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import streamlit as st
import torch
from transformers import T5ForConditionalGeneration, RobertaTokenizer
import re
import ast
# Load the fine-tuned model and tokenizer
model_repo_path = 'sabssag/Latex_to_Python_CodeT5-base'
model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_repo_path, torch_dtype=torch.float16)
tokenizer = RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_repo_path)
# Fix unmatched brackets
def fix_unmatched_brackets(code):
Fix unmatched brackets in the code by ensuring that all opening brackets have corresponding closing brackets,
and ensure that newline characters are handled correctly when adding missing brackets.
open_brackets = {'(': 0, '[': 0, '{': 0}
close_brackets = {')': 0, ']': 0, '}': 0}
bracket_pairs = {'(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}'}
stack = []
new_code = ""
# Iterate through the code to track unmatched brackets and their positions
for i, char in enumerate(code):
if char in open_brackets:
open_brackets[char] += 1
elif char in close_brackets:
if stack and bracket_pairs[stack[-1]] == char:
stack.pop() # Matching bracket
# Unmatched closing bracket found, but we need to check if it's valid
if stack:
# If we have an unmatched opening bracket, fix it by adding the correct closing bracket
new_code += bracket_pairs[stack.pop()]
# If no matching opening bracket, just skip adding the closing bracket
new_code += char
# Append missing closing brackets at the end
while stack:
last_char = new_code[-1]
# If the last character is a newline, remove it before appending the closing bracket
if last_char == '\n':
new_code = new_code[:-1]
new_code += bracket_pairs[stack.pop()]
return new_code
# Validate and correct bracket balance
def validate_bracket_balance(code):
Validates if brackets are balanced and fixes common issues.
stack = []
bracket_map = {')': '(', ']': '[', '}': '{'}
for i, char in enumerate(code):
if char in bracket_map.values():
elif char in bracket_map:
if stack and stack[-1] == bracket_map[char]:
code = code[:i] + '#' + code[i+1:] # Comment out the misaligned closing bracket
while stack:
code += { '(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}' }[stack.pop()]
return code
# Add missing imports based on used functions
def add_missing_imports(code):
Detect missing sympy or numpy imports based on used functions in the code.
Also fixes incorrect import statements like `from sympy import, pi`.
sympy_funcs = {
"cot", "sqrt", "pi", "sin", "cos", "tan", "log", "Abs", "exp",
"factorial", "csc", "sec", "asin", "acos", "atan", "Eq", "symbols", "Function", "Derivative"
# Detect function calls and existing imports
function_pattern = r'\b([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\b'
used_functions = set(re.findall(function_pattern, code))
# Match 'from sympy import' statements
existing_imports = re.findall(r'from sympy import ([a-zA-Z_, ]+)', code)
# Flatten the existing imports set by splitting any comma-separated imports
existing_imports_set = {imp.strip() for ex_imp in existing_imports for imp in ex_imp.split(',')}
# Find which sympy functions are required but not yet imported
required_imports = used_functions.intersection(sympy_funcs) - existing_imports_set
# If there are required imports, we will just add them on top of the existing imports
if required_imports:
# Consolidate all imports into one line, without adding duplicate imports
import_statement = f"from sympy import {', '.join(sorted(existing_imports_set | required_imports))}\n"
# Remove the current sympy imports with a consolidated import statement
code = re.sub(r'from sympy import [a-zA-Z_, ]+\n', '', code)
code = import_statement + code
# Fully remove incorrect import statements (like `from sympy import, pi`)
code = re.sub(r'from sympy import,\s*.*\n', '', code)
# Add numpy import if necessary
if "np." in code and "import numpy as np" not in code:
code = "import numpy as np\n" + code
return code
# Enhanced removal of evalf() calls, handling malformed cases
def remove_evalf(code):
Remove all occurrences of .evalf() from the code, including cases where it's misplaced or malformed.
# Remove evalf calls in a more comprehensive way
code = re.sub(r'\.evalf\(\)', '', code) # Regular evalf calls
code = re.sub(r'\*evalf\(\)', '', code) # Cases like `*evalf()`
# Ensure parentheses remain balanced even after removing evalf()
code = fix_unmatched_brackets(code)
return code
def handle_sum_errors(code):
Detects and fixes cases where `sum()` is applied to non-iterable objects.
# Regex to detect invalid use of sum
invalid_sum_pattern = r'sum\(([^()]+)\)'
# Replace invalid sum usage with the content inside the sum (since it's non-iterable)
code = re.sub(invalid_sum_pattern, r'\1', code)
return code
def complete_try_catch_block(code):
Ensure that the try block in the code is followed by a valid except block.
If missing, a generic except block will be added.
# Check if there's a 'try' block without an 'except' block
if 'try:' in code and 'except' not in code:
# Add a generic except block to catch any exceptions
code = re.sub(r'try:', r'try:\n pass\n except Exception as e:\n print(f"Error: {e}")', code)
return code
import re
def remove_extra_variables_from_function(code):
Remove extra variables from the function definition list of arguments
that are not used in the function body.
# Find the function definition
match ='def\s+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\((.*?)\):', code)
if match:
func_name =
arg_list =',')
arg_list = [arg.strip() for arg in arg_list] # Clean up spaces
# Get the body of the function (everything after the definition)
func_body = code.split(':', 1)[1]
# Find which variables are actually used in the function body
used_vars = set(re.findall(r'\b([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\b', func_body))
# Filter out only the arguments that are actually used in the function body
filtered_args = [arg for arg in arg_list if arg in used_vars]
# Reconstruct the function definition with only the used arguments
new_func_def = f"def {func_name}({', '.join(filtered_args)}):"
# Replace the old function definition with the new one
code = re.sub(r'def\s+[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*\(.*?\):', new_func_def, code)
return code
# Post-process the generated code
def post_process_code(code):
code = fix_unmatched_brackets(code)
code = validate_bracket_balance(code)
code = add_missing_imports(code)
code = remove_evalf(code)
code = handle_sum_errors(code)
code = complete_try_catch_block(code)
code = remove_extra_variables_from_function(code)
return code
# Generate the final code from LaTeX
def generate_code(latex_expression, max_length=512):
inputs = tokenizer(f"Latex Expression: {latex_expression} Solution:", return_tensors="pt")
outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_length=max_length)
generated_code = tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
post_processed_code = post_process_code(generated_code)
return post_processed_code
# Streamlit app layout
st.title("LaTeX to Python Code Generator")
# Define session state keys
if 'latex_expr' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.latex_expr = ""
# User input for LaTeX expression
latex_input = st.text_area("Enter the LaTeX Expression", value=st.session_state.latex_expr, height=150)
# Update session state with the new LaTeX expression
if st.button("Generate Code"):
if latex_input:
st.session_state.latex_expr = latex_input
with st.spinner("Generating Python Code..."):
# Correct function name here
generated_code = generate_code(latex_expression=st.session_state.latex_expr)
# Display the generated code
st.subheader("Generated Python Code")
st.code(generated_code, language='python')
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Error during code generation: {e}")
st.warning("Please enter a LaTeX expression to generate Python code.")