import time import json import asyncio import logging import os from pyrogram.types import Thumbnail from pyrogram import Client, filters from pyrogram.types import InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton from config import Config from plugins.script import Translation from plugins.functions.ran_text import random_char from plugins.functions.display_progress import humanbytes logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.getLogger("pyrogram").setLevel(logging.WARNING) @Client.on_message(filters.private & filters.regex(pattern=".*http.*")) async def echo(bot, update): url = update.text youtube_dl_username = os.environ.get("YTU", None) youtube_dl_password = os.environ.get("YTP", None) file_name = None if "" in url: return await update.reply_text( "**Choose Download type**", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton("Audio 🎵", callback_data="ytdl_audio"), InlineKeyboardButton("Video 🎬", callback_data="ytdl_video"), ] ] ), quote=True, ) if "|" in url: url_parts = url.split("|") if len(url_parts) == 2: url = url_parts[0] file_name = url_parts[1] elif len(url_parts) == 4: url = url_parts[0] file_name = url_parts[1] youtube_dl_username = url_parts[2] youtube_dl_password = url_parts[3] else: for entity in update.entities: if entity.type == "text_link": url = entity.url elif entity.type == "url": o = entity.offset length = entity.length url = url[o: o + length] if url is not None: url = url.strip() if file_name is not None: file_name = file_name.strip() # if youtube_dl_username is not None: youtube_dl_username = youtube_dl_username.strip() if youtube_dl_password is not None: youtube_dl_password = youtube_dl_password.strip() else: for entity in update.entities: if entity.type == "text_link": url = entity.url elif entity.type == "url": o = entity.offset length = entity.length url = url[o: o + length] if Config.HTTP_PROXY != "": command_to_exec = [ "yt-dlp", "--no-warnings", "--allow-dynamic-mpd", "-j", url, "--proxy", Config.HTTP_PROXY, ] else: command_to_exec = ["yt-dlp", "--no-warnings", "--allow-dynamic-mpd", "-j", url] if youtube_dl_username is not None: command_to_exec.append("--username") command_to_exec.append(youtube_dl_username) if youtube_dl_password is not None: command_to_exec.append("--password") command_to_exec.append(youtube_dl_password) chk = await bot.send_message(, text="Proccesing your ⌛", disable_web_page_preview=True,, ) # if not in Config.AUTH_USERS: # if str( in Config.ADL_BOT_RQ: # current_time = time.time() # previous_time = Config.ADL_BOT_RQ[str(] # process_max_timeout = round(Config.PROCESS_MAX_TIMEOUT / 60) # present_time = round( # Config.PROCESS_MAX_TIMEOUT - (current_time - previous_time) # ) # Config.ADL_BOT_RQ[str(] = time.time() # if round(current_time - previous_time) < Config.PROCESS_MAX_TIMEOUT: # await bot.edit_message_text( #, # text=Translation.FREE_USER_LIMIT_Q_SZE.format( # process_max_timeout, present_time # ), # disable_web_page_preview=True, #, # ) # return # else: # Config.ADL_BOT_RQ[str(] = time.time() process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *command_to_exec, # stdout must a pipe to be accessible as process.stdout stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) # Wait for the subprocess to finish stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() e_response = stderr.decode().strip() t_response = stdout.decode().strip() # # if e_response and "nonnumeric port" not in e_response: # logger.warn("Status : FAIL", exc.returncode, exc.output) error_message = e_response.replace( """ please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; see on how to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output. """, "", ) if "This video is only available for registered users." in error_message: error_message += Translation.SET_CUSTOM_USERNAME_PASSWORD await chk.delete() time.sleep(40.5) await bot.send_message(, text=Translation.NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND.format(str(error_message)),, disable_web_page_preview=True, ) return False if t_response: # x_reponse = t_response if "\n" in x_reponse: x_reponse, _ = x_reponse.split("\n") response_json = json.loads(x_reponse) randem = random_char(5) save_ytdl_json_path = ( Config.DOWNLOAD_LOCATION + "/" + str( + f"{randem}" + ".json" ) with open(save_ytdl_json_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as outfile: json.dump(response_json, outfile, ensure_ascii=False) # inline_keyboard = [] duration = None if "duration" in response_json: duration = response_json["duration"] if "formats" in response_json: for formats in response_json["formats"]: format_id = formats.get("format_id") format_string = formats.get("format_note") if format_string is None: format_string = formats.get("format") if "DASH" in format_string.upper(): continue format_ext = formats.get("ext") if formats.get("filesize"): size = formats["filesize"] elif formats.get("filesize_approx"): size = formats["filesize_approx"] else: size = 0 cb_string_video = f"video |{format_id}|{format_ext}|{randem}" cb_string_file = f"fille |{format_id}|{format_ext}|{randem}" if format_string is not None and not ("audio only" in format_string): ikeyboard = [ InlineKeyboardButton( "🎬 " + format_string + " " + format_ext + " " + humanbytes(size) + " ", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8"), ) ] else: # special weird case :\ ikeyboard = [ InlineKeyboardButton( "🎬 [" + "] ( " + humanbytes(size) + " )", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8"), ) ] inline_keyboard.append(ikeyboard) if duration is not None: cb_string_64 = "{}|{}|{}|{}".format("audio", "64k", "mp3", randem) cb_string_128 = "{}|{}|{}|{}".format("audio", "128k", "mp3", randem) cb_string = "{}|{}|{}|{}".format("audio", "320k", "mp3", randem) inline_keyboard.append( [ InlineKeyboardButton( "🎼 ᴍᴘ𝟹 " + "(" + "64 ᴋʙᴘs" + ")", callback_data=cb_string_64.encode("UTF-8"), ), InlineKeyboardButton( "🎼 ᴍᴘ𝟹 " + "(" + "128 ᴋʙᴘs" + ")", callback_data=cb_string_128.encode("UTF-8"), ), ] ) inline_keyboard.append( [ InlineKeyboardButton( "🎼 ᴍᴘ𝟹 " + "(" + "320 ᴋʙᴘs" + ")", callback_data=cb_string.encode("UTF-8"), ) ] ) inline_keyboard.append( [InlineKeyboardButton("⛔ ᴄʟᴏsᴇ", callback_data="close")] ) else: format_id = response_json["format_id"] format_ext = response_json["ext"] cb_string_file = "{}|{}|{}|{}".format("file", format_id, format_ext, randem) cb_string_video = "{}|{}|{}|{}".format( "video", format_id, format_ext, randem ) inline_keyboard.append( [ InlineKeyboardButton( "🎬 Video", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8") ) ] ) cb_string_file = "{}={}={}".format("file", format_id, format_ext) cb_string_video = "{}={}={}".format("video", format_id, format_ext) inline_keyboard.append( [ InlineKeyboardButton( "📁 Document", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8") ) ] ) reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard) await chk.delete() await bot.send_message(, text=Translation.FORMAT_SELECTION.format(Thumbnail) + "\n" + Translation.SET_CUSTOM_USERNAME_PASSWORD, reply_markup=reply_markup,, ) else: # fallback for nonnumeric port a.k.a inline_keyboard = [] cb_string_file = "{}={}={}".format("file", "LFO", "NONE") cb_string_video = "{}={}={}".format("video", "OFL", "ENON") inline_keyboard.append( [ InlineKeyboardButton( "🎬 ᴍᴇᴅɪᴀ", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8") ) ] ) reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard) await chk.delete(True) await bot.send_message(, text=Translation.FORMAT_SELECTION, reply_markup=reply_markup,, )