Faster embedding with GPU, fast document split, writes to chromadb file correctly. No longer needs FAISS or langchain
import nltk | |
from typing import TypeVar | |'names') | |'stopwords') | |'wordnet') | |'punkt') | |
from search_funcs.fast_bm25 import BM25 | |
from search_funcs.clean_funcs import initial_clean, get_lemma_tokens#, stem_sentence | |
from nltk import word_tokenize | |
#from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer | |
PandasDataFrame = TypeVar('pd.core.frame.DataFrame') | |
import gradio as gr | |
import pandas as pd | |
import os | |
import time | |
from chromadb.config import Settings | |
from transformers import AutoModel | |
# model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('./model_and_tokenizer/int8-model.onnx', use_embedding_runtime=True) | |
# sentence_embeddings = model.generate(engine_input)['last_hidden_state:0'] | |
# print("Sentence embeddings:", sentence_embeddings) | |
import search_funcs.ingest as ing | |
#import search_funcs.chatfuncs as chatf | |
# Import Chroma and instantiate a client. The default Chroma client is ephemeral, meaning it will not save to disk. | |
import chromadb | |
#from typing_extensions import Protocol | |
#from chromadb import Documents, EmbeddingFunction, Embeddings | |
from torch import cuda, backends | |
# Check for torch cuda | |
print(cuda.is_available()) | |
print(backends.cudnn.enabled) | |
if cuda.is_available(): | |
torch_device = "cuda" | |
os.system("nvidia-smi") | |
else: | |
torch_device = "cpu" | |
# Remove Chroma database file. If it exists as it can cause issues | |
chromadb_file = "chroma.sqlite3" | |
if os.path.isfile(chromadb_file): | |
os.remove(chromadb_file) | |
def prepare_input_data(in_file, text_column, clean="No", progress=gr.Progress()): | |
filename = | |
# Import data | |
df = read_file(filename) | |
#df = pd.read_parquet( | |
df_list = list(df[text_column].astype(str)) | |
#df_list = df | |
if clean == "Yes": | |
df_list_clean = initial_clean(df_list) | |
# Save to file if you have cleaned the data | |
out_file_name = save_prepared_data(in_file, df_list_clean, df, text_column) | |
#corpus = [word_tokenize(doc.lower()) for doc in df_list_clean] | |
corpus = [word_tokenize(doc.lower()) for doc in progress.tqdm(df_list_clean, desc = "Tokenising text", unit = "rows")] | |
else: | |
#corpus = [word_tokenize(doc.lower()) for doc in df_list] | |
corpus = [word_tokenize(doc.lower()) for doc in progress.tqdm(df_list, desc = "Tokenising text", unit = "rows")] | |
out_file_name = None | |
print("Finished data clean") | |
if len(df_list) >= 20: | |
message = "Data loaded" | |
else: | |
message = "Data loaded. Warning: dataset may be too short to get consistent search results." | |
return corpus, message, df, out_file_name | |
def get_file_path_end(file_path): | |
# First, get the basename of the file (e.g., "example.txt" from "/path/to/example.txt") | |
basename = os.path.basename(file_path) | |
# Then, split the basename and its extension and return only the basename without the extension | |
filename_without_extension, _ = os.path.splitext(basename) | |
print(filename_without_extension) | |
return filename_without_extension | |
def save_prepared_data(in_file, prepared_text_list, in_df, in_bm25_column): | |
# Check if the list and the dataframe have the same length | |
if len(prepared_text_list) != len(in_df): | |
raise ValueError("The length of 'prepared_text_list' and 'in_df' must match.") | |
file_end = ".parquet" | |
file_name = get_file_path_end( + "_cleaned" + file_end | |
prepared_text_df = pd.DataFrame(data={in_bm25_column + "_cleaned":prepared_text_list}) | |
# Drop original column from input file to reduce file size | |
in_df = in_df.drop(in_bm25_column, axis = 1) | |
prepared_df = pd.concat([in_df, prepared_text_df], axis = 1) | |
if file_end == ".csv": | |
prepared_df.to_csv(file_name) | |
