import os import openai import json import rdflib class ExampleGenerator: def __init__(self): self.ontologies = {} self.ontology_files = [] self.rules = {} self.description = None def add_ontology(self, onto): if onto in self.ontology_files: raise ValueError("Ontology file already exists.") else: onto_data = self.get_ontology_file(onto) if onto_data: self.ontology_files.append(onto) self.ontologies[onto] = self.get_ontology_file(onto) self.rules[onto] = self.generate_rules(onto) else: raise ValueError("Ontology file error.") def get_ontology_file(self,filename): text = "" if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename,'r') as f: text = f.close() return text else: raise ValueError("Invalid filename.") def ChatGPTTextSplitter(self,text): """Splits text in smaller subblocks to feed to the LLM""" prompt = f"""The total length of content that I want to send you is too large to send in only one piece. For sending you that content, I will follow this rule: [START PART 1/10] this is the content of the part 1 out of 10 in total [END PART 1/10] Then you just answer: "Instructions Sent." And when I tell you "ALL PARTS SENT", then you can continue processing the data and answering my requests. """ if type(text) == str: textsize = 12000 blocksize = int(len(text) / textsize) if blocksize > 0: yield prompt for b in range(1,blocksize+1): if b < blocksize+1: prompt = f"""Do not answer yet. This is just another part of the text I want to send you. Just receive and acknowledge as "Part {b}/{blocksize} received" and wait for the next part. [START PART {b}/{blocksize}] {text[(b-1)*textsize:b*textsize]} [END PART {b}/{blocksize}] Remember not answering yet. Just acknowledge you received this part with the message "Part {b}/{blocksize} received" and wait for the next part. """ yield prompt else: prompt = f""" [START PART {b}/{blocksize}] {text[(b-1)*textsize:b*textsize]} [END PART {b}/{blocksize}] ALL PARTS SENT. Now you can continue processing the request. """ yield prompt else: yield text elif type(text) == list: yield prompt for n,block in enumerate(text): if n+1 < len(text): prompt = f"""Do not answer yet. This is just another part of the text I want to send you. Just receive and acknowledge as "Part {n+1}/{len(text)} received" and wait for the next part. [START PART {n+1}/{len(text)}] {text[n]} [END PART {n+1}/{len(text)}] Remember not answering yet. Just acknowledge you received this part with the message "Part {n+1}/{len(text)} received" and wait for the next part. """ yield prompt else: prompt = f""" [START PART {n+1}/{len(text)}] {text[n]} [END PART {n+1}/{len(text)}] ALL PARTS SENT. Now you can continue processing the request. """ yield prompt def send_ontology(self): ontology = "" if len(self.ontologies) > 0: for k,v in self.ontologies.items(): ontology+=v+"\n" print("Sending Ontology in Parts") for i in self.ChatGPTTextSplitter(ontology): print(self.llm_api(i)) else: raise ValueError("No loaded ontology to send.") def llm_api(self,prompt,model="gpt-3.5-turbo"): messages = [{ "role":"user", "content":prompt }] res = openai.ChatCompletion.create(model=model,messages=messages,temperature=0) return res.choices[0].message['content'] def generate_rule(self,onto=None): """Raw rule string of AEO.""" v = """These are the components that construct the plan: Fake personas - first and last name People can have one of the following DeceptionRoles: adversary defender Identities can take one of the following DeceptionActions: engagement:Access - subject is an identity, predicate is an object engagement:Alert - subject is an identity, predicate is a human identity engagement:Beacon - subject is non-human identities, services, or tools, predicate can be a server, service, tool or an identity engagement:Deploy - subject is human or agent, the predicate must be a DeceptionObject engagement:Obfuscate engagement:Respond There can be one or more DeceptionObjects: engagement:Honeypot engagement:Honeytoken engagement:Breadcrumb engagement:BreadcrumbTrail - this is a set of breadcrumbs engagement:LureObject engagement:HoneyObject engagement:Decoy engagement:DataSource A defender that performs an a DeceptionAction has at least one of the following DefenderObjectives objective:Reconnaissance objective:Affect objective:Collect objective:Detect objective:Direct objective:Disrupt objective:Elicit objective:Expose objective:Motivate objective:Plan objective:Prepare objective:Prevent objective:Reassure objective:Analyze objective:Deny objective:ElicitBehavior