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# Copyright 2024 The YourMT3 Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Please see the details in the LICENSE file.
import os
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import wave
import math
from typing import Tuple, List
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
def load_audio_file(filename: str,
seg_start_sec: float = 0.,
seg_length_sec: float = 0.,
fs: int = 16000,
dtype: np.dtype = np.float64) -> np.ndarray:
"""Load audio file and return the segment of audio."""
start_frame_idx = int(np.floor(seg_start_sec * fs))
seg_length_frame = int(np.floor(seg_length_sec * fs))
end_frame_idx = start_frame_idx + seg_length_frame
file_ext = filename[-3:]
if file_ext == 'wav':
with, 'r') as f:
if seg_length_sec == 0:
x = f.readframes(f.getnframes())
x = f.readframes(end_frame_idx - start_frame_idx)
if dtype == np.float64:
x = np.frombuffer(x, dtype=np.int16) / 2**15
elif dtype == np.float32:
x = np.frombuffer(x, dtype=np.int16) / 2**15
x = x.astype(np.float32)
elif dtype == np.int16:
x = np.frombuffer(x, dtype=np.int16)
elif dtype is None:
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported dtype: {dtype}")
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported file extension: {file_ext}")
return x
def get_audio_file_info(filename: str) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
"""Get audio file info.
filename: path to the audio file
fs: sampling rate
n_frames: number of frames
n_channels: number of channels
file_ext = filename[-3:]
if file_ext == 'wav':
with, 'r') as f:
fs = f.getframerate()
n_frames = f.getnframes()
n_channels = f.getnchannels()
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported file extension: {file_ext}")
return fs, n_frames, n_channels
def get_segments_from_numpy_array(arr: np.ndarray,
slice_length: int,
start_frame_indices: List[int],
dtype: np.dtype = np.float32) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get random audio slices from numpy array.
arr: numpy array of shape (c, n_frames)
slice_length: length of the slice
start_frame_indices: list of m start frames
slices: numpy array of shape (m, c, slice_length)
c, max_length = arr.shape
max_length = arr.shape[1]
m = len(start_frame_indices)
slices = np.zeros((m, c, slice_length), dtype=dtype)
for i, start_frame in enumerate(start_frame_indices):
end_frame = start_frame + slice_length
assert (end_frame <= max_length - 1)
slices[i, :, :] = arr[:, start_frame:end_frame].astype(dtype)
return slices
def slice_padded_array(x: np.ndarray, slice_length: int, slice_hop: int, pad: bool = True) -> np.ndarray:
Slices the input array into overlapping windows based on the given slice length and slice hop.
x: The input array to be sliced.
slice_length: The length of each slice.
slice_hop: The number of elements between the start of each slice.
pad: If True, the last slice will be padded with zeros if necessary.
A numpy array with shape (n_slices, slice_length) containing the slices.
num_slices = (x.shape[1] - slice_length) // slice_hop + 1
remaining = (x.shape[1] - slice_length) % slice_hop
if pad and remaining > 0:
padding = np.zeros((x.shape[0], slice_length - remaining))
x = np.hstack((x, padding))
num_slices += 1
shape: Tuple[int, int] = (num_slices, slice_length)
strides: Tuple[int, int] = (slice_hop * x.strides[1], x.strides[1])
sliced_x = as_strided(x, shape=shape, strides=strides)
return sliced_x
def slice_padded_array_for_subbatch(x: np.ndarray,
slice_length: int,
slice_hop: int,
pad: bool = True,
sub_batch_size: int = 1,
dtype: np.dtype = np.float32) -> np.ndarray:
Slices the input array into overlapping windows based on the given slice length and slice hop,
and pads it to make the output divisible by the sub_batch_size.
NOTE: This method is currently not used.
x: The input array to be sliced, such as (1, n_frames).
slice_length: The length of each slice.
slice_hop: The number of elements between the start of each slice.
pad: If True, the last slice will be padded with zeros if necessary.
sub_batch_size: The desired number of slices to be divisible by.
