import { Tab, Tabs } from 'nextra-theme-docs' # Heroku Deploy _Heroku is Esay way to deploy All Url Uploader. But you need to pro account in heroku_ __Use method one or two to deploy your bot.__ - Create Heroku Account if Already Have? Log In To Account - Fork The Repositery On [GitHub]( - Copy Your Repositery Url Address - `` - Open []( In Another Tab - Past Copied Link & Click Genarate Link. You'll Redirect to heroku app - Add Enviroment Veriable & Click Deploy - Start the Bot On Telegram : Boom!!! Enjoy Your Bot - Create Heroku Account if Already Have? Log In To Account - Fork The Repositery On [GitHub]( - Click Create New App On Heroku. Add .env Veriables And Deploy App - On Deploy Tab Click Connect To Github - Connect Forked Repositery And Deploy Again - Start the Bot On Telegram : Boom!!! Enjoy Your Bot