12/2023 Update Network 1-5 and 7 Effective Date = 9/12/2023 ","PRR 8031359 Acorn Pharmacy Inc 1326103755 VDP Issue UNSCRAMBLE: • to update the alt ids. We do not have enrollment past 07/01/2023. If they have revalidated or something, we have not gotten it. • Also the NPI and TINS – have 2 sets of begin dates and the same end date. Provider: Acorn Pharmacy Inc NPI: 1326103755 Revalidation PEMS#: 20223553 PRR: 8031359 Per Conduent: We do not have enrollment past 07/01/2023. If they have revalidated or something, we have not gotten it. I also see the NPI and TINS – have 2 sets of begin dates and the same end date. Please see attached email. TMHP Research: ¿ Revalidation Request PEMS ID: 20223553 • DME – Yes • Revalidation Request 20223553 Date Received 4/18/2023 - Closed Enrolled 9/12/2023 Tech issues on 4/18/2023 and last tech issues reported on 8/16/2023. ",PSR,negative,0%,prr acorn pharmacy inc vdp issue unscramble update alt ids not enrollment past revalidated something not gotten also npi tins sets begin dates end date provider acorn pharmacy inc npi revalidation pems prr per conduent not enrollment past revalidated something not gotten also see npi tins sets begin dates end date please see attached email tmhp research revalidation request pems id dme yes revalidation request date received closed enrolled tech issues last tech issues reported,acorn pharmacy inc vdp issue unscramble,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 545,501686, PRR 8031594 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed ,Closed,SOP 8; Verified in Prod,"Update screen risk category to moderate. Note for request management "" Re-Enrollmentapplication has a program status of ENROLLED and a request action of EDITED.Per the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Enrollment approved wiki the ScreenRisk Category should be MODERATE."" ","Add the following comment to Request Management: Re-Enrollment application has a program status of ENROLLED and a request action of EDITED. Per the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Enrollment approved wiki the Screen Risk Category should be MODERATE. NPI 1770581548 PEMS Request# 20295809 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/11/23 ",PSR,positive,84%,add following comment request management reenrollment application program status enrolled request action edited per durable medical equipment dme enrollment approved wiki screen risk category moderate npi pems request priority high requested due date,prr screen risk category updates needed,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 546,501690," PRR 8030834 - Update the Internal Provider Type, and/or specialty on the PEMS database",New,,"PRR 8030834 - Update the Internal Provider Type, and/or specialty on the PEMS database must be fixed.","NPI 1699470047 PEMS Request# 20226524 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/13/23 Provider completed Program field, selecting ACUTE CARE-FEE FOR SERVICE. Taxonomy 261QR0401X populated and selected however, there is no drop down selection for the Provider Type, Specialty fields. Per the taxonomy crosswalk, there should be a selection for Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility (CORF). ",PSR,positive,66%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date provider completed program field selecting acute carefee service taxonomy qrx populated selected however no drop selection provider type specialty fields per taxonomy crosswalk selection comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility corf,prr update internal provider type andor specialty pems database,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 547,501704,Imperial Valley Pharmacy is not listed on the VDP Pharmacy search,New,,PRR 8032896 - NPI 1831877604 is not listed on the VDP Pharmacy search must be fixed.,"NPI 1831877604 PEMS Request# 20285140 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Request # 20285140 was approved on 09/20/2023 however, NPI 1831877604 is not listed on the VDP Pharmacy search. ",PSR,negative,21%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date request approved however npi not listed vdp pharmacy search,imperial valley pharmacy not listed vdp pharmacy search,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 548,501706,PRR 8032892 - Remove Systematic deficiency in PEMS,New,,,"PRR 8032892 - Remove Systematic deficiency in PEMS NPI 1831354752 PEMS Request# 20330321 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Deficiencies in PEMS are populating stating ' Missing required data on the Programs page for practice location record. Please enter all required information on the Programs page of the practice location record.' & 'In order to enroll and/or maintain enrollment in this program, please add the missing license, certification, or accreditation to the program record.' License information is listed under the practice location. These Systematic Deficiencies should not populate. All required information is listed in application. ",PSR,negative,8%,prr remove systematic deficiency pems npi pems request priority medium requested due date deficiencies pems populating stating missing required data programs page practice location record please enter required information programs page practice location record order enroll andor maintain enrollment program please add missing license certification accreditation program record license information listed practice location systematic deficiencies not populate required information listed application,prr remove systematic deficiency pems,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 549,501709,PRR 8032890 - Unable to remove license under Practice Location,New,,,"PRR 8032890 - Unable to remove license under Practice Location NPI 1235633306 PEMS Request# 20313749 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Per the approved work instructions, 'If a provider has supplied license information that is not required to be stored in PEMS for the provider type under which they are enrolling, e.g. A license whose Issuer has been changed to Other , select remove & save' The remove option is not available in the Program and Service Participation Details tab. ",PSR,negative,0%,prr unable remove license practice location npi pems request priority medium requested due date per approved work instructions provider supplied license information not required stored pems provider type enrolling e g license whose issuer changed select remove save remove option not available program service participation details tab,prr unable remove license practice location,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 550,501711,PRR 8032550 - PEMS 20330501 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS,Closed,Verified in Prod,Populate PEMS20330501 SRC Reason in PEMS,"PRR 8032550 - PEMS 20330501 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS NPI 1346737814 PEMS Request# 20330501 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 OIG escalated PEMS 20330501 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated ",PSR,negative,7%,prr pems src reason not populated pems npi pems request priority medium requested due date oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,prr pems src reason not populated pems,8,"Pems, src, reason, not, populated" 551,501712,PRR 8032225 - Client Panel RELATIONSHIP field is blank,New,,"The client panels are added systematically from a file received from MTP. There is only validation when opening the records in the client panel to update the relationship. If the client panels are not touched, then there is no validation, and the application can be submitted with the relationship field blank. A change needs to be made to require the client panel to be updated if the relationship is blank. A system deficiency can be added when the relationship is blank in the client panel. ","PRR 8032225 - PEMS did not verify required information. NPI 1232700006 PEMS Request# 20336749 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 PEMS is allowing the provider to submit the application with blank fields on client panel tab. Per the wiki, “PEMS will verify a relationship has been selected from the dropdown” but the RELATIONSHIP field is blank. approved WIKI states' No Validation is required for the Client Panel page; SH and Disclosures are based on this section. Without we cannot determine if SH is required or if Disclosures are required. ",MSR,negative,4%,prr pems not verify required information npi pems request priority medium requested due date pems allowing provider submit application blank fields client panel tab per wiki pems verify relationship selected dropdown but relationship field blank approved wiki states no validation required client panel page sh disclosures based section without not determine sh required disclosures required,prr client panel relationship field blank,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 552,501716,PRR 8034148 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report),Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Attached workbook has results from mismatch research. 7b and Datafix scripts added. ,"PRR 8034148 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) NPI: Various see attached Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/3/23 Data fix required to fix PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. Accenture will upload daily as discrepancies are identified. ",PSR,positive,73%,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report npi various see attached priority medium requested due date data fix required fix pems ppm workflow syncing issues accenture upload daily discrepancies identified,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 553,501769,"New Enrollment, Re-enrollments, Revalidations with no change, a Site Visit ticket should be generated.",Accepted,Karishma Tandon; Ready for Merge Testing in B,"Irrespective of practice location- (added or modified or not changed) - and Provider Risk Category is High/Moderate then Pre-Site visit ticket must be created for each and every practice location if the request type is any of the following: * PEMS - New Enrollment * PEMS - Revalidation * PEMS - Reenrollment The logic put in 8/24/23 release needs to account for only Existing Enrollments when excluding locations for Site Visit. ","ACN PBI 487069 (deployed 8/24/23), introduced a defect where allenrollment types get site visits created, not just Existing Enrollments. The defect does follow the Acceptance of ACN PBI 469214 (deployed 6/30/23). This caused an increase in data fix escalations for Site Visit tickets not being generated. The Objective of this PBI is for 3 request types: PEMS - New Enrollment PEMS - Revalidation PEMS - Reenrollment Irrespective of practice location- (added or modified or not changed) - and Provider Risk Category is High/Moderate then Pre-Site visit ticket must be created for each and every practice location if the request type is any of the following. * PEMS - New Enrollment * PEMS - Revalidation * PEMS - Reenrollment Note: No practice address match needed ",MSR,neutral,50%,acn pbi deployed introduced defect allenrollment types get site visits created not existing enrollments defect follow acceptance acn pbi deployed caused increase data fix escalations site visit tickets not generated objective pbi request types pems new enrollment pems revalidation pems reenrollment irrespective practice location added modified not changed provider risk category highmoderate presite visit ticket must created every practice location request type following pems new enrollment pems revalidation pems reenrollment note no practice address match needed,new enrollment reenrollments revalidations no change site visit ticket generated,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 554,501840,Welcome Letters Not Generated Clean-up,New,,,Retrigger welcome letters that were not generated in the past 6 months.,PSR,neutral,46%,retrigger welcome letters not generated past months,welcome letters not generated cleanup,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 555,502032,8034610 Walgreens 1275548273 VDP Tech Fix UNSCRAMBLE,Closed,SOP 22; Verified in Prod,"1275548273 PEMS: 20271231 revalidation End Date OLD Alt IDs for Revalidations VendorID 468449 Expiration Date = 5/10/2022 TINS 13619240255401 Expiration Date = 5/10/2022 NCPDP 4557318 Expiration Date = 5/10/2022 NPI 1275548273 Expiration Date = 5/10/2022 Drug Enforcement Admin Num AW1075084 Expiration Date = 5/10/2022 Add back from history Network 1-5 and 7 Effective Date = 2016-02-13 Expiration Date = 5/10/2022 Add OLD Alt IDs for Revalidations Vendor ID 468449 Effective Date = 5/11/2022 with Expiration Date = 9/1/2023 TINS 13619240255401 Effective Date = 5/11/2022 with Expiration Date = 9/1/2023 NCPDP 4557318 Effective Date = 5/11/2022 with Expiration Date = 9/1/2023 NPI 1275548273 Effective Date = 5/11/2022 with Expiration Date = 9/1/2023 Drug Enforcement Admin Num AW1075084 Effective Date = 5/11/2022 with Expiration Date = 9/1/2023 Add Network 1-5 and 7 Effective Date = 5/11/2022 Expiration Date = 9/1/2023 Network New ALT IDs VendorID 468449 Effective Date = 9/2/2023 TINS 13619240255401 Effective Date = 9/2/2023 NCPDP 4557318 Effective Date = 9/2/2023 NPI 1275548273 Effective Date = 9/2/2023 Drug Enforcement Admin Num AW1075084 Effective Date = 9/2/2023 Update Network 1-5 and 7 change Effective Date from 08-23-2023 to 9/2/2023 ","Walgreens NPI: 1275548273 PRR: 8034610 PEMS: 20271231 Details: Reval application shows 9/1/2025, but OS+ is showing9/1/2023 which is the date on the Maintenance request. Screen shots in attached email. ACN Recommendation: Data fix and root cause required for enddate error. ",PSR,negative,27%,walgreens npi prr pems details reval application shows but os showing date maintenance request screen shots attached email acn recommendation data fix root required enddate error,walgreens vdp tech fix unscramble,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 556,502053,10/12/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP executed. Counts of mismatches corrected: PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling ? Pending Response Response Received ? Response Received Pending Response ? Pending Response Response Received ? 13 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response ? 3 Internal QA Review In Progress ? Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled ? Submitted In Progress ? 24 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/12/23.,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 557,502076,Escalated Workflow Sync Issues 10/12,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"Research workflow sync issues. TFS 497758: PEMS Req: 20322325 and 20019332 20322325 8015261 Out of Sync. PPM is in IN PROGRESS. PEMS is in SUBMITTED. Current req status - 20322325 Submitted current status in PPM - In Progress 20019332 7664908 Out of Sync. PPM is in CLOSED-APPROVED. PEMS is in READY TO ENROLL. Current req status - 20019332 Ready to Enroll current status in PPM- CLOSED-APPROVED TFS 496782: PEMS req 20302677 20302677 7990752 Red Banner when selecting REQUEST COMPLETE-ACCEPTED in R.M. Current req status - 20302677 Closed Enrolled current status in PPM - IN PROGRESS TFS 497393: PEMS Req 20292363 20292363 8012916 Out of sync. PPM is in Submitted and PEMS is in New Current req status - 20292363 Submitted current status in PPM - New ","TFS 497758: PEMS Req: 20322325 and 20019332 TFS 496782: PEMS req 20302677 TFS 497393: PEMS Req 20292363 ",PSR,positive,61%,tfs pems req tfs pems req tfs pems req,escalated workflow sync issues,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 558,502108,PRR 8031233 - PEMS populated incorrect Amount. - tracking,New,,,"NPI 1457031601 PEMS Request# 20336186 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Provider had first submitted the application the application fee had prompted $0 for the total fee. The Provider did send a check of $0 and attached to the application. PEMS now shows app fee as $688, which is now correct. ",PSR,positive,76%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date provider first submitted application application fee prompted total fee provider send check attached application pems shows app fee correct,prr pems populated incorrect amount tracking,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 559,502116,PPR 8031210 - Select The Associated Group's Program field is greyed out & blank on Performing Provider's application.,New,,PPR 8031210 - Select The Associated Group's Program field is greyed out & blank on Performing Provider's application must be fixed.,"NPI 1003010687 PEMS Request# 20277069 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Group's location 4015 Interstate 45 N STE 200, Conroe, TX, 77304-5076 is currently active & enrolled but field is greyed out and no selection can be made on the providers application. A selection should be chosen under the Acute Care-FFS program as this field is required. ",PSR,positive,81%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date groups location interstate n ste conroe tx currently active enrolled but field greyed no selection made providers application selection chosen acute careffs program field required,ppr select associated groups program field greyed blank performing providers application,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 560,502120,PRR 8031205 - Unable to save updated SSN for Principal THINH LE,Accepted,,"NPI 1316446701 PEMS Request# 20266519 Update Principal THINH LE} SSN CORRECT NUMBER SHOULD BE 474-23-0987 ","PRR 8031205 has been created for the following task: {{ Save updated SSN for Principal THINH LE}} NPI 1316446701 PEMS Request# 20266519 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 ",PSR,neutral,51%,prr created following task save updated ssn principal thinh le npi pems request priority medium requested due date,prr unable save updated ssn principal thinh le,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 561,502123,PRR 8030835 - Revalidation Due date did not update in PEMS.,New,,,"PRR 8030835 has been created for the following task: {{Update the Revalidation Due date in PEMS.}} NPI 1861426785 PEMS Request# 20270094 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Application was closed enrolled on 8/31/2023. Application doesnot have a Time Limited Enrollment on it, providers revalidation due dateshould list 5 year term. 10/01/2028 ",PSR,negative,21%,prr created following task update revalidation due date pems npi pems request priority medium requested due date application closed enrolled application doesnot time limited enrollment providers revalidation due dateshould list year term,prr revalidation due date not update pems,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 562,502124,"PRR 8030842 - Acute Care-Fee-for-Services & CSHCN , SLP-CCP taxonomy crosswalk update",New,,"PRR 8030842 - Acute Care-Fee-for-Services & CSHCN , SLP-CCP taxonomy crosswalk update must be completed.","Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 PEMS Acute Care-Fee-for-Services and Children with Special Health Care Needs Services Program (CSHCN) programs should not include a provider Type option of ""Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP-CCP)"" The PEMS Taxonomy Crosswalk_Key needs a ""Termination Date"" applied to each Crosswalk Key row with the above combination. ",PSR,neutral,58%,priority high requested due date pems acute carefeeforservices children special health care needs services program cshcn programs not include provider type option speechlanguage pathologist slpccp pems taxonomy crosswalkkey needs termination date applied crosswalk key row combination,prr acute carefeeforservices cshcn slpccp taxonomy crosswalk update,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 563,502126,PRR 8032199 - PDC 63 disenrolling Acute Care - Fee-for-Service program,New,,PRR 8032199 - PDC 63 disenrolling Acute Care - Fee-for-Service program must be completed.,"NPI 1336194729 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 PDC 63 disenrolling Acute care ffs program under 3902 S JACKSON RD, EDINBURG, TX, 78539-6676. Program status should be ""ENROLLED"" PDC 63 should not disenroll the location. ",PSR,positive,66%,npi priority medium requested due date pdc disenrolling acute care ffs program jackson rd edinburg tx program status enrolled pdc not disenroll location,prr pdc disenrolling acute care feeforservice program,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 564,502144,PRR 8032035 - Deficiency Research - O/C/P segment is highlighted red as if def is present. No Deficiencies found,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Deficiency status updated to ""removed"" for 31 business object id 154447 on request 20095614. ","PRR 8032035 has been created for the following task: {{ Deficiency Research - O/C/P segment is highlighted red as if def is present. No Deficiencies found.}} NPI 1659366557 PEMS Request# 20316481 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 This request 20316481 is impacting a different request 20095614. ",PSR,neutral,48%,prr created following task deficiency research ocp segment highlighted red def present no deficiencies found npi pems request priority medium requested due date request impacting different request,prr deficiency research ocp segment highlighted red def present no deficiencies found,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 565,502145,PRR 8032208 – Hidden deficiency in PEMS,Rejected,,"There are no hidden deficiencies on the Program and Service Participation Details page. ","NPI 1326060021 PEMS Request# 20287085 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Deficiencies in PEMS are populating stating ' Missing required data on the Programs page for practice location record. Please enter all required information on the Programs page of the practice location record.' & 'In order to enroll and/or maintain enrollment in this program, please add the missing license, certification, or accreditation to the program record.' License information is listed under the practice location. These Systematic Deficiencies should not populate. All required information is listed in application. The following PRR 8032208 has been created for the following task: {{ Remove Systematic deficiency in PEMS }} ",PSR,negative,6%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date deficiencies pems populating stating missing required data programs page practice location record please enter required information programs page practice location record order enroll andor maintain enrollment program please add missing license certification accreditation program record license information listed practice location systematic deficiencies not populate required information listed application following prr created following task remove systematic deficiency pems,prr hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 566,502146,8034610 Walgreens 1275548273 VDP Tech Fix UNSCRAMBLE - Critical,Rejected,Duplicate,8034610 Walgreens 1275548273 VDP Tech Fix UNSCRAMBLE - Critical must be fixed.,"NPI 1275546273 PEMS ID 20271231 Priority: Critical Requested Due Date: 10/13/23 Reval application shows 9/1/2025, but OS+ is showing 9/1/2023 which is the date on the Maintenance request. Need data fix for end date and root cause on why it is not showing correctly in OS+ ",PSR,negative,2%,npi pems id priority critical requested due date reval application shows but os showing date maintenance request need data fix end date root not showing correctly os,walgreens vdp tech fix unscramble critical,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 567,502155,PRR 8031590 - Revalidation due date did not update on Approved Data,New,,,"PRR 8031590 has been created for the following task: ? ?? • Revalidation due date listed as ( 09/01/2023) on approved data is incorrect. Correct revalidation due date should be 10/01/2025. NPI 1770598872 PEMS Request# 20275568 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/13/23 ",PSR,positive,67%,prr created following task revalidation due date listed approved data incorrect correct revalidation due date npi pems request priority medium requested due date,prr revalidation due date not update approved data,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 568,502157,PRR 8031211 - Revalidation due date did not update after enrollment,New,,PRR 8031211 - Revalidation due date did not update after enrollment must be fixed.,"NPI 1720193899 PEMS Request# 20288339 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/13/23 Re-enrollment completed on 07/26/2023. Revalidation due date should update after enrollment is completed. There is no Time Limited Enrollment on this application. Enrollment date should be a 5 year term. See updated instructions below per Jose Zepeda email 10/30/23 at 1:26pm * Reenrollment completed on 08/24/2023. Revalidation due date should update after enrollment is completed. There is no Time Limited Enrollment on this application. REVALIDATION DUE DATE should be a 5 year term ""8/24/2028"". ",PSR,neutral,53%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date reenrollment completed revalidation due date update enrollment completed no time limited enrollment application enrollment date year term see updated instructions per jose zepeda email pm reenrollment completed revalidation due date update enrollment completed no time limited enrollment application revalidation due date year term,prr revalidation due date not update enrollment,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 569,502159,PRR 7767961 - Program Specific Questions-Training Provided question only applicable for KHC program,New,,"Research why the Training Provided question is present for programs other then KHC? The Questions crosswalk only shows this question for KHC program. RefQuestion Id Code Description 72 TPSHPD Training Provided: ? Self-hemo ( in-center) ? Home Hemodialysis ? CAPD ? CCPD ? IPD The escalated NPI is resolved since N/A is selected. ","PRR 7767961 has been created for the following task: {{ Program Specific Questions-Training Provided question only applicable for KHC program}} Program Services Participation Details pg-Program Specific Questions- ""Training Provided"" question is only applicable for KHC Program enrollments and should be hidden for all other programs. NPI 1548826498 PEMS Request# 20070209 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 ",Research and Analysis,positive,70%,prr created following task program specific questionstraining provided question applicable khc program program services participation details pgprogram specific questions training provided question applicable khc program enrollments hidden programs npi pems request priority medium requested due date,prr program specific questionstraining provided question applicable khc program,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 570,502160,PRR 7776779 - Provider received welcome letter instead of Disenrollment letter,New,,PRR 7776779 - Provider received welcome letter instead of Disenrollment letter must be fixed.,"NPI 1316589658 PEMS Request# 20062836 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Provider received welcome letter instead of Disenrollment letter after Existing Enrollment req approved to Disenroll programs in PEMS. Needing to confirm what Letter is sent to provider after choosing to disenroll from a program. ",PSR,positive,70%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date provider received welcome letter instead disenrollment letter existing enrollment req approved disenroll programs pems needing confirm letter sent provider choosing disenroll program,prr provider received welcome letter instead disenrollment letter,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 571,502161,"PRR 8032047 - HHSC Agreement is blank in PEMS, but Agreement is found completed in OnBase",Closed,Verified in Prod,,"PEMS Request# 20300197 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/16/23 HHSC Agreement was Completed on 10/3/23 per Agreement in OnBase. PEMS Agreement tab is incomplete. This should be completed as provider filled out Agreement. The following PRR 8032047?has been created for the following task: ? ?? • HHSC Agreement was Completed on 10/3/23 per Agreement in OnBase. PEMS Agreement tab is incomplete. This should be completed as provider filled out Agreement. ",PSR,neutral,59%,pems request priority medium requested due date hhsc agreement completed per agreement onbase pems agreement tab incomplete completed provider filled agreement following prr created following task hhsc agreement completed per agreement onbase pems agreement tab incomplete completed provider filled agreement,prr hhsc agreement blank pems but agreement found completed onbase,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 572,502167,Critical - PRR 8034981 - HHSC Escalation - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN - ,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,Site Visit created for all locations in PEMS Request# 20324403.,"NPI 1922397280 PEMS Request# 20324403 Priority: Critical Requested Due Date: 10/12/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 1412 WEST MAGNOLIA, STE 100, FORT WORTH, TX, 76104 no PC generated. The following PRR 8034981 has been created for the following task: {{ HHSC Escalation - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN}} ",PSR,positive,86%,npi pems request priority critical requested due date revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations west magnolia ste fort worth tx no pc generated following prr created following task hhsc escalation site visit site visit bypassed oig return,critical prr hhsc escalation site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 573,502171,PRR 7824439 - PRACTICE LOCATION MERGE,Ready,,"Keep Practice Location - 602 Indiana Ave, LUBBOCK, TX, 79415-3364 and merge the duplicate. ","NPI 1356591432 PEMS Request# 20134680 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Keep Address 602 Indiana Ave, LUBBOCK, TX, 79415-3364 Remove Address Exact Duplicate Performing Locations Comments Request already closed enrolled Performing Provider practice locations need to be merged in Approved NPI 1356591432 data The following PRR 7824439 has been created for the following task: {{PRACTICE LOCATION MERGE.}} ",PSR,negative,10%,npi pems request priority high requested due date keep address indiana ave lubbock tx remove address exact duplicate performing locations comments request already closed enrolled performing provider practice locations need merged approved npi data following prr created following task practice location merge,prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 574,502172,PRR 8034261 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8034261 has been created for the following task: {{ Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN }} REVALIDATION application - SRC High- per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1023111069 PEMS Request# 20281593 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 ",PSR,positive,86%,prr created following task site visit site visit bypassed oig return revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems request priority medium requested due date,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 575,502173,Query Counts for Post PHE NPIs by Month,New,,Query using the lists of providers from the revalidation extension to determine the NPI counts by month.,"This table attached shows the expected counts by month for the Post PHE updates. ",BSR,positive,63%,table attached shows expected counts month post phe updates,query counts post phe npis month,10,"Post, phe, month, ltss, extension" 576,502174,PRR 8032904 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8032904 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN must be fixed.,"NPI 1477568533 PEMS Request# 20321970 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 10600 W Parmer Ln, Austin, TX, 78717-4627 ",PSR,positive,90%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations w parmer ln austin tx,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 577,502177,PRR 8032901 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8032901 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN NPI 1881184729 PEMS Request# 20316986 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 REENROLLMENT application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 1 Heartland Dr, San Antonio, TX, 78247-1534 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,89%,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return npi pems request priority medium requested due date reenrollment application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations heartland dr san antonio tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 578,502183,PRR 8034725 - API A232548202 - Unable to submit PEMS request. C21 to PEMS sync needed.,Rejected,,,"PRR 8034725 - API A232548202 - Unable to submit PEMS request. C21 to PEMS sync needed. NPI A232548202 PEMS 20278878 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/19/23 Maintenance-Update Registration Information request PEMS Submission rules preventing request submission. ""Missing required data on the Participant Information page. Please enter all information on the Participant Information page."" Automobile Insurance Updated manually in C21 and needs to be synced to Approved API data. Vehicle Insurance Policy Number- 429544246 Eff Date- 04/06/2021 Exp Date- 10/18/2023 ",PSR,negative,15%,prr api unable submit pems request c pems sync needed npi pems priority high requested due date maintenanceupdate registration information request pems submission rules preventing request submission missing required data participant information page please enter information participant information page automobile insurance updated manually c needs synced approved api data vehicle insurance policy number eff date exp date,prr api unable submit pems request c pems sync needed,1,"Pems, submit, unable, request, prr" 579,502191,PRR 8032899 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8032899 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN NPI 1245446665 PEMS Request# 20319089 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 2411 S Day St, Brenham, TX, 77833-5518 2411 SOUTH DAY STREET, BRENHAM, TX, 77833 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,93%,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations day st brenham tx south day street brenham tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 580,502202,PRR 8032558 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN ,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,"PRR 8032558 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN must be completed. REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI:1942796818 PEMS Req: 20312542 ",PRR 8032558 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN ,PSR,positive,74%,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 581,502203,PRR 8034729 API A384052201- Unable to submit PEMS request. C21 to PEMS sync needed.,Rejected,,,"The following PRR 8034729 has been created for the following task: Maintenance-Update Registration Information request PEMS Submission rules preventing request submission. ""Missing required data on the Participant Information page. Please enter all information on the Participant Information page."" Automobile Insurance, DL, & Home Address needed in C21 and Approved API data. Vehicle Insurance Policy Number: 6008266832221 Eff Date- 6/20/2017 Exp Date- 6/20/2023 NPI:A384052201 PEMS Req: 20117755 Driver's License: Eff Date- 1/25/2018 Exp Date- 1/24/2030 Home Address: 8372 Horned Maple Trl, Fort Worth TX 76123-1779 ",PSR,negative,41%,following prr created following task maintenanceupdate registration information request pems submission rules preventing request submission missing required data participant information page please enter information participant information page automobile insurance dl home address needed c approved api data vehicle insurance policy number eff date exp date npia pems req drivers license eff date exp date home address horned maple trl fort worth tx,prr api unable submit pems request c pems sync needed,1,"Pems, submit, unable, request, prr" 582,502204,PRR 8034740 API A423855201 - Unable to submit PEMS request. C21 to PEMS sync needed,Rejected,,,"The following PRR 8034740 has been created for the following task: Maintenance-Update Registration Information request PEMS Submission rules preventing request submission. ""Missing required data on the Participant Information page. Please enter all information on the Participant Information page."" NPI: A423855201 PEMS Req:20134065 Automobile Insurance & DL needed in C21 and Approved API data. Vehicle Insurance Policy Number: 886560385 Eff Date- 6/1/2021 Exp Date- 11/1/2023 Driver's License: Eff Date- 5/2/2017 Exp Date- 5/3/2031 ",PSR,neutral,47%,following prr created following task maintenanceupdate registration information request pems submission rules preventing request submission missing required data participant information page please enter information participant information page npi pems req automobile insurance dl needed c approved api data vehicle insurance policy number eff date exp date drivers license eff date exp date,prr api unable submit pems request c pems sync needed,1,"Pems, submit, unable, request, prr" 583,502205,PRR 8032404 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod, PRR 8032404 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,"PRR 8032404 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI: 1578700985 PEMS Req: 20318793 ",PSR,positive,91%,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems req,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 584,502207,PRR 8012088 - Site Visit - Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN ** EXPEDITED REQUEST **,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8012088?has been created for the following task: ? ?? • SV was bypassed – per PEMS logic Revalidation/PT/ moderate will need to route to SV NPI: 1861168841 PEMS Req: 20302666 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/18/23 ",PSR,negative,34%,prr created following task sv bypassed per pems logic revalidationpt moderate need route sv npi pems req priority medium requested due date,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return expedited request,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 585,502213,PRR 8034736 API A423760401- Unable to submit PEMS request. ,Rejected,,FW: PRR 8034736 API A423760401- Unable to submit PEMS request must be completed.,"The following PRR 8034736 has been created for the following task: Maintenance-Update Registration Information request PEMS Submission rules preventing request submission. ""Missing required data on the Participant Information page. Please enter all information on the Participant Information page."" Automobile Insurance dates needed in C21 and Approved API data. Vehicle Insurance Policy Number: 3818533-TX-PP-001 Eff Date- 2/22/2021 Exp Date- 2/1/2024 NPI: A423760401 PEMS Req: 20301438 ",PSR,neutral,57%,following prr created following task maintenanceupdate registration information request pems submission rules preventing request submission missing required data participant information page please enter information participant information page automobile insurance dates needed c approved api data vehicle insurance policy number txpp eff date exp date npi pems req,prr api unable submit pems request,1,"Pems, submit, unable, request, prr" 586,502214,PRR 8031617 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8031617 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,"PRR 8031617 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI:1710928114 PEMS Req: 20275210 ",PSR,positive,91%,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems req,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 587,502217,PRR 8012594 - Site Visit - Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8012594?has been created for the following task: ? ?? • SV was bypassed – per PEMS logic /DME/ Moderate will need to route to SV NPI: 1245221092 PEMS Req: 20295762 NPI1245221092 PEMS Request# 20295762 Priority:Medium Requested Due Date: 10/18/23 SV was bypassed – per PEMS logic /DME/ Moderate will need toroute to SV ",PSR,negative,32%,prr created following task sv bypassed per pems logic dme moderate need route sv npi pems req npi pems request prioritymedium requested due date sv bypassed per pems logic dme moderate need toroute sv,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 588,502218,PRR 8031409 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8031409 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,"PRR 8031409 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI: 1538674874 PEMS Req: 20325682 ",PSR,positive,91%,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems req,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 589,502221,PRR 8030998 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8030998 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,"PRR 8030998 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI: 1437589413 PEMS Req: 20318933 ",PSR,positive,91%,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems req,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 590,502222,PRR 8034733 API A423659801- Unable to submit PEMS request. C21 to PEMS sync needed.,Rejected,," ","PRR 8034733 has been created for the following task: Maintenance-Update Registration Information request PEMS Submission rules preventing request submission. ""Missing required data on the Participant Information page. Please enter all information on the Participant Information page."" Automobile Insurance dates needed in C21 and Approved API data. Vehicle Insurance Policy Number: 4543495040 Eff Date- 5/29/2021 Exp Date- 1/12/2024 NPI: A423659801 PEMS Req: 20130376 ",PSR,neutral,47%,prr created following task maintenanceupdate registration information request pems submission rules preventing request submission missing required data participant information page please enter information participant information page automobile insurance dates needed c approved api data vehicle insurance policy number eff date exp date npi pems req,prr api unable submit pems request c pems sync needed,1,"Pems, submit, unable, request, prr" 