elif file_end == ".parquet": | |
prepared_df.to_parquet(file_name) | |
else: file_name = None | |
return file_name | |
def prepare_bm25(corpus, k1=1.5, b = 0.75, alpha=-5): | |"saved_df_bm25") | |
#bm25 = BM25.load(re.sub(r'\.pkl$', '', | |
print("Preparing BM25 corpus") | |
global bm25 | |
bm25 = BM25(corpus, k1=k1, b=b, alpha=alpha) | |
message = "Search parameters loaded." | |
print(message) | |
return message | |
def convert_query_to_tokens(free_text_query, clean="No"): | |
''' | |
Split open text query into tokens and then lemmatise to get the core of the word | |
''' | |
if clean=="Yes": | |
split_query = word_tokenize(free_text_query.lower()) | |
out_query = get_lemma_tokens(split_query) | |
#out_query = stem_sentence(free_text_query) | |
else: | |
split_query = word_tokenize(free_text_query.lower()) | |
out_query = split_query | |
return out_query | |
def bm25_search(free_text_query, in_no_search_results, original_data, text_column, clean = "No", in_join_file = None, in_join_column = "", search_df_join_column = ""): | |
# Prepare query | |
if (clean == "Yes") | (text_column.endswith("_cleaned")): | |
token_query = convert_query_to_tokens(free_text_query, clean="Yes") | |
else: | |
token_query = convert_query_to_tokens(free_text_query, clean="No") | |
print(token_query) | |
# Perform search | |
print("Searching") | |
results_index, results_text, results_scores = bm25.extract_documents_and_scores(token_query, bm25.corpus, n=in_no_search_results) #bm25.corpus #original_data[text_column] | |
if not results_index: | |
return "No search results found", None, token_query | |
print("Search complete") | |
# Prepare results and export | |
joined_texts = [' '.join(inner_list) for inner_list in results_text] | |
results_df = pd.DataFrame(data={"index": results_index, | |
"search_text": joined_texts, | |
"search_score_abs": results_scores}) | |
results_df['search_score_abs'] = abs(round(results_df['search_score_abs'], 2)) | |
results_df_out = results_df[['index', 'search_text', 'search_score_abs']].merge(original_data,left_on="index", right_index=True, how="left")#.drop("index", axis=1) | |
# Join on additional files | |
if in_join_file: | |
join_filename = | |
# Import data | |
join_df = read_file(join_filename) | |
join_df[in_join_column] = join_df[in_join_column].astype(str).str.replace("\.0$","", regex=True) | |
results_df_out[search_df_join_column] = results_df_out[search_df_join_column].astype(str).str.replace("\.0$","", regex=True) | |
# Duplicates dropped so as not to expand out dataframe | |
join_df = join_df.drop_duplicates(in_join_column) | |
results_df_out = results_df_out.merge(join_df,left_on=search_df_join_column, right_on=in_join_column, how="left").drop(in_join_column, axis=1) | |
# Reorder results by score | |
results_df_out = results_df_out.sort_values('search_score_abs', ascending=False) | |
# Out file | |
results_df_name = "search_result.csv" | |
results_df_out.to_csv(results_df_name, index= None) | |
results_first_text = results_df_out[text_column].iloc[0] | |
print("Returning results") | |
return results_first_text, results_df_name, token_query | |
def detect_file_type(filename): | |
"""Detect the file type based on its extension.""" | |
if (filename.endswith('.csv')) | (filename.endswith('.csv.gz')) | (filename.endswith('.zip')): | |
return 'csv' | |
elif filename.endswith('.xlsx'): | |
return 'xlsx' | |
elif filename.endswith('.parquet'): | |
return 'parquet' | |
else: | |
raise ValueError("Unsupported file type.") | |
def read_file(filename): | |
"""Read the file based on its detected type.""" | |
file_type = detect_file_type(filename) | |
if file_type == 'csv': | |
return pd.read_csv(filename, low_memory=False).reset_index().drop(["index", "Unnamed: 0"], axis=1, errors="ignore") | |
elif file_type == 'xlsx': | |
return pd.read_excel(filename).reset_index().drop(["index", "Unnamed: 0"], axis=1, errors="ignore") | |
