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import numpy as np
import openai
import tiktoken
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from config import Config
class AI:
"""The AI class."""
def __init__(self, cfg: Config):
openai.api_key = cfg.open_ai_key
openai.proxy = cfg.open_ai_proxy
self._chat_model = cfg.open_ai_chat_model
self._use_stream = cfg.use_stream
self._encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model('gpt-3.5-turbo')
self._language = cfg.language
self._temperature = cfg.temperature
def _chat_stream(self, messages: list[dict], use_stream: bool = None) -> str:
use_stream = use_stream if use_stream is not None else self._use_stream
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
if use_stream:
data = ""
for chunk in response:
if chunk.choices[0].delta.get('content', None) is not None:
data += chunk.choices[0].delta.content
print(chunk.choices[0].delta.content, end='')
return data.strip()
print(f"Total tokens used: {response.usage.total_tokens}, "
f"cost: ${response.usage.total_tokens / 1000 * 0.002}")
return response.choices[0].message.content.strip()
def _num_tokens_from_string(self, string: str) -> int:
"""Returns the number of tokens in a text string."""
num_tokens = len(self._encoding.encode(string))
return num_tokens
def completion(self, query: str, context: list[str]):
"""Create a completion."""
context = self._cut_texts(context)
print(f"Number of query fragments:{len(context)}")
text = "\n".join(f"{index}. {text}" for index, text in enumerate(context))
result = self._chat_stream([
{'role': 'system',
'content': f'You are a helpful AI article assistant. '
f'The following are the relevant article content fragments found from the article. '
f'The relevance is sorted from high to low. '
f'You can only answer according to the following content:\n```\n{text}\n```\n'
f'You need to carefully consider your answer to ensure that it is based on the context. '
f'If the context does not mention the content or it is uncertain whether it is correct, '
f'please answer "Bu bilgiye tam olarak hakim değilim, lütfen uzmanlarımıza danışın. Başka bir soru sorabilirsiniz."'
f'You must use {self._language} to respond.'},
{'role': 'user', 'content': query},
return result
def _cut_texts(self, context):
maximum = 4096 - 1024
for index, text in enumerate(context):
maximum -= self._num_tokens_from_string(text)
if maximum < 0:
context = context[:index + 1]
print(f"Exceeded maximum length, cut the first {index + 1} fragments")
return context
def get_keywords(self, query: str) -> str:
"""Get keywords from the query."""
result = self._chat_stream([
{'role': 'user',
'content': f'You need to extract keywords from the statement or question and '
f'return a series of keywords separated by commas.\ncontent: {query}\nkeywords: '},
], use_stream=False)
return result
def create_embedding(text: str) -> (str, list[float]):
"""Create an embedding for the provided text."""
embedding = openai.Embedding.create(model="text-embedding-ada-002", input=text)
return text,[0].embedding
def create_embeddings(self, texts: list[str]) -> (list[tuple[str, list[float]]], int):
"""Create embeddings for the provided input."""
result = []
query_len = 0
start_index = 0
tokens = 0
def get_embedding(input_slice: list[str]):
embedding = openai.Embedding.create(model="text-embedding-ada-002", input=input_slice)
return [(txt, data.embedding) for txt, data in
zip(input_slice,], embedding.usage.total_tokens
for index, text in enumerate(texts):
query_len += self._num_tokens_from_string(text)
if query_len > 8192 - 1024:
ebd, tk = get_embedding(texts[start_index:index + 1])
print(f"Query fragments used tokens: {tk}, cost: ${tk / 1000 * 0.0004}")
query_len = 0
start_index = index + 1
tokens += tk
if query_len > 0:
ebd, tk = get_embedding(texts[start_index:])
print(f"Query fragments used tokens: {tk}, cost: ${tk / 1000 * 0.0004}")
tokens += tk
return result, tokens
def generate_summary(self, embeddings, num_candidates=3, use_sif=False):
"""Generate a summary for the provided embeddings."""
avg_func = self._calc_paragraph_avg_embedding_with_sif if use_sif else self._calc_avg_embedding
avg_embedding = np.array(avg_func(embeddings))
paragraphs = [e[0] for e in embeddings]
embeddings = np.array([e[1] for e in embeddings])
# 计算每个段落与整个文本的相似度分数
# Calculate the similarity score between each paragraph and the entire text.
similarity_scores = cosine_similarity(embeddings, avg_embedding.reshape(1, -1)).flatten()
# 选择具有最高相似度分数的段落作为摘要的候选段落
# Select the paragraph with the highest similarity score as the candidate paragraph for the summary.
candidate_indices = np.argsort(similarity_scores)[::-1][:num_candidates]
candidate_paragraphs = [f"paragraph {i}: {paragraphs[i]}" for i in candidate_indices]
print("Calculation completed, start generating summary")
candidate_paragraphs = self._cut_texts(candidate_paragraphs)
text = "\n".join(f"{index}. {text}" for index, text in enumerate(candidate_paragraphs))
result = self._chat_stream([
{'role': 'system',
'content': f'As a helpful AI article assistant, '
f'I have retrieved the following relevant text fragments from the article, '
f'sorted by relevance from high to low. '
f'You need to summarize the entire article from these fragments, '
f'and present the final result in {self._language}:\n\n{text}\n\n{self._language} summary:'},
return result
def _calc_avg_embedding(embeddings) -> list[float]:
# Calculate the average embedding for the entire text.
avg_embedding = np.zeros(len(embeddings[0][1]))
for emb in embeddings:
avg_embedding += np.array(emb[1])
avg_embedding /= len(embeddings)
return avg_embedding.tolist()
def _calc_paragraph_avg_embedding_with_sif(paragraph_list) -> list[float]:
# calculate the SIF embedding for the entire text
alpha = 0.001
# calculate the total number of sentences
n_sentences = len(paragraph_list)
# calculate the total number of dimensions in the embeddings
n_dims = len(paragraph_list[0][1])
# calculate the IDF values for each word in the sentences
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(use_idf=True)
vectorizer.fit_transform([paragraph for paragraph, _ in paragraph_list])
idf = vectorizer.idf_
# calculate the SIF weights for each sentence
weights = np.zeros((n_sentences, n_dims))
for i, (sentence, embedding) in enumerate(paragraph_list):
sentence_words = sentence.split()
for word in sentence_words:
word_index = vectorizer.vocabulary_[word]
word_idf = idf[word_index]
word_weight = alpha / (alpha + word_idf)
weights[i] += word_weight * (np.array(embedding) / np.max(embedding))
except KeyError:
# calculate the weighted average of the sentence embeddings
weights_sum = np.sum(weights, axis=0)
weights_sum /= n_sentences
avg_embedding = np.zeros(n_dims)
for i, (sentence, embedding) in enumerate(paragraph_list):
avg_embedding += (np.array(embedding) / np.max(embedding)) - weights[i]
avg_embedding /= n_sentences
return avg_embedding.tolist()