591,502223,PRR 8034728 API A383905201- Unable to submit PEMS request. C21 to PEMS sync needed,Rejected,,,"PRR 8034728 has been created for the following task: Maintenance-Update Registration Information request PEMS Submission rules preventing request submission. ""Missing required data on the Participant Information page. Please enter all information on the Participant Information page."" Automobile Insurance & DL dates updated manually in C21 and needs to be synced to Approved API data. Vehicle Insurance Policy Number: 002344304U71057 Eff Date- 1/7/2018 Exp Date- 7/7/2023 Driver's License: Eff Date- 6/16/2016 Exp Date- 5/24/2030 NPI: A383905201 PEMS Req: 20144065 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/19/23 ",PSR,negative,17%,prr created following task maintenanceupdate registration information request pems submission rules preventing request submission missing required data participant information page please enter information participant information page automobile insurance dl dates updated manually c needs synced approved api data vehicle insurance policy number u eff date exp date drivers license eff date exp date npi pems req priority high requested due date,prr api unable submit pems request c pems sync needed,1,"Pems, submit, unable, request, prr" 592,502224,PRR 8034723 API A222100005- Unable to submit PEMS request. C21 to PEMS sync needed.,Rejected,,,"PRR 8034723 has been created for the following task: Maintenance-Update Registration Information request PEMS Submission rules preventing request submission. ""Missing required data on the Participant Information page. Please enter all information on the Participant Information page."" Automobile Insurance Updated manually in C21 and needs to be synced to Approved API data. Vehicle Insurance Policy Number- AWP181517 Eff Date- 5/14/2022 Exp Date- 5/14/2023 NPI: A222100005 PEMS Req: 20093905 ",PSR,negative,23%,prr created following task maintenanceupdate registration information request pems submission rules preventing request submission missing required data participant information page please enter information participant information page automobile insurance updated manually c needs synced approved api data vehicle insurance policy number awp eff date exp date npi pems req,prr api unable submit pems request c pems sync needed,1,"Pems, submit, unable, request, prr" 593,502226,PRR 8032062 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN ,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8032062 has been created for the following task: {{ Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN }} REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI: 1487669479 PEMS Req: 20318505 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 ",PSR,positive,85%,prr created following task site visit site visit bypassed oig return revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems req priority medium requested due date,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 594,502228,PRR 8013173 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8013173 ?has been created for the following task: ? ?? • REVALIDATION application - SRC moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI: 1386800423 PEMS Req: 20300269 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/18/23 ",PSR,positive,80%,prr created following task revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems req priority medium requested due date,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 595,502229,PRR 8013175 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8013175 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,"PRR 8013175 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN PEMS#20286389 NPI 1881900306 The following PRR 8013175 ?has been created for the following task: ? ?? • REVALIDATION application - SRC moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. ",PSR,positive,89%,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return pems npi following prr created following task revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 596,502231,PRR 8030984 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN}} ,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8030984 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN}} ,"NPI - 1811477896 PEMS Req: 20318886 REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. ",PSR,positive,88%,npi pems req revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 597,502232,PRR 8014379 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8014379 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,"NPI - 1124035134 PEMs Req: 20313514 REVALIDATION application - SRC moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations ",PSR,positive,88%,npi pems req revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 598,502255,PRR 8016540 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"The following PRR 8016540?has been created for the following task: ? ?? • Request needs PC ticket generated for OIG RETURN corrections - Request is needing to have an SV scheduled. PEMS # 20248563 PPM PE # 7967944 Priority Medium Requested Due Date October 18, 2023 Description- Request needs PC ticket generated for OIG RETURN corrections - Request is needing to have a SV scheduled ",PSR,negative,28%,following prr created following task request needs pc ticket generated oig return corrections request needing sv scheduled pems ppm pe priority medium requested due date october description request needs pc ticket generated oig return corrections request needing sv scheduled,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 599,502259,PRR 8031002 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Rejected,SOP 45," ","PRR 8031002 has been created for the following task: {{ Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN }} NPI 1902004500 PEMS Request# 20300614 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 1119 E Tahoka Rd, Brownfield, TX, 79316-3821 113 W 8th St, Plainview, TX, 79072-7201 118 S Park Dr STE C, Brownwood, TX, 76801-5957 2217 Perryton Pkwy, Pampa, TX, 79065-3522 303 W Harris Ave STE 3, San Angelo, TX, 76903-6377 3223 S Loop 289 STE 110, B, Lubbock, TX, 79423-8312 3223 S Loop 289 STE 110B, Lubbock, TX, 79423-1337 3501 S Soncy Rd STE 134, Amarillo, TX, 79119-6406 4400 Buffalo Gap Rd STE 2500, Abilene, TX, 79606-2751 727 S Alamo Rd, Levelland, TX, 79336-5141 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,93%,prr created following task site visit site visit bypassed oig return npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations e tahoka rd brownfield tx w th st plainview tx park dr ste c brownwood tx perryton pkwy pampa tx w harris ave ste san angelo tx loop ste b lubbock tx loop ste b lubbock tx soncy rd ste amarillo tx buffalo gap rd ste abilene tx alamo rd levelland tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 600,502262,PRR 8030989 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8030989 has been created for the following task: {{ Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN }} NPI 1245552637 PEMS Request# 20296986 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 4622 S Business Highway 281, Edinburg, TX, 78539-7279 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,86%,prr created following task site visit site visit bypassed oig return npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations business highway edinburg tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 601,502265,PRR 8014038 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8014038?has been created for the following task: ? ?? • REVALIDATION application - SRC moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1174574958 PEMS Request# 20287485 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/18/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations ",PSR,positive,94%,prr created following task revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 602,502267,PRR 8028002 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"The following PRR 8028002 has been created for the following task: {{ Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN }} NPI 1750676870 PEMS request 20278542 PPM PE Request 7980074 Requested Due Date October 31, 2023 Description REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. ",PSR,positive,88%,following prr created following task site visit site visit bypassed oig return npi pems request ppm pe request requested due date october description revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 603,502270,PRR 8026155 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8026155 has been created for the following task: {{ Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN }} NPI 1326439357 PEMS Request# 20321529 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date; 10/31/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 27 Academy Dr, Hattiesburg, MS, 39401-7959 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,82%,prr created following task site visit site visit bypassed oig return npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations academy dr hattiesburg ms no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 604,502272,PRR 8017287 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8017287?has been created for the following task: ? ?? • REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1083198048 PEMS Request# 20312603 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/18/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 4010 Fm 1463 Rd, Katy, TX, 77494-5459 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,93%,prr created following task revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations fm rd katy tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 605,502273,PRR 8017451 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8017451 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN must be completed.,"OIG RETURN/Site Visit scheduled incorrectly- Request is needing to have a SV scheduled-Request needs PC ticket generated NPI 1588025456 PEMS#20248915 Requested Due date October 18, 2023 ",PSR,neutral,49%,oig returnsite visit scheduled incorrectly request needing sv scheduledrequest needs pc ticket generated npi pems requested due date october,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 606,502275,PEMS Research Request 8017288 - Site Visit- Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"The following PRR 8017288?has been created for the following task: ? ?? • REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI: 1497760433 PEMS Req: 20300372 ",PSR,positive,83%,following prr created following task revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems req,pems research request site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 607,502278,PRR 8025816 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8025816 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN must be completed.,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1043225147 PEMS# 20308728 PPM PE#7999519 Requested Due date - October 31, 2023 ",PSR,positive,87%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems ppm pe requested due date october,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 608,502285,PRR 8017296 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8017296?has been created for the following task: ? ?? • REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. Here is TMHP PPM information: NPI 1871508960 PEMS Request 20301567 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/18/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 2612 Smith St, Houston, TX, 77006-3514 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,88%,prr created following task revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations tmhp ppm information npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations smith st houston tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 609,502295,PRR 8025802 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Rejected,,,"PRR 8025802 has been created for the following task: {{ Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN }} NPI: 1871508960 PEMS Req: 20301567 ",PSR,neutral,59%,prr created following task site visit site visit bypassed oig return npi pems req,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 610,502296,PRR 8017651 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"The following PRR 8017651?has been created for the following task: ? ?? • REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1326355116 PEMS Request 20314656 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: October 18, 2023 ",PSR,positive,84%,following prr created following task revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems request priority medium requested due date october,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 611,502298, PRR 8025281 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod, PRR 8025281 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN must be completed.,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1326336462 PEMS#20310740 PPM PE # 8005245 Requested Due date October 31, 2023 ",PSR,positive,87%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems ppm pe requested due date october,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 612,502302,PRR 8025274 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8025274 has been created for the following task: {{ Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN }} TMHP PPM Details: NPI 1528118015 PEMS Request# 20313700 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 6815 Country Cross, San Antonio, TX, 78240-4426 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,83%,prr created following task site visit site visit bypassed oig return tmhp ppm details npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations country cross san antonio tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 613,502308,PRR 8017659 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8017659 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN must be completed.,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1801801816 PEMS 20317073 PPM PE 8008111 Due date October 18, 2023 1144 Airport Blvd, Austin, TX, 78702-3163 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,82%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems ppm pe due date october airport blvd austin tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 614,502309,PRR 8017288 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,Duplicate; SOP 45,,"PEMS # 20300372 PPM # 7989717 NPI # 1497760433 Requested Due date - October 18, 2023 REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. ",PSR,positive,85%,pems ppm npi requested due date october revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 615,502316,PRR 8030985 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN}} ,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. Requested Due Date October 31, 2023 NPI 1740295807 PEMS 20291854 PPM 7980353 Priority Medium ",PSR,positive,90%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations requested due date october npi pems ppm priority medium,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 616,502320,PRR 8030993 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. Requested Due Date October 31, 2023 Detailed Description REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1295959492 PRMS 20317681 PPM PE # 8007217 ",PSR,positive,97%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations requested due date october detailed description revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi prms ppm pe,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 617,502321,PRR 8031378 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN}} ,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"Detailed Description REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN NPI 1801385661 PEMS 20323199 PPM PE 8013321 Requested Due date October 31, 2023 ",PSR,positive,92%,detailed description revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations site visit site visit bypassed oig return npi pems ppm pe requested due date october,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 618,502323,PRR 8013171 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. Requested Due Date October 18, 2023 NPI 1750696076 PEMS 20292116 PPM PE 7982061 ",PSR,positive,89%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations requested due date october npi pems ppm pe,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 619,502328, PRR 8034730 API A397134301- Unable to submit PEMS request. C21 to PEMS sync needed.,Rejected,,,"The following PRR 8034730 has been created for the following task: Maintenance-Update Registration Information request PEMS Submission rules preventing request submission. ""Missing required data on the Participant Information page. Please enter all information on the Participant Information page."" Automobile Insurance dates needed in C21 and Approved API data. Vehicle Insurance Policy Number: 3475499D1643H Eff Date- 4/16/2019 Exp Date- 10/16/2023 NPI A397134301 PEMS 20135251 Requested Date October 19, 2023 Priority High Description API A397134301- Unable to submit PEMS request. C21 to PEMS sync needed. ",PSR,negative,42%,following prr created following task maintenanceupdate registration information request pems submission rules preventing request submission missing required data participant information page please enter information participant information page automobile insurance dates needed c approved api data vehicle insurance policy number dh eff date exp date npi pems requested date october priority high description api unable submit pems request c pems sync needed,prr api unable submit pems request c pems sync needed,1,"Pems, submit, unable, request, prr" 620,502364,PRR 8017913 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8017913?has been created for the following task: ? ?? • REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1538174610 PEMS Request# 20312093 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/18/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. ",PSR,positive,94%,prr created following task revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 621,502365,PRR 8017781 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,Site Visit created for all practice locations in PEMS 20310115.,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1992710073 PEMS 20310115 PPM PE 7999405 DUE DATE October 18, 2023 912 W Northwest Hwy, Grapevine, TX, 76051-5029 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,85%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems ppm pe due date october w northwest hwy grapevine tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 622,502373,PRR 8024989 – Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8024989 has been created for the following task: {{Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN}} NPI 1871034751 PEMS Request# 20267208 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/18/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 1505 George Dieter Dr STE 112, El Paso, TX, 79936-7680 ",PSR,positive,86%,prr created following task site visit site visit bypassed oig return npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations george dieter dr ste el paso tx,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 623,502374,PRR 8017925 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8017925 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN must be fixed.,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1306851365 PEMS 20316711 PPM PE 8007060 4000 Preston Rd, Plano, TX, 75093-7301 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,83%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems ppm pe preston rd plano tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 624,502398,PRR 8032074 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN ,Removed,,,"Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN Requested Date October 31, 2023 NPI 1396848859 PEMS 20326815 PPM 8017628 REENROLLMENT application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. ",PSR,positive,93%,site visit site visit bypassed oig return requested date october npi pems ppm reenrollment application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 625,502399,PRR 8023875 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8023875 has been created for the following task: {{Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN}} NPI 1801120720 PEMS Request# 20266482 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/18/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 907 NE Big Bend Trl UNIT D, Glen Rose, TX, 76043-4913 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,87%,prr created following task site visit site visit bypassed oig return npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations ne big bend trl unit glen rose tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 626,502400,PRR 8017926 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8017926 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN must be fixed.,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1114932191 PEMS 20318453 PPM PE 8008985 1520 W Freddy Gonzalez Dr, Edinburg, TX, 78539-5327 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,85%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems ppm pe w freddy gonzalez dr edinburg tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 627,502403,PRR 8023511 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8023511 has been created for the following task: {{ Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN }} NPI 1417467812 PEMS Request# 20246736 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/18/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 12207 Huffman Oaks Ln, Huffman, TX, 77336-4504 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,82%,prr created following task site visit site visit bypassed oig return npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations huffman oaks ln huffman tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 628,502405,PRR 8017931 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8017931 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN must be fixed.,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1477568400 PEMS 20320856 PPM PE 8011110 7655 Tezel Rd, San Antonio, TX, 78250-3574 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,85%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems ppm pe tezel rd san antonio tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 629,502406,PRR 8032074 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN ,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REENROLLMENT application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. The following PRR 8032074 has been created for the following task: NPI 1396848859 PEMS 20326815 PPM 8017628 Requested Due Date October 31, 2023 ",PSR,positive,83%,reenrollment application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations following prr created following task npi pems ppm requested due date october,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 630,502408,PRR 8023884 –Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8023884 –Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN must be completed.,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1427345347 PEMS 20311764 PPM PE 8008438 Due date October 18, 2023 300 S Highway 36 Byp N, Gatesville, TX, 76528-2764 no PC generated 300 S. HIGHWAY 36 BYPASS, GATESVILLE, TX, 76528 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,83%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems ppm pe due date october highway byp n gatesville tx no pc generated highway bypass gatesville tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 631,502409,PRR 8018495 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8018495 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN must be completed.,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1629083621 PEMS 20314332 PPM PE 8004845 Due Date October 18, 2023 23110 Aldine Westfield Rd, Spring, TX, 77373-7738 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,84%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems ppm pe due date october aldine westfield rd spring tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 632,502410,PRR 8022570 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETUR,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8022570 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETUR must be fixed.,"Re- Enrollment application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1043366990 PEMS 20297440 PPM PE 7986932 Due date October 18, 2023 ",PSR,positive,89%,enrollment application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems ppm pe due date october,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig retur,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 633,502420,PRR 8022146 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN ,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8022146 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN NPI 1679085914 PEMS Request# 20311360 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/18/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 136 E Concho Ave, San Angelo, TX, 76903-5947 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,90%,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations e concho ave san angelo tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 634,502422,PRR 8013169 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"Detailed description REVALIDATION application - SRC moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations NPI 1295810380 PEMS 20307563 PPM 7999236 Requested due date October 18, 2023 Priority Medium The following PRR 8013169?has been created for the following task: ? ?? • REVALIDATION application - SRC moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. ",PSR,positive,96%,detailed description revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems ppm requested due date october priority medium following prr created following task revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 635,502423,PRR 8035674 - Enrollment Period Update,Ready,,"NPI 1578587010 PEMS Request# 20305093 Enrollment Period 8/30/2023-2/28/2029 Remove Enrollment Gap Update enrollment Period begin date to 7/24/2023 ","PRR 8035674 - Enrollment Period Update NPI 1578587010 PEMS Request# 20305093 Provider Name: GIRISH M. GOWDA Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/17/23 Per HHSC Direction, the provider was due to have their revalidation date extended but it was not. Please change the enrollment period begin date from 8/30/2023 to 7/24/2023. Email attached with further details. ",PSR,negative,7%,prr enrollment period update npi pems request provider name girish gowda priority high requested due date per hhsc direction provider due revalidation date extended but not please change enrollment period begin date email attached details,prr enrollment period update,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 636,502425,PRR 8019189 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8019189 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN NPI 1801130620 PEMS Request# 20276119 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/18/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 27350 Blueberry Hill Dr STE 1, Conroe, TX, 77385-8964 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,91%,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations blueberry hill dr ste conroe tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 637,502426,Corrections - PDC-66 for post-PHE grace period /Revalidation Due Date/Enrollment Period Extensions,Closed,Post-PHE; Verified in Prod,Once you have the list with the 2 tabs for the reactivated and disenrolled with active PDC 66. We can attach to this TFS.,There was an issue with the queries and some of the disenrolled applications were updated in error. The attached list will need the Revalidation Dates and Enrollment Period Dates reverted back and the PDC 66 added back.,PSR,positive,70%,issue queries disenrolled applications updated error attached list need revalidation dates enrollment period dates reverted back pdc added back,corrections pdc postphe grace period revalidation due dateenrollment period extensions,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 638,502428,PRR 8019194 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG Return,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8019194 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG Return NPI 1730625997 PEMS Request# 20313547 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/18/23 REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 1475 Richardson Dr STE 206, Richardson, TX, 75080-4663 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,90%,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return npi pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations richardson dr ste richardson tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 639,502430,PRR 8022143 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8022143 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN NPI 1760628184 PEMS Request# 20307450 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/18/23 REENROLLMENT application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. 2222 Welborn St, Dallas, TX, 75219-3924 no PC generated 3800 Gaylord Pkwy STE 850, Frisco, TX, 75034-0248 no PC generated 5700 Dallas Pkwy, Frisco, TX, 75034-9580 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,83%,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return npi pems request priority medium requested due date reenrollment application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations welborn st dallas tx no pc generated gaylord pkwy ste frisco tx no pc generated dallas pkwy frisco tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 640,502432,High Priority - OIG ESCALATION - Managing employee information,Rejected,sent email to ACN,," Detailed Description - Managing Employee information is now blank after OIG Approval. previous print batch shows information was completed, but it is now blank. HHSC Escalation - Managing Employee information is now blank after OIG Approval. - AMD 10.13.23 Requested Due date -October 16, 2023 NPI 1265626402 PEMS 20256506 # PPM PE # 7971827 ",PSR,negative,23%,detailed description managing employee information blank oig approval previous print batch shows information completed but blank hhsc escalation managing employee information blank oig approval amd requested due date october npi pems ppm pe,high priority oig escalation managing employee information,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 641,502433,PRR 8020905 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"OIG RETURN/Site Visit leveraged incorrectly- Request is needing to have a SV scheduled-Request needs PC ticket generated NPI 1750609459 PEMS 20296680 PPM 7984648 Requested due date October 18, 2023 Priority High ",PSR,neutral,45%,oig returnsite visit leveraged incorrectly request needing sv scheduledrequest needs pc ticket generated npi pems ppm requested due date october priority high,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 642,502434,PRR 8021999 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. Requested due date October 18, 2023 NPI 1215336359 PEMS 20324944 PPM 8016214 Priority Medium ",PSR,positive,90%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations requested due date october npi pems ppm priority medium,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 643,502437,PRR 8034995 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report),Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Attached workbook has action taken on sync mismatches. ,"The following PRR 8034995 has been created for the following task: Due date Nov 6 2023 Mismatch report- Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. The spread sheet includes a description of the mismatch, PEMS ID and PPM ID, once completed, please update column H with the appropriate response. Accenture will upload the report to the PRR daily as discrepancies are identified. Please let us know if you have any questions, included is the link to the SOP’s (Workflow sync issues). New AMO PEMS SOPs - All Documents http://tmhpdocuments/sites/app/D/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fapp%2FD%2FA%20%2D%20TMHP%20Applications%2FPR%2DProvider%20Enrollment%20%28PEP%29%2FF%2DStandard%20Operating%20Procedures%2FNew%20AMO%20PEMS%20SOPs ",PSR,positive,97%,following prr created following task due date nov mismatch report data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues spread sheet includes description mismatch pems id ppm id completed please update column h appropriate response accenture upload report prr daily discrepancies identified please let us know questions included link sops workflow sync issues new amo pems sops documents httptmhpdocumentssitesappdformsallitems aspxrootfolderfsitesfappfdfadtmhpapplicationsfprdproviderenrollmentpepffdstandardoperatingproceduresfnewamopemssops,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 644,502439,PRR 8022009 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8022009 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN must be completed.,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1932114998 PEMS 20317643 PPM PE 8013916 Due Date October 18, 2023 2614 Lavon Dr, Garland, TX, 75040-8762 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,85%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems ppm pe due date october lavon dr garland tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 645,502440,PRR 8021997 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8021997 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN must be completed.,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1962417055 PEMS 20321463 PPM PE 8012295 Due Date October 18, 2023 3030 Goliad Rd, San Antonio, TX, 78223-3959 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,83%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems ppm pe due date october goliad rd san antonio tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 646,502441,PRR 8019202 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,PRR 8019202 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN must be completed.,"REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1275540288 PEMS 20324937 PPM PE 8016320 Due Date - October 18, 2023 2990 Marina Bay Dr, League City, TX, 77573-2732 no PC generated ",PSR,positive,86%,revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems ppm pe due date october marina bay dr league city tx no pc generated,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 647,502444,PRR 8036207 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues.,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"PRR 8036207 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues must be fixed. Attached workbook has results from research. ","Data fix required to fix PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. Accenture will upload daily as discrepancies are identified. Due Date - October 18, 2023 ",PSR,positive,63%,data fix required fix pems ppm workflow syncing issues accenture upload daily discrepancies identified due date october,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 648,502454,PRR 8035848 - HHSC ESCALATION - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"Update to status to closed - approved and update approval date to today's date. Script has been created. Once deployed, will update effective date from and call MergeTransactionToMasterAsync PROD URL of TRANSACTION API. ","PRR 8035848 has been created for PEMS 20294289, the application is stuck in submitted status. NPI: 1609071661 PEMS Req: 20294289 ",PSR,negative,13%,prr created pems application stuck submitted status npi pems req,prr hhsc escalation data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 649,502455,PRR 8022003 - Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8022003 has been created for the following task: ? ?? • REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI: 1386803930 PEMS Req: 20285851 ",PSR,positive,79%,prr created following task revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems req,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 650,502462,PRR 8021995- Site Visit: Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"PRR 8021995?has been created for the following task: ? ?? • REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI: 1396750451 PEMS Req: 20321104 ",PSR,positive,78%,prr created following task revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems req,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 651,502468, PRR 8034743 API A423984001 - Unable to submit PEMS request. C21 to PEMS sync needed.,Rejected,,,"Maintenance-Update Registration Information request PEMS Submission rules preventing request submission. ""Missing required data on the Participant Information page. Please enter all information on the Participant Information page."" Automobile Insurance & DL needed in C21 and Approved API data. Vehicle Insurance Policy Number: U080123-B27-53M Eff Date- 06/11/2021 Exp Date- 02/27/2024 Requested Due date October 19, 2023 NPI A423984001 PEMS 20104482 ",PSR,positive,61%,maintenanceupdate registration information request pems submission rules preventing request submission missing required data participant information page please enter information participant information page automobile insurance dl needed c approved api data vehicle insurance policy number ubm eff date exp date requested due date october npi pems,prr api unable submit pems request c pems sync needed,1,"Pems, submit, unable, request, prr" 652,502471,PRR 8012846 - Site Visit - Site Visit bypassed - OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"SV was bypassed – per PEMS logic Revalidation/DME/ Moderate will need to route to SV Requested Due date October 18, 2023 The following PRR 8012846?has been created for the following task: ? ?? • SV was bypassed – per PEMS logic Revalidation/DME/ Moderate will need to route to SV NPI 1649285677 PEMS 20275571 PPM 7965434 Priority Medium ",PSR,negative,37%,sv bypassed per pems logic revalidationdme moderate need route sv requested due date october following prr created following task sv bypassed per pems logic revalidationdme moderate need route sv npi pems ppm priority medium,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 653,502473,CP06 Provider lookup error 750058633,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Update ""Modified Date"" for the enrollment request so that it triggers the data push to C21 so that it overwrites the legacy PEP data. Root cause analysis: The addresses were updated in PEP and never synced to C21. Not a PEMS issue. PEMS can be extended to allow ad hoc pushing of data to C21 if there is a discrepancy found in other records. see screenshots attached ","The provider lookup error for the portal below. The corresponding information for Legacy ID 3214850-01 is not matching our records. See Kirstie’s images below. 