elif file_type == 'parquet': | |
return pd.read_parquet(filename).reset_index().drop(["index", "Unnamed: 0"], axis=1, errors="ignore") | |
def put_columns_in_df(in_file, in_bm25_column): | |
''' | |
When file is loaded, update the column dropdown choices and change 'clean data' dropdown option to 'no'. | |
''' | |
new_choices = [] | |
concat_choices = [] | |
df = read_file( | |
new_choices = list(df.columns) | |
#print(new_choices) | |
concat_choices.extend(new_choices) | |
return gr.Dropdown(choices=concat_choices), gr.Dropdown(value="No", choices = ["Yes", "No"]),\ | |
gr.Dropdown(choices=concat_choices) | |
def put_columns_in_join_df(in_file, in_bm25_column): | |
''' | |
When file is loaded, update the column dropdown choices and change 'clean data' dropdown option to 'no'. | |
''' | |
print("in_bm25_column") | |
new_choices = [] | |
concat_choices = [] | |
df = read_file( | |
new_choices = list(df.columns) | |
print(new_choices) | |
concat_choices.extend(new_choices) | |
return gr.Dropdown(choices=concat_choices) | |
def dummy_function(gradio_component): | |
""" | |
A dummy function that exists just so that dropdown updates work correctly. | |
""" | |
return None | |
def display_info(info_component): | |
gr.Info(info_component) | |
# class MyEmbeddingFunction(EmbeddingFunction): | |
# def __call__(self, input) -> Embeddings: | |
# embeddings = [] | |
# for text in input: | |
# embeddings.append(embeddings_model.encode(text)) | |
# return embeddings | |
def load_embeddings(embeddings_name = "jinaai/jina-embeddings-v2-small-en"): | |
''' | |
Load embeddings model and create a global variable based on it. | |
''' | |
# Import Chroma and instantiate a client. The default Chroma client is ephemeral, meaning it will not save to disk. | |
#else: | |
embeddings_func = AutoModel.from_pretrained(embeddings_name, trust_remote_code=True, device_map="auto") | |
global embeddings | |
embeddings = embeddings_func | |
return embeddings | |
# Load embeddings | |
#embeddings_name = | |
embeddings_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("jinaai/jina-embeddings-v2-small-en", trust_remote_code=True, device_map="auto") | |
#embeddings_model = SentenceTransformer("BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5") | |
#embeddings_model = SentenceTransformer("paraphrase-MiniLM-L3-v2") | |
embeddings = embeddings_model#load_embeddings(embeddings_name) | |
def docs_to_chroma_save(docs_out, embeddings = embeddings, progress=gr.Progress()): | |
''' | |
Takes a Langchain document class and saves it into a Chroma sqlite file. | |
''' | |
print(f"> Total split documents: {len(docs_out)}") | |
print(docs_out) | |
page_contents = [doc.page_content for doc in docs_out] | |
page_meta = [doc.metadata for doc in docs_out] | |
ids_range = range(0,len(page_contents)) | |
ids = [str(element) for element in ids_range] | |
tic = time.perf_counter() | |
#embeddings_list = [] | |
#for page in progress.tqdm(page_contents, desc = "Preparing search index", unit = "rows"): | |
# embeddings_list.append(embeddings.encode(sentences=page, max_length=1024).tolist()) | |
embeddings_list = embeddings.encode(sentences=page_contents, max_length=256).tolist() # For Jina embeddings | |
#embeddings_list = embeddings.encode(sentences=page_contents, normalize_embeddings=True).tolist() # For BGE embeddings | |
#embeddings_list = embeddings.encode(sentences=page_contents).tolist() # For minilm | |
toc = time.perf_counter() | |
time_out = f"The embedding took {toc - tic:0.1f} seconds" | |
# Jina tiny | |
# This takes about 300 seconds for 240,000 records = 800 / second, 1024 max length | |
# For 50k records: | |
# 61 seconds at 1024 max length | |
# 55 seconds at 512 max length | |
# 43 seconds at 256 max length | |
# 31 seconds at 128 max length | |
# BGE small | |
# 96 seconds for 50k records at 512 length | |
# all-MiniLM-L6-v2 | |
# 42.5 seconds at (256?) max length | |
# paraphrase-MiniLM-L3-v2 | |
# 22 seconds for 128 max length | |
print(time_out) | |
