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# Copyright 2024 The YourMT3 Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Please see the details in the LICENSE file.
This file contains tests for the following classes:
• event2note_event
• note_event2note
import unittest
import pytest
from numpy import random
from assert_fns import assert_notes_almost_equal
from utils.note_event_dataclasses import Event, Note, NoteEvent
from utils.event2note import event2note_event
from utils.event2note import note_event2note
# yapf: disable
class TestEvent2NoteEvent(unittest.TestCase):
def test_event2note_event(self):
events = [
Event('program', 33), Event('pitch', 60),
Event('program', 52), Event('pitch', 40),
Event('tie', 0),
Event('shift', 20), Event('velocity', 1), Event('drum', 36),
Event('shift', 150), Event('program', 33), Event('velocity', 0), Event('pitch', 60),
Event('shift', 160), Event('velocity', 1), Event('pitch', 62), Event('program', 100),
Event('pitch', 77),
Event('shift', 200), Event('velocity', 0), Event('pitch', 77),
Event('shift', 250), Event('velocity', 1), Event('drum', 38),
Event('shift', 300), Event('velocity', 0), Event('program', 33), Event('pitch', 62)
note_events, tie_note_events, last_activity, err_cnt = event2note_event(events, start_time=0, sort=False, tps=100)
self.assertEqual(len(err_cnt), 0)
expected_note_events = [NoteEvent(True, 128, 0.2, 1, 36),
NoteEvent(False, 33, 1.5, 0, 60),
NoteEvent(False, 33, 1.6, 1, 62),
NoteEvent(False, 100, 1.6, 1, 77),
NoteEvent(False, 100, 2.0, 0, 77),
NoteEvent(True, 128, 2.5, 1, 38),
NoteEvent(False, 33, 3.0, 0, 62)]
expected_tie_note_events = [NoteEvent(False, 33, None, 1, 60),
NoteEvent(False, 52, None, 1, 40)]
expected_last_activity = [(52, 40)]
self.assertSequenceEqual(note_events, expected_note_events)
self.assertSequenceEqual(tie_note_events, expected_tie_note_events)
self.assertSequenceEqual(last_activity, expected_last_activity)
class TestEvent2NoteEventInvalidInputWarn(unittest.TestCase):
def test_event2note_event_with_invalid_shift_value(self):
events = [Event('tie', 0), Event('shift', 0), Event('shift', 1050)] # shift: 0 <= value <= 1000
_, _, _, err_cnt = event2note_event(events, start_time=0, sort=True, tps=100)
self.assertEqual(err_cnt['Err/Shift out of range'], 2)
def test_event2note_event_with_invalid_pitch_event(self):
events = [Event('pitch', 60), Event('tie', 0)] # pitch event must follow a program event
_, _, _, err_cnt = event2note_event(events, start_time=0, sort=True, tps=100)
self.assertEqual(err_cnt['Err/Missing prg in tie'], 1)
def test_event2note_event_with_invalid_tie_event(self):
events = [Event('shift', 10)]
_, _, _, err_cnt = event2note_event(events, start_time=0, sort=True, tps=100)
self.assertEqual(err_cnt['Err/Missing tie'], 1)
class TestEvent2NoteEventSpecialEvent(unittest.TestCase):
def test_note_event2note_special_events(self):
events = [Event('program', 33), Event('pitch', 60),
Event('tie', 0),
Event('shift', 10), Event('program', 33), Event('velocity', 0), Event('pitch', 60),
Event('EOS', 0), Event('PAD', 0), # <- will stop decoding at this point...
