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@@ -154,5 +154,30 @@ Baruch College (CUNY) - Offers a growing computer science program with an emphas
  SUNY Binghamton University - Features a comprehensive computer science program with a strong focus on research and internships. Here is their website for more information: https://www.binghamton.edu/computer-science/index.html
  SUNY University at Albany - Offers a well-regarded computer science program with opportunities for research and practical experience. Here is their website for more information: https://www.albany.edu/computer-science
  SUNY Polytechnic Institute - Known for its strong programs in technology and engineering, including computer science, located in Utica. Here is their website for more information: https://sunypoly.edu/academics/majors-and-programs/computer-science.html"
  SUNY Binghamton University - Features a comprehensive computer science program with a strong focus on research and internships. Here is their website for more information: https://www.binghamton.edu/computer-science/index.html
  SUNY University at Albany - Offers a well-regarded computer science program with opportunities for research and practical experience. Here is their website for more information: https://www.albany.edu/computer-science
  SUNY Polytechnic Institute - Known for its strong programs in technology and engineering, including computer science, located in Utica. Here is their website for more information: https://sunypoly.edu/academics/majors-and-programs/computer-science.html"
+ What is a scholarship?, “A scholarship is a grant or payment that supports a student's education. They are given out based on the student’s achievements.”
+ Why should I get a scholarship?, “Scholarships are very helpful in lowering the amount a student has to pay for college. The purpose of scholarships is to help support a student’s academic journey, after all!”
+ What does it mean to be low-income?, “People who are considered low-income are those who make less than five thousand dollars per year!”
+ How can I qualify for a scholarship?, “Scholarship qualifications vary depending on the scholarship. However, most scholarships do have qualifications, or criteria, that you need to meet.”
+ What are scholarship qualifications?, “Scholarship qualifications are the criteria that you need to meet to be eligible for a scholarship."
+ Why is there competition for scholarships?, “For many scholarships, there are more applicants than there are scholarships. As such, the people who end up getting the scholarships are often decided through a competitive process. Exactly what this process includes depends on the scholarship.”
+ What are some scholarships that have their deadlines in spring?, “There are multiple scholarships that are due in spring! However, most of their deadlines haven’t been announced yet. Some scholarships are: the Science Saves Scholarship, the Paradigm Challenge Contest, and the Liu Fang Memorial Scholarship.”
+ What are some scholarships that have their deadlines in summer?, “There are many scholarships with deadlines in the summertime! Some of these scholarships are: the Innovation in Education Scholarship, the GoSkills Scholarship, the Micheal Moody Fitness Scholarship, College is Power, and the Record High.”
+ What are some scholarships that have their deadlines in the fall?, “There’s multiple scholarships with autumn deadlines, such as: PixelPlex, the QuestBridge National College Match, the Hagan Scholarship, the Dr. Juan Andrade Jr. Scholarship, the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Contest, the Hispanic Heritage Month Scholarship, the Cameron Impact Scholarship, the Regeneron Science Talent Search, and the Maryknoll Essay Contest”
+ What are some scholarships that have their deadlines in the winter?, “There are multiple scholarships that have their deadlines in the winter! Some scholarships are: the American College Foundation Visionary Scholarship, the Antonia Scholarship, the Jimmy Rane Foundation Scholarship, Jackie Robinson, the Amazon Future Engineers, the Science Ambassador Scholarship, Dell Scholars, and the Ron Brown Scholarship.”
+ What are some examples of scholarships?, “There’s so many scholarships out there, such as: Denny’s Hungry for Education Scholarship, the Steiner Family Scholarship, the Vipin Agrawal Memorial Scholarship, the Junior Breakthrough Challenge, the A Voice for Animals Challenge, the Tyler Hawmore Memorial Scholarship, the GE Reagan Foundation Scholarship, and the Taco Bell Live Mas.”
+ What is a scholarship where I could make a video for applications?, “A scholarship that has the applications in video form is the Districts Make the Difference Video Contest! Ask me about this scholarship to conjure information about it into existence!”
+ What are some low-income scholarships?, “A rather famous example is the Gates Scholarship, which would cover full tuition if you’re one of the lucky ones who gains it! Other examples are: the Quest-bridge National College Match, the Dell Scholars, and the Hagan Scholarship.”
+ What are some need-based scholarships?, “Some need-based scholarships are: the Shawn Carter Scholarship, the Horatio Alger Scholarship Fund, the Jackie Robinson, the Nelson Scholarship, the Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship, and the Asian and Pacific Islander Scholarship.”