chroma_tic = time.perf_counter() | |
# Create a new Chroma collection to store the documents and metadata. We don't need to specify an embedding fuction, and the default will be used. | |
client = chromadb.PersistentClient(path="./db", settings=Settings( | |
anonymized_telemetry=False)) | |
try: | |
print("Deleting existing collection.") | |
#collection = client.get_collection(name="my_collection") | |
client.delete_collection(name="my_collection") | |
print("Creating new collection.") | |
collection = client.create_collection(name="my_collection") | |
except: | |
print("Creating new collection.") | |
collection = client.create_collection(name="my_collection") | |
# Match batch size is about 40,000, so add that amount in a loop | |
def create_batch_ranges(in_list, batch_size=40000): | |
total_rows = len(in_list) | |
ranges = [] | |
for start in range(0, total_rows, batch_size): | |
end = min(start + batch_size, total_rows) | |
ranges.append(range(start, end)) | |
return ranges | |
batch_ranges = create_batch_ranges(embeddings_list) | |
print(batch_ranges) | |
for row_range in progress.tqdm(batch_ranges, desc = "Creating vector database", unit = "batches of 40,000 rows"): | |
collection.add( | |
documents = page_contents[row_range[0]:row_range[-1]], | |
embeddings = embeddings_list[row_range[0]:row_range[-1]], | |
metadatas = page_meta[row_range[0]:row_range[-1]], | |
ids = ids[row_range[0]:row_range[-1]]) | |
print(collection.count()) | |
#chatf.vectorstore = vectorstore_func | |
chroma_toc = time.perf_counter() | |
chroma_time_out = f"Loading to Chroma db took {chroma_toc - chroma_tic:0.1f} seconds" | |
print(chroma_time_out) | |
out_message = "Document processing complete" | |
return out_message, collection | |
def jina_simple_retrieval(new_question_kworded, vectorstore, docs, k_val, out_passages, | |
vec_score_cut_off, vec_weight): # ,vectorstore, embeddings | |
from numpy.linalg import norm | |
cos_sim = lambda a,b: (a @ b.T) / (norm(a)*norm(b)) | |
query = embeddings.encode(new_question_kworded) | |
# Calculate cosine similarity with each string in the list | |
cosine_similarities = [cos_sim(query, string_vector) for string_vector in vectorstore] | |
print(cosine_similarities) | |
return cosine_similarities | |
def chroma_retrieval(new_question_kworded:str, vectorstore, docs, orig_df_col:str, k_val:int, out_passages:int, | |
vec_score_cut_off:float, vec_weight:float, in_join_file = None, in_join_column = None, search_df_join_column = None): # ,vectorstore, embeddings | |
query = embeddings.encode(new_question_kworded).tolist() | |
docs = vectorstore.query( | |
query_embeddings=query, | |
n_results= k_val # No practical limit on number of responses returned | |
#where={"metadata_field": "is_equal_to_this"}, | |
#where_document={"$contains":"search_string"} | |
) | |
df_docs = pd.DataFrame(data={'ids': docs['ids'][0], | |
'documents': docs['documents'][0], | |
'metadatas':docs['metadatas'][0], | |
'distances':docs['distances'][0]#, | |
#'embeddings': docs['embeddings'] | |
}) | |
def create_docs_keep_from_df(df): | |
dict_out = {'ids' : [df['ids']], | |
'documents': [df['documents']], | |
'metadatas': [df['metadatas']], | |
'distances': [round(df['distances'].astype(float), 2)], | |
'embeddings': None | |
} | |
return dict_out | |
# Prepare the DataFrame by transposing | |
#df_docs = df#.apply(lambda x: x.explode()).reset_index(drop=True) | |
# Keep only documents with a certain score | |
print(df_docs) | |
docs_scores = df_docs["distances"] #.astype(float) | |
# Only keep sources that are sufficiently relevant (i.e. similarity search score below threshold below) | |
score_more_limit = df_docs.loc[docs_scores < vec_score_cut_off, :] | |