A numpy array with shape (n_slices, slice_length) containing the slices.
num_slices = (x.shape[1] - slice_length) // slice_hop + 1
remaining = (x.shape[1] - slice_length) % slice_hop
if pad and remaining > 0:
padding = np.zeros((x.shape[0], slice_length - remaining), dtype=dtype)
x = np.hstack((x, padding))
num_slices += 1
# Adjust the padding to make n_slices divisible by sub_batch_size
if pad and num_slices % sub_batch_size != 0:
additional_padding_needed = (sub_batch_size - (num_slices % sub_batch_size)) * slice_hop
additional_padding = np.zeros((x.shape[0], additional_padding_needed), dtype=dtype)
x = np.hstack((x, additional_padding))
num_slices += (sub_batch_size - (num_slices % sub_batch_size))
shape: Tuple[int, int] = (num_slices, slice_length)
strides: Tuple[int, int] = (slice_hop * x.strides[1], x.strides[1])
sliced_x = as_strided(x, shape=shape, strides=strides)
return sliced_x
def pitch_shift_audio(src_audio_file: os.PathLike,
min_pitch_shift: int = -5,
max_pitch_shift: int = 6,
random_microshift_range: tuple[int, int] = (-10, 11)):
Pitch shift audio file using the Sox command-line tool.
NOTE: This method is currently not used. Previously, we used this for
offline augmentation for GuitarSet.
src_audio_file: Path to the input audio file.
min_pitch_shift: Minimum pitch shift in semitones.
max_pitch_shift: Maximum pitch shift in semitones.
random_microshift_range: Range of random microshifts to apply in tenths of a semitone.
CalledProcessError: If the Sox command fails to execute.
# files
src_audio_dir = os.path.dirname(src_audio_file)
src_audio_filename = os.path.basename(src_audio_file).split('.')[0]
# load source audio
audio = load_audio_file(src_audio_file, dtype=np.int16)
audio = audio / 2**15
audio = audio.astype(np.float16)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to load audio file: {src_audio_file}. {e}")
# pitch shift audio for each semitone in the range
for pitch_shift in range(min_pitch_shift, max_pitch_shift):
if pitch_shift == 0:
# pitch shift audio by sox
dst_audio_file = os.path.join(src_audio_dir, f'{src_audio_filename}_pshift{pitch_shift}.wav')
shift_semitone = 100 * pitch_shift + np.random.randint(*random_microshift_range)
# build Sox command
command = ['sox', src_audio_file, '-r', '16000', dst_audio_file, 'pitch', str(shift_semitone)]
# execute Sox command and check for errors, check=True)
print(f"Created {dst_audio_file}")
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f"Failed to pitch shift audio file: {src_audio_file}, pitch_shift: {pitch_shift}. {e}")
def write_wav_file(filename: str, x: np.ndarray, samplerate: int = 16000) -> None:
Write a mono PCM WAV file from a NumPy array of audio samples.
filename (str): The name of the WAV file to be created.
x (np.ndarray): A 1D NumPy array containing the audio samples to be written to the WAV file.
The audio samples should be in the range [-1, 1].
samplerate (int): The sample rate (in Hz) of the audio samples.
# Set the WAV file parameters
nchannels = 1 # Mono
sampwidth = 2 # 16-bit
framerate = samplerate
nframes = len(x)
# Scale the audio samples to the range [-32767, 32767]
x_scaled = np.array(x * 32767, dtype=np.int16)
# Set the buffer size for writing the WAV file
# Open the WAV file for writing
with, "wb") as wav_file:
# Set the WAV file parameters
wav_file.setparams((nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, "NONE", "NONE"))
# Write the audio samples to the file in chunks
for i in range(0, len(x_scaled), BUFFER_SIZE):
# Get the next chunk of audio samples
chunk = x_scaled[i:i + BUFFER_SIZE]
# Convert the chunk of audio samples to a byte string and write it to the WAV file
# Close the WAV file
def guess_onset_offset_by_amp_envelope(x, fs=16000, onset_threshold=0.05, offset_threshold=0.02, frame_size=256):
""" Guess onset/offset from audio signal x """
amp_env = []
num_frames = math.floor(len(x) / frame_size)
for t in range(num_frames):
lower = t * frame_size
upper = (t + 1) * frame_size - 1
# Find maximum of each frame and add it to our array
amp_env = np.array(amp_env)
# Find the first index where the amplitude envelope is greater than the threshold
onset = np.where(amp_env > onset_threshold)[0][0] * frame_size
offset = (len(amp_env) - 1 - np.where(amp_env[::-1] > offset_threshold)[0][0]) * frame_size
return onset, offset, amp_env
# from pydub import AudioSegment
# def convert_flac_to_wav(input_path, output_path):
# # Load FLAC file using Pydub
# sound = AudioSegment.from_file(input_path, format="flac")
# # Set the parameters for the output WAV file
# channels = 1 # mono
# sample_width = 2 # 16-bit
# frame_rate = 16000
# # Convert the input sound to the specified format
# sound = sound.set_frame_rate(frame_rate)
# sound = sound.set_channels(channels)
# sound = sound.set_sample_width(sample_width)
# # Save the output WAV file to the specified path
# sound.export(output_path, format="wav")