def calculate_route(): api_key = "api_key" origin = "49.631997,6.171029" destination = "49.586745,6.140002" url = f"{origin}:{destination}/json?key={api_key}" response = requests.get(url) data = response.json() lats = [] lons = [] for point in data['routes'][0]['legs'][0]['points']: lats.append(point['latitude']) lons.append(point['longitude']) # fig = px.line_geo(lat=lats, lon=lons) # fig.update_geos(fitbounds="locations") fig = px.line_mapbox(lat=lats, lon=lons, zoom=12, height=600) fig.update_layout(mapbox_style="open-street-map", mapbox_zoom=12, mapbox_center_lat=lats[0], mapbox_center_lon=lons[0]) fig.update_layout(margin={"r":0,"t":0,"l":0,"b":0}) return fig def find_route(lat_depart="0", lon_depart="0", city_depart="", address_destination="", depart_time ="", **kwargs): """ Return the distance and the estimated time to go to a specific destination from the current place, at a specified depart time. :param lat_depart (string): latitude of depart :param lon_depart (string): longitude of depart :param city_depart (string): Required. city of depart :param address_destination (string): Required. The destination :param depart_time (string): departure hour, in the format '08:00:20'. """ print(address_destination) date = "2025-03-29T" departure_time = '2024-02-01T' + depart_time lat, lon, city = check_city_coordinates(lat_depart,lon_depart,city_depart) lat_dest, lon_dest = find_coordinates(address_destination) #print(lat_dest, lon_dest) #print(departure_time) r = requests.get('{0},{1}:{2},{3}/json?key={4}&departAt={5}'.format( lat_depart, lon_depart, lat_dest, lon_dest, TOMTOM_KEY, departure_time )) # Parse JSON from the response data = r.json() #print(data) #print(data) result = data['routes'][0]['summary'] # Calculate distance in kilometers (1 meter = 0.001 kilometers) distance_km = result['lengthInMeters'] * 0.001 # Calculate travel time in minutes (1 second = 1/60 minutes) time_minutes = result['travelTimeInSeconds'] / 60 if time_minutes < 60: time_display = f"{time_minutes:.0f} minutes" else: hours = int(time_minutes / 60) minutes = int(time_minutes % 60) time_display = f"{hours} hours" + (f" and {minutes} minutes" if minutes > 0 else "") # Extract arrival time from the JSON structure arrival_time_str = result['arrivalTime'] # Convert string to datetime object arrival_time = datetime.fromisoformat(arrival_time_str) # Extract and display the arrival hour in HH:MM format arrival_hour_display = arrival_time.strftime("%H:%M") # return the distance and time return(f"The route to go to {address_destination} is {distance_km:.2f} km and {time_display}. Leaving now, the arrival time is estimated at {arrival_hour_display} " ) # Sort the results based on distance #sorted_results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x['dist']) #return ". ".join(formatted_results)