import re import os from typing import TypeVar, List import pandas as pd # Model packages import torch.cuda # Alternative model sources #from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass # Langchain functions from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter from langchain.docstore.document import Document # For keyword extraction (not currently used) #import nltk'wordnet') from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer # For Name Entity Recognition model #from span_marker import SpanMarkerModel # Not currently used import gradio as gr torch.cuda.empty_cache() PandasDataFrame = TypeVar('pd.core.frame.DataFrame') embeddings = None # global variable setup vectorstore = None # global variable setup model_type = None # global variable setup max_memory_length = 0 # How long should the memory of the conversation last? full_text = "" # Define dummy source text (full text) just to enable highlight function to load model = [] # Define empty list for model functions to run tokenizer = [] # Define empty list for model functions to run ## Highlight text constants hlt_chunk_size = 12 hlt_strat = [" ", ". ", "! ", "? ", ": ", "\n\n", "\n", ", "] hlt_overlap = 4 ## Initialise NER model ## ner_model = []#SpanMarkerModel.from_pretrained("tomaarsen/span-marker-mbert-base-multinerd") # Not currently used # Currently set gpu_layers to 0 even with cuda due to persistent bugs in implementation with cuda if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch_device = "cuda" gpu_layers = 0 else: torch_device = "cpu" gpu_layers = 0 print("Running on device:", torch_device) threads = 6 #torch.get_num_threads() print("CPU threads:", threads) # Vectorstore funcs # Prompt functions def write_out_metadata_as_string(metadata_in): metadata_string = [f"{' '.join(f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in d.items() if k != 'page_section')}" for d in metadata_in] # ['metadata'] return metadata_string def determine_file_type(file_path): """ Determine the file type based on its extension. Parameters: file_path (str): Path to the file. Returns: str: File extension (e.g., '.pdf', '.docx', '.txt', '.html'). """ return os.path.splitext(file_path)[1].lower() def create_doc_df(docs_keep_out): # Extract content and metadata from 'winning' passages. content=[] meta=[] meta_url=[] page_section=[] score=[] doc_df = pd.DataFrame() for item in docs_keep_out: content.append(item[0].page_content) meta.append(item[0].metadata) meta_url.append(item[0].metadata['source']) file_extension = determine_file_type(item[0].metadata['source']) if (file_extension != ".csv") & (file_extension != ".xlsx"): page_section.append(item[0].metadata['page_section']) else: page_section.append("") score.append(item[1]) # Create df from 'winning' passages doc_df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(content, meta, page_section, meta_url, score)), columns =['page_content', 'metadata', 'page_section', 'meta_url', 'score']) docs_content = doc_df['page_content'].astype(str) doc_df['full_url'] = "https://" + doc_df['meta_url'] return doc_df def get_expanded_passages(vectorstore, docs, width): """ Extracts expanded passages based on given documents and a width for context. Parameters: - vectorstore: The primary data source. - docs: List of documents to be expanded. - width: Number of documents to expand around a given document for context. Returns: - expanded_docs: List of expanded Document objects. - doc_df: DataFrame representation of expanded_docs. """ from collections import defaultdict def get_docs_from_vstore(vectorstore): vector = vectorstore.docstore._dict return list(vector.items()) def extract_details(docs_list): docs_list_out = [tup[1] for tup in docs_list] content = [doc.page_content for doc in docs_list_out] meta = [doc.metadata for doc in docs_list_out] return ''.join(content), meta[0], meta[-1] def get_parent_content_and_meta(vstore_docs, width, target): #target_range = range(max(0, target - width), min(len(vstore_docs), target + width + 1)) target_range = range(max(0, target), min(len(vstore_docs), target + width + 1)) # Now only selects extra passages AFTER the found passage parent_vstore_out = [vstore_docs[i] for i in target_range] content_str_out, meta_first_out, meta_last_out = [], [], [] for _ in parent_vstore_out: content_str, meta_first, meta_last = extract_details(parent_vstore_out) content_str_out.append(content_str) meta_first_out.append(meta_first) meta_last_out.append(meta_last) return content_str_out, meta_first_out, meta_last_out def merge_dicts_except_source(d1, d2): merged = {} for key in d1: if key != "source": merged[key] = str(d1[key]) + " to " + str(d2[key]) else: merged[key] = d1[key] # or d2[key], based on preference return merged def merge_two_lists_of_dicts(list1, list2): return [merge_dicts_except_source(d1, d2) for d1, d2 in zip(list1, list2)] # Step 1: Filter vstore_docs vstore_docs = get_docs_from_vstore(vectorstore) doc_sources = {doc.metadata['source'] for doc, _ in docs} vstore_docs = [(k, v) for k, v in vstore_docs if v.metadata.get('source') in doc_sources] # Step 2: Group by source and proceed vstore_by_source = defaultdict(list) for k, v in vstore_docs: vstore_by_source[v.metadata['source']].append((k, v)) expanded_docs = [] for doc, score in docs: search_source = doc.metadata['source'] #if file_type == ".csv" | file_type == ".xlsx": # content_str, meta_first, meta_last = get_parent_content_and_meta(vstore_by_source[search_source], 0, search_index) #else: search_section = doc.metadata['page_section'] parent_vstore_meta_section = [doc.metadata['page_section'] for _, doc in