import base64 import functools import io import json import logging import math import os import pathlib import random import typing import beartype import einops.layers.torch import gradio as gr import numpy as np import open_clip import requests import saev.nn import torch from jaxtyping import Float, jaxtyped from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from torch import Tensor from torchvision import transforms log_format = "[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] [%(name)s] %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=log_format) logger = logging.getLogger("") #################### # Global Constants # #################### DEBUG = False """Whether we are debugging.""" n_sae_latents = 5 """Number of SAE latents to show.""" n_latent_examples = 4 """Number of SAE examples per latent to show.""" device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") """Hardware accelerator, if any.""" vit_ckpt = "ViT-B-16/openai" """CLIP checkpoint.""" n_patches_per_img: int = 196 """Number of patches per image in vit_ckpt.""" max_frequency = 1e-1 """Maximum frequency. Any feature that fires more than this is ignored.""" CWD = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent """Current working directory.""" r2_url = """Set global constants.") @beartype.beartype class Example(typing.TypedDict): """Represents an example image and its associated label. Used to store examples of SAE latent activations for visualization. """ orig_url: str """The URL or path to access the original example image.""" highlighted_url: typing.NotRequired[str] """The URL or path to access the SAE-highlighted image.""" target: int """Class ID.""" @beartype.beartype class SaeLatent(typing.TypedDict): """Represents a single SAE latent.""" latent: int """The index of the SAE latent being measured.""" highlighted_url: str """The image with the colormaps applied.""" examples: list[Example] """Top examples for this latent.""" ########### # Helpers # ########### @beartype.beartype def get_cache_dir() -> str: """ Get cache directory from environment variables, defaulting to the current working directory (.) Returns: A path to a cache directory (might not exist yet). """ cache_dir = "" for var in ("HF_HOME", "HF_HUB_CACHE"): cache_dir = cache_dir or os.environ.get(var, "") return cache_dir or "." @beartype.beartype def load_model(fpath: str | pathlib.Path, *, device: str = "cpu") -> torch.nn.Module: """ Loads a linear layer from disk. """ with open(fpath, "rb") as fd: kwargs = json.loads(fd.readline().decode()) buffer = io.BytesIO( model = torch.nn.Linear(**kwargs) state_dict = torch.load(buffer, weights_only=True, map_location=device) model.load_state_dict(state_dict) model = return model @beartype.beartype @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=512) def get_dataset_img(i: int) -> Image.Image: return + image_fpaths[i], stream=True).raw) @beartype.beartype def to_sized(img: Image.Image) -> Image.Image: # Copied from contrib/classification/ w, h = img.size if w > h: resize_w = int(w * 512 / h) resize_px = (resize_w, 512) margin_x = (resize_w - 448) // 2 crop_px = (margin_x, 32, 448 + margin_x, 480) else: resize_h = int(h * 512 / w) resize_px = (512, resize_h) margin_y = (resize_h - 448) // 2 crop_px = (32, margin_y, 480, 448 + margin_y) return img.resize(resize_px, resample=Image.Resampling.BICUBIC).crop(crop_px) @beartype.beartype def img_to_base64(img: Image.Image) -> str: buf = io.BytesIO(), format="webp", lossless=True) b64 = base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue()) s64 = b64.decode("utf8") return "data:image/webp;base64," + s64 ########## # Models # ########## @jaxtyped(typechecker=beartype.beartype) class SplitClip(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, *, n_end_layers: int): super().