import math import time import logging logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.getLogger("pyrogram").setLevel(logging.WARNING) async def progress_for_pyrogram(current, total, ud_type, message, start): """ Display progress for a Pyrogram file upload or download. Parameters: - current (int): Current progress value. - total (int): Total value (completion point). - ud_type (str): Type of upload/download (e.g., "Uploading", "Downloading"). - message: The Pyrogram message to edit. - start: The start time of the operation. Returns: None """ now = time.time() diff = now - start if round(diff % 10.00) == 0 or current == total: percentage = current * 100 / total speed = current / diff elapsed_time = round(diff) * 1000 time_to_completion = round((total - current) / speed) * 1000 estimated_total_time = elapsed_time + time_to_completion elapsed_time = TimeFormatter(milliseconds=elapsed_time) estimated_total_time = TimeFormatter(milliseconds=estimated_total_time) progress = "[{0}{1}] \nP: {2}%\n".format( "".join(["◾" for _ in range(math.floor(percentage / 5))]), "".join(["◽" for _ in range(20 - math.floor(percentage / 5))]), round(percentage, 2), ) tmp = progress + "{0} of {1}\n\nSpeed: {2}/s\n\nETA: {3}\n\n".format( humanbytes(current), humanbytes(total), humanbytes(speed), estimated_total_time if estimated_total_time != "" else "0 s", ) try: await message.edit(text=f"{ud_type}\n {tmp}") except Exception as e:"Error %s", e) return SIZE_UNITS = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB"] def huanbytes(size_in_bytes) -> str: """ Convert size in bytes to human-readable format. Parameters: - size_in_bytes (int): Size in bytes. Returns: str: Human-readable size. """ if size_in_bytes is None: return "0B" index = 0 while size_in_bytes >= 1024: size_in_bytes /= 1024 index += 1 try: return f"{round(size_in_bytes, 2)}{SIZE_UNITS[index]}" except IndexError: return "File too large" def humanbytes(size): """ Convert size to human-readable format. Parameters: - size (int): Size in bytes. Returns: str: Human-readable size. """ if not size: return "" power = 2**10 n = 0 Dic_powerN = {0: " ", 1: "K", 2: "M", 3: "G", 4: "T"} while size > power: size /= power n += 1 return f"{str(round(size, 2))} {Dic_powerN[n]}B" def TimeFormatter(milliseconds: int) -> str: """ Format time in milliseconds to a human-readable string. Parameters: - milliseconds (int): Time in milliseconds. Returns: str: Formatted time string. """ seconds, milliseconds = divmod(milliseconds, 1000) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) days, hours = divmod(hours, 24) tmp = ( (f"{str(days)}d, " if days else "") + (f"{str(hours)}h, " if hours else "") + (f"{str(minutes)}m, " if minutes else "") + (f"{str(seconds)}s, " if seconds else "") + (f"{str(milliseconds)}ms, " if milliseconds else "") ) return tmp[:-2]