#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import argparse import gc import glob import logging import os import traceback from datetime import timedelta from typing import Dict import netCDF4 import numpy as np import pandas as pd import rasterio from libs.utils import setup_logging from libs.utils import verbose as vprint setup_logging() log = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONFIG = {} V = 1 V_IGNORE = [] # Debug, Warning, Error # print(os.getcwd()) def get_historic_agg( input_dir: str, historic_years: int, current_window_start: str, current_window_end: str, layer_name: str, agg_window: str = "mean", agg_history: str = "mean", ) -> np.ndarray: """Get the historic mean for a given window_start and window_end dates. Parameters ---------- input_dir : str Path to the directory containing the netcdf files. historic_years : int Number of historic years to consider for the mean. current_window_start : str Start date of the current window. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. current_window_end : str End date of the current window. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. layer_name : str Soil layer to consider for the mean. agg_window : str Aggregation method for the window. Default is "mean". Possible values: "mean", "median", "max", "min", "std", "var". agg_history : str Aggregation method for the historic years. Default is "mean". Possible values: "mean", "median", "max", "min", "std", "var". Returns ------- np.ndarray Array of the historic mean for the given window_start and window_end dates for the historic years. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the file for the historic year is not found. Possible solutions: - The historic year should be modelled before calling this function. - The path to the historic year should be changed. - Calculate for a more recent historic year by reducing historic_years value. """ # Get the window_start year window_start_year = pd.to_datetime(current_window_start).year window_end_year = pd.to_datetime(current_window_end).year # Get the first year first_year = window_start_year - historic_years # Check if file exists for this year if os.path.exists(os.path.join(input_dir, f"model_{first_year}.nc")): # Get the list of historic windows historic_agg = {} for year in range(1, historic_years + 1): args = { "input_dir": input_dir, "window_start": f"{window_start_year-year}{current_window_start[4:]}", "window_end": f"{window_end_year-year}{current_window_end[4:]}", "layer_name": layer_name, "agg": agg_window, } # Get the range mean historic_agg[window_start_year - year] = get_range_agg(**args) historic_agg_np = np.array([historic_agg[year] for year in historic_agg]) # Get the aggregation of the historic years if agg_history == "mean": historic_agg_np = np.mean(historic_agg_np, axis=0) elif agg_history == "median": historic_agg_np = np.median(historic_agg_np, axis=0) elif agg_history == "max": historic_agg_np = np.max(historic_agg_np, axis=0) elif agg_history == "min": historic_agg_np = np.min(historic_agg_np, axis=0) elif agg_history == "std": historic_agg_np = np.std(historic_agg_np, axis=0) elif agg_history == "var": historic_agg_np = np.var(historic_agg_np, axis=0) elif agg_history == "sum": historic_agg_np = np.sum(historic_agg_np, axis=0) else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid aggregation method: {agg_history}. Possible values: mean, median, max, min, std, var, sum." ) return historic_agg_np else: raise FileNotFoundError( f"File not found for the historic data: {os.path.join(input_dir,f'model_{first_year}.nc')}. Make sure the path is correct and the historic year for the requested year is modelled before calling this function." ) def get_range_agg( input_dir: str, window_start: str, window_end: str, layer_name: str, agg: str = "mean", ) -> np.ndarray: """Get the mean for a given window_start and window_end dates. Parameters ---------- input_dir : str Path to the directory containing the netcdf files. window_start : str Start date of the window. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. window_end : str End date of the window. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. layer_name : str Soil layer to consider for the mean. agg : str Aggregation method to use. Possible values: mean, median, max, min, std. Returns ------- np.ndarray Mean raster for the given window_start and window_end dates. """ # Get the list of dates between two dates if date_from and date_to dates = pd.DataFrame( pd.date_range( pd.to_datetime(window_start), pd.to_datetime(window_end) - timedelta(days=1), freq="d", ), columns=["date"], ) # .strftime('%Y-%m-%d') dates["dayofyear"] = dates["date"].dt.dayofyear - 1 dates["year"] = dates["date"].dt.year dates["str_dates"] = dates["date"].dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") yearly_dates = dates.groupby("year")["dayofyear"].apply(list).to_dict() data_l = list() # For each year, get the data for layer_name for the dates specified in yearly_dates for year in yearly_dates: # read the year file nc_y = netCDF4.Dataset(os.path.join(input_dir, f"model_{year}.nc")) vprint( 1, V, V_IGNORE, Debug=f"getting data for year: {year} from layer: {layer_name}...", ) # Get the data for the layer_name data = nc_y.variables[layer_name][:, :, :] # Get the data for the dates days = yearly_dates[year] data = data[days, :, :] data_l.append(data) nc_y.close() del data gc.collect() # Concat data for all years data_concat = np.concatenate(data_l, axis=0) data_concat.shape if agg == "mean": # Get the mean raster for the range data_agg = np.mean(data_concat, axis=0) elif agg == "median": # Get the median raster for the range data_agg = np.median(data_concat, axis=0) elif agg == "max": # Get the max raster for the range data_agg = np.max(data_concat, axis=0) elif agg == "min": # Get the min raster for the range data_agg = np.min(data_concat, axis=0) elif agg == "std": # Get the std raster for the range data_agg = np.std(data_concat, axis=0) elif agg == "var": # Get the var raster for the range data_agg = np.var(data_concat, axis=0) elif agg == "sum": # Get the sum raster for the range data_agg = np.sum(data_concat, axis=0) else: raise ValueError( f"agg should be one of mean, median, max, min, std, var, sum. {agg} was provided." ) print("done.") return data_agg def save(path, array, profile): """Save the array as a raster. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the raster to save. array : np.ndarray Array to save as a raster. profile : dict Profile of the raster to save. """ with rasterio.open(path, "w", **profile) as dst: dst.write(array, 1) def analyse( input, window_start, window_end, historic_years: int, layer: str, match_raster: str = None, output: str = None, agg_history: str = "mean", agg_window: str = "mean", comparison: str = "diff", ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Main function to run the script. Parameters ---------- input : str Path to the input raster. window_start : str Start date of the window. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. window_end : str End date of the window. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. historic_years : int Number of historic years to use for the comparison. layer : str Soil layer to consider for the comparison. match_raster : str Path to the match raster. Default: None. If None, the match raster will be searched in the et_pp directory based on the input directory. output : str Path to the output raster. Default: None. If None, the output raster will be saved in the same directory as the input raster. agg_history : str Aggregation method to use for the historic years. Possible values: mean, median, max, min, std. Default: mean. agg_window : str Aggregation method to use for the window. Possible values: mean, median, max, min, std. Default: mean. comparison : str Comparison method to use. Possible values: diff, ratio. Default: diff. Returns ------- Dict[str,str] Dictionary with the path to the output rasters. """ if output is None: output = os.path.join(input, "analysis") # Create the output directory if it does not exist if not os.path.exists(output): os.makedirs(output) if match_raster is None: match_raster = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(input), "et_pp") files = glob.glob(os.path.join(match_raster, f"{window_start[:7]}*.tif")) if len(files) == 0: files = glob.glob(os.path.join(match_raster, f"{window_end[:7]}*.tif")) if len(files) == 0: vprint( 1, V, V_IGNORE, Debug=f"Expanding the search for match raster file to find e closer date to {window_start[:5]}...", ) files = glob.glob(os.path.join(match_raster, f"{window_start[:5]}*.tif")) if len(files) == 0: vprint( 1, V, V_IGNORE, Debug=f"Expanding the search further for match raster file to find e closer date to {window_end[:5]}...", ) files = glob.glob(os.path.join(match_raster, f"{window_end[:5]}*.tif")) if