vstore_by_source[search_source]] search_index = parent_vstore_meta_section.index(search_section) if search_section in parent_vstore_meta_section else -1 content_str, meta_first, meta_last = get_parent_content_and_meta(vstore_by_source[search_source], width, search_index) meta_full = merge_two_lists_of_dicts(meta_first, meta_last) expanded_doc = (Document(page_content=content_str[0], metadata=meta_full[0]), score) expanded_docs.append(expanded_doc) doc_df = pd.DataFrame() doc_df = create_doc_df(expanded_docs) # Assuming you've defined the 'create_doc_df' function elsewhere return expanded_docs, doc_df def highlight_found_text(search_text: str, full_text: str, hlt_chunk_size:int=hlt_chunk_size, hlt_strat:List=hlt_strat, hlt_overlap:int=hlt_overlap) -> str: """ Highlights occurrences of search_text within full_text. Parameters: - search_text (str): The text to be searched for within full_text. - full_text (str): The text within which search_text occurrences will be highlighted. Returns: - str: A string with occurrences of search_text highlighted. Example: >>> highlight_found_text("world", "Hello, world! This is a test. Another world awaits.") 'Hello, world! This is a test. Another world awaits.' """ def extract_text_from_input(text, i=0): if isinstance(text, str): return text.replace(" ", " ").strip() elif isinstance(text, list): return text[i][0].replace(" ", " ").strip() else: return "" def extract_search_text_from_input(text): if isinstance(text, str): return text.replace(" ", " ").strip() elif isinstance(text, list): return text[-1][1].replace(" ", " ").strip() else: return "" full_text = extract_text_from_input(full_text) search_text = extract_search_text_from_input(search_text) text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter( chunk_size=hlt_chunk_size, separators=hlt_strat, chunk_overlap=hlt_overlap, ) sections = text_splitter.split_text(search_text) found_positions = {} for x in sections: text_start_pos = 0 while text_start_pos != -1: text_start_pos = full_text.find(x, text_start_pos) if text_start_pos != -1: found_positions[text_start_pos] = text_start_pos + len(x) text_start_pos += 1 # Combine overlapping or adjacent positions sorted_starts = sorted(found_positions.keys()) combined_positions = [] if sorted_starts: current_start, current_end = sorted_starts[0], found_positions[sorted_starts[0]] for start in sorted_starts[1:]: if start <= (current_end + 10): current_end = max(current_end, found_positions[start]) else: combined_positions.append((current_start, current_end)) current_start, current_end = start, found_positions[start] combined_positions.append((current_start, current_end)) # Construct pos_tokens pos_tokens = [] prev_end = 0 for start, end in combined_positions: if end-start > 15: # Only combine if there is a significant amount of matched text. Avoids picking up single words like 'and' etc. pos_tokens.append(full_text[prev_end:start]) pos_tokens.append('' + full_text[start:end] + '') prev_end = end pos_tokens.append(full_text[prev_end:]) return "".join(pos_tokens) # # Chat history functions def clear_chat(chat_history_state, sources, chat_message, current_topic): chat_history_state = [] sources = '' chat_message = '' current_topic = '' return chat_history_state, sources, chat_message, current_topic # Keyword functions def remove_q_stopwords(question): # Remove stopwords from question. Not used at the moment # Prepare keywords from question by removing stopwords text = question.lower() # Remove numbers text = re.sub('[0-9]', '', text) tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+') text_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text) #text_tokens = word_tokenize(text) tokens_without_sw = [word for word in text_tokens if not word in stopwords] # Remove duplicate words while preserving order ordered_tokens = set() result = [] for word in tokens_without_sw: if word not in ordered_tokens: ordered_tokens.add(word) result.append(word) new_question_keywords = ' '.join(result) return new_question_keywords def remove_q_ner_extractor(question): predict_out = ner_model.predict(question) predict_tokens = [' '.join(v for k, v in d.items() if k == 'span') for d in predict_out] # Remove duplicate words while preserving order ordered_tokens = set() result = [] for word in predict_tokens: if word not in ordered_tokens: ordered_tokens.add(word) result.append(word) new_question_keywords = ' '.join(result).lower() return new_question_keywords def apply_lemmatize(text, wnl=WordNetLemmatizer()): def prep_for_lemma(text): # Remove numbers text = re.sub('[0-9]', '', text) print(text) tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+') text_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text) #text_tokens = word_tokenize(text) return text_tokens tokens = prep_for_lemma(text) def lem_word(word): if len(word) > 3: out_word = wnl.lemmatize(word) else: out_word = word return out_word return [lem_word(token) for token in tokens] def keybert_keywords(text, n, kw_model): tokens_lemma = apply_lemmatize(text) lemmatised_text = ' '.join(tokens_lemma) keywords_text = KeyBERT(model=kw_model).extract_keywords(lemmatised_text, stop_words='english', top_n=n, keyphrase_ngram_range=(1, 1)) keywords_list = [item[0] for item in keywords_text] return keywords_list # Gradio functions def turn_off_interactivity(user_message, history): return gr.update(value="", interactive=False), history + [[user_message, None]] def restore_interactivity(): return gr.update(interactive=True) def update_message(dropdown_value): return gr.Textbox.update(value=dropdown_value) def hide_block(): return gr.Radio.update(visible=False)