jdt / task_operations.py
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Update task_operations.py
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import os
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import streamlit as st
import uuid # For generating unique IDs
import shutil # To create a backup of the file
class TaskManager:
TASKS_FILE = "tasks.csv"
BACKUP_FILE = "tasks_backup.csv"
CATEGORIES = ['Learning', 'Gym', 'Personal', 'Family', 'Work', 'Prayer']
def __init__(self):
if 'tasks' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.tasks = self.load_tasks()
def backup_csv(self):
"""Create a backup of the current tasks file."""
if os.path.exists(self.TASKS_FILE):
shutil.copy(self.TASKS_FILE, self.BACKUP_FILE)
def restore_from_backup(self):
"""Restore tasks from backup if needed."""
if os.path.exists(self.BACKUP_FILE):
shutil.copy(self.BACKUP_FILE, self.TASKS_FILE)
def load_tasks(self):
# Check if the file exists and has data
if os.path.exists(self.TASKS_FILE) and os.path.getsize(self.TASKS_FILE) > 0:
return pd.read_csv(self.TASKS_FILE, parse_dates=['Task Time']).to_dict(orient='records')
except pd.errors.EmptyDataError:
return [] # Return empty list if CSV is empty
# If file doesn't exist, initialize it with an empty DataFrame and correct columns
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Task ID", "Task Name", "Task Time", "Task Duration (hours)", "Task Duration (minutes)", "Category"])
df.to_csv(self.TASKS_FILE, index=False)
return [] # Return an empty list to the session state
def save_tasks(self, tasks):
"""Save tasks to the CSV file after making a backup."""
if tasks: # Only save if tasks are not empty
# Backup the current file before saving
df = pd.DataFrame(tasks)
df.to_csv(self.TASKS_FILE, index=False)
# Prevent overwriting the file with an empty DataFrame
st.warning("No tasks to save. File write skipped to prevent data loss.")
def add_task(self, task_name, task_time, task_duration_hours, task_duration_minutes, task_category):
# Ensure valid task details are being added
if task_name and task_category:
task_time_full = datetime.combine(datetime.today(), task_time)
task_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Generate a unique ID using uuid4
task_entry = {
"Task ID": task_id,
"Task Name": task_name,
"Task Time": task_time_full,
"Task Duration (hours)": int(task_duration_hours),
"Task Duration (minutes)": int(task_duration_minutes),
"Category": task_category
st.success(f"Task '{task_name}' added successfully!")
# Reload tasks to ensure consistency
st.session_state.tasks = self.load_tasks()
st.error("Task name and category are required.")
def delete_task_by_id(self, task_id):
task_found = False
for index, task in enumerate(st.session_state.tasks):
if task['Task ID'] == task_id:
task_found = True
if task_found:
st.success(f"Task with ID '{task_id}' deleted.")
# Reload tasks to ensure consistency
st.session_state.tasks = self.load_tasks()
st.error(f"Task with ID '{task_id}' not found.")
def generate_report(self, timeframe):
df = pd.DataFrame(st.session_state.tasks)
if df.empty:
return pd.DataFrame() # Return empty DataFrame if no tasks are present
# Ensure the 'Task Time' is in datetime format
df['Task Time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Task Time'])
if timeframe == 'daily':
report = df[df['Task Time'].dt.date == pd.Timestamp.today().date()]
elif timeframe == 'weekly':
week_start = pd.Timestamp.today() - pd.DateOffset(days=pd.Timestamp.today().dayofweek)
report = df[(df['Task Time'] >= week_start) & (df['Task Time'] < pd.Timestamp.today() + pd.DateOffset(days=1))]
elif timeframe == 'monthly':
report = df[df['Task Time'].dt.month == pd.Timestamp.today().month]
elif timeframe == 'yearly':
report = df[df['Task Time'].dt.year == pd.Timestamp.today().year]
report = pd.DataFrame() # Empty DataFrame for unsupported timeframes
report['Total Duration'] = report['Task Duration (hours)'] + report['Task Duration (minutes)'] / 60.0
return report