import os, sys | |
import numpy as np | |
from tqdm import tqdm, trange | |
import deep_3drecon | |
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip | |
from utils.commons.multiprocess_utils import multiprocess_run_tqdm, multiprocess_run | |
from utils.commons.meters import Timer | |
from decord import VideoReader | |
from decord import cpu, gpu | |
from utils.commons.face_alignment_utils import mediapipe_lm478_to_face_alignment_lm68 | |
import mediapipe | |
import cv2 | |
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))) | |
# fa = face_alignment.FaceAlignment(face_alignment.LandmarksType._2D, network_size=4, device='cuda') | |
mp_face_mesh = | |
face_reconstructor = deep_3drecon.Reconstructor() | |
def chunk(iterable, chunk_size): | |
final_ret = [] | |
cnt = 0 | |
ret = [] | |
for record in iterable: | |
if cnt == 0: | |
ret = [] | |
ret.append(record) | |
cnt += 1 | |
if len(ret) == chunk_size: | |
final_ret.append(ret) | |
ret = [] | |
if len(final_ret[-1]) != chunk_size: | |
final_ret.append(ret) | |
return final_ret | |
# landmark detection in Deep3DRecon | |
def lm68_2_lm5(in_lm): | |
assert in_lm.ndim == 2 | |
# in_lm: shape=[68,2] | |
lm_idx = np.array([31,37,40,43,46,49,55]) - 1 | |
# 将上述特殊角点的数据取出,得到5个新的角点数据,拼接起来。 | |
lm = np.stack([in_lm[lm_idx[0],:],np.mean(in_lm[lm_idx[[1,2]],:],0),np.mean(in_lm[lm_idx[[3,4]],:],0),in_lm[lm_idx[5],:],in_lm[lm_idx[6],:]], axis = 0) | |
# 将第一个角点放在了第三个位置 | |
lm = lm[[1,2,0,3,4],:2] | |
return lm | |
def extract_frames_job(fname): | |
try: | |
out_name=fname.replace(".mp4", "_coeff_pt.npy").replace("/dev/", "/coeff/") | |
if os.path.exists(out_name): | |
return None | |
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(fname) | |
frames = [] | |
while cap.isOpened(): | |
ret, frame_bgr = | |
if frame_bgr is None: | |
break | |
frame_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(frame_bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) | |
frames.append(frame_rgb) | |
return np.stack(frames) | |
# out_name=fname.replace(".mp4", "_coeff_pt.npy").replace("/dev/", "/coeff/") | |
# if os.path.exists(out_name): | |
# return None | |
# video_reader = VideoReader(fname, ctx=cpu(0)) | |
# frame_rgb_lst = video_reader.get_batch(list(range(0,len(video_reader)))).asnumpy() | |
# return frame_rgb_lst | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
return None | |
def extract_lms_mediapipe_job(frames): | |
try: | |
if frames is None: | |
return None | |
with mp_face_mesh.FaceMesh( | |
static_image_mode=False, | |
max_num_faces=1, | |
refine_landmarks=True, | |
min_detection_confidence=0.5) as face_mesh: | |
ldms_normed = [] | |
frame_i = 0 | |
frame_ids = [] | |
for i in range(len(frames)): | |
# Convert the BGR image to RGB before processing. | |
ret = face_mesh.process(frames[i]) | |
# Print and draw face mesh landmarks on the image. | |
if not ret.multi_face_landmarks: | |
print(f"Skip Item: Caught errors when mediapipe get face_mesh, maybe No face detected in some frames!") | |
return None | |
else: | |
myFaceLandmarks = [] | |
lms = ret.multi_face_landmarks[0] | |
for lm in lms.landmark: | |
myFaceLandmarks.append([lm.x, lm.y, lm.z]) | |
ldms_normed.append(myFaceLandmarks) | |
frame_ids.append(frame_i) | |
frame_i += 1 | |
bs, H, W, _ = frames.shape | |
ldms478 = np.array(ldms_normed) | |
lm68 = mediapipe_lm478_to_face_alignment_lm68(ldms478, H, W, return_2d=True) | |
lm5_lst = [lm68_2_lm5(lm68[i]) for i in range(lm68.shape[0])] | |
lm5 = np.stack(lm5_lst) | |
return ldms478, lm68, lm5 | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
return None | |
def process_video_batch(fname_lst, out_name_lst=None): | |
frames_lst = [] | |
with Timer("load_frames", True): | |
for fname in tqdm(fname_lst, desc="decord is loading frames in the batch videos..."): | |
res = extract_frames_job(fname) | |
frames_lst.append(res) | |
# for (i, res) in multiprocess_run_tqdm(extract_frames_job, fname_lst, num_workers=1, desc="decord is loading frames in the batch videos..."): | |
# frames_lst.append(res) | |
lm478s_lst = [] | |
lm68s_lst = [] | |
lm5s_lst = [] | |
with Timer("mediapipe_faceAlign", True): | |