1760671341 ",PSR,negative,39%,provider lookup error portal corresponding information legacy id not matching records see kirsties images,cp provider lookup error,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 654,502484,8036595 Apple Pharmacy 8 NPI 1396275038 VDP Issue UNSCRAMBLE,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Research why address is not reflecting the same in transaction and master. Address should be 610 N Smith Ave STE 1, Hebbronville, TX, 78361-2940 Update Address for the Practice Location to '610 N Smith Ave STE 1, Hebbronville, TX, 78361-2940' for 20146259. ","Issue: Maintenance request address not showing correct information in UI. Provider not active member of Tx VDP per MCO Priority: High provider disabled until fix is made Research: The PEMS Maintenance request for address change to 610 N Smith Ave STE 1, Hebbronville, TX, 78361-2940 was approved but current data in PEMS displays 2308 Expressway 83, Suite A, TX, 78576 as enrolled. AMD Data Fix: Remove old address and ensure 610 N Smith Ave STE 1, Hebbronville, TX, 78361-2940 is the only active address NPI 1396275038 PEMS 20146259 Requested Due date October 17, 2023 ",PSR,negative,0%,issue maintenance request address not showing correct information ui provider not active member tx vdp per mco priority high provider disabled fix made research pems maintenance request address change n smith ave ste hebbronville tx approved but current data pems displays expressway suite tx enrolled amd data fix remove old address ensure n smith ave ste hebbronville tx active address npi pems requested due date october,apple pharmacy npi vdp issue unscramble,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 655,502489,PRR 8016821 - SAR 124550 PDC Update Due Date 10/16/2023,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"PDC 63 with effective date 4/26/2023 added for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 12000 Network Blvd STE 105A, San Antonio, TX, 78249-3344 associated to TPI 4578338-01 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 4/26/2023 per SAR 124550 Previously added PDC has the new date: 4/26/23. ","Updated received from BusOps to that effective date needs to be 4/26/23 instead of 3/31/23 - please update today. Update the previously added PDC with the new date. Thefollowing has been created per SAR request 124550.Due Date 10/16/2023. I’ve summarized the request below. * PRR: 8016821 * Description: PDC Update * Summary: * HHSC direction has been received to add date PDC 63 (BANKRUPTCY), per SAR 124550 Provider: • Early Bird Pediatric Therapy - San Antonio • NPI 1639538077 Action: • Add date effective 4/26/2023 to PDC 63 for thefollowing program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care o Practice Location- 12000Network Blvd STE 105A, San Antonio, TX, 78249-3344 associated to TPI 4578338-01 o Note – PDC 63 add date effective 4/26/2023 perSAR 124550 ",PSR,negative,11%,updated received busops effective date needs instead please update today update previously added pdc new date thefollowing created per sar request due date summarized request prr description pdc update summary hhsc direction received add date pdc bankruptcy per sar provider early bird pediatric therapy san antonio npi action add date effective pdc thefollowing programpractice locations program acute care practice location network blvd ste san antonio tx associated tpi note pdc add date effective persar,prr sar pdc update due date,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 656,502493,PEMS Research Request 8021999 - Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"REVALIDATION application - SRC HIGH - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI 1215336359 PEMS 20324944 PPM PE 8016214 Requested Due date October 18, 2023 ",PSR,positive,87%,revalidation application src high per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems ppm pe requested due date october,pems research request site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 657,502498,10/16/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 8 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response 4 Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 22 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received 20322325 and 20019332 TFS 496782: PEMS req 20302677 TFS 497393: PEMS Req 20292363 ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/16/23,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 658,502516,PEMS Research Request 8020905 - Site Visit- Site Visit Bypassed- OIG RETURN,Closed,SOP 45; Verified in Prod,,"OIG RETURN/Site Visit leveraged incorrectly- Request is needing to have a SV scheduled-Request needs PC ticket generated NPI 1750609459 PEMS 20296680 PPM 7984648 Requested Due date October 18, 2023 ",PSR,neutral,49%,oig returnsite visit leveraged incorrectly request needing sv scheduledrequest needs pc ticket generated npi pems ppm requested due date october,pems research request site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 659,502521,PEMS Research Request 8014833 - HHSC Escalation - Managing Employee information is now blank after OIG Approval. - AMD 10.13.23,Rejected,Duplicate,," Managing Employee information is now blank after OIG Approval. previous print batch shows information was completed, but it is now blank. NPI 1265626402 PEMS 20256506 PPM 7971827 Requested date October 16, 2023 ",PSR,negative,30%,managing employee information blank oig approval previous print batch shows information completed but blank npi pems ppm requested date october,pems research request hhsc escalation managing employee information blank oig approval amd,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 660,502527,PRR 8037167 – HHSC Escalation - Route to OIG radial button not saving,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Route to OIG radial button within the Special handling section should be set to ""No"". Confirmed with PE that this should be set to ""No"" ","Trying to save NO on the Route to OIG radial button within the Special handling section. When clicking save, the selection blanks out. NPI 1194743013 PEMS 20302834 PPM PE 7994483 Due date October 17, 2023 Priority High ",PSR,negative,41%,trying save no route oig radial button within special handling section clicking save selection blanks npi pems ppm pe due date october priority high,prr hhsc escalation route oig radial button not saving,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 661,502530,PRR 8009773 – {{PBI needed for Workflow Logic - PEMS# 20248563 PCs not being generated for reworks to return to site visit/OIG Return }},Closed,Verified in Prod,,"Application is in PENDING OIG- requesting back – SV was bypassed – per PEMS logic Rework Missing or incomplete application should route back to PSV. NPI 1316142078 PEMS 20248563 PPM 7967944 Requested Due date October 18, 2023 ",PSR,negative,18%,application pending oig requesting back sv bypassed per pems logic rework missing incomplete application route back psv npi pems ppm requested due date october,prr pbi needed workflow logic pems pcs not generated reworks return site visitoig return,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 662,502558,PPM/PEMS workflow sync,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"20291620 PPM: 7978543 - Changeset 406710 20002558 PPM: 7646993 - Synced both In Progress ","PEMS Req: 20291620 PPM: 7978543 PEMS Req: 20002558 PPM: 7646993 More information in attachment, the white highlighted records. ",PSR,positive,62%,pems req ppm pems req ppm information attachment white highlighted records,ppmpems workflow sync,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 663,502560,PRR 8037040 Finger Print Required should be YES,Removed,,,"PRR 8037040 has been created for the following task: • All O/C/P Persons with 5% or greater ownership need FINGERPRINT REQUIRED set to YES. Please provide a response once completed or reach out to Jose “Angel” Zepeda if you have any questions. NPI: 1861936593 PEMS Req; 20286648 ",PSR,positive,86%,prr created following task ocp persons greater ownership need fingerprint required set yes please provide response completed reach jose angel zepeda questions npi pems req,prr finger print required yes,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 664,502561,PRR 8037042 -20311379 Finger Print Required should be YES,Closed,Verified in Prod,PRR 8037042 -20311379 Finger Print Required should be YES must be completed.,"All O/C/P Persons with 5% or greater ownership need FINGERPRINT REQUIRED set to YES. NPI 1891479820 PEMS 20311379 PPM PE 8009235 Due date October 23, 2023 Priority - High ",PSR,positive,76%,ocp persons greater ownership need fingerprint required set yes npi pems ppm pe due date october priority high,prr finger print required yes,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 665,502562,PRR 8038935 - Provider Failed to Merge to Master--TFS ticket needed,New,,"Please research, i do see the license was updated and the PDC should have been removed.","Please review why the revalidation request failed to merge to master and additionally, how many others are in this same situation. The data fixes that were done to extend the dates should probably be reviewed as well. Provider is receiving a message they need to submit a new revalidation application when the existing one is valid. Provider: Dallas County Hospital District NPI: 1790963130 Issue: See info below Summary 1) Revalidation request failed to merge to master with the new enrollment segment on 2023-09-20. 2) Data fix applied on 2023-10-06 that added 6 months to the existing enrollment segment. NPI 1790963130 PEMS Request# 20273099 Provider Name: Dallas county Hospital District Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/25/23 Please review why the revalidation request failed to merge to master and additionally, how many others are in this same situation. The data fixes that were done to extend the dates should probably be reviewed as well. Provider is receiving a message they need to submit a new revalidation application when the existing one is valid.Date Action User Taking Action Comment 2023-06-25 Revalidation Request Create - 20273099 wellscg At the time of creation of the request, the enrollment segment (master table id = 87681)from 2009-03-17 to 2023-08-09. 2023-09-20 Request Approved but failed to merge to master. New Enrollment Segment added from 2023-08-10 to 2028-08-09 to the request but the merge failure meant it never made it to master. 2023-10-05 16:47:56.703 Data fix to master – Changed end date of Enrollment Segment End Date 499994 Data fix to the enrollment segment (master table id = 87681) which had dates from 2009-03-17 to 2023-08-09. The data fix changed the end date of the segment to 2024-08-09. Segment now had dates of 2009-03-17 to 2024-08-09 2023-10-06 18:42:45.833 Data fix to master – Changed end date of Enrollment Segment End Date 499994 Data fix to the enrollment segment (master table id = 87681) from 2009-03-17 to 2024-08-09. The data fix changed the end date to 2024-02-09. Segment now had dates of 2009-03-17 to 2024-02-09 ",PSR,negative,0%,please review revalidation request failed merge master additionally many others situation data fixes done extend dates probably reviewed well provider receiving message need submit new revalidation application existing one valid provider dallas county hospital district npi issue see info summary revalidation request failed merge master new enrollment segment data fix applied added months existing enrollment segment npi pems request provider name dallas county hospital district priority medium requested due date please review revalidation request failed merge master additionally many others situation data fixes done extend dates probably reviewed well provider receiving message need submit new revalidation application existing one valid date action user taking action comment revalidation request create wellscg time creation request enrollment segment master table id request approved but failed merge master new enrollment segment added request but merge failure meant never made master data fix master changed end date enrollment segment end date data fix enrollment segment master table id dates data fix changed end date segment segment dates data fix master changed end date enrollment segment end date data fix enrollment segment master table id data fix changed end date segment dates,prr provider failed merge mastertfs ticket needed,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 666,502584,Query to Identify VDP providers who Re-enrolled/Revalidated but have a Gap,New,,,"Query to Identify VDP providers who Re-enrolled/Revalidated but have a Gap. with revalidation due date between 5/12/2023 through 11/11/2023 VDP Providers who submitted a re-enrollment or revalidation prior to their revalidation due date and the application was closed enrolled 45 days after the revalidation due date. Make sure you look for the original revalidation due date in the history table if the original revalidation due date field is not populated. You can utilize the previous query for the providers that were disenrolled 8/23. ",BSR,neutral,57%,query identify vdp providers reenrolledrevalidated but gap revalidation due date vdp providers submitted reenrollment revalidation prior revalidation due date application closed enrolled days revalidation due date make sure look original revalidation due date history table original revalidation due date field not populated utilize previous query providers disenrolled,query identify vdp providers reenrolledrevalidated but gap,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 667,502590,PRR 8036318 Remove Status Code/PDC 60 - NPI 1003166752,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"Remove PDC 60 from all programs - There is an active Surety Bond in PEMS. TPI: 315520201 & TPI: 315520203 NPI: 1003166752 ","PRR 8036318 has been created for the following task: Current Surety Bond on file dates 2/18/2023-2/18/2024 PEMS Status Code/PDC 60 effective 2/17/2023 needs to be removed. TPI: 315520201 & TPI: 315520203 NPI: 1003166752 Please provide a response to Jose “Angel” Zepeda once completed or reach out if you have any questions ",PSR,neutral,52%,prr created following task current surety bond file dates pems status codepdc effective needs removed tpi tpi npi please provide response jose angel zepeda completed reach questions,prr remove status codepdc npi,20,"Prr, remove, status, codepdc, npi" 668,502591, PRR 8036321 Remove Status Code/PDC 60 - NPI 1447406111,Accepted,SOP 55,Remove PDC 60 from all programs - There is an active Surety Bond in PEMS.,"PRR 8036321 has been created for the following task: Current Surety Bond on file dates 10/21/2021-10/21/2023 PEMS Status Code/PDC 60 effective 11/6/2021 needs to be removed. TPI: 414334901 NPI: 144740611 Please provide a response to Jose “Angel” Zepeda once completed or reach out if you have any questions ",PSR,neutral,52%,prr created following task current surety bond file dates pems status codepdc effective needs removed tpi npi please provide response jose angel zepeda completed reach questions,prr remove status codepdc npi,20,"Prr, remove, status, codepdc, npi" 669,502592,PRR 8036324 Remove Status Code/PDC 60 - NPI 1457495541,Accepted,SOP 14,Remove PDC 60 from all programs - There is an active Surety Bond in PEMS.,"PRR 8036324 has been created for the following task: Current Surety Bond on file dates 11/15/2023-11/15/2023 PEMS Status Code/PDC 60 effective 11/14/2023 needs to be removed. TPI: 148811601 NPI:1457495541 Please provide a response to Jose “Angel” Zepeda once completed or reach out if you have any questions. ",PSR,neutral,52%,prr created following task current surety bond file dates pems status codepdc effective needs removed tpi npi please provide response jose angel zepeda completed reach questions,prr remove status codepdc npi,20,"Prr, remove, status, codepdc, npi" 670,502594,PRR 8036320 Remove Status Code/PDC 60 - NPI 1730546193 ,Accepted,SOP 14,Remove PDC 60 from all programs - There is an active Surety Bond in PEMS.,"Current Surety Bond on file dates 2/1/2023-2/1/2024 PEMS Status Code/PDC 60 effective 1/31/2023 needs to be removed. TPI: 401635401 NPI 1730546193 Due Date October 23, 2023 ",PSR,negative,43%,current surety bond file dates pems status codepdc effective needs removed tpi npi due date october,prr remove status codepdc npi,20,"Prr, remove, status, codepdc, npi" 671,502595,Manual Update of Medicare Number,New,,,Escalations received for updating Medicare number. Need analysis on why this request comes to AMD.,Research and Analysis,neutral,57%,escalations received updating medicare number need analysis request comes amd,manual update medicare number,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 672,502596,PRR 8036323 Remove Status Code/PDC 60 - NPI 1265858591,Accepted,SOP 14,Remove PDC 60 from all programs - There is an active Surety Bond in PEMS.,"Current Surety Bond on file dates 3/20/2023 3/20/2024 PEMS Status Code/PDC 60 effective 3/19/2023 needs to be removed. TPI: 342688403 NPI 1265858591 Due Date - October 23, 2023 ",PSR,negative,43%,current surety bond file dates pems status codepdc effective needs removed tpi npi due date october,prr remove status codepdc npi,20,"Prr, remove, status, codepdc, npi" 673,502606,Root cause: Unable to remove duplicate Medicare number,New,,,"The provider is unable to remove duplicate Medicare number in PEMS. The remove button is not present. Once Data is in master and pushed to C21, it's not supposed to be deleted. Especially data that is required for claims. There could be claims paid with the data and it its removed could look like claims are being paid without the required information,",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,provider unable remove duplicate medicare number pems remove button not present data master pushed c not supposed deleted especially data required claims could claims paid data removed could look like claims paid without required information,root unable remove duplicate medicare number,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 674,502607,PRR 8037041- 20311187 Finger Print Required should be YES,Closed,Verified in Prod,,"All O/C/P Persons with 5% or greater ownership need FINGERPRINT REQUIRED set to YES. NPI 1861407819 PEMS 20311187 PPM PE 8019900 Requested Due date October 23, 2023 Priority High ",PSR,positive,76%,ocp persons greater ownership need fingerprint required set yes npi pems ppm pe requested due date october priority high,prr finger print required yes,17,"Prr, required, yes, fingerprinting, set" 675,502609,PRR 8037627 PDC 60 effective date should be 8/2/2023,Accepted,SOP 14,Remove PDC 60. The provider has an active surety bond on the application.,"Status Code/PDC 60 should be removed Surety Bond dates8/1/2023-08/01/2024 NPI 1164756755 PEMS 20204627 PPM 7880570 Requested date October 23, 2023 Priority Medium ",PSR,positive,82%,status codepdc removed surety bond dates npi pems ppm requested date october priority medium,prr pdc effective date,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 676,502610,PRR 8036322 and 8036319 Remove Status Code/PDC 60 - NPI 1760993968,Accepted,SOP 14,Remove PDC 60 from all programs - There is an active Surety Bond in PEMS.,"Current Surety Bond on file dates 11/10/2022-11/10/2023 PEMS Status Code/PDC 60 effective 11/9/2022 needs to be removed. TPI: 421124501 NPI 1760993968 Requested Due date October 23, 2023 Priority Medium ",PSR,neutral,48%,current surety bond file dates pems status codepdc effective needs removed tpi npi requested due date october priority medium,prr remove status codepdc npi,20,"Prr, remove, status, codepdc, npi" 677,502611,PRR 8036319 Remove Status Code/PDC 60 - NPI 1760993968,Rejected,,,"Current Surety Bond on file dates 11/10/2022-11/10/2023 PEMS Status Code/PDC 60 effective 11/9/2022 needs to be removed. TPI: 421124501 Requested Completion Date October 23, 2023 Priority Medium NPI 1760993968 ",PSR,neutral,53%,current surety bond file dates pems status codepdc effective needs removed tpi requested completion date october priority medium npi,prr remove status codepdc npi,20,"Prr, remove, status, codepdc, npi" 678,502633,Code Fix- Systematic Deficiency Proof of Fingerprinting- no owners present with 5% or more ownership.,New,,,"PEMS is indicating a systematic deficiency when Screen Risk is High and no owners are present with 5% or more ownership. Deficiency number 718134 Missing or Invalid Attachment - Proof of Fingerprinting needs to be removed - no owners present with 5% or more ownership. ",MSR,negative,18%,pems indicating systematic deficiency screen risk high no owners present ownership deficiency number missing invalid attachment proof fingerprinting needs removed no owners present ownership,code fix systematic deficiency proof fingerprinting no owners present ownership,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 679,502640,"PRR 8037632 Program Status should be Active, No PDC on file.",Accepted,SOP 55,"NPI: 1447406111 PEMS Req: 20115793, 20356529 Update PDC 60 effective date to 10/22/2023","PRR 8037632 has been created for the following task: • Acute Care Fee-for-Services program Status should be Active, No PDC on file. NPI: 1447406111 PEMS Req: 20115793 ",PSR,positive,68%,prr created following task acute care feeforservices program status active no pdc file npi pems req,prr program status active no pdc file,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 680,502643,"PRR 8037630 Program Status should be Enrolled, No PDC on file.",Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod,Remove PDC 60 from all programs,"Acute Care Fee-for-Services & CHIP program Status should be Enrolled, No PDC on file. NPI 1740606409 Active Surety Bond 11/12/2020-11/11/2023 Due date October 23, 2023 PEMS 20116178 PPM PE 7780583 Acute Care Fee-for-Services & CHIP program Status should be Enrolled, PDC 60 needs to be removed Current Surety Bond dates on file 11/12/202-11/11/2023 ",PSR,positive,85%,acute care feeforservices chip program status enrolled no pdc file npi active surety bond due date october pems ppm pe acute care feeforservices chip program status enrolled pdc needs removed current surety bond dates file,prr program status enrolled no pdc file,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 681,502645,PRR 8023964 –Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN,Rejected,,,"PRR 8023964 has been created for the following task: {{Site Visit - Site Visit Bypassed / OIG RETURN}} REVALIDATION application - SRC Moderate - per PEMS logic, a PC should be generated for all practice locations. NPI: 1528075520 PEMS Req: 20327054 ",PSR,positive,85%,prr created following task site visit site visit bypassed oig return revalidation application src moderate per pems logic pc generated practice locations npi pems req,prr site visit site visit bypassed oig return,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 682,502691,10/17/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 8 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response 1 Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 27 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/17/23,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 683,502710,PRR 8027998 - THHP Inquiry | TMHP/HHSC PEMS Issue #:11579811,New,NPI is not valid- sent email,,"PRR 8027998 - THHP Inquiry | TMHP/HHSC PEMS Issue #:11579811 TCHP has identified a New issue with over 120 unique NPI who have only a specialty code but no provider type code. Example: NPI 18011892930 GUID D347CCEB-9FE6-4AC6-806F-07C0C9A053F2 for location 610 N Main shows a type code in the related 300 of 20. This GUID also shows a 210 for a location change however the rest of the data in that field is blank. GUID 098EBE9C-7712-4ED0-9E4B-1A1339F808E1 for location 610 N Main shows no type code in the related 300 segment but this GUID does show a 210 of the same address (610 N Main) with different effective dates than the one above. My questions/issues are: 1. Can providers not have a type code? The impact of this is that if I were to use the specialty in this case of 02 then how would I determine the level of provider this is for this location? The downstream impact is to both upcoming P files and the directory has provider searches are done by provider type and therefore this provider would not be searchable. 2. Should the 210 in the first guid have a completed address that was change OR should the second guid be the valid one however that information is incomplete on the 300 level. 3. Is there a mechanism in place that identifies incomplete change records like identified in guid number 1? 4. When a NPI has the same practice type at the same location, why are there 2 guids when guid number 2 shows it is a changed record of guid 1, but incomplete with 300 level information. Why is guid 1 still active? ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,prr thhp inquiry tmhphhsc pems issue tchp identified new issue unique npi specialty code but no provider type code example npi guid dccebfeacfccaf location n main shows type code related guid also shows location change however rest data field blank guid ebecedebafe location n main shows no type code related segment but guid show address n main different effective dates one questionsissues providers not type code impact use specialty case would determine level provider location downstream impact upcoming p files directory provider searches done provider type therefore provider would not searchable first guid completed address change second guid valid one however information incomplete level mechanism place identifies incomplete change records like identified guid number npi practice type location guids guid number shows changed record guid but incomplete level information guid still active,prr thhp inquiry tmhphhsc pems issue,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 684,502749,PRR 7975654 - Screening Error,Closed,SOP 40; Verified in Prod,"A record was removed in the Owner/Creditor/Principal License Screening and a record was orphaned in the Screening Request table. SOP - Execute the scriptto data fix Screening records - remove records from Screening Request andinsert into Screening Response. Note : PE needs to complete the screening for this request to complete the application ","PRR 7975654 - Screening Error NPI 1427418904 PEMS 20310444 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 SCREENING FOR THIS REQUIRED IS NOT COMPLETED error when screening is set to NOT REQUIRED. processor is unable to progress application because of screening error. ",PSR,negative,1%,prr screening error npi pems priority high requested due date screening required not completed error screening set not required processor unable progress application screening error,prr screening error,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 685,502763,"Update the Internal Provider Type, and/or specialty on PEMS",Closed,SOP 24; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1306897335 PEMS Request# 20291605 Update PEMS Provider Type (Service Id) to Hospital Out-of-State","following PRR 8011434?has been created for the following task: • Update the Internal Provider Type: Provider Type in PEMS shows Hospital - In-state but Specialty shows Hospital - Other/Out-of-State. NPI 1306897335 PEMS Request# 20291605 Priority; Medium Requested Due Date: 10/24/23 Provider type in PEMS shows Hospital - In-state but Specialty shows Hospital - Other/Out-of-State. provider specialty should correspond with the provider type. ",PSR,negative,1%,following prr created following task update internal provider type provider type pems shows hospital instate but specialty shows hospital otheroutofstate npi pems request priority medium requested due date provider type pems shows hospital instate but specialty shows hospital otheroutofstate provider specialty correspond provider type,update internal provider type andor specialty pems,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 686,502764,Welcome Letters Not Generated - Requeue Latest 100,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Most recent 100 letters that need to be requeued for generation are queued. Monitor that the requeued requests process and identify if any fail on retry for further analysis. ","Retry the most recent 100 failed Welcome Letter records in Production. This script will use one step of SOP 27 to queue the requests going back by date from yesterday. ",PSR,positive,68%,retry recent failed welcome letter records production script use one step sop queue requests going back date yesterday,welcome letters not generated requeue latest,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 687,502765,NPI DOB needs to be corrected,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Update both transaction and master NPI - 1710120274 PEMS 20285629 DOB needs to be corrected to 6/27/1982 MstrEnrollProviderInfo","DOB field is greyed out for provider admin. Provider unable to make corrections. Deficiency was sent to update DOB, but due to field being greyed out, the admin was not able to edit the field. Correct Provider DOB is- 6/27/1982 Due Date - October 24, 2023 NPI - 1710120274 PEMS 20285629 PPE PM 7985354 Priority - High ",PSR,negative,1%,dob field greyed provider admin provider unable make corrections deficiency sent update dob but due field greyed admin not able edit field correct provider dob due date october npi pems ppe pm priority high,npi dob needs corrected,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 688,502766,Provider Type missing from the P/O table,Removed,,,"PRR 8012996 has been created for the following task: ? ?? • Provider type missing from the P/O table NPI: 1548293566 PEMS Req: 20315822 ",PSR,negative,20%,prr created following task provider type missing po table npi pems req,provider type missing po table,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 689,502767,App fee for CSHCN need to be removed,Closed,Verified in Prod,"NPI 1447584032 PEMS 20307620 The taxonomy crosswalk shows app fee is not require for CSHCN Skilled Nursing Services (Home Health Agency). 44/61. Remove the duplicate app fee from app fee table.","The provider is enrolled in Acute Care - Fee-for-Service HCSSA & CSHCN Skilled Nursing Services (Home Health Agency) pems is requesting 2 application fees. When it should only request the one for Acute Care - Fee-for-Service HCSSA. Note: Application fee should not be calculated for CSHCN Skilled Nursing Services (Home Health Agency). 44/61. NPI 1447584032 PEMS 20307620 PPE PM 8008471 Due Date - October 24, 2023 ",PSR,negative,24%,provider enrolled acute care feeforservice hcssa cshcn skilled nursing services home health agency pems requesting application fees request one acute care feeforservice hcssa note application fee not calculated cshcn skilled nursing services home health agency npi pems ppe pm due date october,app fee cshcn need removed,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 690,502776,HHSC agreement is showing up in OnBase but not showing signed in PEMS,Closed,Verified in Prod, HHSC agreement is showing up in OnBase but not showing signed in PEMS must be fixed. see screenshots attached.,"HHSC agreement is showing up in onbase but not showing signed in PEMS NPI: 1922531771 PEMS: 20303421 PPE PM: 8004358 Due Date: October 24, 2023 Priority: Medium ",PSR,negative,10%,hhsc agreement showing onbase but not showing signed pems npi pems ppe pm due date october priority medium,hhsc agreement showing onbase but not showing signed pems,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 691,502778,PPM/PEMS Workflow sync (Mismatch),Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"These are already Synced: PEMS 20280516 --Pending Response PPM 7967333 -- Pending Response NPI: 1720779531 ","PEMS 20280516 -- Provider Contacted Prior to Auto Clos PPM 7967333 -- Response Received NPI: 1720779531 ",PSR,positive,64%,pems provider contacted prior auto clos ppm response received npi,ppmpems workflow sync mismatch,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 692,502780,PEMS/PPM Workflow Sync,Closed,SOP 12,Request was forwarded to the PPM team whom synced the request through Admin screen. ,"PEMS: 20315235 - Closed - Enrolled PPM; 8004256 - Ready to Enroll ",PSR,neutral,50%,pems closed enrolled ppm ready enroll,pemsppm workflow sync,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 693,502781,Root Cause Analysis - License Updates Being Sent to AMD SMS,New,,,"Requests are coming to AMD to add/remove/update licenses. See linked tickets for those escalations. Need analysis on why AMD gets these escalations. Code defect? End user access to update? We have to keep in mind that removing a license could be an issue if ever audited. Especially if claims are paid for a provider that requires a license and maybe at the time the claim was paid the license was there but was later removed. Also claims could be inflight and a license was there so it passed all the edits and then was later removed. There is a reason that the logic to not allow a license to be removed once in master was added initially. That being said there are a lot of cases where in the legacy data a license was added on the wrong provider, or a license was not keyed correctly with the correct dates. ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,requests coming amd addremoveupdate licenses see linked tickets escalations need analysis amd gets escalations code defect end user access update keep mind removing license could issue ever audited especially claims paid provider requires license maybe time claim paid license but later removed also claims could inflight license passed edits later removed reason logic not allow license removed master added initially said lot cases legacy data license added wrong provider license not keyed correctly correct dates,root analysis license updates sent amd sms,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 694,502782,Route to OIG radial button within the Special handling section won't save,New,,,"Trying to save NO on the Route to OIG radial button within the Special handling section. When clicking save, the selection blanks out.",Research and Analysis,neutral,47%,trying save no route oig radial button within special handling section clicking save selection blanks,route oig radial button within special handling section not save,24,"Special, handling, no, status, not" 695,502783,PEMS/PPM Workflow Sync,Closed,SOP 12,Request was forwarded to the PPM team whom synced the request through Admin screen. ,"PEMS: 20292363 - In Progress PPM: 8012916 - New PPM/PEMS out of sync ",PSR,positive,70%,pems progress ppm new ppmpems sync,pemsppm workflow sync,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 696,502785,PPM/PEMS Workflow Sync (Mismatch),Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"Request status updated to '4' per SOP. Root cause analysis backlog ticket is already linked. 503291 ","PEMS: 20295383 - Submitted PPM: 8009286 - New PPM and PEMS are out of sync ",PSR,positive,67%,pems submitted ppm new ppm pems sync,ppmpems workflow sync mismatch,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 697,502787,PPM/PEMS Workflow Sync (Mismatch),Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Forwarded to PPM team ,"PEMS: 20332931 -Closed-approved PPM: 8023154 -Ready to Enroll PPM/PEMS are out of sync ",PSR,negative,42%,pems closedapproved ppm ready enroll ppmpems sync,ppmpems workflow sync mismatch,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 698,502797,Unable to remove License with issue of OTHER,Rejected,,,"PRR 8013932 - Unable to remove License with issue of OTHER NPI 1124139340 PEMS Request# 2087954 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Unable to remove License with issuer of OTHER. Per wiki, remove button should be present on licenses listed as OTHER. Please remove license # 149161 ",PSR,negative,23%,prr unable remove license issue npi pems request priority medium requested due date unable remove license issuer per wiki remove button present licenses listed please remove license,unable remove license issue,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 699,502798,Systematic Deficiency ,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Update the active deficiencies status to resolved for the request 20208883 Note: Provider has already made the required corrections. Linked ticket 504113 created to put in a code fix to precent this issue in the future. ","Systematic Deficiency ""Please enter all the required information..."" populating when information is completed. CAT 1512020 - Systematic Deficiency ""Please enter all the required information..."" populating when information is completed. no required fields are blank under the programs and services participation details. NPI 1689628232 PEMS 20208883 PPM PE 7890095 Due Date October 24, 2023 Priority - Medium ",PSR,positive,63%,systematic deficiency please enter required information populating information completed cat systematic deficiency please enter required information populating information completed no required fields blank programs services participation details npi pems ppm pe due date october priority medium,systematic deficiency,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 700,502800,"Practice Location Merge- (121 N Zarzamora St, San Antonio, TX, 78207-3739) - 9/15 Fix Still Needed",Closed,SOP 18; Verified in Prod,"Keep Practice Location - 121 N Zarzamora St, San Antonio, TX, 78207-3739 and merge the duplicate. NPI 1427296631 PEMS 20316259 ","Practice Location Merge- (121 N Zarzamora St, San Antonio, TX, 78207-3739) Remove Address (121 N. ZARZAMORA STREET, SAN ANTONIO, TX, 78207) merge duplicate prac location NPI 1427296631 PEMS 20316259 PPM PE 8006333 Due Date - October 24, 2023 ",PSR,neutral,56%,practice location merge n zarzamora st san antonio tx remove address n zarzamora street san antonio tx merge duplicate prac location npi pems ppm pe due date october,practice location merge n zarzamora st san antonio tx fix still needed,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 701,502802,"Update the Internal Provider Type, and/or specialty on PEMS",Ready,emailed ACN,"NPI 1053382655 PEMS Request# 20296543 Update PEMS Provider Type (Service Id) to Hospital Out-of-State Also need to do crosswalk update. See template attached. Only the Crosswalk Changes tab. ","PRR 8012736 - Update the Internal Provider Type, and/or specialty on PEMS NPI 1053382655 PEMS Request# 20296543 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/24/23 The Provider type is showing Hospital In state but the specialty is showing hospital Out of State, ",PSR,negative,8%,prr update internal provider type andor specialty pems npi pems request priority medium requested due date provider type showing hospital state but specialty showing hospital state,update internal provider type andor specialty pems,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 702,502807,"HCSSA enrollment should be Acute Care - Fee-for-Service ""Home Health""",Closed,SOP 24; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1487696118 TPI 0247884-01 PEMS Request#20258279 4171 N Mesa St BLDG D, 400A, El Paso, TX, 79902-1444 Program Acute Care - Fee-for-Service Update PEMS provider type (service id) to HOH Home Health ","8037993 HCSSA enrollment should be Acute Care - Fee-for-Service ""Home Health"" NPI 1487696118 PEMS Request#20258279 Priority High Requested Due Date: 10/24/23 Conversion Issue Acute Care - Fee-for-Service HCSSA enrollment should be Acute Care - Fee-for-Service ""Home Health"". Provider TPI 0247884-01 has Medicare number 677665 on file in C21 and should have been converted into PEMS as a Home Health Provider. ",PSR,neutral,57%,hcssa enrollment acute care feeforservice home health npi pems request priority high requested due date conversion issue acute care feeforservice hcssa enrollment acute care feeforservice home health provider tpi medicare number file c converted pems home health provider,hcssa enrollment acute care feeforservice home health,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 703,502816,Update Hidden Deficiency in PEMS ,Closed,SOP 2; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency can be removed as duplicate from Program and Service Participation Details page (the count shows as one) having Id 208 and business object id-1340151 ""All questions showing a red asterisk need to be answered on PEMS application. "" ","PRR 8020476 - Update Hidden Deficiency in PEMS NPI 1437366473 PEMS Request# 20304212 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/24/23 Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def # 711715. ",PSR,negative,43%,prr update hidden deficiency pems npi pems request priority medium requested due date hidden def needs removed practice location information def,update hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 704,502817,PRR 8034094 - TLE doesn't modify the enrollment term for existing,Rejected,,,"PRR 8034094 - TLE doesn't modify the enrollment term for existing PEMS Request# 20007293 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Revalidation requests contain invalid enrollment period segments and require correction. 20007293 - invalid enrollment period needs to be removed, begin date cannot be before end date. begin date 4/26/2027 end date 6/1/2024 This is tied to the OIG issue tracker with the OIG small group team. OIG is requesting confirmation that PEMS is working as designed and no defect exists for revalidation TLEs. ",PSR,negative,6%,prr tle not modify enrollment term existing pems request priority medium requested due date revalidation requests contain invalid enrollment period segments require correction invalid enrollment period needs removed begin date not end date begin date end date tied oig issue tracker oig small group team oig requesting confirmation pems working designed no defect exists revalidation tles,prr tle not modify enrollment term existing,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 705,502818,Provider type missing from the P/O table,Ready,,,"PRR 8012996 - P/T missing from the P/O table NPI 1548293566 PEMS Request# 203115822 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/24/23 Provider type missing from the P/O table ",PSR,negative,7%,prr pt missing po table npi pems request priority medium requested due date provider type missing po table,provider type missing po table,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 706,502827,PRR 8032208 – Systematic Deficiencies should not populate All required information is in application,Ready,,"Please research. These Systematic Deficiencies should not populate. All required information is listed in application. ' Missing required data on the Programs page for practice location record. Please enter all required information on the Programs page of the practice location record.' 'In order to enroll and/or maintain enrollment in this program, please add the missing license, certification, or accreditation to the program record.' License information is listed under the practice location. ","NPI 1326060021 PEMS Request# 20287085 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Deficiencies in PEMS are populating stating ' Missing required data on the Programs page for practice location record. Please enter all required information on the Programs page of the practice location record.' & 'In order to enroll and/or maintain enrollment in this program, please add the missing license, certification, or accreditation to the program record.' License information is listed under the practice location. These Systematic Deficiencies should not populate. All required information is listed in application. The following PRR 8032208 has been created for the following task: {{ Remove Systematic deficiency in PEMS }} ",PSR,negative,6%,npi pems request priority medium requested due date deficiencies pems populating stating missing required data programs page practice location record please enter required information programs page practice location record order enroll andor maintain enrollment program please add missing license certification accreditation program record license information listed practice location systematic deficiencies not populate required information listed application following prr created following task remove systematic deficiency pems,prr systematic deficiencies not populate required information application,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 707,502838,Provider Name not displaying as expected - 278 PA Impacts - NPI 1902236326,New,,The provider was enrolled as a Facility in PEP but converted to PEMS as an individual. see doc attached.,"The Provider Name, Juan H Ramirez is being stored completely in the Last Name field in PEMS DB. This is causing 278 files to be generated missing the NM104 (First Name) element, leading to the file being rejected. NPI 1902236326 ",PSR,negative,6%,provider name juan h ramirez stored completely last name field pems db causing files generated missing nm first name element leading file rejected npi,provider name not displaying expected pa impacts npi,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 708,502839,Provider Name not displaying as expected - 278 PA Impacts - NPI 1629340641,New,,The provider was enrolled as a Facility in PEP but converted to PEMS as an individual. see doc attached.,"The Provider Name, Alberto Vasquez is being stored completely in the Last Name field in PEMS DB. This is causing 278 files to be generated missing the NM104 (First Name) element, leading to the file being rejected. NPI 1629340641 ",PSR,negative,5%,provider name alberto vasquez stored completely last name field pems db causing files generated missing nm first name element leading file rejected npi,provider name not displaying expected pa impacts npi,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 709,502850,Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report),Closed,Verified in Prod,"PRR 8038390 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) must be fixed. Added spreadsheet with research findings. All have been synced. ","Data fix required to fix PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. Accenture will upload daily as discrepancies are identified. Due Date - October 24, 2023 ",PSR,positive,63%,data fix required fix pems ppm workflow syncing issues accenture upload daily discrepancies identified due date october,data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 710,502852,NPI DOB needs to be corrected,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Update both transaction and master NPI 1841226602 PEMS 20265179 DOB needs to be corrected to 11/22/1962 MstrEnrollProviderInfo ","PRR 8037989 NPI DOB Needs to be Corrected NPI 1841226602 PEMS 20265179 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/24/23 DOB field is greyed out for provider admin. Provider unable to make corrections. Deficiency was sent to update DOB, but due to field being greyed out, the admin was not able to edit the field. Correct Provider DOB is- 11/22/1962 ",PSR,negative,1%,prr npi dob needs corrected npi pems priority high requested due date dob field greyed provider admin provider unable make corrections deficiency sent update dob but due field greyed admin not able edit field correct provider dob,npi dob needs corrected,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 711,502857, TLE doesn't modify the enrollment term for existing,Rejected,,,"PRR 8034095 - TLE doesn't modify the enrollment term for existing 8034095 NPI 1376595991 PEMS 2033895 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/22/23 Revalidation requests contain invalid enrollment period segments and require correction. 