#docs_keep = create_docs_keep_from_df(score_more_limit) #list(compress(docs, score_more_limit)) | |
#print(docs_keep) | |
if score_more_limit.empty: | |
return 'No result found!', None | |
# Only keep sources that are at least 100 characters long | |
docs_len = score_more_limit["documents"].str.len() >= 100 | |
print(docs_len) | |
length_more_limit = score_more_limit.loc[docs_len == True, :] #pd.Series(docs_len) >= 100 | |
#docs_keep = create_docs_keep_from_df(length_more_limit) #list(compress(docs_keep, length_more_limit)) | |
#print(length_more_limit) | |
if length_more_limit.empty: | |
return 'No result found!', None | |
length_more_limit['ids'] = length_more_limit['ids'].astype(int) | |
#length_more_limit.to_csv("length_more_limit.csv", index = None) | |
# Explode the 'metadatas' dictionary into separate columns | |
df_metadata_expanded = length_more_limit['metadatas'].apply(pd.Series) | |
print(length_more_limit) | |
print(df_metadata_expanded) | |
# Concatenate the original DataFrame with the expanded metadata DataFrame | |
results_df_out = pd.concat([length_more_limit.drop('metadatas', axis=1), df_metadata_expanded], axis=1) | |
results_df_out = results_df_out.rename(columns={"documents":orig_df_col}) | |
results_df_out = results_df_out.drop(["page_section", "row", "source", "id"], axis=1, errors="ignore") | |
results_df_out['distances'] = round(results_df_out['distances'].astype(float), 2) | |
# Join back to original df | |
# results_df_out = orig_df.merge(length_more_limit[['ids', 'distances']], left_index = True, right_on = "ids", how="inner").sort_values("distances") | |
# Join on additional files | |
if in_join_file: | |
join_filename = | |
# Import data | |
join_df = read_file(join_filename) | |
join_df[in_join_column] = join_df[in_join_column].astype(str).str.replace("\.0$","", regex=True) | |
# Duplicates dropped so as not to expand out dataframe | |
join_df = join_df.drop_duplicates(in_join_column) | |
results_df_out[search_df_join_column] = results_df_out[search_df_join_column].astype(str).str.replace("\.0$","", regex=True) | |
results_df_out = results_df_out.merge(join_df,left_on=search_df_join_column, right_on=in_join_column, how="left").drop(in_join_column, axis=1) | |
results_df_name = "semantic_search_result.csv" | |
results_df_out.to_csv(results_df_name, index= None) | |
results_first_text = results_df_out[orig_df_col].iloc[0] | |
return results_first_text, results_df_name | |
## Gradio app - BM25 search | |
block = gr.Blocks(theme = gr.themes.Base()) | |
with block: | |
ingest_text = gr.State() | |
ingest_metadata = gr.State() | |
ingest_docs = gr.State() | |
vectorstore_state = gr.State() # globals()["vectorstore"] | |
embeddings_state = gr.State() # globals()["embeddings"] | |
k_val = gr.State(9999) | |
out_passages = gr.State(9999) | |
vec_score_cut_off = gr.State(70) | |
vec_weight = gr.State(1) | |
docs_keep_as_doc_state = gr.State() | |
doc_df_state = gr.State() | |
docs_keep_out_state = gr.State() | |
corpus_state = gr.State() | |
data_state = gr.State(pd.DataFrame()) | |
in_k1_info = gr.State("""k1: Constant used for influencing the term frequency saturation. After saturation is reached, additional | |
presence for the term adds a significantly less additional score. According to [1]_, experiments suggest | |
that 1.2 < k1 < 2 yields reasonably good results, although the optimal value depends on factors such as | |
the type of documents or queries. Information taken from""") | |
in_b_info = gr.State("""b: Constant used for influencing the effects of different document lengths relative to average document length. | |
When b is bigger, lengthier documents (compared to average) have more impact on its effect. According to | |
[1]_, experiments suggest that 0.5 < b < 0.8 yields reasonably good results, although the optimal value | |
depends on factors such as the type of documents or queries. Information taken from""") | |