# for (i, res) in multiprocess_run_tqdm(extract_lms_mediapipe_job, frames_lst, num_workers=2, desc="mediapipe is predicting face mesh in batch videos..."): | |
for i, frames in tqdm(enumerate(frames_lst),total=len(fname_lst), desc="mediapipe is predicting face mesh in batch videos..."): | |
res = extract_lms_mediapipe_job(frames) | |
if res is None: | |
res = (None, None, None) | |
lm478s, lm68s, lm5s = res | |
lm478s_lst.append(lm478s) | |
lm68s_lst.append(lm68s) | |
lm5s_lst.append(lm5s) | |
processed_cnt_in_this_batch = 0 | |
with Timer("deep_3drecon_pytorch", True): | |
for i, fname in tqdm(enumerate(fname_lst), total=len(fname_lst), desc="extracting 3DMM in the batch videos..."): | |
video_rgb = frames_lst[i] # [t, 224,224, 3] | |
lm478_arr = lm478s_lst[i] | |
lm68_arr = lm68s_lst[i] | |
lm5_arr = lm5s_lst[i] | |
if lm5_arr is None: | |
continue | |
num_frames = len(video_rgb) | |
batch_size = 32 | |
iter_times = num_frames // batch_size | |
last_bs = num_frames % batch_size | |
coeff_lst = [] | |
for i_iter in range(iter_times): | |
start_idx = i_iter * batch_size | |
batched_images = video_rgb[start_idx: start_idx + batch_size] | |
batched_lm5 = lm5_arr[start_idx: start_idx + batch_size] | |
coeff, align_img = face_reconstructor.recon_coeff(batched_images, batched_lm5, return_image = True) | |
coeff_lst.append(coeff) | |
if last_bs != 0: | |
batched_images = video_rgb[-last_bs:] | |
batched_lm5 = lm5_arr[-last_bs:] | |
coeff, align_img = face_reconstructor.recon_coeff(batched_images, batched_lm5, return_image = True) | |
coeff_lst.append(coeff) | |
coeff_arr = np.concatenate(coeff_lst,axis=0) | |
result_dict = { | |
'coeff': coeff_arr.reshape([num_frames, -1]).astype(np.float32), | |
'lm478': lm478_arr.reshape([num_frames, 478, 3]).astype(np.float32), | |
'lm68': lm68_arr.reshape([num_frames, 68, 2]).astype(np.int16), | |
'lm5': lm5_arr.reshape([num_frames, 5, 2]).astype(np.int16), | |
} | |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_name_lst[i]),exist_ok=True) | |[i], result_dict) | |
processed_cnt_in_this_batch +=1 | |
print(f"In this batch {processed_cnt_in_this_batch} files are processed") | |
def split_wav(mp4_name): | |
try: | |
wav_name = mp4_name[:-4] + '.wav' | |
if os.path.exists(wav_name): | |
return | |
video = VideoFileClip(mp4_name,verbose=False) | |
dur = video.duration | |
audio = | |
assert audio is not None | |
audio.write_audiofile(wav_name,fps=16000,verbose=False,logger=None) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
return None | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
### Process Single Long video for NeRF dataset | |
# video_id = 'May' | |
# video_fname = f"data/raw/videos/{video_id}.mp4" | |
# out_fname = f"data/processed/videos/{video_id}/coeff.npy" | |
# process_video(video_fname, out_fname) | |
### Process short video clips for LRS3 dataset | |
import random | |
from argparse import ArgumentParser | |
parser = ArgumentParser() | |
parser.add_argument('--lrs3_path', type=str, default='/mnt/sda/yezhenhui/datasets/voxceleb2', help='') | |
parser.add_argument('--process_id', type=int, default=0, help='') | |
parser.add_argument('--total_process', type=int, default=1, help='') | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
import os, glob | |
lrs3_dir = args.lrs3_path | |
mp4_name_pattern = os.path.join(lrs3_dir, "dev/id*/*/*.mp4") | |
mp4_names = glob.glob(mp4_name_pattern) | |
if args.total_process > 1: | |
assert args.process_id <= args.total_process-1 | |
num_samples_per_process = len(mp4_names) // args.total_process | |
if args.process_id == args.total_process-1: | |
mp4_names = mp4_names[args.process_id * num_samples_per_process : ] | |
else: | |
mp4_names = mp4_names[args.process_id * num_samples_per_process : (args.process_id+1) * num_samples_per_process] | |
random.seed(111) | |
random.shuffle(mp4_names) | |
batched_mp4_names_lst = chunk(mp4_names, chunk_size=1) | |
for batch_mp4_names in tqdm(batched_mp4_names_lst, desc='[ROOT]: extracting face mesh and 3DMM in batches...'): | |
try: | |
for mp4_name in batch_mp4_names: | |
split_wav(mp4_name) | |
out_names = [mp4_name.replace(".mp4", "_coeff_pt.npy").replace("/dev/", "/coeff/") for mp4_name in batch_mp4_names] | |
process_video_batch(batch_mp4_names, out_names) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
continue | |