# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. import logging import re from typing import List from .reader import OSMData, OSMElement, OSMNode, OSMWay IGNORE_TAGS = {"source", "phone", "entrance", "inscription", "note", "name"} def parse_levels(string: str) -> List[float]: """Parse string representation of level sequence value.""" try: cleaned = string.replace(",", ";").replace(" ", "") return list(map(float, cleaned.split(";"))) except ValueError: logging.debug("Cannot parse level description from `%s`.", string) return [] def filter_level(elem: OSMElement): level = elem.tags.get("level") if level is not None: levels = parse_levels(level) # In the US, ground floor levels are sometimes marked as level=1 # so let's be conservative and include it. if not (0 in levels or 1 in levels): return False layer = elem.tags.get("layer") if layer is not None: layer = parse_levels(layer) if len(layer) > 0 and max(layer) < 0: return False return ( elem.tags.get("location") != "underground" and elem.tags.get("parking") != "underground" ) def filter_node(node: OSMNode): return len(node.tags.keys() - IGNORE_TAGS) > 0 and filter_level(node) def is_area(way: OSMWay): if way.nodes[0] != way.nodes[-1]: return False if way.tags.get("area") == "no": return False filters = [ "area", "building", "amenity", "indoor", "landuse", "landcover", "leisure", "public_transport", "shop", ] for f in filters: if f in way.tags and way.tags.get(f) != "no": return True if way.tags.get("natural") in {"wood", "grassland", "water"}: return True return False def filter_area(way: OSMWay): return len(way.tags.keys() - IGNORE_TAGS) > 0 and is_area(way) and filter_level(way) def filter_way(way: OSMWay): return not filter_area(way) and way.tags != {} and filter_level(way) def parse_node(tags): keys = tags.keys() for key in [ "amenity", "natural", "highway", "barrier", "shop", "tourism", "public_transport", "emergency", "man_made", ]: if key in keys: if "disused" in tags[key]: continue return f"{key}:{tags[key]}" return None def parse_area(tags): if "building" in tags: group = "building" kind = tags["building"] if kind == "yes": for key in ["amenity", "tourism"]: if key in tags: kind = tags[key] break if kind != "yes": group += f":{kind}" return group if "area:highway" in tags: return f'highway:{tags["area:highway"]}' for key in [ "amenity", "landcover", "leisure", "shop", "highway", "tourism", "natural", "waterway", "landuse", ]: if key in tags: return f"{key}:{tags[key]}" return None def parse_way(tags): keys = tags.keys() for key in ["highway", "barrier", "natural"]: if key in keys: return f"{key}:{tags[key]}" return None def match_to_group(label, patterns): for group, pattern in patterns.items(): if re.match(pattern, label): return group return None class Patterns: areas = dict( building="building($|:.*?)*", parking="amenity:parking", playground="leisure:(playground|pitch)", grass="(landuse:grass|landcover:grass|landuse:meadow|landuse:flowerbed|natural:grassland)", # noqa E501 park="leisure:(park|garden|dog_park)", forest="(landuse:forest|natural:wood)", water="(natural:water|waterway:*)", ) # + ways: road, path # + node: fountain, bicycle_parking ways = dict( fence="barrier:(fence|yes)", wall="barrier:(wall|retaining_wall)", hedge="barrier:hedge", kerb="barrier:kerb", building_outline="building($|:.*?)*", cycleway="highway:cycleway", path="highway:(pedestrian|footway|steps|path|corridor)", road="highway:(motorway|trunk|primary|secondary|tertiary|service|construction|track|unclassified|residential|.*_link)", # noqa E501 busway="highway:busway", tree_row="natural:tree_row", # maybe merge with node? ) # + nodes: bollard nodes = dict( tree="natural:tree", stone="(natural:stone|barrier:block)", crossing="highway:crossing", lamp="highway:street_lamp", traffic_signal="highway:traffic_signals", bus_stop="highway:bus_stop", stop_sign="highway:stop", junction="highway:motorway_junction", bus_stop_position="public_transport:stop_position", gate="barrier:(gate|lift_gate|swing_gate|cycle_barrier)", bollard="barrier:bollard", shop="(shop.*?|amenity:(bank|post_office))", restaurant="amenity:(restaurant|fast_food)", bar="amenity:(cafe|bar|pub|biergarten)", pharmacy="amenity:pharmacy", fuel="amenity:fuel", bicycle_parking="amenity:(bicycle_parking|bicycle_rental)", charging_station="amenity:charging_station", parking_entrance="amenity:parking_entrance", atm="amenity:atm", toilets="amenity:toilets", vending_machine="amenity:vending_machine", fountain="amenity:fountain", waste_basket="amenity:(waste_basket|waste_disposal)", bench="amenity:bench", post_box="amenity:post_box", artwork="tourism:artwork", recycling="amenity:recycling", give_way="highway:give_way", clock="amenity:clock", fire_hydrant="emergency:fire_hydrant", pole="man_made:(flagpole|utility_pole)", street_cabinet="man_made:street_cabinet", ) # + ways: kerb class Groups: areas = list(Patterns.areas) ways = list(Patterns.ways) nodes = list(Patterns.nodes) def group_elements(osm: OSMData): elem2group = { "area": {}, "way": {}, "node": {}, } for node in filter(filter_node, osm.nodes.values()): label = parse_node(node.tags) if label is None: continue group = match_to_group(label, Patterns.nodes) if group is None: group = match_to_group(label, Patterns.ways) if group is None: continue # missing elem2group["node"][node.id_] = group for way in filter(filter_way, osm.ways.values()): label = parse_way(way.tags) if label is None: continue group = match_to_group(label, Patterns.ways) if group is None: group = match_to_group(label, Patterns.nodes) if group is None: continue # missing elem2group["way"][way.id_] = group for area in filter(filter_area, osm.ways.values()): label = parse_area(area.tags) if label is None: continue group = match_to_group(label, Patterns.areas) if group is None: group = match_to_group(label, Patterns.ways) if group is None: group = match_to_group(label, Patterns.nodes) if group is None: continue # missing elem2group["area"][area.id_] = group return elem2group