# Use a full Python image FROM python:3.12 # Install system dependencies as root RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -qq -y build-essential xvfb xdg-utils wget ffmpeg libpq-dev vim libmagick++-dev fonts-liberation sox bc --no-install-recommends \ && apt-get clean ## ImageMagicK Installation ## RUN mkdir -p /tmp/distr && \ cd /tmp/distr && \ wget https://download.imagemagick.org/ImageMagick/download/releases/ImageMagick-7.0.11-2.tar.xz && \ tar xvf ImageMagick-7.0.11-2.tar.xz && \ cd ImageMagick-7.0.11-2 && \ ./configure --enable-shared=yes --disable-static --without-perl && \ make && \ make install && \ ldconfig /usr/local/lib && \ cd /tmp && \ rm -rf distr # Create a new user named "user" with user ID 1000 RUN useradd -m -u 1000 user # Switch to the "user" user for the remainder of the build USER user # Set home to the user's home directory and update PATH accordingly ENV HOME=/home/user \ PATH=/home/user/.local/bin:$PATH # Set the working directory to the user's home directory WORKDIR $HOME/app # Upgrade pip (as non-root) to avoid permission issues RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pip # Copy the requirements file (with the correct ownership) to leverage Docker cache COPY --chown=user requirements.txt $HOME/app/requirements.txt # Install Python dependencies RUN pip install -r requirements.txt # Copy the rest of the application code into the container (with proper ownership) COPY --chown=user . $HOME/app # (Optional) If you need to download a checkpoint or other assets: # RUN mkdir -p content # ADD --chown=user https://<SOME_ASSET_URL> content/<SOME_ASSET_NAME> # Expose port 7860 (Hugging Face Spaces expects your app to listen on this port) EXPOSE 7860 # Command to run the FastAPI app using uvicorn. CMD ["uvicorn", "main:app", "--host", "", "--port", "7860"]