__init__() if vit_ckpt.startswith("hf-hub:"): clip, _ = open_clip.create_model_from_pretrained( vit_ckpt, cache_dir=get_cache_dir() ) else: arch, ckpt = vit_ckpt.split("/") clip, _ = open_clip.create_model_from_pretrained( arch, pretrained=ckpt, cache_dir=get_cache_dir() ) model = clip.visual model.proj = None model.output_tokens = True # type: ignore self.vit = model.eval() assert not isinstance(self.vit, open_clip.timm_model.TimmModel) self.n_end_layers = n_end_layers @staticmethod def _expand_token(token, batch_size: int): return token.view(1, 1, -1).expand(batch_size, -1, -1) def forward_start(self, x: Float[Tensor, "batch channels width height"]): x = self.vit.conv1(x) # shape = [*, width, grid, grid] x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], x.shape[1], -1) # shape = [*, width, grid ** 2] x = x.permute(0, 2, 1) # shape = [*, grid ** 2, width] # class embeddings and positional embeddings x = [self._expand_token(self.vit.class_embedding, x.shape[0]).to(x.dtype), x], dim=1, ) # shape = [*, grid ** 2 + 1, width] x = x + x = self.vit.patch_dropout(x) x = self.vit.ln_pre(x) for r in self.vit.transformer.resblocks[: -self.n_end_layers]: x = r(x) return x def forward_end(self, x: Float[Tensor, "batch n_patches dim"]): for r in self.vit.transformer.resblocks[-self.n_end_layers :]: x = r(x) x = self.vit.ln_post(x) pooled, _ = self.vit._global_pool(x) if self.vit.proj is not None: pooled = pooled @ self.vit.proj return pooled # ViT split_vit = SplitClip(n_end_layers=1) split_vit ="Initialized CLIP ViT.") # Linear classifier clf_ckpt_fpath = CWD / "ckpts" / "" clf = load_model(clf_ckpt_fpath) clf ="Loaded linear classifier.") # SAE sae_ckpt_fpath = CWD / "ckpts" / "" sae = saev.nn.load(sae_ckpt_fpath.as_posix())"Loaded SAE.") ############ # Datasets # ############ human_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(512, interpolation=transforms.InterpolationMode.BICUBIC), transforms.CenterCrop((448, 448)), transforms.ToTensor(), einops.layers.torch.Rearrange("channels width height -> width height channels"), ]) arch, ckpt = vit_ckpt.split("/") _, vit_transform = open_clip.create_model_from_pretrained( arch, pretrained=ckpt, cache_dir=get_cache_dir() ) with open(CWD / "data" / "image_fpaths.json") as fd: image_fpaths = json.load(fd) with open(CWD / "data" / "image_labels.json") as fd: img_labels = json.load(fd)"Loaded all datasets.") ############# # Variables # ############# @beartype.beartype def load_tensor(path: str | pathlib.Path) -> Tensor: return torch.load(path, weights_only=True, map_location="cpu") top_img_i = load_tensor(CWD / "data" / "") top_values = load_tensor(CWD / "data" / "") sparsity = load_tensor(CWD / "data" / "") mask = torch.ones((sae.cfg.d_sae), dtype=bool) mask = mask & (sparsity < max_frequency) ############# # Inference # ############# @beartype.beartype def get_img(img_i: int) -> Example: img = get_dataset_img(img_i) img = human_transform(img) return { "orig_url": img_to_base64(Image.fromarray((img * 255).to(torch.uint8).numpy())), "target": img_labels[img_i], } @beartype.beartype def get_random_class_img(cls: int) -> Example: indices = [i for i, tgt in enumerate(img_labels) if tgt == cls] i = random.choice(indices) img = get_dataset_img(i) img = human_transform(img) return { "orig_url": img_to_base64(Image.fromarray((img * 255).to(torch.uint8).numpy())), "target": cls, } @torch.inference_mode def get_sae_latents(img_i: int, patches: list[int]) -> list[SaeLatent]: """ Given a particular cell, returns some highlighted images showing what feature fires most on this cell. """ if not patches: return []"Getting SAE examples for patches %s.", patches) img = get_dataset_img(img_i) x_BCWH = vit_transform(img)[None, ...].to(device) x_BPD = split_vit.forward_start(x_BCWH) # Need to add 1 to account for [CLS] token. vit_acts_MD = x_BPD[0, [p + 1 for p in patches]].to(device) _, f_x_MS, _ = sae(vit_acts_MD) f_x_S = f_x_MS.sum(axis=0) latents = torch.argsort(f_x_S, descending=True).cpu() latents = latents[mask[latents]][:n_sae_latents].tolist() sae_latents = [] for latent in latents: intermediates, seen_i_im = [], set() for i_im, values_p in zip(top_img_i[latent].tolist(), top_values[latent]): if i_im in seen_i_im: continue example_img = get_dataset_img(i_im) intermediates.append({ "img": example_img, "patches": values_p, "target": img_labels[i_im], }) seen_i_im.add(i_im) # How to scale values. upper = None if top_values[latent].numel() > 0: upper = top_values[latent].max().item() examples = [] for intermediate in intermediates[:n_latent_examples]: img_sized = to_sized(intermediate["img"]) examples.append({ "orig_url": img_to_base64(img_sized), "highlighted_url": img_to_base64( add_highlights( img_sized, intermediate["patches"].to(float).numpy(), upper=upper, ) ), "target": intermediate["target"], }) sae_latents.append({"latent": latent, "examples": examples}) return sae_latents @torch.inference_mode def get_pred_dist(i: int) -> dict[int, float]: img = get_dataset_img(i) x = vit_transform(img)[None, ...].to(device) x_BPD = split_vit.forward_start(x) x_BD = split_vit.forward_end(x_BPD) logits_BC = clf(x_BD) probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits_BC[0], dim=0).cpu().tolist() return {i: prob for i, prob in enumerate(probs)} @torch.inference_mode def get_modified_dist( image_i: int, patches: list[int], latent1: int, latent2: int, latent3: int, value1: float, value2: float, value3: float, ) -> dict[int, float]: img = get_dataset_img(image_i) x = vit_transform(img)[None, ...].to(device) x_BPD = split_vit.forward_start(x) cls_B1D, x_BPD = x_BPD[:, :1, :], x_BPD[:, 1:, :] x_hat_BPD, f_x_BPS, _ = sae(x_BPD) err_BPD = x_BPD - x_hat_BPD values = torch.tensor( [ unscaled(value, top_values[latent].max().item()) for value, latent in [ (value1, latent1), (value2, latent2), (value3, latent3), ] ], device=device, ) patches = torch.tensor(patches, device=device) latents = torch.tensor([latent1, latent2, latent3], device=device) f_x_BPS[:, patches[:, None], latents[None, :]] = values # Reproduce the SAE forward pass after f_x modified_x_hat_BPD = ( einops.einsum( f_x_BPS, sae.W_dec, "batch patches d_sae, d_sae d_vit -> batch patches d_vit", ) + sae.b_dec ) modified_BPD =[cls_B1D, err_BPD + modified_x_hat_BPD], axis=1) modified_BD = split_vit.forward_end(modified_BPD) logits_BC = clf(modified_BD) probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits_BC[0], dim=0).cpu().tolist() return {i: prob for i, prob in enumerate(probs)} @beartype.beartype def unscaled(x: float | int, max_obs: float | int) -> float: """Scale from [-20, 20] to [20 * -max_obs, 20 * max_obs].""" return map_range(x, (-20.0, 20.0), (-20.0 * max_obs, 20.0 * max_obs)) @beartype.beartype def map_range( x: float | int, domain: tuple[float | int, float | int], range: tuple[float | int, float | int], ): a, b = domain c, d = range if not (a <= x <= b): raise ValueError(f"x={x:.3f} must be in {[a, b]}.") return c + (x - a) * (d - c) / (b - a) @jaxtyped(typechecker=beartype.beartype) def add_highlights( img: Image.Image, patches: Float[np.ndarray, " n_patches"], *, upper: int | None = None, opacity: float = 0.9, ) -> Image.Image: if not len(patches): return img iw_np, ih_np = int(math.sqrt(len(patches))), int(math.sqrt(len(patches))) iw_px, ih_px = img.size pw_px, ph_px = iw_px // iw_np, ih_px // ih_np assert iw_np * ih_np == len(patches) # Create a transparent overlay overlay ="RGBA", img.size, (0, 0, 0, 0)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(overlay) colors = np.zeros((len(patches), 3), dtype=np.uint8) colors[:, 0] = ((patches / (upper + 1e-9)) * 255).astype(np.uint8) for p, (val, color) in enumerate(zip(patches, colors)): assert upper is not None val /= upper + 1e-9 x_np, y_np = p % iw_np, p // ih_np draw.rectangle( [ (x_np * pw_px, y_np * ph_px), (x_np * pw_px + pw_px, y_np * ph_px + ph_px), ], fill=(*color, int(opacity * val * 255)), ) # Composite the original image and the overlay return Image.alpha_composite(img.convert("RGBA"), overlay) ############# # Interface # ############# with gr.Blocks() as demo: ########### # get-img # ########### # Inputs number = gr.Number(label="Number", precision=0) # Outputs json_out = gr.JSON(label="get_img_out", value={}) get_img_btn = gr.Button(value="Get Input Image") get_img, inputs=[number], outputs=[json_out], api_name="get-img", ) ######################## # get-random-class-img # ######################## get_random_class_image_btn = gr.Button(value="Get Random Class Image") get_random_class_img, inputs=[number], outputs=[json_out], api_name="get-random-class-img", ) patch_numbers = gr.CheckboxGroup( label="Image Patch", choices=list(range(n_patches_per_img)) ) get_sae_latents_btn = gr.Button(value="Get SAE Examples") get_sae_latents, inputs=[number, patch_numbers], outputs=json_out, api_name="get-sae-latents", concurrency_limit=16, ) pred_dist = gr.Label(label="Pred. Dist.") get_pred_dist_btn = gr.Button(value="Get Pred. Distribution") get_pred_dist, inputs=[number], outputs=[pred_dist], api_name="get-preds", ) latent_numbers = [gr.Number(label=f"Latent {i + 1}", precision=0) for i in range(3)] value_sliders = [ gr.Slider(label=f"Value {i + 1}", minimum=-10, maximum=10) for i in range(3) ] get_modified_dist_btn = gr.Button(value="Get Modified Label") get_modified_dist, inputs=[number, patch_numbers] + latent_numbers + value_sliders, outputs=[pred_dist], api_name="get-modified", concurrency_limit=16, ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.queue(default_concurrency_limit=2, max_size=32) demo.launch()