objective:Lure objective:TimeSink objective:Track objective:Trap An adversary that performs an a DeceptionAction has at least one of the following AdversaryObjectives objective:CommandAndControl objective:CredentialAccess objective:DevelopResource objective:Discover objective:EscalatePrivilege objective:Evade objective:Execute objective:Exfilitrate objective:GainInitialAccess objective:Impact objective:MoveLaterally objective:Persist objective:Reconnaissance Generate the plan in the following structure: print "Use one engagement:Narrative" print "Use one engagement:Storyline" print "Use the following people:" Enumerate each person's name and DeceptionRole Each planned event is centered around a DeceptionAction taken by some identity or person with a DeceptionRole onto a DeceptionObject or Object. Enumerate each planned events where each planned event has a short description and number starting with "Planned Event 1". Describe which person deploys a DeceptionObject, what DeceptionAction they used and what the DefenderObjective or AdversaryObjective of the action or deployed DeceptionObject. The last planned event should conclude that an defender has been alerted that the DeceptionObject was accessed by the adversary. Remember to use only given DefenderObjectives, AdversaryObjectives, DeceptionObjects, DeceptionActions, and DeceptionRoles. Do not use any other objectives, objects, actions, or roles other than what is provided. If a person uses an action not from DeceptionActions, then the action is "uco-core:Action" with the name of action. """ return v def generate_json_rule(self,onto=None): """Raw rule string of AEO.""" v = """Remember make a json-ld format example that only uses classes and properties terms from Adversary Engagement Ontology, Unified Cyber Ontology. Each engagement:Narrative has property: engagement:hasStoryline connects to an engagement:Storyline Each engagement:Storyline has property: engagement:hasEvent connects to a uco-types:Thread Each uco-types:Thread has properties: co:element contains all engagement:PlannedEvents co:item contains all uco-types:ThreadItem one each for each engagement:PlannedEvent. co:size uco-types:threadOriginItem is the uco-types:ThreadItem for the first engagement:PlannedEvent uco-types:threadTerminalItem is the uco-types:ThreadItem for the last engagement:PlannedEvent Each co:size has properties: @type as xsd:nonNegativeInteger @value which is the number of uco-types:ThreadItem Each uco-types:ThreadItem has property: co:itemContent is the engagement:PlannedEvent optional uco-types:threadNextItem is the next uco-types:ThreadItem for the next engagement:PlannedEvent if there is one, optional uco-types:threadPreviousItem is the previous uco-types:ThreadItem for the previous engagement:PlannedEvent if there is one Each engagement:PlannedEvent has property: engagement:eventContext connects to one engagement action has property @type one of the following: engagement:Access engagement:Alert engagement:Beacon engagement:Deploy engagement:Obfuscate engagement:Respond Each engagement action has properties: @type is the action uco-core:performer uco-core:object connects to one of the following engagement deception object denoted as "EDO" objects: engagement:Honeypot engagement:Honeytoken engagement:Breadcrumb engagement:BreadcrumbTrail engagement:LureObject engagement:HoneyObject engagement:Decoy engagement:DataSource Each "EDO" object has properties: engagement:hasCharacterization connects to a uco-core:UcoObject objective:hasObjective with @type objective:Objective and @id with one of the following instances: objective:CommandAndControl objective:CredentialAccess objective:DevelopResource objective:Discover objective:EscalatePrivilege objective:Evade objective:Execute objective:Exfilitrate objective:GainInitialAccess objective:Impact objective:MoveLaterally objective:Persist objective:Reconnaissance objective:Affect objective:Collect objective:Detect objective:Direct objective:Disrupt objective:Elicit objective:Expose objective:Motivate objective:Plan objective:Prepare objective:Prevent objective:Reassure objective:Analyze objective:Deny objective:ElicitBehavior objective:Lure objective:TimeSink objective:Track objective:Trap uco-core:name is the objective All people have property: @type is uco-identity:Person uco-core:hasFacet that connects to one of the following: uco-identity:SimpleNameFacet which has the property: uco-identity:familyName uco-identity:givenName Each uco-core:Role has