Runtime error
Runtime error
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sqlite3
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
# Import Meteostat library and dependencies
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from meteostat import Point, Monthly
from tqdm import tqdm
import folium
from folium import GeoJson
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.colors
#remove pandas warning
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # default='warn'
#remove geo pandas warning
gpd.options.use_pygeos = False
import pandas as pd
import logging
import modelchain_example as mc_e
from windpowerlib import WindTurbineCluster, WindFarm, TurbineClusterModelChain
#remove pandas warning
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # default='warn'
import gradio as gr
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import gradio as gr
import folium
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import box
from branca.colormap import LinearColormap
import random
import io
import folium
from shapely.geometry import box
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors
def wind_for_location(longitude, latitude):
start = datetime(2015, 1, 1)
end = datetime(2022, 12, 31)
# Create Point for Vancouver, BC
city = Point(latitude, longitude, 70)
# Get daily data for 2018
data = Monthly(city, start, end)
data = data.fetch()
windspeed = data['wspd']
max_windspeed = windspeed.mean()
return max_windspeed
def weather_for_location(longitude, latitude):
start = datetime(2015, 1, 1)
end = datetime(2022, 12, 31)
# Create Point for Vancouver, BC
city = Point(latitude, longitude, 70)
# Get daily data for 2018
data = Monthly(city, start, end)
data = data.fetch()
return data
def price_per_wind_power_plant(longitude):
return 500_000*abs((49-longitude))/47 + 50_000
import ast
def setup_wind_farm_cluster(num_of_plants,num_my_turbines=6,num_e126_turbines=6,location=(8,50)):
# Configure logging
if isinstance(location, str):
location = ast.literal_eval(location)
# Get weather data
latitude = float(location[1])
longitude = float(location[0])
data = weather_for_location(longitude, latitude)
# Assuming 'data' is a DataFrame with columns ['tavg', 'wspd', 'pres']
data["roughness_length"] = 0.15
data["temperature"] = data["tavg"]
data["wind_speed"] = data["wspd"]
data["pressure"] = data["pres"]
# Create a multiindex
multiindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
[('pressure', 0),
('temperature', 2),
('wind_speed', 2),
('roughness_length', 0),
('temperature', 10),
('wind_speed', 10)],
names=['variable_name', 'height']
# Data for the multiindex DataFrame
data_WEATHER = {
('pressure', 0): data["pressure"]*10,
('temperature', 2): data["temperature"]*10,
('wind_speed', 2): data["wind_speed"],
('roughness_length', 0): [0.15] * len(data), # Assuming constant value for all rows
('temperature', 10): data["temperature"]*10, # Assuming same temperature values for height 10
('wind_speed', 10): data["wind_speed"] # Assuming same wind speed values for height 10
# Creating the MultiIndex DataFrame
df_multi = pd.DataFrame(data_WEATHER, index=data.index)
# Initialize wind turbines
my_turbine, e126, _ = mc_e.initialize_wind_turbines()
# Initialize WindFarm objects
farms = []
num_of_plants = int(num_of_plants)
num_my_turbines = int(num_my_turbines)
num_e126_turbines = int(num_e126_turbines)
for i in range(num_of_plants):
farm_data = {
'name': f'example_farm_{i}',
'wind_turbine_fleet': [my_turbine.to_group(num_my_turbines), e126.to_group(num_e126_turbines)],
'efficiency': 0.9
# Initialize WindTurbineCluster
example_cluster = WindTurbineCluster(name='example_cluster', wind_farms=farms)
# Calculate power output for each farm and for the turbine cluster
for farm in farms:
mc_farm = TurbineClusterModelChain(farm).run_model(df_multi)
farm.power_output = mc_farm.power_output
farm.efficiency = 0.9 # Set efficiency
# Calculate power output for turbine_cluster with custom modelchain data
modelchain_data = {
'wake_losses_model': 'wind_farm_efficiency',
'smoothing': True,
'block_width': 0.5,
'standard_deviation_method': 'Staffell_Pfenninger',
'smoothing_order': 'wind_farm_power_curves',
'wind_speed_model': 'logarithmic',
'density_model': 'ideal_gas',
'temperature_model': 'linear_gradient',
'power_output_model': 'power_curve',
'density_correction': True,
'obstacle_height': 0,
'hellman_exp': None
