import os from pyrogram import Client, filters from config import Config @Client.on_message( & filters.incoming & filters.private) async def save_photo(_bot, message): download_location = f"{Config.DOWNLOAD_LOCATION}/{}.jpg" await await message.reply_text(text="your custom thumbnail is saved", quote=True) @Client.on_message(filters.command("thumb") & filters.incoming & filters.private) async def send_photo(_bot, message): download_location = f"{Config.DOWNLOAD_LOCATION}/{}.jpg" if os.path.isfile(download_location): await message.reply_photo( photo=download_location, caption="your custom thumbnail", quote=True ) else: await message.reply_text( text="you don't have set thumbnail yet!. send .jpg img to save as thumbnail.", quote=True, ) @Client.on_message(filters.command("delthumb") & filters.incoming & filters.private) async def delete_photo(_bot, message): download_location = f"{Config.DOWNLOAD_LOCATION}/{}.jpg" if os.path.isfile(download_location): os.remove(download_location) await message.reply_text( text="your thumbnail removed successfully.", quote=True ) else: await message.reply_text( text="you don't have set thumbnail yet!. send .jpg img to save as thumbnail.", quote=True, )