sanbo commited on
1 Parent(s): 85b9fad

update sth. at 2025-02-06 17:32:59

Browse files
Files changed (1) hide show
  1. web/index.html +5 -4
web/index.html CHANGED
@@ -2472,6 +2472,7 @@
  <div class="presetSelect presetModelCls">
  <label for="preSetModel" data-i18n-key="gptModel"></label>
  <select id="preSetModel">
  <option value="gpt-4o-mini">gpt-4o-mini</option>
  <option value="claude-3-haiku-20240307">claude-3-haiku-20240307</option>
  <option value="llama-3.1-70b">llama-3.1-70b</option>
@@ -3046,7 +3047,7 @@
  let envAPIEndpoint, envAPIKey;
- {const t=Uint8Array,e=Uint16Array,n=Int32Array,r=new t([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0,0,0,0]),o=new t([0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13,0,0]),l=new t([16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15]),s=(t,r)=>{const o=new e(31);for(let e=0;e<31;++e)o[e]=r+=1<<t[e-1];const l=new n(o[30]);for(let t=1;t<30;++t)for(let e=o[t];e<o[t+1];++e)l[e]=e-o[t]<<5|t;return{b:o,r:l}},{b:f,r:c}=s(r,2);f[28]=258,c[258]=28;const{b:i,r:a}=s(o,0),h=new e(32768);for(let t=0;t<32768;++t){let e=(43690&t)>>1|(21845&t)<<1;e=(52428&e)>>2|(13107&e)<<2,e=(61680&e)>>4|(3855&e)<<4,h[t]=((65280&e)>>8|(255&e)<<8)>>1}const u=(t,n,r)=>{const o=t.length;let l=0;const s=new e(n);for(;l<o;++l)t[l]&&++s[t[l]-1];const f=new e(n);for(l=1;l<n;++l)f[l]=f[l-1]+s[l-1]<<1;let c;if(r){c=new e(1<<n);const r=15-n;for(l=0;l<o;++l)if(t[l]){const e=l<<4|t[l],o=n-t[l];let s=f[t[l]-1]++<<o;for(const t=s|(1<<o)-1;s<=t;++s)c[h[s]>>r]=e}}else for(c=new e(o),l=0;l<o;++l)t[l]&&(c[l]=h[f[t[l]-1]++]>>15-t[l]);return c},w=new t(288);for(let t=0;t<144;++t)w[t]=8;for(let t=144;t<256;++t)w[t]=9;for(let t=256;t<280;++t)w[t]=7;for(let t=280;t<288;++t)w[t]=8;const g=new t(32);for(let t=0;t<32;++t)g[t]=5;const b=u(w,9,0),d=u(w,9,1),m=u(g,5,0),y=u(g,5,1),M=t=>{let e=t[0];for(let n=1;n<t.length;++n)t[n]>e&&(e=t[n]);return e},p=(t,e,n)=>{const r=e/8|0;return(t[r]|t[r+1]<<8)>>(7&e)&n},k=(t,e)=>{const n=e/8|0;return(t[n]|t[n+1]<<8|t[n+2]<<16)>>(7&e)},v=t=>(t+7)/8|0,x=(e,n,r)=>{(null==n||n<0)&&(n=0),(null==r||r>e.length)&&(r=e.length);const o=new t(r-n);return o.set(e.subarray(n,r)),o},E=["unexpected EOF","invalid block type","invalid length/literal","invalid distance","stream finished","no stream handler",,"no callback","invalid UTF-8 data","extra field too long","date not in range 1980-2099","filename too long","stream finishing","invalid zip data"],A=(t,e,n)=>{const r=new Error(e||E[t]);if(r.code=t,Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.captureStackTrace(r,A),!n)throw r;return r},T=(e,n,s,c)=>{const a=e.length,h=c?c.length:0;if(!a||n.f&&!n.l)return s||new t(0);const w=!s||2!=n.i,g=n.i;s||(s=new t(3*a));const b=e=>{let n=s.length;if(e>n){const r=new t(Math.max(2*n,e));r.set(s),s=r}};let m=n.f||0,E=n.p||0,T=n.b||0,U=n.l,z=n.d,F=n.m,S=n.n;const I=8*a;do{if(!U){m=p(e,E,1);const r=p(e,E+1,3);if(E+=3,!r){const t=v(E)+4,r=e[t-4]|e[t-3]<<8,o=t+r;if(o>a){g&&A(0);break}w&&b(T+r),s.set(e.subarray(t,o),T),n.b=T+=r,n.p=E=8*o,n.f=m;continue}if(1==r)U=d,z=y,F=9,S=5;else if(2==r){const n=p(e,E,31)+257,r=p(e,E+10,15)+4,o=n+p(e,E+5,31)+1;E+=14;const s=new t(o),f=new t(19);for(let t=0;t<r;++t)f[l[t]]=p(e,E+3*t,7);E+=3*r;const c=M(f),i=(1<<c)-1,a=u(f,c,1);for(let t=0;t<o;){const n=a[p(e,E,i)];E+=15&n;const r=n>>4;if(r<16)s[t++]=r;else{let n=0,o=0;for(16==r?(o=3+p(e,E,3),E+=2,n=s[t-1]):17==r?