20033895 - invalid enrollment period needs to be removed, begin date cannot be before end date. begin date 5/2/2024 end date 5/1/2024. This is tied to the OIG issue tracker with the OIG small group team. OIG is requesting confirmation that PEMS is working as designed and no defect exists for revalidation TLEs. ",PSR,negative,6%,prr tle not modify enrollment term existing npi pems priority medium requested due date revalidation requests contain invalid enrollment period segments require correction invalid enrollment period needs removed begin date not end date begin date end date tied oig issue tracker oig small group team oig requesting confirmation pems working designed no defect exists revalidation tles,tle not modify enrollment term existing,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 712,502859,"HCSSA enrollment should be Acute Care - Fee-for-Service ""Home Health""",Removed,,"NPI 1942341599 TPI 178270801 PEMS 20330149 2515 N Belt Line Rd, Sunnyvale, TX, 75182-9385 Program Acute Care - Fee-for-Service Update PEMS provider type (service id) to HOH Home Health ","PRR 8037994 - HCSSA enrollment should be Acute Care - Fee-for-Service ""Home Health"" NPI 1942341599 PEMS 20330149 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/24/23 Conversion Issue Acute Care - Fee-for-Service HCSSA enrollment should be Acute Care - Fee-for-Service ""Home Health"". Provider TPI 178270801 has Medicare number 457895 file in C21 and should have been converted into PEMS as a Home Health Provider. ",PSR,neutral,60%,prr hcssa enrollment acute care feeforservice home health npi pems priority high requested due date conversion issue acute care feeforservice hcssa enrollment acute care feeforservice home health provider tpi medicare number file c converted pems home health provider,hcssa enrollment acute care feeforservice home health,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 713,502891,10/18/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received - Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response 5 Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 15 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/18/23,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 714,502972,SAR 125300-1 LBA table updates - Due 11/1/23,New,,PRR 8039246 - SAR 125300-1 LBA table updates - Due 11/1/23,"HHSC has requested updates to an existing PEMS extract for licensed behavior analyst enrollment tracking. This report is sent to HHSC bi-weekly and includes a list of in-flight and closed-enrolled LBA applications. SAR 125300 was submitted to TMHP requesting that the extract be updated to include the NPI of the Group Initiator for Performing Provider submissions. Priority - Preventive Maintenance/Performance Improvement. Due Date - November 1, 2023 ",MSR,negative,22%,hhsc requested updates existing pems extract licensed behavior analyst enrollment tracking report sent hhsc biweekly includes list inflight closedenrolled lba applications sar submitted tmhp requesting extract updated include npi group initiator performing provider submissions priority preventive maintenanceperformance improvement due date november,sar lba table updates due,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 715,502980,Revalidation Due Date/Enrollment Period Extension PHE -No PDCs,Closed,Post-PHE; Verified in Prod,,"Completely un-filter the list and lookfor any that have no PDC at all and that were not previously updated with oneof our TFS. The revalidation due date/enrollment period need to be extended by 6-months. Revalidation Due Date should reflect the new revalidation due date. Original Revalidation Date should reflect the previous revalidation due date. Enrollment Period end date (EnrollSegmentEndDate) should match the revalidation due date. ",PSR,negative,20%,completely unfilter list lookfor no pdc not previously updated oneof tfs revalidation due dateenrollment period need extended months revalidation due date reflect new revalidation due date original revalidation date reflect previous revalidation due date enrollment period end date enrollsegmentenddate match revalidation due date,revalidation due dateenrollment period extension phe no pdcs,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 716,502995,PRR 8039421 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report),Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Added workbook for current research findings. ,"PRR 8039421 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/25/23 Data fix required to fix PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. Accenture will upload daily as discrepancies are identified. ",PSR,positive,69%,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report priority medium requested due date data fix required fix pems ppm workflow syncing issues accenture upload daily discrepancies identified,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 717,503049,If Deficiency is still Deficient provider should not be able to submit application,New,,,If Deficiency is still Deficient provider should not be able to submit application.,Research and Analysis,negative,12%,deficiency still deficient provider not able submit application,deficiency still deficient provider not able submit application,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 718,503055,10/19/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 6 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response - Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress - 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received 12 ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/19/23,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 719,503175,Orphaned records in Screening Request table,New,,,"Current SOP Execute the scriptto data fix Screening records - remove records from Screening Request andinsert into Screening Response. When user submits a request, a record is added to Screening Request table and once screen is complete then the record gets moved from Screening Request and insert into Screening Response table. If a record gets removed from one of the following screening tables and a record exists in the Screening Request table, it becomes orphaned. This prevents the application from being completed. Provider Screening Medicare Screening Provider License Screening Owner/Creditor/Principal Screening Owner/Creditor/Principal License Screening ",Research and Analysis,negative,26%,current sop execute scriptto data fix screening records remove records screening request andinsert screening response user submits request record added screening request table screen complete record gets moved screening request insert screening response table record gets removed one following screening tables record exists screening request table becomes orphaned prevents application completed provider screening medicare screening provider license screening ownercreditorprincipal screening ownercreditorprincipal license screening,orphaned records screening request table,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 720,503187,PRR 8040530 - Provider has revalidated however received a letter indicating they must revalidate again,New,,Can you check if there is merge issue. the revalidation due date is not reflected the same in transaction and master.,"PRR 8040530 - Provider has revalidated however received a letter indicating they must revalidate again NPI 1386148757 PEMS Request# 20265587 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/26/23 Provider Name: CVS Pharmacy Provider received a letter stating NPI 1386148757 is due for revalidation by 12/11/2023, however this reval was already completed in June 2023 via request 20262587.. Please review to determine if there is a merge to master file issue and why they are receiving a letter to do something that has been completed. ",PSR,negative,5%,prr provider revalidated however received letter indicating must revalidate npi pems request priority medium requested due date provider name cvs pharmacy provider received letter stating npi due revalidation however reval already completed june via request please review determine merge master file issue receiving letter something completed,prr provider revalidated however received letter indicating must revalidate,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 721,503213,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 02; Verified in Prod,"The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details page (the count shows as one)having Id 208 and business object id-1448394 ""Within the practice location information you have selected “YES” to the Healthy Texas Women question. Please list the HTW within the License/Certification/Accreditations."" PEMS Req: 20324482 NPI: 1164899472 The deficiency that was previously updated was not the hidden deficiency. ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #746730. NPI: 1164899472 PEMS Req: 20324482 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 722,503214,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 02; Verified in Prod,"Deficiency is not hidden but should either be resolved or removed from 'Application fee page"" having id -84 and business object id-221830 ""missing required data on the Application Fee page. Please enter all information on the Application Fee page."" NPI: 1194787218 PEMS Req: 20220178 The deficiency that was previously updated was not the hidden deficiency. ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the application fee def #754436. NPI: 1194787218 PEMS Req: 20220178 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed application fee def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 723,503217,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 02; Verified in Prod,"NPI: 1669177903 PEMS Req: 20314985 The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details that has RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and Business object id# 1402140. ""Add the Facility license information to the Licenses / Certifications / Accreditations section."" The deficiency that was previously updated was not the hidden deficiency. ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #723406. NPI: 1669177903 PEMS Req: 20314985 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 724,503218,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 02; Verified in Prod,"NPI:1356000491 PEMS Req:20292503 The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details that has RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and Business object id# 1270503. ""Please complete the Demographics, Program Specific Questions and all sections with a red asterisk. "" The deficiency that was previously updated was not the hidden deficiency. ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #728677. NPI:1356000491 PEMS Req:20292503 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 725,503219,Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,Closed,SOP 02; Verified in Prod,"NPI: 1174189732 PEMS Req: 20304664 The deficiency is hidden on Program and Service Participation Details that has RefDeficiencyBusinessID# 208 and Business object id# 1343678. ""PLEASE REVIEW-Per PECOS report, the Performing Provider's Medicare Number ""2X4554"" is not associated with the group's Medicare Number ""0A5621"". Performing Provider's Medicare Number ""2X4554"" is linked to ""849304""."" The deficiency that was previously updated was not the hidden deficiency. ","Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def #687332. NPI: 1174189732 PEMS Req: 20304664 ",PSR,negative,41%,hidden def needs removed practice location information def npi pems req,hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 726,503223,Workflow Sync PPM/PEMS,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"20002558 7646993 Both now 'In Progress' synced 20171016 7913480 Both now 'In Progress' synced PEMS Ops reopened the ticket on PEMS side to re sync with PPM. "," 20002558 7646993 Need Ops to reopen on PEMS side. 20171016 7913480 Need Ops to reopen on PEMS side. ' ",PSR,negative,35%,need ops reopen pems side need ops reopen pems side,workflow sync ppmpems,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 727,503224,Workflow Sync PPM/PEMS ,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"20291620 7978543 synced by PPM Team 20331539 8021640 synced - In Progress 20340775 8032176 synced - Closed - Approved 20343107 8034270 synced - Closed - Approved 20299561 7987407 Need someone in Ops to reopen from PEMS side. Related PRRs: 8028656, 8031638, 8034148, 8036207, 8038390 "," 20291620 7978543 Out of Sync. PPM is in IN PROGRESS. PEMS is in INTERNAL QA REVIEW. 20331539 8021640 Out of Sync. PPM is in IN PROGRESS. PEMS is in INTERNAL QA REVIEW. 20340775 8032176 Out of Sync. PPM is in IN PROGRESS. PEMS is in CLOSED-APPROVED. 20343107 8034270 Out of Sync. PPM is in IN PROGRESS. PEMS is in CLOSED-APPROVED. 20299561 7987407 Out of Sync. PPM is in IN PROGRESS. PEMS is in CLOSED-NO RESPONSE. Related PRRs: 8028656, 8031638, 8034148, 8036207, 8038390 ",PSR,negative,0%,sync ppm progress pems internal qa review sync ppm progress pems internal qa review sync ppm progress pems closedapproved sync ppm progress pems closedapproved sync ppm progress pems closedno response related prrs,workflow sync ppmpems,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 728,503225,Workflow sync PPM/PEMS ,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Req / PEMS_ID PPM Issue 20295383 8009286 Synced. PPM is in NEW. PEMS is in NEW. "," Req / PEMS_ID PPM Issue 20295383 8009286 Out of Sync. PPM is in NEW. PEMS is in SUBMITTED. ",PSR,negative,26%,req pemsid ppm issue sync ppm new pems submitted,workflow sync ppmpems,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 729,503226,Workflow Sync PPM/PEMS,Closed,SOP 12,," Req / PEMS_ID PPM Issue 20315235 8004256 Out of Sync. PPM is in PENDING OIG REVIEW. PEMS is in CLOSED-ENROLLED. ",PSR,negative,11%,req pemsid ppm issue sync ppm pending oig review pems closedenrolled,workflow sync ppmpems,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 730,503232,Workflow Sync PPM/PEMS,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Requests were sent to PPM to update status for the affected records. Root cause analysis ticket is linked.," Req / PEMS_ID PPM Issue 20332931 8023154 Out of Sync. PPM is in READY TO ENROLL. PEMS is in CLOSED-APPROVED. 20332036 8022264 Out of Sync. PPM is in READY TO ENROLL. PEMS is in CLOSED-ENROLLED. Related PRRs: 8023594, 8038390 ",PSR,negative,4%,req pemsid ppm issue sync ppm ready enroll pems closedapproved sync ppm ready enroll pems closedenrolled related prrs,workflow sync ppmpems,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 731,503234,Workflow Sync PPM/PEMS,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"Update request status to 7 for the affected records. UPDATE [TxnRequest] SET [RefRequestStatusId] = 7, [ModifiedUserId] = 503234, [ModifiedDateTime] = GETDATE() WHERE [Id] IN (20280516,20303489,20294326,20296729,20301002,20201670); "," Req / PEMS_ID PPM Issue 20280516 7967333 Out of Sync. PPM is in RESPONSE RECEIVED. PEMS is in PROVIDER CONTACT PRIOR TO AUTO CLOSE. 20294083 7984669 Out of Sync. PPM is in RESPONSE RECEIVED. PEMS is in 10 DAY NOTIFICATION. 20206268 7978490 Out of Sync. PPM is in RESPONSE RECEIVED. PEMS is in PROVIDER CONTACTED PRIOR TO AUTO CLOSE. 20303489 7992694 Out of Sync. PPM is in RESPONSE RECIEVED. PEMS is in PROVIDER CONTACTED PRIOR TO AUTO CLOSE. 20294326 7987905 Out of Sync. PPM is in RESPONSE RECIEVED. PEMS is in PROVIDER CONTACTED PRIOR TO AUTO CLOSE. 20296729 7986334 Out of Sync. PPM is in RESPONSE RECIEVED. PEMS is in PROVIDER CONTACTED PRIOR TO AUTO CLOSE. 20340868 8031830 Out of Sync. PPM is in RESPONSE RECEIVED. PEMS is in CLOSED-APPROVED. 20301002 7991415 Out of Sync. PPM is in Response Received and PEMS is in Prior to Auto Close 20201670 7893197 Out of Sync. PPM is in RESPONSE RECEIVED. PEMS is in PROVIDER CONTACTED PRIOR TO AUTO CLOSE. Related PRRs: 8012028, 8030555, 8034148, 8034995, 8038390 ",PSR,negative,0%,req pemsid ppm issue sync ppm response received pems provider contact prior auto close sync ppm response received pems day notification sync ppm response received pems provider contacted prior auto close sync ppm response recieved pems provider contacted prior auto close sync ppm response recieved pems provider contacted prior auto close sync ppm response recieved pems provider contacted prior auto close sync ppm response received pems closedapproved sync ppm response received pems prior auto close sync ppm response received pems provider contacted prior auto close related prrs,workflow sync ppmpems,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 732,503246,Workflow Sync PPM/PEMS,Closed,Pending Code Fix; SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"TaskBuddy tasks need to be retried. update TaskBuddy..TaskResponse set RetryCount=0, MessageStatusId=4, ModifiedDateTime =GETDATE(), ModifiedUserId = 'PSR503246' where id in (3780623,3822607,3795390,3745207,3780623,3713672) "," Req / PEMS_ID Issue 20326566 PEMS is stuck in SUBMITTED status. No PPM. 20326566 PEMS is stuck in SUBMITTED status. 20328865 PEMS is stuck in SUBMITTED status. 20321735 PEMS is stuck in SUBMITTED status. 20335972 PEMS is stuck in SUBMITTED status. 20294289 PEMS is stuck in Submitted status 20334958 PEMS is stuck in SUBMITTED status. 20333328 PEMS is stuck in SUBMITTED status. 20307759 PEMS is stuck in SUBMITTED status. 20313573 PEMS is stuck in SUBMITTED status. 20311704 PEMS is stuck in SUBMITTED status. 20330038 PEMS is stuck in SUBMITTED status. 20328945 PEMS is stuck in SUBMITTED status. Related PRRs: 8028656, 8030555, 8034148, 8035848, 8036207, 8038390 ",PSR,negative,0%,req pemsid issue pems stuck submitted status no ppm pems stuck submitted status pems stuck submitted status pems stuck submitted status pems stuck submitted status pems stuck submitted status pems stuck submitted status pems stuck submitted status pems stuck submitted status pems stuck submitted status pems stuck submitted status pems stuck submitted status pems stuck submitted status related prrs,workflow sync ppmpems,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 733,503289,10/20/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 5 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response 2 Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 9 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/20/23,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 734,503291,Root Cause Analysis - PEMS/PPM Workflow Sync,New,,,Workflow is out of sync between PEMS and PPM. Needs analysis on root cause and an approach to resolve.,Research and Analysis,negative,35%,workflow sync pems ppm needs analysis root approach resolve,root analysis pemsppm workflow sync,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 735,503305,PPM/PEMS Sync ,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"update request status to closed- approved for maintaince requests it will go to closed- approved status. ",PEMS Req: 20019332 is out of sync with PPM,PSR,neutral,58%,pems req sync ppm,ppmpems sync,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 736,503306,Workflow Sync PPM/PEMS,Closed,Pending Code Fix; SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Reopened failed transaction in taskbuddy for request 20326566,PEMS Req: 20326566 stuck in submit status ,PSR,negative,45%,pems req stuck submit status,workflow sync ppmpems,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 737,503307,Red Banner in Request Management,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,Apply SOP 12 script 5b for the affected requests.,"PEMS Req: 20323847-- Red Banner error when selecting Request Complete-Accepted PEMS Req: 20317833-- Red Banner error when selecting Request Complete-Accepted PEMS Req: 20317008-- Red Banner error when selecting Request Complete-Accepted ",PSR,negative,29%,pems req red banner error selecting request completeaccepted pems req red banner error selecting request completeaccepted pems req red banner error selecting request completeaccepted,red banner request management,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 738,503311,8041042 Vendor ID Missing in Master data VDP data fixes UNSCRAMBLE,New,,,"Also the attached .xlsx has the apps in need of analysis/data fixes. 30 Vendor id missing in master data. VId Push to Master Failure – ACN Research shows most all of these have a Vendor ID in the UI. ",PSR,negative,7%,also attached xlsx apps need analysisdata fixes vendor id missing master data vid push master failure acn research shows vendor id ui,vendor id missing master data vdp data fixes unscramble,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 739,503317,8041048 Fate Pharmacy VId Dates UNSCRAMBLE,Closed,VDP SOP; Verified in Prod,"NPI: 1619479557 PEMS Req: 20264012 Vendor id 471386 with dates 09/01/2023 - 06/01/2023 remove from request. ","Application 20264012 Closed enrolled with Vendor ID Term Date Before Start Date -Vendor ID 471386 9/1/2023 - 6/1/2023. ACN PE corrected to reflect Vendor ID 471386 from 9/5/2023 – Present Next Steps: Need Deloitte to confirm updates are in the master data NPI: 1619479557 PEMS Req: 20264012 ",PSR,negative,41%,application closed enrolled vendor id term date start date vendor id acn pe corrected reflect vendor id present next steps need deloitte confirm updates master data npi pems req,fate pharmacy vid dates unscramble,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 740,503349,8041036 Non Numeric Characters in VId VDP Data Fixes UNSCRAMBLE,New,Team 2,,"8041036 Non Numeric Characters in VId VDP Data Fixes UNSCRAMBLE NPI n/a PEMS n/a Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/24/23 14 PEMS apps closed with Non-numeric characters in vendor ID - Acn research shows Vendor ID with no odd characters or spaces in UI. Need further analysis from Deloitte. ",PSR,negative,28%,non numeric characters vid vdp data fixes unscramble npi na pems na priority high requested due date pems apps closed nonnumeric characters vendor id acn research shows vendor id no odd characters spaces ui need analysis deloitte,non numeric characters vid vdp data fixes unscramble,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 741,503352,8041031 UI Missing Vendor ID VDP Data Fixes UNSCRAMBLE,New,Team 2,,"Need a TFS for the following – please note the attached spread sheet with 17 closed applications in need of data fixes/root cause. Multiple PEMS applications closed and Missing Vendor ID in UI, this should be present in the system since this is an existing enrollment and should have carried over from the master data ",PSR,negative,3%,need tfs following please note attached spread sheet closed applications need data fixesroot multiple pems applications closed missing vendor id ui present system since existing enrollment carried master data,ui missing vendor id vdp data fixes unscramble,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 742,503353,PRR 8024152 - LEGISLATIVE COMPLAINT,Rejected,,Analysis: Not an issue. AMD does not see that the email failed to send. Provider was able to find the email and sign the agreement to proceed.,"PRR 8024152 - LEGISLATIVE COMPLAINT NPI 1699436063 PEMS 20328471 CRM #2024762257 Priority: Critical Requested Due Date: 10/9/23 Status of the HHSC agreement and EFT agreement is set to “Sent” but the provider is not receiving the email in order to sign/complete. Email address on file in PEMS for authorized Signatory is busybodiespedipt@gmail.com ",PSR,negative,18%,prr legislative complaint npi pems crm priority critical requested due date status hhsc agreement eft agreement set sent but provider not receiving email order signcomplete email address file pems authorized signatory busybodiespediptgmail com,prr legislative complaint,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 743,503403,SAR 124550 PDC Update Remove PDC,Closed,SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"PDC 63 removed from Early Bird Pediatric Clinic-ABA San Antonio Group. Address 12000 Network Blvd STE 105 A, San Antonio---- PDC 63 removed from Early Bird Pediatric Clinic- ABA Group. 1351 N Zaragoza Rd, Building H, El Paso---- PDC 63 removed from Early Bird Pediatric Clinic- ABA Clinic. Address 2114 N Zaragoza Rd STE C1, El Paso---- PDC 63 removed from Early Bird Pediatric Clinic-ABA 3. Address 5255 Woodrow Bean STE b18, El Paso ","Remove PDC 63 from Early Bird Pediatric Clinic-ABA San Antonio Group. Address 12000 Network Blvd STE 105 A, San Antonio-- Remove PDC 63 from Early Bird Pediatric Clinic- ABA Group. 1351 N Zaragoza Rd, Building H, El Paso Remove PDC 63 from Early Bird Pediatric Clinic- ABA Clinic. Address 2114 N Zaragoza Rd STE C1, El Paso Remove PDC 63 from Early Bird Pediatric Clinic-ABA 3. Address 5255 Woodrow Bean STE b18, El Paso See email attached. NPI: 1639538077 ",PSR,negative,39%,remove pdc early bird pediatric clinicaba san antonio group address network blvd ste san antonio remove pdc early bird pediatric clinic aba group n zaragoza rd building h el paso remove pdc early bird pediatric clinic aba clinic address n zaragoza rd ste c el paso remove pdc early bird pediatric clinicaba address woodrow bean ste b el paso see email attached npi,sar pdc update remove pdc,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 744,503405,PRR 8041540 - Escalation - Address needs to be corrected,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Practice location address update for the request: NPI: 1588997233 PEMS: 20252939 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/24/23 Provider Name: Seton Family of Doctors 6836 Bee Caves Rd Ste 150 ","PRR 8041540 - Escalation - Address needs to be corrected NPI: 1588997233 PEMS: 20252939 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/24/23 Provider Name: Seton Family of Doctors Service Objects is overriding the address to the previous name of 6836 FM 2244 Ste 150; however per USPS the address is now 6836 Bee Caves Rd Ste 150. The provider is experiencing claims issues and needs to address overridden. PEMS 20252939 was approved with the FM 2244. Please update the enrollment record (practice location) ",PSR,negative,27%,prr escalation address needs corrected npi pems priority high requested due date provider name seton family doctors service objects overriding address previous name fm ste however per usps address bee caves rd ste provider experiencing claims issues needs address overridden pems approved fm please update enrollment record practice location,prr escalation address needs corrected,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 745,503407,PRR 7963871 - Merge Issue - Letter did not generate for add/modify request,New,,Research what caused the letter generation to fail and need to add logic to be able to retrigger letter generation for Add/Modify Performing Provider request type.,"PRR 7963871 - Merge Issue - Letter did not generate for add/modify request NPI: 1366744468 PEMS: 20259885, 20032891 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/19/23 Provider Name: Renee Westwood Provider Point of Contact: Leslie Madden Request 20259885 for provider Renee Westwood is for an add/modify. Letter did not generate for the request. Issue still remains: Request 20259885 for provider Renee Westwood is for an add/modify. Letter did not generate for the request. Request 20032891- Effective date did not generate in the letter. ",Research and Analysis,negative,2%,prr merge issue letter not generate addmodify request npi pems priority medium requested due date provider name renee westwood provider point contact leslie madden request provider renee westwood addmodify letter not generate request issue still remains request provider renee westwood addmodify letter not generate request request effective date not generate letter,prr merge issue letter not generate addmodify request,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 746,503408,PRR 7991384 - Escalation - Change Provider Type MD to DO,Closed,Verified in Prod,"NPI: 1518321017 TPI 4486888-01 TPI 4486888-02 PEMS: 20298289 Change the C21 Provider Type and PEMS provider type (Service ID) from MD to DO. PEMS 20154032 Change the C21 Provider Type and PEMS provider type (Service ID) from MD to DO. PEMS 20186123 Change the C21 Provider Type and PEMS provider type (Service ID) from MD to DO. ","PRR 7991384 - Escalation NPI: 1518321017 PEMS: 20298289 CRM: 2022193200 Priority: Critical Requested Due Date: 8/23/23 Provider Name: Sage Taylor Green Provider Point of Contact: Lizet Rodriguez lrodriguez2@ascension.org POC is trying to add Provider type DO for acute care FFS for address 1301 Barbara jordan Blvd Ste 200. The provider was previously enrolled as an MD, POC disenrolled that acute care FFS program. POC gets the error: Unable to save a duplicate Program record. Please reenroll the Program record with the same Program and Primary Taxonomy or change the Program and Primary Taxonomy to be different than the other duplicate Program record. Provider urgently needs to add this location as they are getting payment denials. Screenshots attached. BSR notes: NTERNAL NOTE: BSR - 7993771 SME Reopen recommendation below – Provider submitted the app as an MD and the mismatched license deficiency to correct to a DO was missed by TMHP. This can be reopened to have the specialty corrected from MD to DO without any provider intervention. This would not be considered a true EIE. August 21, 2023 01:18:13 PM CDT TPI 4486888-01 // PEMS 20154032 PPM 7827109: Approved for reopen, see attached. August 18, 2023 03:42:02 PM CDT Notification sent to PE Dispatch for reopen request based on attached PE SME review: • TPI 4486888-01 // PEMS 20154032 PPM 7827109: This can be reopened to have the specialty corrected from MD to DO without any provider intervention. This would not be considered a true EIE. • TPI 4486888-02 // PEMS 20186123: The provider’s NPI is still active, so the disenrolled practice location can be reactivated through an Existing Enrollment application by accessing the practice location and selecting Yes to the “Do You Wish to Resume Participation?” question in the Program and Service Participation Details August 18, 2023 02:09:57 PM CDT Notification sent for PE SME review as requested via PRR 7991384 - see attached. Note: Per AMO review, AMO can change the PT/PS in C21 but that will make PEMS and C21 out of sync having different PT/PS. This will not resolve the error provider is getting in PEMS therefore an update to the PT in PEMS is required first. ",PSR,negative,0%,prr escalation npi pems crm priority critical requested due date provider name sage taylor green provider point contact lizet rodriguez lrodriguezascension org poc trying add provider type acute care ffs address barbara jordan blvd ste provider previously enrolled md poc disenrolled acute care ffs program poc gets error unable save duplicate program record please reenroll program record program primary taxonomy change program primary taxonomy different duplicate program record provider urgently needs add location getting payment denials screenshots attached bsr notes nternal note bsr sme reopen recommendation provider submitted app md mismatched license deficiency correct missed tmhp reopened specialty corrected md without provider intervention would not considered true eie august pm cdt tpi pems ppm approved reopen see attached august pm cdt notification sent pe dispatch reopen request based attached pe sme review tpi pems ppm reopened specialty corrected md without provider intervention would not considered true eie tpi pems providers npi still active disenrolled practice location reactivated existing enrollment application accessing practice location selecting yes wish resume participation question program service participation details august pm cdt notification sent pe sme review requested via prr see attached note per amo review amo change ptps c but make pems c sync different ptps not resolve error provider getting pems therefore update pt pems required first,prr escalation change provider type md,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 747,503409,PRR 8015287 - Escalation - C21 integration- MPF missing suffixes,Ready,,"Once PE removes the licenses from the TPI 1506891 08/09. Rerun the failed C21 task to generate the new TPI Base. This issue was caused by a previous data fix back in June. ","PRR 8015287 - Escalation - C21 integration- MPF missing suffixes NPI: 1578275632 PEMS: N/A CRM: 2024760665 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/25/23 Provider Name: Shaunteel L. Chalk Provider Point of Contact: Leslie Madden / Ascension POC was advised by MCOs that the provider is not displaying in the Master Provider File. I followed up with the MCO mailbox and they have confirmed that the MPF is missing suffix 01,05 and 06. MCO email is attached. This is causing claim denials and clients are being turned away ",PSR,negative,0%,prr escalation c integration mpf missing suffixes npi pems na crm priority high requested due date provider name shaunteel l chalk provider point contact leslie madden ascension poc advised mcos provider not displaying master provider file followed mco mailbox confirmed mpf missing suffix mco email attached causing claim denials clients turned away,prr escalation c integration mpf missing suffixes,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 748,503425,Batch Error: File did not get picked - PharmacyLicenseScreening,New,,,"File did not get picked up at 1:00AM for the PharmacyLicenseScreening job. No error logged in the service log file. After rerunning the job in the morning, the files have been processed. This TFS is to find the root cause of file not being picked up on the first run. ",Research and Analysis,negative,2%,file not get picked pharmacylicensescreening job no error logged service log file rerunning job morning files processed tfs find root file not picked first run,batch error file not get picked pharmacylicensescreening,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 749,503539,10/23/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 8 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response 1 Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 31 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received - ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/23/23,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 750,503556,PRR 8042916 - Merge Issue - Letter did not generate for add/modify request,Rejected,,,"PRR 8042916 - Merge Issue - Letter did not generate for add/modify request NPI: 1366744468 PEMS 20032891 CRM 2022193200 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/25/23 Provider Name: Renee Westwood Provider Point of Contact: Leslie Madden Request 20032891 for provider Renee Westwood is for an add/modify. Letter did not generate for the request. ",PSR,negative,17%,prr merge issue letter not generate addmodify request npi pems crm priority high requested due date provider name renee westwood provider point contact leslie madden request provider renee westwood addmodify letter not generate request,prr merge issue letter not generate addmodify request,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 751,503558,Root Cause Analysis - Provider Type/Specialty Requires Data Update by AMD,New,,,"These are usually due to taxonomy crosswalk issues. If the correct provider type is not available on the request the provider will just choose one that is available. The crosswalk has to be updated so that the correct provider type is available to select on the request. Also, data fix can't be done if the correct provider type is missing from the crosswalk. Even if a data fix is done the field will be blank in the UI without the crosswalk update. ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,usually due taxonomy crosswalk issues correct provider type not available request provider choose one available crosswalk updated correct provider type available select request also data fix not done correct provider type missing crosswalk even data fix done field blank ui without crosswalk update,root analysis provider typespecialty requires data update amd,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 752,503562,PRR 8040609 - PEMS Issue - Overpayment Should not be on Hold,New,,,"PRR 8040609 - PEMS Issue - Overpayment Should not be on Hold We identified a PEMS application that was placed on hold for an outstanding Acute Care Medicaid overpayment that should not be on hold. We are requesting that a new PEMS ticket be created. PEMS 20333507 / PPM 8040609 - Tyler Regional Hospital LLC; NPI 1407364847 Tyler Regional Hospital LLC’s application was submitted in PEMS on 10/19/2023. The most current CHD24900 file as of that date was 10/13/2023 and it shows no outstanding Medicaid overpayment for this provider. We did some additional research and discovered this overpayment of $73,802.69 showing in PEMS was from the CHD24900 file as of 8/25/2023. PEMS should be using the CHD24900 file data from the most recent financial cycle ending on 10/13/2023. ",PSR,negative,7%,prr pems issue overpayment not hold identified pems application placed hold outstanding acute care medicaid overpayment not hold requesting new pems ticket created pems ppm tyler regional hospital llc npi tyler regional hospital llcs application submitted pems current chd file date shows no outstanding medicaid overpayment provider additional research discovered overpayment showing pems chd file pems using chd file data recent financial cycle ending,prr pems issue overpayment not hold,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 753,503575,Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch)- 0295364 | 20295560 | 20295566,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"Transaction status updated to 7 (Response Received) for requests: 20295364 20295560 -- 20295566-- ","Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. PEMS Request- 20295364 20295560 20295566 ",PSR,positive,69%,data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues pems request,data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 754,503590,Root Cause Analysis - Duplicate App Fee,New,,,"Duplicate app fee was created for both the acute and CSHCN programs but according to the taxonomy crosswalk app fee is not required for CSHCN. Developer was unable to replicate the issue. see email attached to linked ticket. ",Research and Analysis,negative,6%,duplicate app fee created acute cshcn programs but according taxonomy crosswalk app fee not required cshcn developer unable replicate issue see email attached linked ticket,root analysis duplicate app fee,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 755,503592,Query Post PHE - In flight and Closed-Enrolled Revalidations/Re-enrollments,New,,,"Query Post PHE - In flight and Closed-Enrolled Revalidations/Re-enrollments Counts ",BSR,neutral,46%,query post phe flight closedenrolled revalidationsreenrollments counts,query post phe flight closedenrolled revalidationsreenrollments,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 756,503593,PRR 8042925 - Principal Ownership Threshold Calculation Error (Red Banner),Accepted,Karishma Tandon; Rachana Aryal; Ready for Merge Testing in B,"Code fix: Threshold calculation logic updated to account for the field being optional by treating null/empty as ""0"" percent. Data fix for affected records: The PEMS request 20302834 that was escalated has the workflow retry count reset so it will use the fixed code logic to progress. This may need to be split to a separate PSR deployed after code deploy to guarantee it runs after the code fix (TBD) ","Principal ownership percentage is an optional field. If a user leaves as blank then there is an error when calculating the ownership threshold because the code expects ""0"" instead of NULL. This causes the enrollment to stuck and not able to progress (shows ""red banner error""). Original escalation details: HHSC Escalation - PRR 8042925 - Unable to Progress Ticket due to a red banner message PRR: 8042925 – Unable to progress the ticket due to a red banner message PEMS: 20302834 Provider: CHILDREN'S HEALTH CLINICAL OPERATIONS Priority: High; Requested Due Date: 10/25/23 Red banner displays when COMPLETE is selected in R.M. (2nd escalation for same issue) Note - This is happening for the converted data. If we are doing the application from the PEMS UI its a mandatory fields and its mandatory to add value in the field. ",MSR,negative,0%,principal ownership percentage optional field user leaves blank error calculating ownership threshold code expects instead null causes enrollment stuck not able progress shows red banner error original escalation details hhsc escalation prr unable progress ticket due red banner message prr unable progress ticket due red banner message pems provider childrens health clinical operations priority high requested due date red banner displays complete selected r nd escalation issue note happening converted data application pems ui mandatory fields mandatory add value field,prr principal ownership threshold calculation error red banner,14,"Red, banner, error, busops, rm" 757,503603,PRR 8042874 – NPI 1477100386 - CVS Not Enrolled Rejections UNSCRAMBLE #1 CVS Pharmacy#11328,Closed,Verified in Prod,"I see this is populated in the database. Why isn't it displaying in the UI. RefVDPDispenserClassId = 2 RefVDPDispenserType01Id = 1 ","PRR 8042874 – NPI 1477100386 - CVS Not Enrolled Rejections UNSCRAMBLE #1 CVS Pharmacy#11328 This pharmacy was converted and hasn’t been through PEMS. Could not locate the initial enrollment application. The pharmacy is enrolled with an effective date of 10/19/2019 and is not due to re-validate until 10/18/2024. The Vendor ID and TINS are on file; however, the Dispenser Class and Dispenser Type are not saved. Could possibly have an impact on the Master File. Could not determine if the provider made the correct selections under the Network Participation since the UI field is blank. Screenshots in the attachments. VN: 471285 1915 Broadway Street, San Antonio TX 78215 ",PSR,negative,0%,prr npi cvs not enrolled rejections unscramble cvs pharmacy pharmacy converted not pems could not locate initial enrollment application pharmacy enrolled effective date not due revalidate vendor id tins file however dispenser class dispenser type not saved could possibly impact master file could not determine provider made correct selections network participation since ui field blank screenshots attachments vn broadway street san antonio tx,prr npi cvs not enrolled rejections unscramble cvs pharmacy,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 758,503604,Workflow Sync PPM/PEMS (Mismatch Report) ,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"See attached workbook for results from research. ","Data fix required to fix PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. Accenture will upload daily as discrepancies are identified. See attached. PEMS Req: 20295364, 20295560, and 20295566 were a part of TFS #503575 ",PSR,positive,68%,data fix required fix pems ppm workflow syncing issues accenture upload daily discrepancies identified see attached pems req part tfs,workflow sync ppmpems mismatch report,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 759,503605,PRR 8008000 - Site Visit PC Ticket,Rejected,,,"PRR 8008000 - Site Visit PC Ticket NPI 1316226178 PEMS 20301224 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/30/23 {{Site Visit - Unable to generate PC tickets with workaround - app bypassing PSV- OIG RETURN}} I have completed the workaround (which is clicking save in the PL as mentioned in previous emails) to have apps route to SV. This is an EE and when progressing to get it in PSV it is still progressing to IQA first. I have also tried to change the OIG radio to No and progressed it and it bypasses SV and goes to Ready to Enroll. I am worried that progressing after IQA will send this to OIG. 9/11/2023 - app has once again bypassed PSV and progressed to OIG - requesting back PC Ticket needs to be generated ",PSR,negative,0%,prr site visit pc ticket npi pems priority medium requested due date site visit unable generate pc tickets workaround app bypassing psv oig return completed workaround clicking save pl mentioned previous emails apps route sv ee progressing get psv still progressing iqa first also tried change oig radio no progressed bypasses sv goes ready enroll worried progressing iqa send oig app bypassed psv progressed oig requesting back pc ticket needs generated,prr site visit pc ticket,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 760,503606,PRR 8042874 – NPI 1972607752 – CVS Not Enrolled Rejections UNSCRAMBLE #2 CVS Pharmacy#07301,Rejected,,,"PRR 8042874 – NPI 1972607752 – CVS Not Enrolled Rejections UNSCRAMBLE #2 CVS Pharmacy#07301 This pharmacy was also converted and hasn’t been through PEMS yet. The pharmacy is enrolled with an effective date of 08/15/1981 and is not due to re-validate until 10/25/2025. It appears that the Medicaid section in the Network Participation was discontinued for this pharmacy also. This information may not have been transferred correctly once the pharmacy's revalidation due date was extended. VN: 468652 CVS Pharmacy #07301 3027 Nacogdoches Road, San Antonio, TX 78217 ",PSR,negative,0%,prr npi cvs not enrolled rejections unscramble cvs pharmacy pharmacy also converted not pems yet pharmacy enrolled effective date not due revalidate appears medicaid section network participation discontinued pharmacy also information may not transferred correctly pharmacys revalidation due date extended vn cvs pharmacy nacogdoches road san antonio tx,prr npi cvs not enrolled rejections unscramble cvs pharmacy,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 761,503607,PRR 8042650 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed ,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Add the following comment to Request Management: The screen risk category reason code is not populated on the provider information page or the OIG subpage. ","PRR 8042650 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed NPI 1235112426 PEMS 20328102 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 The screen risk category reason code is not populated on the provider information page or the OIG subpage. ",PSR,neutral,53%,prr screen risk category updates needed npi pems priority medium requested due date screen risk category reason code not populated provider information page oig subpage,prr screen risk category updates needed,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 762,503608,PRR 8042874 - NPI 1699873455 - CVS Not Enrolled Rejections UNSCRAMBLE #3 CVS Pharmacy#08445 ,Rejected,,,"PRR 8042874 - NPI 1699873455 - CVS Not Enrolled Rejections UNSCRAMBLE #3 CVS Pharmacy#08445 NPI 1699873455 CVS Pharmacy 08445 This pharmacy was also converted and hasn’t been through PEMS yet. The pharmacy is enrolled with an effective date of 07/31/2006 and is not due to re-validate until 08/23/2025. It appears that the Medicaid section in the Network Participation was discontinued. This information may not have been transferred correctly once the pharmacy's revalidation due date was extended. Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/24/23 ",PSR,negative,0%,prr npi cvs not enrolled rejections unscramble cvs pharmacy npi cvs pharmacy pharmacy also converted not pems yet pharmacy enrolled effective date not due revalidate appears medicaid section network participation discontinued information may not transferred correctly pharmacys revalidation due date extended priority high requested due date,prr npi cvs not enrolled rejections unscramble cvs pharmacy,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 763,503609,PRR 8042649 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed ,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Set the screen risk to high and the request management note is: ""The provider isadding DME/Augmentative Communicative Devices for CSHCN and per Wiki the screenrisk should be HIGH. (FCBC for STEFANO PESSINA have to be flipped to YES).'","PRR 8042649 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed NPI 1023023926 PEMS 20319501 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 The provider is adding DME/Augmentative Communicative Devices for CSHCN and per Wiki the screen risk should be HIGH. (FCBC for STEFANO PESSINA have to be flipped to YES) ",PSR,positive,77%,prr screen risk category updates needed npi pems priority medium requested due date provider adding dmeaugmentative communicative devices cshcn per wiki screen risk high fcbc stefano pessina flipped yes,prr screen risk category updates needed,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 764,503616, PRR 7991503 – {{ Practice location merge }},Ready,SOP 18,"Merge other 2 duplicate practice locations 1164910956 - HERALD EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS PLLC Performing Keep Address 710 Cypress Creek Pkwy, Houston, TX, 77090-3402 "," PRR 7991503 – {{ Practice location merge }} NPI 1164910956 PEMS Request# 20302892 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Keep Practice Location - (1164910956 - HERALD EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS PLLC Performing 710 Cypress Creek Pkwy, Houston, TX, 77090-3402) Merge duplicate practice location with address above (710 Cypress Creek Pkwy, Houston, TX, 77090-3402) This address is a duplicate and is also missing the groups info. location 710 Cypress Creek Pkwy, Houston, TX, 77090-3402 still shows twice in PEMS ",PSR,negative,3%,prr practice location merge npi pems request priority high requested due date keep practice location herald emergency physicians pllc performing cypress creek pkwy houston tx merge duplicate practice location address cypress creek pkwy houston tx address duplicate also missing groups info location cypress creek pkwy houston tx still shows twice pems,prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 765,503618,PRR 8038731 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed ,Ready,,"Set the SRC category to High. Add the following comment to Request Management: ""SRC should be set to HIGH. Per approved work instructions, Long Term Care Services - Primary Home Care (PHC)/Family Care (FC)/Community Attendant Services (CAS) practice locations with DEACTIVATED + EDITED should be set to HIGH."" ","PRR 8038731 - Screen Risk Category Updates Needed NPI 1003322983 PEMS Request# 20247847 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 SRC should be set to HIGH. Per approved work instructions, Long Term Care Services - Primary Home Care (PHC)/Family Care (FC)/Community Attendant Services (CAS) practice locations with DEACTIVATED + EDITED should be set to HIGH ",PSR,positive,90%,prr screen risk category updates needed npi pems request priority medium requested due date src set high per approved work instructions long term care services primary home care phc family care fc community attendant services cas practice locations deactivated edited set high,prr screen risk category updates needed,19,"Screen, risk, category, updates, prr" 766,503619,PRR 8020353 - HHSC agreement is showing up in OnBase but not completed in PEMS,New,,"For PEMS Request# 20318088. 1. The request was created on 2023-09-01 and on Programs page they selected ""Yes"" for just 1 program (Acute Care - Fee-for-Service) while leaving other programs without any selection (null). 2. Agreement was activated and signed on same day 2023-09-01. 3. The provider updated all other programs selection to ""No"" (1,3,4,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) on 2023-09-25. Technically since these changed from null to No, the already signed agreement was reset per PBI: 282700. ","PRR 8020353 - HHSC agreement is showing up in OnBase but not completed in PEMS NPI 1134616063 PEMS Request# 20318088 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 HHSC Agreement is found in OnBase, but not completed in PEMS. Agreement was previously completed in PEMS per print batch, but is now blank. ",PSR,negative,0%,prr hhsc agreement showing onbase but not completed pems npi pems request priority high requested due date hhsc agreement found onbase but not completed pems agreement previously completed pems per print batch but blank,prr hhsc agreement showing onbase but not completed pems,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 767,503620,PRR 8013456 - Practice location page ,New,,Let discuss before creating route cause ticket,"PRR 8013456 - {{ Practice location page }} NPI 1609054709 PEMS Request# 20246828 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/30/23 In the Managing Tab, as seen in screen shot, there is not a way to check the Managing employee Role since it won't list the role in drop down. ",PSR,negative,4%,prr practice location page npi pems request priority medium requested due date managing tab seen screen shot not way check managing employee role since not list role drop,prr practice location page,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 768,503625, PRR 8038712 - Site Visit: Rework - PC ticket needs to be generated for SV to be scheduled,Rejected,,," PRR 8038712 - Site Visit: Rework - PC ticket needs to be generated for SV to be scheduled NPI 1124787338 PEMS Request# 20133243 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/30/23 PC# 7992814 was sent back for rework 8/12/23, Rework expected to route back to SV. PC ticket needs to be generated for Site Visit to be scheduled ",PSR,negative,9%,prr site visit rework pc ticket needs generated sv scheduled npi pems request priority medium requested due date pc sent back rework rework expected route back sv pc ticket needs generated site visit scheduled,prr site visit rework pc ticket needs generated sv scheduled,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 769,503627,PRR 8014446 - Practice location page ,New,,,"PRR 8014446 - Practice location page NPI 1578143566 PEMS Request# 20313438 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/30/23 Managing Employee Role drop down in blank. Managing Employee Role should have selection for provider to choose. ",PSR,neutral,52%,prr practice location page npi pems request priority high requested due date managing employee role drop blank managing employee role selection provider choose,prr practice location page,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 770,503640,PRR 8036186 - Site Visit: Request Needs PC ticket generated for OIG Return,Rejected,,," PRR 8036186 - Site Visit: Request Needs PC ticket generated for OIG Return NPI 1497058457 PEMS Request# 20288911 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/30/23 Request is needing to have a SV scheduled-Request needs PC ticket generated ",PSR,negative,44%,prr site visit request needs pc ticket generated oig return npi pems request priority medium requested due date request needing sv scheduledrequest needs pc ticket generated,prr site visit request needs pc ticket generated oig return,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 771,503646,PRR 8020351 - Attachments in PEMS did not transfer to OnBase,New,,Please research why Attachments added 9/19 in PEMS did not transfer to OnBase.,"PRR 8020351 - Attachments in PEMS did not transfer to OnBase NPI 1861815045 PEMS Request# 20326597 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Attachments in PEMS did not transfer to OnBase. Organizational Structure Chart & Assumed Name Certificate cannot be found in onbase after attached in PEMS. ",PSR,negative,2%,prr attachments pems not transfer onbase npi pems request priority high requested due date attachments pems not transfer onbase organizational structure chart assumed name certificate not found onbase attached pems,prr attachments pems not transfer onbase,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 772,503815,Crosswalk Updates - Reference Data Updates,New,,Insert Reference Data for crosswalk updates done on TFS 499049 SOP data fix,"When taxonomy crosswalk updates are done with an SOP data fix, the reference data needs to be updated.",MSR,positive,65%,taxonomy crosswalk updates done sop data fix reference data needs updated,crosswalk updates reference data updates,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 773,503819,10/24/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 7 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 16 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",Execute SOP 12 for workflow status mismatches for 10/24.,PSR,positive,73%,execute sop workflow status mismatches,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 774,503832,PRR 8042874 - Kroger Pharmacy 893 Not Enrolled Rejections UNSCRAMBLE,Rejected,emailed ACN,,"PRR 8042874 - Kroger Pharmacy 893 Not Enrolled Rejections UNSCRAMBLE NPI 1497828925 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/24/23 Kroger Pharmacy 893 NPI: 1497828925 Issue: Pharmacy is not contracted when they submit claims to BIN 610602 which is the BIN for Navitus who is the PBM for the MCOs. Summary: this is the 4th ticket for Not Enrolled Rejections Unscrambled PRR 8042874. 3 TFS Tickets were created for CVS Pharmacy’s and this new 4th ticket is for Kroger Pharmacy 893. ",PSR,negative,2%,prr kroger pharmacy not enrolled rejections unscramble npi priority high requested due date kroger pharmacy npi issue pharmacy not contracted submit claims bin bin navitus pbm mcos summary th ticket not enrolled rejections unscrambled prr tfs tickets created cvs pharmacys new th ticket kroger pharmacy,prr kroger pharmacy not enrolled rejections unscramble,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 775,503833,PRR 8015131 - PEMS is requiring app fee for Disenrolled segment,New,,,"PRR 8015131 - PEMS is requiring app fee for Disenrolled segment NPI 1073013876 PEMS 20291819 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 PEMS is requiring app fee for Disenrolled segment. RESPITE CARE / ASSISTED LIVING segment in PEMS is disenrolled, app fee populated when not required. ",PSR,negative,25%,prr pems requiring app fee disenrolled segment npi pems priority high requested due date pems requiring app fee disenrolled segment respite care assisted living segment pems disenrolled app fee populated not required,prr pems requiring app fee disenrolled segment,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 776,503835,PRR 8015138 - Accounting/billing Information tab is Blank,New,emailed ACN,,"PRR 8015138 - Accounting/billing NPI 1225416993 PEMS 20319286 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 ACCOUNTING/BILLING Information tab is now Blank, when print batch shows completed. Multiple accounting/billing segments are missing in PEMS when provider previously completed this field. ",PSR,negative,12%,prr accountingbilling npi pems priority high requested due date accountingbilling information tab blank print batch shows completed multiple accountingbilling segments missing pems provider previously completed field,prr accountingbilling information tab blank,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 777,503864,PRR 8017516 - Ownership/Controlling Interest,New,,,"PRR 8017516 - Ownership/Controlling Interest NPI 1477002012 PEMS Request# 20318551 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Provider is unable to select NO on Employment Information & Relationship Information tab. All questions are greyed out and the provider is unable to select NO for 'Do you have a relationship with a separate provider?' & 'Do you have employment history with a separate provider?' questions. Issue persists for O/C/P Timothy Langdon, Karen Bohmer, Heather Lang, Peter Gill, Optum, Inc, United Healthcare Services, INC, and Unitedhealth Group Incorporated . ",PSR,negative,41%,prr ownershipcontrolling interest npi pems request priority high requested due date provider unable select no employment information relationship information tab questions greyed provider unable select no relationship separate provider employment history separate provider questions issue persists ocp timothy langdon karen bohmer heather lang peter gill optum inc united healthcare services inc unitedhealth group incorporated,prr ownershipcontrolling interest,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 778,503867,Address Validation Returning Different Address than USPS,New,,,"Linked ticket was raised due to the address validation returning a different address than USPS (what claims are billed against). Need analysis on why this is happening and an approach to prevent this type of issue in the future. ",Research and Analysis,negative,11%,linked ticket raised due address validation returning different address usps claims billed need analysis happening approach prevent type issue future,address validation returning different address usps,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 779,503877,PRR 8019998 - Provider is unable to complete Demographics ,New,,,"The following PRR 8019998 has been created for the following task: ? ?? • Provider is unable to complete Demographics section due to provider specialty field needing to be completed. Per wiki, the specialty should be N/A - PEMS is not allowing the provider to complete the demographics section due to this issue. Requested Due Date : October 31, 2023 NPI : 1679109854 PEMS : 20292101 PPM PE : 7981015 Priority : High ",PSR,negative,1%,following prr created following task provider unable complete demographics section due provider specialty field needing completed per wiki specialty na pems not allowing provider complete demographics section due issue requested due date october npi pems ppm pe priority high,prr provider unable complete demographics,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 780,503879,PRR 8042971 - PEMS ID 20248204 Invalid Existing Enrollment Submission,New,,There is supposed to be a process to run a query to determine all the providers where all the locations/programs are disenrolled and end date the enrollment segments so that providers cannot re-enoll through existing enrollments.,"PRR 8042971 - PEMS ID 20248204 Invalid Existing Enrollment Submission NPI 1558745745, 1396194825 PEMS Request# 20248204, 20326875 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/10/23 Provider Name: LIFESURE, LLC; AUSTIN-TRAVIS COUNTY MHMR Accenture has identified a potential issue with Enrollment Periods remaining active when all Practice Locations have been disenrolled. This is resulting in Providers being unable to submit PEMS Reenrollment due to the active enrollment period, they are submitted as re-enrollment requests through Existing Enrollment. This is causing screening issues due to the Existing Enrollment workflow not being routed to OIG and the impacts to SRC elevation. ",PSR,negative,0%,prr pems id invalid existing enrollment submission npi pems request priority high requested due date provider name lifesure llc austintravis county mhmr accenture identified potential issue enrollment periods remaining active practice locations disenrolled resulting providers unable submit pems reenrollment due active enrollment period submitted reenrollment requests existing enrollment causing screening issues due existing enrollment workflow not routed oig impacts src elevation,prr pems id invalid existing enrollment submission,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 781,503880,PRR 8017753 - Application Fee VDP,New,,lets discuss before creating route cause,"PRR 8017753 - Application Fee NPI 1780354852 PEMS 20323023 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 APP FEE is missing from VDP Pharmacy Services re-enrollment. Per wiki, app fee is required for this provider type. ",PSR,negative,24%,prr application fee npi pems priority high requested due date app fee missing vdp pharmacy services reenrollment per wiki app fee required provider type,prr application fee vdp,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 782,503881,PRR 8015720 - Practice location page ,New,," ","Provider is unable to update Practice location address to match Medicare. 401 E BUSINESS 83, DONNA TEXAS 78537-3088 is listed in Medicare. Application lists 401 Hooks Ave STE M, Donna, TX, 78537. Correct Information reverts back to original address. Due Date October 31, 2023 NPI 1104552587 PEMS 20252538 PPM PE 7935980 ",PSR,neutral,49%,provider unable update practice location address match medicare e business donna texas listed medicare application lists hooks ave ste donna tx correct information reverts back original address due date october npi pems ppm pe,prr practice location page,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 783,503892,"PRR 8018957 - Signed Agreement is missing in PEMS, but in OnBase",Closed,SOP 03; Verified in Prod,Active indicator is updated to 'true' for the signed agreement.,"PRR 8018957 - Signed Agreement is missing in PEMS, but in OnBase NPI 1356578751 PEMS 20275415 PPM PE Request # 8012522 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Signed Agreement is missing in PEMS, but Agreement is found completed in ONBASE. ",PSR,negative,1%,prr signed agreement missing pems but onbase npi pems ppm pe request priority high requested due date signed agreement missing pems but agreement found completed onbase,prr signed agreement missing pems but onbase,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 784,503893,PRR 8018128 - PL - Program and Services Participation Details tab,New,,,"PRR 8018128 - PL - Program and Services Participation Details tab NPI 1730504929 PEMS Request# 20317552 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 PEMS did not verify selection was made for “do you wish to resume participation?” question. Wiki states - PEMS will verify a selection has been made . Field is greyed out , provider is unable to make selection. ",PSR,negative,7%,prr pl program services participation details tab npi pems request priority high requested due date pems not verify selection made wish resume participation question wiki states pems verify selection made field greyed provider unable make selection,prr pl program services participation details tab,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 785,503896,PRR 8017755 - Practice location merge,New,,"Practice Location Merge- (1419 E Bustamante St, Laredo, TX, 78041-5303) Remove Address (1419 E. BUSTAMANTE STREET, LAREDO, TX, 78041-0000) Merge duplicate prac location ","PRR 8017755 - Practice location merge NPI 1700888781 PEMS 20298481 PPM PE Request # 8005699 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Practice Location Merge- (1419 E Bustamante St, Laredo, TX, 78041-5303) Remove Address (1419 E. BUSTAMANTE STREET, LAREDO, TX, 78041-0000) Merge duplicate prac location ",PSR,neutral,57%,prr practice location merge npi pems ppm pe request priority high requested due date practice location merge e bustamante st laredo tx remove address e bustamante street laredo tx merge duplicate prac location,prr practice location merge,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 786,503898,PRR 8018157 - Site Visit PC ticket,Rejected,,,"PRR 8018157 - Site Visit PC ticket NPI 1497737431 PEMS Request# 20270980 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/30/23 PC# 7965549 was sent back for rework (7/17/2023),did not route correctly. Rework expected to route back to SV. PC ticket needed for rework ",PSR,negative,14%,prr site visit pc ticket npi pems request priority medium requested due date pc sent back rework not route correctly rework expected route back sv pc ticket needed rework,prr site visit pc ticket,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 787,503908,PRR 8034635 - SELECT A PROGRAM greyed out,New,,,"PRR 8034635 - SELECT A PROGRAM greyed out NPI 1720410830 PEMS Request# 20308132 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/30/23 The group, NPI 1215996467, has duplicate practice locations for 4200 Nelson Rd, Lake Charles, LA, 70605-4118. One is Disenrolled. The performing provider is linked to the PL that is disenrolled in PEMS and in C21. A merge is needed for the group's PL so that they can enroll the PP to the enrolled location. ",PSR,neutral,54%,prr select program greyed npi pems request priority medium requested due date group npi duplicate practice locations nelson rd lake charles la one disenrolled performing provider linked pl disenrolled pems c merge needed groups pl enroll pp enrolled location,prr select program greyed,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 788,503909,PRR 8018401 - Provider Information,Closed,Verified in Prod,"Update SSN in provider info NPI 1750061784 The correct SSN is 745-66-0257","PRR 8018401 - Provider Information NPI 1750061784 PEMS Request# 20296259 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Provider is unable to update SSN in PEMS. SSN field is greyed out and updates cannot be made. correct SSN is 745-66-0257 ",PSR,negative,22%,prr provider information npi pems request priority high requested due date provider unable update ssn pems ssn field greyed updates not made correct ssn,prr provider information,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 789,503910,PRR 8018948 - Expired license cannot be added to PEMS,Closed,SOP 37; Verified in Prod,"1669611414 Add License License #: R129603 Type: RN Issue Date: 4/2/1996 Expiration Date: 6/28/2015 ","PRR 8018948 - Expired license cannot be added to PEMS NPI 1669611414 PEMS Request# 20320831 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Expired license cannot be added to PEMS to cover gap. Provider is attempting to add their Multistate RN license into PEMS to cover RN & APRN gap. Provider is unable to add due to expired information. License copy is attached to PRR. ",PSR,negative,2%,prr expired license not added pems npi pems request priority high requested due date expired license not added pems cover gap provider attempting add multistate right license pems cover right aprn gap provider unable add due expired information license copy attached prr,prr expired license not added pems,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 790,503911,"PRR 8012991 - Update the internal provider type, and/or specialty on the PEMS database",New,,,"PRR 8012991 - Update the internal provider type, and/or specialty on the PEMS database NPI 1790756203 PEMS Request# 20269637 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/30/23 Need to update the P/T to Out of State Hospital ",PSR,negative,28%,prr update internal provider type andor specialty pems database npi pems request priority medium requested due date need update pt state hospital,prr update internal provider type andor specialty pems database,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 791,503912,"PRR 8015126 - Update the internal provider type, and/or specialty on the PEMS database.",New,,,"PRR 8015126 - Update the internal provider type, and/or specialty on the PEMS database. NPI 1235843848 PEMS Request# 20180555 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 OIG table is populating incorrect Specialty for Physical/Occupational therapy group. OIG table is populating 98/25 when it should be 98/65 per wiki. ",PSR,positive,75%,prr update internal provider type andor specialty pems database npi pems request priority high requested due date oig table populating incorrect specialty physicaloccupational therapy group oig table populating per wiki,prr update internal provider type andor specialty pems database,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 792,503914,PRR 8044236 - Update Program Question Crosswalk,New,,Crosswalk updates attached.,"PRR 8044236 - Update Program Question Crosswalk PEMS Request# 20299988 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Update the PEMS crosswalk for Licenses Midwife program to not ask the following question - Are you using a Medicare certification number for this location? Yes/No See attached spreadsheet in PPM for more details. ",PSR,positive,81%,prr update program question crosswalk pems request priority medium requested due date update pems crosswalk licenses midwife program not ask following question using medicare certification number location yesno see attached spreadsheet ppm details,prr update program question crosswalk,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 793,503966,PRR 8043724- Revalidation Date did not update PHE,Rejected,Post-PHE,Analyze if this NPI is already within the Post PHE bucket and if data fix is required. ,"PRR: 8043724 – Revalidation date did not update with closure of application PEMS: 20278371 NPI: 1851844104 Provider: St. David’s CareNow I have an NPI where it doesn’t look to have the revalidation date extended. Per this article ""https://www.tmhp.com/news/2023-10-04-update-article-provider-enrollment-revalidation-extensions-end"" it indicates: “The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) have issued a post-public health emergency (PHE) update extending the grace period for providers with revalidation due dates from May 12, 2023, through November 11, 2023. Providers will receive a six-month extension if their revalidation due date falls within this timeframe.” This provider had a revalidation date within this timeframe (6/29/2023). I believe this should have extended 6 months, or the end of December (12/29/2023). It looks like the NPI was extended but only two-ish months. Please see attached document for screenshots and additional information. ",PSR,negative,1%,prr revalidation date not update closure application pems npi provider st davids carenow npi not look revalidation date extended per article httpswww tmhp comnewsupdatearticleproviderenrollmentrevalidationextensionsend indicates centers medicare medicaid services cms texas health human services commission hhsc issued postpublic health emergency phe update extending grace period providers revalidation due dates may november providers receive sixmonth extension revalidation due date falls within timeframe provider revalidation date within timeframe believe extended months end december looks like npi extended but twoish months please see attached document screenshots additional information,prr revalidation date not update phe,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 794,503967,Research Analysis on System Deficiencies vs Manual Deficiencies,New,,,"Jay to check this in the PE flow to identify/validate/createthese deficiencies in system that kicks back to system flow and fix them. See howmany manual deficiencies are present in application that kick back to system/providerflow and fix them. Once this is completed, we need to understand examples ofhow systematic deficiencies can be produced from PE review.",MSR,negative,21%,jay check pe flow identifyvalidatecreatethese deficiencies system kicks back system flow fix see howmany manual deficiencies present application kick back systemproviderflow fix completed need understand examples ofhow systematic deficiencies produced pe review,research analysis system deficiencies vs manual deficiencies,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 795,503968,OPL Security Scans - Fix Critical/High Vulnerabilities,New,TSS,,"Description: Total SAST Critical Findings: 2 Total SAST High Findings: 2 Total DAST Critical Findings: 0 Total DAST High Findings: 0 Please review the report that we shared for more details about the vulnerabilities. - Jonathan.andrian@hhs.texas.gov - Sijo.Stephen@hhs.texas.gov ",MSR,positive,82%,description total sast critical findings total sast high findings total dast critical findings total dast high findings please review report shared details vulnerabilities jonathan andrianhhs texas gov sijo stephenhhs texas gov,opl security scans fix criticalhigh vulnerabilities,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 796,503969,Research Analysis on Screen Validations for New Enrollment Request Type,New,,,Create a spreadsheet of what defect/screen validation is found. Validate allthe fields on a specific page. ,MSR,positive,75%,create spreadsheet defectscreen validation found validate allthe fields specific page,research analysis screen validations new enrollment request type,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 797,503971,Research Analysis on Screen Validations for PE Flow,New,,,Go through PEflow and capture screen validations,BSR,positive,68%,go peflow capture screen validations,research analysis screen validations pe flow,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 798,503974,Wrongfully Disenrolled Providers Data Fix in Production,New,,,"Hugo to share results for data fixestomorrow. Create a spreadsheet with all NPIs (classify what are appropriatelydisenrolled, also what needs to be re-enrolled/fixed).",BSR,positive,84%,hugo share results data fixestomorrow create spreadsheet npis classify appropriatelydisenrolled also needs reenrolledfixed,wrongfully disenrolled providers data fix production,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 799,504036,10/25/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 4 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response 1 Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 26 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",Execute SOP 12 for workflow status mismatches for 10/25/2023.,PSR,positive,73%,execute sop workflow status mismatches,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 800,504039,Children's Health Clinical Operations - Childrens Medical Center Dallas No outstanding overpayments,New,,,"We identified two PEMS applications that were placed on hold for outstanding OIG 0301 and Acute Care Medicaid overpayments that should not be on hold. We are requesting that a new PEMS ticket be created. PEMS 20306452 / PPM 8043932 and PEMS 20346229 / PPM 8043940 - Children's Health Clinical Operations - Childrens Medical Center Dallas The Children's Health Clinical Operations - Childrens Medical Center Dallas applications were submitted in PEMS on 10/24/2023. The most current CHD24900 file as of that date was 10/20/2023 and it shows no outstanding Medicaid overpayments for this provider. We did some additional research and discovered these OIG overpayments and the Acute Care overpayment of $584,416.00 showing in PEMS appear on the CHD24900 file as of 8/25/2023. PEMS should be using the CHD24900 file data from the most recent financial cycle ending on 10/20/2023. We released the provider for enrollment for the Acute Care balance. HHSC-OIG will need to release the provider for enrollment for the OIG 0301 balances. Due Date October 31, 2023 NPI 1588746002 ",PSR,positive,92%,identified two pems applications placed hold outstanding oig acute care medicaid overpayments not hold requesting new pems ticket created pems ppm pems ppm childrens health clinical operations childrens medical center dallas childrens health clinical operations childrens medical center dallas applications submitted pems current chd file date shows no outstanding medicaid overpayments provider additional research discovered oig overpayments acute care overpayment showing pems appear chd file pems using chd file data recent financial cycle ending released provider enrollment acute care balance hhscoig need release provider enrollment oig balances due date october npi,childrens health clinical operations childrens medical center dallas no outstanding overpayments,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 801,504056,PRR 8043955 - SAR 125382 PDC Update Due Date 10/26/2023,Closed,SAR Due 10/26/2023; SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"Provider: • Grace Healthcare Services Inc • NPI 1003001108 Action: • Add date effective 10/24/2023 to PDC 48 and PDC 49 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service o Practice Location- 11311 HARWIN DR APT 17, HOUSTON, TX, 77072-1538 o Note – PDC 48 and PDC 49 add effective date 10/24/2023 per SAR 125382 ","PRR 8043955 - SAR 125382 PDC Update Due Date 10/26/2023 NPI 1003001108 PEMS n/a Priority: High/Disabled without workaround Requested Due Date: 10/26/23 The following has been created per SAR request 125382. Due Date 10/26/2023. I’ve summarized the request below. • PRR: 8043955 • Description: PDC Update • Summary: HHSC direction has been received to add PDC 48 (Provider terminated) and PDC 49 (Provider not enrolled), per SAR 125382 Provider: • Grace Healthcare Services Inc • NPI 1003001108 Action: • Add date effective 10/24/2023 to PDC 48 and PDC 49 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service o Practice Location- 11311 HARWIN DR APT 17, HOUSTON, TX, 77072-1538 o Note – PDC 48 and PDC 49 add effective date 10/24/2023 per SAR 125382 ",PSR,negative,8%,prr sar pdc update due date npi pems na priority highdisabled without workaround requested due date following created per sar request due date summarized request prr description pdc update summary hhsc direction received add pdc provider terminated pdc provider not enrolled per sar provider grace healthcare services inc npi action add date effective pdc pdc following programpractice locations program acute care feeforservice practice location harwin dr apt houston tx note pdc pdc add effective date per sar,prr sar pdc update due date,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 802,504058,PRR 8044233 - Update Program Question Crosswalk,New,,,"PRR 8044233 - Update Program Question Crosswalk NPI n/a PEMS 2024085 PPM PE Request # 7979599 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 Update the PEMS crosswalk for CSCHN-SP program to not ask the following question - Are you using a Medicare certification number for this location? Yes/No See attached spreadsheet for more details. ",PSR,positive,88%,prr update program question crosswalk npi na pems ppm pe request priority medium requested due date update pems crosswalk cschnsp program not ask following question using medicare certification number location yesno see attached spreadsheet details,prr update program question crosswalk,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 803,504061,PRR 8044336 - SAR 125317 PDC Update Due Date 10/26/2023,Closed,SAR Due 10/26/2023; SOP 14; Verified in Prod," Provider: • JANIS J FOWLER-GULDE • NPI 1780688598 Action: • Add date effective 3/20/2023 to PDC 42 and PDC 49 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service o Practice Location- 6801 EMMETT F LOWRY EXPY, TEXAS CITY, TX, 77591-2500 o Note – PDC 42 and PDC 49 add effective date 3/20/2023 per SAR 125317 Action: • Add date effective 3/20/2023 to PDC 42 and PDC 49 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service o Practice Location- 6608 GULF FWY, ste 100, La Marque, TX, 77568-4095 o Note – PDC 42 and PDC 49 add effective date 3/20/2023 per SAR 125317 Action: • Add date effective 3/20/2023 to PDC 42 and PDC 49 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service o Practice Location- 2 N FLAMINGO ST, LA MARQUE, TX, 77568-6528 o Note – PDC 42 and PDC 49 