len(files) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Could not find any matching raster in {match_raster} for the range of dates given at {window_start} / {window_end}!" ) print(f"Found {len(files)} matching raster file {files[0]}.") match_raster = files[0] with rasterio.open(match_raster) as src: profile = src.profile # Get the layers layer = layer # Get the historic aggregated data historic_data = get_historic_agg( input_dir=input, historic_years=historic_years, current_window_start=window_start, current_window_end=window_end, agg_window=agg_window, agg_history=agg_history, layer_name=layer, ) # Get aggregated current window data current_data = get_range_agg( input_dir=input, window_start=window_start, window_end=window_end, agg=agg_window, layer_name=layer, ) # Compare the two rasters if comparison == "diff": delta = current_data - historic_data else: raise NotImplementedError( f"comparison should be diff. {comparison} was provided." ) # Save the rasters historic_raster = os.path.join( output, f"historic-{window_start.replace('-','_')}-{window_end.replace('-','_')}-{layer}-w_{agg_window}-h_{agg_history}-y_{historic_years}.tif", ) current_raster = os.path.join( output, f"current-{window_start.replace('-','_')}-{window_end.replace('-','_')}-{layer}-w_{agg_window}.tif", ) delta_raster = os.path.join( output, f"delta-{window_start.replace('-','_')}-{window_end.replace('-','_')}-{layer}-w_{agg_window}-h_{agg_history}-y_{historic_years}.tif", ) save(historic_raster, historic_data, profile) save(current_raster, current_data, profile) save(delta_raster, delta, profile) # # Visualise the rasters # # Read the saved rasters # with rasterio.open(historic_raster) as src: # historic_raster = src.read(1) # with rasterio.open(current_raster) as src: # current_raster = src.read(1) # with rasterio.open(delta_raster) as src: # delta_raster = src.read(1) # # Plot the rasters return { "historic_raster": historic_raster, "current_raster": current_raster, "delta_raster": delta_raster, } if __name__ == "__main__": # Load Configs parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Download rainfall data from Google Earth Engine for a range of dates.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--input", help="Absolute or relative path to the netcdf data ending with .nc. By dfault it is set to data.nc", default="data.nc", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--layer", help="Soil layer to visualise. Default is all. Select between SM1 to SM5 or DD.", default="all", ) parser.add_argument("-s", "--window_start", help="Window start date YYYY-MM-DD.") parser.add_argument("-e", "--window_end", help="Window end date YYYY-MM-DD.") parser.add_argument( "-y", "--historic_years", help="Number of years to go back in time.", default=2 ) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--agg_history", help="Aggregation method to use for the historic data. Possible values: mean, median, max, min, std, var, sum.", default="mean", ) parser.add_argument( "-g", "--agg_window", help="Aggregation method to use for the window range data. Possible values: mean, median, max, min, std, var, sum.", default="mean", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--comparison", help="Comparison method to use for the window range data. Possible values: show, diff.", default="show", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", help="Output directory to save the output files. Default is the input directory.", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--match_raster", help="Raster to match the output to. Default is the input raster.", ) args = parser.parse_args() # args.input ="/home/sahand/Projects/PIPE-3788 GRDC SoilWaterNow Deployment/work/v3/Arawa 2019-2023/c8/1af25ced023e58c46f4403a155210d/soilwatermodel v3" # args.window_start = "2022-12-20" # args.window_end = "2023-01-10" # args.historic_years = 3 # args.agg_window = "mean" # args.agg_history = "mean" # args.comparison = "diff" # args.layer = "SM2" # args.output = None try: analyse( input=args.input, window_start=args.window_start, window_end=args.window_end, historic_years=args.historic_years, agg_window=args.agg_window, agg_history=args.agg_history, comparison=args.comparison, layer=args.layer, output=args.output, match_raster=args.match_raster, ) except Exception as e: vprint( 0, V, V_IGNORE, Error="Failed to execute the main function:", ErrorMessage=e, ) traceback.print_exc() raise e