(o=3+p(e,E,7),E+=3):18==r&&(o=11+p(e,E,127),E+=7);o--;)s[t++]=n}}const h=s.subarray(0,n),w=s.subarray(n);F=M(h),S=M(w),U=u(h,F,1),z=u(w,S,1)}else A(1);if(E>I){g&&A(0);break}}w&&b(T+131072);const x=(1<<F)-1,O=(1<<S)-1;let j=E;for(;;j=E){const t=U[k(e,E)&x],n=t>>4;if(E+=15&t,E>I){g&&A(0);break}if(t||A(2),n<256)s[T++]=n;else{if(256==n){j=E,U=null;break}{let t=n-254;if(n>264){const o=n-257,l=r[o];t=p(e,E,(1<<l)-1)+f[o],E+=l}const l=z[k(e,E)&O],a=l>>4;l||A(3),E+=15&l;let u=i[a];if(a>3){const t=o[a];u+=k(e,E)&(1<<t)-1,E+=t}if(E>I){g&&A(0);break}w&&b(T+131072);const d=T+t;if(T<u){const t=h-u,e=Math.min(u,d);for(t+T<0&&A(3);T<e;++T)s[T]=c[t+T]}for(;T<d;T+=4)s[T]=s[T-u],s[T+1]=s[T+1-u],s[T+2]=s[T+2-u],s[T+3]=s[T+3-u];T=d}}}n.l=U,n.p=j,n.b=T,n.f=m,U&&(m=1,n.m=F,n.d=z,n.n=S)}while(!m);return T==s.length?s:x(s,0,T)},U=(t,e,n)=>{n<<=7&e;const r=e/8|0;t[r]|=n,t[r+1]|=n>>8},z=(t,e,n)=>{n<<=7&e;const r=e/8|0;t[r]|=n,t[r+1]|=n>>8,t[r+2]|=n>>16},F=(n,r)=>{const o=[];for(let t=0;t<n.length;++t)n[t]&&o.push({s:t,f:n[t]});const l=o.length,s=o.slice();if(!l)return{t:C,l:0};if(1==l){const e=new t(o[0].s+1);return e[o[0].s]=1,{t:e,l:1}}o.sort(((t,e)=>t.f-e.f)),o.push({s:-1,f:25001});let f=o[0],c=o[1],i=0,a=1,h=2;for(o[0]={s:-1,f:f.f+c.f,l:f,r:c};a!=l-1;)f=o[o[i].f<o[h].f?i++:h++],c=o[i!=a&&o[i].f<o[h].f?i++:h++],o[a++]={s:-1,f:f.f+c.f,l:f,r:c};let u=s[0].s;for(let t=1;t<l;++t)s[t].s>u&&(u=s[t].s);const w=new e(u+1);let g=S(o[a-1],w,0);if(g>r){let t=0,e=0;const n=g-r,o=1<<n;for(s.sort(((t,e)=>w[e.s]-w[t.s]||t.f-e.f));t<l;++t){const n=s[t].s;if(!(w[n]>r))break;e+=o-(1<<g-w[n]),w[n]=r}for(e>>=n;e>0;){const n=s[t].s;w[n]<r?e-=1<<r-w[n]++-1:++t}for(;t>=0&&e;--t){const n=s[t].s;w[n]==r&&(--w[n],++e)}g=r}return{t:new t(w),l:g}},S=(t,e,n)=>-1==t.s?Math.max(S(t.l,e,n+1),S(t.r,e,n+1)):e[t.s]=n,I=t=>{let n=t.length;for(;n&&!t[--n];);const r=new e(++n);let o=0,l=t[0],s=1;const f=t=>{r[o++]=t};for(let e=1;e<=n;++e)if(t[e]==l&&e!=n)++s;else{if(!l&&s>2){for(;s>138;s-=138)f(32754);s>2&&(f(s>10?s-11<<5|28690:s-3<<5|12305),s=0)}else if(s>3){for(f(l),--s;s>6;s-=6)f(8304);s>2&&(f(s-3<<5|8208),s=0)}for(;s--;)f(l);s=1,l=t[e]}return{c:r.subarray(0,o),n:n}},O=(t,e)=>{let n=0;for(let r=0;r<e.length;++r)n+=t[r]*e[r];return n},j=(t,e,n)=>{const r=n.length,o=v(e+2);t[o]=255&r,t[o+1]=r>>8,t[o+2]=255^t[o],t[o+3]=255^t[o+1];for(let e=0;e<r;++e)t[o+e+4]=n[e];return 8*(o+4+r)},q=(t,n,s,f,c,i,a,h,d,y,M)=>{U(n,M++,s),++c[256];const{t:p,l:k}=F(c,15),{t:v,l:x}=F(i,15),{c:E,n:A}=I(p),{c:T,n:S}=I(v),q=new e(19);for(let t=0;t<E.length;++t)++q[31&E[t]];for(let t=0;t<T.length;++t)++q[31&T[t]];const{t:B,l:C}=F(q,7);let D=19;for(;D>4&&!B[l[D-1]];--D);const G=y+5<<3,H=O(c,w)+O(i,g)+a,J=O(c,p)+O(i,v)+a+14+3*D+O(q,B)+2*q[16]+3*q[17]+7*q[18];if(d>=0&&G<=H&&G<=J)return j(n,M,t.subarray(d,d+y));let K,L,N,P;if(U(n,M,1+(J<H)),M+=2,J<H){K=u(p,k,0),L=p,N=u(v,x,0),P=v;const t=u(B,C,0);U(n,M,A-257),U(n,M+5,S-1),U(n,M+10,D-4),M+=14;for(let t=0;t<D;++t)U(n,M+3*t,B[l[t]]);M+=3*D;const e=[E,T];for(let r=0;r<2;++r){const o=e[r];for(let e=0;e<o.length;++e){const r=31&o[e];U(n,M,t[r]),M+=B[r],r>15&&(U(n,M,o[e]>>5&127),M+=o[e]>>12)}}}else K=b,L=w,N=m,P=g;for(let t=0;t<h;++t){const e=f[t];if(e>255){const t=e>>18&31;z(n,M,K[t+257]),M+=L[t+257],t>7&&(U(n,M,e>>23&31),M+=r[t]);const l=31&e;z(n,M,N[l]),M+=P[l],l>3&&(z(n,M,e>>5&8191),M+=o[l])}else z(n,M,K[e]),M+=L[e]}return z(n,M,K[256]),M+L[256]},B=new n([65540,131080,131088,131104,262176,1048704,1048832,2114560,2117632]),C=new t(0),D=(l,s,f,i,h,u)=>{const w=u.z||l.length,g=new t(i+w+5*(1+Math.ceil(w/7e3))+h),b=g.subarray(i,g.length-h),d=u.l;let m=7&(u.r||0);if(s){m&&(b[0]=u.r>>3);const t=B[s-1],i=t>>13,h=8191&t,g=(1<<f)-1,y=u.p||new e(32768),M=u.h||new e(g+1),p=Math.ceil(f/3),k=2*p,v=t=>(l[t]^l[t+1]<<p^l[t+2]<<k)&g,x=new n(25e3),E=new e(288),A=new e(32);let T=0,U=0,z=u.i||0,F=0,S=u.w||0,I=0;for(;z+2<w;++z){const t=v(z);let e=32767&z,n=M[t];if(y[e]=n,M[t]=e,S<=z){const s=w-z;if((T>7e3||F>24576)&&(s>423||!d)){m=q(l,b,0,x,E,A,U,F,I,z-I,m),F=T=U=0,I=z;for(let t=0;t<286;++t)E[t]=0;for(let t=0;t<30;++t)A[t]=0}let f=2,u=0,g=h,M=e-n&32767;if(s>2&&t==v(z-M)){const t=Math.min(i,s)-1,r=Math.min(32767,z),o=Math.min(258,s);for(;M<=r&&--g&&e!