add effective date 3/20/2023 per SAR 125317 Action: • Add date effective 3/20/2023 to PDC 42 and PDC 49 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service/ Children with Special Health Care Needs Services Program (CSHCN) o Billing Practice Location- 525 BLOSSOM ST, WEBSTER, TX, 77598-4209 o Note – PDC 42 and PDC 49 add effective date 3/20/2023 per SAR 125317 Action: • Add date effective 3/20/2023 to PDC 42 and PDC 49 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service o Billing Practice Location- 6801 DELANY RD, HITCHCOCK, TX, 77563-1734 o Note – PDC 42 and PDC 49 add effective date 3/20/2023 per SAR 125317 Action: • Add date effective 3/20/2023 to PDC 42 and PDC 49 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service o Billing Practice Location- 7900 Fannin St STE 4000, Houston, TX, 77054-2935 o Note – PDC 42 and PDC 49 add effective date 3/20/2023 per SAR 125317 ","PRR 8044336 - SAR 125317 PDC Update Due Date 10/26/2023 NPI 1780688598 PEMS n/a Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/26/23 The following has been created per SAR request 125317. Due Date 10/26/2023. I’ve summarized the request below. • PRR: 8044336 • Description: PDC Update • Summary: HHSC direction has been received to add date PDC 42 (Provider Excluded-OIG) and PDC 49 (Provider is not enrolled), per SAR 125317 Provider: • JANIS J FOWLER-GULDE • NPI 1780688598 Action: • Add date effective 3/20/2023 to PDC 42 and PDC 49 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service o Practice Location- 6801 EMMETT F LOWRY EXPY, TEXAS CITY, TX, 77591-2500 o Note – PDC 42 and PDC 49 add effective date 3/20/2023 per SAR 125317 Action: • Add date effective 3/20/2023 to PDC 42 and PDC 49 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service o Practice Location- 6608 GULF FWY, ste 100, La Marque, TX, 77568-4095 o Note – PDC 42 and PDC 49 add effective date 3/20/2023 per SAR 125317 Action: • Add date effective 3/20/2023 to PDC 42 and PDC 49 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service o Practice Location- 2 N FLAMINGO ST, LA MARQUE, TX, 77568-6528 o Note – PDC 42 and PDC 49 add effective date 3/20/2023 per SAR 125317 Action: • Add date effective 3/20/2023 to PDC 42 and PDC 49 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service/ Children with Special Health Care Needs Services Program (CSHCN) o Billing Practice Location- 525 BLOSSOM ST, WEBSTER, TX, 77598-4209 o Note – PDC 42 and PDC 49 add effective date 3/20/2023 per SAR 125317 Action: • Add date effective 3/20/2023 to PDC 42 and PDC 49 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service o Billing Practice Location- 6801 DELANY RD, HITCHCOCK, TX, 77563-1734 o Note – PDC 42 and PDC 49 add effective date 3/20/2023 per SAR 125317 Action: • Add date effective 3/20/2023 to PDC 42 and PDC 49 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service o Billing Practice Location- 7900 Fannin St STE 4000, Houston, TX, 77054-2935 o Note – PDC 42 and PDC 49 add effective date 3/20/2023 per SAR 125317 ",PSR,positive,65%,prr sar pdc update due date npi pems na priority high requested due date following created per sar request due date summarized request prr description pdc update summary hhsc direction received add date pdc provider excludedoig pdc provider not enrolled per sar provider janis j fowlergulde npi action add date effective pdc pdc following programpractice locations program acute care feeforservice practice location emmett f lowry expy texas city tx note pdc pdc add effective date per sar action add date effective pdc pdc following programpractice locations program acute care feeforservice practice location gulf fwy ste la marque tx note pdc pdc add effective date per sar action add date effective pdc pdc following programpractice locations program acute care feeforservice practice location n flamingo st la marque tx note pdc pdc add effective date per sar action add date effective pdc pdc following programpractice locations program acute care feeforservice children special health care needs services program cshcn billing practice location blossom st webster tx note pdc pdc add effective date per sar action add date effective pdc pdc following programpractice locations program acute care feeforservice billing practice location delany rd hitchcock tx note pdc pdc add effective date per sar action add date effective pdc pdc following programpractice locations program acute care feeforservice billing practice location fannin st ste houston tx note pdc pdc add effective date per sar,prr sar pdc update due date,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 804,504113,Provider should not be able to submit application if Systematic Deficiency status is Deficient,New,,,"Provider should not be able to submit application if Systematic Deficiency status is Deficient. Providers make corrections but do not update the status to ""correction made"" and are still able to submit the application. ",Research and Analysis,negative,2%,provider not able submit application systematic deficiency status deficient providers make corrections but not update status correction made still able submit application,provider not able submit application systematic deficiency status deficient,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 805,504116,End User Ability to Update Question Crosswalk,New,,,"I don't understand this ticket, We should never allow users to update questions crosswalk. Crosswalk updates are going to be a routine maintenance. Some due to them being missed during the initial PEMS project and others are due to SAR requests. ",Research and Analysis,negative,2%,not understand ticket never allow users update questions crosswalk crosswalk updates going routine maintenance due missed initial pems project others due sar requests,end user ability update question crosswalk,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 806,504119,VDP termination date is updated to the approval date in error,New,,," If the request approval and the transaction record has a master id the enroll program practice VDP termination date is updated to the approval date. need to identify all active enrollments for VDP where the enroll program practice VDP termination date is updated to the approval date in error. ",Research and Analysis,negative,33%,request approval transaction record master id enroll program practice vdp termination date updated approval date need identify active enrollments vdp enroll program practice vdp termination date updated approval date error,vdp termination date updated approval date error,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 807,504129,Group Name missing on Practice Location Page for Performing Provider Application.,New,,,"Group Name missing on Practice Location Page for Performing Provider Application. When the group application was initially added the name was not populated. When the group enrolls with an NPI the data is pulled from the NPPES table to populate the MstrNpiProvider table. At the time that the group application was created the organization name was null on the NPPES table. we do not have control over the data that comes from NPPES. ",Research and Analysis,negative,3%,group name missing practice location page performing provider application group application initially added name not populated group enrolls npi data pulled nppes table populate mstrnpiprovider table time group application created organization name null nppes table not control data comes nppes,group name missing practice location page performing provider application,0,"Application, prr, not, field, blank" 808,504133,Provider unable to update Provider Information,New,,,Provider is unable to update DOB and SSN in provider information for a request.,Research and Analysis,neutral,46%,provider unable update dob ssn provider information request,provider unable update provider information,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 809,504142,Provider unable to update Owner/Creditor/Principal Information,New,,,Provider unable to update Owner/Creditor/Principal Information on a request.,Research and Analysis,neutral,49%,provider unable update ownercreditorprincipal information request,provider unable update ownercreditorprincipal information,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 810,504143,PRR 8042874 - Master File Discrepancy - Fast Access Splty Therapeutics LLC ,New,,"Currently the Alt IDs exist on the disenrolled Pharmacy program but need to be added to the enrolled Pharmacy program. ","PRR 8042874 - Master File Discrepancy - NPI 1316317209 - Fast Access Splty Therape1utics LLC NPI 1316317209 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/24/23 Pharmacies not active per MCO's/Navitus. Pharmacies were converted and have not been through PEMS. Information is missing in the UI that may be causing the rejections from Navitus. All pharmacies are enrolled and active. ",PSR,negative,1%,prr master file discrepancy npi fast access splty therapeutics llc npi priority high requested due date pharmacies not active per mcosnavitus pharmacies converted not pems information missing ui may causing rejections navitus pharmacies enrolled active,prr master file discrepancy fast access splty therapeutics llc,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 811,504147,PRR 8045347 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report),In Development,,,"PRR 8045347 - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) NPI – See attachment Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/26/23 Mismatch report to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. -AMD 10.25.2023 Data fix required to fix PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. Accenture will upload daily as discrepancies are identified. ",PSR,positive,72%,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report npi see attachment priority medium requested due date mismatch report correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues amd data fix required fix pems ppm workflow syncing issues accenture upload daily discrepancies identified,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 812,504152,PRR 8045180 - SAR 125342-1 Disenroll VDP Provider - Due 10/31/2023,Closed,SAR Due 10/31/23; SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"1457834251 Add PDC 65 effective October 20, 2023 to VDP Program","PRR 8045180 - SAR 125342-1 Disenroll VDP Provider - Due 10/31/2023 NPI 1457834251 SAR 125342-1 Disenroll VDP Provider – Due 10/31/23 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 HHSC VDP directs TMHP to disenroll NPI 1457834251 by applying this status code for the PEMS Master Provider File: Provider has no claim or encounter activity for a time period defined by the Program/PDC-65 effective the date of this SAR submission which is October 20, 2023. For the VDP Interim Daily File used by Conduent PCRA as PDCs are not used on this file, the pharmacy needs to have a termination date effective the date of this SAR submission. This direction is specific to VDP and does not apply to additional programs the provider may be enrolled in. ",PSR,negative,0%,prr sar disenroll vdp provider due npi sar disenroll vdp provider due priority high requested due date hhsc vdp directs tmhp disenroll npi applying status code pems master provider file provider no claim encounter activity time period defined programpdc effective date sar submission october vdp interim daily file used conduent pcra pdcs not used file pharmacy needs termination date effective date sar submission direction specific vdp not apply additional programs provider may enrolled,prr sar disenroll vdp provider due,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 813,504208,PEP-Batch-Emails Error,New,,,"The last run result is not getting updated correctly in the task scheduler and showing the error circled in red in the attached screenshot. Task scheduler shows (0*E0434F4D) for the last run result. ",Research and Analysis,negative,7%,last run result not getting updated correctly task scheduler showing error circled red attached screenshot task scheduler shows efd last run result,pepbatchemails error,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 814,504226,Multiple Vendor ID PHARMHOUSE KOUNTZE,Closed,VDP SOP; Verified in Prod,"1649773979 Enrollment Period remove gap 6/12/2018- 6/11/2023 Update end date = 2023-10-10 End Date OLD Alt IDs Update Vendor ID 149781 Expiration Date = 2023-10-10 Add TINS 18228241909000 Effective Date = 2018-06-12 Expiration Date = 2023-10-10 Update NCPDP 5924318 Expiration Date = 2023-10-10 Update NPI 1649773979 Expiration Date = 2023-10-10 Add Network 1-7 Effective Date = 2018-06-12 Expiration Date = 2023-10-10 Add New Alt IDs Vendor ID 150695 Effective Date = 2023-10-11 TINS 18228241909001 Effective Date = 2023-10-11 Update NCPDP 5924318 Effective Date = 2023-10-11 Add NPI 1649773979 Effective Date = 2023-10-11 Update Network 1-7 Effective Date = 2023-10-11 ","Multiple Vendor ID - same NPI 1649773979 Requested Due Date 10/26/23 You cannot have 2 ACTIVE Vendor IDs on the same NPI 02|1649773979|149781|149781|15|TX VDP|2023-10-11|2029-04-10||||||| 02|1649773979|149781|150695|15|TX VDP|2023-10-11|2029-04-10||||||| ",PSR,neutral,45%,multiple vendor id npi requested due date not active vendor ids npi tx vdp tx vdp,multiple vendor id pharmhouse kountze,23,"Vendor, ids, req, active, overlapping" 815,504299,PRR 8046167 - SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS,Closed,Verified in Prod,Add SRC reason 'Standard Risk Level' for NPI 1235633306 and PEMS Request 20313749,"PRR 8046167 - PEMS 20313749 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS NPI 1235633306 PEMS Request# 20313749 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/30/23 OIG escalated PEMS 20313749 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated ",PSR,negative,7%,prr pems src reason not populated pems npi pems request priority medium requested due date oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,prr src reason not populated pems,8,"Pems, src, reason, not, populated" 816,504315,PRR 8044791 - Site Visit - No Site Visit Required - PC Tickets Generated,Rejected,,,"PRR 8044791 - Site Visit - No Site Visit Required - PC Tickets Generated NPI 1730269671 PEMS Request# 20343375 Priority: Critical Requested Due Date: 10/26/23 The following PC Ticket: 8043551 was reviewed and verified site visit is not needed. No changes have been made to the location's address or the ownership percentage. PC Ticket: 8043551 405 N Main St STE 1, McAllen, 78501 Existing Enrollment - Not Adding or Changing Address/No Site Visit Required ",PSR,negative,9%,prr site visit no site visit required pc tickets generated npi pems request priority critical requested due date following pc ticket reviewed verified site visit not needed no changes made locations address ownership percentage pc ticket n main st ste mcallen existing enrollment not adding changing addressno site visit required,prr site visit no site visit required pc tickets generated,12,"Site, visit, bypassed, prr, oig" 817,504374,"Screen Risk Category Evaluation Should not Consider New Enrollment, Re-enrollment, Revalidation",Accepted,Rachana Aryal; Ready for Merge Testing in B,"Logic updated for screen risk calculation to account for only Existing Enrollments. Acceptance from PBI 471856: Refer to this site for Screen risk logic - BA Risk Level - TMHPWiki 1) Demonstrate when New Enrollment, Re-enrollment, Revalidation applications are submitted, screen risk is evaluated when the following is true: * did not include adding a new practice location * did not include changing the address on an existing location * did not include new owners with 5% or more (or existing owners with ownership increasing to 5% or more) * did not include new partners with ownership greater than 0% (or existing partners with ownership increasing above 0%) 2) 1) Demonstrate when Existing Enrollment applications are submitted, screen risk logic is not evaluated when the following is true: * did not include adding a new practice location * did not include changing the address on an existing location * did not include new owners with 5% or more (or existing owners with ownership increasing to 5% or more) * did not include new partners with ownership greater than 0% (or existing partners with ownership increasing above 0%) ","Defect identified from Accenture 8/24/23 release, PBI 471856 (linked). Currently PEMS uses provider's current screen risk to assign the screen risk for New Enrollment, Re-enrollment, Revalidation and Existing Enrollment when the following is true: * did not include adding a new practice location * did not include changing the address on an existing location * did not include new owners with 5% or more (or existing owners with ownership increasing to 5% or more) * did not include new partners with ownership greater than 0% (or existing partners with ownership increasing above 0%) This logic should only apply for Existing enrollments, all other enrollments should be excluded. Linked PSRs that have been escalated are blocked by this code defect and cannot progress until the code change is in place. 503246, 503306 ACN 471856 specifically refers to Existing Enrollments. The logic needs to be updated to check only for Existing Enrollments. Test cases indicate that only Existing was tested, and no other enrollment types. ",MSR,negative,14%,defect identified accenture release pbi linked currently pems uses providers current screen risk assign screen risk new enrollment reenrollment revalidation existing enrollment following true not include adding new practice location not include changing address existing location not include new owners existing owners ownership increasing not include new partners ownership greater existing partners ownership increasing logic apply existing enrollments enrollments excluded linked psrs escalated blocked code defect not progress code change place acn specifically refers existing enrollments logic needs updated check existing enrollments test cases indicate existing tested no enrollment types,screen risk category evaluation not consider new enrollment reenrollment revalidation,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 818,504407,Stuck in Submit PEMS Root Cause,Rejected,,,nan,MSR,positive,66%,nan,stuck submit pems root,1,"Pems, submit, unable, request, prr" 819,504493,Providers Enrolled as Facility in PEP and Converted as Indvidual in PEMS,New,,,"Providers Enrolled as Facility in PEP and Converted as Indvidual in PEMS. Need to identify all providers that were originally enrolled as group or facility in PEP and then converted to PEMS as individuals. ",Research and Analysis,positive,64%,providers enrolled facility pep converted indvidual pems need identify providers originally enrolled group facility pep converted pems individuals,providers enrolled facility pep converted indvidual pems,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 820,504494,10/26/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 2 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response 2 Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 20 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",Execute SOP 12 for workflow status mismatches for 10/26/2023.,PSR,positive,73%,execute sop workflow status mismatches,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 821,504519,Wrongfully Disenrolled Providers Data Fix,Closed,Team 2; Verified in Prod,"Providers impacted are segmented correctly, revalidation due dates are correct and PDCs are removed or end dated. List of affected providers is attached. ",Data fix that deployed on 8/24/23 wrongfully disenrolled providers that had a reenrollment request approved.,PSR,neutral,55%,data fix deployed wrongfully disenrolled providers reenrollment request approved,wrongfully disenrolled providers data fix,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 822,504520,PRR 8046168 - SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS,Closed,Sop 08; Verified in Prod,Add SRC reason 'Standard Risk Level' for NPI 1811229537 and PEMS Request 20310830,"OIG escalated PEMS 20310830 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated Requested Due date October 30, 2023 NPI 1811229537 PEMS 20310830 PPM 8004522 ",PSR,negative,24%,oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated requested due date october npi pems ppm,prr src reason not populated pems,8,"Pems, src, reason, not, populated" 823,504542,VDP ALT IDS and Network IDs Segments Issues,New,,,There are Pharmacies that are enrolled but the ALT IDS and Network IDs Segments are missing or do not have the correct effective and end dates.,Research and Analysis,negative,6%,pharmacies enrolled but alt ids network ids segments missing not correct effective end dates,vdp alt ids network ids segments issues,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 824,504573,PIPELINE PHARMACY - 2 Vendor IDs Active ,Closed,VDP SOP; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1902301724 Re-enrollment 9/7/2023-9/6/2028 - update begin date 6/15/2023 Update Segment date to remove the gap due to PHE. Remove PDC 66 End Date OLD Alt IDs/Network IDs Update NPI = 1902301724 = Expiration Date 6/14/2023 Update Vendor ID 149795 Expiration Date 6/14/2023 Update TINS 18214808117000 Expiration Date 6/14/2023 Update NCPDP 5924382 Expiration Date 6/14/2023 Add Network 1-7 Effective Date = 2018-06-15 Expiration Date = 6/14/2023 Add New Alt IDs/Network IDs Add NPI=1902301724 Effective Date = 6/15/2023 VendorID 150692 Effective Date = 6/15/2023 TINS 18214808117000 Effective Date = 6/15/2023 Add NCPDP 5924382 Effective Date = 6/15/2023 Update NetworkEffective Date 1-7 Effective Date = 6/15/2023 EnrollPgmPractVDPTerminationDate Remove date 2023-09-06 ","NPI 1902301724 PIPELINE PHARMACY - 2 Vendor IDs Active Two different Vendor IDs. Both show open. Both have same start dates. Which is correct ? This will bomb the HHSC file tomorrow to Julie Seaton Vendor ID License DBA Name Legal Name Physical Address Line 1 Physical Address Line 2 City State ZIP County Phone # Program Type Start Date End Date NPI 149795 31927 PIPELINE PHARMACY RYAN PHARMA, INC 328 E Pipeline Rd Hurst TX 76053-5831 220 8174943606 V 9/7/2023 9/6/2028 1902301724 149795 31927 PIPELINE PHARMACY RYAN PHARMA, INC 328 E Pipeline Rd Hurst TX 76053-5831 220 8174943606 P 9/7/2023 9/6/2028 1902301724 150692 31927 PIPELINE PHARMACY RYAN PHARMA, INC 328 E Pipeline Rd Hurst TX 76053-5831 220 8174943606 V 9/7/2023 9/6/2028 1902301724 150692 31927 PIPELINE PHARMACY RYAN PHARMA, INC 328 E Pipeline Rd Hurst TX 76053-5831 220 8174943606 P 9/7/2023 9/6/2028 1902301724 01|1902301724|149795||PIPELINE PHARMACY|RYAN PHARMA, INC|2023-09-07|||110|03|05|01|01|||Y|3336C0003X|||Y|14|109001800209001800309001800409001800509001800609001400||2023-09-07|0001-01-01|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1902301724|149795|1902301724|01|TX MCP|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||||| 02|1902301724|149795|149795|15|TX VDP|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||||| 02|1902301724|149795|18214808117000|16|TX VDP|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||||| 02|1902301724|149795|150692|15|TX VDP|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||||| 02|1902301724|149795|18214808117000|16|TX VDP|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||||| 02|1902301724|149795|821480811|11|IRS|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||||| 02|1902301724|149795|31927|08|TX LIC|2018-06-15|2028-09-06|2018-03-23|2024-03-31|Active|||| 03|1902301724|149795|2023-09-07|2028-09-06|1|PH|328 E Pipeline Rd||Hurst|TX|76053|5831|220|USA|8174943606||8174943697|||||| 03|1902301724|149795|2023-09-07|2028-09-06|1|MA|328 E Pipeline Rd||Hurst|TX|76053|5831|220|USA|8174943606||8174943697|||||| 03|1902301724|149795|2023-09-07|2028-09-06|1|BA|328 E Pipeline Rd||Hurst|TX|76053|5831||USA|8174943606||8174943697|||||| 04|1902301724|149795|V|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||| 04|1902301724|149795|P|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||| 04|1902301724|149795|K|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||| 04|1902301724|149795|C|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||| 04|1902301724|149795|W|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||| 04|1902301724|149795|DEL|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||| 04|1902301724|149795|RT|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||| 06|1902301724|149795||Q|2018-06-15|9999-12-31|ELTEGY|AHMED||||||||USA|6823679008||||||||| 01|1902301724|150692||PIPELINE PHARMACY|RYAN PHARMA, INC|2023-09-07|||110|03|05|01|01|||Y|3336C0003X|||Y|14|109001800209001800309001800409001800509001800609001400||2023-09-07|0001-01-01|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1902301724|150692|1902301724|01|TX MCP|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||||| 02|1902301724|150692|149795|15|TX VDP|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||||| 02|1902301724|150692|18214808117000|16|TX VDP|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||||| 02|1902301724|150692|150692|15|TX VDP|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||||| 02|1902301724|150692|18214808117000|16|TX VDP|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||||| 02|1902301724|150692|821480811|11|IRS|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||||| 02|1902301724|150692|31927|08|TX LIC|2018-06-15|2028-09-06|2018-03-23|2024-03-31|Active|||| 03|1902301724|150692|2023-09-07|2028-09-06|1|PH|328 E Pipeline Rd||Hurst|TX|76053|5831|220|USA|8174943606||8174943697||pipelinepharmacy@gmail.com|||| 03|1902301724|150692|2023-09-07|2028-09-06|1|MA|328 E Pipeline Rd||Hurst|TX|76053|5831|220|USA|8174943606||8174943697|||||| 03|1902301724|150692|2023-09-07|2028-09-06|1|BA|328 E Pipeline Rd||Hurst|TX|76053|5831||USA|8174943606||8174943697|||||| 04|1902301724|150692|V|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||| 04|1902301724|150692|P|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||| 04|1902301724|150692|K|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||| 04|1902301724|150692|C|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||| 04|1902301724|150692|W|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||| 04|1902301724|150692|DEL|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||| 04|1902301724|150692|RT|2023-09-07|2028-09-06||||| 06|1902301724|150692||Q|2018-06-15|9999-12-31|ELTEGY|AHMED||||||||USA|6823679008||||||||| ",PSR,positive,97%,npi pipeline pharmacy vendor ids active two different vendor ids show open start dates correct bomb hhsc file tomorrow julie seaton vendor id license dba name legal name physical address line physical address line city state zip county phone program type start date end date npi pipeline pharmacy ryan pharma inc e pipeline rd hurst tx v pipeline pharmacy ryan pharma inc e pipeline rd hurst tx p pipeline pharmacy ryan pharma inc e pipeline rd hurst tx v pipeline pharmacy ryan pharma inc e pipeline rd hurst tx p pipeline pharmacyryan pharma incycxyrt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph e pipeline rdhursttxusa e pipeline rdhursttxusa ba e pipeline rdhursttxusa v p k c w del rt qeltegyahmedusa pipeline pharmacyryan pharma incycxyrt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph e pipeline rdhursttxusapipelinepharmacygmail com e pipeline rdhursttxusa ba e pipeline rdhursttxusa v p k c w del rt qeltegyahmedusa,pipeline pharmacy vendor ids active,23,"Vendor, ids, req, active, overlapping" 825,504575,UROLOGY CLINICS - 2 Active Vendor IDs - same NPI ,Ready,VDP SOP,"NPI 1164957700 Re-enrollment End Date OLD Alt IDs/Network IDs Update NPI = 1164957700 = Expiration Date 3/14/2023 Update Vendor ID 149847 Expiration Date 3/14/2023 Update TINS 17527888394001 Expiration 3/14/2023 Update NCPDP 5921487 Expiration Date 3/14/2023 Add Network 1,3,5, 6 &7 Effective Date = 2018-08-07 Expiration Date = 3/14/2023 update Network 2 & 4 Expiration Date = 3/14/2023 Add New Alt IDs/Network IDs Add NPI =1164957700 Effective Date = 9/28/2023 Vendor ID 150703 Effective Date = 9/28/2023 TINS 17527888394001 Effective Date = 9/28/2023 Add NCPDP 5921487 Effective Date = 9/28/2023 Update Network Effective Date 1, 3, 5 and 7 Effective Date =9/28/2023 ","NPI 1164957700 UROLOGY CLINICS - 2 Active Vendor IDs - same NPI Two different Vendor IDs. Both show open. Both have same start dates. Which is correct ? This will bomb the HHSC file tomorrow to Julie Seaton Vendor ID License DBA Name Legal Name Physical Address Line 1 Physical Address Line 2 City State ZIP County Phone # Program Type Start Date End Date NPI 149847 31363 URO PHARMACY UROLOGY CLINICS OF NORTH TX, PLLC 10501 N Central Expy STE 200 Dallas TX 75231-2200 57 2145802265 V 9/28/2023 9/27/2028 1164957700 150703 31363 URO PHARMACY UROLOGY CLINICS OF NORTH TX, PLLC 10501 N Central Expy STE 200 Dallas TX 75231-2200 57 2145802265 V 9/28/2023 9/27/2028 1164957700 01|1164957700|150703||URO PHARMACY|UROLOGY CLINICS OF NORTH TX, PLLC|2023-09-28|5||151|03|07|01|01|||N|3336C0003X|||N||107001530207001530307001530407001530507001530||2023-09-28|2018-04-03|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1164957700|150703|1164957700|01|TX MCP|2023-09-28|2028-09-27||||||| 02|1164957700|150703|149847|15|TX VDP|2023-09-28|2028-09-27||||||| 02|1164957700|150703|17527888394001|16|TX VDP|2023-09-28|2028-09-27||||||| 02|1164957700|150703|150703|15|TX VDP|2023-09-28|2028-09-27||||||| 02|1164957700|150703|17527888394001|16|TX VDP|2023-09-28|2028-09-27||||||| 02|1164957700|150703|752788839|11|IRS|2023-09-28|2028-09-27||||||| 02|1164957700|150703|31363|08|TX LIC|2018-08-07|2028-09-27|2017-04-11|2025-04-30|Active|||| 03|1164957700|150703|2023-09-28|2028-09-27|1|PH|10501 N Central Expy STE 200||Dallas|TX|75231|2200|057|USA|2145802265||2143823087||crodriguez@urologyclinics.com|||| 03|1164957700|150703|2023-09-28|2028-09-27|1|MA|10501 N Central Expy STE 200||Dallas|TX|75231|2200|057|USA|2145802265||2143823087|||||| 03|1164957700|150703|2023-09-28|2028-09-27|1|BA|9900 N Central Expy STE 120||Dallas|TX|75231|0962||USA|2144426565|||||||| 04|1164957700|150703|V|2023-09-28|2028-09-27||||| 04|1164957700|150703|K|2023-09-28|2028-09-27||||| 04|1164957700|150703|W|2023-09-28|2028-09-27||||| 04|1164957700|150703|RT|2023-09-28|2028-09-27||||| 06|1164957700|150703||Q|2018-08-07|9999-12-31|RODRIGUEZ|CASSANDRA||||||||USA|2146911902||||||||| ",PSR,positive,68%,npi urology clinics active vendor ids npi two different vendor ids show open start dates correct bomb hhsc file tomorrow julie seaton vendor id license dba name legal name physical address line physical address line city state zip county phone program type start date end date npi uro pharmacy urology clinics north tx pllc n central expy ste dallas tx v uro pharmacy urology clinics north tx pllc n central expy ste dallas tx v uro pharmacyurology clinics north tx pllcncxnrt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph n central expy ste dallastxusacrodriguezurologyclinics com n central expy ste dallastxusa ba n central expy ste dallastxusa v k w rt qrodriguezcassandrausa,urology clinics active vendor ids npi,23,"Vendor, ids, req, active, overlapping" 826,504580,ROGER'S PHARMACY - 2 Active Vendor IDs - same NPI,Accepted,VDP SOP,"NPI 1821101932 Re-enrollment Remove Gap due to PHE 8/24/2023-8/23/2028 update begin date to 7/17/2023 End Date OLD Alt IDs/Network IDs Update NPI = 1821101932 = Expiration Date 7/16/2023 Update Vendor ID 149822 Expiration Date 7/16/20233 Update TINS 18235668490000 Expiration 7/16/2023 Update NCPDP 4546567 Expiration Date 7/16/2023 Update Network 1-5 &7 Effective Date = 7/17/2023 Add New Alt IDs/Network IDs Add NPI =1821101932 Effective Date = 7/17/2023 Vendor ID 150686 Effective Date = 7/17/2023 TINS 18235668490000 Effective Date = 7/17/2023 Add NCPDP 4546567 Effective Date = 7/17/2023 Add Network 1-5 &7 Effective Date = 2018-07-17 Expiration Date = 7/16/2023 ","Two different Vendor IDs. Both show open. Both have same start dates. Which is correct ? NPI 1821101932- Roger's Pharmacy 01|1821101932|149822||ROGER'S PHARMACY|SAUCEDO PHARMACY INC|2023-08-24|||165|01|11|01|01|||N|3336C0003X|||N||109001800209001800309001800409001800509001800609001200||2023-08-24|2018-05-14|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1821101932|149822|1821101932|01|TX MCP|2023-08-24|2028-08-23||||||| 02|1821101932|149822|149822|15|TX VDP|2023-08-24|2028-08-23||||||| 02|1821101932|149822|18235668490000|16|TX VDP|2023-08-24|2028-08-23||||||| 02|1821101932|149822|150686|15|TX VDP|2023-08-24|2028-08-23||||||| 02|1821101932|149822|823566849|11|IRS|2023-08-24|2028-08-23||||||| 02|1821101932|149822|31887|08|TX LIC|2018-07-17|2028-08-23|2018-03-02|2024-03-31|Active|||| 03|1821101932|149822|2023-08-24|2028-08-23|1|PH|1021 E 1st St||Dumas|TX|79029|3340|171|USA|8069357494||8069355805|||||| 03|1821101932|149822|2023-08-24|2028-08-23|1|MA|1021 E 1st St||Dumas|TX|79029|3340|171|USA|8069357494||8069355805|||||| 03|1821101932|149822|2023-08-24|2028-08-23|1|BA|1021 E 1st St||Dumas|TX|79029|3340||USA|8069357494||8069355805|||||| 04|1821101932|149822|V|2023-08-24|2028-08-23||||| 04|1821101932|149822|P|2023-08-24|2028-08-23||||| 04|1821101932|149822|K|2023-08-24|2028-08-23||||| 04|1821101932|149822|C|2023-08-24|2028-08-23||||| 04|1821101932|149822|W|2023-08-24|2028-08-23||||| 04|1821101932|149822|RT|2023-08-24|2028-08-23||||| 06|1821101932|149822||Q|2018-07-17|9999-12-31|SAUCEDO|JASON||||||||USA|8069357494||||||||| ",PSR,positive,73%,two different vendor ids show open start dates correct npi rogers pharmacy rogers pharmacysaucedo pharmacy incncxnrt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph e st stdumastxusa e st stdumastxusa ba e st stdumastxusa v p k c w rt qsaucedojasonusa,rogers pharmacy active vendor ids npi,23,"Vendor, ids, req, active, overlapping" 827,504594,TOTAL EXCEL PHARMACY 2 Active Vendor IDs - same NPI ,Accepted,VDP SOP,"NPI 1396319265 - Reenrollment End Date OLD Alt IDs/Network IDs Update Vendor ID 150436 Effective Date 12/7/2021 Expiration Date 3/14/2023 Update TINS 18530339755000 Effective Date 12/7/2021 Expiration Date 3/14/2023 Update NCPDP 5934179 Effective Date 12/7/2021Expiration Date 3/14/2023 Add NPI 1396319265 Effective Date 12/7/2021 Expiration Date 3/14/2023 Update Network ID 1-3-4-6-7 Effective Date 12/7/2021 Expiration Date 3/14/2023 Add New Alt IDs/Network IDs Update Vendor ID 150709 Effective Date 10/11/2023 Update TINS 18530339755000 Effective Date 10/11/2023 Add NCPDP 5934179 Effective Date 10/11/2023 Add NPI 1396319265 Effective Date 10/11/2023 Update Network ID 1-3-4-6-7 Effective Date 10/11/2023 End Date PDC 65 10/10/2023 EnrollPgmPractVDPTerminationDate Remove date 2023-10-10 ","NPI 1396319265 TOTAL EXCEL PHARMACY 2 Active Vendor IDs - same NPI Priority: High Requested Due Date: 10/26/23 Vendor ID License DBA Name Legal Name Physical Address Line 1 Physical Address Line 2 City State ZIP County Phone # Program Type Start Date End Date NPI 150436 33769 TOTAL EXCEL PHARMACY LLC TOTAL EXCEL PHARMACY LLC 11003 Antoine Dr Ste F Houston TX 77086-1428 101 3462702903 V 10/11/2023 10/10/2028 1396319265 150709 33769 TOTAL EXCEL PHARMACY LLC TOTAL EXCEL PHARMACY LLC 11003 Antoine Dr Ste F Houston TX 77086-1428 101 3462702903 V 10/11/2023 10/10/2028 1396319265 ",PSR,neutral,57%,npi total excel pharmacy active vendor ids npi priority high requested due date vendor id license dba name legal name physical address line physical address line city state zip county phone program type start date end date npi total excel pharmacy llc total excel pharmacy llc antoine dr ste f houston tx v total excel pharmacy llc total excel pharmacy llc antoine dr ste f houston tx v,total excel pharmacy active vendor ids npi,23,"Vendor, ids, req, active, overlapping" 828,504608,PRR 8047474 - SRC reason code not populating.,Ready,Sop 08,,"PRR 8047474 - SRC reason code not populating. NPI 1053823344 PEMS Request# 20319248 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/30/23 OIG escalated PEMS 20319248 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated ",PSR,negative,9%,prr src reason code not populating npi pems request priority medium requested due date oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,prr src reason code not populating,18,"Reason, code, not, populating, prr" 829,504610,PRR 8047467 - SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS,Ready,Sop 08,,"NPI 1962463075 PEMS 20332604 PPM PE Request # 8036598 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/30/23 PEMS 20332604 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS OIG escalated PEMS 20332604 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated ",PSR,negative,8%,npi pems ppm pe request priority medium requested due date pems src reason not populated pems oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,prr src reason not populated pems,8,"Pems, src, reason, not, populated" 830,504627,PRR 8047361 - Pharmacy transaction to master merge sync failure,New,,,"PRR 8047361 - PEMS ID 20326875 - Pharmacy Service NPI 1396194825 PEMS Request# 20326875 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/2/23 Needs merge to master - sync failure ",Research and Analysis,negative,43%,prr pems id pharmacy service npi pems request priority high requested due date needs merge master sync failure,prr pharmacy transaction master merge sync failure,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 831,504745,PRR 8047471 - SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS,Closed,Verified in Prod,Add SRC reason 'Standard Risk Level' for NPI 1003303983 and PEMS Request 20349562,"Following PRR 8047471 has been created for the following task: ? ?? • OIG escalated PEMS 20349562 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated. NPI: 1003303983 PEMS Req: 20349562 ",PSR,negative,16%,following prr created following task oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated npi pems req,prr src reason not populated pems,8,"Pems, src, reason, not, populated" 832,504780,PRR 8047606 - SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS,Closed,Verified in Prod,Add SRC reason 'Standard Risk Level' for NPI 1629486717 and PEMS Request 20349072,"PRR 8047606 - SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS NPI 1629486717 PEMS 20349072 PPM PE Request # 8046884 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/30/23 OIG escalated PEMS 20349072 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated ",PSR,negative,8%,prr src reason not populated pems npi pems ppm pe request priority medium requested due date oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,prr src reason not populated pems,8,"Pems, src, reason, not, populated" 833,504818,Reenrollment completed - PDC 66 end-date is prior to the PDC 66 eff date,Ready,PRR Created 4/20/23; SOP 40,"Only update the Enrolled Programs NPI 1639171887 PDC 66 2/1/2017 - 1/31/2017 - Update PDC 66 end date to 5/04/22 751 Hebron Pkwy STE 200, Lewisville, TX, 75057-5053 NPI 1710125604 PDC 66 1/4/2020 - 1/3/2020 - Update PDC 66 end date to 07/27/22 129 VISION PARK BLVD STE 109, SHENANDOAH, TX, 77384-3024 NPI 1447527551 PDC 66 6/21/2022 - 6/20/2022 Update PDC 66 end date to 07/31/22 6651 Main St, Houston, TX, 77030-2351 NPI 1417257940 PDC 66 6/14/2022 - 6/13/2022 Update PDC 66 end date to 07/06/22 9211 West Rd Ste 151, Houston, TX, 77064-8634 NPI 1265804454 PDC 66 4/26/2022 - 4/25/2022 Update PDC 66 end date to 06/06/22 4305 N MESA STE A, EL PASO, TX, 79902-1124 ","Subject: PRR 7910807 - PDC Updates - Multiple Reenrollment completed - PDC 66 end-date is prior to the PDC 66 eff date - 10/05 Still Not Resolved Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/2/23 This was previously escalated due to the Re-enrollment being completed on 3/18 but the PDC 66 was still active. The PDC 66 is now end-dated on the approved NPI enrollment record, but it appears that the end-date is incorrect and is prior to the PDC effective date. Please see attached email for reference. Provider Name: MOHAMMAD J TARIQ CARLA NICOLE CASH Please see updated list below: REQ 20022240 - End date should be 5/04/22 REQ 20063326 - End date should be 07/27/22 REQ 20063457 - End date should be 07/31/22 REQ 20045561 - End date should be 07/06/22 prac loc 9211 West Rd Ste 151 REQ 20058690 - End date should be 06/06/22 ",PSR,negative,1%,subject prr pdc updates multiple reenrollment completed pdc enddate prior pdc eff date still not resolved priority medium requested due date previously escalated due reenrollment completed but pdc still active pdc enddated approved npi enrollment record but appears enddate incorrect prior pdc effective date please see attached email reference provider name mohammad j tariq carla nicole cash please see updated list req end date req end date req end date req end date prac loc west rd ste req end date,reenrollment completed pdc enddate prior pdc eff date,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 834,504820,PRR 8047656 - SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS,Closed,Verified in Prod,Add SRC reason 'Standard Risk Level' for NPI 1881736999 and PEMS Request 20346000,"OIG escalated PEMS 20346000 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated NPI 1881736999 PEMS 20346000 PPM PE 8040911 Requested date November 3, 2023 ",PSR,negative,27%,oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated npi pems ppm pe requested date november,prr src reason not populated pems,8,"Pems, src, reason, not, populated" 835,504833,10/27/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 3 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 21 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",Execute SOP 12 for workflow status mismatches for 10/27/2023.,PSR,positive,73%,execute sop workflow status mismatches,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 836,504851,VDP: 1003030636 - HEB - Overlapping Network Segments,Closed,VDP SOP; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1003030636 Remove Alt Ids Vendor ID 468852 Effective Date = 3/5/2023 TINS 17430106579035 Effective Date = 3/5/2023 NCPDP 4544171 Effective Date = 3/5/2023 NPI 1003030636 Effective Date = 3/5/2023 New ALT IDs Vendor ID 468852 Effective Date = 2016-03-05 Update Termination Date to Null TINS 17430106579035 Effective Date = 2016-03-05 Update Termination Date to Null NCPDP 4544171 Effective Date = 2016-03-05 Update Termination Date to Null NPI 1003030636 Effective Date =2016-03-05 Update Termination Date to Null Network 1-5 & 7 