import os |
import asyncio |
from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL |
from pyrogram import enums |
from pyrogram.types import Message |
from pyrogram import Client, filters |
from config import Config |
from plugins.functions.help_ytdl import get_file_extension_from_url, get_resolution |
YTDL_REGEX = r"^((?:https?:)?\/\/)" |
@Client.on_callback_query(filters.regex("^ytdl_audio$")) |
async def callback_query_ytdl_audio(_, callback_query): |
try: |
url = callback_query.message.reply_to_message.text |
ydl_opts = { |
"format": "bestaudio", |
"outtmpl": "%(title)s - %(extractor)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s", |
"writethumbnail": True, |
} |
with YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: |
message = callback_query.message |
await message.reply_chat_action(enums.ChatAction.TYPING) |
info_dict = ydl.extract_info(url, download=False) |
await callback_query.edit_message_text("**Downloading audio...**") |
ydl.process_info(info_dict) |
audio_file = ydl.prepare_filename(info_dict) |
task = asyncio.create_task(send_audio(message, info_dict, audio_file)) |
while not task.done(): |
await asyncio.sleep(3) |
await message.reply_chat_action(enums.ChatAction.UPLOAD_DOCUMENT) |
await message.reply_chat_action(enums.ChatAction.CANCEL) |
await message.delete() |
except Exception as e: |
await message.reply_text(e) |
await callback_query.message.reply_to_message.delete() |
await callback_query.message.delete() |
async def send_audio(message: Message, info_dict, audio_file): |
basename = audio_file.rsplit(".", 1)[-2] |
if info_dict["ext"] == "webm": |
audio_file_weba = f"{basename}.weba" |
os.rename(audio_file, audio_file_weba) |
audio_file = audio_file_weba |
thumbnail_url = info_dict["thumbnail"] |
thumbnail_file = f"{basename}.{get_file_extension_from_url(thumbnail_url)}" |
download_location = f"{Config.DOWNLOAD_LOCATION}/{message.from_user.id}.jpg" |
thumb = download_location if os.path.isfile(download_location) else None |
webpage_url = info_dict["webpage_url"] |
title = info_dict["title"] or "" |
caption = f'<b><a href="{webpage_url}">{title}</a></b>' |
duration = int(float(info_dict["duration"])) |
performer = info_dict["uploader"] or "" |
await message.reply_audio( |
audio_file, |
caption=caption, |
duration=duration, |
performer=performer, |
title=title, |
parse_mode=enums.ParseMode.HTML, |
thumb=thumb, |
) |
os.remove(audio_file) |
os.remove(thumbnail_file) |
async def send_video(message: Message, info_dict, video_file): |
basename = video_file.rsplit(".", 1)[-2] |
thumbnail_url = info_dict["thumbnail"] |
thumbnail_file = f"{basename}.{get_file_extension_from_url(thumbnail_url)}" |
download_location = f"{Config.DOWNLOAD_LOCATION}/{message.from_user.id}.jpg" |
thumb = download_location if os.path.isfile(download_location) else None |
webpage_url = info_dict["webpage_url"] |
title = info_dict["title"] or "" |
caption = f'<b><a href="{webpage_url}">{title}</a></b>' |
duration = int(float(info_dict["duration"])) |
width, height = get_resolution(info_dict) |
await message.reply_video( |
video_file, |
caption=caption, |
duration=duration, |
width=width, |
height=height, |
parse_mode=enums.ParseMode.HTML, |
thumb=thumb, |
) |
os.remove(video_file) |
os.remove(thumbnail_file) |
@Client.on_callback_query(filters.regex("^ytdl_video$")) |
async def callback_query_ytdl_video(_, callback_query): |
try: |
url = callback_query.message.reply_to_message.text |
ydl_opts = { |
"format": "best[ext=mp4]", |
"outtmpl": "%(title)s - %(extractor)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s", |
"writethumbnail": True, |
} |
with YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: |
message = callback_query.message |
await message.reply_chat_action(enums.ChatAction.TYPING) |
info_dict = ydl.extract_info(url, download=False) |
await callback_query.edit_message_text("**Downloading video...**") |
ydl.process_info(info_dict) |
video_file = ydl.prepare_filename(info_dict) |
task = asyncio.create_task(send_video(message, info_dict, video_file)) |
while not task.done(): |
await asyncio.sleep(3) |
await message.reply_chat_action(enums.ChatAction.UPLOAD_DOCUMENT) |
await message.reply_chat_action(enums.ChatAction.CANCEL) |
await message.delete() |
except Exception as e: |
await message.reply_text(e) |
await callback_query.message.reply_to_message.delete() |
await callback_query.message.delete() |