=n;){if(l[z+f]==l[z+f-M]){let e=0;for(;e<o&&l[z+e]==l[z+e-M];++e);if(e>f){if(f=e,u=M,e>t)break;const r=Math.min(M,e-2);let o=0;for(let t=0;t<r;++t){const e=z-M+t&32767,r=e-y[e]&32767;r>o&&(o=r,n=e)}}}e=n,n=y[e],M+=e-n&32767}}if(u){x[F++]=268435456|c[f]<<18|a[u];const t=31&c[f],e=31&a[u];U+=r[t]+o[e],++E[257+t],++A[e],S=z+f,++T}else x[F++]=l[z],++E[l[z]]}}for(z=Math.max(z,S);z<w;++z)x[F++]=l[z],++E[l[z]];m=q(l,b,d,x,E,A,U,F,I,z-I,m),d||(u.r=7&m|b[m/8|0]<<3,m-=7,u.h=M,u.p=y,u.i=z,u.w=S)}else{for(let t=u.w||0;t<w+d;t+=65535){let e=t+65535;e>=w&&(b[m/8|0]=d,e=w),m=j(b,m+1,l.subarray(t,e))}u.i=w}return x(g,0,i+v(m)+h)},G=(e,n,r,o,l)=>{if(!l&&(l={l:1},n.dictionary)){const r=n.dictionary.subarray(-32768),o=new t(r.length+e.length);o.set(r),o.set(e,r.length),e=o,l.w=r.length}return D(e,null==n.level?6:n.level,null==n.mem?Math.ceil(1.5*Math.max(8,Math.min(13,Math.log(e.length)))):12+n.mem,r,o,l)};function H(t,e){return G(t,e||{},0,0)}function J(t,e){return T(t,{i:2},e&&e.out,e&&e.dictionary)}self.deflateSync=H;self.inflateSync=J;}
  const stringToUint = string => {
@@ -4356,7 +4357,7 @@
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  // from [email protected]
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c=t.push(,"math",0);c.block=!0,c.tag=e.tag,c.markup="",c.content=m[1],[m.length-1],[n,r+1],t.parentType=l,t.lineMax=s,t.line=r+1}return l},texmath.render=function(e,t,n){let a;n.displayMode=t;try{a=texmath.katex.renderToString(e,n)}catch(t){a=escapeHTML(`${e}:${t.message}`)}return a},texmath.inlineRuleNames=["math_inline","math_inline_double"],texmath.blockRuleNames=["math_block","math_block_eqno"],texmath.$_pre=(e,t,n)=>{const a=n>0&&e[n-1].charCodeAt(0);return t?!a||32===a:!a||92!==a&&(a<48||a>57)},texmath.$_post=(e,t,n)=>{const a=e[n+1]&&e[n+1].charCodeAt(0);return t?!a||32===a||46===a||44===a||59===a:!a||a<48||a>57},texmath.rules={brackets:{inline:[{name:"math_inline",rex:/\\\((.+?)\\\)/gy,tmpl:"<eq>$1</eq>",tag:"\\("}],block:[{name:"math_block_eqno",rex:/\\\[(((?!\\\]|\\\[)[\s\S])+?)\\\]\s*?\(([^)$\r\n]+?)\)/gmy,tmpl:'<section 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class="eqno"><eqn>$1</eqn><span>($2)</span></section>',tag:"```math"},{name:"math_block",rex:/`{3}math\s*([^`]*?)\s*`{3}/gm,tmpl:"<section><eqn>$1</eqn></section>",tag:"```math"}]},julia:{inline:[{name:"math_inline",rex:/`{2}([^`]+?)`{2}/gy,tmpl:"<eq>$1</eq>",tag:"``"},{name:"math_inline",rex:/\$((?:\S?)|(?:\S.*?\S))\$/gy,tmpl:"<eq>$1</eq>",tag:"$",spaceEnclosed:!1,pre:texmath.$_pre,post:texmath.$_post}],block:[{name:"math_block_eqno",rex:/`{3}math\s+?([^`]+?)\s+?`{3}\s*?\(([^)$\r\n]+?)\)/gmy,tmpl:'<section class="eqno"><eqn>$1</eqn><span>($2)</span></section>',tag:"```math"},{name:"math_block",rex:/`{3}math\s+?([^`]+?)\s+?`{3}/gmy,tmpl:"<section><eqn>$1</eqn></section>",tag:"```math"}]},kramdown:{inline:[{name:"math_inline",rex:/\${2}(.+?)\${2}/gy,tmpl:"<eq>$1</eq>",tag:"$$"}],block:[{name:"math_block_eqno",rex:/\${2}([^$]+?)\${2}\s*?\(([^)\s]+?)\)/gmy,tmpl:'<section 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@@ -6954,7 +6955,7 @@
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- rel="stylesheet">