mc_example_cluster = TurbineClusterModelChain(example_cluster, **modelchain_data).run_model(df_multi)
example_cluster.power_output = mc_example_cluster.power_output
# try to import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
df = example_cluster.power_output
#make seriesto dataframe
df = df.to_frame()
df["Time"] = df.index
df["example_cluster"] = df[df.columns[0]]
#rename column
# Plotting Function
plt.plot(df["Time"], df['example_cluster'], label='example_cluster')
plt.ylabel('Forecasted Power Output in W based on historical weather data')
fig_1 = plt.gcf()
x='wind_speed', y='value', style='*')
plt.title('Power Curve of chosen Plant in regards to wind speed')
plt.xlabel('Wind speed in m/s')
plt.ylabel('Power in W')
fig_2 = plt.gcf()
#plot the historical weather data
plt.plot(data["tavg"], label='Temperature')
plt.plot(data["wspd"], label='Wind Speed')
plt.plot(data["pres"]*0.01, label='Pressure/100')
plt.title('Historical Weather Data used for Forecasting')
plt.ylabel('Historical Weather Data')
fig_3 = plt.gcf()
return fig_1, fig_2, fig_3, example_cluster
# Your existing code to generate the map
def generate_germany_wind_map(chosen_location_long, chosen_location_lat):
# Load the map of Germany
germany_map = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres')).query('name == "Germany"')
# Getting Germany's boundaries
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = germany_map.total_bounds
# Dividing Germany into a grid of 10x10
num_squares_side = 20
x_step = (maxx - minx) / num_squares_side
y_step = (maxy - miny) / num_squares_side
# Create a DataFrame to hold square polygons and their colors
if 1==1:
squares_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['geometry', 'color'])
# Create the squares and assign random colors
for i in range(num_squares_side):
for j in range(num_squares_side):
square = box(minx + i * x_step, miny + j * y_step, minx + (i+1) * x_step, miny + (j+1) * y_step)
# Check if the square intersects with Germany's boundary
if germany_map.intersects(square).any():
squares_df = squares_df.append({'geometry': square, 'color': np.random.randint(0, 100)}, ignore_index=True)
squares_df["center"] = 0
squares_df["longitude"] = 0
squares_df["latitude"] = 0
squares_df["windspeed"] = 0
for i in tqdm(range(len(squares_df))):
squares_df["center"][i] = squares_df["geometry"][i].centroid
squares_df["longitude"][i] = squares_df["center"][i].x
squares_df["latitude"][i] = squares_df["center"][i].y
squares_df["windspeed"][i] = wind_for_location(squares_df["longitude"][i], squares_df["latitude"][i])
#make color the
squares_df["color"] =squares_df["windspeed"].copy()
#standardize the color based on standard deviation
#squares_df["color"] = (squares_df["color"] - squares_df["color"].mean())/squares_df["color"].std()
squares_df["color"] = squares_df["color"]
# Convert squares DataFrame to GeoDataFrame
squares_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(squares_df, geometry='geometry')
# Create a Folium map centered on Germany
m = folium.Map(location=[(maxy + miny) / 2, (maxx + minx) / 2], zoom_start=6,tiles='cartodbpositron')
# Add Germany's borders to the map
folium.GeoJson(germany_map['geometry'], style_function=lambda feature: {
'fillColor': '#ffff00',
'color': '#000000',
'weight': 1,
'fillOpacity': 0,
from branca.colormap import LinearColormap
from branca.colormap import LinearColormap
import matplotlib
from branca.colormap import LinearColormap
# Define your colormap
colormap = LinearColormap(['#f7fbff', '#08306b'], vmin=7, vmax=20, caption="Mean Wind speed [m/s]]")
# Add each square to the map with a color
for _, row in squares_gdf.iterrows():
# Normalize color value within the range of your colormap
#normalized_color = normalize(row['color'], vmin=5, vmax=50)
# Get color from colormap
color = colormap(row['color'])
folium.GeoJson(row['geometry'], style_function=lambda feature, color=color: {
'fillColor': color,
'color': color,
'weight': 1,
'fillOpacity': 0.5,
#get a random point from germany_map.geometry[121]
#add 100 random points with price per wind power plant
import random
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import shapely
polygon = Polygon(germany_map.geometry[121])
def generate_random_points(polygon, num_points):
points = []
min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = polygon.bounds
while len(points) < num_points:
random_point = shapely.geometry.Point(random.uniform(min_x, max_x), random.uniform(min_y, max_y))