properties: @id is the role uco-core:name is the role Each uco-core:Role there is a uco-core:Relationship with properties: uco-core:kindofRelationship is "has_Role" uco-core:source connects to the person who has the role uco-core:target connects to uco-core:Role Each engagement:BreadcrumbTrail has property: engagement:hasBreadcrumb connects to uco-types:Thread This uco-types:Thread has property: co:element contains all engagement:Breadcrumb that belong to this engagement:BreadcrumbTrail co:item contains all uco-types:ThreadItem one each for each engagement:Breadcrumb co:size uco-types:threadOriginItem is the uco-types:ThreadItem for the first engagement:Breadcrumb belonging to this engagement:BreadcrumbTrail uco-types:threadTerminalItem is the uco-types:ThreadItem for the last engagement:Breadcrumb belonging to this engagement:BreadcrumbTrail Each engagement:Breadcrumb has the properties: engagement:hasCharacterization which connects to a uco-core:UcoObject with the property: uco-core:description which describes the object characterizing the breadcrumb All classes must include property: @type is the class @id is a unique identifier If namespace "engagement" prefix is used then If namespace "objective" prefix is used then If namespace "role" prefix is used then If namespace "identity" prefix is used then If namespace "uco-core" prefix is used then If namespace "uco-types" prefix is used then If namespace "uco-role" prefix is used then """ return v def generate_continue(self): v = """ continue """ return v def raw_prompt(self,description,jsn=True): def run(val,jsn): if jsn: prompt = f"""Give me a full json-ld format example for the following scenario: {description} {"".join(val)} """ else: prompt = f""" {"".join(val)} {description} """ for i in self.ChatGPTTextSplitter(prompt): res = self.llm_api(i) return res if not jsn: res_val = run(self.generate_rule(),jsn) return res_val else: res_val = run(self.generate_json_rule(),jsn) try: val = json.loads(res_val) return val except: #the response was cut off, prompt for the continuation. data = [] data.append(res_val) while True: res = self.llm_api(self.generate_continue()) data.append(res) try: full = "".join(data) return json.loads(full) except: pass return None def get_ns(self,string): return string.split(":")[0] def auto_generate(self,planSize:int=3,keywords:str="",nkeywords:str=""): p = f"Generate a deception plan with {planSize} PlannedEvents." if keywords: p+= f"The plan must include specifically {keywords}." if nkeywords: p+= f"Do not include {nkeywords}." #deception plan description e = self.prompt(p,jsn=False) self.description = e #deception plan converted into json w = self.prompt(e,jsn=True) self.json = w return self.json def generate_personas(self): if not self.description: raise ValueError("Run auto_generate() or prompt() before attempting to generate persona profiles.") description =f"""{self.description} Generate a believable, detailed, and professional description of each person as if they had a LinkedIn profile with the following configurations: Name Occupation and occupation job title Gender Random configuration from the big five personality traits that fits their occupation and 1 of the 16 Myer-Briggs personality classifications. Do not disclose their configuration or their personality type, write as if they wrote an introduction about themselves and their accomplishments. Education history including graduation year, school, degree Job history with at least 10 active years Rewards that highlight the factitious character's strength A schedule of their activities and active behaviors at work """ w = self.prompt(description,jsn=False) self.persona_descriptions = w return w def prompt(self,description,jsn=True): if not self.description: self.description = description if not jsn: res = self.raw_prompt(description,jsn=jsn) else: res = self.raw_prompt(description) #include only relevent namespaces prefixes = [] def is_nested(LIST): if type(LIST) == list: for JSON in LIST: for key in JSON.keys(): if type(JSON[key]) == dict: is_nested(JSON[key]) if '@type' in JSON.keys(): prefixes.append(self.get_ns(JSON['@type'])) else: JSON = LIST for key in JSON.keys(): if type(JSON[key]) == dict: is_nested(JSON[key]) if '@type' in JSON.keys(): prefixes.append(self.get_ns(JSON['@type'])) is_nested(res['@graph']) prefixes = set(prefixes) new_prefixes = {} for prefix in prefixes: if prefix in res['@context']: new_prefixes[prefix] = res['@context'][prefix] res['@context'] = new_prefixes return res