James Kelly
cloned most of ctmatch into this spaces repo... it will have to handle the data too, we'll see. using ctmatch requirements.txt
#ctproc uncoment if doing data prep on raw ct documents | |
#https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ai2-s2-scispacy/releases/v0.4.0/en_core_sci_md-0.4.0.tar.gz uncomment if using ctproc | |
#pyserini==0.12.0 uncomment if using ctproc with indexes (not recommended) | |
#git+https://github.com/semajyllek/transformers.git@add-biogpt-sequenceclassifier | |
#sacremoses uncomment if using biogpt | |
sentence-transformers | |
huggingface_hub | |
scikit-learn | |
transformers | |
onnxruntime | |
nn_pruning | |
optimum | |
onnx | |
matplotlib | |
accelerate | |
datasets | |
evaluate | |
pandas | |
openai | |
lxml | |
gradio |