import { Tab, Tabs } from 'nextra-theme-docs' # Render Deploy _Render is Free. You'll Get 500 Hr_ __Use method one or two to deploy your bot.__ - Fork The Repositery On [GitHub]( - Create [Render]( Account if Already Have? Go To [Dashboard]( - Start [ New + ] Project and Slect web service. - Connect a github awith render and select forked repository - keep `Environment` as `Docker` - Expand [ Advance ] button and add .env Veriables. Click [ Create Web Service ] or Click Add Secret File. add with content - Start the Bot On Telegram : Boom!!! Enjoy Your Bot - Fork The Repositery On [GitHub]( - Create [Render]( Account if Already Have? Go To [Dashboard]( - Start [ New + ] Project and Slect web service. - Connect a github awith render and select forked repository - Toggle `Environment` to `Python 3` - Expand [ Advance ] button and add .env Veriables. Click [ Create Web Service ] or Click Add Secret File. add with content - Start the Bot On Telegram : Boom!!! Enjoy Your Bot