in_alpha_info = gr.State("""alpha: IDF cutoff, terms with a lower idf score than alpha will be dropped. A higher alpha will lower the accuracy of BM25 but increase performance. Information taken from""") | |
in_no_search_info = gr.State("""Search results number: Maximum number of search results that will be returned. Bear in mind that if the alpha value is greater than the minimum, common words will be removed from the dataset, and so the number of search results returned may be lower than this value.""") | |
in_clean_info = gr.State("""Clean text: Clean the input text and search query. The function will try to remove email components and tags, and then will 'stem' the words. I.e. it will remove the endings of words (e.g. smashed becomes smash) so that the search engine is looking for the common 'core' of words between the query and dataset.""") | |
gr.Markdown( | |
""" | |
# Fast text search | |
Enter a text query below to search through a text data column and find relevant terms. It will only find terms containing the exact text you enter. Your data should contain at least 20 entries for the search to consistently return results. | |
""") | |
with gr.Tab(label="Keyword search"): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
current_source = gr.Textbox(label="Current data source(s)", value="None") | |
with gr.Accordion(label = "Load in data", open=True): | |
in_bm25_file = gr.File(label="Upload your search data here") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
in_bm25_column = gr.Dropdown(label="Enter the name of the text column in the data file to search") | |
load_bm25_data_button = gr.Button(value="Load data") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
load_finished_message = gr.Textbox(label="Load progress", scale = 2) | |
with gr.Accordion(label = "Search data", open=True): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
in_query = gr.Textbox(label="Enter your search term") | |
mod_query = gr.Textbox(label="Cleaned search term (the terms that are passed to the search engine)") | |
search_button = gr.Button(value="Search text") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
output_single_text = gr.Textbox(label="Top result") | |
output_file = gr.File(label="File output") | |
with gr.Tab("Fuzzy/semantic search"): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
current_source_semantic = gr.Textbox(label="Current data source(s)", value="None") | |
with gr.Accordion("Load in data", open = True): | |
in_semantic_file = gr.File(label="Upload data file for semantic search") | |
in_semantic_column = gr.Dropdown(label="Enter the name of the text column in the data file to search") | |
load_semantic_data_button = gr.Button(value="Load in data file", variant="secondary", scale=0) | |
ingest_embed_out = gr.Textbox(label="File/web page preparation progress") | |
semantic_query = gr.Textbox(label="Enter semantic search query here") | |
semantic_submit = gr.Button(value="Start semantic search", variant="secondary", scale = 1) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
semantic_output_single_text = gr.Textbox(label="Top result") | |
semantic_output_file = gr.File(label="File output") | |
with gr.Tab(label="Advanced options"): | |
with gr.Accordion(label="Data load / save options", open = False): | |
#with gr.Row(): | |
in_clean_data = gr.Dropdown(label = "Clean text during load (remove tags, stem words). This will take some time!", value="No", choices=["Yes", "No"]) | |
#save_clean_data_button = gr.Button(value = "Save loaded data to file", scale = 1) | |
with gr.Accordion(label="Search options", open = False): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
in_k1 = gr.Slider(label = "k1 value", value = 1.5, minimum = 0.1, maximum = 5, step = 0.1, scale = 3) | |