+ What are some identity-based scholarships?, “Luckily, there are many identity-based scholarships! Some examples are: the Antonia Scholarship, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, the Asian and Pacific Islander Scholarship, the Diller Teen Tikkun Olam, the Ron Brown Scholarship, the Dr. Juan Andrade Jr. Scholarship, the Colgate ‘Haz La U’ Scholarship, the Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards, and the NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Award”
+ What are some merit-based scholarships?, ”Most scholarships would fall under this umbrella! There’s so many merit-based scholarships, such as: the Liu Fang Memorial Scholarship, the For A Bright Future Scholarship, the Denes I. Bardos Award, the Shawn Carter Scholarship, the Antonia Scholarship, the Andrew Flusche Scholarship, the Scholastic Arts Writing: Portfolio Scholarship, the Doodle 4 Google Contest, the McDonald’s HACER Scholarship, the Quest-bridge National College Match, the Cameron Impact Scholarship, and the United States JCI Scholarship. If you’re looking for scholarships based on academic achievements, please help me summon the right information by asking me ‘What are some academic scholarships’!”
+ What are some academic scholarships? “Most scholarships people know of most likely fit under this category! Some academic scholarships are: the American College Foundation Visionary Scholarship, the Steiner Family Scholarship, Jackie Robinson, the Nelson Scholarship, the Colgate “Haz La U” Scholarship, and the Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship.”
+ Can you give me some extracurricular scholarships?, “Of course! Some extracurricular scholarships are the Denes I. Bardos Award and the Clubs of America Scholarship.”
+ What’re some student-specific Scholarships?, “Some student-specific scholarships are the Scott Verplank Foundation Scholarship, the Horatio Alger Scholarship Fund, and The Record High.”
+ What are some scholarships you need to write for?, “There are many scholarships that require people to write for them, usually in essay format! For those who like to write, some scholarships you might want to look at are: the Andrew Flusche Scholarship, the Scholastic Arts Writing: Portfolio Scholarship, the Gen Kelley and Tanabe Essay, and the Maryknoll Student Essay Contest.”
+ What are some CS-related scholarships?, “Not all scholarships are applicable for CS majors, but don't fear; there’s still many to choose from! For example, a small list of scholarships a CS major may want to look are are: PixelPlex, the Soliant Sunrise Scholarship, the Vipin Agrawal Memorial Scholarship, the Science Saves Scholarship, the Intertech STEM Scholarship, the Lockheed Martin, the Science Ambassador Scholarship, the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Contest, and the NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Award. My personal favorite is the Code Wizards Scholarship - it‘s named after wizards, and I’m a wizard!”
+ What are some scholarships high school students can apply for?, “There are plenty of scholarships open to high school students! Examples are: the Cameron Impact Scholarship, the Doodle 4 Google contest, the Diller Teen Tikkun Olam, The Record High, and the Regeneron Science Talent Search.”
+ Are there any scholarships for only high-school seniors?, “Many scholarships are, unfortunately, exclusively for high-school students. However, if you happen to be in the right grade, then some scholarships you can apply for are: The Gates Scholarship, the Ron Brown Scholarship, the Hispanic Heritage Youth Award, and the Regeneron Science Talent Search.”
+ Is there a scholarship middle school students can apply for?, “Yes! A popular example is the Doodle 4 Google Contest. Would you like to learn more about this?”
+ What are some types of scholarships?, “There are many categories of scholarships, and some can seem really similar to each other. If you want help, you can always ask me, the all-knowing wizard ScholarSage! To answer your question, these are some types of scholarships: low-income scholarships, merit-based scholarships, academic scholarships, athletic scholarships, extracurricular scholarships, student-specific scholarships, identity-based scholarships, need-based scholarships, low-income scholarships, STEM scholarships, and major-based scholarships.”
+ What’s the difference between a need-based and a low-income scholarship?, “Need-based scholarships are very similar! They both aim to help people pay for their education and support their academic journey! However, there are small differences. Need-based scholarships aim to help anyone who might need any financial aid, regardless of their income. However, low-income scholarships require applicants prove that their income is below an amount stated by the scholarship. Low-income scholarships aim to help specifically only low-income students.”
+ What’s the difference between merit-based and academic scholarships? “Academic scholarships fall under the umbrella of merit-based scholarships. Merit-based scholarships aim to reward people with accomplishments in any field, while academic scholarships only rewards those with academic excellence.”