  <script defer>
  let downRoleController = new AbortController();
  const loadPrompt = () => {
@@ -7000,4 +7001,4 @@
- </html>
  <div class="presetSelect presetModelCls">
  <label for="preSetModel" data-i18n-key="gptModel"></label>
  <select id="preSetModel">
+ <option value="gpt-4o-mini">o3-mini</option>
  <option value="gpt-4o-mini">gpt-4o-mini</option>
  <option value="claude-3-haiku-20240307">claude-3-haiku-20240307</option>
  <option value="llama-3.1-70b">llama-3.1-70b</option>
  let envAPIEndpoint, envAPIKey;
+ { const t = Uint8Array, e = Uint16Array, n = Int32Array, r = new t([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0]), o = new t([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 0, 0]), l = new t([16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]), s = (t, r) => { const o = new e(31); for (let e = 0; e < 31; ++e)o[e] = r += 1 << t[e - 1]; const l = new n(o[30]); for (let t = 1; t < 30; ++t)for (let e = o[t]; e < o[t + 1]; ++e)l[e] = e - o[t] << 5 | t; return { b: o, r: l } }, { b: f, r: c } = s(r, 2); f[28] = 258, c[258] = 28; const { b: i, r: a } = s(o, 0), h = new e(32768); for (let t = 0; t < 32768; ++t) { let e = (43690 & t) >> 1 | (21845 & t) << 1; e = (52428 & e) >> 2 | (13107 & e) << 2, e = (61680 & e) >> 4 | (3855 & e) << 4, h[t] = ((65280 & e) >> 8 | (255 & e) << 8) >> 1 } const u = (t, n, r) => { const o = t.length; let l = 0; const s = new e(n); for (; l < o; ++l)t[l] && ++s[t[l] - 1]; const f = new e(n); for (l = 1; l < n; ++l)f[l] = f[l - 1] + s[l - 1] << 1; let c; if (r) { c = new e(1 << n); const r = 15 - n; for (l = 0; l < o; ++l)if (t[l]) { const e = l << 4 | t[l], o = n - t[l]; let s = f[t[l] - 1]++ << o; for (const t = s | (1 << o) - 1; s <= t; ++s)c[h[s] >> r] = e } } else for (c = new e(o), l = 0; l < o; ++l)t[l] && (c[l] = h[f[t[l] - 1]++] >> 15 - t[l]); return c }, w = new t(288); for (let t = 0; t < 144; ++t)w[t] = 8; for (let t = 144; t < 256; ++t)w[t] = 9; for (let t = 256; t < 280; ++t)w[t] = 7; for (let t = 280; t < 288; ++t)w[t] = 8; const g = new t(32); for (let t = 0; t < 32; ++t)g[t] = 5; const b = u(w, 9, 0), d = u(w, 9, 1), m = u(g, 5, 0), y = u(g, 5, 1), M = t => { let e = t[0]; for (let n = 1; n < t.length; ++n)t[n] > e && (e = t[n]); return e }, p = (t, e, n) => { const r = e / 8 | 0; return (t[r] | t[r + 1] << 8) >> (7 & e) & n }, k = (t, e) => { const n = e / 8 | 0; return (t[n] | t[n + 1] << 8 | t[n + 2] << 16) >> (7 & e) }, v = t => (t + 7) / 8 | 0, x = (e, n, r) => { (null == n || n < 0) && (n = 0), (null == r || r > e.length) && (r = e.length); const o = new t(r - n); return o.set(e.subarray(n, r)), o }, E = ["unexpected EOF", "invalid block type", "invalid length/literal", "invalid distance", "stream finished", "no stream handler", , "no callback", "invalid UTF-8 data", "extra field too long", "date not in range 1980-2099", "filename too long", "stream finishing", "invalid zip data"], A = (t, e, n) => { const r = new Error(e || E[t]); if (r.code = t, Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(r, A), !n) throw r; return r }, T = (e, n, s, c) => { const a = e.length, h = c ? c.length : 0; if (!a || n.f && !n.l) return s || new t(0); const w = !s || 2 != n.i, g = n.i; s || (s = new t(3 * a)); const b = e => { let n = s.length; if (e > n) { const r = new t(Math.max(2 * n, e)); r.set(s), s = r } }; let m = n.f || 0, E = n.p || 0, T = n.b || 0, U = n.l, z = n.d, F = n.m, S = n.n; const I = 8 * a; do { if (!U) { m = p(e, E, 1); const r = p(e, E + 1, 3); if (E += 3, !r) { const t = v(E) + 4, r = e[t - 4] | e[t - 3] << 