Effective Date =2016-03-05 Update Termination Date to Null ","1003030636 - HEB - Overlapping Network Segments- must be fixed Need to correct Alt Ids from a previous update",PSR,positive,63%,heb overlapping network segments must fixed need correct alt ids previous update,vdp heb overlapping network segments,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 837,504853,PRR 8048231 - SRC reason code not populating,Closed,Verified in Prod,Add SRC reason 'Standard Risk Level' for NPI 1730203084 and PEMS Request 20320011,"PRR 8048231 - SRC reason code not populating NPI 1730203084 PEMS 20320011 PPM PE Request # 8032766 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 PEMS 20320011 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS - AMD 10.27.2023 OIG escalated PEMS 20320011 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated ",PSR,negative,2%,prr src reason code not populating npi pems ppm pe request priority medium requested due date pems src reason not populated pems amd oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,prr src reason code not populating,18,"Reason, code, not, populating, prr" 838,504858,PRR 8048232 - SRC reason code not populating. ,Closed,Verified in Prod,Add SRC reason 'Standard Risk Level' for NPI 1427418904 and PEMS Request 20310444,"OIG escalated PEMS 20310444 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated Requested due date October 31, 2023 NPI 1427418904 PEMS 20310444 PPM PE 8002962 Priority Medium ",PSR,negative,27%,oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated requested due date october npi pems ppm pe priority medium,prr src reason code not populating,18,"Reason, code, not, populating, prr" 839,504860,Vital Care Infusion Services - Missing Network Segments,New,VDP SOP,,"NPI begin date does not align with the rest of the information 05/25/2022 versus 09/24/2021 NPI 1780354852 Vital Care Infusion Services--email attached Where are the Medicaid, CHIP, , CSHCN segments in the file ? Only KHC is listed • Please correct and make the dates align. • Add the Network Segments 01|1780354852|321076||Vital Care Infusion Services|MLB PHARMACY LLC|2021-09-24|5||000|09|06|01|06|||Y|3336H0001X|||Y|14|109001700209001700309001700409001700509001700||0001-01-01|0001-01-01|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1780354852|321076|1780354852|01|TX MCP|2022-05-25|2023-03-14||||||| 02|1780354852|321076|321076|15|TX VDP|2021-09-24|2023-03-14||||||| 02|1780354852|321076|18624092245000|16|TX VDP|2021-09-24|2023-03-14||||||| 02|1780354852|321076|862409224|11|IRS|2021-12-03|2023-03-14||||||| 02|1780354852|321076|33968|08|TX LIC|2021-09-01|2023-03-14|2021-09-16|2025-09-30|Active|||| 03|1780354852|321076|2021-09-24|2023-03-14|1|PH|11 W Beauregard Ave||San Angelo|TX|76903|5832|226|USA|3257771423||3257771430||micah@wtxvitalcare.com|||| 03|1780354852|321076|2021-09-24|2023-03-14|1|BA|11 W Beauregard Ave||San Angelo|TX|76903|5832|226|USA|3256553146|||||||| 04|1780354852|321076|K|2021-09-24|2023-03-14||||| 04|1780354852|321076|K|2021-09-24|2023-03-14||||| 06|1780354852|321076||Q|2021-09-24|9999-12-31|Thompson|Anna|1170 NE Industrial Park Rd||Meridian|MS|39301|1100|000|USA|6017032380|||6014827490|payerrelations@vitalcareinc.com||||| ",PSR,negative,43%,npi begin date not align rest information versus npi vital care infusion servicesemail attached medicaid chip cshcn segments file khc listed please correct make dates align add network segments vital care infusion servicesmlb pharmacy llcyhxyrt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph w beauregard avesan angelotxusamicahwtxvitalcare com ba w beauregard avesan angelotxusa k k qthompsonanna ne industrial park rdmeridianmsusapayerrelationsvitalcareinc com,vital care infusion services missing network segments,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 840,504862,Board of Nursing File Processed Through PEMS_Invalid RN license escalation ,Closed,,,"LTC Operations currently has the following Tier 3 ticket 47175773001 pending for invalid RN license. The provider is reporting several LTCMI’s impacted, and unable to submit. Error: “Invalid RN License: License number did not pass validation against the Texas Board of Nursing records” RN name: Candy Carter RN license number : 541973 License Expiration : 6-30-2024 Provider number : 001031627 Vendor : 4458 ",Research and Analysis,negative,7%,ltc operations currently following tier ticket pending invalid right license provider reporting several ltcmis impacted unable submit error invalid right license license number not pass validation texas board nursing records right name candy carter right license number license expiration provider number vendor,board nursing file processed pemsinvalid right license escalation,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 841,504864,Board of Nursing File Processed Through PEMS_Invalid RN license escalation ,Closed,,,"LTC Operations currently has the following Tier 3 ticket 47175773001 pending for invalid RN license. The provider is reporting several LTCMI’s impacted, and unable to submit. Error: “Invalid RN License: License number did not pass validation against the Texas Board of Nursing records” The Vendor No is 4883 Provider number is 001032457 RN Name is Delia Tomanek Nurse License No is 714227 License Expiration Date is 02/28/2025 ",Research and Analysis,negative,4%,ltc operations currently following tier ticket pending invalid right license provider reporting several ltcmis impacted unable submit error invalid right license license number not pass validation texas board nursing records vendor no provider number right name delia tomanek nurse license no license expiration date,board nursing file processed pemsinvalid right license escalation,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 842,504869,TMB Texas Medical Board File Processing,New,,,Modify the batch process from monthly to daily to process a file if available,MSR,positive,69%,modify batch process monthly daily process file available,tmb texas medical board file processing,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 843,504870,BNE LVN File Processing,New,,,Modify the batch process from monthly to daily to process a file if available.,MSR,positive,69%,modify batch process monthly daily process file available,bne lvn file processing,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 844,504871,BNE RN File Processing,New,,,Modify the batch process from monthly to daily to process a file if available,MSR,positive,69%,modify batch process monthly daily process file available,bne right file processing,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 845,504874,PRR 7910849- Fix Enrollment Period Segment HEB,New,PRR Created 4/20/23; Team 2; VDP SOP,,"PRR 7910849 - NPI 1154788859 - Fix Enrollment Period Segment NPI 1154788859 Provider Name: HEB Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/2/23 NPI 1154788859 - Fix Enrollment Period Segment The enrollment period for HEB NPI 1154788859 should be 10/10/2027 based on the last screening performed on PEMS ID 20040768. ",PSR,positive,70%,prr npi fix enrollment period segment npi provider name heb priority medium requested due date npi fix enrollment period segment enrollment period heb npi based last screening performed pems id,prr fix enrollment period segment heb,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 846,504936,PRR 8048417 - SAR 125343 PDC Update Due Date 11/03/2023,Closed,SAR Due Date 11/03/2023; SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"Provider: • NPI 1043304850 • KMAC, INC.-GUARDIAN HEALTHCARE Action: • Add date effective 05/15/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service o Practice Location- 132 W CLEVELAND BLVD, ARANSAS PASS, TX, 78336-2766 o Note – PDC 63 add effective date 05/15/2023 per SAR 125343 ","PRR 8048417 - SAR 125343 PDC Update Due Date 11/03/2023 NPI 1043304850 Priority: Low Requested Due Date: 11/03/2023 SAR 125343 PDC UPDATES TO PEMS • Summary: HHSC direction has been received to add date PDC 63 (Bankruptcy), per SAR 125343 Provider: • NPI 1043304850 • KMAC, INC.-GUARDIAN HEALTHCARE Action: • Add date effective 05/15/2023 to PDC 63 for the following program/practice locations: o Program - Acute Care - Fee-for-Service o Practice Location- 132 W CLEVELAND BLVD, ARANSAS PASS, TX, 78336-2766 o Note – PDC 63 add effective date 05/15/2023 per SAR 125343 ",PSR,neutral,58%,prr sar pdc update due date npi priority low requested due date sar pdc updates pems summary hhsc direction received add date pdc bankruptcy per sar provider npi kmac inc guardian healthcare action add date effective pdc following programpractice locations program acute care feeforservice practice location w cleveland blvd aransas pass tx note pdc add effective date per sar,prr sar pdc update due date,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 847,504955,PRR 8048528 - SRC reason code not populating,Closed,Verified in Prod,Add SRC reason 'Standard Risk Level' for NPI 1639418718 and PEMS Request 20310353,"PRR 8048528 - SRC reason code not populating NPI 1639418718 PEMS Request# 20310353 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 OIG escalated PEMS 20310353 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated ",PSR,negative,9%,prr src reason code not populating npi pems request priority medium requested due date oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,prr src reason code not populating,18,"Reason, code, not, populating, prr" 848,504957,PRR 7924079 - PDC Update,Closed,PRR Created 5/8/2023; SOP 14; Verified in Prod,"NPI 1407420045 add PDC 40 eff 04/07/2023 610 N Main Ave, 2nd Floor Administration, San Antonio, TX, 78205-1204","Add PDC 40 to Trad TPI 423878401 - NPI 1407420045. PDC 40 eff 04/07/2023 provider selected YES to DO YOU WISH TO END YOUR PARTICIPATION? Provider has requested disenrollment, C21 still needs to be updated Requested due date November 2, 2023 NPI 1407420045 PPM 7880915 PEMS 20204982 ",PSR,negative,12%,add pdc trad tpi npi pdc eff provider selected yes wish end participation provider requested disenrollment c still needs updated requested due date november npi ppm pems,prr pdc update,25,"Sar, due, pdc, update, prr" 849,504960,Board of Nursing File Processed Through PEMS_Invalid RN license escalation,Closed,,,"Received another one related to the RN license not valid for MNLOC form. Here is the nurse information, Provider No: 001014440 AMERIGROUP Vendor No.1238 Nurse Name: Darnell Davis Nurse License No: 928255 License Expiration Date: 9/30/2023 State: TEXAS Form Type: MN LOC RENEWED 9/28/2023, ",Research and Analysis,negative,13%,received another one related right license not valid mnloc form nurse information provider no amerigroup vendor no nurse name darnell davis nurse license no license expiration date state texas form type mn loc renewed,board nursing file processed pemsinvalid right license escalation,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 850,504962,PRR 7927293 - TPI Merge in C21,New,emailed ACN; PRR Created 5/12/2023; Team 2,,"PRR 7927293 - TPI Merge in C21 NPI 1457382798 PEMS Request# 20205686 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/2/23 Provider Name: TEXAS HEALTH PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL KAUFMAN Provider Point of Contact: Israel Barco TPI 0252728 - 01 Needs to be merged to TPI 0941403 affiliated with TPI 0941403 - 02 ",Research and Analysis,negative,24%,prr tpi merge c npi pems request priority medium requested due date provider name texas health presbyterian hospital kaufman provider point contact israel barco tpi needs merged tpi affiliated tpi,prr tpi merge c,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 851,504965,PRR 8048534 - SRC reason code not populating,Closed,Verified in Prod,Add SRC reason 'Standard Risk Level' for NPI 1447584032 and PEMS Request 20307620,"PRR 8048534 - SRC reason code not populating NPI 1447584032 PEMS Request# 20307620 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 10/31/23 OIG escalated PEMS 20307620 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated ",PSR,negative,9%,prr src reason code not populating npi pems request priority medium requested due date oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,prr src reason code not populating,18,"Reason, code, not, populating, prr" 852,504967, PRR 8048271: Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) 10.27.23,Accepted,1 pending item,See workbook for research findings. Script created and one forwarded to PPM team for syncing. And one requires code fix. ," PRR 8048271: Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) 10.27.23 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/3/23 Data fix required to fix PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. Accenture will upload daily as discrepancies are identified. ",PSR,positive,69%,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report priority medium requested due date data fix required fix pems ppm workflow syncing issues accenture upload daily discrepancies identified,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 853,505098,BSR 8049094 - AMD - PEMS Screening API in not working in regression,Testing,,https://sfreg.tmhp.org:41100/Prov_ScreeningAPIREGR/ScreeningAPI should be accessible and validated.,"PEMS ScreeningAPI https://sfreg.tmhp.org:41100/Prov_ScreeningAPIREGR/ScreeningAPI is not working in regression, This is blocking TMHP RPA testing. Requested date October 31, 2023 Priority high ",Research and Analysis,negative,4%,pems screeningapi httpssfreg tmhp orgprovscreeningapiregrscreeningapi not working regression blocking tmhp rpa testing requested date october priority high,bsr amd pems screening api not working regression,29,"Error, batch, screening, internal, request" 854,505106,10/30/23 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP has been executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 5 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response 2 Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 9 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",Execute SOP 12 for workflow status mismatches for 10/30/2023.,PSR,positive,73%,execute sop workflow status mismatches,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 855,505146,PPM/PEMS Mismatch Sync ,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,5b data fix was applied to 20291620 and 5a fix was applied to 20299561.," tfs ticket pems ppm description current pems current ppm Notes 503224 20291620 7978543 Out of Sync. PPM is in IN PROGRESS. PEMS is in INTERNAL QA REVIEW. Review Deficiency Response (Response Accepted) In Progress 503224 20299561 7987407 Out of Sync. PPM is in IN PROGRESS. PEMS is in CLOSED-NO RESPONSE. in progress pe review in PEMS, PPM status says new ",PSR,negative,9%,tfs ticket pems ppm description current pems current ppm notes sync ppm progress pems internal qa review review deficiency response response accepted progress sync ppm progress pems closedno response progress pe review pems ppm status says new,ppmpems mismatch sync,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 856,505147,PPM/PEMS Workflow Sync ,Closed,Code Fix; SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"Linked MSR 503593 is applying the code fix needed for these requests. This PSR will execute the SOP script to reprocess the requests post-code fix. "," tfs ticket pems ppm description current pems current ppm Notes 503306 20326566 Stuck in submit submitted n/a add to code fix 502444 20334958 Stuck in submit submitted n/a add to code fix 502444 20333328 Stuck in submit submitted n/a add to code fix Add these pems request to the stuck in submitted code fix. These requests were on previous tickets and that data fix applied did not work. The code fix will be appled a ",PSR,negative,0%,tfs ticket pems ppm description current pems current ppm notes stuck submit submitted na add code fix stuck submit submitted na add code fix stuck submit submitted na add code fix add pems request stuck submitted code fix requests previous tickets data fix applied not work code fix appled,ppmpems workflow sync,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 857,505180,PRR 8049282 - Regenerate welcome letter,New,,,"PRR 8049282 - Regenerate welcome letter NPI 1427004225 PEMS 20317945 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/02/23 welcome letter did not generate when provider was closed/enrolled on 10/26/23. Provider is unable to contract with the MCOs without the letter ",PSR,negative,14%,prr regenerate welcome letter npi pems priority medium requested due date welcome letter not generate provider closedenrolled provider unable contract mcos without letter,prr regenerate welcome letter,16,"Letter, welcome, not, prr, generated" 858,505193,Screen risk reason code is not populating.,New,Duplicate,,"OIG escalated SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated",Research and Analysis,negative,23%,oig escalated src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,screen risk reason code not populating,18,"Reason, code, not, populating, prr" 859,505266,Crosswalk Updates Required - Incorrect Provider Type,New,,,This is a crosswalk issue. There are updates needed for the crosswalk. Template attached to 502802,Research and Analysis,positive,72%,crosswalk issue updates needed crosswalk template attached,crosswalk updates required incorrect provider type,15,"Provider, type, prr, update, pems" 860,505295,Test,In Development,,,nan,DevOps Support,positive,66%,nan,test,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 861,505321,PRR 8049507: Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) 10.30.23,Accepted,SOP 12,See attached workbook for results. Two requests synced by the PPM team all others synced. All items synced,"PRR 8049507: Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) 10.30.23 Priority: Medium Requested due Date: 11/3/23 Data fix required to fix PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. Accenture will upload daily as discrepancies are identified. ",PSR,positive,69%,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report priority medium requested due date data fix required fix pems ppm workflow syncing issues accenture upload daily discrepancies identified,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 862,505339,Systematically Handle PPM Unavailability,New,,"When PPM is unavailable the batches pause processing tasks and resume when PPM becomes available. Batch list: * TBD ","When PPM goes down (server issues, network issues, etc.) the SMS team must rush to disable certain batches otherwise records are created that need to be cleaned up. The batches need to be enhanced to have better detection of when PPM is unavailable so that it waits to process those tasks and resumes processing when PPM is back up. Batches: * Need list from Vinay ",MSR,negative,2%,ppm goes server issues network issues etc sms team must rush disable certain batches otherwise records created need cleaned batches need enhanced better detection ppm unavailable waits process tasks resumes processing ppm back batches need list vinay,systematically handle ppm unavailability,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 863,505347,Route Cause - Surety Bond,New,,,"ACN PRODUCT BACKLOG ITEM 487400 is in the DDI backlog, There is a possible solution linked in this TFS.",Research and Analysis,neutral,52%,acn product backlog item ddi backlog possible solution linked tfs,route surety bond,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 864,505383,Incorrect Dates and Question on Enrollment period length,New,VDP SOP,,"NPI 1467968438 MERCY CARE PHARMACY - Incorrect Dates and Question on Enrollment period length NPI 1467968438 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/2/23 Why are the NETWORK END DATES set to -1/23/2023 when the VENDOR ID and NPI have an end date of 10/09/2023 for Vendor ID 149846? Why was Vendor ID 150696 given an enrollment period of over 5 years? 10/10/2023 to 04/09/2029 ? Shouldn’t have been 10/09/2028 ? 01|1467968438|149846||MERCY CARE PHARMACY|MERCY CARE PHARMACY, LLC|0001-01-01|5||100|03|12|01|01|||N|3336C0003X|||N||209001730309001730409001730509001730609001730||0001-01-01|2018-04-18|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1467968438|149846|5923239|07|NCPDP|2018-08-08|2023-01-23||||||| 02|1467968438|149846|1467968438|01|TX MCP|2018-08-08|2023-10-09||||||| 02|1467968438|149846|149846|15|TX VDP|2018-08-08|2023-10-09||||||| 02|1467968438|149846|18230621916000|16|TX VDP|2018-08-08|2023-10-09||||||| 02|1467968438|149846|823062191|11|IRS|2018-08-08|2023-01-23||||||| 02|1467968438|149846|31783|08|TX LIC|2018-08-08|2023-01-23|2017-12-20|2023-12-31|Active|||| 03|1467968438|149846|2018-08-08|2023-01-23|1|PH|801 WEST ROAD TO SIX FLAGS STREET|SUITE 122|ARLINGTON|TX|76012||220|USA|8662733456||8175498534|||||| 03|1467968438|149846|2018-08-08|2023-01-23|1|MA|801 WEST ROAD TO SIX FLAGS STREET|SUITE 122|ARLINGTON|TX|76012||220|USA|8662733456||8175498534|||||| 03|1467968438|149846|2018-08-08|2023-01-23|1|BA|801 WEST ROAD TO SIX FLAGS STREET|SUITE 122|ARLINGTON|TX|76012||220|USA|8662733456||8175498534|||||| 04|1467968438|149846|V|2018-08-08|2023-01-23||||| 04|1467968438|149846|P|2018-08-08|2023-01-23||||| 04|1467968438|149846|K|2018-08-08|2023-01-23||||| 04|1467968438|149846|C|2018-08-08|2023-01-23||||| 04|1467968438|149846|W|2018-08-08|2023-01-23||||| 04|1467968438|149846|DEL|2018-08-08|2023-01-23||||| 04|1467968438|149846|RT|2018-08-08|2023-01-23||||| 06|1467968438|149846||Q|2018-08-08|9999-12-31|SALEEM|SYED||||||||USA|4054108244||||||||| 01|1467968438|150696||Mercy Care Pharmacy|MERCY CARE PHARMACY, LLC|2023-10-10|5||135|03|12|01|01|||Y|3336C0003X|||Y|13|109001700209001700309001700409001700509001700||0001-01-01|0001- 01-01|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1467968438|150696|1467968438|01|TX MCP|2023-10-10|2029-04-09||||||| 02|1467968438|150696|18230621916002|16|TX VDP|2023-10-10|2029-04-09||||||| 02|1467968438|150696|150696|15|TX VDP|2023-10-10|2029-04-09||||||| 02|1467968438|150696|823062191|11|IRS|2023-10-10|2029-04-09||||||| 02|1467968438|150696|31783|08|TX LIC|2023-07-19|2029-04-09|2017-12-20|2023-12-31|Active|||| 03|1467968438|150696|2023-10-10|2029-04-09|1|PH|801 Road To Six Flags W STE 122||Arlington|TX|76012|2615|220|USA|6822766502||||info@mercycarerxtx.com|||| 03|1467968438|150696|2023-10-10|2029-04-09|1|MA|801 Road To Six Flags W STE 122||Arlington|TX|76012|2615|220|USA|6822766502|||||||| 03|1467968438|150696|2023-10-10|2029-04-09|1|BA|801 Road To Six Flags W STE 122||Arlington|TX|76012|2615||USA|6822766502||6828030886|||||| 04|1467968438|150696|V|2023-10-10|2029-04-09||||| 04|1467968438|150696|P|2023-10-10|2029-04-09||||| 04|1467968438|150696|K|2023-10-10|2029-04-09||||| 04|1467968438|150696|C|2023-10-10|2029-04-09||||| 04|1467968438|150696|W|2023-10-10|2029-04-09||||| ",PSR,negative,8%,npi mercy care pharmacy incorrect dates question enrollment period length npi priority high requested due date network end dates set vendor id npi end date vendor id vendor id given enrollment period years not mercy care pharmacymercy care pharmacy llcncxnrt ncpdp tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph west road six flags streetsuite arlingtontxusa west road six flags streetsuite arlingtontxusa ba west road six flags streetsuite arlingtontxusa v p k c w del rt qsaleemsyedusa mercy care pharmacymercy care pharmacy llcycxy rt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph road six flags w ste arlingtontxusainfomercycarerxtx com road six flags w ste arlingtontxusa ba road six flags w ste arlingtontxusa v p k c w,incorrect dates question enrollment period length,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 865,505387,Network Dates or ALT ID Dates incorrect,New,,,"NPI 1851462873 EMPIRE PHARMACY - Network Dates or ALT ID Dates incorrect NPI 1851462873 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/2/23 Network Segment end dates are 02/15/2023, however, the VENDOR ID/NPI end date is 07/05/2023 These need to MATCH. Either the ALT ID s or the NETWORK Dates are incorrect. 01|1851462873|148613||EMPIRE PHARMACY|LIFE CARE EMPIRE INC.|2012-09-24|6||242|08|10|01|01|||N|333600000X|||N||209001900309001900409001900509001900609001900709001500||2016-05-10|2016-05-10|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1851462873|148613|4504608|07|NCPDP|2016-05-10|2023-02-15||||||| 02|1851462873|148613|1851462873|01|TX MCP|2016-05-10|2023-07-05||||||| 02|1851462873|148613|148613|15|TX VDP|2016-05-10|2023-07-05||||||| 02|1851462873|148613|14642642814000|16|TX VDP|2016-05-10|2023-07-05||||||| 02|1851462873|148613|464264281|11|IRS|2016-05-10|2023-02-15||||||| 02|1851462873|148613|29065|08|TX LIC|2014-10-21|2023-02-15|2014-03-04|2024-03-31|Active|||| 03|1851462873|148613|2016-05-10|2023-02-15|1|PH|2207 S. ZARZAMORA STREET||SAN ANTONIO|TX|78207||015|USA|2102233863||2102220515||lifecareempire@gmail.com|||| 03|1851462873|148613|2016-05-10|2023-02-15|1|MA|2207 S. ZARZAMORA STREET||SAN ANTONIO|TX|78207||015|USA||||||||| 03|1851462873|148613|2016-05-10|2023-02-15|1|BA|2207 S. ZARZAMORA STREET||SAN ANTONIO|TX|78207||015|USA||||||||| 04|1851462873|148613|V|2016-05-10|2023-02-15||||| 04|1851462873|148613|P|2016-05-10|2023-02-15||||| 04|1851462873|148613|K|2016-05-10|2023-02-15||||| 04|1851462873|148613|C|2016-05-10|2023-02-15||||| 04|1851462873|148613|W|2016-05-10|2023-02-15||||| 04|1851462873|148613|DEL|2016-05-10|2023-02-15||||| 04|1851462873|148613|RT|2016-05-10|2023-02-15||||| 06|1851462873|148613||Q|2012-09-25|9999-12-31|Kalidindi|Prem||||||||USA|9177698014||||kps234@gmail.com|||| ",PSR,positive,83%,npi empire pharmacy network dates alt id dates incorrect npi priority high requested due date network segment end dates however vendor idnpi end date need match either alt id network dates incorrect empire pharmacylife care empire inc nxnrt ncpdp tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph zarzamora streetsan antoniotxusalifecareempiregmail com zarzamora streetsan antoniotxusa ba zarzamora streetsan antoniotxusa v p k c w del rt qkalidindipremusakpsgmail com,network dates alt id dates incorrect,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 866,505430,SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS,Ready,Sop 08,,"PEMS 20337991 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS NPI 1780915124 PEMS 20337991 PPM PE Request # 8039129 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/2/23 OIG escalated PEMS 20337991 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated ",PSR,negative,8%,pems src reason not populated pems npi pems ppm pe request priority medium requested due date oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,src reason not populated pems,8,"Pems, src, reason, not, populated" 867,505432,PRR 8049811 - SRC Reason Code Not Populating,Closed,Sop 08; Verified in Prod,Add SRC reason 'Standard Risk Level' for NPI 1346247962 and PEMS Request 20346432,"PRR 8049811 been created for the following task: ? ?? {{SRC reason code not populating. }} OIG escalated PEMS 20346432 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated NPI: 1346247962 PEMS Req: 20346432 ",PSR,negative,11%,prr created following task src reason code not populating oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated npi pems req,prr src reason code not populating,18,"Reason, code, not, populating, prr" 868,505476, LTSS Transaction to Master Merge ,Closed,Verified in Prod,PDC's added to the requests are removed.,"Syncing issues on closed LTSS enrollments received from the Stakeholder NPI 1124168547 1437200573 Below are the most recent PEMS corrections needed from this week’s enrollments. Please forward to AMD as needed. 20311443 1124168547 MEALS ON WHEELS PLUS INCORPORATED Has a gap & shouldn’t; not showing up under PROVIDER MANAGEMENT 20308233 1437200573 SENIOR NUTRITION ACTIVITIES PROGRAM Has a gap & shouldn’t; not showing up under PROVIDER MANAGEMENT PRR 8049852 created for the weekly LTSS enrollments with syncing issues identified by HHSC ",PSR,negative,0%,syncing issues closed ltss enrollments received stakeholder npi recent pems corrections needed weeks enrollments please forward amd needed meals wheels plus incorporated gap not not showing provider management senior nutrition activities program gap not not showing provider management prr created weekly ltss enrollments syncing issues identified hhsc,ltss transaction master merge,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 869,505483,PHE - Active PDC with Deactivated PD,New,,,Determine appropriate date action to NPI regarding their PDC,Research and Analysis,positive,69%,determine appropriate date action npi regarding pdc,phe active pdc deactivated pd,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 870,505484,PHE - Active PDCs with Enrolled Providers,New,,,Determine if providers found in the group need to get PDCs removed or end dated based on when they revalidated and PHE period,Research and Analysis,neutral,50%,determine providers found group need get pdcs removed end dated based revalidated phe period,phe active pdcs enrolled providers,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 871,505485,PHE - Active PDC and Inactive or Disenrolled Provider,New,,,Determine if PDC should be removed or end dated,Research and Analysis,positive,81%,determine pdc removed end dated,phe active pdc inactive disenrolled provider,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 872,505494,10/31/2023 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP is executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 11 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response 5 Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 17 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 10/31/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 873,505520,BSR 8050283 - Payment Denial Code Business Rules,New,,,"PRR 8050283 - Payment Denial Code Business Rules Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/2/23 Gainwell would like clarification on: business rules for any codes that can cause payment/claims denial and then have the payment/claim denial time frame eradicated from record, as if it did not occur What are the business rules for the association of the 5-year enrollment time span in record 300 to the record 330 disenrollment/deactivation time spans if any? Gainwell was told that record 300, would hold the 5-year enrollment time span for each provider’s plan enrollment and these dates will not change and may be needed as a static reference. Record 330 will be used to create gaps/time spans of claim denial within the record 300 enrollment time span. 330 record can create a claim denial time span for the remainder of the 5-year enrollment or gaps of claim denial in the 300 record enrollment time span. Also, it sounds like 330 can allow deletion not just end dating of claim denial time spans depending on screening and approval processes. ",BSR,positive,96%,prr payment denial code business rules priority high requested due date gainwell would like clarification business rules codes cause paymentclaims denial paymentclaim denial time frame eradicated record not occur business rules association year enrollment time span record record disenrollmentdeactivation time spans gainwell told record would hold year enrollment time span providers plan enrollment dates not change may needed static reference record used create gapstime spans claim denial within record enrollment time span record create claim denial time span remainder year enrollment gaps claim denial record enrollment time span also sounds like allow deletion not end dating claim denial time spans depending screening approval processes,bsr payment denial code business rules,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 874,505524,PRR 8050098 - SRC Reason Code Not Populating,Closed,Sop 08; Verified in Prod,Add SRC reason 'Standard Risk Level' for NPI 1578968707 and PEMS Request 20347575,"OIG escalated PEMS 20347575 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated REquested due date November 2, 2023 NPI 1578968707 PEMS 20347575 PPM PE 8042316 ",PSR,negative,24%,oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated requested due date november npi pems ppm pe,prr src reason code not populating,18,"Reason, code, not, populating, prr" 875,505533,VDP Pharmacy Enrollment Gap Closing,Ready,,,23 pharmacies that need enrollment gap closed ,PSR,negative,26%,pharmacies need enrollment gap closed,vdp pharmacy enrollment gap closing,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 876,505553,Transaction to Master Merge Issue when Updating PDC 66,Ready,,A code change is needed to remove PDC 66 from transaction when the request is closed-enrolled within 45 days from the revalidation due date.,"Once the request is closed -enrolled the PDC 66 is being deleted in master if its within 45 days from the original revalidation due date and in transaction the PDC 66 is being end dated with one day prior to approval date. When the transaction to master merge happens it's looking for the master id in the PDC table but the PDC is not found so it fails. The PDC 66 is being end dated in transaction at the same time that the PDC 66 is removed in master. The code does not have any logic for deleting the PDC 66 in transaction, the PDC 66 is only updated. If the request is closed-enrolled within 45 days from the revalidation due date the PDC 66 should be removed in transaction and removed in master. ",MSR,negative,0%,request closed enrolled pdc deleted master within days original revalidation due date transaction pdc end dated one day prior approval date transaction master merge happens looking master id pdc table but pdc not found fails pdc end dated transaction time pdc removed master code not logic deleting pdc transaction pdc updated request closedenrolled within days revalidation due date pdc removed transaction removed master,transaction master merge issue updating pdc,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 877,505573,PRR 8050673: Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report) 10.31.23,Ready,SOP 12,,"PRR 8050673 has been created for the following task: • Mismatch report- Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. • 8 tickets ",PSR,neutral,53%,prr created following task mismatch report data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues tickets,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 878,505652,Research Alternate Identifiers Effective date logic for Request types,New,,,Jay to research and add notes to request types for Alternate ID date logic,MSR,positive,74%,jay research add notes request types alternate id date logic,research alternate identifiers effective date logic request types,2,"Oig, pems, prr, site, created" 879,505675,PRR 8025111 - NPI 1205435138 RITE AWAY PHARMACY - End dates do not align with Vendor ID,New,VDP SOP,," Please align the dates If the Vendor ID and TINS are wrong, this is an access to care issue. If the NPI date is wrong, this pharmacy appears active on the MPF, but claims will reject for no active Vendor ID. NETWORK SEGMENTS End dates do not align with Vendor ID. If the NPI end date is correct, then these dates do not need to be updated. ",PSR,negative,1%,please align dates vendor id tins wrong access care issue npi date wrong pharmacy appears active mpf but claims reject no active vendor id network segments end dates not align vendor id npi end date correct dates not need updated,prr npi rite away pharmacy end dates not align vendor id,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 880,505677,NPI 1073608998 - ORSINI - ALT ID and NETWORK Dates do not align,New,VDP SOP,,"NPI 1073608998 - ORSINI - ALT ID and NETWORK Dates do not align NPI 1073608998 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/2/23 ALT ID Segments do not align with the NETWORK Segments Vendor ID / NPI / TINS all have a 11/08/2019 START DATE Network Dates start with 08/11/2019 – 3 month difference 01|1073608998|582069|||ORSINI PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES, LLC|2019-11-07|5||000|00|00|01|15|||N|3336S0011X|3336H0001X||N||108301730208001730308001730408001730508001730609301500||0001-01-01|2019-07-03|0001-01-01|SPL|||| 02|1073608998|582069|1073608998|01|TX MCP|2019-11-08|2024-11-07||||||| 02|1073608998|582069|582069|15|TX VDP|2019-11-08|2024-11-07||||||| 02|1073608998|582069|13201081711000|16|TX VDP|2019-11-08|2024-11-07||||||| 02|1073608998|582069|320108171|11|IRS|2019-11-08|2024-11-07||||||| 02|1073608998|582069|26605|08|TX LIC|2019-11-08|2024-11-07|2021-10-01|2023-09-30|Inactive|||| 02|1073608998|582069|054020692|08|IL LIC|2022-04-01|2024-11-07|2019-01-02|2024-03-31|Active|||| 03|1073608998|582069|2019-11-08|2024-11-07|1|PH|1107 Nicholas Blvd||Elk Grove Village|IL|60007|2516|000|USA|8477347373||||contracting@orsinihc.com|||| 03|1073608998|582069|2019-11-08|2024-11-07|1|MA|1107 Nicholas Blvd||Elk Grove Village|IL|60007|2516|000|USA|8477347373||8477341822|||||| 03|1073608998|582069|2019-11-08|2024-11-07|1|BA|6511 Solution Center||Chicago|IL|60677|0001|000|USA|8477347373||8477341822|||||| 03|1073608998|582069|2019-11-08|2024-11-07|1|BA|1107 Nicholas Blvd||Elk Grove Village|IL|60007|2516|000|USA|8477347373||8477341822|||||| 03|1073608998|582069|2019-11-08|2024-11-07|1|BA|6511 Solution Center||Chicago|IL|60677|0001|000|USA|8477347373||8476316991|||||| 04|1073608998|582069|V|2019-08-11|2024-11-07||||| 04|1073608998|582069|P|2019-08-11|2024-11-07||||| 04|1073608998|582069|K|2019-08-11|2024-11-07||||| 04|1073608998|582069|C|2019-08-11|2024-11-07||||| 04|1073608998|582069|W|2019-08-11|2024-11-07||||| 04|1073608998|582069|SPL|2019-08-11|2024-11-07||||| 06|1073608998|582069||Q|2019-11-08|9999-12-31|Dowsett|Kate|1107 Nicholas Blvd||Elk Grove Village|IL|60007|2516|000|USA|3123303650|||8477341822|contracting@orsinihc.com||||| 06|1073608998|582069||Q|2019-11-08|9999-12-31|MARTIN|EDWIN||||||||USA|8478736912||||||||| ",PSR,neutral,47%,npi orsini alt id network dates not align npi priority medium requested due date alt id segments not align network segments vendor id npi tins start date network dates start month difference orsini pharmaceutical services llcnsxhxnspl tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licinactive il licactive ph nicholas blvdelk grove villageilusacontractingorsinihc com nicholas blvdelk grove villageilusa ba solution centerchicagoilusa ba nicholas blvdelk grove villageilusa ba solution centerchicagoilusa v p k c w spl qdowsettkate nicholas blvdelk grove villageilusacontractingorsinihc com qmartinedwinusa,npi orsini alt id network dates not align,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 881,505681,Meeting to Confirm Payment Denial Code Business Rules,New,,,"BSR ticket in TFS so we can track and check the request Question 4 Elaboration: Gainwell was told that record 300, would hold the 5-year enrollment time span for each provider’s plan enrollment and these dates will not change and may be needed as a static reference. Record 330 will be used to create gaps/time spans of claim denial within the record 300 enrollment time span. 330 record can create a claim denial time span for the remainder of the 5-year enrollment or gaps of claim denial in the 300 record enrollment time span. Also, it sounds like 330 can allow deletion not just end dating of claim denial time spans depending on screening and approval processes. 