A simple Telegram bot, upload media file | video to Telegram using the direct download link. |
- Youtube, Google Drive, Apple Music, Spotify, Resso, & Direct Links support. |
- Bot Can upload document, video & audio types. |
- Deploy To Heroku | locally | VPS | Digital Ocean | Koyeb | Render. |
- Custom thumbnail support. |
- /start - Start the Bot |
- /help - Introduction to use url uploader bot |
- /about - About the Bot |
- /thumb - view your custom thumbnail |
- /delthumb - delete your custom thumbnail |
- /thumb - Add custom thumbnail to your uploaded file ( send thumbnail and reply /thumb to it) |
- /delthumb - To Delete your custom thumbnail |
For questions and support please use [Discussions](https://github.com/kalanakt/All-Url-Uploader/discussions). The issue list of this repo is exclusively for bug reports and feature requests. |
Make sure to read the Issue Reporting [Checklist](https://github.com/kalanakt/All-Url-Uploader/discussions/categories/issue-reporting-checklist). before opening an [issue](https://github.com/kalanakt/All-Url-Uploader/issues). Issues not conforming to the guidelines may be closed immediately. |