8, o = t + r; if (o > a) { g && A(0); break } w && b(T + r), s.set(e.subarray(t, o), T), n.b = T += r, n.p = E = 8 * o, n.f = m; continue } if (1 == r) U = d, z = y, F = 9, S = 5; else if (2 == r) { const n = p(e, E, 31) + 257, r = p(e, E + 10, 15) + 4, o = n + p(e, E + 5, 31) + 1; E += 14; const s = new t(o), f = new t(19); for (let t = 0; t < r; ++t)f[l[t]] = p(e, E + 3 * t, 7); E += 3 * r; const c = M(f), i = (1 << c) - 1, a = u(f, c, 1); for (let t = 0; t < o;) { const n = a[p(e, E, i)]; E += 15 & n; const r = n >> 4; if (r < 16) s[t++] = r; else { let n = 0, o = 0; for (16 == r ? (o = 3 + p(e, E, 3), E += 2, n = s[t - 1]) : 17 == r ? (o = 3 + p(e, E, 7), E += 3) : 18 == r && (o = 11 + p(e, E, 127), E += 7); o--;)s[t++] = n } } const h = s.subarray(0, n), w = s.subarray(n); F = M(h), S = M(w), U = u(h, F, 1), z = u(w, S, 1) } else A(1); if (E > I) { g && A(0); break } } w && b(T + 131072); const x = (1 << F) - 1, O = (1 << S) - 1; let j = E; for (; ; j = E) { const t = U[k(e, E) & x], n = t >> 4; if (E += 15 & t, E > I) { g && A(0); break } if (t || A(2), n < 256) s[T++] = n; else { if (256 == n) { j = E, U = null; break } { let t = n - 254; if (n > 264) { const o = n - 257, l = r[o]; t = p(e, E, (1 << l) - 1) + f[o], E += l } const l = z[k(e, E) & O], a = l >> 4; l || A(3), E += 15 & l; let u = i[a]; if (a > 3) { const t = o[a]; u += k(e, E) & (1 << t) - 1, E += t } if (E > I) { g && A(0); break } w && b(T + 131072); const d = T + t; if (T < u) { const t = h - u, e = Math.min(u, d); for (t + T < 0 && A(3); T < e; ++T)s[T] = c[t + T] } for (; T < d; T += 4)s[T] = s[T - u], s[T + 1] = s[T + 1 - u], s[T + 2] = s[T + 2 - u], s[T + 3] = s[T + 3 - u]; T = d } } } n.l = U, n.p = j, n.b = T, n.f = m, U && (m = 1, n.m = F, n.d = z, n.n = S) } while (!m); return T == s.length ? s : x(s, 0, T) }, U = (t, e, n) => { n <<= 7 & e; const r = e / 8 | 0; t[r] |= n, t[r + 1] |= n >> 8 }, z = (t, e, n) => { n <<= 7 & e; const r = e / 8 | 0; t[r] |= n, t[r + 1] |= n >> 8, t[r + 2] |= n >> 16 }, F = (n, r) => { const o = []; for (let t = 0; t < n.length; ++t)n[t] && o.push({ s: t, f: n[t] }); const l = o.length, s = o.slice(); if (!l) return { t: C, l: 0 }; if (1 == l) { const e = new t(o[0].s + 1); return e[o[0].s] = 1, { t: e, l: 1 } } o.sort(((t, e) => t.f - e.f)), o.push({ s: -1, f: 25001 }); let f = o[0], c = o[1], i = 0, a = 1, h = 2; for (o[0] = { s: -1, f: f.f + c.f, l: f, r: c }; a != l - 1;)f = o[o[i].f < o[h].f ? i++ : h++], c = o[i != a && o[i].f < o[h].f ? i++ : h++], o[a++] = { s: -1, f: f.f + c.f, l: f, r: c }; let u = s[0].s; for (let t = 1; t < l; ++t)s[t].s > u && (u = s[t].s); const w = new e(u + 1); let g = S(o[a - 1], w, 0); if (g > r) { let t = 0, e = 0; const n = g - r, o = 1 << n; for (s.sort(((t, e) => w[e.s] - w[t.s] || t.f - e.f)); t < l; ++t) { const n = s[t].s; if (!(w[n] > r)) break; e += o - (1 << g - w[n]), w[n] = r } for (e >>= n; e > 0;) { const n = s[t].s; w[n] < r ? e -= 1 << r - w[n]++ - 1 : ++t } for (; t >= 0 && e; --t) { const n = s[t].s; w[n] == r && (--w[n], ++e) } g = r } return { t: new t(w), l: g } }, S = (t, e, n) => -1 == t.s ? Math.max(S(t.l, e, n + 1), S(t.r, e, n + 1)) : e[t.s] = n, I = t => { let n = t.length; for (; n && !t[--n];); const r = new e(++n); let o = 0, l = t[0], s = 1; const f = t => { r[o++] = t }; for (let e = 1; e <= n; ++e)if (t[e] == l && e != n) ++s; else { if (!l && s > 2) { for (; s > 138; s -= 138)f(32754); s > 2 && (f(s > 10 ? s - 11 << 5 | 28690 : s - 3 << 5 | 12305), s = 0) } else if (s > 3) { for (f(l), --s; s > 6; s -= 6)f(8304); s > 2 && (f(s - 3 << 5 | 8208), s = 0) } for (; s--;)f(l); s = 1, l = t[e] } return { c: r.subarray(0, o), n: n } }, O = (t, e) => { let n = 0; for (let r = 0; r < e.length; ++r)n += t[r] * e[r]; return n }, j = (t, e, n) => { const r = n.length, o = v(e + 2); t[o] = 255 & r, t[o + 1] = r >> 8, t[o + 2] = 255 ^ t[o], t[o + 3] = 255 ^ t[o + 1]; for (let e = 0; e < r; ++e)t[o + e + 4] = n[e]; return 8 * (o + 4 + r) }, q = (t, n, s, f, c, i, a, h, d, y, M) => { U(n, M++, s), ++c[256]; const { t: p, l: k } = F(c, 15), { t: v, l: x } = F(i, 15), { c: E, n: A } = I(p), { c: T, n: S } = I(v), q = new e(19); for (let t = 0; t < E.length; ++t)++q[31 & E[t]]; for (let t = 0; t < T.length; ++t)++q[31 & T[t]]; const { t: B, l: C } = F(q, 7); let D = 19; for (; D > 4 && !B[l[D - 1]]; --D); const G = y + 5 << 3, H = O(c, w) + O(i, g) + a, J = O(c, p) + O(i, v) + a + 14 + 3 * D + O(q, B) + 2 * q[16] + 3 * q[17] + 7 * q[18]; if (d >= 0 && G <= H && G <= J) return j(n, M, t.subarray(d, d + y)); let K, L, N, P; if (U(n, M, 1 + (J < H)), M += 2, J < H) { K = u(p, k, 0), L = p, N = u(v, x, 0), P = v; const t = u(B, C, 0); U(n, M, A - 257), U(n, M + 5, S - 1), U(n, M + 10, D - 4), M += 14; for (let t = 0; t < D; ++t)U(n, M + 3 * t, B[l[t]]); M += 3 * D; const e = [E, T]; for (let r = 0; r < 2; ++r) { const o = e[r]; for (let e = 0; e < o.length; ++e) { const r = 31 & o[e]; U(n, M, t[r]), M += B[r], r > 15 && (U(n, M, o[e] >> 5 & 127), M += o[e] >> 12) } } } else K = b, L = w, N = m, P = g; for (let t = 0; t < h; ++t) { const e = f[t]; if (e > 255) { const t = e >> 18 & 31; z(n, M, K[t + 257]), M += L[t + 257], t > 7 && (U(n, M, e >> 23 & 31), M += r[t]); const l = 31 & e; z(n, M, N[l]), M += P[l], l > 3 && (z(n, M, e >> 5 & 8191), M += o[l]) } else z(n, M, K[e]), M += L[e] } return z(n, M, K[256]), M + L[256] }, B = new n([65540, 131080, 131088, 131104, 262176, 1048704, 1048832, 2114560, 2117632]), C = new t(0), D = (l, s, f, i, h, u) => { const w = u.z || l.length, g = new t(i + w + 5 * (1 + Math.ceil(w / 7e3)) + h), b = g.subarray(i, g.length - h), d = u.l; let m = 7 & (u.r || 0); if (s) { m && (b[0] = u.r >> 3); const t = B[s - 1], i = t >> 13, h = 8191 & t, g = (1 << f) - 1, y = u.p || new e(32768), M = u.h || new e(g + 1), p = Math.ceil(f / 3), k = 2 * p, v = t => (l[t] ^ l[t + 1] << p ^ l[t + 2] << k) & g, x = new n(25e3), E = new e(288), A = new e(32); let T = 0, U = 0, z = u.i || 0, F = 0, S = u.w || 0, I = 0; for (; z + 2 < w; ++z) { const t = v(z); let e = 32767 & z, n = M[t]; if (y[e] = n, M[t] = e, S <= z) { const s = w - z; if ((T > 7e3 || F > 24576) && (s > 423 || !d)) { m = q(l, b, 0, x, E, A, U, F, I, z - I, m), F = T = U = 0, I = z; for (let t = 0; t < 286; ++t)E[t] = 0; for (let t = 0; t < 30; ++t)A[t] = 0 } let f = 2, u = 0, g = h, M = e - n & 32767; if (s > 2 && t == v(z - M)) { const t = Math.min(i, s) - 1, r = Math.min(32767, z), o = Math.min(258, s); for (; M <= r && --g && e != n;) { if (l[z + f] == l[z + f - M]) { let e = 0; for (; e < o && l[z + e] == l[z + e - M]; ++e); if (e > f) { if (f = e, u = M, e > t) break; const r = Math.min(M, e - 2); let o = 0; for (let t = 0; t < r; ++t) { const e = z - M + t & 32767, r = e - y[e] & 32767; r > o && (o = r, n = e) } } } e = n, n = y[e], M += e - n & 32767 } } if (u) { x[F++] = 268435456 | c[f] << 18 | a[u]; const t = 31 & c[f], e = 31 & a[u]; U += r[t] + o[e], ++E[257 + t], ++A[e], S = z + f, ++T } else x[F++] = l[z], ++E[l[z]] } } for (z = Math.max(z, S); z < w; ++z)x[F++] = l[z], ++E[l[z]]; m = q(l, b, d, x, E, A, U, F, I, z - I, m), d || (u.r = 7 & m | b[m / 8 | 0] << 3, m -= 7, u.h = M, u.p = y, u.i = z, u.w = S) } else { for (let t = u.w || 0; t < w + d; t += 65535) { let e = t + 65535; e >= w && (b[m / 8 | 0] = d, e = w), m = j(b, m + 1, l.subarray(t, e)) } u.i = w } return x(g, 0, i + v(m) + h) }, G = (e, n, r, o, l) => { if (!l && (l = { l: 1 }, n.dictionary)) { const r = n.dictionary.subarray(-32768), o = new t(r.length + e.length); o.set(r), o.set(e, r.length), e = o, l.w = r.length } return D(e, null == n.level ? 