if polygon.contains(random_point):
return points
points = generate_random_points(polygon, 100)
# Define your colormap, red to white
colormap_new_prices = LinearColormap(['green', 'red'], vmin=50000, vmax=100000, caption="Price per wind power plant (Only Land) [€]")
for point_german in points:
#get longitude and latitude
lon_point = point_german.x
lat_point = point_german.y
#get the price per wind power plant
price = price_per_wind_power_plant(lat_point)
#colorize the point based on the price
color = colormap_new_prices(price)
#add the point to the map
folium.CircleMarker(location=[lat_point, lon_point], radius=5, color=color, fill=True,popup=price).add_to(m)
#add the price to the map
#add the wind speed to the map
#get the closest point to the chosen location
from shapely.ops import nearest_points
#create a point
point = shapely.geometry.Point(chosen_location_long, chosen_location_lat)
#get the closest point
nearest_geoms = nearest_points(point, germany_map.geometry[121])
#get the closest point
nearest_point = nearest_geoms[1]
#get longitude and latitude
lon_point = nearest_point.x
lat_point = nearest_point.y
#add as big marker
folium.CircleMarker(location=[lat_point, lon_point], radius=10, color="blue", fill=True,popup="Chosen Location").add_to(m)
return m._repr_html_(), lon_point, lat_point
import json
from llamaapi import LlamaAPI
def generate_all(str_user_query):
# Initialize the llamaapi with your api_token
llama = LlamaAPI("LL-19li1nMIQLwltTkGRrN9vrfGgPAPZt2VKkW9rhWGt2lD6nDl6xrnPfEQ3C1X3UpO")
# Define your API request
api_request_json_select_wind_power_output = {
"messages": [
{"role": "user", "content": f"I want to build a windfarm with 25 Wind Power turbines in nothern Germany?"},
"functions": [
"name": "get_wind_power_estimation",
"description": "Get the a simulation of the wind power output for a wind power plant",
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"number_power_plants": {
"type": "number",
"description": "How many power plants do you want to build?",
"num_my_turbine_per_plant": {
"type": "number",
"description": "How many of tubine my_turbine do you want to build per plant? Default six.",
"num_e126_turbine_per_plant": {
"type": "number",
"description": "How many of tubine e126 do you want to build per plant? Default six.",
"latitude": {
"type": "number",
"description": "The longitude of the location of the wind power plant",
"longitude": {
"type": "number",
"description": "The longitude of the location of the wind power plant",
"required": ["number_power_plants", "num_my_turbine_per_plant", "num_e126_turbine_per_plant", "latitude", "longitude"],
"stream": False,
"function_call": "get_wind_power_estimation",
# Make your request and handle the response
response =
output_llama = json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2)
dict_llama = dict(response.json())
dict_function = dict_llama["choices"][0]["message"]["function_call"]["arguments"]
fig_1, fig_2, fig_3, cluster = setup_wind_farm_cluster(dict_function["number_power_plants"],dict_function["num_my_turbine_per_plant"],dict_function["num_e126_turbine_per_plant"],(dict_function["longitude"],dict_function["latitude"]))
html_1, lon_point, lat_point = generate_germany_wind_map(dict_function["longitude"],dict_function["latitude"])
int_output = int(cluster.power_curve["value"].mean())
#generate a text output
text_output = f"Based on the historical weather data, the wind power output of the wind power plant would be {int_output}W on average. The power curve of the chosen wind power plant is shown in the second figure. The historical weather data is shown in the third figure. It would cost {int(dict_function['number_power_plants'])*price_per_wind_power_plant(lat_point)} € to get the land for the wind power plant. The chosen location is shown in the map below. It would be located in the blue circle. The wind speed in the area is {wind_for_location(lon_point, lat_point)} m/s. Please ask if you have any questions or need more information."
return text_output, html_1, fig_1, fig_2, fig_3
# Create the Gradio interface
iface = gr.Interface(
inputs=["text"], # Input is a text box
outputs=["text",gr.HTML(), "plot", "plot", "plot"], # Output is HTML
title="Wind Power Plant Location Finder",
description="Just tell me what you need, one example could be: I want to build a windfarm with 25 Wind Power turbines in nothern Germany."
if __name__ == "__main__":
iface.launch(share=True) |