in_k1_button = gr.Button(value = "k1 value info", scale = 1) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
in_b = gr.Slider(label = "b value", value = 0.75, minimum = 0.1, maximum = 5, step = 0.05, scale = 3) | |
in_b_button = gr.Button(value = "b value info", scale = 1) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
in_alpha = gr.Slider(label = "alpha value / IDF cutoff", value = -5, minimum = -5, maximum = 10, step = 1, scale = 3) | |
in_alpha_button = gr.Button(value = "alpha value info", scale = 1) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
in_no_search_results = gr.Slider(label="Maximum number of search results to return", value = 100000, minimum=10, maximum=100000, step=10, scale = 3) | |
in_no_search_results_button = gr.Button(value = "Search results number info", scale = 1) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
in_search_param_button = gr.Button(value="Load search parameters (Need to click this if you changed anything above)") | |
with gr.Accordion(label = "Join on additional dataframes to results", open = False): | |
in_join_file = gr.File(label="Upload your data to join here") | |
in_join_column = gr.Dropdown(label="Column to join in new data frame") | |
search_df_join_column = gr.Dropdown(label="Column to join in search data frame") | |, inputs=[corpus_state, in_k1, in_b, in_alpha], outputs=[load_finished_message]) | |
# --- | |, inputs=in_k1_info) | |, inputs=in_b_info) | |, inputs=in_alpha_info) | |, inputs=in_no_search_info) | |
# Update dropdowns upon initial file load | |
in_bm25_file.upload(put_columns_in_df, inputs=[in_bm25_file, in_bm25_column], outputs=[in_bm25_column, in_clean_data, search_df_join_column]) | |
in_join_file.upload(put_columns_in_join_df, inputs=[in_join_file, in_join_column], outputs=[in_join_column]) | |
# Load in BM25 data | |, inputs=[in_bm25_file, in_bm25_column, in_clean_data], outputs=[corpus_state, load_finished_message, data_state, output_file]).\ | |
then(fn=prepare_bm25, inputs=[corpus_state, in_k1, in_b, in_alpha], outputs=[load_finished_message]).\ | |
then(fn=put_columns_in_df, inputs=[in_bm25_file, in_bm25_column], outputs=[in_bm25_column, in_clean_data, search_df_join_column]) | |
# BM25 search functions on click or enter | |, inputs=[in_query, in_no_search_results, data_state, in_bm25_column, in_clean_data, in_join_file, in_join_column, search_df_join_column], outputs=[output_single_text, output_file, mod_query], api_name="search") | |
in_query.submit(fn=bm25_search, inputs=[in_query, in_no_search_results, data_state, in_bm25_column, in_clean_data, in_join_file, in_join_column, search_df_join_column], outputs=[output_single_text, output_file, mod_query]) | |
# Load in a csv/excel file for semantic search | |
in_semantic_file.upload(put_columns_in_df, inputs=[in_semantic_file, in_semantic_column], outputs=[in_semantic_column, in_clean_data, search_df_join_column]) | |, inputs=[in_semantic_file, in_semantic_column], outputs=[ingest_text, current_source_semantic]).\ | |
then(ing.csv_excel_text_to_docs, inputs=[ingest_text, in_semantic_column], outputs=[ingest_docs, load_finished_message]).\ | |
then(docs_to_chroma_save, inputs=[ingest_docs], outputs=[ingest_embed_out, vectorstore_state]) | |
# Semantic search query | |, inputs=[semantic_query, vectorstore_state, ingest_docs, in_semantic_column, k_val, out_passages, vec_score_cut_off, vec_weight, in_join_file, in_join_column, search_df_join_column], outputs=[semantic_output_single_text, semantic_output_file], api_name="semantic") | |
# Dummy functions just to get dropdowns to work correctly with Gradio 3.50 | |
in_bm25_column.change(dummy_function, in_bm25_column, None) | |
search_df_join_column.change(dummy_function, search_df_join_column, None) | |
in_join_column.change(dummy_function, in_join_column, None) | |
in_semantic_column.change(dummy_function, in_join_column, None) | |
block.queue().launch(debug=True) | |