Event('shift', 20), Event('velocity', 1), Event('pitch', 20),
Event('shift', 30), Event('velocity', 1), Event('pitch', 20),]
note_events, tie_note_events, _, err_cnt = event2note_event(events, start_time=0)
self.assertEqual(len(note_events), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(tie_note_events), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(err_cnt), 0)
class TestNoteEvent2Note(unittest.TestCase):
def test_note_event2note(self):
note_events = [NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=33, time=0, velocity=1, pitch=60),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=33, time=1.5, velocity=0, pitch=60),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=33, time=1.6, velocity=1, pitch=62),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=33, time=3.0, velocity=0, pitch=62),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=100, time=1.6, velocity=1, pitch=77),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=100, time=2.0, velocity=0, pitch=77),
NoteEvent(is_drum=True, program=128, time=0.2, velocity=1, pitch=36),
NoteEvent(is_drum=True, program=128, time=2.5, velocity=1, pitch=38)
notes, err_cnt = note_event2note(note_events, sort=True)
expected_notes = [
Note(is_drum=False, program=33, onset=0, offset=1.5, pitch=60, velocity=1),
Note(is_drum=True, program=128, onset=0.2, offset=0.21, pitch=36, velocity=1),
Note(is_drum=False, program=33, onset=1.6, offset=3.0, pitch=62, velocity=1),
Note(is_drum=False, program=100, onset=1.6, offset=2.0, pitch=77, velocity=1),
Note(is_drum=True, program=128, onset=2.5, offset=2.51, pitch=38, velocity=1)
self.assertEqual(len(err_cnt), 0)
assert_notes_almost_equal(notes, expected_notes, delta=5e-3)
def test_note_event2note_simple_cases(self):
# Case 1: Basic test case with two notes
note_events = [
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=0, time=0.1, velocity=1, pitch=60),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=0, time=0.5, velocity=0, pitch=60),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=0, time=0.7, velocity=1, pitch=62),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=0, time=1.5, velocity=0, pitch=62),
expected_notes = [
Note(is_drum=False, program=0, onset=0.1, offset=0.5, pitch=60, velocity=1),
Note(is_drum=False, program=0, onset=0.7, offset=1.5, pitch=62, velocity=1),
notes, err_cnt = note_event2note(note_events)
self.assertEqual(len(err_cnt), 0)
self.assertSequenceEqual(notes, expected_notes)
# Case 2: Test with drum notes
note_events = [
NoteEvent(is_drum=True, program=128, time=0.2, velocity=1, pitch=36),
NoteEvent(is_drum=True, program=128, time=0.3, velocity=1, pitch=38),
NoteEvent(is_drum=True, program=128, time=0.4, velocity=0, pitch=36),
NoteEvent(is_drum=True, program=128, time=0.5, velocity=0, pitch=38),
expected_notes = [
Note(is_drum=True, program=128, onset=0.2, offset=0.21, pitch=36, velocity=1),
Note(is_drum=True, program=128, onset=0.3, offset=0.31, pitch=38, velocity=1),
notes, err_cnt = note_event2note(note_events)
self.assertEqual(len(err_cnt), 0)
assert_notes_almost_equal(notes, expected_notes, delta=5.1e-3)
def test_note_event2note_multiple_overlapping_notes(self):
note_events = [
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=1, time=0.0, velocity=1, pitch=60),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=1, time=0.5, velocity=0, pitch=60),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=1, time=1.0, velocity=1, pitch=62),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=1, time=1.5, velocity=0, pitch=62),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=2, time=0.25, velocity=1, pitch=60),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=2, time=0.75, velocity=0, pitch=60),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=2, time=1.25, velocity=1, pitch=62),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=2, time=1.75, velocity=0, pitch=62),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=3, time=0.0, velocity=1, pitch=64),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=3, time=1.0, velocity=0, pitch=64),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=4, time=0.5, velocity=1, pitch=66),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=4, time=1.5, velocity=0, pitch=66),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=4, time=0.75, velocity=1, pitch=67),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=4, time=1.75, velocity=0, pitch=67),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=4, time=1.0, velocity=1, pitch=69),
NoteEvent(is_drum=False, program=4, time=2.0, velocity=0, pitch=69)
expected_notes = [
Note(is_drum=False, program=1, onset=0.0, offset=0.5, pitch=60, velocity=1),
Note(is_drum=False, program=3, onset=0.0, offset=1.0, pitch=64, velocity=1),
Note(is_drum=False, program=2, onset=0.25, offset=0.75, pitch=60, velocity=1),
Note(is_drum=False, program=4, onset=0.5, offset=1.5, pitch=66, velocity=1),
Note(is_drum=False, program=4, onset=0.75, offset=1.75, pitch=67, velocity=1),
Note(is_drum=False, program=1, onset=1.0, offset=1.5, pitch=62, velocity=1),
Note(is_drum=False, program=4, onset=1.0, offset=2.0, pitch=69, velocity=1),
Note(is_drum=False, program=2, onset=1.25, offset=1.75, pitch=62, velocity=1)
notes, err_cnt = note_event2note(note_events)
self.assertEqual(len(err_cnt), 0)
assert_notes_almost_equal(notes, expected_notes, delta=5e-3)
# yapf: enable
if __name__ == '__main__':