6 : n.level, null == n.mem ? Math.ceil(1.5 * Math.max(8, Math.min(13, Math.log(e.length)))) : 12 + n.mem, r, o, l) }; function H(t, e) { return G(t, e || {}, 0, 0) } function J(t, e) { return T(t, { i: 2 }, e && e.out, e && e.dictionary) } self.deflateSync = H; self.inflateSync = J; }
  const stringToUint = string => {
  <script crossorigin="anonymous" src="[email protected]/dist/katex.min.js"></script>
  // from [email protected]
+ function escapeHTML(e) { return e.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#039;") } function texmath(e, t) { const n = texmath.mergeDelimiters(t && t.delimiters), a = t && t.outerSpace || !1, o = t && t.katexOptions || {}; o.throwOnError = o.throwOnError || !1, o.macros = o.macros || t && t.macros, texmath.katex || (t && "object" == typeof t.engine ? texmath.katex = t.engine : "object" == typeof module ? texmath.katex = require("katex") : texmath.katex = { renderToString: () => "No math renderer found." }); for (const t of n.inline) a && "outerSpace" in t && (t.outerSpace = !0), e.inline.ruler.before("escape",, texmath.inline(t)), e.renderer.rules[] = (e, n) => t.tmpl.replace(/\$1/, texmath.render(e[n].content, !!t.displayMode, o)); for (const t of n.block) e.block.ruler.before("fence",, texmath.block(t)), e.renderer.rules[] = (e, n) => t.tmpl.replace(/\$2/, escapeHTML(e[n].info)).replace(/\$1/, texmath.render(e[n].content, !0, o)) } texmath.mergeDelimiters = function (e) { const t = Array.isArray(e) ? e : "string" == typeof e ? [e] : ["dollars"], n = { inline: [], block: [] }; for (const e of t) e in texmath.rules && (n.inline.push(...texmath.rules[e].inline), n.block.push(...texmath.rules[e].block)); return n }, texmath.inline = e => function (t, n) { const a = t.pos, o = t.src, r = o.startsWith(e.tag, e.rex.lastIndex = a) && (!e.pre || e.pre(o, e.outerSpace, a)) && e.rex.exec(o), s = !!r && a < e.rex.lastIndex && (! ||, e.outerSpace, e.rex.lastIndex - 1)); if (s) { if (!n) { const n = t.push(, "math", 0); n.content = r[1], n.markup = e.tag } t.pos = e.rex.lastIndex } return s }, texmath.block = e => function (t, n, a, o) { const r = t.bMarks[n] + t.tShift[n], s = t.src, m = s.startsWith(e.tag, e.rex.lastIndex = r) && (!e.pre || e.pre(s, !1, r)) && e.rex.exec(s), l = !!m && r < e.rex.lastIndex && (! ||, !1, e.rex.lastIndex - 1)); if (l && !o) { const o = e.rex.lastIndex - 1; let r; for (r = n; r < a && !(o >= t.bMarks[r] + t.tShift[r] && o <= t.eMarks[r]); r++); const s = t.lineMax, l = t.parentType; t.lineMax = r, t.parentType = "math", "blockquote" === l && (m[1] = m[1].replace(/(\n*?^(?:\s*>)+)/gm, "")); let c = t.push(, "math", 0); c.block = !0, c.tag = e.tag, c.markup = "", c.content = m[1], = m[m.length - 1], = [n, r + 1], t.parentType = l, t.lineMax = s, t.line = r + 1 } return l }, texmath.render = function (e, t, n) { let a; n.displayMode = t; try { a = texmath.katex.renderToString(e, n) } catch (t) { a = escapeHTML(`${e}:${t.message}`) } return a }, texmath.inlineRuleNames = ["math_inline", "math_inline_double"], texmath.blockRuleNames = ["math_block", "math_block_eqno"], texmath.