4. What are the business rules for the association of the 5-year enrollment time span in record 300 to the record 330 disenrollment/deactivation time spans if any? The answer to number 3 sounds like it allows/expects Gainwell to manipulate the enrollment segment time frame in record 300 instead of creating a payment/claim denial time frame using dates and logic supplied for record 330. That does not match documentation or instructions received to date. 1. PDC 63 and 67 can be ignored by Gainwell 2. PDC 46 and 60 can be ignored by Gainwell 3. On the day Gainwell receives a PDC, that day should mark the end of the segment. If the PDC is removed later, it would mark the beginning of a new segment with the original end date reinstated. Gainwell shouldn't treat the removal of a PDC as then allowing for claims to process for dates where the pharmacy had a PDC, unless TMHP communicates that the PDC was issued in error 4. This question needs elaboration. ",Research and Analysis,positive,99%,bsr ticket tfs track check request question elaboration gainwell told record would hold year enrollment time span providers plan enrollment dates not change may needed static reference record used create gapstime spans claim denial within record enrollment time span record create claim denial time span remainder year enrollment gaps claim denial record enrollment time span also sounds like allow deletion not end dating claim denial time spans depending screening approval processes business rules association year enrollment time span record record disenrollmentdeactivation time spans answer number sounds like allowsexpects gainwell manipulate enrollment segment time frame record instead creating paymentclaim denial time frame using dates logic supplied record not match documentation instructions received date pdc ignored gainwell pdc ignored gainwell day gainwell receives pdc day mark end segment pdc removed later would mark beginning new segment original end date reinstated gainwell not treat removal pdc allowing claims process dates pharmacy pdc unless tmhp communicates pdc issued error question needs elaboration,meeting confirm payment denial code business rules,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 882,505682,"PRR 7979381 - State escalation due Friday, 11/03/2023",Accepted,,"NPI 1346293156 Update the program to CSHCN. See attached documents for all locations that need updates. Please look at how this program was changed. ","All CSHCN program enrollments for NPI have been relabeled as Acute Care FFS but with the CSN benefit code. Enrollments in C21 are correctly identified as CSHCN. Please refer to notes and attachments for examples. Requested date November 3, 2023 NPI 1346293156 CRM 2024203000 PRR 7979381 ",PSR,negative,21%,cshcn program enrollments npi relabeled acute care ffs but csn benefit code enrollments c correctly identified cshcn please refer notes attachments examples requested date november npi crm prr,prr state escalation due friday,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 883,505685,PRR 8051523 (S&R DRUG) - Multiple State License #,New,emailed ACN,,"PRR 8051523 NPI 1952322513 - THE MEDICINE SHOPPE ? (S&R DRUG) - Multiple State License # NPI 1952322513 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/2/2023 Issue: Per Conduent: Multiple State License Numbers – all with ACTIVE end dates; NONE Actually active in the TSBP ACN Research: This is a tech issue, ACN/TMHP has not processed any request from this provider, this was part of the transition. ",PSR,negative,4%,prr npi medicine shoppe sr drug multiple state license npi priority high requested due date issue per conduent multiple state license numbers active end dates none actually active tsbp acn research tech issue acntmhp not processed request provider part transition,prr sr drug multiple state license,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 884,505699,Ascension Seton Update Practice Location Effective date,Ready,SOP 47,"NPI: 1699120576 PEM Req: 20320948 Update Program Practice Effective Date 2023-03-14 Provider type specialty effective date 2023-03-14 Retroactive Claim Date 2023-03-14 Tax ID Effective Date 2023-03-14 Also need to regenerate welcome letter. This SOP has multiple steps. We will need to generate a new TPI and the merge the TPIs. There was a license update done for this provider which is why the date now needs to be updated. The calculation was done based on the old license date. ","NPI: 1699120576 PEM Req: 20320948 ",PSR,positive,65%,npi pem req,ascension seton update practice location effective date,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 885,505736,PRR 8051281 Escalation - Update Practice Location Effective date,Ready,SOP 47,"NPI: 1699120576 PEM Req: 20282570 Update Program Practice Effective Date 2023-03-14 Provider type specialty effective date 2023-03-14 Retroactive Claim Date 2023-03-14 Tax ID Effective Date 2023-03-14 Also need to regenerate welcome letter. This SOP has multiple steps. We will need to generate a new TPI and the merge the TPIs. There was a license update done for this provider which is why the date now needs to be updated. The calculation was done based on the old license date. ","PRR 8051281 Escalation - Update Practice Location Effective date NPI 1699120576 PEMS 20282570 CRM # 2024759740 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/3/23 Practice Location 1301 Barbara Jordan Welcome Letters shows eff date is 6/28. Per provider, correct eff date is 3/14/2023. Due to system limitations, OOS compact RN license effective date must be added to the Texas BON segment for the practice location effective date to calculate appropriately. Ticket reopened to update license effective dates. Updated TPI (4667172-01) effective date in Phoenix to avoid further claims issues Awaiting AMD update to correct PEMS effective date to match Medicare effective date ",PSR,positive,67%,prr escalation update practice location effective date npi pems crm priority high requested due date practice location barbara jordan welcome letters shows eff date per provider correct eff date due system limitations oos compact right license effective date must added texas bon segment practice location effective date calculate appropriately ticket reopened update license effective dates updated tpi effective date phoenix avoid claims issues awaiting amd update correct pems effective date match medicare effective date,prr escalation update practice location effective date,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 886,505737,PRR 8051284 Escalation - Update Practice Location Effective date,Ready,SOP 47,"NPI: 1699120576 PEM Req: 20282570 Update Program Practice Effective Date 2023-03-14 Provider type specialty effective date 2023-03-14 Retroactive Claim Date 2023-03-14 Tax ID Effective Date 2023-03-14 Also need to regenerate welcome letter. This SOP has multiple steps. We will need to generate a new TPI and the merge the TPIs. There was a license update done for this provider which is why the date now needs to be updated. The calculation was done based on the old license date. ","PRR 8051284 Escalation - Update Practice Location Effective date NPI 1699120576 PEMS 20282570 CRM # 2022193200 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/3/23 Practice Location 4900 Mueller BLVD Welcome Letters shows eff date is 6/28. Per provider, correct eff date is 3/14/2023. Due to system limitations, OOS compact RN license effective date must be added to the Texas BON segment for the practice location effective date to calculate appropriately. Ticket reopened to update license effective dates. Updated TPI (4667172-02) effective date in Phoenix to avoid further claims issues Awaiting AMD update to correct PEMS effective date to match Medicare effective date ",PSR,positive,68%,prr escalation update practice location effective date npi pems crm priority high requested due date practice location mueller blvd welcome letters shows eff date per provider correct eff date due system limitations oos compact right license effective date must added texas bon segment practice location effective date calculate appropriately ticket reopened update license effective dates updated tpi effective date phoenix avoid claims issues awaiting amd update correct pems effective date match medicare effective date,prr escalation update practice location effective date,9,"Location, practice, prr, merge, busops" 887,505743,Data Fix for the failed request which are stuck in submitted status.,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,The PEMS request 20302834 that was escalated has the workflow retry count reset so it will use the fixed code logic to progress. ,Data Fix for the failed request which are stuck in submitted status. This is clean up for the code fix that has deployed (503593).,PSR,negative,18%,data fix failed request stuck submitted status clean code fix deployed,data fix failed request stuck submitted status,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 888,505744,PRR 8040256 - NPI 1538575618 - Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation: Unable to create add/modify request,Accepted,SOP 48,"There was a data fix that was done and the wrong masterenrollment id was added to the masterenrolllicense table for this provider so this caused a merge issue. A data fix needs to be done to update the masterenrollment id for license AP117311 back to the correct provider 1528252665. Also need to update the license Issuer back to Texas Board of Nursing. ","PRR 8040256 - NPI 1538575618 - Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation: Unable to create add/modify request NPI 1538575618 CRM 2022193200 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/1/23 Provider Name: Leah Anders Provider Point of Contact: Leslie Madden Provider is getting error ""unable to create request"" for not letting create an add/modify app to add an address.1004 W 32nd St STE 300, Austin, TX, 78705-1917 ENROLLED 264562522- username will not create an add/modify request. 264562522- username PRR submitted ",PSR,negative,6%,prr npi ascension seton hhsc escalation unable create addmodify request npi crm priority high requested due date provider name leah anders provider point contact leslie madden provider getting error unable create request not letting create addmodify app add address w nd st ste austin tx enrolled username not create addmodify request username prr submitted,prr npi ascension seton hhsc escalation unable create addmodify request,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 889,505767,PRR 8044172 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses,Ready,SOP 18,"Location Merge Group 1790103869 Performing 1336330521 1000 Hesters Crossing Rd, Round Rock, TX, 78681-8020","PRR 8044172 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses NPI 1336330521 PEMS Request# 20336579 CRM 2022193200 Priority: Hight Requested Due Date: 11/3/23 Provider Name: George Miner Provider Point of Contact: Leslie Madden Address 1000 Hesters Crossing showing duplicate for performing providers. Duplicate address 1000 Hesters listed in PEMS/Disenrolled unable to Remove or Edit Duplicate. Request was sent to PR box. Ticket is closed due to no response per PR rep notes. ",PSR,negative,1%,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses npi pems request crm priority hight requested due date provider name george miner provider point contact leslie madden address hesters crossing showing duplicate performing providers duplicate address hesters listed pemsdisenrolled unable remove edit duplicate request sent pr box ticket closed due no response per pr rep notes,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 890,505768,PRR 8049688 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses,Ready,SOP 18,"Location Merge Group 1790103869 Performing 1750589370 1000 Hesters Crossing Rd, Round Rock, TX, 78681-8020","PRR 8049688 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses NPI 1750589370 PEMS Request# 20335696 CRM# 2022193200 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/3/23 Provider Name: Nalinda Charnsangavej Provider Point of Contact: Leslie Madden Address 1000 Hesters Crossing showing duplicate for performing providers. Duplicate address 1000 Hesters listed in PEMS/Disenrolled unable to Remove or Edit Duplicate. Request was sent to PR box. Ticket is closed due to no response per PR rep notes. ",PSR,negative,1%,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses npi pems request crm priority high requested due date provider name nalinda charnsangavej provider point contact leslie madden address hesters crossing showing duplicate performing providers duplicate address hesters listed pemsdisenrolled unable remove edit duplicate request sent pr box ticket closed due no response per pr rep notes,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 891,505770,PRR 8049684 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses,Ready,SOP 18,"Location Merge Group 1790103869 Performing 1073727137 1000 Hesters Crossing Rd, Round Rock, TX, 78681-8020","PRR 8049684 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses NPI 1073727137 PEMS Request# 20337338 CRM# 2022193200 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/3/23 Provider Name: Daniel Richards Provider Point of Contact: Leslie Madden Address 1000 Hesters Crossing showing duplicate for performing providers. Duplicate address 1000 Hesters listed in PEMS/Disenrolled unable to Remove or Edit Duplicate. Request was sent to PR box. Ticket is closed due to no response per PR rep notes. ",PSR,negative,1%,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses npi pems request crm priority high requested due date provider name daniel richards provider point contact leslie madden address hesters crossing showing duplicate performing providers duplicate address hesters listed pemsdisenrolled unable remove edit duplicate request sent pr box ticket closed due no response per pr rep notes,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 892,505771,PRR 8049686 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses,Ready,SOP18,"Location Merge Group 1790103869 Performing 1871600452 1000 Hesters Crossing Rd, Round Rock, TX, 78681-8020","PRR 8049686 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses NPI 1871600452 PEMS Request# 20335734 CRM# 2022193200 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/3/23 Provider Name: Toni Wakefield Provider Point of Contact: Leslie Madden Address 1000 Hesters Crossing showing duplicate for performing providers. Duplicate address 1000 Hesters listed in PEMS/Disenrolled unable to Remove or Edit Duplicate. Request was sent to PR box. Ticket is closed due to no response per PR rep notes. ",PSR,negative,1%,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses npi pems request crm priority high requested due date provider name toni wakefield provider point contact leslie madden address hesters crossing showing duplicate performing providers duplicate address hesters listed pemsdisenrolled unable remove edit duplicate request sent pr box ticket closed due no response per pr rep notes,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 893,505772,PRR 8049685 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses,Ready,SOP18,"Location Merge Group 1790103869 Performing 1154360790 1000 Hesters Crossing Rd, Round Rock, TX, 78681-8020","PRR 8049685 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses NPI 1154360790 PEMS Request# 20337701 CRM# 2022193200 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/3/23 Provider Name: John Luk Provider Point of Contact: Leslie Madden Address 1000 Hesters Crossing showing duplicate for performing providers. Duplicate address 1000 Hesters listed in PEMS/Disenrolled unable to Remove or Edit Duplicate. Request was sent to PR box. Ticket is closed due to no response per PR rep notes. ",PSR,negative,1%,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses npi pems request crm priority high requested due date provider name john luk provider point contact leslie madden address hesters crossing showing duplicate performing providers duplicate address hesters listed pemsdisenrolled unable remove edit duplicate request sent pr box ticket closed due no response per pr rep notes,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 894,505773,PRR 8049689 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses,Ready,SOP 18,"Location Merge Group 1790103869 Performing 1831326172 1000 Hesters Crossing Rd, Round Rock, TX, 78681-8020","PRR 8049689 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses NPI 1831326172 PEMS Request# 20339982 CRM# 2022193200 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/3/23 Provider Name: Alan Mincher Provider Point of Contact: Leslie Madden Address 1000 Hesters Crossing showing duplicate for performing providers. Duplicate address 1000 Hesters listed in PEMS/Disenrolled unable to Remove or Edit Duplicate. Request was sent to PR box. Ticket is closed due to no response per PR rep notes. ",PSR,negative,0%,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses npi pems request crm priority high requested due date provider name alan mincher provider point contact leslie madden address hesters crossing showing duplicate performing providers duplicate address hesters listed pemsdisenrolled unable remove edit duplicate request sent pr box ticket closed due no response per pr rep notes,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 895,505774,PRR 8049687 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses,Ready,SOP18,"Location Merge Group 1790103869 Performing 1366649147 1000 Hesters Crossing Rd, Round Rock, TX, 78681-8020","PRR 8049687 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses NPI 1366649147 PEMS Request# 20340024 CRM# 2022193200 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/3/23 Provider Name: Jennifer Hughes Provider Point of Contact: Leslie Madden Address 1000 Hesters Crossing showing duplicate for performing providers. Duplicate address 1000 Hesters listed in PEMS/Disenrolled unable to Remove or Edit Duplicate. Request was sent to PR box. Ticket is closed due to no response per PR rep notes. ",PSR,negative,0%,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses npi pems request crm priority high requested due date provider name jennifer hughes provider point contact leslie madden address hesters crossing showing duplicate performing providers duplicate address hesters listed pemsdisenrolled unable remove edit duplicate request sent pr box ticket closed due no response per pr rep notes,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 896,505775,PRR 8049690 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses,Ready,SOP 18,"Location Merge Group 1790103869 Performing 1144424631 1000 Hesters Crossing Rd, Round Rock, TX, 78681-8020","PRR 8049690 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - Unable to Remove Duplicate Addresses NPI 1144424631 PEMS Request# 20347837 CRM# 2022193200 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/3/23 Provider Name: Jennifer Goodrich Provider Point of Contact: Leslie Madden Address 1000 Hesters Crossing showing duplicate for performing providers. Duplicate address 1000 Hesters listed in PEMS/Disenrolled unable to Remove or Edit Duplicate. Request was sent to PR box. Outreach has not been made by provider yet. ",PSR,negative,1%,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses npi pems request crm priority high requested due date provider name jennifer goodrich provider point contact leslie madden address hesters crossing showing duplicate performing providers duplicate address hesters listed pemsdisenrolled unable remove edit duplicate request sent pr box outreach not made provider yet,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation unable remove duplicate addresses,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 897,505776,PRR 8043917 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - PL Showing Pending change on Closed-Enrolled App,New,,Is this a transaction to master merge issue?,"PRR 8043917 – Ascension Seton - HHSC Escalation - PL Showing Pending change on Closed-Enrolled App NPI 1932210838 PEMS Request# 20310702 CRM# 2022193200 Priority: Critical Requested Due Date: 11/1/23 Provider Name: Providence Health Alliance Provider Point of Contact: Leslie Madden The provider requested to disenroll locations, Add locations, and update CLIA information. The addresses in question are showing pending change and the requested updates are not reflected. Addresses 305 Londonderry Dr, Ste 3 and 13701 Woodway Dr, Unit 2 are not reflected in the provider management profile. Screenshots attached. Provider is getting claim denials. ",PSR,negative,2%,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation pl showing pending change closedenrolled app npi pems request crm priority critical requested due date provider name providence health alliance provider point contact leslie madden provider requested disenroll locations add locations update clia information addresses question showing pending change requested updates not reflected addresses londonderry dr ste woodway dr unit not reflected provider management profile screenshots attached provider getting claim denials,prr ascension seton hhsc escalation pl showing pending change closedenrolled app,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 898,505803,PRR 8051108 - SRC Reason Code Not Populating,Ready,Sop 08,,"PRR 8051108 - SRC Reason Code Not Populating NPI 1780805697 PEMS Request#20301518 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/3/23 PPM PE Request # 8008398 PEMS 20301518 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS - AMD 11.01.23 OIG escalated PEMS 20301518 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated. ",PSR,negative,2%,prr src reason code not populating npi pems request priority medium requested due date ppm pe request pems src reason not populated pems amd oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,prr src reason code not populating,18,"Reason, code, not, populating, prr" 899,505819,PRR 8051734 - SRC reason code not populating,Ready,Sop 08,,"PRR 8051734 been created for the following task: ? ?? {{SRC reason code not populating. }} NPI: 1023595386 PEMS Req: 20325539 OIG escalated PEMS 20325539 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated ",PSR,negative,11%,prr created following task src reason code not populating npi pems req oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,prr src reason code not populating,18,"Reason, code, not, populating, prr" 900,505828,PRR 8051649: Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues (Mismatch Report),New,SOP 12,,"PRR 8051649 has been created for the following task: • Mismatch report - Data fix required to correct PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. • 4 tickets ",PSR,neutral,53%,prr created following task mismatch report data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues tickets,prr data fix required correct pems ppm workflow syncing issues mismatch report,27,"Issues, pems, required, correct, workflow" 901,505835,PRR 8051112 - SRC Reason Code Not Populating,Ready,Sop 08,,"PRR 8051112 - SRC Reason Code Not Populating NPI 1154669331 PEMS 20334283 PPM PE Request # 8040395 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/3/23 PEMS 20334283 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS - AMD 11.01.23 OIG escalated PEMS 20334283 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated ",PSR,negative,2%,prr src reason code not populating npi pems ppm pe request priority medium requested due date pems src reason not populated pems amd oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,prr src reason code not populating,18,"Reason, code, not, populating, prr" 902,505839, NPI 1467910547 - MEDCURE PHARMACY - Missing Network Dates,New,,," ",Research and Analysis,positive,66%,,npi medcure pharmacy missing network dates,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 903,505842,11/2/2023 Workflow Sync SOP,Closed,SOP 12; Verified in Prod,"SOP is executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 14 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response 4 Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 42 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 11/2/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 904,505845,PEMS 20313700 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS - AMD 11.01.23,Ready,Sop 08,,"OIG escalated PEMS 20313700 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated NPI 1528118015 PEMS Request# 20313700 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/3/23 ",PSR,negative,27%,oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated npi pems request priority medium requested due date,pems src reason not populated pems amd,8,"Pems, src, reason, not, populated" 905,505919,VDP PRR 8031611 - VDP approval required- SH-MCCO need to be flipped to no,New,,"VDP approval required, currently in “pending MCCO approval”. SH-MCCO needs to be flipped to no and PEMS file pushed back to In Progress. TMHP requested the app back from MCCO, however, the state contact does not have access, and this is not an option for TMHP super user access to remedy. ","VDP approval required- SH-MCCO needs to be flipped to no and PEMS file pushed back to In Progress. State contact, Joey Herrera does not have access to do so. NPI 1174236632 PEMS Request# 20298175 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/9/23 PRR 8031611 has been created for the following : PEMS ID 20298175 PPM ID 7993864 VDP approval required, currently in “pending MCCO approval”. SH-MCCO needs to be flipped to no and PEMS file pushed back to In Progress. TMHP requested the app back from MCCO, however, the state contact does not have access, and this is not an option for TMHP super user access to remedy. ",Research and Analysis,negative,0%,vdp approval required shmcco needs flipped no pems file pushed back progress state contact joey herrera not access npi pems request priority medium requested due date prr created following pems id ppm id vdp approval required currently pending mcco approval shmcco needs flipped no pems file pushed back progress tmhp requested app back mcco however state contact not access not option tmhp super user access remedy,vdp prr vdp approval required shmcco need flipped no,28,"Vdp, pharmacy, segments, unscramble, network" 906,505925,PRR 8052331 - SRC Reason Code Not Populating,Ready,Sop 08,,"PRR 8052331 - SRC Reason Code Not Populating NPI 1750646527 PEMS 20326430 PPM PE Request # 8035564 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/6/23 PEMS 20326430 SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS - AMD 11.02.23 OIG escalated PEMS 20326430 for SRC Reason Not populated in PEMS on the Provider Information and OIG Tabs. Both tables show ""no data available in this table"" a SRC reason should always be populated ",PSR,negative,2%,prr src reason code not populating npi pems ppm pe request priority medium requested due date pems src reason not populated pems amd oig escalated pems src reason not populated pems provider information oig tabs tables show no data available table src reason always populated,prr src reason code not populating,18,"Reason, code, not, populating, prr" 907,505928,"ALT ID overlap, missing Incorrect Network Dates HARMONY",New,,,"NPI 1932633161 - HARMONY PHARMACY - ALT ID overlap, missing Incorrect Network Dates NPI 1932633161 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/7/23 I am seeing a lot of these with the same issues Why is this pharmacy enrolled until 2031? ALT IDs • NPI with different begin dates/ same end dates 02|1932633161|149653|1932633161|01|TX MCP|2017-10-12|2031-04-11||||||| 02|1932633161|149653|1932633161|01|TX MCP|2026-04-12|2031-04-11||||||| • TINS with different begin dates/ same end dates 02|1932633161|149653|18151315878000|16|TX VDP|2017-10-12|2031-04-11||||||| 02|1932633161|149653|18151315878000|16|TX VDP|2026-04-12|2031-04-11||||||| Network Segments • No NETWORK SEGMENTS FOR 10/12/2017 to 04/11/2026 • Network Segments with different begin dates (only showing V as the example) 04|1932633161|149653|V|2023-01-29|2031-04-11||||| 04|1932633161|149653|V|2026-04-12|2031-04-11||||| 01|1932633161|149653||HARMONY PHARMACY|AYHT INC|0001-01-01|||000|03|12|01|01|||N|3336C0003X|||N||109001800209001800309001800409001800509001800610001500||0001-01-01|2017-07-07|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1932633161|149653|1932633161|01|TX MCP|2017-10-12|2031-04-11||||||| 02|1932633161|149653|149653|15|TX VDP|2017-10-12|2026-04-11||||||| 02|1932633161|149653|18151315878000|16|TX VDP|2017-10-12|2031-04-11||||||| 02|1932633161|149653|815131587|11|IRS|2017-10-12|2031-04-11||||||| 02|1932633161|149653|31432|08|TX LIC|2017-10-12|2031-04-11|2017-06-02|2025-06-30|Active|||| 03|1932633161|149653|2017-10-12|2026-04-11|1|PH|4388 W Green Oaks Blvd STE 110||Arlington|TX|76016|4466|220|USA|8173803030||8174766766|||||| 03|1932633161|149653|2017-10-12|2026-04-11|1|MA|4388 W Green Oaks Blvd STE 110||Arlington|TX|76016|4466|220|USA|8173803030||8174766766|||||| 03|1932633161|149653|2017-10-12|2026-04-11|1|BA|4388 W Green Oaks Blvd STE 110||Arlington|TX|76016|4466|220|USA|8173803030||8174766766|||||| 04|1932633161|149653|V|2023-01-29|2031-04-11||||| 04|1932633161|149653|P|2023-01-29|2031-04-11||||| 04|1932633161|149653|K|2023-01-29|2031-04-11||||| 04|1932633161|149653|C|2023-01-29|2031-04-11||||| 04|1932633161|149653|W|2023-01-29|2031-04-11||||| 04|1932633161|149653|DEL|2023-01-29|2031-04-11||||| 04|1932633161|149653|RT|2023-01-29|2031-04-11||||| 06|1932633161|149653||Q|2017-10-12|9999-12-31|ESMAILJI|ALIASGHAR|4388 W Green Oaks Blvd STE 110||Arlington|TX|76016|4466|220|USA|8173803030|||8174766766|HARMONYRX52@GMAIL.COM||||| 01|1932633161|149653||HARMONY PHARMACY|AYHT INC|2023-01-30|||000|03|12|01|01|||N|3336C0003X|||N||109001800209001800309001800409001800509001800610001500||2026-04-12|2017-07-07|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1932633161|149653|1932633161|01|TX MCP|2026-04-12|2031-04-11||||||| 02|1932633161|149653|149653|15|TX VDP|2026-04-12|2031-04-11||||||| 02|1932633161|149653|18151315878000|16|TX VDP|2026-04-12|2031-04-11||||||| 02|1932633161|149653|815131587|11|IRS|2026-04-12|2031-04-11||||||| 02|1932633161|149653|31432|08|TX LIC|2017-10-12|2031-04-11|2017-06-02|2025-06-30|Active|||| 03|1932633161|149653|2026-04-12|2031-04-11|1|PH|4388 W Green Oaks Blvd STE 110||Arlington|TX|76016|4466|220|USA|8173803030||8174766766||HARMONYRX52@GMAIL.COM|||| 03|1932633161|149653|2026-04-12|2031-04-11|1|MA|4388 W Green Oaks Blvd STE 110||Arlington|TX|76016|4466|220|USA|8173803030||8174766766|||||| 03|1932633161|149653|2026-04-12|2031-04-11|1|BA|4388 W Green Oaks Blvd STE 110||Arlington|TX|76016|4466|220|USA|8173803030||8174766766|||||| 04|1932633161|149653|V|2026-04-12|2031-04-11||||| 04|1932633161|149653|P|2026-04-12|2031-04-11||||| 04|1932633161|149653|K|2026-04-12|2031-04-11||||| 04|1932633161|149653|C|2026-04-12|2031-04-11||||| 04|1932633161|149653|W|2026-04-12|2031-04-11||||| 04|1932633161|149653|DEL|2026-04-12|2031-04-11||||| 04|1932633161|149653|RT|2026-04-12|2031-04-11||||| 06|1932633161|149653||Q|2017-10-12|9999-12-31|ESMAILJI|ALIASGHAR|4388 W Green Oaks Blvd STE 110||Arlington|TX|76016|4466|220|USA|8173803030|||8174766766|HARMONYRX52@GMAIL.COM||||| ",Research and Analysis,negative,17%,npi harmony pharmacy alt id overlap missing incorrect network dates npi priority high requested due date seeing lot issues pharmacy enrolled alt ids npi different begin dates end dates tx mcp tx mcp tins different begin dates end dates tx vdp tx vdp network segments no network segments network segments different begin dates showing v example v v harmony pharmacyayht incncxnrt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph w green oaks blvd ste arlingtontxusa w green oaks blvd ste arlingtontxusa ba w green oaks blvd ste arlingtontxusa v p k c w del rt qesmailjialiasghar w green oaks blvd ste arlingtontxusaharmonyrxgmail com harmony pharmacyayht incncxnrt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph w green oaks blvd ste arlingtontxusaharmonyrxgmail com w green oaks blvd ste arlingtontxusa ba w green oaks blvd ste arlingtontxusa v p k c w del rt qesmailjialiasghar w green oaks blvd ste arlingtontxusaharmonyrxgmail com,alt id overlap missing incorrect network dates harmony,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 908,505959,"NPI 1982104378 - POWERHOUSE PHARMACY - ALT ID overlap, missing Incorrect Network Dates",New,,,"NPI 1982104378 - POWERHOUSE PHARMACY - ALT ID overlap, missing Incorrect Network Dates NPI 1982104378 Priority: High Requested Due Date: 11/7/23 ALT IDs • NPI with different begin dates/ same end dates 02|1982104378|149825|1982104378|01|TX MCP|2018-07-26|2025-06-01||||||| 02|1982104378|149825|1982104378|01|TX MCP|2023-07-26|2025-06-01||||||| • TINS with different begin dates/ same end dates 02|1982104378|149825|18226510339000|16|TX VDP|2018-07-26|2025-06-01||||||| 02|1982104378|149825|18226510339000|16|TX VDP|2023-07-26|2025-06-01||||||| Network Segments • No NETWORK SEGMENTS FOR 07/26/2018 to 07/25/2023 • Network Segments with different begin dates (only showing V as the example) 04|1982104378|149825|V|2023-05-15|2025-06-01||||| 04|1982104378|149825|V|2023-07-26|2025-06-01||||| 01|1982104378|149825||POWERHOUSE PHARMACY|POWERHOUSE PHARMACY RX LLC|0001-01-01|5||244|03|07|01|01|||Y|3336C0003X|3336C0004X||Y|13|109001730209001730309001730409001730509001730610001300||0001-01-01|0001-01-01|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1982104378|149825|1982104378|01|TX MCP|2018-07-26|2025-06-01||||||| 02|1982104378|149825|149825|15|TX VDP|2018-07-26|2023-07-25||||||| 02|1982104378|149825|18226510339000|16|TX VDP|2018-07-26|2025-06-01||||||| 02|1982104378|149825|822651033|11|IRS|2018-07-26|2025-06-01||||||| 02|1982104378|149825|31863|08|TX LIC|2018-07-26|2025-06-01|2018-02-12|2024-02-29|Active|||| 03|1982104378|149825|2018-07-26|2023-07-25|1|PH|4740 W Mockingbird Ln|STE 100B|Dallas|TX|75209|5208|057|USA|2143502900||2143502904|||||| 03|1982104378|149825|2018-07-26|2023-07-25|1|MA|4740 W Mockingbird Ln|STE 100B|Dallas|TX|75209|5208|057|USA|2143502900||2143502904|||||| 03|1982104378|149825|2018-07-26|2023-07-25|1|BA|4740 W Mockingbird Ln|STE 100B|Dallas|TX|75209|5208|057|USA|2143502900||2143502904|||||| 04|1982104378|149825|V|2023-05-15|2025-06-01||||| 04|1982104378|149825|P|2023-05-15|2025-06-01||||| 04|1982104378|149825|K|2023-05-15|2025-06-01||||| 04|1982104378|149825|C|2023-05-15|2025-06-01||||| 04|1982104378|149825|W|2023-05-15|2025-06-01||||| 04|1982104378|149825|DEL|2023-05-15|2025-06-01||||| 04|1982104378|149825|RT|2023-05-15|2025-06-01||||| 06|1982104378|149825||Q|2018-07-26|9999-12-31|SHAHIWALA|KUMUNDBEN||||||||USA|2143502900||||||||| 01|1982104378|149825||POWERHOUSE PHARMACY|POWERHOUSE PHARMACY RX LLC|2023-05-16|5||244|03|07|01|01|||Y|3336C0003X|3336C0004X||Y|13|109001730209001730309001730409001730509001730610001300||2023-07-26|0001-01-01|0001-01-01|RT|||| 02|1982104378|149825|1982104378|01|TX MCP|2023-07-26|2025-06-01||||||| 02|1982104378|149825|149825|15|TX VDP|2023-07-26|2025-06-01||||||| 02|1982104378|149825|18226510339000|16|TX VDP|2023-07-26|2025-06-01||||||| 02|1982104378|149825|822651033|11|IRS|2023-07-26|2025-06-01||||||| 02|1982104378|149825|31863|08|TX LIC|2018-07-26|2025-06-01|2018-02-12|2024-02-29|Active|||| 03|1982104378|149825|2023-07-26|2025-06-01|1|PH|4740 W Mockingbird Ln|STE 100B|Dallas|TX|75209|5208|057|USA|2143502900||2143502904||powerhousepharmacy@gmail.com|||| 03|1982104378|149825|2023-07-26|2025-06-01|1|MA|4740 W Mockingbird Ln|STE 100B|Dallas|TX|75209|5208|057|USA|2143502900||2143502904|||||| 03|1982104378|149825|2023-07-26|2025-06-01|1|BA|4740 W Mockingbird Ln|STE 100B|Dallas|TX|75209|5208|057|USA|2143502900||2143502904|||||| 04|1982104378|149825|V|2023-07-26|2025-06-01||||| 04|1982104378|149825|P|2023-07-26|2025-06-01||||| 04|1982104378|149825|K|2023-07-26|2025-06-01||||| 04|1982104378|149825|C|2023-07-26|2025-06-01||||| 04|1982104378|149825|W|2023-07-26|2025-06-01||||| 04|1982104378|149825|DEL|2023-07-26|2025-06-01||||| 04|1982104378|149825|RT|2023-07-26|2025-06-01||||| 06|1982104378|149825||Q|2018-07-26|9999-12-31|SHAHIWALA|KUMUNDBEN||||||||USA|2143502900||||||||| ",PSR,negative,42%,npi powerhouse pharmacy alt id overlap missing incorrect network dates npi priority high requested due date alt ids npi different begin dates end dates tx mcp tx mcp tins different begin dates end dates tx vdp tx vdp network segments no network segments network segments different begin dates showing v example v v powerhouse pharmacypowerhouse pharmacy rx llcycxcxyrt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph w mockingbird lnste bdallastxusa w mockingbird lnste bdallastxusa ba w mockingbird lnste bdallastxusa v p k c w del rt qshahiwalakumundbenusa powerhouse pharmacypowerhouse pharmacy rx llcycxcxyrt tx mcp tx vdp tx vdp irs tx licactive ph w mockingbird lnste bdallastxusapowerhousepharmacygmail com w mockingbird lnste bdallastxusa ba w mockingbird lnste bdallastxusa v p k c w del rt qshahiwalakumundbenusa,npi powerhouse pharmacy alt id overlap missing incorrect network dates,21,"Id, npi, alt, add, pems" 909,505971,PRR 8052903 - PPM/PEMS Out of Sync,New,SOP 12,,"PRR 8052903 PEMS 20356876 - Out of Sync. PPM is in IN PROGRESS. PEMS is in CLOSED-APPROVED. Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/7/23 Data fix required to fix PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. Accenture will upload daily as discrepancies are identified PPM: 8049391 ",PSR,negative,19%,prr pems sync ppm progress pems closedapproved priority medium requested due date data fix required fix pems ppm workflow syncing issues accenture upload daily discrepancies identified ppm,prr ppmpems sync,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 910,505973,PRR 8052903 - Red banner when RESPONSE ACCEPTED is selected in R.M.,New,,,"PRR 8052903 - PEMS 20333789 - Red banner when RESPONSE ACCEPTED is selected in R.M. Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/7/23 Data fix required to fix PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. Accenture will upload daily as discrepancies are identified. PPM: 8024616 ",PSR,neutral,46%,prr pems red banner response accepted selected r priority medium requested due date data fix required fix pems ppm workflow syncing issues accenture upload daily discrepancies identified ppm,prr red banner response accepted selected r,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 911,505977,PRR 8052903 - PPM/PEMS Out of Sync,New,SOP 12,,"PRR 8052903 - PEMS 20357570 - Out of Sync. PPM is in IN PROGRESS. PEMS is in CLOSED-APPROVED Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/7/23 Data fix required to fix PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. Accenture will upload daily as discrepancies are identified. PPM: 8050008 ",PSR,negative,19%,prr pems sync ppm progress pems closedapproved priority medium requested due date data fix required fix pems ppm workflow syncing issues accenture upload daily discrepancies identified ppm,prr ppmpems sync,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 912,505978,PRR 8052903 -PPM/PEMS Out of Sync,New,SOP 12,,"PRR 8052903 - PEMS 20334734 - Out of Sync. PPM is in REVIEW OIG DECISION. PEMS is in CLOSED-ENROLLED Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/7/23 Data fix required to fix PEMS to PPM workflow syncing issues. Accenture will upload daily as discrepancies are identified. PPM: 8030122 ",PSR,negative,15%,prr pems sync ppm review oig decision pems closedenrolled priority medium requested due date data fix required fix pems ppm workflow syncing issues accenture upload daily discrepancies identified ppm,prr ppmpems sync,3,"Ppmpems, sync, workflow, busops, issue" 913,506022,"""Do you want to save Changes?"" message on read-only EFT page",Ready,,"As a BusOps user, the save warning message does not appear when navigating back from the EFT page on a read-only request. ","BusOps profile getting do you want to save Changes? message on clicking on back arrow from EFT page. Example user id: rachana.aryal Tried few requests and NPI's and this message pop ups only for this NPI and request. NPI - 1326072943 PEMS Request - 20326566 Unable to replicate in lower environment. ",MSR,negative,25%,busops profile getting want save changes message clicking back arrow eft page example user id rachana aryal tried requests npis message pop ups npi request npi pems request unable replicate lower environment,want save changes message readonly eft page,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix" 914,506080,11/3/2023 Workflow Sync SOP,Accepted,SOP 12,"SOP is executed PEMS Status PPM Status Count Review Special Handling Decision Pending Special Handling Pending Response Response Received Response Received Pending Response Pending Response Response Received 3 Contact Provider by Phone Pending Response 3 Internal QA Review In Progress Response Received Closed - Not Enrolled Submitted In Progress 19 10 Day Notification (Enrollment) Response Received ",PEMS-PPM workflow sync scripts for 11/3/2023,PSR,positive,71%,pemsppm workflow sync scripts,workflow sync sop,22,"Workflow, sync, sop, pemsppm, root" 915,506312,Debug Transaction API Transaction to Master Merge - Revalidation Due Date Issue,In Development,,,nan,Research and Analysis,positive,66%,nan,debug transaction api transaction master merge revalidation due date issue,7,"Date, prr, update, revalidation, due" 916,506314,PPM 8031432 - AMD - Tier 3 - MDS Form Status - Invalid RN License ,New,,,"PPM 8031432 - AMD - Tier 3 - MDS Form Status - Invalid RN License We received a Tier 3 escalation with a Service Level Agreement (SLA) due date of 11/6/2023 (TMHP PPM Reference Req #8031432: Details (tmhp.org). TMHP Accenture is unable to process this LTC MDS form due to an incorrect license effective dates. RN License 714227 is valid on the TX Board of Nursing (BON) website however is not showing updated in PEMS. It is most likely that the last file received from BON may not have included the most current data. Please create critical priority request for AMD to research and work with the BON to receive and process the corrected version of the RN License file. License in LTC DB (which is update via PEMS) ",PSR,negative,1%,ppm amd tier mds form status invalid right license received tier escalation service level agreement sla due date tmhp ppm reference req details tmhp org tmhp accenture unable process ltc mds form due incorrect license effective dates right license valid tx board nursing bon website however not showing updated pems likely last file received bon may not included current data please create critical priority request amd research work bon receive process corrected version right license file license ltc db update via pems,ppm amd tier mds form status invalid right license,13,"Prr, program, not, license, pems" 917,506316,PRR 8053990 Update Hidden Deficiency in PEMS,New,SOP49,,"PRR 8053990 Update Hidden Deficiency in PEMS NPI 1073814927 PEMS Request# 20279509 Priority: Medium Requested Due Date: 11/7/23 Hidden def needs to be removed from the practice location information def # 681975. ",PSR,negative,43%,prr update hidden deficiency pems npi pems request priority medium requested due date hidden def needs removed practice location information def,prr update hidden deficiency pems,6,"Hidden, deficiency, pems, prr, update" 918,506319,PRR 8053641-Escalation from Senator Nichols,Ready,Escalation from Senator Nichols; SOP48,Transaction to master merge issue.,"PRR 8053641-Escalation from Senator Nichols NPI 1033752456 Requested Due Date: 11/10/23 PEMS ID: 20268923 Provider: EAST TEXAS COMMUNITY CLINIC INC Issue: All FQHC locations that the provider added did not intigrate into C21. Please ensure that all locations with Taxonomy code 261QF0400X integrate into C21 This is a high priority. They are losing thousands of federal dollars every day and their ability to raise capital is limited. This has to be reported back to HHSC daily, so appreciate the quick turn around. ",PSR,negative,2%,prr escalation senator nichols npi requested due date pems id provider east texas community clinic inc issue fqhc locations provider added not intigrate c please ensure locations taxonomy code qfx integrate c high priority losing thousands federal dollars every day ability raise capital limited reported back hhsc daily appreciate quick turn around,prr escalation senator nichols,11,"Prr, remove, hhsc, duplicate, escalation" 919,506326,N01 Cert Added on different requests with same dates,New,,,"N01 cert was added on a license maintenance request 20356419 and then added again with same dates on an existing enrollment 20268923 request and so when trying to insert in master enroll license it sees it as duplicate and fails. Need to prevent N01 cert from being added on a request when it already exists. existing enrollment closed enrolled on 10/20 and then failed so the data wasn't copied to master and then on 10/30 the license maintenance was created with the same N01 cert. still not sure why the existing enrollment failed initially. ",PSR,negative,1%,n cert added license maintenance request added dates existing enrollment request trying insert master enroll license sees duplicate fails need prevent n cert added request already exists existing enrollment closed enrolled failed data not copied master license maintenance created n cert still not sure existing enrollment failed initially,n cert added different requests dates,26,"Internal, not, batch, data, fix"