import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from database import Database from voice_handler import VoiceHandler from gemini_processor import GeminiProcessor from memory_handler import MemoryHandler import os from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() # Initialize components try: db = Database() voice_handler = VoiceHandler() gemini_processor = GeminiProcessor() if 'memory_handler' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.memory_handler = MemoryHandler() except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error initializing components: {str(e)}") st.stop() def validate_request(project_number, project_name, amount, reason): if not project_number or not project_name or not amount or not reason: missing_fields = [] if not project_number: missing_fields.append("project number") if not project_name: missing_fields.append("project name") if not amount: missing_fields.append("amount") if not reason: missing_fields.append("reason") return False, f"Please provide the following missing information: {', '.join(missing_fields)}" return True, "" st.title("AI Agent Money Request System") st.markdown("---") # Language Selection if 'language' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.language = "en-US" # Default to English st.sidebar.title("Settings") language_option = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Select Input Language", options=["English", "Arabic", "Mixed (Arabic/English)"], index=0, key="language_select" ) # Map selection to language codes language_mapping = { "English": "en-US", "Arabic": "ar-SA", "Mixed (Arabic/English)": "mixed" } # Input Method Tabs tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Voice Input", "Text Input"]) # Voice Input Tab with tab1: col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([3, 1, 1]) with col1: if language_option == "Arabic": st.markdown(""" جرب أن تقول شيئاً مثل: > "أحتاج إلى طلب 500 ريال للمشروع 223 المسمى جامعة أبها لشراء بعض الأدوات" """) else: st.markdown(""" Try saying something like: > "I need to request 500 riyals for project 223 named Abha University to buy some tools" """) with col2: if st.button("🎤 Start Voice Input"): with st.spinner("Listening... Please speak clearly"): voice_text = voice_handler.listen_for_voice(language_mapping[language_option]) if not voice_text.startswith("Error") and not voice_text.startswith("Could not"): st.success("Voice captured!") st.write("You said:", voice_text) # Add to memory st.session_state.memory_handler.add_interaction(voice_text) with st.spinner("Processing voice input..."): context = st.session_state.memory_handler.get_context() details = gemini_processor.extract_request_details(voice_text, context) if details: st.session_state['voice_details'] = details if 'translated_text' in details:"Translated text: {details['translated_text']}") if details.get('missing_fields'): missing = ", ".join(details['missing_fields']) st.warning(f"Please provide the following missing information: {missing}") else: st.success("Voice input processed! Please verify the details below.") else: st.error("Could not extract request details. Please try again or use manual input.") else: st.error(voice_text) with col3: if st.button("🗑️ Clear Memory"): st.session_state.memory_handler.clear_memory() if 'voice_details' in st.session_state: del st.session_state['voice_details'] st.success("Memory cleared!") # Text Input Tab with tab2: if language_option == "Arabic": st.markdown(""" أدخل طلبك في شكل نص. مثال: > "أحتاج إلى طلب 500 ريال للمشروع 223 المسمى جامعة أبها لشراء بعض الأدوات" """) else: st.markdown(""" Enter your request in text format. Example: > "I need to request 500 riyals for project 223 named Abha University to buy some tools" """) text_input = st.text_area("Enter your request:", height=100) col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 4]) with col1: if st.button("Process Text"): if text_input: with st.spinner("Processing text input..."): context = st.session_state.memory_handler.get_context() details = gemini_processor.extract_request_details(text_input, context) if details: st.session_state['voice_details'] = details if 'translated_text' in details:"Translated text: {details['translated_text']}") if details.get('missing_fields'): missing = ", ".join(details['missing_fields']) st.warning(f"Please provide the following missing information: {missing}") else: st.success("Text processed! Please verify the details below.") else: st.error("Could not extract request details. Please try again.") else: st.warning("Please enter some text first.") # Show conversation history if st.session_state.memory_handler.conversation_history: with st.expander("Previous Inputs"): for i, text in enumerate(st.session_state.memory_handler.conversation_history, 1): st.text(f"{i}. {text}") # Input form st.markdown("---") st.subheader("Submit Money Request") with st.form("request_form"): voice_details = st.session_state.get('voice_details', {}) project_number = st.text_input("Project Number", value=voice_details.get('project_number', '')) project_name = st.text_input("Project Name", value=voice_details.get('project_name', '')) amount = st.number_input("Amount (in riyals)", value=float(voice_details.get('amount', 0)), min_value=0.0, step=100.0) reason = st.text_input("Reason for Request", value=voice_details.get('reason', '')) col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit Request") with col2: confirmed = st.form_submit_button("Confirm & Save") if submitted: is_valid, message = validate_request(project_number, project_name, amount, reason) if is_valid: st.session_state.show_confirmation = True confirmation_text = f""" Please review the following request and click 'Confirm & Save' to proceed: - Project Number: {project_number} - Project Name: {project_name} - Amount: {amount} riyals - Reason: {reason} """ else: st.error(message) if confirmed: is_valid, message = validate_request(project_number, project_name, amount, reason) if is_valid: try: original_text = voice_details.get('original_text', '') if 'voice_details' in st.session_state else '' db.add_request(project_number, project_name, amount, reason, original_text) st.success("Request successfully added to the database!") if 'voice_details' in st.session_state: del st.session_state['voice_details'] st.session_state.show_confirmation = False st.session_state.memory_handler.clear_memory() except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error saving request: {str(e)}") else: st.error(message) # Display existing requests st.markdown("---") st.subheader("Existing Requests") try: requests = db.get_all_requests() if requests: df = pd.DataFrame(requests) # Reorder columns to show original text columns = ['timestamp', 'project_number', 'project_name', 'amount', 'reason', 'original_text'] df = df[columns] st.dataframe(df, use_container_width=True) else:"No requests submitted yet.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error loading requests: {str(e)}")