$_pre = (e, t, n) => { const a = n > 0 && e[n - 1].charCodeAt(0); return t ? !a || 32 === a : !a || 92 !== a && (a < 48 || a > 57) }, texmath.$_post = (e, t, n) => { const a = e[n + 1] && e[n + 1].charCodeAt(0); return t ? !a || 32 === a || 46 === a || 44 === a || 59 === a : !a || a < 48 || a > 57 }, texmath.rules = { brackets: { inline: [{ name: "math_inline", rex: /\\\((.+?)\\\)/gy, tmpl: "<eq>$1</eq>", tag: "\\(" }], block: [{ name: "math_block_eqno", rex: /\\\[(((?!\\\]|\\\[)[\s\S])+?)\\\]\s*?\(([^)$\r\n]+?)\)/gmy, tmpl: '<section class="eqno"><eqn>$1</eqn><span>($2)</span></section>', tag: "\\[" }, { name: "math_block", rex: /\\\[([\s\S]+?)\\\]/gmy, tmpl: "<section><eqn>$1</eqn></section>", tag: "\\[" }] }, doxygen: { inline: [{ name: "math_inline", rex: /\\f\$(.+?)\\f\$/gy, tmpl: "<eq>$1</eq>", tag: "\\f$" }], block: [{ name: "math_block_eqno", rex: /\\f\[([^]+?)\\f\]\s*?\(([^)\s]+?)\)/gmy, tmpl: '<section class="eqno"><eqn>$1</eqn><span>($2)</span></section>', tag: "\\f[" }, { name: "math_block", rex: /\\f\[([^]+?)\\f\]/gmy, tmpl: "<section><eqn>$1</eqn></section>", tag: "\\f[" }] }, gitlab: { inline: [{ name: "math_inline", rex: /\$`(.+?)`\$/gy, tmpl: "<eq>$1</eq>", tag: "$`" }], block: [{ name: "math_block_eqno", rex: /`{3}math\s*([^`]+?)\s*?`{3}\s*\(([^)\r\n]+?)\)/gm, tmpl: '<section class="eqno"><eqn>$1</eqn><span>($2)</span></section>', tag: "```math" }, { name: "math_block", rex: /`{3}math\s*([^`]*?)\s*`{3}/gm, tmpl: "<section><eqn>$1</eqn></section>", tag: "```math" }] }, julia: { inline: [{ name: "math_inline", rex: /`{2}([^`]+?)`{2}/gy, tmpl: "<eq>$1</eq>", tag: "``" }, { name: "math_inline", rex: /\$((?:\S?)|(?:\S.*?\S))\$/gy, tmpl: "<eq>$1</eq>", tag: "$", spaceEnclosed: !1, pre: texmath.$_pre, post: texmath.$_post }], block: [{ name: "math_block_eqno", rex: /`{3}math\s+?([^`]+?)\s+?`{3}\s*?\(([^)$\r\n]+?)\)/gmy, tmpl: '<section class="eqno"><eqn>$1</eqn><span>($2)</span></section>', tag: "```math" }, { name: "math_block", rex: /`{3}math\s+?([^`]+?)\s+?`{3}/gmy, tmpl: "<section><eqn>$1</eqn></section>", tag: "```math" }] }, kramdown: { inline: [{ name: "math_inline", rex: /\${2}(.+?)\${2}/gy, tmpl: "<eq>$1</eq>", tag: "$$" }], block: [{ name: "math_block_eqno", rex: /\${2}([^$]+?)\${2}\s*?\(([^)\s]+?)\)/gmy, tmpl: '<section class="eqno"><eqn>$1</eqn><span>($2)</span></section>', tag: "$$" }, { name: "math_block", rex: /\${2}([^$]+?)\${2}/gmy, tmpl: "<section><eqn>$1</eqn></section>", tag: "$$" }] }, beg_end: { inline: [], block: [{ name: "math_block", rex: /(\\(?:begin)\{([a-z]+)\}[\s\S]+?\\(?:end)\{\2\})/gmy, tmpl: "<section><eqn>$1</eqn></section>", tag: "\\" }] }, dollars: { inline: [{ name: "math_inline_double", rex: /\${2}([^$]*?[^\\])\${2}/gy, tmpl: "<section><eqn>$1</eqn></section>", tag: "$$", displayMode: !0, pre: texmath.$_pre, post: texmath.$_post }, { name: "math_inline", rex: /\$((?:[^\s\\])|(?:\S.*?[^\s\\]))\$/gy, tmpl: "<eq>$1</eq>", tag: "$", outerSpace: !1, pre: texmath.$_pre, post: texmath.$_post }], block: [{ name: "math_block_eqno", rex: /\${2}([^$]*?[^\\])\${2}\s*?\(([^)\s]+?)\)/gmy, tmpl: '<section class="eqno"><eqn>$1</eqn><span>($2)</span></section>', tag: "$$" }, { name: "math_block", rex: /\${2}([^$]*?[^\\])\${2}/gmy, tmpl: "<section><eqn>$1</eqn></section>", tag: "$$" }] } };
  const API_URL = "hf/v1/chat/completions";
  <link crossorigin="anonymous" href="[email protected]/dist/katex.min.css"
+ rel="stylesheet">
  <script defer>
  let downRoleController = new AbortController();
  const loadPrompt = () => {
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